11 Common Types of Verbs Used in The English Language
11 Common Types of Verbs Used in The English Language
11 Common Types of Verbs Used in The English Language
English Language
July 1, 2021
Types of verbs
We are going to explore 11 different types of verbs. Because every type
deserves some attention, we won’t be going into too much detail on each
type. If you want to learn more than what is covered here, you’re in luck.
Listed below are each of the 11 types of verbs we are going to look at and a
link to an article entirely focused on that specific type of verb.
1. Action verbs
2. Stative verbs
3. Transitive verbs
4. Intransitive verbs
5. Linking verbs
6. Helping verbs (also called auxiliary verbs)
7. Modal verbs
8. Regular verbs
9. Irregular verbs
10. Phrasal verbs
11. Infinitives
1. Action verbs
Action verbs, as their name says, are used to refer to actions. These can refer to
physical actions that are performed with bodies or objects, such as jump, hit,
or sing, or mental actions that we use our brains to perform, such
as think, consider, or memorize. Most verbs you will find are action verbs.
List of action verbs
Examples of action verbs in a sentence
Each of these sentences uses action verbs. You’ll see that each verb is
referring to a physical or mental action.
I work at a factory.
Cats chase mice.
We listened to the woman’s amazing story.
2. Stative verbs
Unlike action verbs, stative verbs refer to conditions or states of being. Generally
speaking, we use stative verbs to describe things like qualities, states of
existence, opinions, beliefs, and emotions. When used in a sentence, stative
verbs do not refer to actions. It is important to know that some verbs can be
used as either action or stative verbs depending on their meaning in the
sentence. We are less likely to use stative verbs in the continuous verb tenses.
List of stative verbs
Get to know the stative verb have even better with this examination
of has vs. have.
Examples of stative verbs in a sentence
These sentences all use stative verbs. You’ll notice that none of these verbs
refer to actions.
Airplanes fly.
The children slept while the adults worked.
The terrified monkeys hid in the trees after they saw the gigantic
hungry snake.
5. Linking verbs
Linking verbs are a special type of stative verb whose name gives a big clue as to
what they do. Linking verbs are used to link a subject with a subject
complement. A subject complement describes or identifies the subject of the
sentence or clause. Linking verbs can function as intransitive verbs, which do
not take direct objects.
List of words used as linking verbs
Examples of linking verbs in a sentence
In each of the following sentences, linking verbs are used to link a subject with
a subject complement.