Reference Guide
Reference Guide
Reference Guide
Table of contents
Table of contents
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
Table of contents
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
Chapter 1
This part is meant as a reference guide for setting-up a process scheme and for specifying
input data. It merely contains brief information on the components and parameters which are
needed to define a system.
The intention has been to limit the extent of this part of the manual. The necessary
explanations are as brief as possible. A description of the output of the program is given
Chapter 2: apparatuses
Chapter 3: connections
Chapter 4: medium data
Chapter 5: system data
Chapter 6: calculation settings
Chapter 7: text output
Chapter 8: tables
Each paragraph, with exception of the general apparatus data and th e introductions, can be
read independently from other parts.
In paragraph 2.1 the general apparatus data are described. They apply to almost all apparatus
types. This paragraph also contains an overview of the available apparatus types. The
general input data for apparatuses should be known before specifying input data for the
specific apparatus types.
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
General apparatus data
Chapter 2
Table 2-1 gives a summary of the apparatus types available in Cycle-Tempo together with
the default names and the number of system equations added to the system matrix by the
apparatus type.
Name = apparatus name to be entered by the user (for default values see Table 2-1).
The name may not be longer than 12 characters. The names specified are
used in tables with calculation results or diagrams.
For almost all apparatus the following thermodynamic data can be specified:
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
For the heat exchanging apparatus the variables PIN, POUT, DELP, TIN, TOUT and DELT
are post fixed with a 1 for the primary medium (heated medium) and with a 2 for the
secondary medium (cooled medium) (e.g. PIN1, TOUT2, etc.).
The other data are described and explained for each apparatus type. The default values of the
thermodynamic data are, unless otherwise indicated, fixed at UNKNOWN, represented by
the numeric value -8888.8.
2 Reheater 1M
3 Turbine 1M
5 Flash.Heater 2M + 1E
General apparatus data
7 Deaerator 1M + 1E
8 Pump 1M
10 Sink/Source 1M
(in case of only 1 pipe connected then
1M only if DELM, DELV or DELVN
is specified)
10 Heat Sink 1M
(in case of only 1 pipe connected then
1M only if DELM, DELV or DELVN
is specified)
10 Stack 1M
(only if DELM, DELV or DELVN is
13 Combustor 1M / (EEQCOD = 2)
2M (EEQCOD = 1, or EEQCOD = 2
if LAMBDA specified)
(ash pipe connected +1M)
14 Valve 2M
15 Drum 1M + 1E
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
26 Separator 2M
27 Reactor 1M
General apparatus data
29 Compressor 1M
G Generator -
M Electromotor -
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
2.2 Type = 1 Boiler
This apparatus type is intended for use as a boiler in closed cycles, where the boiler is only
modeled as an apparatus in which heat is added to the cycle and where details of the flue gas
system are not taken into account. The boiler comprises only the economizer, evaporator and
superheater; any reheater present must be modeled separately (see type = 2, reheater).
Input parameters
DELE = energy flow released from the boiler (kW) (default = UNKNOWN).
Radiation losses cannot be specified separately, but may be
rediscounted in the thermal efficiency. Specification is only
allowed for boilers with 1 inlet and 1 outlet pipe. The value
should differ by at least EPS from -8888.8. If DELE is specified,
ESTMAS should be specified also.
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
If LHV, EXFUEL and ETHAB are specified, an exergy input and an exergy
efficiency of the system will be calculated. An exergy efficiency of the boiler will be
calculated also.
Calculation rules
1. p out = p in - DELP
2. Tin = Tout - DELT
3. h in = h out - DELE/ m m = mass flow (kg/s)
Capitalized data is taken from apparatus input, the other variables written with subscripts are
either apparatus input data or the data of connected apparatus or pipes.
Off-design calculations
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
2.3 Type = 2 Reheater
Number of inlets = 1
Number of outlets = 1
This apparatus type, like the boiler (type = 1), is intended for modeling in closed cycles,
where details of the flue gas system are not taken into account.
Input parameters
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
If LHV, EXFUEL and ETHAB are specified, an exergy input and an exergy
efficiency of the system will be calculated. An exergy efficiency of the reheater will
be calculated also.
Calculation rules
1. p out = p in - DELP
2. Tin = Tout - DELT
3. h in = h out - DELE/ m m = mass flow (kg/s)
Capitalized data is taken from apparatus input, the other variables written with subscripts are
either apparatus input data or the data of connected apparatus or pipes.
Off-design calculations
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
2.4 Type = 3 Turbine
Number of inletpipes = 1
Number of outletpipes = 1
Maximum number of bleed pipes = 10
Maximum number of shafts = 2
Small symbol
Large symbol
Inlets Outlets Bleeds Shafts
The apparatus type turbine is intended for modeling different types of turbines. In addition to
an inlet and an outlet a turbine may have a maximu m of 8 extraction points. The addition of
an extra mass flow in the expansion section between the turbine inlet and outlet is not
possible; in this case the turbine can be modeled as two turbin es in series.
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
The general type (TUCODE = 0) can be used as an expansion turbine in cycles with various
media, e.g. as steam turbine, gas turbine etc. For this type no routines are available for
determining the internal efficiencies; these must be specified directly or indirectly. No
exhaust losses are calculated for this type either.
Several types are available for modeling steam turbines. Large steam turbines usually consist
of a number of sections. By using the types indicated in Table 2-2 (TUCODE starting with
digits 1 to 9) a turbine of virtually any size can be modeled. For all these types there are
procedures for determining the internal efficiencies; these do not then have to be specified.
For the condensation sections the exhaust losses are also determined; these are rediscounted
in the internal efficiency.
It should be noted that the method for calculating the efficiencies dates from 1974 and that
with present-day steam turbines greater efficiencies can be obtained. However, for tendency
calculations the method is very useful. In addition it is possible for the turbines with
TUCODE beginning with digits 2 to 9 to revise the basic value of ETHAID as required.
These models for steam turbines do not generally give valid results for media other than
WATERSTM (see chapter 4 Medium Data).
Off-design calculations are possible for all types. Traupel’s formulae are used for this (a
refinement of Stodola’s cone law).
Input parameters
TUCODE = five digit turbine code, t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 . The digit furthest on the left, (t1 )
indicates the turbine type (default = 0).
Depending on the type of turbine, indicated by t1 of TUCODE, a few geometric data have to
be specified. A summary of the input variables is given in Table 2-2. For a detailed
description see part “Technical Notes” of the manual.
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
Pressure calculation
1) The values are default values; the user is free to s pecify other values.
2) The validity range for the pressure ratio is: p in / pout 2 (extrapolated to p in / p out 1.33).
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
ETHAID = basic value for the isentropic efficiency; default values: see Table 2-2 (-)
DIAIN = pitch diameter of the governing stage (m)
DIAOUT = pitch diameter of the last row of blades (m)2)
SLENG = blade length of the last row of blades (m)5)
DESMAS = design inlet mass flow rate (kg/s)
PINCND = pressure between medium and low pressure section; for part load
calculations the design value must be specified here (bar)
POUTDS = design value of the outlet pressure; for part load calculations the
default value is the first value of the array ‘Pressure’ (see the next heading),
which is the outlet pressure (bar)
POUTRT = pressure just downstream of the governing stage; (default = 0.625*PIN) (bar)
DELH = isentropic enthalpy drop at design conditions (kJ/kg)
1) Pitch diameter means: the diameter at half blade height. The default values are 0.965 m and 1.158 m for
3600 and 3000 rpm, respectively.
2) T he limits for DIAOUT and for SLENG are:
1.33 DIAOUT 2.30 0.36 SLENG 0.85 for 3000 and 3600 rpm
2.79 DIAOUT 3.858 0.88 SLENG 1.32 for 1500 and 1800 rpm
The results of the design calculation are written to the file with design data for off-design
calculations. These data can be copied to the required input parameters for off-design
calculations using the Paste-button.
The following 4 arrays of figures in order of increasing pressure (the variable for the outlet with the
lowest pressure is the first element):
Bleed pipe no.2) = column with pipe numbers (connected to the turbine)
Pressure = column with pressures in the pipes connected (bar)
Mass flow = column with mass flows in the turbine sections (kg/s)
Specific volume = column with specific volumes at the extraction points (m3 /kg)
1) This input is optional and may be omitted (calculated from the design data).
2) Bleed pipe no. = 0 to prescribe conditions just after the governing stage.
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
2.5 Type = 4 Condenser
Primary inlets
Main vapor inlet Condensate inlets
and secondary outlet
Primary outlets
The condenser model is designed for the calculation of condensers in steam turbine cycles.
The heat of condensation is then removed via the cooling water. If the model is used for
design calculations, then the use of other media is also permitted (where data are present
they are in the material library). In that case the heat transfer relations are not used.
With regard to description of the off-design behavior it is assumed that the steam to be
condensed is not superheated and that the condensate is not subcooled.
In calculations with the condenser model the energy equation (energy balance) over the
condenser is available to calculate an unknown variable (mass flow or enthalpy). The
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
variable, which is solved from the energy equation, depends on the value of the Energy
EQuation CODe (EEQCOD):
EEQCOD = 1: the energy equation of the apparatus is used to calculate a mass flow.
The energy equation will be added to the system matrix.
When an off-design calculation is carried out, an extra equation is available, namely the heat
transfer equation. From this equation an unknown temperature can be solved.
The possible calculation options are summarized in the diagram below:
Calculate m T m T m T
In the design calculation an unknown mass flow or enthalpy can be solved from the energy
equation. In this calculation option all media are permitted in the condenser. In addition it is
permitted for the secondary medium to flow into the condenser superheated and to leave it
again subcooled, see Figure 2-1.
sec. Tss
In this case the calculation options are the same as those for a normal design calculation.
In addition the overall heat transfer coefficient U (kW/m2 K) for the heat transfer is
calculated and the necessary size of the heat exchanging area A (m2 ). These data from the
design calculation are necessary as an input for carrying out an off-design calculation.
The calculation method for the U-value is only available for a condenser with:
cooling water as primary medium;
steam as secondary medium;
wet or saturated steam at inlet, saturated condensate at outlet;
flow of the secondary medium through the condenser without pressure drop.
To calculate the U-value extra input data relating to the geometry must be specified.
The extra result of this calculation (the size of the heat exchanging area A) is written to the
file with design data for off-design calculations. Using the Paste-button this datum can be
copied to the required input parameter for off-design calculations. See also below.
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
For performing off-design calculations the size of the heat exchanging area must be
specified. When the value of A is not known, this can be calculated in the ext ended design
calculation, see above.
In order to calculate the U-value, data relating to the bundle geometry must be specified.
This is done by means of the geometry input parameter.
When performing the off-design calculation the energy equation can be used to calculate an
unknown mass flow or enthalpy. The heat transfer equation is available for computing an
unknown temperature. In the diagram below the possible combinations are summarized:
To be calculated
1 X X
2 X X
The overall heat transfer coefficient (U-value) must be specified for the off-design
calculation from the geometry data, the thermodynamic data and the mass flows. The
restrictions also apply for the off-design calculations, which are given for the extended
design calculation for the U-value calculation method.
Input parameters
RPSM = initial estimate of the ratio between the primary and secondary
mass flow (default = 65). This value is only used where the
EEQCOD is 2.
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
1) DELT2 is defined as temperature rise, this value hence normally has a negative
value for the secondary medium.
This apparatus type adds 2 mass equations to the system matrix. If EEQCOD = 1 the energy
equation is added also.
EEQCOD = 1: 2 mass equations + 1 energy equation = 3 equations
EEQCOD = 2: 2 mass equations
Calculation rules
2. p in = p out + p1
4. Tin = Tout - T1
Rules 7 and 8 can only be used when only 1 inlet pipe is connected to the secondary side
(main pipe).
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
PITCH = the pitch, the distance between centers of the pipes (m), the
standard assumption is a staggered layout (default = 0.030)
NEDGE = the number of pipes on the edge of the bundle, the number of
mantle pipes (default = 3550)
RFOUL = heat resistance to fouling on the cooling water side (m2 K/kW)
(default = 0.045)
AIRFAC = correction factor for air influence, the heat resistance on the steam
side is increased by the factor AIRFAC (default = 1.4)
Choose the combination of the inside diameter and the total number of pipes so that the
speed of the cooling water in the pipes in the design situation is between 1 and 2 m/s.
4 m
The inside and outside diameter much be chosen such th at the wall thickness is given an
acceptable value.
The ratio of the total number of pipes to the number of pipes on the edge is for most
bundles around 10.
The value of the thermal conductivity coefficient depends on the pipe material. A very
common value is 0.085 kW/m K (copper alloy).
For a condenser the following data must be specified for off-design situations:
At the end of the extended design calculation the logarithmic temperature difference over the
condenser and the heat transfer coefficient are calculated. With these data and the quantity of
heat transferred the size of the heat exchanging area is calcu lated.
The result of this calculation is written to the file with design data for off-design
calculations. Using the Paste-button this datum can be copied to the required input parameter
for off-design calculations.
In the design calculation the logarithmic temperature difference over the condenser and, with
the help of the geometry data, the heat transfer coefficient, are calculated. With these data
and the transferred heat the size of the heat exchanging area is calculated. Using this the
length of the bundle is then established, where:
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
Feed water heater
A flashed heater normally uses extraction steam from the turbine. The energy balance is
employed for mass flow rate calculations and is automatically added to the system matrix.
The secondary inlet refers to an extraction line from the turbine.
The calculation rules assume a condensing medium for the secondary side.
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
Input parameters
1) DELT2 is defined as temperature rise, so this value is normally a negative value for
the secondary medium.
This apparatus type adds 3 equations to the system matrix: 2 mass equations + 1 energy
Feed water heater
Primary medium
Secondary medium
Tout,s may be specified for the input (TOUT2), calculated in an apparatus upstream, or
calculated with one of the following calculation rules:
Primary medium
Secondary medium
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
TIN1 prim.
Off-design calculations
The values specified for DELTH and/or DELTL are adapted if either DSMAS1 for the
primary or DSMAS2 for the secondary medium is given as input for off-design calculations.
DELTH and/or DELTL will be adapted according to the curves shown in Figure 2-3. This
method is appropriate since the UA-value cannot be established in a reliable way for heat
exchange between media showing phase changes.
Feed water heater
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
Surface heat exchanger
This apparatus is used as a general heat exchanger, evaporator or furnace. The former two
are represented by the subtype “General”, the latter by subtype “Furnace”.
For the furnace, the radiation constant is calculated at design using, among other, the furnace
outlet temperature. This temperature is calculated at off-design using the Ter Linden method.
For furnaces EEQCOD = 1 should be chosen. Additional input for furnaces is described at
the end of this paragraph.
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
The energy equation code (EEQCOD) determines the usage of the energy equation:
EEQCOD = 1: the energy equation of the apparatus is used to calculate a mass flow.
An energy equation, defined by the user (possibly in combination with other
apparatuses), can be specified as a production function. If this is not the case, the
program will automatically define the production function. The value of this function
represents the energy release to the environment, i.e. a thermal loss. The energy
equation will be added to the system matrix.
For off-design calculations the heat transfer equation is used. For this the heat transfer
capacity rate (UA-value) must be specified in the input. The primary and secondary medium
may in that case only have 1 inlet and 1 outlet.
Input parameters
1) DELT 2 is defined as temperature rise, so this value normally has a negative value for the secondary medium.
Surface heat exchanger
This apparatus type adds 2 mass equations to the system matrix. If EEQCOD = 1 an energy
equations is added also, in the form of a production function. The program will
automatically generate a production function if it detects that the apparatus has not been
defined in another production function.
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
Calculation rules
These are only used when the medium has 1 inlet and 1 outlet.
Counter current
Primary medium
3. Tout,p = Tin,s - DELTH only for one secondary inlet.
4. Tin,p = Tout,s - DELTL
Secondary medium
5. Tout,s = Tin,p + DELTL
6. Tin,s = Tout,p + DELTH only for one secondary inlet.
Co current
Primary medium
3. Tout,p = Tin,s - DELTL only for one secondary inlet.
4. Tin,p = Tin,s - DELTH
Secondary medium
5. Tout,s = Tout,p + DELTL
6. Tin,s = Tin,p + DELTH only for one secondary inlet.
Surface heat exchanger
Off-design calculations
The values of DELTH and DELTL can be adapted using the actual mass flow if DSMAS1 or
DSMAS2 is specified as input data for off-design calculations; see the procedure mentioned
in paragraph 2.6. However, this is not recommended. The following meth od is preferred.
If only 4 pipes are connected to the heat exchanger, the heat transfer capacity rate U*A is
given, all inlet and outlet pressures are known, and:
EEQCOD = 1: three enthalpies are known, then the unknown enthalpy is calculated
using the heat transfer equation. The ratio primary mass flow/secondary mass flow is
calculated from the system matrix solving procedure.
EEQCOD = 2: two enthalpies are known, then the two unknown enthalpies are
calculated using the energy equation and the heat transfer equation.
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
It is recommended to specify DSMAS for the medium, which influences the overall heat
transfer coefficient most.
For example, heat transfer between flue gas and water is dominated by the flue gas side. In
that case one specifies DSMAS2 (flue gas is the cooled medium, therefore the secondary
The furnace heat exchanger can be used to calculate the furnace outlet temperature at off-
design according to the method of Ter Linden. For a furnace heat exchanger EEQCOD = 1
should be chosen. Additional input data can be specified in the input window behind the
“Furnace data” button if type “Furnace” has been chosen. The input contains only one
Surface heat exchanger
The mean pipe wall temperature is used to calculate the radiation constant of the furnace at
design. This constant is used at off-design to calculate the furnace outlet temperature. If the
mean pipe wall temperature is not specified, it will be calculated from the inlet and outlet
temperatures of the primary medium.
The output can be found on the last page of the “Text output” among the other design data
for off-design calculations, and consists of the apparatus number of the furnace heat
exchanger, the mean pipe wall temperature , the furnace outlet temperature and the radiation
constant. This constant (CRAD) is also written to the file with design data for off-design
calculations. Using the Paste-button the value of the constant can be copied in the
appropriate field as input for off-design calculations.
In a design calculation, the radiation constant is a calculation result, which will be used at
off-design. At off-design, the mean pipe wall temperature can either be specified or
calculated. In the latter case it will be calculated from the inlet and outlet temperatures of the
primary medium. Therefore an estimation of the furnace outlet temperature is needed in
order to start the iteration process.
The radiation constant and the mean pipe wall temperature are used in the method of Ter
Linden to calculate the furnace outlet temperature at off-design.
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
This apparatus is used as a general contact heater assuming saturated liquid at the outlet.
Normally this type is used to model a deaerator.
The energy balance of this apparatus is used to calculate an unknown mass flow and is
automatically added to the system matrix with DELE as right-hand side.
This value cannot be altered by means of a call from the user subroutine APSUB.
The calculation rules assume saturation conditions at the outlet.
Input parameters
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
This apparatus type adds 2 equations to the system matrix: 1 mass equation + 1 energy
Calculation rules
Input parameters
1) DELP is defined as pressure drop, this value should be negative for pumps.
2) ET HAM is used in the calculation of the system efficiency and in the conversion of shaft power
and pump power and vice versa.
3) ET HAE is used in the calculation of the system efficiency and in the exergy calculation.
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
Figure 2-6: The efficiency of electromotors including the mechanical efficiency of the
motor and pump as a function of the power on the shaft of the pump
If one of the efficiencies, ETHAM or ETHAE, is not specified then the efficiency wh ich is
not specified is taken as equal to 1. If neither of the two efficiencies is given then the total
efficiency is calculated by interpolation from Figure 2-6.
Calculation rules
Node (mixer, splitter)
Inlets Outlets
This apparatus is used to mix or to split process flows. Depending on the value of the energy
equation code (EEQCOD) there are two possibilities to use the energy equation:
EEQCOD = 1 (type = 11): the energy equation is used to calculate a mass flow ratio,
and is automatically added to the system matrix. One of the useful applications as a
mixer is to use this apparatus type to model a steam cooler. With EEQCOD = 1 this
apparatus type can also be used as a splitter, but only if the specific enthalpies in the
outlet pipes are specified (or calculated at other apparatus downstream) and are not
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
EEQCOD = 2 (type = 9): the energy equation is used to calculate an unknown specific
enthalpy. At default, EEQCOD = 2 is assumed.
Input parameters
Specification of RMASS 1 etc. is only useful for a mixer, and NOT for a splitter.
RMASS1 = initial estimates for all mass flows, expressed as fractions of the
to outlet flow. The supplied values will only be used in the very first
RMASS6 iteration. The sum of the values should equal 2.0 (the outlet mass
flow is also included). At default, the contributions of the inlet
mass flows to the outlet mass flow are assumed to be equal.
RMASS is an array of numbers, indicating for a mixer the expected ratios of the mass flows
in the inlet and outlet pipes. The order in the array is that of increasing pipe number.
Node (mixer, splitter)
Specification is recommended if the expected mass flows differ appreciably. These variables
can prevent large undesired fluctuations in the mass flows and compositions. These
fluctuations can cause problems in the calculation such as negative arguments for the root or
the logarithmic function, which then result in breaking off the calculation.
This apparatus type adds 1 mass equation to the system matrix. In case of EEQCOD = 1, the
energy equation is added also.
EEQCOD = 1: 1 mass equation + 1 energy equation = 2 equations
EEQCOD = 2: 1 mass equation (default)
For a node DELP is defined in a somewhat different way compared to the other apparatus
types. Below the calculation rules are mentioned, assuming i to be one of the n inlet (for a
mixer) or outlet (for a splitter) pipes.
The following is valid if DELP has not been specified:
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
1. p in = max {p out (i)} (either all inlet pressures or the outlet pressure must be
3. p out = min {p in (i)} (either the outlet pressure or all inlet pressures must be
This means that of all pipes connected (inlets and outlets) just one pressure must be known.
This means that of all pipes connected (inlets and outlets) just one pressure must be known.
Node (mixer, splitter)
Calculation rule 12 will only be applied if the conditions of the outlet pipes i k have been
specified. In other situations rule 11 will be applied.
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
Sink, source, expansion valve
Inlets Outlets
In the first case the apparatus may only be connected with 1 pipe. If the mass flow is
specified directly with DELM, or indirectly with DELV or DELVN, then this gives 1 mass
equation for the system matrix. In the other cases 1 inlet and 1 outlet pipe is require d,
whereby DELE must be specified for the energy source or sink and DELH = 0.0 for the
pressure reducer.
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
Input parameters
Sink, source, expansion valve
LHV = lower heating value of the fuel entering the system (kJ/kg)
(default = UNKNOWN)
The lower heating value will be used to determine the incoming
energy flow of the system on behalf of the calculation of the
system efficiency. The lower heating value of flows with medium
type GASMIX will be calculated by Cycle-Tempo. The lower
heating value for flows with medium type FUEL must be
specified by the user. This means that LHV should only be
specified at apparatus type 10 if one wishes to use another value
than Cycle-Tempo will calculate.
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
The following input data only apply to the situation that Cycle-Tempo needs an initial value for a
certain temperature.
T calc old
new 1 WFOT
Sink, source, expansion valve
Description of subtypes
SUBTYP = 0: The apparatus will be ignored when the efficiency of the system is
calculated, even if an incoming fuel flow is detected or LHV is given.
SUBTYP = 1: The energy to or from the environment is considered as useful heat. This
will result in the calculation of a heat efficiency and a total efficiency.
In case of a heat source with one (outgoing) pipe the thermo -mechanical
energy of the flow will be used. In case of two connected pipes DELE or
DELH will be used. If specified LHV will be ignored.
SUBTYP = 2: Incoming fuel flows will be used to calculate the system efficiency.
Cycle-Tempo itself determines whether a source is of subtype 2, namely if
the heating value is greater than zero and if there is just one outgoing pipe.
Therefore specification of subtype = 2 is not necessary.
Designation of subtypes
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
If two pipes are connected to the apparatus, 1 mass equation is added to the system matrix. If
just one pipe is connected, a mass equation is added to the system matrix only if DELM,
DELV or DELVN is specified.
Calculation rules
1. p in = p out + DELP
2. p out = p in DELP
3. Tin = Tout DELT
4. Tout = Tin DELT
5. h in = h out DELH
6. h out = h in + DELH
7. h out = h in DELE / m m =mass flow from the
previous iteration.
(starting value: m= ESTMAS)
8. p in = p sat (Tin , XIN)
9. p in = p sat (Tin + DTSUBC, x=0)
10. p in = p sat (Tin - DTSUPH, x=1)
11. p out = p sat (Tout , XOUT)
12. p out = p sat (Tout + DTSUBC, x=0)
13. p out = p sat (Tout DTSUPH, x=1)
14. Tin = Tsat ( p in , XIN)
15. Tin = Tsat ( p in , x = 0) DTSUBC
16. Tin = Tsat ( p in , x = 1) + DTSUPH
17. Tout = Tsat ( p out , XOUT)
18. Tout = Tsat ( p out , x = 0) DTSUBC
19. Tout = Tsat ( p out , x = 1) + DTSUPH
Heat source, heat sink
Inlets Outlets
This apparatus type can be used to model a heat source or a heat sink. The amount of energy
exchanged with the environment is regarded as useful heat, and will therefore be used in the
calculation of the system efficiencies to determine a heat efficiency and a total efficiency.
A heat source is regarded as a heat sink with a negative heat flow. In case of only one pipe
connected the thermo-mechanical energy of the process stream is used.
Input parameters
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
Heat source, heat sink
If two pipes are connected to the apparatus, 1 mass equation is added to the s ystem matrix. If
just one pipe is connected, a mass equation is added to the system matrix only if DELM,
DELV or DELVN is specified.
Calculation rules
1. p in = p out + DELP
2. p out = p in DELP
3. Tin = Tout DELT
4. Tout = Tin DELT
5. h in = h out DELH
6. h out = h in + DELH
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
Number of inletpipes = 1
The cooling curve can be presented in Q,T- and value diagrams, and starts with the
conditions at the outlet of the pipe connected to the stack. The end point of the cooling curve
is determined by the pressure and temperature of the environment. If not specified by the
user (see 5.2), Cycle-Tempo will assume 1.013 bars and 15 C, respectively.
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Reference Guide
Input parameters
Only if DELM, DELV or DELVN is specified, 1 mass equation will be added to the system
In the combustor an oxidant and a fuel flow react. The composition of the product gas is
determined by the chemical equilibrium at the specified or calculated conditions, which may
deviate from the prevailing conditions, if so specified by the user. In the combustor no heat
transferring area is modeled; the heat, which is released, is used to increase the temperature
of the product gas and ash. The reaction enthalpy is calculated and used in the energy
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
balance. Depending on the energy equation code (EEQCOD) there are two possible ways of
using the energy balance:
EEQCOD = 1: The energy balance can be used to define a mass flow. In this model
there are 3 unknown mass flows (the mass flow in the ash pipe is defined separately).
Two mass flows are defined by adding equations to the system matrix (energy balance
and total mass balance). The mass flow missing must be specified or calculated
EEQCOD = 2 (default): The energy balance can be used to determine the temperature
of the outgoing product gas. In this case only the total mass balance is added to the
system matrix for calculating one of the unknown mass flows. The two missing mass
flows can be determined in 2 ways:
both mass flows can be specified or calculated elsewhere;
the air factor (LAMBDA) can be specified in combination with the specification or
calculation elsewhere of a mass flow.
Where an ash pipe is specified, composition and mass flow are defined by:
Automatic discharge of a number of solid or liquid components to the ash pipe. These
components are Al2 O3 (s), Al2 O3 (l), Fe2 O3 (s), SiO2 (s), SiO2 (l).
Specification of a mass or molar percentage per component with respect to the mass or
mole flow in the fuel pipe (see input of Reaction data in paragraph 4.2 of part “Cycle-
Tempo Operation”).
The composition in the incoming lines (fuel and oxidant) must always be specified, or
calculated in the apparatuses upstream. The composition in the product gas pipe is calculated
according to chemical equilibrium. It is however possible to keep parts of the reactants
outside the reaction (see input of Reaction data in paragraph 4.2 of part “Cycle-Tempo
pressure at the outlet is used. If the pressure difference (DPREAC) is specified the
equilibrium pressure becomes PREACT=POUT + DPREAC.
The medium type of all pipes connected should be GASMIX. The only exception is the fuel
pipe, which may also be of type FUEL.
Input parameters
ESTOFR = estimate of the oxidant-fuel ratio for the first iteration where
LAMBDA= UNKNOWN (kg/kg) (default = 15)
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
ESTPOU = estimate for the outlet pressure if PREACT and POUT are not
specified (bar) (default = 4)
As default (EEQCOD = 2), 1 mass equation is added to the system matrix. If either
EEQCOD = 1 is specified, or EEQCOD = 2 together with parameter LAMBDA, an extra
equation is added. If an ash pipe is connected, again an extra mass equation is added to the
system matrix.
Calculation rules
1. p out = p in DELP
2. p in = p out + DELP
3. p react = p out p react
4. Treact = Tout Treact
5. y out = f1 (y cec,y noncec)
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
Inlets Outlets
This apparatus type is used to specify a mass or volume flow in one of the pipes connected.
In case of a splitter, one of the outlet flows can be specified. In case of a mixer, one of the
inlet flows can be specified. Specification of one of the mass or volume flows can be done in
an absolute way, or relative to the flow in one of the other pipes in the system.
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
Input parameters
Specification of a flow and a pressure loss are possible. The flow specification is mandatory,
the pressure loss specification is optional.
Flow: Value of the flow. The units are displayed next to the
field, and depend on which flow type the user has
specified (see below)
Furthermore the user can choose whether the value of the flow is an absolute value, or
relative to one of the other pipes in the system. If the latter option is chosen, another input
data field becomes accessible in which the user should specify the number of that pipe.
Finally the user must choose the type of flow for which a value has been specified. At
default the mass flow is chosen, but actual volume flow (i.e., volume flow at the actual
pressure and temperature of the flow) and standard volume flow (i.e., volume flow at
1.01325 bar and 0°C) can be chosen alternatively.
The apparatus can also be used with 1 input and 1 output. This is useful if one wishes to
prescribe a mass or volume flow in a pipe or a cycle.
This apparatus type adds two mass equations to the system matrix.
Calculation rules
2. p in = p out (k) k = number of the pipe for which the pressure is known 1)
1) This means that the pressure in not more than 1 outlet pipe should be specified or
calculated downstream.
4. p out = min{p in (i)}
hin(i) * m , in(i)
i 1
6. hout if all h in (i) are known
m , out
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Reference Guide
The input data specified by the user are assigned to input parameters which are available for
usage or alteration in user subroutines (array DATA in APSUB, and array DATAP in
EPILOG; see part “User Subroutines “ of the manual for more details). Only in such cases
the following information is relevant.
If there is just 1 inlet pipe, then the RMASS, RVOL and RVOLN parameters refer to the
outlet pipe(s). If there are more than 1 inlet pipes, then the RMASS, RVOL and RVOLN
parameters refer to the inlet pipes.
RMASS1 = mass flow (absolute or relative) in the pipe with the lowest pipe
number ((kg/s) or (-)).
RMASS2 = mass flow (absolute or relative) in the pipe with the lowest but
one pipe number ((kg/s) or (-)).
RMASS3 = mass flow (absolute or relative) in the pipe with the lowest but
two pipe number ((kg/s) or (-)).
RMASS4 = mass flow (absolute or relative) in the pipe with the lowest but
three pipe number ((kg/s) or (-)).
RVOL1 = volume flow (absolute or relative) in the pipe with the lowest pipe
number ((m3 /s) or (-)).
RVOL2 = volume flow (absolute or relative) in the pipe with the lowest but
one pipe number ((m3 /s) or (-)).
RVOL3 = volume flow (absolute or relative) in the pipe with the lowest but
two pipe number ((m3 /s) or (-)).
RVOL4 = volume flow (absolute or relative) in the pipe with the lowest but
three pipe number ((m3 /s) or (-)).
Defined at 1.01325 bar and 0 °C
PIPE = Number of the pipe in relation to which the mass or volume flow
is specified.
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Reference Guide
Inlets and outlets main flow Inlets and outlets circulating flow
This apparatus type can be used to mix a liquid and a vapor stream, and to separate the
resulting 2-phase mixture in its vapor and liquid substreams. Normally this type is used to
model a drum in a steam system, but other applications are also possible; e.g., a flash vessel
with two inlet streams or even a tray in a distillation column (e.g., for medium type
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
Example: down pipe XINL = 0.02 (via extra conditions for this pipe)
vapor pipe XINL = 0.98 (via extra conditions for this pipe)
The vapor fraction of the incoming pipe (from the evaporator) can be specified with XINL or
XOUTL for the relevant pipe; instead of this a value may also be specified for the circulation
ratio CRATIO.
Input parameters
This apparatus type adds 1 mass equation and 1 energy equation to the system matrix.
Calculation rules
1. p out = p in
2. p in = p out
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
A reformer is used in fuel cell systems to convert methane and higher hydrocarbons in a gas
into a hydrogen rich gas using steam. The required heat is extracted from a secondary
medium, e.g. process gas or flue gas.
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
The energy balance can be used to calculate an unknown inlet or outlet enthalpy.
The reformer is used to calculate the chemical equilibrium composition at a given condition.
Furthermore, the heat needed for the chemical reaction is calculated. The composition of the
in-going flows can be chosen freely.
Input parameters
RPSM = initial estimation for the ratio between primary and secondary
mass flow (default = 1.0)
Stating RPSM is recommended, as it can be expected that the
mass flow ratio between primary and secondary medium will
differ considerably from 1. Thus fluctuations in the mass flows
during the first iteration steps can be prevented.
This apparatus type adds 2 mass equations to the system matrix. If EEQCOD = 1 the energy
equation is added also. If SFRATI is specified, an extra mass equation is added to the system
SFRATI specified:
EEQCOD = 1: 3 mass equations + 1 energy equation = 4 equations
EEQCOD = 2: 3 mass equations
Calculation rules
1. p out = p in - DELP
DELP = pressure loss at primary (DELP1) or secondary side (DELP2)
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Reference Guide
Primary medium
Off-design calculations
Fuel cell
Fuel cell
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
A number of options regarding the design of the modeled fuel cell can be specified :
fuel cell type: MCFC, SOFC, PAFC, SPFC or AFC
reforming: external reforming (all fuel cell types) or internal reforming (only
MCFC and SOFC), the latter to be distinguished in direct and
indirect internal reforming
flow type: co-flow or counter flow
The model can be used for modeling stacks of both tubular and flat plate cells .
The model is isothermal: the calculated chemical balances on the active cell area and
the current density are based on the average cell temperature.
A fuel cell stack consists of a number of (electrical) cells connected in series, with
identical performance.
In off-design calculations (only MCFC and SOFC), the distribution of the current
density is calculated on the basis of a constant cell resistance.
A. Design calculations
The user should indicate what type of fuel cell is modeled and whether the reforming is done
internally or externally. The default value for the flow type (co -flow, counter flow or cross
flow) is co-flow. Part “Technical Notes” of the manual deals with the modeling of the
different options.
Furthermore, for each type of calculation (design and off-design), all conditions at the inlet
(pressure, temperature and composition) of both the anode and the cathode sides should be
specified, or should be calculated in the preceding apparatuses.
In design calculations, cell voltage, current density and utilis ation are specified by the user.
On the basis of this data, the program calculates the corresponding cell resistance and cell
area. If the user has not specified the effective power of the fuel cell, this is calculated on the
basis of the fuel mass flow to the anode.
Fuel cell
In fuel cell models it is assumed that only H2 is directly converted in the electro-chemical
reaction. Other components in the fuel, such as CO, CH4 and higher hydrocarbons can be
converted through chemical reactions.
With high-temperature fuel cells (MCFC and SOFC) CO is converted into H2 in the shift
reaction. It is assumed that the shift reaction in the fuel cell will always result in an
equilibrium at cell pressure and temperature (PFCELL and TFCELL). For fuel cells with
direct internal reforming (SOFC-DIR and MCFC-DIR) it is also assumed that the CH4 -
reforming reaction is in equilibrium.
With stacks of high-temperature fuel cells, with the exception of those in the fuel cell itself,
reforming can also take place in the reformers that are built in the stacks: indirect internal
reforming. For modeling this type of fuel cells (SOFC-IIR and MCFC-IIR) it is assumed that
the fuel will reach an equilibrium in the integrated reformer given a specified temperature
(TREACT) before it can be transmitted to the anode (see part “Technical Notes” of the
Regarding low-temperature fuel cells (PAFC, SPFC and AFC) it is assumed by default that
only H2 present in the fuel is converted and that the shift reaction does not take place.
However, the user can specify by means of variable XSHIFT (0,1) how much CO is
converted in the shift reaction compared to conversion to equilibrium. The equilibrium
composition is calculated on the basis of temperature and pressure at the outlet of the anode.
The calculation options are summarized in Table 2-3.
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
With the SPFC water of the anode is transported through the membrane to the cathode as a
result of electro-osmotic effects. According to Kinishita et al.1 ) for every transported ion H+
3.5 to 4 molecules H2 O are transported from the anode to the cathode at a temperature of
100 C. A connection between this ratio and the temperature is not yet available. The ratio
can be specified with parameter TH2OOS (default=3.75).
Because this ratio is that large, the fuel has to contain a large amount of water. If there is not
enough water present in the fuel, a warning will be given and all water available will be sent
to the cathode. Then the program will go on with the calculation.
For low-temperature fuel cells (PAFC, SPFC and AFC) there is a possibility to model an
external cooling side. This can be done by connecting an additional inlet and outlet pipe to
the fuel cell.
Fuel cell
Mass balances
Fuel utilisation UFL has to be specified for every type of calculation. However, there are a
number of ways how to do this.
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
The maximu m current supplied by the fuel cell occurs when all combustible components in
the fuel (H2 , CO, CH4 , C2 H6 , etc.) are being converted through shift and reforming reactions
into H2 (and CO), which can be converted in the electrochemical reaction. The maximu m
amount of H2 (mole/mole fuel) that can result, is called mole H2 -equivalent. The fuel
utilisation is defined in Cycle-Tempo as the ratio between the number of mole H2 (and CO)
in the fuel cell and the number of mole H2 -equivalent in the fuel.
It is also possible to apply a more specific definition of the utilisation. For a fuel cell, in
which e.g. only the present H2 and CO can be converted (example: external reforming
molten carbonate fuel cells) it can be useful to define the utilisation as the fraction of H2 and
CO present in the fuel. The user can adjust the definition of the utilisation by means of the
input parameter ICCUFL. The possibilities are summarized in Table 2-4:
1 H 2 present in fuel
The utilisation that has been specified, is the utilisation per passage. If a part of the anode or
the cathode gas is recycled, the overall utilisation (related to the supplied fuel or oxidant in
the system) differs from the utilisation per passage (related to the anode inlet). In a number
of cases (see part “Technical Notes” of the manual) the overall utilisation can be specified.
The pipe compared to which this overall utilisation has been defined h as to be specified with
IPUFL and IPUOX respectively. In this case the fuel model calculates the utilisation per
passage (see “Text output”).
Fuel cell
the recycle flow between the separation after the fuel cell and the mixing point with the
recycled flow is not mixed with other process flows ;
the composition of the recycle flow is equal to the composition of the fuel ce ll outlet.
3) Anode and cathode outlet temperatures are assumed to be identical within the model.
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
In off-design calculations, the design of the apparatus is completely determined. The values
of parameters that determine the electrochemical processes (cell resistance and cell area) are
fixed (e.g. by executing a design calculation). In order to fix the point of operational
conditions, one of the following data should be fixed: cell voltage, current density, generated
power, or the fuel mass flow. The remaining data are determined by the program. Besides
this, the input does not differ from a design calculation.
Input parameters
Fuel cell
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
IPUOX = number of pipe in relation to which the oxidant utilisation is
specified (default = cathode inlet)
ESTUOX = estimation of oxidant utilisation (default = UNKNOWN)
ESTMFL = estimation of fuel mass flow (kg/s) (default = UNKNOWN)
1) T he fuel and/or oxidant utilisation can be specified in relation to an arbitrary pipe in the system.
T his option can be used for systems with recirculation of anode and/or cathode gas. The utilisation
per passage (inlet to outlet) is presented in the output of the calculation.
2) Estimations are used in the first iteration to calculate the compositions and the oxidant utilisation.
3) Estimations are used in the first iteration to calculate the compositions and the oxidant utilisation.
Fuel cell
The following input parameters are only possible for low-temperature fuel cell types (PAFC,
SPFC and AFC):
XSHIFT = ratio between the actual extent into which CO is converted via
CO-shift reaction and the extent into which CO is converted
according to chemical equilibrium (-). XSHIFT must have a value
between 0 and 1 (default = 0)
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
Fuel cell
This apparatus type at least adds 2 mass equations to the system matrix. If EEQCOD = 1 the
energy equations is also added. In the following cases an extra mass equation is added:
usage of low-temperature fuel cell types with cooling media
specification of UOX
specification of POWER
EEQCOD = 1: 2 mass equations + 1 energy equation = 3 equations
EEQCOD = 2: 2 mass equations
UOX specified:
EEQCOD = 1: 3 mass equations + 1 energy equation = 4 equations
EEQCOD = 2: 3 mass equations
POWER specified:
EEQCOD = 1: 3 mass equations + 1 energy equation = 4 equations
EEQCOD = 2: 3 mass equations
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Reference Guide
Low-temperature fuel cell types with cooling medium + UOX specified + POWER specified:
EEQCOD = 1: 5 mass equations + 1 energy equation = 6 equations
EEQCOD = 2: 5 mass equations
Moisture separator
Moisture separator
In a moisture separator a gas flow is cooled, whereby condensation occurs. The condensed
moisture is separated via a separate pipe. Counter current between the heat exchanging
media is assumed.
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Reference Guide
Calculation options
2. The mass flow of moisture to be separated is calculated from the outlet pressure and
temperature of the gas. The pressure may be specified or calculated. The temperature
may be specified, calculated from data elsewhere in the sys tem, or calculated from
the energy balance.
In this case the gas outlet temperature must be given, or an estimate for it, where the
temperature is calculated elsewhere in the system or from the energy balance.
No estimate may be specified for the ratio condensate/inlet mass flow gas.
Moisture separator
Input parameters
ESTPGS = estimate of the gas outlet pressure in the 0th iteration if POUT2 is
not specified (bar) (default = UNKNOWN)
N.B. either POUT2 or ESTPGS must be specified; otherwise an
error message is given.
CGRATI = estimate of the ratio condensate/inlet mass flow gas in the 0th
iteration where the outlet temperature of the gas must be
calculated from this (-) (default = UNKNOWN)
RPSM = estimate of the ratio mass flow cooling medium/inlet mass flow
gas for the 0th iteration, where EEQCOD = 2 (default = 1.0)
All input parameters apart from DELE can be modified in a user subroutine.
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Reference Guide
As standard the total mass balance and the primary mass equation (over the cooling pipes)
are added to the matrix. Where the quantity of moisture to be separated has to be calculated
from the gas outlet conditions, an extra mass equation is added, which determines how much
moisture (kg/s) is separated.
Where the parameter EEQCOD is given the value 1, then the energy balance is also added to
the system matrix.
Moisture separator
The composition of the ingoing mass flow can be chosen freely, but the medium type must
be GASMIX. The medium type of the primary (cooling) flows can be chosen freely.
Calculation rules
Primary medium
Secondary medium
6. p cond = p out,gas
9. Tcond = Tout,gas
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Reference Guide
11. If the gas outlet temperature must be calculated from the quantity of moisture to be
separated, then the following applies :
In words: the gas outlet temperature is equal to the saturation temperature of water at a
pressure which is equal to the partial pressure of the residual water vapor in the gas.
Temperature differences
Off-design calculations
Primary inlets Fuel inlets Steam inlets (optional) Oxidant inlets (optional)
The gasifier is used for the calculation of the chemical equilibrium composition of the
outgoing gas in case of specified or calculated conditions, as model for a reactor in which,
for example, coal reacts with steam and an oxidant or with one of both. Furth ermore, the
heat is calculated that is needed for or that is released in the chemical reaction. The
compositions of the incoming flows of coal, steam and oxidant are free to be chosen.
Components that do not take part in the chemical reaction, can be specified (see Reaction
data in paragraph 4.2 of part “Cycle-Tempo Operation” of the manual).
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Reference Guide
The options for calculation are characterized by the way in which the chemical equilibriums,
the reaction temperature (TREACT) and the ratio oxidant/fuel (OFRATI) are being
determined, and the way in which the energy balance is being used .
1. The conditions and the mass flow ratios at the inlets are known, the heat absorbed by the
cooling system is known and TREACT is specified.
a. the outlet temperature of the gas is calculated (EEQCOD = 2).
b. the mass flow of the cooling medium is calculated (EEQCOD = 1).
2. The conditions and the mass flow ratios at the inlets are known, TREACT is unknown.
The gas and ash outlet temperature result from the chemical equ ilibrium reactions as is
the case for TREACT; however, they can be influenced, see calculation rules 7 and 8.
a. the outlet temperature of the cooling medium is calculated (EEQCOD = 2).
b. the mass flow of the cooling medium is calculated (EEQCOD = 1).
The conditions at the inlets and outlets are known, the heat absorbed by the cooling
medium is known and TREACT is specified as well as the mass flow ratio steam/fuel
The mass flow ratio oxidant/fuel (OFRATI) can then be calculated out of the energy
balance (EEQCOD = 2).
In all cases the reaction pressure (PREACT) can be specified. If PREACT is not specified,
calculation rule 5b will be applied. In all cases the pressure and/or the temperature of the ash
can be specified. If they are not specified, calculation rules 6 and 7 will be applied,
Input parameters
ESTPOU = estimation for the outlet pressure if PREACT and POUT2 are not
specified (bar) (default = UNKNOWN)
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Reference Guide
All input parameters, except for DELE, can be adjusted in a user subroutine.
It is standard to add the mass balance and the secondary mass equation (on the incoming and
outgoing cooling pipes) to the system matrix. If a steam, oxidant or ash pipe is connected,
then an additional mass equation is added to the matrix for each of them separately. The total
number of mass equations can therefore vary from 2 to 5, dependent on the number of
connected pipes.
If the energy equation code (EEQCOD) receives value 1, the energy balance is also added to
the system matrix.
SFRATI specified:
EEQCOD = 1: 3 mass equations + 1 energy equation = 4 equations
EEQCOD = 2: 3 mass equations
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Reference Guide
The medium in the cooling pipes is free to be chosen. The medium in the steam and oxidant
pipes has to be GASMIX, the medium in the fuel pipe can be GASMIX as well as FUEL.
Calculations rules
Off-design calculations
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
In a scrubber gas is saturated with water. It functions as a parallel flow saturator, which
means that the same pressures and temperatures dominate in the gas and water outlet pipes.
In a scrubber no gas components can be separated, this has to be done in a pre or post-
connected separator type 26.
Also see part “Technical Notes” of the manual.
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Reference Guide
Calculation options
The temperatures in both outlet pipes have to be calculated. Among other things the energy
balance is used for this. It is possible to have all supplied water evaporated or to use the
scrubber as an injection cooler. However, it is obligatory to connect a water outlet pipe. In
the situation in which the ratio between mass flows in the gas and water outlet is becoming
very large (among other things if not all the water evaporates) convergence problems can
Input parameters
PING, PINW, DELPG, DELPW, TING and TINW are standard; the parameters with a ’G’
at the end apply for the gas side and those with a ’W’ at the end for the water side.
ESTMLF = estimation of the molar fraction water in the gas outlet for the first
iteration (default = UNKNOWN)
It is standard to add the general mass balance and an additional mass equation to the matrix.
The latter determines how much water the gas absorbs.
The medium in the connected pipes has to be GASMIX, which therefore also applies to
pipes with water.
Calculation rules
psat ( ESTTEM )
molar fraction H 2Ogas,out RELHUM
2. Tout Tsat ESTPGS
No more and no less than two of the three possible starting estimations have to be known.
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Reference Guide
3. p out,water = p out,gas
Off-design calculations
General separator
General separator
Number of inlets = 1
Number of main outlets = 1
Number of separation outlets = 1
By means of this apparatus definable components in also definable amounts can be separated
from a medium. The apparatus supplies the system matrix with two mass equations. The
energy equation can be used as follows: if the loss of energy to the environment has been
defined in a production function, a mass flow is calculated out of the energy balance. If this
is not the case and also DELE is not specified, the energy exchange with th e environment is
calculated. If DELE is specified, one or two temperatures are calculated out of the energy
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
Input parameters
Outlet conditions with a 5 apply to the main outlet, those with a 6 apply to the separation
outlet. Differences in conditions with a 5 apply between the inlet and the main outlet, those
with a 6 between the inlet and the separation outlet
This apparatus type adds two mass equation to the system matrix.
The separation outlet always contains GASMIX. All other pipes must have the same
medium type: GASMIX or FUEL.
General separator
The components to be separated will have to be specified via input for Reaction data (see
paragraph 4.2 of part “Cycle-Tempo Operation”).
It is possible to specify the complete composition of the main outlet. It is automatically
calculated what will be separated then, in which at least one component is completely passed
to the main outlet. However, specifications at “Separate components” have priority in the
For example, specification of a mole percentage of 80% for CO 2 at “Separate components”
has as result, that 2.4 mole/s of CO2 goes out through the separation outlet if 3 moles/s of
CO2 comes in through the inlet. Specification of a mole percentage of 20% for CO2 at
“Bypass components” has as result, that the concentration of CO 2 in the main outlet pipe will
be 0.2 mole/mole if that is possible. When the supply of CO 2 is not sufficient, all CO2 is
discharged through the main outlet. The sum of the concentrations specified at “Separate
components” and “Bypass components” is not allowed to be larger than 100%.
Calculation rules
1. p out,5 = p in DELP5
2. p out,6 = p in DELP6
3. Tout,5 = Tin + DELT5
4. Tout,6 = Tin + DELT6
Above relations are also used for the calculation of the mentioned inlet conditions. When
inconsistencies occur between relations 1 and 2 or between 3 and 4, relat ions 1 and 3 have
priority. If the situation occurs that of all temperatures only the inlet temperature is known,
comes into action if TEMDIF is specified. Both temperatures can then be calculated out of
the energy balance if DELE is specified.
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Reference Guide
Off-design calculations
Chemical reactor
Chemical reactor
Inlets Outlets
In the chemical reactor a new equilibrium can be calculated for a chemical reaction on the
basis of an equilibrium temperature. For this purpose equilibrium constants are used. Also
various reactions can be brought to equilibrium simultaneously, at various equilibrium
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
Input parameters
ESTPGS = estimation of the pressure at the inlet for the first iteration; not to
be specified if PREACT is specified (default = UNKNOWN)
ESTMAS = estimation of the mass flow for the first iteration; if ESTMAS is
specified DELE will not be zero during the first iteration (default
RMASS = array with estimations of the ratios between mass flows in the
inlet pipes, the sum of RMASS has to be 1.0 (default =
Chemical reactor
Only the total mass balance is added to the system matrix. The energy equation is used to
calculate an unknown temperature, which will often be the outlet temperature.
Calculation rules
1. p out = min{p in (i)} DELP (n = number of inlet pipes)
3. Out of the energy balance an unknown temperature is calculated . The outlet as well
as an inlet temperature can be calculated.
N.B.: If all temperatures are already known, the outlet temperature is calculated and
this value overwrites the value that was already present.
Off-design calculations
User-defined reactions can be programmed in user subroutine USREAC. This routine will be
called if TRUSER is specified. For more information about USREAC see part “User
Subroutines” of the manual.
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Reference Guide
Number of w ater-inlets = 1
Number of w ater-outlets = 1
Number of gas-inlets = 1
Number of gas-outlets = 1
Water-inlets Gas-inlets
Water-outlet Gas-outlet
The saturator is meant to moisturize a gas with water vapor. This apparatus adds two mass
equations to the system matrix. The energy balance can be used to calculate a temperatu re or
a mass flow or the energy exchange with the environment. If a temperature has to be
calculated out of the energy balance DELE and ESTTEM have to be specified. Cycle -Tempo
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
will then find out which temperature is the unknown temperature. If a mass flow has to be
calculated out of the energy balance the energy exchange with the environment has to be
specified in a production function. If the energy exchange with the environment is not
specified for the apparatus or via a production function, it will be calculated from the energy
Input parameters
Standard input:
RELHUM = relative humidity of the gas at the outlet: 0.0 is dry, 1.0 is
saturated (default = 0.99)
ESTMLF = estimation of the molar fraction water in the outlet gas pipe for the
first iteration (default = UNKNOWN)
If ESTMLF is not specified, it is looked at whether or not POUTG
or TOUTG are specified in order to calculate with them the molar
fraction for the first iteration. If they are not specified as well, the
structure of the gas in the outlet gas pipe is considered to be equal
to that of the gas in the inlet gas pipe in the first iteration.
ESTMLF has absolute priority in the first iteration, even over
1) T he molar fraction water vapor in the gas outlet pipe can be calculated in three ways:
- specified with MLFH2O
- calculated out of DELMW
- calculated out of pressure and temperature in gas outlet pipe
If MLFH2O or DELMW are specified POUTG and T OUTG cannot be specified both. If this does
happen, T OUTG will be ignored and at best be used as an estimation during the first iteration, if
EST MLF is not specified.
2) If MLFH2O or DELMW are specified, the pressure or the temperature in the gas outlet pipe is
calculated. Default the temperature is calculated. However, if TOUTG is specified, t he pressure is
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
If a temperature has to be calculated out of the energy balance it is possible to average the
calculated temperature with the calculated temperature from that pipe in the previous
iteration in order to prevent large fluctuations. The new estimation of the temperature to be
calculated is then determined as:
T calc old
new 1 WFOTEB
This is especially important if the temperature to be calculated out of the energy balance is
the one of the outlet gas pipe. This because the structure of the gas is dependent on that
temperature. However, such a situation is not recommended. WFOTEB is therefore the
weight factor of the temperature of the previous iteration in the averaging.
If the default value of WFOTEB is held, the new estimation is equal to the calculated
temperature and the averaging is cancelled.
Calculation rules
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Reference Guide
Inlet Shafts
For a design calculation there is no difference between the compressor types, except that for
the Sulzer compressors the isentropic efficiency can be calculated as a function of the
volume flow.
For an off-design calculation only relations for the Sulzer compressors are available. For
more information, see part “Technical Notes” of the manual.
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Input parameters
ETHAM 3 ) = mechanical efficiency of drive train (-) (default = see Figure 2-6)
1) DELP is defined as pressure drop. Therefore, DELP is normally negative regarded to compressors.
2) For compressors of the type SULZR the isentropic efficiency can be calculated as function of the
volume flow and pressure ratio.
3) ET HAM is used for the calculation of the system efficiency and for the conversion of axis and
compressor power vice versa.
4) ET HAE is used for the calculation of the system efficiency and for exergy calculations.
If one of the efficiencies, ETHAM or ETHAE is not specified, the efficiency that is no t
specified is considered to be equal to 1. If none of the outputs are specified the total
efficiency is calculated by means of interpolation out of Figure 2-8.
For turbine driven compressors ETHAE is not used.
Figure 2-8: the efficiency of electromotors including the mechanical efficiency of the motor
and compressor as a function of the power on the shaft of the compressor
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Reference Guide
Calculation rules
1. p out = p in - DELP
2. p out = p in x PRATI
3. p in = p out + DELP
4. Tin = Tout - DELT
5. Tout = Tin DELT
6. h in = f (h out , ETHAI)
7. h out = f (h in , ETHAI)
If the design data for volume flow, pressure ratio and isentropic efficiency are specified in
the input fields for design data for off-design calculations, the isentropic efficiency with an
off-design calculation can be determined for compressors of the type SULZR-A and
For the compressor types SULZR-A and SULZR-AV the following parameters may be
For compressor type SULZR-AV it is required to specify either PRATID or PCTRPM, not
Gas turbine
The gas turbine has been developed for quick-scans. A large number of standard gas turbines
can be compared, especially with respect to the performance of bottoming cycles. The gas
turbine can be used with as well as without a bottoming cycle. Without a bottoming cycle,
there is no need to connect the outlet to a stack or a sink. Furthermore, air and fuel sources
cannot be connected; those are part of the gas turbine model itself, input data for air and fuel
has been fixed by the selected model in the input window. The air and fuel pipe in the figure
above have an illustrative purpose and are used for displaying calculation results in the
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Reference Guide
Input window
At the right side of the input window there is a list of available gas turbines with their
relevant performance data (see figure 2- 10 below). You can use the vertical scroll bar to
browse through the library. With the horizontal scroll bar other data, like inlet temperature,
peak rate and speed, can be made visible.
You can select a gas turbine model by clicking on the corresponding row in the library. Da ta
of the selected model are displayed in metric units at the left side of the window.
You can sort the library by clicking on one of the sort buttons above the columns. Default
the library is sorted alphabetically by "Manufacturer + model". By clicking on a sort button
once again, the list will be sorted in reversed order. This is visualized by the arrow at the top
of the window.
Fuel: temperature 15 °C
pressure: 1,2 x pressure ratio [bar]
composition: depending on selected model:
Cycle-Tempo Manual
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This apparatus type is composed of different other basic apparatus types. Net it adds one
mass equation to the system matrix if a bottoming cycle has been connected (the flue gas
mass flow will be calculated by the gas turbine model). Without bottomin g cycle, there is no
need to worry about the number of equations, because the gas turbine itself is a complete
Off-design calculations
Because the input of the gas turbine is fixed by the selected model and therefore there aren't
any input parameters that can be changed, off-design calculations cannot be applied for this
apparatus type.
Calculation rules
The next properties are available at the outlet of the gas turbine:
Exhaust temperature and enthalpy
Mass flow
Flue gas composition
The outlet pressure will be set by the bottoming cycle, if applied. In case of pressure losses
in the bottoming cycle, correction of the net electrical power and the exhaust temperature
will not be applied.
As with other apparatus models, calculation results and input data can be displayed in the
diagram by double-clicking on the apparatus. In addition, the next calculation results can be
air properties
fuel properties
exhaust properties
Figure 2-11 shows where the user should click to display the additional properties listed
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
This apparatus type is meant to model a generator for the conversion of mechanical power
into electric power. The generator must be connected to at least one turbine, or to a drive
train containing at least one turbine.
Input parameters
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
Gas turbine
This apparatus type only has an illustrative purpose to indicate that a pump or compressor is
driven by an electromotor.
Input parameters
This apparatus type doesn’t have input parameters. The combined mechanical and electric
efficiency of the motor can be specified for the pump or the compressor via parameter
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Chapter 3
3.1 Pipes
Extra conditions
Input parameters
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
1) It is possible to create a barrier for the pressure calculation by specifying -8888.8 < DELPR < -999.
T hen it is not assumed that the outlet pressure can be calculated from the inlet pressure and vice versa.
2) See also the calculation rules mentioned below.
3) Not available for turbine outlet pipes with condensing section (TUCODE=5....,8.... or 9....), as the exhaust
losses are stored here.
4) XINL and XOUT L is not possible for non-condensing medium types.
5) Specification of MASFLO is not permitted for pipes which are directly connected to a boiler.
6) Parameter RMASS may not be used for the VAR parameter! Parameter DELM of type 10 can only be used
for VAR if DELM is specified in combination with parameter PIPE.
Calculation rules
DELP(R) is determined by the pressures at the inlet (p in ) and the outlet (p out ) of the pipe. If a
pressure at the inlet or the outlet of the pipe is not known, it is calculated by DELP(R). The
default value of DELP(R) is 0.
2. p out = p in - DELP, or
Pout = p in x (1 - DELPR)
3. p in = p out + DELP, or
p in = p out /(1 - DELPR)
9. h out = h in - DELH
Off-design calculations
Pressure differences in pipes at off-design conditions can be calculated using design data.
The design data are produced by a design calculation and are stored in the file with des ign
data for off-design calculations. At design, DELGH or DELPF must be specified. At off-design,
specification of DELGH should remain, and specification of DELPF will be ignored (see
calculation rules 2 and 3, respectively).
If DELP(R) is specified as an extra condition, this will be ignored and an error message is
produced. The pressure difference in the pipe will not be adjusted according to the off-design
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
All above-mentioned parameters must be specified. Otherwise the data specified will be
ignored and an error message will be produced (see calculation rule 4).
3.2 Shafts
Shafts are used to indicate that pumps, compressors and/or generators are driven by one or
more turbines, or that pumps or compressors are driven by electromotors. A shaft must
contain at least one power supplying device (turbine, electromotor).
Input parameters
The efficiency of the transmission must be specified by specifying ETHAM for the
turbines, pumps and compressors.
Where the turbine does not only drive a pump or compressor but also a generator, the
power of the generator must be s pecified (MW).
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Reference Guide
Medium data
Chapter 4
Medium data
The medium type indicates the medium library which will be used to calculate the
thermodynamic properties.
Medium data are specified for pipes. This does not have to be done for each pipe as the
program has a procedure which determines the medium type in the other pipes. For each
cycle the medium type in at least one pipe should be specified.
For closed systems the medium type needs to be specified for just one (arbitrary) pipe. All
other pipes automatically will have the same medium type.
For open systems the medium type should be specified for all incoming pipes (the pipes
connected to all apparatuses of type 10 with only one connected pipe which is outgoing).
The medium types of all other pipes will be determined by Cycle-Tempo.
With a sink/source, type 10, a switch to another medium type can be made. It is not a switch in
composition, but a switch to another medium library. An example is shown in Figure 4-1,
where for a water flow a switch is made from medium type WATERSTM to medium type
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
(mandatory for scrubber)
Medium type
WATERSTM : water/steam
POTASIUM : potassium
GASMIX : ideal gas mixtures
FUEL : solid and liquid fuels
NH3-H2O : ammonia/water mixtures
Refrigerants : Single refrigerants and refrigerant mixtures
Liquids : Liquid secondary refrigerants
Available at extra costs.
Medium data
For pressures between 0.00611657 and 100 bars the temperature may vary
between 0.01 and 2000 °C
At default the IF97 relations are used. For WATERSTM no additional data need to be
Data for liquid and vapor potassium are extracted from the Sodium Nak Engineering
Handbook. The validity range runs from 0 to 900 C and for several properties to 1300 C.
Wagner, W. and A. Kruse, The Industrial Standard IAPWS-IF97 for the Thermodynamic Properties and
Supplementary Equations for Other Properties, Springer-Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1998.
Available at extra costs.
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
1. Standard Air
Gordon, S. and B.J. McBride, Com puter Program for Calculation of Complex Chemical Equilibrium
Compositions, Lewis Research Center, NASA SP -273, 1971.
Medium data
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
If the sum of the mole percentages is greater than 100% a warning is produced. It is
however allowed to proceed; Cycle-Tempo will automatically scale down the mole
The parameter “Is estimation” indicates that the specified composition must be regarded
as an initial estimate. It may sometimes be necessary to work with an estimate for the
composition, for example, when a recycle flow is included in a cycle. The composition
specified is then only used in the first main iteration. In further iterations the
composition calculated from the previous iteration is used. If “Is estimation” is not
activated (which is the default value), then the composition is regarded as fixed.
Fuel (mostly coal or oil), according to an atomic composition and with a lower heating
value, both to be specified by the user. Determination of the heat of formation of the fuel is
based on the lower heating value. Only in combustors (apparatus type 13), gasifiers
(apparatus type 23) and reactors (apparatus type 27) FUEL can be mixed with GASMIX on
behalf of chemical reactions.
Medium data
1. Standard Coal
It is usual to give the atomic composition of coal in mass fractions. To limit the number
of components in a calculation, a choice is made in the output of the program to give an
indication in compounds (H2 , O2 , etc.), instead of in elements (H, O, etc.). This makes
no difference for the mass fractions, but does for the molar fractions. The enthalpy of
the coal is however not calculated from the constituent components, but using the net
heating value specified, so that the result does not affect the calculated enthalpy.
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Reference Guide
4.7 Refrigerants 1
This database (REFrigerant PROPerties) concerns Version 4.0 of the Standard Reference
Database 23 of NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) from the U.S.A. The
database contains 38 different refrigerants (see the table on the next page).
For all refrigerants, except for ammonia, a simple as well as a more complex thermodynamic
model is available.
There are two different thermodynamic models available, which are more complex and can
predict the properties of refrigerants more accurately over wide ranges of pressure and
temperature. The MBWR-model (Modified Bennedict-Webb-Rubin) for the calculation of
thermodynamic properties is available for 11 refrigerants. These refrigerants are marked
with an asterisk *) in the table shown below. For the remaining refrigerants the ECS-model
(Extended Corresponding States) is available.
The properties of ammonia can be calculated with the high-accuracy equation of state
developed by Haar en Gallagher (see: J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 7, 635-792 (1978)).
The transport properties of refrigerants are always calculated with the ECS-model.
Available at extra costs.
Medium data
Critical point
Nr. Type pc (bar) Tc (°C) vc (m /kg)
1 R11 44.7 198.1 179.81E-05
2 R12 41.8 111.8 179.47E-05
3 R13 38.7 28.9 173.27E-05
4 R13B1 40.2 67.1 134.31E-05
5 R14 38.0 -45.6 160.23E-05
6 R21 51.7 178.5 191.59E-05
7 R22 50.5 96.2 195.44E-05
8 R23 49.0 26.0 189.97E-05
9*) R32 57.9 78.2 231.43E-05
10 R113 34.6 214.4 175.58E-05
11 R114 32.5 145.7 179.62E-05
12 R115 31.5 79.9 163.14E-05
13*) R123 36.7 183.8 181.78E-05
14 R123a 37.4 188.0 183.87E-05
15 R124 36.4 122.5 178.65E-05
16*) R125 36.3 66.2 174.84E-05
17 R134 45.6 119.0 185.24E-05
18*) R134a 40.7 101.2 195.04E-05
19 R141b 41.2 204.2 185.57E-05
20 R142b 41.2 137.2 229.87E-05
21 R143 45.2 156.8 226.08E-05
22 R143a 38.1 73.1 230.37E-05
23 R152a 44.9 113.6 274.03E-05
24 R218 26.8 72.0 159.23E-05
25 R290 (propane) 42.5 96.7 498.90E-05
26 RC270 (cyclopropane) 55.8 125.2 461.03E-05
27 RC318 27.8 115.2 162.36E-05
28 R227ea 29.5 101.9 168.78E-05
29 R236ea 35.3 139.3 175.14E-05
30 R245cb 31.4 106.9 203.79E-05
31 R600 (n-butane) 38.0 152.0 438.72E-05
32*) R600a (i-butane) 36.3 134.7 440.44E-05
33 n-C5 (n-pentane) 33.6 196.4 408.32E-05
34*) i-C5 (i-pentane) 33.7 187.4 424.12E-05
35*) CO2 (R744) 73.8 30.9 217.45E-05
36 E134 42.3 147.1 189.78E-05
37 E245 34.2 170.9 199.94E-05
38 NH3 (R717) 113.3 132.3 425.72E-05
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Reference Guide
Medium data
Besides the pure refrigerants listed in Table 4-1 a large number of commercially available
refrigerant mixtures is available. Table 4-2 lists the mixtures presently available in Cycle-
Tempo and their corresponding compositions. The thermodynamic properties are calculated
with the CSD-model, and the transport properties with the ECS-model.
With regard to the validity range of the models the following can be said:
0.6 * Tc < T < Tc (T in K) for pressures up to the saturation pressure, thus not for
compressed liquid.
T > Tc (T in K) for densities ( ) below the critical value (the critical density c is the
reciprocal value of the critical volume v c, as mentioned in the third column of the table).
It is wise to avoid situations with 0.95 * Tc < T < 1.1 * Tc (T in K) for 0.5 * c < <2* c.
0.35 * Tc < T < 1.2 * Tc (T in K) for pressures up to 2.2 * p c. Situations near the critical point
should best be avoided.
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Reference Guide
Input parameters
For medium type REFPROP the following input parameters can be specified:
Medium data
4.7.2 DUPONT
Downing, R.C., Refrigerant equations, No. 2313, The Du Pont Company, undated.
Downing, R.C. and B.W. Knight, Computer Program for Calculating Properties of the “Freon”
Refrigerants, The Du Pont Company, 1971.
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
Validity range:
pressure 0.1 – 50 bar
temperature -40 – 230 °C
For the pipes for which medium type NH3-H2O is specified, the ammonia mass fraction
must be specified also.
The parameter “Is estimation” indicates that the specified composition must be regarded as
an initial estimate. It may sometimes be necessary to work with an estimate for the
composition, for example, when a recycle flow is included in a cycle. The composition
specified is then only used in the first main iteration. In further iterations the composition
calculated from the previous iteration is used. If “Is estimation” is not activated (which is the
default value), then the composition is regarded as fixed.
This medium type is meant for liquids, for which only simple relations (polynomials in the
temperature) for the density and specific heat are available.
A number of liquids have been implemented in the program. At the moment 13 secondary
refrigerants have been implemented: glycols and salt solutions. These are listed in the table
below, together with their application range. The concentrations mentioned in the table apply
to the first-mentioned component, i.e. not to the water.
Available at extra costs.
Ziegler, B. and Ch. T repp, Equations of State for Ammonia-Water Mixtures, Revue Internationale du
Froid, Vol. 7, Nr. 2, 1984.
Medium data
The data for the refrigerants all come from an IIR publication 1 , except for Pekasol 50 and
Freezium, of which the data are supplied by the manufacturers (pro KÜHLSOLE GmbH
from Germany, and Kemira from Finland, respectively). The method which is use d to
transform these data into thermodynamic functions to calculate state properties (enthalpy and
entropy values), has been described elsewhere 2 .
The user has to make sure that all occurring conditions of the liquids apply to the liquid
state, as the thermodynamic relations are only meant for the liquid state within the
application range as mentioned in the table. Other states than the liquid state will not be
Melinder, A., Thermodynamic Properties of Liquid Secondary Refrigerants, IIF/IIR, Paris, 1997.
Verschoor, M.J.E. and R.J.M. van Gerwen, Modeling Refrigeration and Heat Pump Systems with
Software for Power Cycles, Proc. Sydney Conf., IIF/IIR, 1999.
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
recognized. If for a given concentration the temperature appears to be below the freezing
point, an error message will indicate that.
System data
Chapter 5
System data
5.1 Production functions
A production function is a user defined energy equation, of which the right -hand side
represents the amount of energy which is exchanged with the environment. For a turbine,
this will be the generated power; for a heat exchanger the energy loss as a result of imperfect
isolation. This namelist is specified for apparatuses for which the energy equation is used for
the mass flow calculation.
It is not permitted to specify a production function for apparatuses for which automatically
an energy equation is added to the system matrix. These apparatuses can be found in Table
2-1, where in the column “system equations” the letter E is specified.
The amount of energy exchange with the environment can be specified for an apparatus or
group of apparatuses (e.g. HP turbine, MP turbine and LP turbine which drive a generator).
An energy flow from the system to the environment must have a positive sign; an energy
flow from the environment to the system must have a negative sign.
Input parameters
A user defined energy equation must be prescribed for each apparatus type = 12, alone or in
combination with other apparatus types.
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
An energy equation to be defined by the user (a production function), should not be specified
for apparatuses for which the energy equation is already added automatically to the system
matrix (types 5, 7, 11, 15 always, types 4, 13 and above 15 if EEQCOD = 1), nor for
apparatuses for which the energy equation is used to calculate an enthalpy (= temperature)
(types 6, 9, 14 always and types 1, 2, 4, 10, 13 and above 15 if DELE is specified or if
EEQCOD = 2). Summarized: do not specify a production function for apparatus type
5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 14, 15;
4, 13, >15 if EEQCOD = 1;
1, 2, 4, 10, 13, >15 if DELE is specified or if EEQCOD = 2.
However, it is allowed to include these apparatuses in production functions for apparatuses
not mentioned.
Sources and sinks with only one connected pipe should not be included in a production
function. The program will issue an error warning.
Definition of environment
The definition of the environment (pressure, temperature and chemical composition) is used
to calculate exergy values. The pressure and temperature of the environment are used to
calculate heating values.
The following input parameters are needed for exergy calculations. The pressure and
temperature are enough for calculating the heating values.
An exergy calculation can be de-activated temporarily by activating the option “No exergy
calculation”. In that case the definition of the environment is still there.
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
Exergy calculation
It is possible to calculate the exergy by determination of the amount of work t hat is needed
or generated when a fluid comes into equilibrium with the environment. This calculation can
be carried out for the following types of media:
For other media only the thermo-mechanical exergy will be calculated.
Definition of environment
In order to perform exergy calculations the environment must be defined. Such a definition
is complete if pressure, temperature and chemical composition are known. The environment
must be in equilibrium with itself. This means that liquid water must be in equilibriu m with
water vapor: the gaseous environment is saturated with water vapor. Furthermore should
each component of the defined environment fix just one element.
If a definition of the environment is specified, the exergy calculation is carried out. The
calculated exergy of all process streams (kJ/kg) are presented in the table “Data for all
pipes”. The exergy flows (kW) in the pipes, split-up into chemical and thermo-mechanical
exergy, are given in a separate table.
Exergy losses and exergy efficiencies of all apparatuses in the system are calculated and
presented in a separate table.
The ambient pressure and temperature specified can be used to calculate the heating value at
other pressure and temperature than the standard of 25 C and 1 atm. The user can indicate
this by choosing “Environment conditions” under “Calculation heating values”. By choosing
“No exergy calculation” the definition of the environment is only used to calculate heating
For all pipes with medium type GASMIX the lower heating value (LHV) and higher heating
value (HHV) are determined. These values (kJ/mole) are given in the table with the gas
compositions. In a separate table these values are given in MJ/kg. In case the gas contains
water vapor, the heating values are also given per kg dry gas.
For pipes with medium type FUEL the LHV must be given by means of “Lower heating
value”. The HHV will be calculated. Both values are given in the table.
The LHV is used to calculate the energy content of incoming fuel flows (at sources,
apparatus type 10) on behalf of the calculation of the system efficiency. If at this source
LHV is given also, Cycle-Tempo will use this value in stead of the calculated value.
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Reference Guide
Power consumers not modeled can be specified with their electricity consumption, on behalf
of the calculation of system efficiencies.
Input parameters
System name = Name of the system or the apparatus which consumes electric
power. This name may not be longer than 16 characters.
Power = The electric power which the system or apparatus consumes (kW)
(default = 0).
Calculation settings
Chapter 6
Calculation settings
General parameters:
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
Control of output extent
The following parameters are available to control the extent of “Text output”:
General output control parameter
Output control parameter for testing purposes
With this code additional output can be obtained, which may be important in the analysis of
the calculation process for new cases which are not yet running properly. In addition to the
normal output described above intermediate results are also given. For this co de the
following options may be selected:
1. No additional output (default).
2. After each main iteration for all the apparatus the state of the calculation is indicated in
the form of a code (see paragraph 7.3) and the calculated values are given for the flows
in the pipes.
3. The same data as for 2 after each time all the apparatus subroutines have been called
once. Apparatus subroutines are in fact called several times per main iteration.
4. The same data as for 2 after each time an apparatus subroutine has been called.
N.B. Values 3 and 4 should, where at all possible, not be used as this will result in a great
deal of output. In that case it can be recommended to limit the number of main iterations to 1
or 2.
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
Cycle-Tempo offers the possibility to optimize input parameters specified by the user for one
or more apparatuses in the system.
To activate the optimization procedure, the apparatus number(s), the name(s) of the input
parameter(s) to be optimized, and the starting value(s) for the input parameter(s) should be
specified. At default the system efficiency will be optimized, but the user can define another
function to be optimized.
Input parameters
Use user defined = indicates that the objective function of which the
optimization function optimum has to be found, is defined by the user in
subroutine FUNCOP. See part “User Subroutines” of the
Text output
Chapter 7
Text output
7.1 Introduction
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
The influence of the general output control parameter on the above components is:
1. Maximum output : a-g
2. Idem, without matrices being printed : a-c, e, g
3. Reduced output : a, c, e, g
4. Short output : idem
To calculate the gas compositions and media types in the pipes the procedure described in
part “Technical notes” is carried out. If all the medium types and gas compositions have
been calculated, all the calculated gas compositions are printed out if the output control
parameter for testing purposes (see paragraph 6.2) has the right value.
In addition the number of lines which do not meet the break-off criterion for the composition
of the main iteration is printed out. Also the maximu m absolute chang e in the concentration
with regard to the previous main iteration is printed out indicating the relevant pipe number.
For calling an apparatus subroutine the apparatus number is printed out together with a code
which indicates the state of the calculation for that specific apparatus.
For this code the following convention applies:
Text output
For the apparatus with two media (for example: type 5, 6 and 12) the code consists of two
digits. The first digit refers to the secondary flow, the second digit to the primary flow. If the
total of all the codes is equal to zero, then all the thermodynamic variables are known and
the coefficients of the system matrix can be substituted. In the first main iteration the system
of equations obtained is printed out just before it is solved and the mass flows are calculated.
The complete output of the thermodynamic variables and mass flows for all the pipes can be
obtained by giving the output control parameter for testing purposes (see paragraph 6.2) the
right value.
Furthermore the number of lines which do not meet the break-off criterion of the main
iteration is printed out. In addition the maximu m mass flow change, absolute and relative,
with respect to the previous main iteration is printed out indicating the relevant pipe number.
This information indicates whether the calculation process converges and if so, how quickly
the process converges (in the following iteration steps).
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
If the break-off criterion for both the compositions and the mass flows is met, the calculated
results are printed out. The output consists of the following parts:
a. At the very first iteration (iteration 0) a summary is given of the content of the
system matrix, including the vector with the right-hand sides of the relevant mass
and energy equations.
b. A summary of the main iteration process.
c. As a, for the last iteration.
d. A standard calculation of the efficiency of the system in question.
e. A table with the energy exchange with the environment per apparatus and in
addition for apparatus with separate flows the heat transferred in the apparatus.
f. Should the system contain medium type GASMIX or FUEL, a table with the
calculated compositions per pipe, together with lower and higher heating values
(LHV and HHV), and the relative and absolute humidity of the flow in the pipe.
g. A table with for each pipe: medium type, mass flow, molar flow, volumetric flow,
pressure, temperature, enthalpy, entropy, exergy (if applicable), vapor quality and
mass fraction (if applicable).
h. A table with for each pipe: pressure drop, temperature drop, enthalpy difference,
entropy difference and exergy difference (if applicable). Only for pipes where
changes in pressure and/or temperature occur.
i. When an exergy calculation is performed: a table with exergy flows (kW), split up
into thermo-mechanical and chemical exergy. The energy flows are printed also.
j. When an exergy calculation is performed: a table with an exergy balance, exergy
losses and exergy efficiencies of the apparatuses.
k. A summary of the input data of the apparatuses including any calculated apparatus
l. An output of the isentropic efficiencies of turbines, pumps and compressors,
calculated data for fuel cells and the temperature differences for surface heat
exchangers (type = 4, 5, 6, 12, 21, 22 and 23).
m. For design calculations an output of all the relevant data for turbines and surface
heat exchangers for an off-design calculation.
Text output
The influence of the general output control parameter on the items mentioned above is:
1. Maximum output : a-m
2. Idem, without matrices being printed : b-m
3. Reduced output : b, d-m
4. Short output . : b, d-j, l-m
The tables from “Text output” correspond with the separate tables available within the user
interface, as described in the next chapter.
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
Chapter 8
8.1 Introduction
The summary below indicates which tables are automatically generated and under which
In the following paragraphs an example is given of each table. The data presented in the
table, and the conditions under which the table is generated, are explained. The figures
correspond to the simple STAG-unit shown in Figure 8-1.
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
44 p = Pressure [bar]
12.00 15.00 T = Temperature [°C]
-3642.08 7.213 h = Enthalpy [kJ/kg]
m = Massflow [kg/s]
11.75 1021.25
12.00 354.29 42 46 168.04 339.019 P = 80000.00 kW
250.87 331.805
42 48
1.028 530.00
1.013 15.00 50 -423.41 339.019
42.00 253.24
-98.84 331.805 40 40.00 450.00
2799.39 43.831
3331.22 43.831
1 P = 39621.41 kW
42.00 253.24 1.023 469.76
1526.05 177.322 51 -492.17 339.019 2
1.013 207.28
-780.70 339.019
The table “System efficiencies” contains gross and net energy and exergy efficiencies, and
energy and exergy figures regarding:
input energy
energy consumption
power production
heat production
Exergy figures
The table contains exergy figures if an exergy analysis is performed, i.e. if a definition of
the environment is given and the option “No exergy calculation” is not activated.
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Reference Guide
Absorbed power
The table contains the part “Absorbed power” if the system contains one or more boilers
(type = 1), reheaters (type = 2) or fuel sources (type = 10 with 1 out-going pipe containing
GASMIX or FUEL with a calculated or specified LHV > 0).
The exergy of the fuel includes the thermo-mechanical exergy. The energy of the fuel
(heating value) includes the thermo-mechanical energy.
Delivered power
The table contains the part “Delivered gross power” and “Delivered net power” if the
system generates electricity (generators or fuel cells) or mechanical power (turbines not
connected to a generator).
The table contains the part “Auxiliary power consumption” if the system contains electricity
driven pumps or compressors, or if additional electricity consumption is specified by the
user (via General Data | Auxiliary Power Consumption).
Delivered heat
If the system contains a “Heat Sink” the item “Delivered Heat” is presented in the table. In
addition, a heat efficiency and a total efficiency are presented also.
Gross and net efficiencies are presented if absorbed power and delivered power (or delivered
heat) can both be determined.
In the energy balance the amount of energy exchanged with the environment is presented for
all apparatuses. Pipes in which the medium undergoes changes in pressure and/or
temperature are included also.
The energy balance is always generated after a successful run.
A value greater than 0 represents an energy flow from the system to the environment, a value
less than 0 an energy flow from the environment to the system.
The energy exchange is based on process flows. This means that mechanical and electric
losses are not included.
Besides an energy balance based on enthalpy an energy balance based on total energy is
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
The total energy equals the thermo-mechanical energy augmented with the chemical energy.
The thermo-mechanical energy is the energy which is released when the fluid expands and
cools down to ambient pressure and temperature, respectively. Two definitions a re possible.
In the first definition water (in medium types WATERSTM, GASMIX and FUEL)
condenses totally. In the second definition water evaporates totally:
With medium type FUEL the evaporation heat of the water in the fuel is embedded in the
heating value.
In the first column of the table “Composition of fluids” all the components present in the
system are listed. The next columns contain all different compositions for medium types
GASMIX or FUEL the program has found. The table will only be generated if GASMIX or
FUEL is present in the system.
The numbers in column “Medium” of table “Data for all pipes” (see paragraph 8.6) refer to
the composition number mentioned in table “Compositions of fluids”.
For example: “GASMIX 3” in table “Data for all pipes” refers to composition number 3 in
table “Compositions of fluids”.
The compositions are given as mole fractions. If a mole fraction appears to be 0.0000 in the
table, then this means that the component is present, but with a mole fraction less than
The last three rows in the table contain the average mole mass, the lower heating value and
the higher heating value respectively. The heating values are also presented in table “Heating
values”, but there in kJ/kg (see paragraph 8.5).
In addition to these values the corresponding table in the output file (via View | Text output)
shows the relative and absolute humidity of each gas flow. The absolute humidity is
expressed in grams of water per kg DRY gas. For gas mixtures o f 100% water the absolute
humidity is not defined. In the table this is denoted by a number of asterisks. For a gas
mixture with a temperature above the critical temperature of water the relative humidity is
not defined. This is also denoted by a number of asterisks.
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
Table “Heating values” contains the lower and higher heating values of media in the system.
The first column refers to the composition numbers mentioned in table “Composition of
fluids” (see paragraph 8.4).
The table will only be generated if GASMIX or FUEL is present in the system.
The figures for LHV and HHV are also given in table “Composition of fluids”, but there in
kJ/mole (see paragraph 8.4).
Table “Data for all pipes” contains the thermodynamic data for the process streams in the
system. The table is always generated after a successful run.
If the medium type is GASMIX or FUEL, then a number is added representing the
composition number mentioned in table “Composition of fluids”.
For each pipe in the system the table shows two rows, one for the pipe inlet, and one for the
pipe outlet.
If the system contains medium types for which two-phase conditions are allowed, a column
named “Quality” is added. A value 0.00 represents saturated or subcooled liquid, a value
100.00 represents saturated or superheated vapor.
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
If the system contains binary mixtures (such as NH3-H2O), a column named “Mass
fractions” is added. The values represent the mass fraction of one of the two component in
the mixture. For medium type NH3-H2O this is the ammonia mass fraction.
In table “Losses in pipes” the differences between inlet and outlet conditions in pipes are
presented, but only if the differences in pressure or temperature exceed the value 0.0001.
The pressure loss is the sum of the pressure loss by height and the pressure loss by flow
resistance. If the difference in height equals 0 m (default value), the pressure loss by flow
resistance is set to the value of the total pressure loss.
Table “Energy and exergy flows” contains the energy and exergy flows in the pipes. The
table will only be generated if an exergy calculation is performed.
The left part of the table presents energy figures, and the right part exergy figures. Both
types of figures are split into a thermo-mechanical and a chemical part, both given separately
for the inlet and for the outlet of a pipe.
Table “Exergy values in the system” presents exergy losses in apparatuses and pipes, and
exergy efficiencies of apparatuses. The table will only be generated if an exergy calcula tion
is performed.
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
“Power” represents:
mechanical power of turbines
mechanical power of non-electricity driven pumps or compressors
electric power of electricity driven pumps or compressors
electric power of fuel cells
The exergy losses include mechanical and electric losses. Losses in generates are not
Exergy efficiencies
See also part “Technical notes” (chapter 5) of the manual for a detailed description of the
definitions of exergy efficiencies.
The table contains columns for the functional efficiency ex,1 , and the universal efficiency
ex,1 : gives the ratio between useful outgoing exergy and the incoming exergy flows;
ex,2 : gives the ratio between the outgoing exergy and the incoming exergy:
ex , 2
Generally ex,1 is used. If it is not defined, ex,2 can be used. Table 8-2 gives ex,1 for all
apparatuses for with this efficiency can be defined.
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
3 Turbine Pmech.
Exin Exout
4 Condenser
13 Combustor, burner
Ex tm
Exash Ex tm
Ex ch
Exash Ex ch
20 Reformer Ex ch ch
Exstm ch
Ex gas
23 Gasifier tm
Ex prod Exash Exout Exin cooling
Ex tm
Exstm tm
Ex ch
Exstm Ex ch
1) For the deaerator ex,1 equals the exergy increase of the feed water (and condensate flows, if any) divided
by the exergy decrease of the extraction steam (and condensate flows, if any). m,p is the sum of all inlet
flows which undergo an exergy increase, and m,s all inlet flows which undergo an exergy decrease.
Table “Rotating equipment” shows the efficiencies of rotating machines. The table will only
be generated if the system contains one or more turbines (type = 3), pumps (type = 8) or
compressors (type = 29).
Table “Motors and generators” contains efficiencies for electromotors and generators. The
table will only be generated if the system contains one or more generators, electricity driven
pumps (type = 8) or electricity driven compressors (type = 29).
If the efficiency of the generator has been specified, only the total efficiency is shown. If this
efficiency has been calculated, the mechanical and electric efficiencies are shown.
Cycle-Tempo Manual
Reference Guide
If no efficiency has been specified for the pump or compressor, only the total efficiency is
shown. This efficiency is calculated according to the curve shown in Figure 2-6 and 2-8.
If both the mechanical and electric efficiency have been specified, these values are shown.
If only one efficiency has been specified, the other efficiency is taken as 100%.
Table “Heat exchanging equipment” contains data for heat exchanges. The table will only be
generated if the system contains one or more condensers (type = 4), feed water heaters
(type = 5), heat exchangers (type = 6, 12), or moisture separators (type = 22).