01 - 05 - 2023 Gazette Notification For The Railways (Opening For Public Carriage of Passengers) Amendment Rules, 2023 - 70-WDO-OrI-RO-1 Vol - IX
01 - 05 - 2023 Gazette Notification For The Railways (Opening For Public Carriage of Passengers) Amendment Rules, 2023 - 70-WDO-OrI-RO-1 Vol - IX
01 - 05 - 2023 Gazette Notification For The Railways (Opening For Public Carriage of Passengers) Amendment Rules, 2023 - 70-WDO-OrI-RO-1 Vol - IX
silETrttar -
lf(fr'l-t Government of India
{zrtq Ministry of Railways 7rw
srTd -r6fffiq (is+i€ Railway Board) AZtsdl
Sub: Gazette Notification for the Railways (Opening for Public Carriage of
Passengers) Amendment Rules, 2023
Please find enclosed herewith a copy of the Gazette Notification bearing No. G.S.R.
321(E) in Hindi and English version, for information and necessary action.
DA: as above.
9,fr, )6 fw 6i
1aifrc s{I(RD
nr{qrffi fit{r+ Rfre itfrffitr <fit
[Phone: 030-44803(Rly), 0l I -21383379(MTNL)]
{ address: edce
Ele I
@he (Sozette of Sndio
ft.Jt.-fi .va.-sr.-zso42oz 3-2lts5o,+
CG-DLE 280,12023-Z5gN
ttFT IHur3---{q{B(i)
PART ll--Sccioo }-Sub-scction (i)
32r(4.+ft{ rcorttq a[&fr{q, 1989 (1989 61 24) fr Er(I 198 Em f{fr {rfrFfr
+r rfr,r r<t gq, ivi * vrq r<i ririff gra+ + srffit <fl t frSl ft{q, 2ooo m qri aln
ftnr{ r,'c} t frq ffifut fr'q{ T{rfr t, qct(-
1. (1 ) 5< ffi +r {fts crq iFA fr +.<i rfiifi tqrffit t srffi+ a-6-{ + frQ *{frr{ fr{r'
zozs {r
121 t Ftm <rvre t fi ilte i rge 6}tt
q"+ T+'Erl
z. lsi * qr{ 6{t t'dff lqrffit * srffi+ T6< + RQ ft{q, 2ooo (&t qst rst qsr{ Em
xrtftd qm d, "qr<r 28, 29 +( 1g8'{rd ak dd
Ffcc fi-fl rrcr b, + tsrc .n, "qRI 198"
e. gsfficd*qwr{-r tft{qzt,-
(D ri< 1a1 t rrr(, ffik{ tic ri(:F{rR-( ftlr vqnn, aqtq' -
'1s 5) T{€tf 5-df fi 5t +fr}c t R-i-6r 3oo +e 5r qrqrtfuo q-{crt cr tooo
qrtftar qr sfit qB-{ +r 5e vcrri t qt( FrQ gq {ft{6r Sq qft{m tq
2182cu2s23 (l)
lPAr.r II-SEC. 3(i)
q-{Frrt + *errt, T+ FRnrur 6rd ff ftqr +{ G."ra ff srsr *} ffi t qrsR q{
(iD da1v1 *varE, ffifud€Eda:srfihfttqrSt, qqk -
g T'ri ry t t ge rftie t frr6r $q 18 tfud fte( qq-fl s(+ qfu6 6r qq qFt
Atdr t qq-fl ffi frtft qd il{ft d i2 tE+ ftr< qgqr sst qfu+ ff sq +cH,T
'(q q'dt Ef ' + i 5-e rft *c { * r +,E6-cqrt S-q" t dr< q O,t} Sc, ;, r
+ s<ftrrfrhqqrc-rrt,-
(i) ft{q "i., s} ft{n t
"s." sc i S{*qift-d fr*r vrgrr dr< Es rrn Srfqift-c frqq s t,
11y t
sq-ft{q qqr( w-ftcc 2 qt( *-A*
cr+ EFil s fr 6.qrr: tzj O" fil + + .#
(iD ftcc s t sc-ft{q ffifuc qc<a rfc,qrfrr ftqr qqnn, irvfE.-
1s; h wq,
'vtg, ffirer qrq-dt * qrgr * riqfif-d n-<i ff qrqrm.m a-fi +€n ft Et{ ,xvt
t, 6. +
Cffst, qqtq: -
19 srfr q-{d 5.m +{ urt vr+ gd rr ffir, S{ffiq, fifis{ +( ro-{il Trrr;
(9 dt fdtarffi"r, gafiffi1, ga: q-gqa-rrrrr 4nqq{rqr+r;
(O dt gdt * v-cr<r e* t'rq<r 5-fr w gr: rr€r rrcR q.rnr dk fq{il +,.{r:
(9 st+qRg-smYft..rdq-rn;
(s) qr{fr +{rt fr{Fii ff {.crfftr{Edsccn * qc}s F..{r;
(q) fuqff6{ur+sr{F.cn;
(s) scfikqmqffi tdift-crr{r"
(iiD ftcc a h qEr(, ffifu( frcc d(:rflft{ ftqr wq{n, q+{:_
jt$ftT{ q1 ruri gq ffi t*Gtq( qr Eqrt gq
1+1wrt-gq furtc dk q<rtsR
f$ftrq fi ytg-( 6 qA {ril <<r+r - ftqq s* qtg{ t. AAE" *# * As,"F,ft
qrrt t qcr driB-( ftrqa t sffidEwrlqdd0-d-qftsc{nsB-+,ts + aft;tEm
*+c 1o+ + Tqrfr4fr rsn ts t*ftq< q1 yqrn t@ Rgd Eilffc< cr gErr gq ffi
+( E<iTR ifrftq-< q] reg-c frq qrqt
(iv) ftq{ 5 +,-
(1) ff<of{a ffi' qrffi * crffi+ T6{ } frs lH+ qr lst * +fln * qrS
r<i ff gq RM rnR-c fr,ft m wt fr*q-ccr ffitu( qft Rq qrgt -
(rD sff dqrrFBkrtnrr(iG\z)sn;
F/ c-+r a-c6 f rgt rS + qttq <{rl't ES g-m + {1o? qtiq orr EIr< rIFr6
ft-dt RS c-+6 5r Bsrfl +cR fr{r.rlr t dk (rE srn Sq tfrffqa,
fifrqtq Em ciTr wr fl, vrft rrm ff rrqrn sr adrq; ilcr
tr/ RrircR sc6< cmd + qrrd + trrtRq +'<+r, qR qr{ dr
(3) crffi fi q.ff st{ )ry * {+d6 y{fr * a-Wn trr< fi qtg.ft r
(4) tq qftri"r Er<r df 'xvt q't sFqk( srrff t q-tsn rrt qr vqrq q-r, ffi
fr{q 3 +TtqatsFilkd trftc crrfr wer1ffifue rdr<ftlwfi crlfrq t,
(D qfu+-dq +(qiltrf, qrqrc;
(iD gfrffrrm;
(iiD g+q-qftiiqfrfi{qr:
(iv) *+ aif< dqr< q+st
(v) Rtuq +Frd + qrHf't<{th frq r+rfr Ed d errq:
(vi) 6r{rqnff;
(vii) ffio{ursq(T'( tqRcr{dn; ilcr
(viif lR-rid ff q* * qrq r<rG-e q( do fi ftCt
(s) qftEirq +( qr{q qrqrq} } qfrtwit (infringements) fr(ff+qHxul + dr,tt
tcrc ftqr qrcrr it{ lci * wqm ilr qftiu-{ (* ft {d + Est' <{to crqnn qt{
qftim frq w+ + {-dE + pt w++ot tcl ffi artcfr qq-{r qrf,I t TE
{ftrirt ftcr rrqr {, w rrffi rr d<S frcr qrqfir
(6) qr{ftS qrf +frS\q++r+file+*{rr rtvr.1ftq il} sr+ dqrn-{ qR{fr4,
srar<or ffi h qs{rq v + srifi-fr ffi h r6rrc t*r< frir qr\rIn a{rl fiilt dt
fr+q cftfr{R frr6r qrrrr frfi vrrr qtftd d, or sRc ftqr qqnnt
(7) vqt td crfl T( F-g-d qftr qr qrtq 6c{r d a-€t {t?rf,{ qlt{il'+ 6{qr dqw{ frm
5 qmfrrfrhqqrqrrr t,-
(D ftq{ s t sq-frq{ (1) +, 'frftrur t T+ rrdi.* r6n -argr anr rr< <& qr\itr
(iD ftqq z * sq-ft{q (2) +, T+ {r< + s16 q q6api <r <} gd- rr< tt wqt r
(iiD frcc a i, 1fl rr<t wrr r< q6apf <r ei g-df qr< <tqrglr
(iv) frc{ o + sq-ft{q (4) +, 1til rr< } vm w v6s1of q1 q} 5df *r< t& vrqtr
6 mfilTfrtqenqtVd,-
({) ftccrot',-
(D fi{ t rqrr r< ffifra cftS <gr qr\rrn, cr{k:-
'1 6. T{-dWf qT r}let gm 6r frfrtrlr
(ii) sc-ft{c (1) + Tcrn q(, ffifud qq-ftqq (qr qrqfi, Er+q.
11 )
qrgw Ht * q{ Erd + ri(q Ftrn ft qrffi * srffir s-€q + frC qr( frS
qri Er+td+ + r<rfrd rdaptrq}H 5o ei frq.Tq 6i+ {sil{ q-d+c +(
qffit tE
qr rfi-+eq rig,er +{ q-q ridft-e rtErr cM qrcft{ t
qtns Se Aqq, t{
196a d Qftft[e rrRRfttE+ u-gwSFsrEr qt(frffi(frqrrg{n*r vr<trRrE
\r{ <-dra *qr ss+ wfu+ rfr {r
(iii)sc-ft{q (3) +, 'cr.tqr. gc ftw, 1964'crd, qu-t dk ff.+ sm q-<.qrcifrqtq
qrrr So ftqq, t g64 + ffiil{ gfr'{r ft {C cffi qr rfrreq dm.<q- sr< +{
(q ft{q 17 }q6 q1, ffifucftcc Grqrqfi, {'atq:
'r 7. qq<Wt qT q* g-m t n66q 6 166 - (1 ) qr5ft , e-+n fta- tuq i-ed qr ft,s t
rr t i6r \16 TEdEot qI E} ge fi vir rtm a.qr ffiRr + qsiR rirfi + ridE + R{.
F/ Sil{rficrqBf,r1-{;
&/ Se hfrftq Refr qr qriih Bwr5r,
frl 5-d +1t6i+61 ffiv1 qrst qBT 6.cfl;
Itl rr& *n dks-€ uft qrt qrsrt qt E+rrt T<
&/ MtiifrftqakBsr{{r
(21 il{ qEft * T6 r6q( fr ft ftt{ur + Rq q-{ qmrq-{ t aqr r( qiqi + Rq fr
ftta qrqt€ sft-( dq taqree-drKt+ ilnSrTS tcr n-€t, T{ffffi ftft+e ++.e-dr+
qr qt€ d ffi 6r artr t e+-m att err
{ S frqc Ctwur t ftq s.d * 6i+ t
(3) qR qrS< gs rd-qr + frq frSft g-d tfifrrt h rqrsrq-e t qRft-r qrqsq-6 (TA,
fra-6w rn * ad-r, ffiRqr{geBrrafrirrmrta-qr q-{tT{rir<at,
sq Fqftl t srrrq vc+ €[fu6 cr( ] cfr{ qn Rqrq-r qiq (Load Deflection Test)
(4) (O 6'r€ fr{qrT{ (Card Deflection) via +'<t srq, +il{ (Oscilation) ffi€ 6.(+ +
frq +'r€ + t{Tq + qq qrfi t sE-d dvr q< <cr vrfl qrQg rqr ffiffu ERq
i u-6t a-+ {:ref,,9+rr<emvrQq qt{ 6rg frFcrrr stq h rorer qs r-+d{ h
lcFT u---<!-s 3(Dl
gT{iT r5I (litq?r : qqTET(lI 5
frq sru-ar ffffi {q sq.lffir qafr qr rfta-rq lHfttfr Em ff qrt fr€qrr{ qiq
1e1 +6 fr{qrq-{ + qrc+ vlrc friFIF (abutments) qI sEfr cC m€ dt, *
g*.rtq< t ft{, t-qrflr {qff qrRql
(5) fur RFnc-{ ftdfe r<t * F{q r0qq ds + frs q-{+c F-d5il
frff trfr i.aql
arfurilc.TftT(ftsvqtttqrffi *rnurffi+etq sfqcr fffr +q sqrfrt
srur i qrqr qrqr
(6) ga i$fti-r er<r nff xvlll + frtclcil (deflection) dr( +ffi (oscillation) + E{{q
* nrc srRfto ftsrq-{ +r€ qrgfi h crs +qr srqflt
(7) rr& rr ftenq-r t-a'rR-q sq * frqr sngrn ilI frsrq-t qiq * rnq gf,{r q'{+ + ftq
q+ st+ xutt + kiY 1 2 t eef{rt Erqfi t
(8) qft qR fr€nq-{ qid + cfunq {frvq-il{ a-fr t r} qn frFnr{ qiq * qftftffi
<rgm Frfr g<.rS< r< <qrq fist€< ciq +-trt ff qiq 6< F+-cr tt
(9) 1+1 ffot$r vir fffi {dmfrd frs t <<rq flEtfr Era 6 +.trt qrq,ftt
(e) qiq qR dk rrfit, qr< ftqrrr qi* + frq EfrEq frq rq qssrc ffit
(T) qi?, +{ + ffi-+q cqtg (chord) cr ffi
(flang6s) v< fr ilqtft Tqr E+ iils
qfr (weU) iln ft'q+ qrrfr (floor members) T( frcI wgfi +sI arg< sBe ur*t
(s) qR qvtq +srt sr-o-u qI, fr 16 wit src-ilq ff nnq,ff;
0. sRfii(frtcqrq - vll+, -
(A frcc h sc-ft{q (1) t, Eq Em fi qrfl+rfr mgt, t{n," *rd rqrl l-t 1+d{
24 * i g h
ci1-{ + sF(fud +r{ * qtrs< {q Ere fi qra-+r& srst, dr t{r," cr< tA qrqlrt
(q ftcq2st,
(D sc-fr{c { "iler Ftclq 6r{ yrtq +'G fi ffi r<m r< ffi-m t,' crd h qr<
(t )
q< frcc o * trcg-6 l' sFqfur ilrf + Etsfi ( Etcr ffiq iFr{ crtq t,<t + ffi
s-cm s"( (fi-f,r t,' {T< <& qr\itr
(iD sc-ft{rc (3) t ftrrr<hffi"r {rt qrdtqm q< 'ftc{ 3 +
ffi q-.Sd t
sFqfu( sr+ + +8 il( frfr ff v+n * ffiit rr{,' qr< <& qrgtt
g) ftqq zs hqwrq, ffifudfr{q d(:rcrR-dft'qr ilWr, qqtqr
'zst Flqr g t gq-fit{q (3) t ffi{ Rfrfr rrf, t} qrEr<tr -
(1) q-dtfrq:
(t) sq'S +fi 5-di +r srt Fs+' Sd +r ffiq, 5-{ffisr, qHtE{ drt Fs{il
(s) ++c k + lura Eq tfffrrt ff Fffi i F-cr sq-ft{q (+1 t vftn&c ftrft
lui gc r< {m <<r< a-fr <r"rr wrqqr * gq-ft{tr (l)
t Gfrfu e-<rq t qfu+ tr
(6) frq{rl EiE Sq + d< iF{+ + ftq ++c tq h cqrr
Ts itfffuR ff *tft. crq
(s) frqq 28 t,-
(i) rftf * rqrr v< ffifur
rft{ rqr qrgrn, qqt-q:-
"2s. iq ftq +tq tlrfr qr qq et+ rr sr+a
(iD sq-ft{{ (1) i, sca+-<ur il qn r< ffikr s6+.wr <cr qrgm, qqk:-
'rc*,F<ur: qs w ft{q * F+fi h ftq, qcn ffi (td tw< qr ffi
q-€ew $-r GqqA, t{il'Er {dGq-d q-€AE{
TF.c (qr{qro qr rsrfr m N
ffi ?n tqrq q{ffi m hil q1 pyipa ffftrur q+ qr
q-q +Frci {nR-{ A +
fr c 16+ + A sr+.r d Q sr r+r< + +q<r td ff ffi +F
qfut-dc rR cr trt
*€ am s-m d6 ff +f( rrft + qfud i
Ztr <q fts * tq iq-fr qr qq ei+ nr
/t/ Et srcFnc, fisr qrflc-+ d, \'tr{ *s, €'{ +Ri.T, +c *+< s5( ffir lfl
iqq qr vq eir * wq {q qrcr{, ffi ftq ffi q+fu{ ffi ft , +r e.t<r tt 6<;
(t/ q-dtigr{, qft-+il \rri qTa'+, dT6{'dra qrft q"iftq qfr q-IIT!FPT qr dft{.rft
vqrurq-{, +{r * rrrrrorr O;
ftl +q-{ Ttrrsr n+E qt< ffi€;
1tl {6 cfu{ririt ftq cd flq fr} qri er-fr TwrF-d fr84 {Tfr E{rEm ft
sfu+-dq riqr cr +s-e/RW Tg Ftrflt ff qk+'-dq {qt +r F*c 6c t sd+q fr{n
61 ft{qzart,-
c-{A t
0 sq-ft{c (1) t, afiftq rc+rr qm ft{q 28 + sqrid h Brfi-{ {rtftq t{ T(qr<
r[ F,* tr q*r tr itT et6 h r+q + +f'd rFnirr t:" erd t
16( Tt
+irftq uc+r< qr r{rRtcr+,, rddum qft-+-q qrri qr+fi frrr6-{ Er<r ftqq zg t sqidt
+ qfi -{ TR-ftc v< r6t t a-e Q
t{ ffi
te ivq qr qq d+ h rftI fr frf-( 6-(
Es-dr t:" cr< (awgtl
(iv) w-ftcq (5) t, ffiq F.dr{ $'di * q{rrK qr q-{rF*r6, q-{tiErn qft-s-fl qi
qr+6 rtr6-i' {r< r3irsrfr'c frq qrqtr
10. 'fr{Ftrr sfu iziqifrT gr!-{rdil + frq qrqrqtdrE +r ffi+" {fts + q-{+, "Brsrrm vil" erq
*< q$t h qr{ qt, "qE{r{ vttt' {r< dk qF( {d wtrtr
tt. s<Ft+fr*BrerFrvuiF -
1+1 fr'{q sz h w ftqq 11I { Tqr{ T(, ftErRG" sq-frqq {qr qRrln, qsk-
"(1 ) qd il6 +i-et +{ ff ffiuil
h c-{1q ti t ftS {q q-dfrR-d ft+-q ff q+sr a t, a-a
ar dt {t wm w fu'd ftq qrgt fr w w rqi <rt vft-<rcr, hFr qr qq erm q-{i t
t cMq-d' frq ilt {, fi EE frrr t {r"
1u) ft{{sst,-
(i) sq-ft{q (1) t, 'Brsqrc Vtt' er< Bt-( qq-t h sm w "Brqrq 7" crq Bi-( ti6 {A
(iD sc-ft{rq (2) t, "srE{rc Vtf qr< qtr ererd * srt Tr "qgcrc Z" qr< dk ;f+ rd
(iiD sq-ft{c (s) t, "sqrc v " cr< dt( qq-t i Tcl{ q( ?Elnq 7 qtr qErq 1z etdt
(o ftq{ } srn q(, ffiR( ftqq {qr q(En, qqk.-
"37. flEror - (1) <tfi srr(ufr fi q+mE
\I?i An-{T{ fr{ri-{ Tr.ftc td i-ffffir
|M t areqrq t 8 h de t aEsn trnr
(2)+ftf-d qrfrrlrt ft{"ur (fi-ftO cr qrilrqr6 eiir{ qqnff (ffqrqgg; q1q&c t{ frrrfl{
rffffi ffi * +eqrr 13 4 6;= a h u-dqrc frrnr
12. 'G-q-fr 6$sr + fts sc-q-fr + Fqrfi ci fr-ftHur + {dft-( fi-{rr' eftS t q-{+, "BrEqFr vilt,, {r<
*r *r
qe-{ h srq qr, "3rsqrc lx' s< vniir qq-< <&
i3. sifrFi{fr+qEFrxt-
(6) ft{c 38 +,-
0 sc-ft{rq (1) t, "qrcfiq R-qd ft{q, 19s6" crd * F{rt q-{,+ffc ffi Frfu+..tlr
Bfrl.t, 2o1o', er< {A qrqtl
(ii) sq-ftfi (3) t, yr. cr. 87+64" {r"it ert{ d6T * qr{ q( "qrcftq {l{fi 875 (srFT_
3)-2015 {{fr +{ {qdT{f,rq} T{ T{ qR-2015" {rd B{l-( si6, (a qrq+l
(iiD sc-fr{q g) + ft"rft *, Aw ffi i+frTf qrd * qrt rn TEFr gq ffi
i"ftfr+e qr<<dwgtr
(iv) sc-ft{q (ro) t, "i-s- {rq h sri qr ti i-q- er< <A qrqtr
(q ft{c a9 + Gjs (q) +, "2y2 x 2s t ff.. Eiqi :ft< cr+ * Fqrn [( -25 t +. qr 2x25 +.fi.'
d+ Srr er< {A wgtr
g) ft{q 40 +, "2s!z x 25+.ff." l{d qt{ {rd * erm l.< "25 *.+. qr 2x25 +.fi." dF dn
1e1 frw+r t,-
(i) uc-ft{q (r) t,-
(+) ris (O i, "25 +.ff./2 x 25 tff." eid qt< crd t Fqrn rr< "2s *.+ qr 2x25
*.fl doslnrq<&qr(ir
lqm n--<E 3(Dl $IT{iT I5T {IIFFT : STqTET(!T l1
ffi{r dt{Cisfri{r trrr w-e-ar +<rq rrg A cr+r urXfif *r;it r< ef fr{Hlr ffi{rq
gc-cr t ftrc \r6-d ftfrZ ff'{-{qr +< + ffdre ff{fir
tr ffie ffi"lr +q qr Tf+ft ftt{sr
cr qi6-Er xrfr qunfr - GftqtdD ern r<rt ff rrfr t eiT c-fiR -----
(qnd*tg-( ftff sqrt orgrftO ff tt E+ ------- T{ (qftd rrte, qetq rirwr
argil d qr+fi s'G vw <rq1-ff ftqr rqr U qrq ft.qr erqfi r
16. sn ffi t, Erf xt *{ str+ ftifu( vfrMt * qrr q<, ffifur srf ait( cBEqt {A lr$ft ,
Ift{c * scfrrr(r)
s 6r d<fq tq
Erg: .........- l=ri:
Eq qflslq-{r edua qr qT
SwRu-ffimft+< *wcr<<ts*
qr(-d {T <rqq? : qqtEtoT t3
lqFr II---q!-s 3(Dl
1 7. str ft{fr d, .6r{ xt *{ s(+ dtiftr cBfr=il t Tcrn q<, ffiRr s'r{ dt( {Efrpt {6
qrEfi, qstq:-
tftcc s t scfr{ctl ) 6r dECd) tdl
dtr q-trq"r Efr sr<
Etg:....... \E+
t e. sr ffi t, sr+ xlll qtr ss+ {dfi-d yRRc} * erm w, ffifue s,rf oit{ cARqY {6
qr(rft, qqfq'-
rrr{ xttt
tft{q 5 + sqffi 1 ) {r dE(E) tdl
Etta. \st:
ffi: ftff qrqFT: 1.676 fter
a. frslilfl Fcc-fi
iFq q'. +q-corfi Ir(iFTT T6T urcget {€fl+ flT IT{iFTT 25 iifi AFcFrqi
{rs-{r6T ni6R riTfir+ fi+ *++/Bq-t cneqr.-$
gFT fiia-+ 6+€ +fn-fr(+€ qt( q**
Gilstq qrq<fi ftlretia ffqqa-ilc
ffi sctiln eA6
Eqrtl Fqqt€
(1) (2) (3) (4) (s) (6) (71 (8)
IPARr II---SFC. 3(Dl
19 sr ftqlfr t, .nrf xrv qtr sct ftifi-e rBG*fr * +qrt q-{, ffiqEr sr{ dlt cEEqt (fr
qnfift, qqt(:-
tfrqq s +sqft{r(l) Frd< fO tq
tiqrt: ....ffi qrlrr{: 1.676 +.7
if.g. PTFT ++qtQ( qr€+ +{rfW ft"TFrct
{GEilr+ff (Tq rtl €rE-€ mYfr.r+frS
E-+<qr Tre+ srt EFc{+
B-{r a-gvnFwte
(1) (2) (3) (4) (s) (6) (7)
1 132113-4 ft-+$-q\t6-d R-{r rr€ sr<c?el Tfr GM+d-e
qffic + rrqGqa 22 +{{sr(fr
+€ .rS
Sat te w<
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(vii) fr ftrr<-c ilr EtdqR sc-rtufr fi {rqrq-{r q-dfred fftrit t q-tsn ff.ri t dcr t qrcrcrd
(viii) ftt=rt {<rr qrgr ara frfrssr ftq wt s{c fi ............... * sat srq w+ + frq vref'd fr{r
lrcr t ilI sq+ Era fr rr{ eff qs-{rq qr sq+ Era ftq rq (* 6r{ it srDc,rt + trr,t-d frc'rs
23. srF ft{fr + qftRrc k'+, 'frrrq-q-q{gl +( fficl{ {F{r{d + frq r,ffir" {ftS + q+{,
sc$+s'Itt. ts cq sr F0qvr + sft{, 6c dw1 2 tr rig (q) t, {r< {*{afl t rqra w,
Gtttf qr<<q qrgqr;
24. str ft{fr + cftS t. cr+( t {qrft-d fr} <rilrid avr fti-d + ftq qRfus rffi , -
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(iiD rq {qT s i, 'qrq" {r< * srn q-( "fr;n' qr< (qr qrq{nr
(iv) rrdwrT *Fqr{T{mfuilrq{qr+(6qrq'ft, qqk'-
"2. wc +{ }il s{+ oqr t t-q< rfr t + qtiEs + sr*rvrfr d t-+ 1 6o, *, 6
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QIqft {e ftcc qrcd f {rqq-{, q'{Tfior, qr{r ll, Eis 3, sc-ris (i), t q&qr{r riqr sr.{r.fr. 625(sr),
ilrfrs 21 gil€, 2000 rr<r rotfrc ftS.rt + +( s{+ 1 Brq.r<, 2018 ff sfu(fir dqr
sr.il.fr. g+s(q) Ertr ;iftc t+Ei ftq qt tr
(Rrilwry Bord)
Ncw Delhi, ttrc 27th April, 2023
G.S.R. 321@) --ln exercise of the powers conferrcd by section l9t of the P.ailways Act, l9t9 (24 of l9E9),
the Central Covernment hereby makes thc following rules firrthcr to am€nd the Pailways (Opening for Public Caniage
of Passengers) Rules, 2000, namelyi
l. (l) These rules may be called the Railways (Opening for Public Cariage of Pass€ngers) Amendmcnt Rules,
(2) They shall come into forc€ on the dale oftheir publicarion in the Offcial Gazene.
2. In the Railways (Opening for Public Caniagc of Passengers) Rulcs, 2000 Oereinafter refcrred to as the said
rules), in the opening portion, for the words and figures *sesrions 2E, 29 and 198", the word and ligure
'section l9t" shsll be substitut€d.
3. In Chapter I ofthe said mles, in mle 2,-
'(ir) "lmponant bridges" means those bridges having a lincar waterway of 300 mares or a otrl
waterway of 1000 sqm or morc and those classified as imponarn by the ChiefEngineq or ChiefBridge
lcFr rF-q!-s 3(DI qrcd dr <rqq{ : irqTEr(lr t7
Engineer, depending on considerdtions such as dcpth of warerway, cxted of river tsaini[g works and
maint€nance problems;';
'(jr) "Major bridges" mcalls thos€ bridges having a total lin€ar waterway of 18 metres or more or
having a clear opening of l2 linesr mets€s or more in any one spon;
'(jb) "Minor bridges" mears thosc bridges which arc neither 'lmportant bridges- nor'Major bridgcs";'.
4 h Chrptcr II of thc Erid ruhr,-
O for rule "1.", nrte "3." thetrof shall be rsaunbered and in rule 3, as so renumbered, sub-rules 2 and 3
occwring aner sub-rule (l) shall bc substituted as sub-rules (2) and (3) respectively.
(iD after sub- rule (3) ofrule 3, the following proviso shall be inserted, namelyi
"Provided that, thc following matteB are not requircd to b€ referred to dlc Commissioner, as specificd
in Form XVI A namely:-
(a) consrudio4 rebuilding modificaion and stsengthening of foot-over-bridges 8nd road over-
"4A. Supply of docurlctrts to Prhcipd Chicf Engirccr or Principrl Chicf Elcctricrl Engincer or
Prlnclpal ChicfSigaal rnd Tclccommunicrtiol EDgiDGGT - For matters specifiod in proviso to rule 3,
documents mcntioned in rulo 4 as r€levant to spocific mattor, shall be submifted to the Principal Chief
Engincer or Principet Ctrief Elecfical Engineer or Principa.l Chief Signal and Telecommunication
Engineer ofZonal Railway by conccmcd Senior Administrativc Gradc officrr, as the casc may be."
(a) for the headin& the following heading shall be substituted, namely:-
"5A. Contcot! of docutrtctrls to bc supplicd to thc Princip8l Chicf Engirccr or PriDcip8l Chicf
Electricel Eogincer or Princlpsl ChirfSiglrl rtrd Tclccommunicrtion Enginccr ofZooel Reilways
- The documerts refenEd io in rule 4A shall contain the details as spocified below-
(l) tabulated details which shall consist of important characteristics of the railway or a portion of
railway to be opened for public carriage ofpass€nger 8nd in parricular include, -
(a) gradient abstact as specified in Form II;
(a) complction drawing of bridgcs, with drawings showing each typc of girdqs used and
giving the loading standard for which each is designed, and (ifcalled for
by the prircipal
ChiefEngineer, Zonal Railway), details ofthe calculations oftheir sEength; and
(b) implantation ofdiagrams ofovcr head equipment mass, ifapplicable.
(3) The list ofQuestions and Answers shall be prepared in tems ofqucstions cnlisted in Form XV.
(4) The c€rtificates of works as p€r contEnts mentioncd in Form ,XVI A' by Chicf Engineer
containing the comments on the following items applicable ro specific matter mcntion€d in
proviso to rule 3, namely: -
(6) Thc working orders o be enforc€d at cach stdion on thc railwsy to be openea *rat Ue prtpareO
in accordance with the ru1e3 provided in Chspter V of ttle Gsneral Rules ad shall speciry any
spscia.l conditions tha are r€quircd to be met with.
(7) Where it involves introdwtion of electric Eaclion orl the railway line rhe worting orders shall
include traction working nrles.
(ii) ir sub'rule (2) of rure 7, for the word 'bridges', thc words "imprtant or major bridgcs- shall be
(iiD in nrle E, for the word "bridges', the words "importallt or mqior bridgcs' shall be substihtrcd.
(iv) in sub'rulc (4) of rule 10, for the words "bridges-, th€ words "imporant or major bridges', shall be
lqrrr II--<!-s 3(DI rTRiT I5I {INFFT : qqTET{gI l9
6. Ir Ch.pter IV ofthc said rul€s,-
(a) in rule 16,-
"(l) The Commissioner shall satisry himself that the railway's important or major bridges and
other elevated structures ofthe railway proposed to be opened for public cErriage of passengers
. are designed and constructed as to the loads spocification specified in the Indian Railways
Standard Bridges Rules, 1964 with upto dare Addendum and Corrigendum slips or latest version
and other relevant code, and that rhe loads specification ard stress limits are not exceeded.
(iiD in sub-rule (3), for the letters, words and figure "IRS Bridge Rules, 1964", the words an figure
"lndian Railways Standard Bridges Rules, 1964 with upto date Addendum and Conigendum
slips or latest version' shall be substituted,
(b) for rule 17, the following rule shall be substituted, namely:-
gl7. Procedurc for inspcction
ofimpoitrnt or mrjor bridges - (l) The Commissioner shall examine
at least one important or major bridge of each differont pattem or type and satisry himself about the
adoquacy with rcferenc€ to safety of -
(a) the general design ofthe bridge;
(2) Whethet the Crmmission€r feels that it is necessary for the purpose of inspection and to see
whether any riveting or bolthg has been properly and efficiently executed, he may order the
cutting out any dvets or opening of bolts ard may also order the dismartling of any pafi of the
structure ofthe bddge for more detailed examination.
(3) If the Commissioner considers it nec&ssary, in addition to the certificale of a Bridge Engineer
employed for the pupose, he can call for the load deflection test unde. the loads for which the
bridge is designed and where this is not possible under the heaviest loads available.
(4) (a) When making card defle€tion t€s! the test cards arc to be plac€d at right angles to the cenhe
line ofthe track, in order to record oscillation and the recording pencil point should be as fin€ as
' possible and the load deflectioD test may also be caried out by any other suitable method or
latest tcchnolos/ available for this purposg apart from card deflection test.
(b) When central deflection is measured, the allowarce shall be made for the deflection, if any,
ofthe abutrnents or piers.
(5) In order to r€cord the static deflectiorL the test shall be carried out at dead slow speed and ar the
maximum permissible spe€d of the s€ction aDd the speed shall be carcfitlly measured by
stopwatch or by some aulomatic means.
(6) The Bridge Engineer shall submit actual deflection cards to'the Commissioner together with a
statement of deflections and oscillations in Form XVI[.
(7) The deflection ofthe girder shall be wo*ed out theoretically and shall be shown in column l2 of
Form XVIII to enable a compadson being made with the observed deflection.
(8) In addition to the load deflection tes! the Commissioner may, require sress re{order te$ !o be
carried out on aoy bridge girder, ifresuls ofload deflectiol tests arc not satisfaclory,
(9) (a) The stress recorder test shall be ca.riod out with a stress recorder ofapFoved type.
(b) The tests loads and speeds shall be as specified for load deflection tests.
(c) The t€sts shalt be takerl on the chords or flanges at mid span and on such web and floor
members as the Commissioner shall specifr.
(d) lf a sufficienr number of iostsumens are available, these tests shall be made simultaneously.
(10) The sness recordo diagrams together with calculations showing how the maximum stress under
the design load with full impact (including dead load shesses) is deduced from the measured
sness shall be submitted by Bridge Engineo to the Crmmissioner who shall, before sanctioning
the opening of the bridge, satisfr hims€lf thar the stesses in the giders shall rot exc€ed thos€
specified in the Indian Railway Standard Ste€l Bridge Code, 1962 with upto date Addendum and
Corrigendum slips or latest version and other relevant codes.
(l l) If the Commissioner is satisfied that the girder has been properly designed for th€ work it is
intended to perform, then, bridge girders are not required to be tested.
(12) New steel girders and steel-concrete composite girders of standard designs need not be tested if
those girden were inspectEd at the time of their manufacture by the Researclu Design and
Srandards Orgarisation or any other inspecting agency engaged by Chief Bridge Engineer of
concemed railway, and a c.€rtificate of satisftctory erection including the seating ofthe bearings
and field riveting or bolting bas bcen given:
Provided that the new concrete bridges need not be tested if load testing is not required to be
conducted as per provisiors of Indian Railway Standard Concr€te Bddge Code, 1997 with upto
date Addendum and C.ordgendum slips or larest version and other relevant codes.
(13) The Commissioner may decide thal the second hand plare girders arc not required to be tested if
he is saisfied thar,-
(D the girder is strong enough for the work it is intended to perform; and
(iD the responsible officer of the clncemed railway bas c€rtified that the condition of the
material and workmanship are such that the use of the girder for the specified loading
shall not involve stresses in excess of those permitted in the Indian Railway Standard
Steel Bridge Code, 1962 with upto date Addendum and Conigendum slips or lalest
version and other relevant codes.
(I 4) The Commissioner may have test of any number of spans made afld may have a spa[ tested ary
number of times and at any spoeds as he considers necessary, up to the maximum permissible
speed ofthe section ofthe railway.
(15) Th€ load deflectior test may b€ caried out for non-standard bridge girders which are fabricated
or constructed for dl€ first time (ne€d not be tested, if girder is already under rse in some other
bridge over Indian Railways and given satisfrctory performance) and results of such tests shall
be supplied to Commissioner,
(16) The CommissioDer rnay exarnine ary non-standard bridge girders, which is fabricated or
consmrcted for the first time.
(17) The Commissioner shall be supplied with a certificate fiom the engineer (not below the rank of
Junior Adminisuzrive Grade) responsible for design and construction of the b,ridge to the offect
that welds have been designed in accordance with the Indiar Railway Standard Welded Bridge
C,ode, 2001 with upm date Addendum and Corrigendum slips or latest version and other relevant
codes and o<ecuted m the satisfaction ofthe said engineer.
(18) If mdiogaphic examination of the welds is specified in the drawing or procedure sheet or is
required to be done in accodance with the provisions of the Indian Railway Standard Welded
Bridge Code, 2001 with upto date Addendum and Conigendum slips or latest version and other
relevant codes, the results ofsuch examination shall be aDnexed to thc certificale."
1 In Chapter V ofthe said rules, in rule 19, the Explanarion shall be omitted.
lqm F=q!-s 3(Dl qtaT 16r $Fl=t : mITfi<lT 2t
O) the comp€tent authodty to glant sanction 10 open tlle section with electric traction for
above mentioned works shall be Principal Chief Electrical Engineer of Zonal Railway,
with no firrtlv dclegation,"
(b) in rule 22, for the heading the following heading shall be substituted, namelyi
O in sub-rule (l), after the words "passenger traffic,", the words and figure "except work
mentioned in proviso to rulc 3," shall be inserted;
(iD in sub-rule (3), after the words "any work", the words and figure "except work mentioned in
proviso to rule 3," shall be inserted;
(c) after rule 25, the following rule shall be inserte4 namely:-
"2sA.Opening ofworks specified under sub-rulc (3) ofrule 3,-
(l) For items:
(a) construction, rebuilding, modification and suengthening of foot-over-bridges and roadl
(b) constuction, rebuildiry, regirdodng and strenglhening ofminor bridges;
(c) regirdering and shengthening ofall existing bridges, other than minor bridges;
(d) elimination ofmarmed level crossing;
(e) upgradation of non-interlocked level crossing and diversion of roads at level crossings,
comp€tent authority to grant sanction to o(ecute and open \xorks shall be Principal Chief
Engineer of zonal railway, with no further delegation.
(2) For upgmdation of interlocked level crossing including interlocking outside station limits, the
competent authodty to grant sanction to execute and op€n works shall be Principal Chief Signal
and Telecommunication Engineer of zonal railway, with no further delegation."
(iD in suLmle (2), for the word "bridge", the words 'importanr or major bridge" shall be substitutcd.
(iiD in suEmle (3), for the word "bridge", the words 'importanr or major bridge" shall be substituted.
(ir) after sub-rule (3), the following sub-rules shall be inserted, namely:-
"(4) No Railway minor bridge shatl bc erccted or opened to tra.ffic and no nilway bridge
(important or major and minor) shall be reopened to traffic, after regirdering and strengthenin&
without the sanction ofthe Principal Chief Enginee of Zonal Railway even though it is able to
carry the loads without exceeding the stress€s prcscribcd in the relevant Codes of Practice or in
the absence ofany such reference, lhe design criteria approved by the Centml Goverrunent.
(5) No load shall be imposed on any railuiay bridge defined in sub-rule (4) which would cause in
any member thereof stresses g€ater lan those specified in sub-rule (4), without the sanction of
the Principal ChiefEngineer ofzonal Railway.
(6) Closure ofan existing minor bridge sha.ll requLe the sanction ofthe Principal ChiefEngineer
ofZonal Railway."
(e) in rule 28,-
(i) for the heading, the following heading shall be substituted, namelyi
(28. Itrtroductiotr of trcw types of locomotives or rolling
stock J'
(iD in suLrule (l), for the Explanarion, the following Explanation shall be substitute4 namely:-
"Explanation: For the purposes of this sub-mle, any inqease in sanctioned maximum speed of
existing locomotives or rolling stock beyond the maximum speed sanctioned by Railway Board
for similar type stock already ruLnning in the same category (rcomotives or Trainset including
Electric Multiple Unit, Mainline Electric Multiple UDit or Coaahes or Wagons or TEck Machine
or Cranes or Over Head Equipmens lnspection Cars or any other category), shall be teated as
introduction ofnew types of locomotives or rolling stock"
(iiD in clause (a) of suErule (2), after the words "dimensions of tle", rhe words "locomotive or,
shall be inrrted.
(ir) in clause (c) of suLrule (2), after the words 'power units", the words "or the maximum number
ofdiesel or electric multiple units' shall be inserted.
(v) in suLrule (4),
(A) after the words'type of', the word "locomotive" shall be inserted
(B) after thc words "tsack shall be", the word "inducted" shall be insened.
(vi) in sutrrule (5), after the words "locomotives", the words "or rolling stock " shall be hserted.
(vii) for sub-rule (6), the following sub-rule shall be substituted, namely:-
"(6) A locomotivc or tplling stock shall be considered new, if it is diferent fiom those already
running on any seation or division ofrailway adminisfation:
Explanation: A locomotive or rolling stock having larger principal dimensions (>57o) or more
infiingements or higher maximum design axle l@d (>2yo) or higher maximum design hack
loading density (>27o) or diferent basic bogie design or new design ofbraking system other than
currently in use over Indian Railways or different kind of operadon or differenr system of
operatio[ and control over the rolling stock or with proposed maximum speed more than the
maximum speed of those similar type stocks already ruming in the sarne category (Locomotives
or Trainset including Electric Multiple Unit, Mainline Electric Multiple Unit or Coaches or
rffagons or Track Machine or Cranes or Over Head Equipments Inspection Cars or any other
category), shall be rcgeded as new rolling stock Any other rolling stock shall be lermed as
"Derived" stock.
(viii) After sub-rule (6), the followirE sub-rute shall be insend namelyi
"(6A) Sanction for introduction ofa locomotive or rolling stock which is rct considered ncw and
termed as 'Derived', as p€r the criteria mentioned in sub-rule (6) of rule 2t, shall be accorded by
Director General, Researc[ Design and Standards Organisation and while issuing sanction for
such 'Derived' locomotive or rolling stock, inclusion of conditions issued by Central
lqrq II---<!s 3(Dl qT(il 16T {rqrFr . srg[Er(ur 23
Gover,nent in sanction l€tter of similar t1pe, in same category, of locomotive or rcIing stock,
shall be duly considered. Head of concerned design directorate of Research, Design and
Standards Organisation shall apply, for introduction of'Derived' locomotives or rollhg stock for
use by any railway adminisEation, to Directff General, Researcll Design and Standards
Organisarion and the application shall be accompanied by-
(a) such diagrams as may be nec€ssary to give firll particulars ofthe axle loads, wheel spacing,
length over buffers and other principal dimensions ofthe locomotive or rolling stock for
which sanction is require(
(b) provisional speed ceftificate oi final speed crrtificate, as the case may be, issued by the
Researc[ Design and Standards Oryanisation;
(c) the oscillation trial rcports aDd records
(d) the maximum number of motive powcr units or the maximum number ofdiesel or electric
multiple units proposed !o be coupled together for multiple operation shall be specifically
(0 in rule 28d-
(i) in sub-rule (l), aftcr thc words "by the Central Govemment", the words "or Director General,
Research, Design and Standards Organisation' shall be inserted.
(a) in clause (iii), after the words'1he Central Government", the words "or Director General,
Research, Design and Standards Organisation" shall be inserted.
(b) in sub,clause (c) of clause (iv), affer dte tvord "proposed", the words "locomorive or"
shall be inserted.
(c) in sub-clause (d) of clause (iv), before thc words "rolling stock", the words "locomorive
oC' shall be inserted.
(d) in clause (vi), aftet the word "proposed", thc words "locomotive or" shall be inserted.
(iiD after suLrule (4), the following sub-rule shall be inserted, namely:-
'?A. IfinAastructurc and operating conditions, for a new or dedved locomotive or rolling stock,
as specified in the Provisional or Final Speed Cenificate issued by Researcl! Designs and
Standards Organisatio4 are wune as that for any other locomotive or rolling stock already
numing on the Railway, prccess mentioned in sub-rule (2) for sanction ofceneral Manager shall
not rcqufue to b€ followed:
Prcvided that instead in such cases, only a notificotion (which will be considered at par with the
sanction) shall be issued by the Goneral Manager thar permission is given for use of this
locomotive or rolling stock on the Railway on the sarne infrastructure and op€raring conditions
as already notified for such locomotive or rolling stock and this notification shall be s€nt io the
Commissioner for his information ten days in advance of the acual us€ of locomotive or rolling
stock over the railway.
(ir) in sub-rule (5), the words "or Direclor Geneml, Research, Design and Standards Organisation"
shall be inserted a-fter the words 'the Central Govcmmgnt".
(g) for rule 29, the following rule shall b€ substituted, namelyi
"29. Tcstirg of bridgcs - Bcforc sanctioning the open ofnew imponant or major bridges or the ruIlI ng
of heavier loads over existing bddges, the Commissioner may require load deflection or stress recorder
test to be caried out as specified in Chapter IV and tests on pre stress concrete girder or composite
girder bridge may also be calfied out ard the Principal Chief Engineer of Zonal Railway may also
follow the above pra+ice for sarrction to execute and open bridgcs as defncd in rule 25A."
INTERLOCKING fNSfeI-LeUOI'ls", for the words and letters "CHAPTER Vlf" the words and letters
"CHAPTER VUf' shdl be substinded.
O) in rule 33,-
figure "Chapter 7'shall be
(D in suLrute (l), for the word and lettem "Chapter VII"' the word and
(ii) in sub-rule (2), for tlre word and te$ers "Chapter VII", the word and figwe "Chapter
7' shall b€
in sub-rule (3), for the word and lettcrs'Chapter VII"' the words and figure "Chapter
Chapter 12" shall be substituted.
(c) for rule 37, the following rule shall be substihned, namelyi
"37. Gcncrel - (l) The rcquirements and regulation of Block lostruments shall be in accordanc'e
section ofchapter l8 ofthe lndian Railways Signal Engineering Manual'
shall be in
(2) The rcquirements of Centralised Traffic Contol (CTC) or Traffic management system
accordance with section 4 ofchapter l3 ofthe Indian Railways Signa'l Engineering Manual "
(D in suLrule (l), for the words and figure "lndian Elecbicity Rules, 1956", the words and figure
"Central Electrical Authority Regulation 2010" shatl be substihrted;
standard s75 (part-3)-2015 Wind l,oacls on Buildings and Shucfurcs-2ol5,' shall be substituted;
Chief Electricsl Enginee/' shatl be substituted;
(iv) in subrule (10), for the word "gauges", the words "hcight gaug€s" shatl be substituted;
(b) in rule 39, in clause O, for the figurcs and t eters"z5t2 x25 KV @ution', the figues and letters'25kV
or 2x25 kV caution" shatl be substitutc4
(9 of l9l0)', tie words and figurcs "The Electricity Act, 2003" shatl be substirutcd;
(A) for the figures and laters "25KV/2 x 25", the figrnes, lettcrs and word '25kV or 2 x 25k\I' shall bc substitued;
(0 in rule 43,-
(D in clause (i) of suErulc (2), for the figues and lctets "25D KV AC', the figures and letters "25kv or 2 x
25kV" shall be substitute4
(iD in subrule (5),-
(a) in clause (i), for the words "by the Commissioner", thc words "or by any other suitablc mcans by thc Principal
ChiefElectrical Engineer ofZonal Railway" shall b€ substihx€d;
(c) in clause (iii), ttre words "the Divisional Railway Manager and" shall be omittcd;
(iii) in sub-rule (6), for the word "Commissioner', the words "Principal Chief Elcctrical Engincer of Zonal
Railwaf shall be subtiurt€d;
(iv) in sub-rulc (7), for the words and lcttcrs "scction 'R' ofthe Signa.l Engincering Manus.l, Pafi I", thc words and
figure "Chryter 22 of Indian Railways Engineering Manual" shall be subslitut€d;
t4 ln SCHEDLJLE of thc said rules, in hcadin& afrt' th€ words *Engineering DcparEDenf', the words 'as
modified fiom timc to time" shall be insertcd.
l5 ID Form X ofthc irid rulcs,-
(D in the fust pomgaph, for thc words 8rd figurcs 'ss I12.5", the €nbies ".... '............" shall be substiued.
(ln-ch8rge ofProject)
16. ln the said rulcs, for Form )o and enhi€s rclating tber€lo, the following Form and entries shall be substitutc4
Sl. No Type of Swirching Stations ToEl Nos. lrcation and NearEst Renarks
Railway Stations
(t) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Traclion substBtion and feeding stations
Sectioning ud paralleling stations
3 SuLs€ctioning ard pa.atleling ststioos l4
4 Sub-s€ctioning stations Nit
5 LT Supply transformer stations 23 (List to be attached)
(ln-charg€ of Project)
17. In the said rules, for Form XII and entsies relating theEto, the following Form and entries slull be substituted,
IScG chulc (l) of !ub-.ruh (1) of rulc 5l
sl. lrcation Name of the rcarest Railway Wlrther with OHE maintsnance ReEDrks
No stations and distance therefronr car (towcr wagon provided or
(t) (2) (3) (4) (s)
Km 1370/15-16 Hatttras 2.0 kms towards Delhi Yes
2 Km 1454r-E Sakur Basti 1.5 km towards Delhi No
(IFctErge of Project)
[{Fr II---<[g 3(i)l qTTfi l[I IT€FTT : qgTgT<lT 27
18. ln thc said rules, for Form xlll End cntsiei r€tating thEeto, the following Form and entries shall be substitutc4
[Scc chrrc (o) of suErulc (l) of rulc 5l
A. Overline Stuctules
B. Location ofOHE wherc spccified (2.0m) worting clearancc are not avai lable
(ln-charge ofProjecD
19, In the said mleg for Form XIV and entrics rclating therEto, the following Form and entries shall bc substitute4
[Sct churc (n) ofsub-rulc (l) ofrulc 5l
(ln-charge ofProjcct)
20. In Form_XV ofthe said rules, against scriar numbcr 59, in corumn (2), for thc word and rcttcrs -chaplcr vrlr,
the word and leners "Chapter IX- shall be subctinrted
2l ln Form XVI of the said ruleg
(a) serial nuobcr (vii) shall be omimed
(b) Note shall b€ omitred.
22 In the said rules, afl.er Form xvl, the "Fomr XM A and cntries rclating thereto, shall be insened, namcly:-
[Scc proviso to rulc 3l
I do hcreby cenifl:-
O tlur the Maximum Dineruions for railway in irdia have in every case been worked to, with the exc€ptions
daailed in the statement hercwith afiExed*
Also' that the Sandard Dimensions wiU be obs€rved in fuhnc, md that no work or stnrctur€ intringing the
standard Dimensions will hereafler be pennined withod the ranction ofthe centat Government.
(ii) that each bridge is ofsuch dcsigrq dimensions and oomruction os will enabte ir ro bear thc dead load of the
struchre itself (with flooring roadway, permanent way etc. complcte), and in addition ther€to, the equivalents
of the livc loads specified in the ruIes pscribing Stadsrds of the Design and loading for Railway bridgca,
without cxc€eding the maximum permissible sts€ss on the availsbte mareiia in any mernber or ponion offhi
(iii) thar morc than two engines shall not under any circtmstanc€s b€ allowed at one time on the sarne tmck of one
span ofany bridge.
(iv) thar cvef,y coaching vehicle constnged or procurcd for the use of th€ milway in mail and passenger uains ig
and shall be provided with vacuur/air brake and effective mearu of communication baween pr"r"ngert, g*i
and driver.
Note: Thir item ofcrnifica& is not nec€sstry for those light lines on which the use ofyacuum or air brake has
not been insisted upon.
(v) that one compartment or such number ofbenh or seats, as the railway a&ninistsation may think fig ofa second
class carriage ofevery train carrying passengers shall be reserved for thc exclusive use offemales.
(ri) thEt the railway shall be worked on the sysEm lslown as Absolute Block Syston in accordancc with thc
regularioN prescriH in section Chapter VIII ofthe Ccnenl Rulcs for Railways in India.
NotG: In the statement showing the cases in which thc Maximurn and Minimum dirneruions havc besr
inFinged firll details for eadr csse musr be given, io thc fom atehed (Form XVII) with aplanation of rhc
ncccssity for such infiingements and a referenc€ to th€ authority under which it was permittcd. Iftlrere have
bcen no infringemcnts of the Maximum and Mhimulr Dimensions thc vords,'\ith the o<c.eDtion detailcd in
the statement herEwith annord-, should be omitt€d or stuck out.
lqr.r lL--qrs 3(DI iIT<T rEt {ts qlt : sRITERIT 29
(vii) That the signaling and telccommuniaation equipmem have been installed in accordance with the approvcd
insfuctions and they ar€ safe for passing raffic.
(viii) that .............. has been delegated to accompany the Commissioner ofRailways Safety on his inspection and
all information supplied or engagements entsr€d into by him shall bear my authority.
The Principal Chief Engineel'
23. In Appendix B of the said rules, under thc heading "CATECHISM FOR SICNALLING AND
norc, clause (b) ofserial number 2, for thc word "details", the word "derails" shall be substituted;
the said rules,-
(iD serial number T shall be omitted;
(b) ruder sub-hcading "II. POINTS',-
(D in serial number 3, for the word "banld, the words "Crank handle" shall b€ subsrituted;
(iD in serial number 4, the words "with the exception ofmolor commutators', shall b€
(iir) in scrial numbcr 5, for the word "with", the word "without" shall b€ substitutcd;
(ir) for sedal number 7, the following serial number shall be substituted, namely:-
"7. In order to prcvent the movement of points while a tsain is passing over them, arc points
providod with track circuit locking?"
(c) under sub-heading'IV. CABLES AND CIRCUIT", in serial number l, after the word "sealed", the
words "or lockcd" slull bc iru€rted.
Uploaded by Dte. ofPrhtiDg aI Gover!@trt of hdia Press, RiDg Roa4 Mayapu.i, New D€lhi-l 10064
aod Publi$cd by thc Contsoller of PublicatioDs, Delhi-l10054. ml"==f'_