Application of Double GPS Multi-Rotor UAV in The Investigation of High Slope Perilous Rock-Mass in An Open Pit Iron Mine

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Geotech Geol Eng (2020) 38:71–78 (0123456789().,-volV)
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Application of Double GPS Multi-rotor UAV

in the Investigation of High Slope Perilous Rock-Mass
in An Open Pit Iron Mine
Xinghui Wu . Qifeng Guo . Jie Zhang

Received: 3 March 2019 / Accepted: 6 May 2019 / Published online: 13 July 2019
Ó Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

Abstract In the survey of high slope perilous rock- realize the long-distance and fast acquisition of the
mass in open-pit iron mine, the traditional unmanned valid terrain data of high-slope dangerous rock mass.
aerial vehicle (UAV) can overcome the shortcomings Through the fuzzy clustering method (FCM), the joint
of high difficulty and high risk factor in artificial system of outcrop rock-mass is automatically recog-
geological exploration. However, it is very easy to be nized and categorized based on point cloud data
disturbed by the magnetic field of iron ore due to its captured. The plane normal vector of fitting structural
orientation with magnetic compass, which makes the surface and structural surface occurrence can then be
work unable to carry out normally. In order to solve acquired. The normal vector of structural surface and
the above problems, the UAV with dual-GPS the occurrence of structural surface can be obtained by
equipped with laser radar can resist the magnetic field substituting calculation. The occurrence of the slope
interference to a large extent and scan the high slope. and the shape of the structural surface was further
By means of field experiment and point cloud data drew into the stereographic projection map in order to
post-progressing, a set of application method of dual determine the dominant joint group which affects rock
GPS multi-rotor UAV laser measurement technology slope stability.
was proposed for geological survey of high slope
perilous rock under the interference of magnetic field. Keywords Double GPS orientation  Unmanned
The preliminary conclusions are also obtained: the aerial vehicle (UAV)  Airborne LiDAR  High slope 
dual GPS combined orientation method makes the Occurrence of rock-mass
multi-rotor UAV not affected by the iron ore magnetic
field and can fly normally according to the flight route.
At the same time, the airborne LiDAR technology can
1 Introduction

X. Wu  Q. Guo (&)  J. Zhang In the last few years, with the continuous development
Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education of China for
of advanced technology in the field of science and
High Efficient Mining and Safety of Metal Mines,
University of Science and Technology Beijing, technology, drone technology has also made break-
Beijing 100083, China throughs in industries such as agriculture, energy,
e-mail: [email protected] public safety, construction and infrastructure. UAV
remote sensing technology is an indispensable part in
X. Wu  Q. Guo  J. Zhang
Civil and Resource Engineering School, University of the topographic survey of water conservancy dams,
Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China high-steep mine slopes and highways. Because in the

72 Geotech Geol Eng (2020) 38:71–78

steep mountains or high-pitched pits, complex terrain survey, and processed massive point cloud data,
and geological conditions limit the survey of survey- summarized the work flow of geological cataloguing
ors, the normal mapping work has to rely on UAV based on three-dimensional spatial image technology.
remote sensing technology. However, the flight of the Jiang et al. (2013) proposed to optimize the traditional
UAV is not unrestricted. The geomagnetic field in the geological survey method by using three-dimensional
metal mine and the electromagnetic field in the power laser scanning technology, and achieve quantitative
line have a great influence on the flight of the UAV. In analysis of dangerous rock mass relying on mature
addition, to complete the terrain scanning work, not data processing software. Li et al. (2012) proposed to
only the UAV, but also a set of advanced remote use three-dimensional laser scanner to obtain high-
sensing measurement equipment and a practical high- density point cloud coordinate data of high slope,
slope dangerous rock mass investigation method is establish the surface model of high slope, and extract
needed. the occurrence and geometric information data of rock
The researches and applications on UAV anti- mass structure based on point cloud data. Jie et al.
magnetic interference technology in open-pit mines (2013) proposed to identify rock mass structural
have not started at home and abroad until recent years. surfaces exposed by slope based on LiDAR scanning
But most of them are researches on anti-electromag- technology and fuzzy clustering analysis to obtain
netic field or generalized geomagnetic field, geometric information of structural surfaces.
researches on magnetic field in open-pit metal mines Aiming at the problem that the traditional UAV
are still insufficient. cannot measure dangerous rock mass of high slope in
On the basis of differential positioning using open-pit iron mine and the low manual operation
DGPS, Lei et al. (2017) proposed a multi-rotor UAV efficiency, this paper proposes a method of combining
magnetic interference detection technology based on dual GPS combined orientation technology, airborne
track deviation. When the multi-rotor UAV is dis- LiDAR laser scanning technology and stereographic
turbed by the magnetic field, its flight path will deviate projection analysis of structural surface. The technical
from the preset route; in order to improve the route of the method is mainly composed of three parts:
reliability of Power Patrol Inspection and ensure the
1. Based on the dual GPS combined orientation
safety of the UAV and the circuit, Tianru et al. (2018)
technology, the UAV is loaded with LiDAR flight
proposed to use Ansoft Maxwell geomagnetic field
operations without being affected by the magnetic
simulation software to calculate the electromagnetic
field intensity around the transmission line, and took
2. Obtaining information on the structural surface of
the medium-sized electric patrol UAV as an example
the dangerous rock mass by scanning the high
to analyze its endurable electromagnetic field intensity
slope with airborne LiDAR;
range, then put forward the equation of safe flight
3. Determine the dominant structural surface of the
distance of UAV and finally determined its safe flight
main slope stability by using the stereographic
distance. Chen et al. (2018) analyzed the mechanism
projection analysis method.
of soft and hard magnetic interference and established
a magnetic interference model, added forgetting
factors to revise the conventional least square method
to restrain the effect of magnetic field change on the 2 Dual GPS Combined Orientation Technology
estimation of magnetic compensation parameters and
then proposed a recursive least square online magnetic Conventional UAV typically use a magnetic compass
compensation method combined with forgetting fil- and a single GPS combination for orientation and
ters. Chenlin et al. (2018) proposed a compensation positioning. The magnetic compass module can be
method of magnetic field measurement error based on used to distinguish the geographical orientation of the
particle swarm optimization to solve the problems of nose (to the north, how much north by east, etc.), but
magnetometer error and carrier magnetic interference the magnetic compass is susceptible to interference of
in the measurement process. geomagnetic field, electromagnetic field and metal;
Xiujun (2015) studied the application of three- GPS is used to determine the vertical height and
dimensional spatial impact technology in topographic horizontal distance from the take-off point. However,

Geotech Geol Eng (2020) 38:71–78 73

according to the above analysis, such a UAV orien- electromagnetic waves are affected by the ionosphere,
tation method will be affected by the magnetic field in the atmosphere and so on during the propagation
the open-pit iron mine, and the heading angle will process (U-blox 2002), this distance is not the real
change irregularly. At the same time, the topographic distance and is generally called pseudo-range
environment of the high-steep slope of the open-pit measurement.
iron mine is quite complicated, and the magnetic field In theory, the position of the GPS receiver can be
distribution is irregular, so it is impossible to plan a determined by knowing the position of the three
route that can avoid the influence of the magnetic field. satellites and the distance from the GPS receiver to the
Therefore, multi-rotor UAVs in open-pit iron mines three satellites. In fact, there are errors in the timing of
are suitable with dual GPS combination for directional the GPS receiver and the satellite. When determining
flight (Meiping et al. 2013). the position of the GPS receiver, it is necessary to
introduce a time difference parameter as a reference.
2.1 The Principle of Dual GPS Combined Generally, four satellites are used to solve the
Orientation coordinates of the GPS receiver. This is why there
are no fewer than four satellites flying UAVs in GPS
In the three-dimensional space coordinate system, the mode (Lu et al. 1993).
coordinates of the unknown point can be determined The observation of Dual GPS receivers can be
by knowing the coordinates of the three points and the divided into two categories: one for pseudo-range
distance from the three points to an unknown point. observation and carrier phase observation, which can
Equivalent to three spheres, if the position and radius be directly used for heading angle measurement. The
of the center of the sphere are determined, then the baseline vector consisting of two GPS antennas on the
intersection points of the three spheres are determined. arm of the Rotor UAV is mainly used to measure the
GPS positioning is based on this principle, as shown in heading angle. The two antennas conFig.d on the UAV
Fig. 1. body are used to determine in real time the heading
In GPS positioning, three known points are equiv- angle of the baseline vector composed of the antennas
alent to three satellites, and the distance from the relative to the reference coordinate system. If the
unknown point to the three known points is equivalent installation angle of the baseline vector in the carrier
to the distance from the GPS receiver to the three coordinate system is known, the heading angle
satellites. The GPS receiver receives the information parameter of the carrier coordinate system relative to
from satellite, and can obtain the position information the reference coordinate system can be obtained
from the satellite, and uses the information to calculate (Tianru et al. 2018; Chen et al. 2018)
the spatial coordinates of the satellite. The distance
from the satellite to the GPS receiver can be multiplied 2.2 The Influence of Dual GPS Signals
by the speed of the electromagnetic wave multiplied in the Magnetic Field of Open-Pit Iron Ore
by the time difference between the time the ranging
signal leaves the satellite and the time it takes to reach In general, GPS signals may be affected by the
the GPS receiver, that is, P = c * (t1 - t2). Because following conditions: 1, sunspots; 2, weather factors
(severe weather may reduce the signal strength, but
generally does not affect the positioning); 3, electro-
magnetic interference (radio and strong magnetic
fields will produce different degrees of interference);
4, shelter (buildings, vehicles, sheathing paper). For
topographic survey operations in open pit mines, the
strength of GPS signals directly affects the directional
positioning and measurement data accuracy of UAV
flight operations.
The interference of the magnetic field on the UAV
can be divided into three cases. According to the
Fig. 1 The Principle of GPS Positioning interference situation of the aircraft, the magnetic field

74 Geotech Geol Eng (2020) 38:71–78

interference can be divided into mild magnetic field the maximum slope height has reached 240 m; the
interference area, moderate magnetic field interfer- minimum elevation of No.1 stope is - 157 m, and the
ence area and severe magnetic field interference area. maximum height of the slope is 200 m, which belongs
The mild magnetic field interference area only inter- to high slope. The identification and measurement of
feres with the magnetic compass, and other indicators the dangerous rock mass structural surface of the high
are normal; the moderate magnetic field interference slope by using the UAV with the laser radar system is
area not only interferes with the magnetic compass, helpful to select reasonable treatment methods for the
but also affects the signal between the UAV and the dangerous rock mass.
remote controller or the GPS signal connection
between the UAV and the satellite; the severe 3.1 Airborne LiDAR System and Application
magnetic field interference area not only interferes
with the magnetic compass, but also affects the signal The airborne LiDAR is the AS-100 UAV laser radar
between the UAV and the remote controller and the scanning system in this project. The system mainly
GPS signal connection between the aircraft and the includes: Velodyne laser scanner, inertial navigation
satellite. system, GNSS antenna and Polyworks, Copre, Copro-
Through the above classification of the interference cess processing software, etc. The UAV used this time
magnetic field, the dual GPS orientation technology is a modified dual GPS combined directional multi-
can realize the high-precision flight of the UAV in the rotor UAV.
mild magnetic field interference area. The iron ore of The airborne LiDAR system has a range of
open-pit iron ore is a kind of raw ore with a certain 3-100 m, a measurement speed of 300,000/s and a
grade. According to statistics, the grade of raw ore in measurement accuracy of 3 cm. The general operation
China is less than 50%, which means that most of the flow for 3D point cloud using UAV-airborne LiDAR
iron ore is rock. Only a small part of the iron are: on-site exploration, area determination, route
concentrate in the whole open-pit iron ore mine will planning, take-off preparation, take-off operations,
form a disturbing magnetic field. At the same time, the data acqisition, and point cloud data post processing.
distribution of iron concentrate in the iron ore deposit The flight operation area is determined as the lower
is relatively uniform, so the open-pit iron ore can be part of the ore body on the east side of the No. 1 stope
classified as a mild magnetic field interference area, of the mine, mainly located on the slope of the area
and the UAVs equipped with dual GPS can fly in open- between N18 and N28, and the slope height is over
pit iron ore. 200 m. The rock layers are distributed from top to
bottom as Quaternary, quartz sandstone and muscovite
schist. The thickness distribution of Quaternary rock
3 Application Research of Airborne LiDAR formations ranges from ten meters to twenty meters.
Technology in Dangerous Rock Mass The quartz sandstone is mainly distributed on the slope
Investigation of the area above N18 (6 m) line of the east side of the
stope, and the upper part is severely weathered. When
This field test is the Sijiaying Iron Mine in Luanxian the biotite granulite is weakened by water, the
County, Tangshan City, Hebei Province. The iron ore development intensity of jointed fissures in most areas
in the mining area is produced in the pre-Sinian is reduced. After long-term weathering, the fracture is
granulite, which belongs to the Anshan-type sedimen- severe, and it is easy to produce shallow landslides in
tary metamorphic iron ore deposit and is part of the shallow layers. The east side is closer to the east new
Jidong vein. The ore deposit is mainly composed of river. In 2014, the diaphragm wall project was carried
oxidized ore and magnetite, and the grade of the out on the east side of the stope, and the water plugging
original ore is about 30%. The total reserves of ore effect was obvious after the implementation of the
resources are large, which is one of the three major project. Most of the areas in this area do not rely on the
iron ore mines in China and has a certain representa- slope, only the slope above N26-N28 line-42 m is
tiveness in China’s open-pit iron ore. basically near the boundary. At present, the N26 line
At present, the minimum production elevation of flood control pipeline is 80 m wide and the 50 m high
the No.2 stope of Sijiaying Iron Mine is - 172 m, and slope is completed with anchor cable and lattice

Geotech Geol Eng (2020) 38:71–78 75

reinforcement. The slope rock mass area is the key Polyworks software (Jie et al. 2013). The correspond-
investigation object. ing target points are found in the process and the
geodetic coordinates are imported. In the scanning
3.2 Point Cloud Data Processing point cloud coordinate system, the X axis corresponds
to the E direction, the Y axis corresponds to the N
The UAV flies along the route shown in Fig. 2 through direction, and the Z axis corresponds to the vertical H
the dual GPS combined orientation. During the flight, direction. The software can obtain the transformation
the magnetic compass does not have any effect on the matrix between point cloud coordinates and geodetic
orientation due to the influence of the magnetic field. coordinates by coordinate transformation fitting. The
The conversion of the heading angle relies entirely on picture of topographic point cloud in scanning area
the dual GPS combined orientation technology. In and coordinate fitting table are shown in Fig. 3 and
addition, the Inertial Navigation System of Lidar has Table 1. By fitting the coordinate deviation, the
positioning function for the laser radar itself. The point average fitting deviation can be 23 cm, and the
cloud scanned can be calculated by using the coordi- accuracy is centimeter. Generally, it is in accordance
nates recorded by the inertial navigation system and with the engineering requirements when the dimen-
the ground control points, and the coordinates of the sion of dangerous rock is meter, so it can be proved
topographic point cloud can be obtained. that the fitting accuracy meets the requirements of high
slope dangerous rock investigation. It also reflects that
3.2.1 3D Point Cloud Coordinates and Geodetic the dual-UAV GPS combined orientation technology
Coordinates can be used for directional flight without being
affected by the open-pit iron ore magnetic field.
In the field exploration, 6 target points are measured in
the scanning area by total station or GPS, and the 3.2.2 Size Measurement of Dangerous Rock Mass
geodetic coordinates of the target point are recorded.
The point cloud data scanned by the airborne LiDAR The high-slope dangerous rock mass is generally in a
are grouped into rock mass discontinuities by the high-steep and steep position, and it is difficult to carry
fuzzy K-means clustering algorithm through the out on-the-spot measurement by artificial, and thus it
is impossible to accurately grasp the geometrical
dimensions of the dangerous rock mass. The terrain of
the mine slope is complex and the pit is deep, which
makes it impossible for some dangerous rock mass to
be scanned even with a non-contact laser three-
dimensional scanner. The UAV can scan the danger-
ous rock mass with airborne LiDAR without restric-
tion of terrain. The dangerous rock mass size,

Fig. 2 The Planning of Route Fig. 3 The Point Cloud Map of High Slope Terrain

76 Geotech Geol Eng (2020) 38:71–78

Table 1 Result of Point of target Coordinate X/m Y/m Z/m

Coordinates Fitting
Point 1 P1 649,630.663 4,395,295.360 8.285
D1 649,630.263 4,395,295.360 8.185
D1 0.40 0 0.10
Point 2 P2 649,634.663 4,395,286.481 8.203
D2 649,634.652 4,395,286.351 8.183
D2 0.01 0.13 0.20
Point 3 P3 649,663.502 4,395,335.186 - 14.181
D3 649,663.261 4,395,335.006 - 14.581
D3 0.241 0.180 0.40
Point 4 P4 649,666.436 4,395,328.609 - 15.113
D4 649,666.026 4,395,328.409 - 15.303
D4 0.41 0.20 0.19
Point 5 P5 649,651.428 4,395,312.176 - 2.330
D5 649,651.118 4,395,311.876 - 2.570
D5 0.31 0.30 0.24
Pi is the point cloud Point 6 P6 649,645.685 4,395,341.519 - 4.356
coordinate; Di is the D6 649,645.355 4,395,341.209 - 4.596
geodetic coordinate; Di is D6 0.33 0.31 0.24
the fitting deviation

coordinate information, fitting structural surface, etc. Next, the coordinate information xi, yi, and zi
can be accurately obtained by analyzing the point derived from the fitting of each structural surface are
cloud data. The coordinates of J1, J2 and J3 structural substituted into the Eq. (1) to construct a system of
surface of dangerous rock mass in Fig. 3 are derived equations:
after fitting.
Axi þ Byi þ Czi þ D ¼ 0 ð2Þ
3.3 Digital High Slope Structural Surface where i C 4. The A, B, C, and D can be solved by four
Occurrence equations, so that the normal vector n of the structural
surface can be obtained. After the normal vector n is
The point cloud data and the rock mass structural obtained, the Eqs. (3), (4) and Eq. (5) for calculating
surface were preprocessed by Polyworks software. the occurrence of structural surface can be derived by
The fitted point cloud data is consistent with the actual using the definition of the rock mass structural surface.
slope spatial position, and the structural surface
produced by the point cloud data can be obtained by The angle between the trend line of the rock mass
mathematical methods. In the fitting structural surface 180  tan1 BA
and the normal line ¼
of Fig. 3, the obvious structural surface can be directly p
identified, and the calculation is performed by select- ð3Þ
ing three sets of dominant fractured structural pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
surfaces. A2 þB2
180  tan1 jC j
To fit the plane of the selected structural surface, the Rock face structure dip ¼
fitted general Eq. (5) is:
Ax þ By þ Cz þ D ¼ 0 ð1Þ
In the equation, A B C and D are plane equation
parameters and any three parameters cannot be zero at
the same time. Normal vector of the plane:n = [A B C]

Geotech Geol Eng (2020) 38:71–78 77

Table 2 Calculation Structural surface Fit plane equation parameters Structural surface
Results of Structural surface
Occurrence A B C Trend Tendency Inclination

J1 0.41 - 0.39 - 0.12 NE43.8° NW313.8° 78°

J2 - 0.82 - 0.80 0.30 SE135.5° NE45.5° 75°
J3 - 0.35 0.06 - 0.30 NE10° NW290° 50°

NE A [ 0; B [ 0; C [ 0
6 SW A [ 0; B [ 0; C\0
6 SE A [ 0; B\0; C [ 0
6 NW A [ 0; B\0; C\0
Structural tendency ¼ 6
6 NW
6 A\0; B [ 0; C [ 0
6 SE A\0; B [ 0; C\0
4 SW A\0; B\0; C [ 0
NE A\0; B\0; C\0
In Eq. (5), E, S, W, and N are geographical
orientations of east, south, west, and north, respec-
tively. Generally, the slope structural surface is not
fully horizontally or vertically developed, so the plane Fig. 4 The Analysis of Stereographic Projection
equation parameters A, B, and C cannot be 1 or 0 under
actual conditions. the inclination angle is greater than that of slope, the
The parameter values of the A, B, and C plane slope is relatively stable, otherwise, it is more
equations obtained by the Eq. (2) are substituted into vulnerable to instability (QiZhu and Liwei 2013).
the Eqs. (3), (4), and (5) to obtain the specific In Fig. 4, the direction of the projection arc of the
occurrence of the structural surface. The calculation surface line of J2 structure surface is opposite to that of
results of the structural surface are shown in Table 2. the slope surface line (corresponding to the inverse
slope). From the perspective of geotechnical engi-
neering, the inverse slope is a stable slope. The
4 Judging the Dangerous Rock Mass Joint Group projection arc of the J3 structure is the same as that of
Based on Stereographic Projection Method the slope line (corresponding to the bedding slope), but
the projection arc of the structural surface is located
The calculated three sets of structural surface occur- within the curved concave shape of the slope line,
rences and slope occurrences are plotted in the which is the basically stable slope. The projection arc
stereographic projection, as shown in Fig. 4. The of the surface line of the J2 structural surface is the
spatial positional relationship between each group of same as that of the slope line (corresponding to the
structural surfaces and slopes can be determined by the bedding slope) (Yuren 2017), and the arc of the
stereographic projection map. It is assumed that the projected contour of the structure is located outside the
strain between the interior of the rock mass is not taken curved concave of the slope line. Because the incli-
into consideration, while the effects of other condi- nation angle is greater than the slope inclination of
tional forces are ignored, and only the effects of the nearly 45°, there is a possibility of slope toppling, so it
slip resistance and the sliding force of the rock mass is an unstable slope.
are considered. In geotechnical engineering, when the It can be seen from the above analysis that the
inclination of structural surfaces is opposite to that of structural surface J1 is the first dominant structural
slope, the slope is relatively stable; when the inclina- surface group of the high slope, and the structural
tion of structural surfaces is the same as that of slope, if surface is the dangerous rock mass which affects the
stability of the slope. Through the point cloud scanned

78 Geotech Geol Eng (2020) 38:71–78

by airborne LiDAR, the geometry and size of the complex terrain, the airborne lidar is used to obtain the
unstable dangerous rock mass can be mastered. In the structural surface appearance and the stability of the
later stage of construction, treatment measures such as dangerous rock mass is calculated.
slope cutting are taken to prevent the dangerous rock
from falling and collapse. Acknowledgements This work was supported by
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central

5 Conclusion
Starting from the principle of dual GPS combined
orientation technology, this paper proposes a method Chen L, Xiaoming Z, Jie T et al (2018) Research of on-line
of using a dual-GPS combined directional multi-rotor magnetic compensation technology for UAV based on
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obtain the occurrence of dangerous rock mass struc- geomagnetic field test and correction technology. Electron
tural surface. After field trials and data distribution, the Opt Control 25(07):14–18
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1. The dual-GPS combined directional light multi- application of 3-D laser scanning technology to the
investigation of high slope perilous rockmass. J Yangtze
rotor UAV has flexible terrain adaptability, and
River Sci Res Inst 30(11):45–49
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phy measurement on the iron ore magnetic field ulation for jointed rock slope. Chin J Rock Mech Eng
that cannot be reached by traditional UAVs. 32(Supp.2):3972–3978
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2. Based on the high-slope point cloud data obtained
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fuzzy clustering method is used to automatically Navigation, Alexandria, VA
identify the structural surface of the dangerous Lei H, Bing L, Wenqi W (2017) Research on magnetic inter-
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rock mass through PolyWorks software. Com-
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pared with traditional 3D laser scanners or manual Li C, Zhang S, Yu L et al (2012) Identification of dangerous rock
measurements, it can be remotely controlled mass of high slope and study of anchoring method based on
without being affected by the terrain and the laser scanning. Chin J Rock Mechan Eng
height of dangerous rock mass, and no need for
Meiping W, Xiaoping L, Liangqing H (2013) Satellite orienta-
personnel to go to the scene. tion technology. National Defense Industry Press, Beijing
3. The calculated three sets of structural surfaces and Qi-Zhu C, Liwei D (2013) Graphic template for analysis of rock
slope occurrences are plotted in the plan of slope stability by stereographic projection method.
Northwest Hydropower 4:13–16
stereographic projection. Through the analysis,
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The innovations of this article are: (1) In order to Hydropower New Energy 10:18–21
solve the influence of the iron ore magnetic field on the
magnetic compass of the UAV, the multi-rotor UAV Publisher’s Note Springer Nature remains neutral with
was modified to change the magnetic compass orien- regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and
tation to dual GPS orientation. (2) In order to solve the institutional affiliations.
problem that land-based lidar is not applicable to any


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