Dlp-English 4 - Nrp-April 05,2024
Dlp-English 4 - Nrp-April 05,2024
Dlp-English 4 - Nrp-April 05,2024
April 12,2024
INDUSTRIOUS 7:30 - 8:20
LOVE 8:50 – 9:40
HONEST 12:00 -12:50
KIND 12:50 - 1:40
I. Objectives:
1 At the end of the session, learners will be able to:
Read words, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs with proper
pronunciation, phrasing and intonation.
Note significant details from the story/selection read or viewed.
III. Procedure:
g d h r o u t
w d i l e t
3. h n u r g y
4. w t r a e
e l o h
1. a prolonged period of abnormally no rainfall leading to a shortage
of water (drought)
2. become weak and begin to bend toward the ground (wilted)
3. feeling or displaying the need for food (hungry)
4. a small pool of water in a dry area where animals go to drink
1. Reading Aloud
Let one student do the first reading of the story .“Birdie and the Drought”
applying proper pronunciation, phrasing of words, and intonation.
somewhere else to live”, said Birdie. “I will come back when it rains again
and the ground is soft and there are lots of worms”.
Birdie travelled for a long time. She came to a waterhole. The ground
was nice and soft. Some other birds helped her find worms to eat. But Birdie
still felt sad. She missed her tress. She missed her nest. She missed her
friend Mr. Frog.
One day, Birdie was standing by the water when she saw a face she
knew. “Mr. Frog!” Birdie cried out. “Birdie!” Shouted Mr. Frog. They were so
excited to see each other again. One day, Birdie will go back to her nest and
Mr. Frog will go back to his pond. But for now, they are happy at the
waterhole with all their new friends.
1. Answering the comprehension questions orally.
a. Who are the characters in the story?
b. When and where did the story happen?
c. In your own words, give the plot of the story.
Beginning Part :
Middle Part :
Ending Part :
d. Based from the story, what actually causes drought?
e. What is the theme/lesson you learned from the story?
f. As a student, how can you help prevent the effects/risks of drought?
IV. Collect all the outputs for progress monitoring of the learners.