The document provides instructions on how to solve a Rubik's Cube using the layer-by-layer method in 8 steps: daisy, white cross, white corner, second layer, yellow cross, yellow corner, corner orientation, and solving the cube. It includes details and algorithms for each step.
The document provides instructions on how to solve a Rubik's Cube using the layer-by-layer method in 8 steps: daisy, white cross, white corner, second layer, yellow cross, yellow corner, corner orientation, and solving the cube. It includes details and algorithms for each step.
Original Description:
This tutorial teaches you LBL (Layer by layer) method to solve a Rubik's Cube
The document provides instructions on how to solve a Rubik's Cube using the layer-by-layer method in 8 steps: daisy, white cross, white corner, second layer, yellow cross, yellow corner, corner orientation, and solving the cube. It includes details and algorithms for each step.
The document provides instructions on how to solve a Rubik's Cube using the layer-by-layer method in 8 steps: daisy, white cross, white corner, second layer, yellow cross, yellow corner, corner orientation, and solving the cube. It includes details and algorithms for each step.
Rubik’s Cube is a puzzle made in 1974 by Erno Rubik,
the professor of 3D design. He always almost the same age as his student, his teaching is boring for them, so he came up with a idea, the Rubik’s Cube. The puzzle with 43 quintillion different combination, and took Erno Rubik him self one month to solve.
Pieces of the Rubik’s Cube:
The centre piece will only contain 1 colour, edge piece
with 2 colours, and corner piece with 3 colours, first layer contain one centre, 4 edges, and 4 corners, second layer contain 4 centres, 4 edges, the third layer contain the same as first layer. How to solve a cube 8 Steps: -Daisy -White Cross -White Corner -Second Layer -Yellow Cross -Yellow Corner -Corner Orientation -Solve The Cube! Daisy The daisy method is a very easy method to solve the white cross, with no complex algorithm. You can do it just by using common sense and basic knowing of the turns. Here’s some common turn:
The only one you need to know for your method is R,
R’, U, U’, L, L’, F2 these are the common one. To do daisy method, just by putting all the white edge on the yellow centre. You can refer introduction for what is edge and centre. There are four edges you need to get on the yellow centre, the red-white, green-white, blue- white, and orange-white edges. Daisy when done: White Cross To do the white cross, you just have to hold the cube in the right way first, put the white centre on bottom, and yellow centre on top, and any centre in-front of you. After that, look at the centre in-front of you, not top, not bottom, but front. The only possible colours are red, green, blue and orange since yellow is on top and white on bottom. Let’s say the front colour is green, then we pair up the white-green edge with the green centre, you just need to do U moves for it to pair up. Pair up meaning the colour matches the white-green edge’s green should be facing you, and the green centre also facing, then the white-green edge is paired. After pairing, you should turn the front twice (F2) then the white-green edge should be solve (It’s not white- green depending on the colour you are doing) After that, just rotate left (You can rotate right, but I prefer left), after rotating, do the same thing, pair up, then turn the front twice (F2) until you get all 4 edges
solved, it look like this when solved:
White corner White corner is slightly harder than the cross, which you need to perform an algorithm. Algorithm is a set of move usually 4 moves or above that you need to memorize there’s only two you need to know to solve the entire cube: R U R’ U’ (Right Sexy Move) and L’ U’ L U (Left Sexy Move). Now, you just have to find a white corner, example: White-Blue-Orange corner, after find white corner which is White-Blue-Orange corner, we don’t look at the white, White-Blue-Orange which left us with blue and orange, then we just put the corner between the blue and orange centre, and the corner should be at the top layer (with the yellow centre) if the corner is at the bottom with white centre, then perform right sexy move (R U R’ U’) to get it out of the bottom slot, after doing that, put the white-blue- orange on the right side of your cube, then perform the right sexy move (R U R’ U’) until the white-blue-orange corner’s white faces with the white centre. Then you have that one corner solved, now repeat it to all the other, if the corner is inserted wrongly, you can put that wrong inserted corner on the bottom right of your cube, then perfrom right sexy move (R U R’ U’) then the wrong inserted corner should be out of the slot. Second Layer After solving the first layer, we move on to the second layer, which you need to perform left sexy move (L’ U’ L U). First find a non-yellow edge on/with the yellow centre, non-yellow edge meaning the edge without yellow colour, we can ignore the white edges in this part. After finding a non-yellow edge, pair it up with the centre just like how pair up edge in the daisy, then look at the edge, let’s say it’s green-red edge, then the edge must be in between the green and red centre the edge may need to go to left side or right side of your cube, after pairing, just look at the centre and you will realise where it belongs, if it needs to go left, then turn the edge away from the place you want to go (left) so do up move (U) to turn it away then left sexy move (L’ U’ L U) then rotate the whole cube to left and do right sexy move (R U R’ U), if we need to go right side, we do the opposite, we go with U’ move then right sexy move first (R U R’ U’) then left sexy move (L’ U’ L U) and you have a edge inserted, then to the same to all the other three, if there is edge inserted in the wrong place, then just put it on your right side, and do right sexy (R U R’ U’) then left sexy (L’ U’ L U) then you have a edge outside of the wrong slot. Yellow Cross Yellow cross is same as the white cross but yellow and on the opposite side of white. You can do the yellow cross very easily, it is the easiest of the entire cube. There are 4 cases for yellow cross, firstly a solved yellow cross, a line which contain 2 edges and one centre, a L shape or V shape also contain 2 edges and one centre, and the worst one, just a yellow dot. For the solved yellow cross, you don’t need to do anything, for the line case, just hold the line horizontally, do not hold it vertically or you will mess up the line, after holding it horizontally, turn your front (F) and do right sexy move(R U R’ U’) and done! For the V or L shape, put the V or L shape on your top left corner, surrounding the top left corner, then turn your front (F) and do two right sexy move (R U R’ U’ R U R’ U’) and done! For the dot case, we can hold it anywhere, and turn front (F) and do right sexy move (R U R’ U’) then we will make a L or V shape, then we do what we do for the L or V shape case and done! Yellow Corners Yellow corner is a step to put the yellow corners in the correct place, we can know they are in the correct place by looking at the colour of the corner let’s say mine is yellow-red-blue corner, then put it at a corner surrounded by the yellow, blue and red centre then it’s in the correct place. We must at least match up one corner to do this step, but we can also match up 2 or 4, it’s impossible to match 3, because there are only 4 corners, if you match 3 then the fourth one will also be matched. After matching then 1 corner, we will just swap the others to match the entire thing, you must use common sense on where the corner belongs, but there’s a algorithm for you to swap the corner. This algorithm swap the two corners on your right side, so if you want to swap the corner, make sure to put it on your right side, then do three right sexy move (R U R’ U’ R U R’ U’ R U R’ U’) then rotate your entire cube to the right side, and do three left sexy move except you don’t do the final move of the three left sexy it goes like (L’ U’ L U L’ U’ L U L’ U’ L→Uwe don’t put a U here as the last move) the entire algorithm goes like (R U R’ U’ R U R’ U’ R U R’ U’) y (L’ U’ L U L’ U’ L U L’ U’ L U) y stands for rotate cube to left. Corners Orientation The second-final step is to solve the cube, to do that, rotate the entire cube upside-down meaning the yellow centre is now on bottom, and white centre is now at the top of the cube, then you should see
something call “twisted corner” like
It is actually not twisted, you can twist it back by put the yellow centre on bottom as stated, then perform right sexy move (R U R’ U’) until the yellow colour faces with the yellow centre, you can rotate your cube a bit to see if the yellow face is facing down with yellow centre (The yellow face is the yellow colour of the yellow corner) after doing this, you cube might look mess up, but do not panic, we just do the same to all the colours until all yellow faces down but do not rotate the cube to left or right to do right sexy move to make it face down or it will actually mess up, you are you going to do down move (D) doing down move will bring the “twisted corner” to you so that you can Perform right sexy move (R U R’ U’) until the yellow faces down, just keep doing down move and “twist” all the corners back until all the yellow faces back up. If the all the yellow corners are already twisted (solved) with the yellow centre then you skipped this, but if the yellow corners are twisted (solved) but not in the correct place, you still need to swap it to make it go to the correct place. And actually, these are not “twisted corners” we just say it that way so we can understand, in the more advance way, we say orient the corner instead of twist the corner back (Unless it’s a actual twisted corner)
WARNING: If your cube mess up even with doing D
move, you might want to get your self a Pro Cuber or coach to help you, because it is twisted corner. Or you can solve the entire 2 layers and the yellow cross, then orient the yellow corners by twisting ALL of them Solve the cube! After doing corner orientation, you will realise three of your edges, or even four of your edges are swapped, but that is very easy to fix, if three are swapped, then we hold the cube at the solved side (not white or yellow side) do not hold the swapped one or it will be endless, then we perform one right sexy move, then left sexy move, then five right sexy move, then 5 left sexy move. If this doesn’t solve the cube, then do it again one right sexy move, then left sexy move, then five right sexy move, then 5 left sexy move. If there are four swapped edge, then we can go any side and perform one right sexy move, then left sexy move, then five right sexy move, then 5 left sexy move, then there should be one solved side, then do what you do for the 3 swapped edge one. The End This is the end of “How to solve a Rubik’s Cube” and the method you just learnt is layer by layer method, known as LBL method which is great for beginners. If you want to be faster at cubing, you can watch some CFOP tutorial on Youtube, or you can learn Roux, ZZ or any other method to solve the cube. But even with LBL, you can solve it under one minute, Happy Cubing and enjoy! Secret