The Problem Background of The Study
The Problem Background of The Study
The Problem Background of The Study
As the world slowly crosses the threshold of modernization, people in this generation tend to use
more and more technologies to make things easier. The use of technologies has become more frequent
since it has been a helping hand to everyone in a way that it helps in doing things easier and faster.
According to (Vasfi Tugun, 2020). As technology is developing day by day, it has a more
important place in our lives. Using technology has become a necessity rather than a luxury. In today’s era,
to use technology in an effective manner, it has become important to gain knowledge, habits, and attitude
to understand technology and benefit from it. Technology has revolutionized education and greatly
benefited students in numerous ways. Firstly, it has made learning more accessible and convenient. With
the of technology, students can access vast amounts of information and educational resources online,
allowing them to expand their knowledge beyond what traditional textbooks offer. The 21 st century
emphasizes the role of technology in different facets of life, especially in the educational system, as it
serves as a platform for teachers and students in the delivery of effective teaching and learning process.
topical issue that several stakeholders of education must feel concerned about; abilities to apply ICT
in every sphere of life are on an incremental level; thus, universities must be up to the task of preparing
potential professional to be able to face challenges and provide solutions. Therefore, technology plays an
important role to people, nowadays, especially for students. Technologies slowly introduced people to
online platforms which helped in giving information and procedures on different things.
These online platforms have different roles and goals to achieve such as being used for education,
medicine, entertainment, etc. Online platforms have a massive impact on individual users and businesses,
and are recasting the relationships between customers, advertisers, workers, and employers (A.R. Gawer,
According to (Y.T. Prasetyo, 2021)eLearning has been the medium of delivery of medical
educational institutions to address the scarcity of medical professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The occurrence of COVID19 caused the pandemic that led people into diverging to technology and using
The platform allows easier access to the quality-controlled principal surface climate data provided
by the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) (M.
Villafuerte II, 2021)The online platforms used by people served as a way for them to easily access and
work on their jobs. Therefore, the emergence of technology has successfully paved its way to thus
generation and to the future. Universities and other facilities also use it for other means aside from
Online registration systems, for instance, seem to have an extreme fit with different companies or
infrastructure’s internal work. Online registration systems in schools have become increasingly popular in
recent years, revolutionizing the way educational institutions manage the enrollment process. This shift
from traditional paper-based registration methods to online platforms has brought about numerous
benefits for both schools and students. By leveraging technology, schools can streamline the registration
process, improve efficiency, and enhance the overall experience for students and parents.
(Hanifa Fissalma, 2019) stated that admission system is a mechanism for selecting a new student
in higher education, including at State University of Jakarta. The mechanism of student admission system
in State University of Jakarta includes a sequence of processes starting from registration, determination of
tuition fees, until students who are accepted to pay the tuition that has been determined. Student
admission system is expected to be able to find out the number and distribution of applicants for new
student registrants, which will have an impact on university accreditation and the increase of new students
who have good quality. So far, the State University of Jakarta has information about each admission. So
that there is an inequality data between one department to another for the total number of new students. In
addition, there is still little information presented to prospective students who are accepted at State of
University of Jakarta regarding campus life, study fees, scholarships and so on.
One of the information systems that must be well designed for State University of Jakarta in
student admission system. State University of Jakarta started PENMABA in 2012 but until now it has
always undergone changes and improvements from year to year, both due to changes in regulations and
changes in system requirements. Based on interviews with head of Student Admission System, Mr. Ifan
Iskandar, the obstacles faced by Student Admission System 2015 versions are.
Moreover, (Istiqomah, 2021) Information technology has changed from time to time. Along with
these changes, it has led to the development of science in various fields of life, including health,
agriculture, government, and education. These changes must be managed or utilized properly so as not to
cause negative changes and can provide benefits to the community. One of the uses of technological
developments is in the field of education, namely, to improve quality and quality services to the
implementing an online system in the field of education, one of which is designing an online education
application information system (SIAP) which is designed to meet the needs in processing educational data
and information that can be used by all levels of education. The application of the online system issued in
the new student admissions program at the basic education level to the higher education level. The online
system used in the implementation of new student admissions is designed to be able to carry out all
activities automatically starting from the registration process to the announcement of the selection results
system. This program is a program implemented by the Education Department of Surakarta to improve
the quality of service to the community. The implementation of online-based new student admissions has
been carried out since 2006 until now for junior high school and senior high school/ vocational school
level. The city of Surakarta is the city that other cities are going to learn about the technical
implementation of the student admission system with an online system. However, starting in 2017 is
based on Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government regarding the division of
government affairs in the education sector for senior high school and vocational school level it was
takeover by the provincial government. In this case, the implementation of online-based new student
admissions for senior high school and vocational school level is carried out by the Central Java
The Education Department of Surakarta does not only accept new students by using the online
system, but also using the off-line system. The admission of new online-based students in the city of
Surakarta is carried out as a form of utilizing the development of website-based information technology.
The Education Department of Surakarta has the authority in implementing new student admissions both
in the implementation of online and offline-based new student admissions. The implementation of online
new student admissions in Surakarta is applied to public and private junior high schools. For the
kindergarten and primary school level, the student admission system is implemented off-line while still
using the principles of admitting new students. However, the implementation of the admission of new
students at the junior high school level is not entirely implemented by using the online system and the off-
line system is also applied to special provisions that have been regulated in the guidelines for the
Implementing the online-based admission of new students, it cannot be separated from the
problems. This shows that management is needed in the implementation of online-based new student
admissions. Management is used to compile program planning to program evaluation. Program planning
is the base for implementation and will become a reference during activities and program evaluation. The
implementation of online-based new student admissions in the city of Surakarta inseparable from program
planning which is expected to be able to achieve the effectiveness of implementing online-based new
student admissions as a program to improve the quality of service to the community. In addition,
evaluation is needed to determine the progress of activities and as a mining material for the continuation
of the implementation of activities because the use of an online system is not a guarantee that a program
that will be implemented runs perfectly, there will be obstacles faced in implementing the program using
the online system. Likewise with the implementation of online-based admissions of new students, there
are various obstacles that hinder the smooth implementation of the program.
The study of (Salamat, 2020)The admission system is the process of getting a requirement for
school registration. Previously, admission was a manual process. In this research, we created a
computerized admission system for Grade 10 students at Batasan Hills National High School. As a part of
the admission process, the students will be required to fill out some basic application paperwork, which
will include their personal information and high school activities, such as extracurricular activities they
participated in. An interview will be conducted for admission if necessary. A student may be interviewed
in some cases, but it is generally not required for undergraduate admission. Some schools will be willing
to schedule a student admissions interview upon request. International students may find a student
interview important. The system’s development life cycle for approach and methodology was used in this
study. We gathered the information from Batasan Hills National High School through an interview for
clarification. Thus, we analyzed the process of their admission of the student to ensure that the new
system can meet their expectations. Before implementing our system, we asked them to choose whether
they will use it or if they will stick to their old system. The result of our system was good, and our client
was impressed with our system because using their old system, 1) it is hard to get the information of the
client or students, and 2) processing the requirements takes at least 1 week or more. However, our system
reduced the manpower needed to perform all admission tasks by reducing the paper works needed and
making activities such as updating modification and deleting records easier. We developed the system to
improve the school’s policy and rules in the admission system because Batasan Hills National High
School lacks a security system. The increasing numbers of students seeking admission in academic
institutes are causing tremendous pressure on the administrative body to manage and arrange the
admission process manually. In our system, we prepared a backup for the new data in case our system has
an error. As a rule, no public schools shall refuse admissions or shall allow delisting of Filipino
The study aims to design and develop an Online ICAT Web Application. Specifically, the study is
1. To determine the currently existing procedures of the ISPSC College Admission Test.
3. To determine the level of acceptability test using software evaluation in terms of…
a. Efficiency;
b. Functionality;
c. Usability;
d. Maintainability;
e. Reliability
This study aims to develop the College Admission Test of ISPSC Main-Campus- a systematic and
efficient control of the creation, maintenance, and disposing of the College Admission Test records of
applicants in an organized way. The study focuses on the design and development of a system that can
replace the manual system of College Admission. The system features an Online Registration that allows
the ISPSC Main- Campus to receive applicants for the College Admission Test (CAT) online, it also
benefits the applicants especially those who are incapable of visiting the school because they can just fill
out the online application or admission form and submit it online. The system can also be programmed to
electronically notify the applicants about the outcome of the application or admission process using email.
Conceptual Framework
between your variables. It defines the relevant objectives for your research process and maps out how
In other words, the Conceptual Framework is the researcher’s understanding of how the variables
in his study connect with each other. Thus, it identifies the variables required in the research investigation.
The study aims to develop Web-Based ICAT Application. The researchers will be going to use the
Input Process Output (IPO) model to illustrate the conceptual framework of the study.
(Canonizado, 2021) stated that The Input-Process-Output (IPO) Model refers to the representation
of all factors that make up a process. The input consists of the profile of the respondents and the factors
connected with the dependent and independent variables of the educational research. Usually, all details
specified in the statement of the problems are stipulated here. The processing step includes all the tasks
required to effect a transformation of the inputs. The outputs are the data and materials flowing out of the
transformation process. This model is used in developing the Web-Based ICAT Application.
The researchers will use the Input-Process-Output (IPO) as shown in Figure 1.1.
The inputs are the existing procedure of College Admission, the features of the proposed system
Process. The model is divided into four phases namely, Inception, Elaboration, Construction, and
Transition. Consequently, the Output of the study would be the Web- Based ICAT Application.
The existing
procedures of the
ISPSC College
Admission Test.
The features to be
included in the
Unified Process
Level of
acceptability test Inception
using software Elaboration
evaluation in Construction
terms of… Transition
A. Efficiency
B. Functionality
C. Usability
D. Maintainability
E. Reliability
Figure 1.1 Research Paradigm
The following terms are defined to understand the content of the study better.
Admission. It is a process of admitting new students and allowing them to register and enter an
educational institution.
College Admission Test. This refers to the examination designed to identify students suitable for
Existing procedure of the College Admission. It refers to the current practice of the College Admission
Features. It refers to the information on the capabilities of the Web-Based ICAT Application.
Level of Acceptability. It is used by researchers to measure the user’s satisfaction whether the system has
met the required features given by the users and if it functions properly.
Online. It refers to the condition of being connected to a network of computers and other devices.
Online Registration. It refers to the system for subscribing or registering through the internet as a user.
Research Design
The researchers will use the descriptive and developmental type of research design.
systematically. It can answer what, where, when, and how questions, but not why questions. A descriptive
research design can use a wide variety of research methods to investigate one or more variables (Combes,
Likewise, (Lynn, 2019) noted that descriptive research is used to obtain information concerning
the status of the phenomena and to describe “what exists” with respect to variables or conditions in a
The descriptive research is used to describe data gathered to further understanding of the study
and it will also be used be the researchers to answer; what is the existing procedure of the web-Based
ICAT Application; and to gather information and determine the acceptability of the system.
Meanwhile, according to (Klaassen, 2015), developmental research is a particular way of
addressing the basic questions of why and how to teach what to whom. It involves a cyclical process of
learning sequences. It aims to produce an empirically supported justification of the inner workings of
such a sequence, which is claimed to be an important contribution to the expertise of teachers, curriculum
The researchers will be going to use developmental method for the system development being
guided by the Unified Process Methodology. This methodology has the following phases:
The researchers will use the Unified Process Model by Rynda Maala as a method in the conduct
of the study.
The unified process, as defined by (Maala, 2019), is a popular use-case driven, architecture-
The researchers will be going to use Unified Process Model as the system developmental
methodology because they find it suitable for the system. The goal is to ensure the production of high-
The Unified Process Model has four phases namely Inception, Elaboration, Construction and
Figure 2.1 The Unified Process Model
Inception Phase. It is the first phase of UP Model. According to (Pedamkar, 2023), it is the phase
in which the project’s basic ideas and structure will be determined to prepare a business suite, the team
will decide the purpose of the project, success criteria, estimated cost risk, and resources required to
complete it.
During this phase, the researchers will be going to conduct a structure interview in the office of
Student Affairs and Services. The Researchers will ask for the records and the process of Admission that
are needed in the development of the proposed system. In this phase, the problem is defined and then
Elaboration Phase. It is the second phase of the UP Model. In this phase. A (Cresswell, 2023)
(Istiqomah, 2021)according to (Pedamkar, 2023), it is the phase in which are going to analyze the
project’s requirements and necessary architecture, review the problems, develop the project plan, and
During this phase, the researchers will be going to analyze and evaluate the data being gathered
using the use case. This is to identify system requirements needed for the proposed system.
Construction Phase. Third Phase of UP Model. (Pedamkar, 2023) stated that construction phase
In this phase, the researchers performed the developmental process of the proposed system and
testing to verify if there ae some revisions to make. This phase focuses on the design and implementation
of the system.
Transition Phase. Final Phase of the UP Model. As pointed out by (Pedamkar, 2023), it will be
During the transition phase, the beta testing will be conducted by the researchers to determine if
the developed system meets the requirements given by the users and satisfies their expectations.
The primary source of data was gathered the needed information from an interview with the
Student Affairs and Services (SAS) Director and Guidance Office Staffs.
Interview Guide. According to (Bird, 2016), an interview guide is simply a list of the high-level
topics that you plan on covering in the interview with the high-level questions that you want to answer
Questionnaires. It is the most frequency used instrument of data gathering across disciplines,
particularly in social science and humanities. A questionnaire is a set of questions address to the sample
respondents. It can e self-administered by the respondents or read to the respondents by the interviewer.
The researchers will be going to float a survey questionnaire to determine the level of
process is represented by a different symbol and contains a short description of the process step. (Hebb,
The researchers will be going to use a flowchart in the study to understand and determine present
The relationship between entities system’s database was illustrated with the use of the Entity
Relationship Diagram. It helped the developers to have a perfect view of all database elements.
Use Case Diagram. It is a graphic deception of interactions among the elements of a system. A
use case is methodology used in system analysis to identify, clarify and organized system requirements.
(Rouse, 2015)
The researchers will use the use case diagram to illustrate and identify, classify, and organize
system requirements through the set of possible sequence of interactions between systems and users in the
environment. It showed the view of the system from the user perspective, and describing what a system
Hierarchical Input Process Output (HIPO). This is a tool for planning and/or documenting a
computer program, A HIPO model consists of hierarchy chart that graphically represents the programs
control structure and asset of IPO (Input-Process-Output) charts that describes the input to, the outputs
from, and the functions (or processes) performed by each module on the hierarchy chart.
The researchers will be going to use the HIPO to obtain a high-level view of the system
Data schema. It is a visual that outlines the architecture of a database. It contains a list of tables,
the fields those tables contain, database users, stored procedures, and other pieces of information about a
Database Schema will be used to present the data stored in the database of the system using tables
In this study, an interview guide is used to determine the process of record management of the College
Admission. The researchers will be going to interview Mr. Vic Gacula to gather information about the
Internet Research.
The researchers will use the internet to gather additional information relevant to the study.