NURS233 Wound Care Manual Fall 2020 2
NURS233 Wound Care Manual Fall 2020 2
NURS233 Wound Care Manual Fall 2020 2
a. 1,000
b. 1,000,000
c. 10
d. !100
4. The proof for the Chinese Remainder Theorem used in Number Theory was NOT
developed by its first publisher, Sun Tzu.
a. !True
b. False
12. Which of the following mathematicians made major contributions to game theory?
a. Carl Friedrich Gauss
b. Leonhard Euler
c. Stefan Banach
d. !John Von Neumann
4. What year did Albrecht Duuml;rer create the painting quot;The Young Harequot;?
a. !1502
b. 1702
c. 1602
d. 1402
8. How many paint and pastel versions of quot;The Screamquot; is Norwegian painter
Edvard Munch believed to have produced?
a. 1
b. 2
c. !4
d. 3
9. The painting quot;The Starry Nightquot; by Vincent van Gogh was part of which
art movement?
a. Romanticism
b. Neoclassical
c. Impressionism
d. !PostImpressionism
4. In Jeff Wayne039;s Musical Version of War of the Worlds, the chances of anything
coming from Mars are...
a. A billion to one
b. A hundred to one
c. A trillion to one
d. !A million to one
5. After England, more Shakespeare plays are set in this present day country than
in any other.
a. !Italy
b. Greece
c. France
d. United States
6. Which of these plays was famously first performed posthumously after the
playwright committed suicide?
a. !4.48 Psychosis
b. Much Ado About Nothing
c. The Birthday Party
d. Hamilton
7. The Andrew Lloyd Webber musical quot;Catsquot; is based off a book of poems
written by which author?
a. Emily Dickenson
b. Robert Frost
c. Andrew Lloyd Webber
d. !T.S. Elliot