Kyc Form - Individual Jan 24 Editable
Kyc Form - Individual Jan 24 Editable
Kyc Form - Individual Jan 24 Editable
Normal EKYC OTP EKYC Biometric Online KYC Offline EKYC Digilocker
(Passport mandatory for NRIs and Foreign Nationals. PIO selection is only for CKYC and not for KRA KYC.
Select NRI or Foreign National based on Nationality of the individual)
Proof of Identity (POI) submitted for PAN exempted cases (Please tick)
A — Aadhaar Card XXXX XXXX __ __ __ __
(Expiry Date)
B — Passport Number
C — Voter ID Card
(Expiry Date)
D —Driving License
E —NREGA Job Card
Z —Others (any document notified by Central Government)
Identification Number
2. Address Details* (please refer guidelines overleaf)
A. Correspondence/ Local Address*
Line 1*
Line 2
City/Town/Village* District* Pin Code*
State* Country*
Address Type* Residential/Business Residential Business Registered Office Unspecified
Applicant e-SIGN
B. Permanent residence address of applicant, if different from above A / Overseas Address* (Mandatory for NRI Applicant)
Line 1*
Line 2
Town/Village* District* Pin Code*
State* Country*
Address Type* Residential/Business Residential Business Registered Office Unspecified
Proof of Address* (attested copy of any 1 POA for correspondence and permanent address each to be submitted)
A — Aadhaar Card XXXX XXXX __ __ __ __
B — Passport Number (Expiry Date)
C — Voter ID Card
(Expiry Date)
D —Driving License
E —NREGA Job Card
F — NPR Letter
Z—Others (any document notified by Central Government)
Identification Number
4. Applicant Declaration
I/We hereby declare that the KYC details furnished by me are true and correct to Applicant e-SIGN Applicant Wet Signature
the best of my/our knowledge and belief and I/we under-take to inform you of any
changes therein, immediately. In case any of the above information is found to be
false or untrue or misleading or misrepresenting, I am/We are aware that I/We
may be held liable for it.
I/We hereby consent to receiving information from CVL KRA through SMS/Email on
the above registered number/Email address.
I am/We are also aware that for Aadhaar OVD based KYC, my KYC request shall be
validated against Aadhaar details. I/We hereby consent to sharing my/our masked
Aadhaar card with readable QR code or my Aadhaar XML/Digilocker XML file, along
with passcode and as applicable, with KRA and other Intermediaries with whom I
have a business relationship for KYC purposes only.
Emp. Designation
Instructions/Guidelines for filling Individual KYC Application Form
A. General Instructions:
1. PAN card with photograph is mandatory for all applicants except those who are specifically exempt from obtaining PAN
(listed in Section D).
2. Original Verified Documents (OVD) are acceptable: Unique Identification Number (UID) (Aadhaar) / Passport / Voter ID
card / Driving License / Letter issued by NPR / NREGA job card
3. If driving license number or passport is provided as proof of identity then expiry date is to be mandatorily furnished.
4. Mention identification / reference number if ‘Z – Others (any document notified by the central government)’ is ticked.
5. Others – Identity card with applicant’s photograph issued by any of the following: Central/ State Government Depart-
ments, Statutory/Regulatory Authorities, Public Sector Undertakings, Scheduled Commercial Banks, Public Financial Insti-
tutions, Colleges affiliated to Universities, Professional Bodies such as ICAI, ICWAI, ICSI, Bar Council, etc., to their Members;
and Credit cards/Debit cards issued by Banks.
1. PoA to be submitted only if the submitted PoI does not have an address or address as per PoI is invalid or not in force.
2. Others includes – Utility bill which is not more than 3 months old of any service provider (electricity, landline telephone,
piped gas, water bill); Bank account or Post Office savings bank account statement; Documents issued by Government de-
partments of foreign jurisdictions and letter issued by Foreign Embassy or Mission in India
3. Identity card/document with address issued by any of the following: Central/ State Government Departments, Statutory/
Regulatory Authorities, Public Sector Undertakings, Scheduled Commercial Banks, Public Financial Institutions, Colleges
affiliated to Universities, Professional Bodies such as ICAI, ICWAI, ICSI, Bar Council, etc., to their Members.
4. Self declaration of High courts/Supreme court judges, giving the new address in respect of their own accounts.
5. For FII/Sub account, Power of attorney given by FII/Sub account to the custodians (which are duly notarized and/or apos-
tilled or consularized) that gives registered address should be taken.
6. Proof of address in name of spouse may be accepted.
7. Registered lease or Sale agreement/ Flat maintenance bill / Insurance copy / Ration card / Latest Property tax
8. Original Verified Documents (OVD) are acceptable: Unique Identification Number (UID) (Aadhaar) / Passport / Voter ID
card / Driving License / Letter issued by NPR / NREGA job card
D. Exemptions/Clarifications to PAN (*Sufficient documentary evidence in support of such claims to be collected)
1. Investments (including SIPs), in Mutual Fund schemes up to INR 50,000/- per investor per year per Mutual Fund.
2. Transactions undertaken on behalf of Central/State Government, by officials appointed by Courts, e.g., Official liquidator,
Court receiver, etc.
3. Investors residing in the state of Sikkim.
4. UN entities/multilateral agencies exempt from paying taxes/filing tax returns in India.
5. In case of institutional clients, namely FIIs, MFs, VCFs, FVCIs, Scheduled commercial bank, Multilateral and Bilateral devel-
opment financial institutions, State Industrial development corporations, insurance companies registered with IRDA and
public financial institutions as defined under section 4A of the Company Act 1956, custodians shall verify the PAN card de-
tails with the original PANs and provide duly certified copies of such verified PAN details to the intermediary.
• Applicant may directly upload their documents (OVD) as scanned images on intermediary’s portal.
• The documents should be e-signed.
• Applicant details are verified using UIDAI Biometric details.
• Original Seen Verification (OSV) of documents as well as IPV / VIPV is exempted.
• Intermediary attestation on documents is exempted.
• Applicant may directly upload their documents (OVD) as scanned images on intermediary’s portal.
• The documents should be e-signed.
• Applicant details are verified using UIDAI details using OTP.
• Original Seen Verification (OSV) of documents as well as IPV / VIPV is exempted.
• Intermediary attestation on documents is exempted.
• Applicant may directly upload their documents (OVD) as scanned images on intermediary’s portal.
• The documents should be e-signed.
• Virtual In Person Verification (VIPV) is mandatory as per SEBI guidelines.
• Intermediary attestation on documents (OSV) is exempted.
• Applicant may directly upload their document (PAN copy) as scanned images on intermediary’s portal.
• The documents should be e-signed.
• Digital KYC performed through Offline Aadhaar e-KYC. OVD sourced from Offline Aadhaar e-KYC.
• Original Seen Verification (OSV) of documents as well as IPV / VIPV is exempted.
• Digital KYC performed through the documents (OVD) sourced from Digilocker.
• Original Seen Verification (OSV) of documents as well as IPV / VIPV is exempted.
• Intermediary attestation on documents is exempted.