Leea 024
Leea 024
Leea 024
Published by the
Waggoners Court, 77 The Street, Manuden
Bishop's Stortford, Herts. CM23 1DW
United Kingdom
Tel: 00 44 (0) 1279 816504 Fax: 00 44 (0) 1279 816524
E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.leea.co.uk
Document reference LEEA 024 dated 30.7.04
For many years the Association has provided correspondence courses to train members’ employees as
testers and examiners of lifting equipment. The courses provide the theoretical knowledge required to pass
the Associations examinations.
However we realised that there was also a need to train those employees who do not test or examine
equipment, but who need an appreciation of various aspects of lifting equipment. These appreciation
level training courses have been developed to do just that.
The appreciation level training courses are intended to be tailored to meet the individual’s need so a
flexible approach has been taken, dividing the subject matter into single topic elements. These may be
used as induction training for new staff, as familiarisation training for works, sales, office and stores
personnel or to support members’ own in house-training. Some elements may be of benefit as up-
date/refresher training for previously trained staff or as complementary training for those having difficulty
with a particular subject.
Students are encouraged to read supporting publications and to become familiar with other sources of
authoritative information. It is not intended that students should remember the fine detail, but that they
understand the general requirements and principles laid down and know where to make further reference
when necessary.
Elements are grouped under broad headings for reference only. By restricting the scope of each element to
a single subject, or closely related subjects, the student can follow a training programme tailored to suit
their particular needs and those of their employer.
Training programme
Any combination of elements may be selected to form a training programme. In a few cases, where the
student has a limited need, the work programme may be one or two elements only. In most cases however,
larger programmes will be required. The Association will happily give advice on the structure of suitable
work programmes.
Where a lengthy programme is necessary, we suggest this is split into cycles of no more than 8/10
elements at a time. This will allow students time between periods of training to build on their knowledge
from practical experience in their working environment before going on to other matters. The Association
will maintain records of the elements taken by each student, thereby ensuring that there is no duplication
of study, that the elements are issued in a progressive way and enabling advice to be given on the
structure of further training.
Study time varies slightly from element to element, but the average student should take no longer than 1
hour for most elements.
Students may be enrolled at any time as there is no structured start or finish, although it may be necessary
to restrict entry at certain times of the year, eg Christmas, for administrative reasons.
Training records
At the end of each training programme/cycle, students will be issued with a training record identifying the
elements studied and the marks obtained. A copy of the record will also be sent to the employer for the
students training file. This will assist employers to assess if further training is required, and the form it
should take, as well as satisfying the need for training records to be maintained.
As there are no structured courses, the elements are individually priced as follows:
Delivery within UK: £5.00 per element plus VAT total £5.88.
Delivery outside UK but within Europe: £5.66 per element plus VAT total £6.65
Delivery to the rest of the world: £7.02 per element plus VAT total £8.25
(VAT applies on the elements irrespective of whether the student is in the UK or overseas. This is because
Customs and Excise regard the service as being provided in the UK.)
The elements are listed under section headings for ease of reference and administration.
Document reference LEEA 024 dated 30.7.04
Section 6 Slings
Element 6.1 Slings for General Lifting Purposes
An outline of the various types of slings, their materials and formations, with an outline of the
considerations for selection of the appropriate type of sling.
The remaining elements in this section all take the same form and are product specific. They explain the various
types of sling, the materials and, where applicable, the grades, the intended applications, limitations, safe use,
selection, information to be given when specifying and the documentation to be Issued.
Name and position of company training representative to whom results are to be sent (and branch
if different from above):
Address to which the course elements should be sent (the elements will be sent out at weekly
intervals so please ensure that the address given here is convenient for all elements ordered. The
company address can be used)
3.4 6.1
Enclose your cheque for the course fee @ UK: £5.88 per element
Europe: £6.65 per element
World: £8.25 per element
and return the enrolment form to: