Sieve Analysis Test

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CE 215 – Geotechnical Engineering Lab I

Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory

Department of Civil Engineering


To determine the grain size distribution of a given soil sample.


Sieve analysis is performed to determine the distribution of the coarser, larger-sized particles,
and the hydrometer method is used to determine the distribution of the finer particles. The
distribution of different grain sizes affects the engineering properties of soil. Grain size
analysis provides the grain size distribution, and it is required in classifying the soil. The data
obtained in the grain size analysis can be used for the design of filters for the earthen dams.
This is also used for estimating the soil water movement.

IS: 2720 (Part IV) – 1985 (Methods of test for soils, grain size analysis) and ASTM D422
(Standard test method for particle-size analysis of soils).


1. Balances accurate to 1 gm and 0.1 gm.
2. Set of IS sieves of aperture sizes (4.75 mm, 2.8 mm, 2 mm, 1 mm, 600 micron, 425
micron, 300 micron, 150 micron, 75 micron) with lid and pan.
3. Motorized sieve shaker.
4. Dry soil sample.
5. Two trays.
6. Cleaning brush.
7. Oven.
8. Sodium Hexa-metaphosphate or sodium hydroxide and sodium carbonate

(a. Dry Sieve Analysis)
1. Note down the weight of each sieve as well as the bottom pan to be used in the
2. Record the weight of the given oven dried soil sample.
3. Make sure that all the sieves are clean, and assemble them in the ascending order of
sieve numbers (4.75mm sieve at top and 75microns sieve at bottom). Place the pan
below 75microns sieve. Carefully pour the soil sample into the top sieve and place the
lid over it.
4. Place the sieve stack on the mechanical shaker and shake for 10 minutes.
5. Remove the stack from the shaker and carefully weigh and record the weight of each
sieve with its retained soil. In addition, remember to weigh and record the weight of
the bottom pan with its retained fine soil.
6. Follow the steps (shown in table) to calculate the % finer of each sieve size and the
cumulative % finer.
7. Plot the grain size distribution curve, a smooth curve on a semi-logarithmic joining
the points by plotting percent finer as ordinate in ordinary scale and aperture size as
abscissa in logarithmic scale.
8. Find out D10, D30, and D60, corresponding to 10%, 30% and 60% finer particle sizes,
respectively to evaluate Coefficient of Uniformity (Cu) and Coefficient of Curvature
b. Wet Sieve Analysis
1. Record the weight of the given oven dried soil sample.
2. Put the soil in a large bowl and pour enough water with 2 gm sodium
hexametaphosphate or 1 gm sodium hydroxide and 1 gm sodium carbonate per liter of
water to cover the soil. Allow the mixture to soak at least 2 hours.
3. Wash all of the soil solids on the 75 micron sieve under running tap water until the
effluent is clear. Rub the screen with your fingers to keep the mixture flowing. Do not
use any brushes, knives, spatulas, or other tools that may damage the screen. Do not
allow the mixture to overflow out the top of the sieve.
4. Put all the solids retained in the sieve back into the mixing bowl using tap water and a
squeeze bottle. It is alright to have a large amount of water in bowl, provided it is not
spilling over the side of the bowl.
5. Place the bowl on a large drying oven and let dry it overnight.
6. Calculate the net dry mass of the soil retained by the 75 micron sieve.
7. Conduct the dry sieve analysis for the dry mass of the soil retained by the 75 micron
sieve including tabulation of values, calculations and plotting the grain size
distribution curve.


Dry Sieve Analysis
Mass of soil taken = -----------------------g
Mass of Mass of Cumulative % of soil
Sieve Mass of Soil % of soil
empty sieve + Soil % of soil mass finer
Aperture Retained (g) mass retained
sieve (g) Retained (g) mass retained (6)=100-(5)
Size (3) = (2) – (1) (4)=(3)*100/m
(1) (2) (5)= (4)
4.75 mm
2.8 mm
2.0 mm
1.0 mm
600 µm
425 µm
300 µm
150 µm
75 µm
Total Weight (g) =

Wet Sieve Analysis
Mass of soil taken = -----------------------g
Mass of soil retained on 75 sieve = -----------------------g
Mass of Mass of Cumulative % of soil
Sieve Mass of Soil % of soil
empty sieve + Soil % of soil mass finer
Aperture Retained (g) mass retained (6)=100-(5)
sieve (g) Retained (g) mass retained
Size (3) = (2) – (1) (4)=(3)*100/m
(1) (2) (5)= (4)

4.75 mm
2.8 mm
2.0 mm
1.0 mm
600 µm
425 µm
300 µm
150 µm
75 µm
Total Weight (g) =


(i) For dry sieve analysis:
Total weight of oven dried soil taken for gravel analysis = W1
Total weight of soil passing through IS 4.75 mm sieve = W2
1. Percent gravel = ((W1-W2)/W1)x100 (%)

(ii) For wet sieve analysis:

Total weight of oven dried soil taken for wet sieve analysis = W1
Total weight of retained soil in IS 75 micron sieve = W2
1. Percent sand and gravel = (W2/W1)x100 (%)
2. Percent fines = ((W1-W2)/W1)x100 (%)

(iii) For both the cases:

Plot the gradation curves of both the soils used.
𝑐𝑢𝑚𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑛 𝑠𝑖𝑒𝑣𝑒
1. Cumulative percentage retained = 𝑥 100 %
total weight of soil taken

2. Percentage finer than a particular sieve = 100 % – cumulative % retained

3. Effective size = D10 =
4. Uniformity coefficient (Cu)= D60/D10=
5. Coefficient of curvature (Cc)= (D30)2/D10x D60 =
The soil will be classified based on the values of Cu and Cc along with the gradation curve.

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