Science8 Lasq4 Week-1
Science8 Lasq4 Week-1
Science8 Lasq4 Week-1
Explain ingestion,
absorption, assimilation, and
Learning Activity Sheet (LAS)
SCIENCE 8 Quarter 4 Week 1
Prepared by Rafaela B. Salceda
Name Sec. Date
MELC: Explain ingestion, absorption, assimilation, and excretion. (S8LT-IVa-13)
1. Identify the parts and function of the body that is involved in the digestion of food.
2. Discuss how digestive system breaks down food to nourish the body.
3. Explain ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation, and excretion.
A. Activity 1: What am I?
Directions: Name the organs shown below and match the function of each of the organs identified.
The digestion of food in mammals involves two distinct processes: physical digestion and chemical
digestion. Physical digestion is the mechanical breakdown of food into smaller particles. This occurs in the
mouth when you chew your food your food and, in the stomach, where continual contractions and
relaxations of the muscles in the stomach wall cause a churning action, which mixes and breaks up food
particles. Physical digestion increases the surface area of the ingested food, enabling digestive enzymes to
act on it more efficiently. Chemical digestion is the breakdown of the large molecules, such as proteins,
starch and fats contained in the food, into small, soluble molecules.
The digestion of food can also be divided into four (4) major stages/ phases – ingestion, absorption,
assimilation, and excretion.
Obtaining nutrition and energy from food is a multi-step process. The large molecules
found in food cannot pass through the cell membranes, thus it must be broken into
smaller particles so that animals can harness the nutrients and organic molecules. The
first step is ingestion, a process where food is taken in through the mouth and
broken down by teeth and saliva. Once in the mouth, the teeth, saliva, and tongue
play important roles in
mastication (preparing the food into bolus). Mastication, or
chewing, is an extremely important part of the digestive
process, especially for fruits and vegetables, as these have
indigestible cellulose coats which must be physically broken
down. Also, digestive enzymes only work on the surfaces of
food particles, so the smaller the particle, the more efficient the
digestive process. While the food is being mechanically broken
down, the enzymes in saliva (salivary amylase- breaks down
carbohydrates to simple sugar) begin to chemically process the
food as well. The combined action of these processes modifies
the food from large particles to a soft mass that can be
and can
the length of the esophagus. When you swallow, your
tongue pushes the food into your throat. A small flap
of tissue, called the epiglottis, folds over your
windpipe to prevent choking and the food passes into
your esophagus. Once you begin swallowing, the
process becomes automatic. Your brain signals the
muscles of the esophagus and peristalsis begins.
Digested molecules of food are absorbed through the small intestine. The walls of the small intestine
contain many folds that
are lined up with tiny fingerlike
protrusions called villi. These villi
are in turn covered with even
smaller protrusions called
microvilli. These structures increase
the surface area through which
nutrients are absorbed. During
absorption, these nutrients pass
through the
walls of the intestine and into the bloodstream where they get
transported to the different parts of the body. It is then assimilated by the
Assimilation is the process of transport and use of absorbed
nutrients or where nutrients are taken from the blood and into the cells.
Sugars or carbohydrates are converted into glycogen and stored in the
liver and is carried through the bloodstream. Glucose
is used by all cells for energy production. Amino acids are converted into protoplasm and it repairs parts or
tissues of the body. Fats are brought to the liver to be oxidized
or stored.
Excretion/ Elimination
The final step in digestion is the elimination of undigested food
content and waste products. After food passes through the small intestine,
the undigested food material enters the colon, where most of the water is
reabsorbed. Waste is moved through the colon by peristaltic movements of
the muscle and is stored in the rectum. The rectum expands in response to
the storage of fecal matter; neural
signals are triggered, and the waste is eliminated from the anus by peristaltic movements of the rectum.
B. ACIVITY 2 – The Journey of Food
Directions: Trace the path taken by the food once it entered the mouth by drawing an arrow on the given
illustration. Color and label the parts and explain the stages/ phases of digestion.
Assessment (Digestive System)
I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the correct answer and write its letter on the space provided.
3 What is produced when proteins are 8 What gives the small intestine a
digested? large surface area?
A. sugars A. rich blood supply
B. fatty acids & glycerol B. its length
C. amino acids C. thin walls
D. All of the above D. villi
4 What does lipase digest? 9 The major movement of food
A. carbohydrates C. Fats through the GI tract is called.
B. proteins D. vitamins A. peristalsis C. chewing
B. swallowing D. segmentation
5 Where does digestion start? 10 How does food move through
A. mouth C. esophagus your digestive tract?
B. stomach D. intestine A. By gravity
B. By wavelike muscle
C. By cilia
D. By chemical absorption
II. Sequencing events: Order the stages of digestion. Write numbers 1 to 6 on the space provided.
III. Complete the flow chart below to show the digestive system. Choose from the given parts/ organs
The small
intestine absorbs The mouth, the
esophagus and The large
nutrients from intestine and The transport
the food. From the stomach all
help our body The taking in rectum and use of
the small of food in the transform the absorbed
intestine, the digest the food
we eat. mouth. undigested nutrients.
nutrients go into solids into
your blood. feces.
III. Complete the flow chart below to show the digestive system. Choose from the given parts/ organs
Large rectum mouth Small esophagus stomach
intestine intestine
Small Large
Mouth esophagus stomach intestine intestine Rectum
The small
intestine absorbs The mouth, the
The large
nutrients from esophagus and
intestine and The transport
the food. From the stomach all
The taking in rectum and use of
the small help our body
of food in the transform the absorbed
intestine, the digest the food
mouth. undigested nutrients.
nutrients go into we eat.
solids into
your blood. feces.
3 2 1 5 4
Absorption Digestion Ingestion Excretion Assimilation
B. Activity 2: The Journey of Food inside the digestive system
Liver Stomach
Gall bladder
Small intestine
Large intestine
%2F8 62051%2Fview%2Fintestinal-villi-illustration&psig=AOvVaw1JXNzZ9kbMNhmzP
Ramos, J.D. (2006), Exploring Life Through Science- Biology. Phoenix Publishing House. 927 Quezon
Avenue, Quezon City