The document is a repayment schedule for a loan of Rs. 79,427 taken by Mr. Rakesh Ramesh Kaydawar from HDFC Bank. It lists 24 monthly installments, with details of principal, interest and outstanding principal for each installment. The loan is to be repaid in full over a tenure of 24 months through equal monthly installments of Rs. 3,746 each.
The document is a repayment schedule for a loan of Rs. 79,427 taken by Mr. Rakesh Ramesh Kaydawar from HDFC Bank. It lists 24 monthly installments, with details of principal, interest and outstanding principal for each installment. The loan is to be repaid in full over a tenure of 24 months through equal monthly installments of Rs. 3,746 each.
The document is a repayment schedule for a loan of Rs. 79,427 taken by Mr. Rakesh Ramesh Kaydawar from HDFC Bank. It lists 24 monthly installments, with details of principal, interest and outstanding principal for each installment. The loan is to be repaid in full over a tenure of 24 months through equal monthly installments of Rs. 3,746 each.
The document is a repayment schedule for a loan of Rs. 79,427 taken by Mr. Rakesh Ramesh Kaydawar from HDFC Bank. It lists 24 monthly installments, with details of principal, interest and outstanding principal for each installment. The loan is to be repaid in full over a tenure of 24 months through equal monthly installments of Rs. 3,746 each.