Castle Ball

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Springfield College – Daily Lesson Plan

Name: Anthony Smith Date: February 16, 2023

Time: 40 minutes
School: Deberry Elementary
Lesson #: 1 Facilities: gym Class Size: 16 - 22 Grade: 4
Unit/Theme: Throwing and Catching Generic Level: Beginner / Intermediate
Equipment: 36 hula hoops, gator balls, pinnies
Focus of Lesson: Castle Ball (aiming at target)
Student Performance Objectives (SPO): (National # S1.E14.2 MA CF # 2.1, 2.2, 2.7
Task/Activity # )
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
****You need Shape and MA standards for under each SWBAT
(P) SWBAT demonstrate 2/3 of the cues of overhand throwing by hitting a target at least 75% of
the time while playing castle ball ( National S1.E13.2) (MA CF: 2.1, 2.2)

(C) SWBAT recall ⅗ cues of overhand throwing (side to target, step in opposition, follow
through) during a discussion at the closure of the lesson (National S1.E14.2) (MA CF 2.1, 2.2, 2.7)

(A) SWBAT engage in the class in a safe and responsible manner, following safety protocols and
showing respect for their classmates and teachers 100% of the time (National S4.E5.2) (MA CF 2)

Teacher Performance Objectives – During the lesson the teacher will:

- Provide feedback (positive and corrective) throughout the lesson to students
- Make the activities at a level that all the students are comfortable to engage in and get to

Special Considerations – What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the students
in this class?
- There are objects around the perimeter of the classroom, so if equipment gets stuck, the
students will give space for the equipment to get out and get back into play

References: (include page # and/or actual web site address)

0:00 - 8:00 Instant Activity and Introduction:

1. The gym will be set up for the

period before the students arrive.
The students will come into the
gym and all sit at their assigned

“Good morning everyone, my name is

Mr. Smith and today were going to be
finishing our Castle Ball unit. First, I’m
going to take attendance and then well
get into the lesson”

2. I will then reiterate the critical

elements of the overhand throw.
I will have a volunteer stand up
and show me, then I will talk
over how they should look
- Side to target
- Step in opposition
- Follow through
- “ Step, point, follow through”
- Make sure they are getting arm
to opposite pocket

2 minutes Transition

I will divide the students into teams, and

the students will go to their designated
sides of the court. The hula hoops will
already be laid out for them.
The students may forget
or not know how to build
8:01 - 12:00 Activity 1 the castle, so build it first
so they have a visual cue
1. We will have a competition to to see how it should look
see which group can build the like before having the
castle the quickest. competition
Easier: The kids dont
I will show the kids how to build
need to be timed if they
the castle again, and then let the
are struggling to build
students start. We will play 2
the castle
rounds of this activity, the first
time to set a standard for the
Harder: Try to beat the
kids, then a second time to try to
fastest time recorded the
beat the original time. After, the
first round
students will stop and start
setting up for the castle ball

4 Minutes

- The 3 groups on each side of the

gym will become one big team,
and we will get ready for our
castleball gameplay

16:00 - 30:00 Make the teams more

Activity 2: Castle Ball even - more boys and
girls on each team, and
1. The students will be on their side not have the “better”
of the court, and I will give them students all on one team.
a few minutes to set up their This will make the game
castles and strategize with their go on longer and be more
team to see how they want to set enjoyable for the kids
up. When the students are ready,
I will go over the rules of castle
ball, and remind them of the
strategies they could be thinking

- There will be 3 castles

per team, if one castle
gets knocked down but
- What the castle
the other is still up, the
should look like
team is able to build the
castle back up. If all the
castles are knocked
down, the game is over
- If a student gets hit with
a ball, they will go to the
sideline, do 10 jumping
jacks, then will be able to
return to the game. Extensions:
- No crossing over the line
on to the other teams side Easier: Build the castles
for any reason in an easier position to be
2. I will go over the safety able to knock them down
protocols with the students -
- No throwing the ball at Harder: Put the castles in
someones’ head harder places to make it
- If a ball gets stuck harder for the students to
around the perimeter, a knock down the targets
student can get it without
getting out
- No throwing the ball at
students who are doing
jumping jacks on the
3. We will play as many rounds as
we can with the remaining time.
The students will be responsible
for cleaning up and resetting the
game before each round.
30:00 - 40:00 Have the kids talk to me
Lesson Closure The students will clean for most of the time. I
1. I will pick a few of the students the area up by putting can guide the questions
to remind me of the critical away all the hula hoops and see how much
elements we discussed, and see and balls. They will then information they
how accurate they are to getting go back to their numbers retained.
them and start talking about
2. I can ask them about some of the the cues of the lesson and
strategies their team discussed the closure
and if they were successful or
not throughout the gameplay
3. Ask the students what they
thought about the lesson and
converse with them until

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