9d6 Quest 35p - AnsZUH
9d6 Quest 35p - AnsZUH
9d6 Quest 35p - AnsZUH
Table of Contents
Introduction 1 Characters 9
Needed to Play 1
Choose a Hero 1 Combat 12
X in 6 Chance 1 Damage from Foes 13
Frequently Used Acronyms 1 Running Away From Combat 13
Overview of the Game 1 Major Foes 14
Play Procedure 1 Minor Foes 17
Movement 2
Dice Status 2 Missions 18
You Always Use Fresh Dice if Special Hex Rules 21
Possible 3 Maps 25
Death 3 Play Sheet 31
Rerolls 3
Free Rerolls 3
Glory 3
Exploration 4
Treasure Points 4
Scrolls 4
Spells 4
Healing 5
Experience 6
Dangers 6
Magic Items 6
Magic Item List 7
9d6 Quest
Introduction Frequently
This is a dice management, pen- Used Acronyms
and-paper solo fantasy game. D= Difficulty, the
You play as a hero trying to com‐ number you
plete a series of quests. must roll on at least 1 die to suc‐
ceed at an action.
Needed to Play TP= Treasure Points, an amount
You need this booklet, a pencil, 9 of gold or other valuables that
six-sided dice, the paper minia‐ you can spend in towns and vil‐
tures and maps. There are 6 lages to buy food or rest.
maps, numbered 1 to 6. HP= Hit points, the number of
times you must hit a monster to
Choose a Hero defeat it.
d6= The roll of a six-sided die.
You begin by choosing a hero FR= Free Rerolls.
from the list on p.9-11. Not all he‐
roes are equal and not all are
suited for all missions, but all Overview of the Game
have a chance to complete the First you choose your character,
game. then you roll d6 to choose a map
(maps are numbered 1 to 6), and
X in 6 Chance then roll d6 to select a Mission. If
If the rules tell you there is a 1 in you roll a Mission that you have
6 chance (or 2 in 6 chance, or 3 in already played, you may play it
6 chance, etc.) of something hap‐ again or select a different Mis‐
pening, it means: roll a die. If the sion, including those with num‐
result is a 1 (or 1-2, 1-3, etc.), that bers higher than 6. When you
thing happens. If not, that thing have completed all the available
does not happen and play pro‐ missions, you win the game.
ceeds as normal. Playing all the Missions is also
called playing a Campaign. Mis‐
Example: You cross a hex that has a sions take anywhere from 10 to
2 in 6 chance of containing a Danger. 30 minutes each, so you could
You roll a die. If the result is 1-2, easily play a full campaign in one
there's a Danger! If the result is 3, 4, or two sessions.
5, or 6, there is no Danger.
Play Procedure
You play in turns. Your character
starts with 9 dice in the Fresh
box and moves 1 hex on the map
every turn.
9d6 Quest
You roll dice to perform Movement
actions other than mov‐ You move 1 hex per turn, in any
ing. direction desired. The icons in the
hex represent different types of
When you perform an action, terrain, but they do not affect
you may roll any number of movement.
dice desired.
Rolls of 1 are ALWAYS failures. Rolls If a rule tells to Downgrade a die, you
of 6 are ALWAYS successes. MUST move a Fresh die to the Tired
box, or a Tired die to the Wounded
Downgraded dice can be “healed” box, or a Wounded die to the Dead
through resting and magical box.
healing. “Dead” dice can be
healed only between games.
9d6 Quest
You Always Use Fresh Dice if
If you have any Fresh dice and
must attempt a roll, you MUST Example: You at‐
first try to use your Fresh dice. If tempt an action with Difficulty 5. You
your Fresh dice fail, you may then roll 3 Fresh dice, but none of them roll
use your Tired or Wounded dice a 5, so you decide to pick up 2 of those
for the same roll. You may use in dice and roll them again. This time,
the roll any dice that were just one rolls a 5, so your action succeeds.
downgraded. However, the 2 dice you rerolled are
You may NEVER use your Dead downgraded and moved into the Tired
dice – they are effectively out of box.
your reach until the next game.
You may NEVER reroll table re‐
Death sults.
If at any moment all your
dice are Dead, your hero Free Rerolls
dies and you lose the game. Certain situations, skills or items
give you FREE Rerolls. A Free
You may start again by selecting Reroll is a reroll you can perform
another hero and another mis‐ at any time during your turn or
sion. during a foe’s turn. Unlike regular
Rerolls, Free Rerolled dice are
Rerolls NOT downgraded when they fail.
If all your dice fail, you may reroll any
number of the dice you rolled. Example: The Knight character has a
Free Reroll on a die used for attack or
You may reroll ANY number of the defense rolls.
dice you rolled – however, any
rerolled die is automatically down-
graded, no matter the number rolled.
When you accomplish certain
feats, you gain 1 Glory. At any mo‐
ment of the game, you may burn 1
Glory to perform 1 Free Reroll on
ANY die roll. Once used, Glory
points are gone forever, but you
may always gain more. There is no
upper limit to the amount of
Glory you may have.
9d6 Quest
Town (not a Village).
If you play in a campaign Scrolls
(a series of consecutive When you find a
games with the same Scroll as part of a foe’s
hero), any Glory won in loot, decide whether
previous games remains with it contains magic or
the hero. If a hero dies, all the information.
hero’s Glory is lost forever.
If it contains magic, you can use
Exploration it to cast a spell from the spell
A successful Exploration action list (choose one). You cast the
lets you find what you are look‐ spell ONCE and the scroll is de‐
ing for. stroyed.
Example: If you are monster hunt‐ A Mage character can also use a
ing, a successful Exploration roll Scroll to gain 2 Glory points. An
will let you find a Major Foe. unused Scroll may be sold in a
Town for 2 TP.
Exploration rolls are also per‐
formed to avoid Dangers. Like If a Scroll contains information, it
any other roll in the game, you gives 2 Free Rerolls that you can
may roll any number of dice you use for a single Exploration roll.
want against the Difficulty of Once these are used, the Scroll
the Exploration, and if at least is no longer useful and your
ONE die is successful the Explo‐ character throws it out.
ration is successful.
Barbarians may not use Scrolls.
Treasure Points Witch Hunters automatically
You gain Treasure Points (TP) by destroy any Scrolls they find
defeating monsters and taking and do not use them.
their loot. TP may
be spent in Vil‐ Spells
lages, Towns and Mages learn a single spell from
Temples to pay for this list at the beginning of the
healing. Gaining game and may learn others
a certain number from scrolls. The Mage may cast
of TP may be a the spell she knows as many
goal of a mission. times as desired, but she may
Magic items may not cast more than 1
be sold and con‐ spell per turn. Some
verted into TP spells have other limi‐
when you visit a tations in their de‐
9d6 Quest
scription, for example Reroll disappears.
Blast, Summon Power Teleportation - Use this spell to
and Sleep may be used move the caster instantly up to
only once per encounter. 4 hexes away. This is very tir‐
Casting a spell downgrades ing: downgrade TWO dice
one of your dice. when you cast Teleportation.
You may also use it to evade a
Blast - Use it once per en‐ combat (the foe does not get a
counter only to add 4 addi‐ chance to attack you).
tional dice on a single Attack
roll. Weakness - Use this spell once
per combat encounter to lower
Charm - Use it to add 2 Dice on a foe’s Difficulty by 1. The effect
a single Persuasion roll. You lasts until the end of the En‐
may use it once per target. No counter. If you move away
effect on demons, skeletons, from that foe and encounter it
and zombies. again later, the effect will ex‐
Shield - Use this spell once per
encounter to get 3 Free Rerolls Wizard’s Sight - Use this spell to
on a single Defense roll. This get 3 Free Rerolls on a single
spell is cast in the opponent’s Exploration roll.
turn, when you roll dice to de‐
fend. Casting Shield does not Healing
downgrade one of your dice. At the end of a combat, move 1
Tired Die to the Fresh box if
Sleep - Use this spell once per you win. If you run away from
encounter as an Attack roll of 3 a combat, you do not recover
dice against a single foe. It any Tired die. When you en‐
doesn’t work on demons, drag‐ counter multiple foes in a sin‐
ons or undead. On a successful gle event, you will fight them
hit, the foe falls asleep and is one after the other but you
automatically defeated. may NOT use this “resting” op‐
tion between battles, only after
Summon Power - Use this spell the final battle.
once per encounter. You get 1 You may pay healers when you
Free Reroll every turn for the visit a Village, Town or Temple.
whole duration of that en‐ In a village, you may heal 1 or 2
counter. You may use this Free dice. In a Town, you
Reroll as you want. At the end may heal 1 to 3 dice. In
of the encounter, the Free a Temple, you may
9d6 Quest
heal up to 4 dice. In a roll versus the D (Difficulty) of
Temple, you may heal 1 the Danger. If the roll fails, the
die for free by perform‐ mission will tell you what hap‐
ing a Difficulty 6 Persua‐ pens – normally you will have to
sion roll, or you may pay downgrade 1 or more dice. In
if your Persuasion roll fails. The some cases, the dice must be
cost of healing is 2 TP per each downgraded to Dead.
die healed. Move the healed dice
to the Fresh box. You may decide
to heal only a part of your dice if Roblic the ranger is walking on the
you do not have enough TP. side of a volcano when suddenly a
Between missions, you may heal deadly geyser erupts from under her
all your Dead dice at the cost of 2 feet. The geyser’s D is 5, but her
TP each. Move them all to your Ranger skills reduce it to D4. Roblic
Fresh box. If you do not have performs an Exploration roll, using
enough TP, move any Dead dice 3 Fresh dice from her pool. She needs
you don’t pay for to the to roll a 4 on at least one of her dice.
Wounded dice box. If she fails, one of her dice must be
moved to the Dead dice box.
You may store Glory to become
more powerful. You may spend Magic Items
10 Glory to gain 1 additional die. You may find Magic Items as
This is permanently added to part of the loot of a foe or as a re‐
your dice pool. So, beginning on ward.
your next Mission, you will play When the text says you find a
with 10 dice, not 9. You may gain Magic Item, choose one from the
a maximum of 3 dice in your following list.
hero’s lifetime. You may not choose a Magic
Item that you already found in
Dangers the current adventure or that
You will often meet dangers, like you are carrying.
traps, poisonous mushroom, All Magic Items may be sold in
aggressive wildlife, avalanches, Towns or in Temples for 3 TP
rivers of lava, or lightning each.
storms. Normally these have a A hero may never carry more than 5
“X in 6” chance of happening, or Magic Items. If you find an Item
are triggered by a monster en‐ and you are already carrying 5,
counter. You avoid a Danger by you may discard one to
making a successful Exploration take the new one as de‐
9d6 Quest
sired. If a Magic Item Magic Item List
gives you FR, they may
be used cumulatively Potion of Healing
with other FR (for ex‐ Use it to move 1 Wounded or
ample, FR from spells). Tired die to the Fresh box. One
Some Magic Items are single use only.
use: potions, for example, or
vials of Holy Water, are just liq‐ Potion of Strength
uids that are imbibed or Use it to gain 2 FR on your next
splashed upon an opponent Attack roll. One use only.
and they are gone. Once used,
they no longer count as a car‐ Potion of Perception
ried item. Still you may NOT Use it to gain 1 FR on your next
find another one of the same Exploration roll. One use only.
type during the same quest.
Blade of Might
You may at any moment dis‐ Use it to gain 1 extra die
card a Magic Item you no on your Attack rolls. Use
longer want. a die of a different color
to recognize it. When
You are not forced to use this die rolls a 1, the
Magic Items, and those that Blade loses its powers
you do not use in the current and you must discard it.
mission remain with your
character, ready to be used Belt of Protection
in your next mission. Use it to gain 1 extra die
on your Defense rolls.
You may use a Shield only if Use a die of a different
the character is a Knight, color so you can recognize it.
Ranger, Barbarian, Chaos When this die rolls a 1, the Belt
Slayer, Dragonslayer or Vet‐ loses its powers and you must
eran. discard it.
Rods and Scepters may be used
only by a Mage. Fireball Sphere
Use it once to perform an attack
Barbarians may not use Magic with 4 dice on a single foe. This
Items, but they may use the does not work against Dragons
Shield of Last Chance. They or Demons. Using it counts as
may collect them and sell them your attack for that
like any other character. turn. One use only.
Other items may be used by all
9d6 Quest
Ring of Warning Lightning Rod (Mage Only)
When you encounter a Use it to automatically inflict 1
Danger, you always get 1 damage to a target. One use
FR on the Exploration only.
roll against that Danger.
Scepter of Dark Power (Mage
Hobgoblin Scourge Only)
Every time you meet a Hob‐ Use it to automatically inflict 1
goblin, you automatically slay damage to a target. Every time
it. you use it, you must down‐
grade 1 die. You may use it
Brooch of Charm once per encounter.
Every time you roll for Persua‐
sion, you get 1 Free Reroll. Holy Water
This is a vial of water that has
Blade of Goblinslaying been blessed in a high temple
Every time you meet a Goblin, to be used as a defensive
you automatically slay him. weapon against the undead.
Use it to automatically destroy
Skeleton Crusher a skeleton or zombie. One use
Every time you meet a Skele‐ only.
ton, you automatically slay it.
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9d6 Quest
Combat Example: You attack a Witch (D5, 3
When you meet a foe, you will HP). You roll 3 dice. You roll a 2, a 5
fight. Normally you go first un‐ and a 3. The 5 is a hit so the Witch
less the encounter tells you oth‐ loses 1 hit point. She has 2HP, so
erwise. If the foe survives, then you wound her but don't kill her.
it will attack you and you will
have to defend. If your Attack As for any other roll, dice that
succeeds, you inflict 1 Damage roll a 1 are downgraded. You
on the foe, thus depleting 1 of may roll Fresh, Tired or
the foe’s HP. When the foe’s HP Wounded dice, as you see fit.
are reduced to zero, the foe is You must roll your Fresh dice
dead. first if you have any, then de‐
cide to roll your Tired dice, then
decide to roll your Wounded
dice, as you see fit. You may in‐
clude in the roll any die that was
degraded in the current turn. If
you have FR that apply to com‐
bat, you may use them as de‐
9d6 Quest
Damage from Foes Running Away From
Different foes cause Combat
different effects when If a combat goes badly or you
they hit your hero. changed your mind, you can
These effects are called move your hero away from that
the foe’s “damage”. combat. Mark the presence of
If a foe’s description that foe in the hex where the
says that 1 die is down‐ combat took place by placing
graded, you must downgrade an appropriate paper figure in
one die of your choice, so move the hex. You will meet that
1 Fresh die to Tired, or 1 Tired monster again if you enter that
to Wounded, or 1 Wounded to hex again, and any wounds you
Dead, as you see fit. have inflicted on the foe will be
If the description says the foe healed at that point.
“kills” 1 die, you must take one
of your dice from any box and When you move away, the op‐
place it in the Dead dice box. ponent hits you automatically.
In addition, foes may have You cannot defend. Apply all
other abilities that kick in if the effects normally caused by
they hit you. the creature’s attacks, without
rolling any defense dice.
Example: Ogres break bones, and
giant spiders inject venom. Example: If you run away from
a Chaos Lord, you will have to
kill one of your dice. If you run
away from a Witch, you will
have to downgrade one of your
9d6 Quest
Major Foes
If a mission asks you to determine a random Major Foe, roll
d6. 1= Chaos Lord; 2= Witch; 3= Dragon; 4= Ogre; 5= Medusa;
6= Giant Spider. Major Foes have special rules detailed below.
If these conflict with other rules in the game, they override
them. They also have a description of their Loot (what you gain
when you defeat them) and a Difficulty for Persuasion rolls (as
in some missions you have to interact with them instead of
just fighting them, and this is important for the Bard who can
always try to Persuade a Foe).
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Minor Foes
In some missions, you will encounter Minor Foes. These are more
annoying than dangerous, but they can still erode your resources
and have no treasure. Minor Foes are not represented by paper
figures. There is no need to mark their position on the map: if you
run away from a Minor Foe, it will attack you once as you run away
and then disappear. All minor foes have 1 HP (result 12 on the table
below is an exception). If you encounter multiple Minor Foes, you
must fight them one at a time, one after the other without time to
rest between battles (you cannot recover any Tired die).
When you encounter a random Minor Foe, roll 2d6 (roll two dice
and add the results, generating a number from 2 to 12) on the fol‐
lowing table to determine which foe you encounter.
2 Demonic Cultist (D3). If you fail to destroy the cultist in your first turn, there is a
2 in 6 chance that a demon will appear and attack you. Use the Ogre statistics to
represent the demon. Damage: kills 1 die.
3 Hobgoblin (D4). If the hobgoblin kills any of your dice, you may not use FR on De‐
fense rolls until you stop at a Town, Village or Temple and spend 2TP for heal‐
4 Goblin (D3). Goblins set up traps. Before fighting a goblin, perform an Explo‐
ration roll against a D3 Danger. If you fail, the trap hinders you and you must
count the goblin as D4. Damage: kills 1 die.
5 Zombie (D3). Zombies are Undead. You may automatically destroy a zombie by
using a vial of holy water. Zombies travel in groups. Every time you destroy a
zombie, you must roll a 2 in 6 chance that another zombie appears and attacks
you. Damage: kills 1 die.
6 Skeleton (D3). Skeletons are Undead. You may automatically destroy a skeleton
by using a vial of holy water. Damage: kills 1 die.
7 Orc (D3). D2 if you attack him with spells. Damage: kills 1 die.
8 Brigand (D3). Roll 1 in 6 chance it has 1 TP as loot, and 2 in 6 chance of ambushing
you (the brigand goes first if this happens, but this ability doesn’t work against
a Scout or Ranger). Damage: kills 1 die.
9 Bugbear (D4). Damage: Downgrade 2 dice if he hits.
10 Lizardman (D5 when you attack, D4 when you defend). Damage: kills 1 die.
11 Troll (D5). You must roll at least 3 dice when attacking a troll. This simulates the
difficulty of killing this regenerating creature.
12 Heroic Minor Foe: Reroll on this table, but give the creature +1 to the creature’s
Difficulty and HP. If you roll a 12 again, add another HP and roll again.
9d6 Quest
Roll a die on the table below to determine your Mis‐
sion after choosing your hero and selecting a random
map. If you roll a mission that you already played
with your current hero, you may play it again or roll again or select
something different, including missions 7, 8, and 9.
2) Monster Slaying
You are hunting down the monsters that plague the land.
Start from a random Star hex. Every hex that you cross, make
an Exploration roll against D5. On a success, you encounter a
random Major Foe. On a failure, you encounter a random Mi‐
9d6 Quest
nor Foe. In Forest and Swamp hexes, the Exploration roll is
against D4, but if you fail, you must perform an Exploration
roll to avoid a D4 Danger (a trap set up by other monster
hunters, or by the monsters themselves!) If you fail to avoid the
trap, kill 1 die. You may decide that the Mission is over at any
moment you have killed at least 3 Major Foes. In addition to the foes’
loot, you will be paid 1TP for each Major Foe’s head you bring to a
town. If you slay at least 7 Major Foes, the Town will also give you 1
Magic Item of your choice. If you cut a medusa’s head in this mission,
you may use it before bringing it to a Town for TP.
3) Monster Persuasion
A monster is terrorizing the area. Roll on the Major Foes list BEFORE
the mission to determine which monster it is, rerolling results of “Gi‐
ant Spider”. You are tasked with sending the monster away in a non-
violent way. Start in a random Star hex. During your travels, you have
a 2 in 6 chance of encountering a random Minor Foe in every hex you
enter, and a 3 in 6 chance of encountering a Major Foe whenever you
enter a Village, Town or Temple. Roll first for the Minor Foe, resolve
the encounter if any, then roll for the Major Foe. You may exit a Town
hex and enter it again multiple times until you find the Major Foe if
you want. You will encounter the Major Foe that you must Persuade
when you roll that type of monster. For example, if the Mission deter‐
mined you must persuade a Dragon, as soon as you meet a Dragon
you meet the one you must persuade.
When you encounter the monster, you must first survive the traps
and defenses of its lair. Avoid 3 Difficulty 4 Dangers with 3 Explo‐
ration rolls, downgrading 1 die per every failure. Finally, when you
reach the foe, you must succeed in a Persuasion roll to convince the
creature to leave the area. If you are successful and then you reach
the nearest Town, you will receive 1 Glory and 3 TP for your effort. If
your Persuasion attempt fails, the foe will attack you, going first, and
you will have to defeat it. Upon returning to a Town, you will receive
1 TP as compensation for your effort, but as you do so, another ran‐
dom foe will attack you, striking first, and you will have to defeat it.
If you play a Bard, you may use your Persuasion ability to get a FR on
your roll to persuade the monster.
4) Trade Route
Start in a random Star hex. You must escort a merchant
from a village or town of your choice to other towns or vil‐
lages, and then back to the original town or village. Every
9d6 Quest
time you cross a hex, there is a 2 in 6 chance that you
will have to fight a random Major Foe. Any time you
enter a Village or Town, you must fight a random Mi‐
nor Foe. At the end of the Mission, you will be paid
1TP for every Village visited and 2 TP for every Town visited. If you
visit a Temple, you may buy a vial of Holy Water for 3TP. The mis‐
sion ends when you return to the original town. The merchant has
no game stats and he is assumed to survive the adventure as long as
your character survives.
6) The Blessing
Start in a random Star hex. You must reach the closest Town or Vil‐
lage (choose if there are multiple options available) and then from
there escort a noblewoman to a Temple hex, to be blessed by the
high priests there. The forces of evil will try to stop you. Every time
you enter a hex, roll a 1 in 6 chance of encountering a random Minor
Foe and, if that doesn’t happen, immediately roll a 3 in 6 chance of
encountering a random Major Foe. When you reach the Temple, 5
Minor Foes of the same type (roll on the Minor Foes Table) and then
1 random Major Foe will attack you. You will have no time to rest so
you cannot recover any Tired dice between battles. After the woman
is blessed, you will have to take her back to her Town or Village, with
the same chances of encounters as before. You may also pay
for your own healing while at the Temple. Upon bringing
her home, you receive 2 Glory and 1 TP, or 3 TP (your
choice). The noblewoman has no game stats. She is as‐
9d6 Quest
sumed to survive the adventure as long as your charac‐
ter survives.
7) Money Trouble
You must start from a Village of your choice (choose
one among those on the map). You must collect 6 TP for the villagers
that will be used to repair a broken bridge or windmill. You may not
use your own funds (TPs you have from any previous missions) to pay
for this. You gain 1 Glory when you collect the TPs. While traveling
around the map, you must roll a 3 in 6 chance of a Minor Foe en‐
counter in every hex, and a 4 in 6 chance of a Major Foe encounter in
any Village, Town or Temple hex. The FIRST Minor Foe encounter
you will have after you have gathered at least 1 TP will be with a Brig‐
and (result 8 on the Minor Foes Table). You may avoid fighting with
the Brigand, and with any other Brigand encountered during this
Mission, by giving the Brigand 1 TP.
8) Exploration
Start from a Village of your choice among those present on your
map. You must explore at least 15 hexes around the Village. The Ex‐
ploration rolls are against D4. On a failure, that hex does not count
as explored, but you may try again. Every time you roll a 1 or 2 on any
Exploration die, you meet 2 Minor Foes per every 2 rolled, and 1 Ma‐
jor Foe per every 1 rolled. You must fight all the monsters one after
the other, with no time to rest between battles. As for Major Foes, you
may also Persuade them not to fight, but if your Persuasion attempt
fails, the monsters will go first and attack you. Once you have ex‐
plored 15 hexes and defeated or persuaded all creatures encountered,
you must return to your village and collect 2 TP and 1 Glory.
9d6 Quest
Special Hex Rules
Some hexes have their own special rules. Apply them every time you
enter those hexes. Each special hex is identified by an icon, shown
here next to each description.
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9d6 Quest Play Sheet
Name: Class:
Glory: TP:
Spells Known: Extra Dice:
Fresh Dice
Every Fresh die that rolls a 1 becomes Tired. Move it to the Tired box below.
If you have ANY Fresh dice, you must roll these before you can use any other
Tired Dice
Every Tired die that rolls a 1 becomes Wounded. Move it to the Wounded box below.
At the end of a combat, move 1 Tired die to the Fresh box if you win. If you run away
from a combat, you do not recover any Tired die. When you encounter multiple foes
in a single event, you will fight them one after the other but you may NOT use this
“resting” option between battles, only after the final battle.
Wounded Dice
Every Wounded die that rolls a 1 is Dead. Use Healing to move 1 Wounded die to the
Fresh box. Each healing of 1 die costs 2 TP and may be performed only in Villages
(max Healing 2 Dice), Towns (Max Healing 3 dice) and Temples (max Healing 4
Dead Dice
Dead Dice are out of the game. Between adventures, you may spend 2 TP to bring a
Dead die to the Fresh box (spending your treasure for healing and recuperation). If
you do not spend TP, move the Dead dice to the Wounded box. If at any moment all
your dice are dead, your hero dies and you lose the game.
Class Abilities:
Magic Items (maximum 5 items, no multiple copies of the same item, you may not
find the same item twice during a single mission):