Research Methodology NOTES

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Research Methodology

Research methodology is a collective term for the structured process of conducting research. There
are many different methodologies used in various types of research and the term is usually
considered to include research design, data gathering and data analysis. Research methodology
seeks to inform: Why a research study has been undertaken, how the research problem has been
defined, in what way and why the hypothesis has been formulated, what data have been collected
and what particular method has been adopted, why particular technique of analysing data has been
used and a host of similar other questions are usually answered when we talk of research
methodology concerning a research problem or study.

Research methodologies can be quantitative (for example, measuring the number of times
someone does something under certain conditions) or qualitative (for example, asking people how
they feel about a certain situation). Ideally, comprehensive research should try to incorporate both
qualitative and quantitative methodologies but this is not always possible, usually due to time and
financial constraints. Research methodologies are generally used in academic research to test
hypotheses or theories. A good design should ensure the research is valid, i.e. it clearly tests the
hypothesis and not extraneous variables, and that the research is reliable, i.e. it yields consistent
results every time.

Part of the research methodology is concerned with the how the research is conducted. This is
called the study design and typically involves research conducted using questionnaires, interviews,
observation and/or experiments. The term research methodology, which prescribes the research
method to use, usually encompasses the procedures followed to analyze and interpret the data
gathered. These often use a range of sophisticated statistical analyses of the data to identify
correlations or statistical significance in the results.

Objective, representative research can be difficult to conduct because tests can normally only be
conducted on a small sample (e.g. you cannot test a drug on every person in the world so a sample
needs to be used in research). This means that researchers need to have a very detailed
understanding of the types and limitations of research methodologies which they are using.

In simple terms research methodology is used to give a clear cut idea on what the researcher is
carrying out his or her research. In order to plan in a right point of time and to advance the research
work, research methodology makes the right platform to the researcher to mapping out the research
work in relevance to make solid plans. More over research methodology guides the researcher to
involve and to be active in his or her particular field of enquiry. Most of the time, the aim of the
research and the research topic won’t be same at all time it varies from its objectives and flow of
the research, but by adopting a suitable methodology this can be achieved.

Right from selecting the topic and carrying out the research, the research methodology drives the
researcher in the right track. The entire research plan is based on the concept of right research
methodology. More over through the research methodology the external environment constitutes
the research by giving an in-depth idea on setting the right research objective, followed by
literature point of view, based on that chosen analysis through interviews or questionnaires
findings will be obtained and finally concluded message by this research.

The research methodology constitutes the internal environment by understanding and identifying
the right type of research, strategy, philosophy, time horizon, approaches, followed by right
procedures and techniques based on his or her research work. Additionally, the research
methodology acts as the nerve center because the entire research is bounded by it and to perform
a good research work, the internal and external environment has to follow the right research
methodology process.

The system of collecting data for research projects is known as research methodology. The data
may be collected for either theoretical or practical research for example management research may
be strategically conceptualized along with operational planning methods and change management.
Some important factors in research methodology include validity of research data, ethics and the
reliability of most of your work is finished by the time you finish the analysis of your data. This is
followed by research design, which may be either experimental or quasi-experimental. The last
two stages are data analysis and finally writing the research paper, which is organised carefully
into graphs and tables so that only important relevant data is shown.

Importance of Research Methodology in Research

It is necessary for a researcher to design a research methodology for the problem chosen. One
should note that even if the research method considered for two problems are same the research
methodology may be different. It is important for the researcher to know not only the research
methods necessary for the research under taken but also the methodology. For example, a
researcher not only needs to know how to calculate mean, variance and distribution function for a
set of data, how to find a solution of a physical system described by mathematical model, how to
determine the roots of algebraic equations and how to apply a particular method but also need to
know (i) which is a suitable method for the chosen problem?, (ii) what is the order of accuracy of
the result of a method?, (iii) what is the efficiency of the method? And so on. Considerations of
these aspects constitute a research methodology. More precisely, research methods help us get a
solution to a problem. .
Research is a structured enquiry that utilizes acceptable scientific methodology to solve problems and
create new knowledge that is generally applicable.
Scientific methods consist of systematic observation, classification and interpretation of data.

Research is a process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting information to answer questions. But to
qualify as research, the process must have certain characteristics: it must, as far as possible, be
controlled, rigorous, systematic, valid and verifiable, empirical and critical.
 Controlled - in real life there are many factors that affect an outcome. The concept of control
implies that, in exploring causality in relation to two variables (factors), you set up your studyin a
way that minimizes the effects of other factors affecting the relationship.
 Rigorous - you must be scrupulous in ensuring that the procedures followed to find answers to
questions are relevant, appropriate and justified. Again, the degree of rigor varies markedly
between the physical and social sciences and within the social sciences.

 Systematic - this implies that the procedure adopted to undertake an investigation follow a
certain logical sequence. The different steps cannot be taken in a haphazard way. Some
procedures must follow others.

 Valid and verifiable - this concept implies that whatever you conclude on the basis of your
findings is correct and can be verified by you and others.
 Empirical - this means that any conclusions drawn are based upon hard evidence gathered from
information collected from real life experiences or observations.

 Critical - critical scrutiny of the procedures used and the methods employed is crucial to a
research enquiry. The process of investigation must be foolproof and free from drawbacks. The
process adopted and the procedures used must be able to withstand critical scrutiny.

For a process to be called research, it is imperative that it has the above characteristics.

Types of Research:

Research can be classified from three perspectives:

1. application of research study

2. objectives in undertaking the research
3. inquiry mode employed

Research Application:

From the point of view of application, there are two broad categories of research:

 pure research and

 applied research.

Pure research involves developing and testing theories and hypotheses that are intellectually
challenging to the researcher but may or may not have practical application at the present time or in
the future. The knowledge produced through pure research is sought in order to add to the existing
body of research methods.

Applied research is done to solve specific, practical questions; for policy formulation, administration
and understanding of a phenomenon. It can be exploratory, but is usually descriptive. It is almost
always done on the basis of basic research. Applied research can be carried
out by academic or industrial institutions. Often, an academic institution such as a university
will have a specific applied research program funded by an industrial partner interested in that

Research Objectives:

From the viewpoint of objectives, a research can be classified as:

 descriptive
 correlational
 explanatory
 exploratory

Descriptive research attempts to describe systematically a situation, problem, phenomenon,

service or programme, or provides information about , say, living condition of a community, or
describes attitudes towards an issue.

Correlational research attempts to discover or establish the existence of a relationship/

interdependence between two or more aspects of a situation.

Explanatory research attempts to clarify why and how there is a relationship between two or
moreaspects of a situation or phenomenon.

Exploratory research is undertaken to explore an area where little is known or to investigate the
possibilities of undertaking a particular research study (feasibility study/pilot study).

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