Art App Semi Finals

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Ms. Cecil Dayoan | Prelude: Learning To Listen: LESSON 1: The concept of sound and silence;music and noise. LESSONS 2 AND 3:
Basic elements of music. LESSON 4: Forms and styles of Music. LESSON 5: Roles of Music

CHAPTER 3 Prelude: Learning to Listen Sound, Silence, Music, and Noise

• Ready your EARS for LISTENING. Activity : Listening
• There is no better way to appreciate and understand MUSIC
Track 1: [Tone Contagion]
Track 2: [Baleleng (The Mermaid’s Song), arr. for
COMPETENCIES piano & orchestra – Alejandro Consolacion]
1. Appreciate the aural world, developing a sharper awareness
between sound and silence. SOUND
2. Be able to develop a subjective feeling/perception/taste
• A wave and a mechanical disturbance
between compositions that may be considered as either music
or just plain noise. in matter that originates from a source and is sent
3. Identify, understand, and apply the basic elements of music- outwards.
namely: melody, harmony, rhythm, dynamics, timbre, and • Sounds may be classified as music, language,
texture; and to use these terms in describing music, as will be
noise, or a mixture of all these.
done in Chapter 4.
4. Distinguish between different musical forms and styles and
• Audible Frequency Range:(Pitch) 20 – 20,000
discover how these same forms and styles are also evident in Hertz (Hz)
other fields of art, notably the visual arts. • Infrasound and ultrasound can’t be heard by
5. Know the purpose and value of music in society, and how it human!
can help enrich and ennoble our existence as human beings.
• Audible Decibel Range: (Volume) 0 – 180 Decibel
6. Develop a good taste for music.
—--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (dB)
LESSON ONE: • Threshold of Pain -A sound level of 120 dB and
The Aural Realm: Sound, Silence, Music above which can cause pain and damage to the
and Noise

1. Experience and differentiate what is sound in relation to ● is the condition or quality of being quiet; is
music. basically the absence of audible sound or
2. Enable the student to gain an appreciation for the value of
3. Nurture a critical awareness of which sounds may be
considered as music and which sounds may be considered as QUICK FACT:
noise. • Did you know that there is a composition where
4. Develop an awareness of subjectivity in regard to music
the performers do not play a single note? They
5. Have the students create and perform a short, simple tune
just simply sit and wait for an assigned amount of
or a simple set of organized rhythmic sounds (either by time.
clapping, tapping, “tunog-tao,” using sticks or any other • This composition is entitled 4’33”, pronounced
material, etc.) “Four minutes and thirty-three seconds” by the
modern composer John Cage.
Hearing - accidental, involuntary, and effortless
Listening - focused voluntary, and intentional NOISE
● is any sound that lacks reference to musical
quality and is generally considered
unpleasant or unbearable to the human ear.

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• It has a lasting impression on the minds of
• It is a group of pitches used in a coherent pattern
Let us listen to Track#3: “Tipang Bulagbulagan” by or succession
A. Roldan • Each melody has different characteristics.

● is the art of organizing and putting
together an array of sounds into a meaningful,
perceptual experience.
● is an abstract form and subjective of all the
● is perceived to influence many living things.
“Music hath charms to soothe the savage
● appeals directly to our emotions and opens MELODY - Pitch
an avenue to the subjective states of man. • A melody is made up of pitches used in a
—----------------------------------------------------------------- coherent pattern or succession.
LESSON TWO: • A pitch is the quality of the highness or lowness of
Hear Me Out! Of Voices and Harmonies a sound.
• Even noise has pitch!
1. Learn the concepts behind the music elements of MELODY - Interval
melody, harmony and dynamics, both theoretically ● INTERVAL is the distance between two
and in practical applications. pitches. Small intervals are “steps” and big
2. Be able to listen attentively and critically to intervals are “leaps”.
differences in pitches, whether they rise, fall, or ● STEPS VS SKIPS VS LEAPS
stay the same, or move in steps or leaps.
Afterwards, students are to plot a graph on the
contour of pitches/ melodies heard.
3. Recreate pitches and sing them using so-fa
syllables, either individually or as a group, to
create certain simple harmonies and intervals.
4. Determine phrases inside melodies and discover
how these are related to other art areas such as
literature and speech.
5. Learn the different textures in music.
6. Simulate different sounds representing different
dynamics, from soft to loud.
MELODY – Shape
BASIC ELEMENTS OF MUSIC ● A melody’s shape is determined by the
intervals used, whether it is in steps, skips,
MELODY or huge leaps.
• It is an aspect of music which is probably the first
and foremost thing that we remember when we MELODY – Range
listen to a song, or instrumental pieces.

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● The range, aka compass, is basically the
between the highest pitch to the lowest pitch used
within the melody. The range may be wide or
● The range of a voice or instrument is the set
of pitches, from lowest to highest, that it can
sing or play.

MELODY - Structure
● Melodies also have a structure – they are TEXTURE
not just randomly jumbled notes, they ● Texture in music refers to the various layers
should make some sort of musical sense. of melodic lines and sounds happening
● Musical phrases usually coincide with the simultaneously in a composition.
poetry used in songs. This means that the ● Monophony, the most basic texture, is a
rhyme, punctuation marks, and even the single unaccompanied melody.
enjambment (placement of words) in a ● Polyphony is the type of texture when two or
poem affect the construction and more tunes/melodies are played or sung
constitution of phrases within melodies. together at the same time.
● Homophony is when a melody is
HARMONY accompanied and harmonized
● It gives music depth and space. simultaneously by chords.
● It is that event when two or more pitches, or
notes,sound simultaneously. DYNAMICS
● Consonance is when two or more notes are ● Dynamics is the property of music that deals
at rest or resolved with each other; while with its loudness or softness (volume).
dissonance is when two or more pitches ● In music, Italian terms are used to label
sound tense or unresolved when heard variations in the loudness or softness of a
together. sound.
● A chord is a device in harmony where two
or three pitches are sounded together.
● A scale is a set of pitches arranged in a
particular sequence and may either run
going up (ascending) or going down
● The C major scale as notated in music:

● The most common chord is triad.

● A triad contains three notes from the major
● The most common types of triad are the
major and the minor chords.

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Hearing Your Heartbeat Makes Me Blush:
Rhythm and Timbre

1. Learn and understand the concepts behind the
musical element's rhythm and timbre.
2. Recreate sounds using systematic rhythmic
patterns. ● Duple meter – type of meter where beats
3. Familiarize oneself with musical terms related to are grouped in twos. The best example of
rhythm. this is a march, reflecting the movement of
4. Appreciate the different sounds different musical our two feet.
instruments are able to produce; and to be able to ● Triple meter – type of meter where beats
develop a creative, discerning taste of which timbre are grouped in threes. An example of a
would best fit particular parameters when song that uses this meter is “Bahay Kubo”.
composing. ● Rubato– means ‘robbed time.’ When doing
a rubato, musicians stretch the rhythm of
Activity : Listening the music, the meter wavers and it becomes
• Track # 12: Piano Piece in Eb – A. Roldan elastic.
● Tempo– dictates the pace of music, and it
sets the mood and gives character to the
• It refers to the aspect of time in music.
piece. Tempo markings are written in Italian.
• It determines how long or how short a pitch will
The word tempo means “time” in Italian.
sound, the employment of time patterns, the length
● BPM (beats per minute); 60 bpm 1 beat per
of silences in between notes, and covers the speed
sec; 120 bpm 2 beats per sec
of the music.
• Beats or counts are used to measure musical
• “Accents” some beats are strong while some are
• A meter is a repeating pattern of strong and weak
• Two common types of simple musical meter:
duple and triple meter.
• In musical notation, meter is represented within
measures or bars.
• The meter tells us how many beats are there in a
single measure.

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● The quality of the notes we hear in music,
dependent on the instruments, voices, and
the method of how these instruments and
voices are played/manipulated.
● We use imprecise adjectives to describe
each tone color that we hear, but normally
people can easily differentiate what the
sound of a trumpet is from that of a guitar.

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