Cripps Mission Upsc Notes 33
Cripps Mission Upsc Notes 33
Cripps Mission Upsc Notes 33
[UPSC Notes]
What is Cripps Mission?
When the Second World War broke out in 1939, Britain declared India a party to the war as part
of the British Empire. This led to a massive uproar, as Viceroy Lord Linlithgow, without
consultation with Indians took this step. This major decision led to massive protests from the
Congress Party, and as result party leaders, who were heading 7 provincial governments
resigned from their posts. The Muslim League celebrated it as Deliverance Day. The
background that led to the series of events concerning the Cripps Mission were:
• The Japanese army was at the border of India after Burma and Singapore. The loss of
Burma to Japan was a big blow to the Britishers in the Second World War.
• The British were alarmed at the successive victories of Japan during the 1940s.
• There was a constant threat of Japanese invasion of India and the Indian support, both
by military and the people was essential for Britain to win the war.
• Britain was facing pressure from the US and other allied powers over its imperial policies
in India. To secure Indian cooperation for the Allied war efforts, the British government
sent the Cripps to India. The Cripps Mission 1942 was headed by Stafford Cripps.
Cripps Proposal
The proposal of the Cripps Mission 1942 was “India would be a dominion associated with the
United kingdom”. The Cripps Mission, through the proposal, promised that immediately after the
war stopped, steps would be taken to set up an elected body charged with the task of making
the Indian Constitution and provisions would be made in such a way that the Indian states could
participate in the framing of the Constitution of India.
The main Cripps Proposal were:
• During the war, the British would retain their hold on India and once the war finished,
India would be granted dominion status with complete autonomy.
• The dominion of India would have the freedom to remain with the British Commonwealth
or to secede from it. It would also be at liberty to take part in international organizations.
• At the end of the war, a Constituent Assembly would be set up that would frame the
Constitution of India. The members of the assembly were to be elected based on
proportional representation by the provincial assemblies. Any province unwilling to join
the Indian dominion could form a separate union and have a separate constitution. The
British government would also invite them to join the commonwealth.
• The Princely States would also be given representation in the Constituent Assembly.
• The transfer of power and the rights of minorities would be safeguarded by negotiations
between the Constituent Assembly and the British government.
• During the war, an interim government comprising different parties of India would be
constituted. India’s defense and external affairs would be controlled by the British