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Project Report On Prepare A Report On Polluted Natural Resources and Collect Information How To Manage Them

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Project report on

Prepare a report on polluted natural resources and collect information how to

manage them







ARYA R KENE 2201160097
VARAD PARSE 2201160100
VEDIKA JAWALE 2201160111


Mrs. Bhakti MAM

This is to Certify that the project report entitled “polluted natural
resource and how to manage them” Was Successfully completed by
Student of forth semester Diploma inCIVIL ENGINEERING.
ARYA R. KENE 2201160097
VARAD PARSE 2201160100
VEDIKA JAWALE 2291160111

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the

Diploma in CIVIL ENGINEERING and submitted to the
POLYTECHNIC THANE work carried out during a period for the
academic year 2023-24 as per curriculum .
Mrs. Bhakti MAM
Guide HOD

External Examiner Principal

Prepare a report on polluted natural resources
and collect information how to manage them


I would like to express my special thanks of

gratitude to my project guide Mrs.Bhakti
Kharmale as well as our principal
Dr.D.R.Mahajan sir who gave me the golden
opportunity to do this wonderful project on the
topic Prepare photographic report on natural
resources and how to manage them which also
helped me in doing a lot of research and i came
to know about so many new things I am really
thankful to them. Secondly I would also like to
thank my parents and friends who helped me a
lot in finalizing this project within the limited
time frame

Interest in environmental issues has increased enormously
over the last few decades and environmental problems are
perceived to be on the increase. Due to the fact that the
number of products on the market increases enormously, it
is evident that we face a great challenge to overcome the
problem concerning our consumer society. An increasing
barrage of legislation accompanied by the public’s
awareness of, and concern for, the environment forcing the
industry to respond. Products and their environmental
impact have moved to the centre stage and it is widely
believed that designers have a key role in adapting products
to a sustainable society. Three key issues are identified in
this development scenario: (a) the importance of adapting
products to a more sustainable society, (b) the Specific
situation facing the designer, especially in early design
phases, and (c) balancing environmental impacts with
functional preferences.


Sr Description Page no.

1. Acknowledgement 3
2. Abstract 4
3. Introduction 6
4. Water pollution 8
5. How to manage 10
water pollution
6. Air pollution 14
7. How to manage air 16
8. Soil pollution 17
9. How to manage soil 19
10. Forest resources 20
11. How to manage 22
forest resources
12. Conclusion 23
13. Reference 24


Intensive material consumption depletes natural

resources and causes negative environmental impact
say every stage of the product life cycle including
production, use phase, andend-of-life.global waste is
expected to increase to 3.4 billion tons by 2050.
Pollution of all type shinder development out comes.
Following are there as on why the management of
natural sources is important to maintain a balance inth
ecosystem. To avoid further destruction of the
environment. To avoid over consumption of natural
They are important for the cash
economy,for creating energy,for providing shelter, for
food and medicine,and for spiritual well being.by
protecting and conserving natural resources we help
ensure that they are available for use not only
today,but in the future as well.
Types of pollution

Water pollution
Water pollution (or aquatic pollution) is the
contamination of water bodies, usually as a result of
human activities, so that it negatively affects its
uses. 6 Water bodies include lakes, rivers, oceans,
aquifers, reservoirs and groundwater. Water pollution
results when contaminants mix with these water
bodies. Contaminants can come from one of four
main sources: sewage discharges, industrial activities,
agricultural activities, and urban runoff including
stormwater.Water pollution is either surface water
pollution or groundwater pollution. This form of
pollution can lead to many problems, such as the
degradation of aquatic ecosystems or spreading water-
borne diseases when people use polluted water for
drinking or irrigation.Another problem is that water
pollution reduces the ecosystem services (such as
providing drinking water) that the water resource
would otherwise provide.
Sources of water pollution are either point sources or
non-point sources. Point sources have one identifiable
cause, such as a storm drain, a wastewater treatment
plant or an oil spill. Non-point sources are more
diffuse, such as agricultural runoff. Pollution is the
result of the cumulative effect over time. Pollution
may take the form of toxic substances (e.g., oil,
metals, plastics, pesticides, persistent organic
pollutants, industrial waste products), stressful
conditions (e.g., changes of pH, hypoxia or anoxia,
increased temperatures, excessive turbidity, changes
of salinity), or the introduction of pathogenic
organisms. Contaminants may include organic and
inorganic substances. A common cause of thermal
pollution is the use of water as a coolant by power
plants and industrial manufacturers.
Control of water pollution requires appropriate
infrastructure and management plans as well as
legislation. Technology solutions can include
improving sanitation, sewage treatment, industrial
wastewater treatment, agricultural wastewater
treatment, erosion control, sediment control and
control of urban runoff (including stormwater

How to manage water pollution

Stormwater Management
Another effective solution for protecting
the environment and reducing the amount
of water pollution is to manage
stormwater when possible. When
stormwater flows along sidewalks, streets,
and lawns, it picks up harmful pollutants
that are then pushed into storm drains,
streams, and rivers. Stormwater can be
treated and managed through a variety of
different processes, which include
everything from sand filtration and
electrocoagulation to reverse osmosis and
advanced oxidation.
It’s important to manage stormwater and
the pollution within it because this water
will eventually reach rivers, streams, and
oceans, which can worsen
the pollution in these bodies of water.
Managing stormwater should help to
lessen this issue and reduce the amount of
pollution that reaches the ocean.

Water Conservation

Person washing hands on sink

If you want to do your part to keep water
clean and pure in a manner that will
protect the environment, it’s important
that you focus on water conservation
when possible. There are many ways that
you can conserve water on a daily basis.
Whenever you’re shaving or brushing
your teeth, it’s recommended that you
keep the water turned off.
If you take a shower every day, opt for
shorter showers that don’t go longer than
you require. You could also decide to take
a bath, which uses much less water. In the
event that your landscape is outfitted with
a garden, try to use only the amount of
water that your plants require. Water is a
scarce resource, which is why it’s
important that you try to lessen your water
usage when you can.
1. Wastewater Treatment
Likely the most effective way to reduce
water pollution is by treating some of the
water before it’s reintroduced into the
waterways. This is a highly effective
solution because wastewater treatment
facilities are able to remove nearly all
pollutants in wastewater via a chemical,
physical, or biological process. Sewage
will be taken through several chambers of
the facility to slowly reduce its toxicity
In order for wastewater treatment facilities
to work exactly as intended, it’s important
that the equipment remains in great
condition. There are a range of water
treatment sensors that can be used to be
certain that the contaminants are being
properly removed from the water before
the water is released back into the
environment. These sensors include pH
sensors, conductivity sensors, and
oxidation reduction potential sensors.

Air pollution

Air pollution is the contamination of air due to

the presence of substances called pollutants in the
atmosphere that are harmful to the health of
humans and other living beings, or cause damage
to the climate or to materials. It is also the
contamination of the indoor or outdoor
environment either by chemical, physical, or
biological agents that alters the natural features
of the atmosphere. There are many different
types of air pollutants, such as gases (including
ammonia, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide,
nitrous oxides, methane and
chlorofluorocarbons), particulates (both organic
and inorganic), and biological molecules.

Air pollution can cause diseases, allergies, and
even death to humans; it can also cause harm to
other living organisms such as animals and crops,
and may damage the natural environment (for
example, climate change, ozone depletion or
habitat degradation) or built environment (for
example, acid rain). Air pollution can be caused
by both human activities and natural phenomena.

How to manage air pollution
Use filters for chimneys

The gas that is emitted from fireplaces in homes and

factories are extremely dangerous for air pollution
and harms the air quality severely. The use of filters
should be used at least if the consumption couldn’t be
lessened, this will help to reduce the effect of harmful
gases absorbing in the air.

Avoiding the burning of garbage and smoking

– Burning of garbage is a huge contributor to air
pollution. Another contributor to air pollution is
cigarette smoking. Avoiding these activities and
spreading awareness of their negative
consequences can be of great help in the
prevention of air pollution.

Usage of public transport and carpooling

– by reducing the amount of fuel combusted for an
individual’s transportation needs, he/she can lower
the amount of pollutants being released into the
atmosphere and cause less air pollution. Furthermore,
these options are also economically efficient and can
help save money as well.
Soil pollution
Soil contamination, soil pollution, or land pollution as
a part of land degradation is caused by the presence of
xenobiotic (human-made) chemicals or other
alteration in the natural soil environment. It is
typically caused by industrial activity, agricultural
chemicals or improper disposal of waste. The most
common chemicals involved are petroleum
hydrocarbons, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons
(such as naphthalene and benzo(a)pyrene), solvents,
pesticides, lead, and other heavy metals.
Contamination is correlated with the degree of
industrialization and intensity of chemical substance.
The concern over soil contamination stems Primarily
from health risks, from direct contact with the
contaminated soil, vapour from the contaminants, or
from secondary contamination of water supplies
within and underlying the soil.Mapping of
contaminated soil sites and the resulting clean ups are
time-consuming and expensive tasks, and require
expertise in geology, hydrology, chemistry, computer
modelling, and GIS in Environmental Contamination,
as well as an appreciation of the history of industrial

In North America and Western Europe the extent of

contaminated land is best known, with many of
countries in these areas having a legal framework to
identify and deal with this environmental problem.
Developing countries tend to be less tightly regulated
despite some of them having undergone significant
How to manage soil pollution
Soil depletion can be controlled by

(i) Good vegetation cover. Almost one third of
the area must be covered by vegetation so that
effects of rain showers and high speed winds
on surface soil can be minimized
(ii) Use of new irrigation practices-like drip
irrigation, sprinkle irrigation etc. save surface

(iii) Use of sustainable agricultural techniques like

use of biofertilisers, biopesticides etc. Prevent
soil from overdose of chemicals and their side

(iv) Educating farmers and other stake holders to

take care of this valuable gift, by using above
techniques in appropriate way.

Forest resources
Forests provide an array of benefits to human
societies above and beyond their pivotal roles as
habitat and environmental regulators in natural
ecosystems. These benefits are often described as
resources that people can draw upon for fuel, lumber,
and recreational or commercial purposes. The
perception that forests provide resources for people
has been a prominent factor in spurring efforts to
preserve forests. The signs that welcome traveling
tourists at the entrances of the White Mountain
National Forest in New Hampshire read “Entering the
White Mountain National Forest: land of many uses.”
When the U.S. government set up the National Forest
system, it was eager to communicate that the land was
not simply being taken out of commercial
development; rather, there were many practical and
productive reasons for preserving these woods.

A growing awareness on the part of governments and

the general public, in the United States and around the
world, of the benefits of forests to humans has given
rise to government agencies and a thriving industry
devoted to forest resource management. The mission
of forest resource management is to develop, protect,
and manage the multiple resources of forests through
professional stewardship, enhancing the quality of life
for the public while ensuring the conservation and
sustainability of these resources.

How to manage forest

Across the urban to rural landscape gradient, forests
are a natural climate solution. By way of carbon
sequestration and storage, trees and forests mitigate
climate change. They also function to ameliorate the
effects of climate change. Sound forest management
is critical to promote the health and function of
Connecticut forests, so that they remain carbon sinks
and an effective component of natural climate
solutions. A portfolio of management options exist
for foresters, landowners, stewards, and policy
makers. Collectively, we can manage for healthy
forests through a well-balanced, and often combined
implementation of the following management options
at varied temporal and spatial scales.

Avoid Deforestation and Land Conversion

Keeping forests as forests can be achieved through:

Legacy planning;
Protecting ecologically important systems around the
Wildlife preserves;
Reserve management, if protective measures are put
in place.

Natural resources on the earth are limited. The proper

management of natural resources takes into attention
long-term perspective and prevents their exploitation
to the hilt for short-term goals. Because the human
population is increasing rapidly, the demand for
sources will increase day by day. Natural resources
are materials from the Earth that are used to support
life and meet people’s needs. Any natural substance
that humans use can be considered a natural resource.
Oil, coal, natural gas, metals, stone and sand are
natural resources. Other natural resources are air,
sunlight, soil and water save them


–Nirli publication (environmental studies)

– https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_reso
– https://rightsofnature.org.ph/ways-to-
– https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/earth-


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