Testicular Cancer (The Biology of Cancer)
Testicular Cancer (The Biology of Cancer)
Testicular Cancer (The Biology of Cancer)
Cancer Genetics
Causes of Cancer
Prevention of Cancer
Skin Cancer
Testicular Cancer
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Foreword 6
1 Young Men 11
4 The Testes 47
Notes 126
Glossary 128
Bibliography 136
Further Resources 147
Index 149
About the Author 155
About the Consulting Editor 156
It is likely that cancer has been a concern for the human lineage for at
least a million years.
Human beings have been searching for ways to treat and cure
cancer since ancient times, but cancer is becoming an even greater
problem today. Because life expectancy increased dramatically in the
twentieth century because of public health successes such as improve-
ments in our ability to prevent and fight infectious disease, more people
live long enough to develop cancer. Children and young adults can
develop cancer, but the chance of developing the disease increases as
a person ages. Now that so many people live longer, cancer incidence
has increased dramatically in the population. As a consequence, the
prevalence of cancer came to the forefront as a public health concern
by the middle of the twentieth century. In 1971 President Richard Nixon
signed the National Cancer Act and thus declared “war” on cancer. The
National Cancer Act brought cancer research to the forefront and pro-
vided funding and a mandate to spur research to the National Cancer
Institute. During the years since that action, research laboratories have
made significant progress toward understanding cancer. Surprisingly,
the most dramatic insights came from learning how normal cells func-
tion, and by comparing that to what goes wrong in cancer cells.
Many people think of cancer as a single disease, but it actually
comprises more than 100 different disorders in normal cell and tissue
function. Nevertheless, all cancers have one feature in common: All are
diseases of uncontrolled cell division. Under normal circumstances,
the body regulates the production of new cells very precisely. In
cancer cells, particular defects in deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA,
lead to breakdowns in the cell communication and growth control
normal in healthy cells. Having escaped these controls, cancer cells
can become invasive and spread to other parts of the body. As a
testicular Cancer
done, and the scientists involved in the development of the present state
of knowledge of this disease. In this way, readers get to see beyond “the
facts” and understand more about the process of biomedical research.
Finally, the books in the Biology of Cancer series provide information to
help readers make healthy choices that can reduce the risk of cancer.
Cancer research is at a very exciting crossroads, affording scientists
the challenge of scientific problem solving as well as the opportunity
to engage in work that is likely to directly benefit people’s health and
well-being. I hope that the books in this series will help readers learn
about cancer. Even more, I hope that these books will capture your inter-
est and awaken your curiosity about cancer so that you ask questions
for which scientists presently have no answers. Perhaps some of your
questions will inspire you to follow your own path of discovery. If so, I
look forward to your joining the community of scientists; after all, there
is still a lot of work to be done.
♦ Testicular cancer can occur at any age, but most cases occur in men
in their late teens through thirties.
♦ Most testicular cancers form from cells in the testes known as germ
cells. These cells normally produce sperm.
♦ The causes of testicular cancer are not known, but some risk factors
for the disease have been recognized.
12 testicular Cancer
In 1999, third baseman Mike Lowell, 24 years old and recently married,
had just been traded to the Florida Marlins from the New York Yankees.
During the routine physical examination required of major-league base-
ball players before the start of the season, Lowell’s doctor discovered
a problem: One of Lowell’s testicles felt as if it contained a tumor. The
lump had not caused him pain, so Lowell had not noticed it. Because
most testicular tumors in men Lowell’s age are malignant tumors (can-
cer), the next step was to remove the entire testis, or testicle, in a type
of surgery called an orchiectomy. To do this, his doctor made a small,
shallow incision in Lowell’s lower abdomen, just above the crease of his
leg. The surgeon then pulled the testicle out from the scrotum, the sac
in which the testicles sit, and cut the connections between the testicle
and the body. The testicle was then sent to a laboratory, where another
physician, a pathologist, studied thin slices of it through a microscope.
As expected, the look and arrangement of the tumor cells showed that
the tumor was malignant; Mike Lowell had testicular cancer.
Once the pathologist determined that the tumor was cancerous, the
next step was to determine the type of testicular cancer. This was im-
portant because the type of cancer would determine which treatments
the doctors would use and how likely Lowell would be to survive. The
two main categories of testicular cancer are “germ cell” and “non-germ
cell.” The pathologist determined that Lowell had a type of testicular
cancer called seminoma, which belongs to the germ cell category. In a
testicular germ cell cancer, a germ cell in the testis—a cell that nor-
mally would have divided to produce sperm—acquires cancer-causing
mutations or alterations in its genetic material and divides to produce
Young Men 13
a malignant tumor. Germ cell cancers are the most common type of
testicular cancer.
Because seminomas are sensitive to radiation, Lowell subsequently
underwent three weeks of radiation therapy. Radiation therapy exposes
cells to a focused beam of high-energy radiation. For testicular cancer it
is used to kill any cancer cells that might have metastasized to lymph
nodes. The radiation therapy made him nauseous and tired, yet his ill-
ness did not keep him away from baseball for long. By late May of the
1999 season, Lowell was a starting player for the Florida Marlins. In rec-
ognition of the courage and perseverance he had shown in overcoming
the adversity he had faced, Lowell received baseball’s Tony Conigliaro
Award. In the years since his cancer diagnosis and treatment, Lowell has
been recognized for his undeniable talent with a Rawlings Gold Glove
and multiple All-Star appearances, and he and his wife Bertica have had
two children.
Mike Lowell is not alone in his struggles with testicular cancer. Al-
though testicular cancer is an uncommon form of cancer, the National
Cancer Institute (NCI) estimated that in 2008 there would be 8,090 men
in the United States diagnosed with the disease. For reasons that are
not yet understood, the annual number of cases of testicular germ cell
cancer worldwide has more than doubled since the 1950s.
There are several aspects of Lowell’s case that make him a typical
testicular cancer patient. Although cancer of any type is a rare diagnosis
for a 24-year-old, Lowell’s testicular cancer diagnosis came at an age
that is typical for the disease. The NCI reports that for the years 2000 to
2004, only 2.7 percent of all cancers occurred in the 20 to 34 age group.
However, the numbers are quite different for testicular cancer. Of all of
the testicular cancer cases reported, 46.2 percent occurred in individu-
als who were 20 to 34 years old. An additional 30.3 percent occurred in
Young Men 15
patients between the ages of 35 and 44 years. Of all the types of cancer
diagnosed in men between the ages of 15 and 34, testicular cancer is the
most common. Testicular cancer can occur at any age, but is most often
a disease of young men—some still in high school, others in college,
many just beginning their careers and families.
Lowell’s case is also typical because he survived and was able to return
to a physically demanding career. The NCI reports that 380 testicular cancer
deaths are expected in 2008. While this number is hardly negligible—thanks
to important advances in medicine and the remarkable (but still poorly
understood) sensitivity of testicular cancer cells to chemotherapy and, at
times, radiation—the survival rate for testicular cancer is far better than for
most other types of cancer. For some forms of testicular cancer, such as
Lowell’s, the survival rate is now greater than 99 percent.
It is also not unusual for patients who have survived testicular cancer
to conceive children after treatment, which often involves the removal
of a testicle as well as radiation treatment that could damage the sperm-
producing ability of the remaining testicle. This outcome is particularly
important for patients with testicular cancer, because the disease tends
to occur before many men have completed—or, in many cases, even
contemplated—having a family. Sometimes the man’s sperm is collected
and stored (banked) before the potentially damaging therapy begins.
York Mets, lost his battle with nonseminoma testicular cancer at the age
of 37—just one month following his diagnosis; he had suffered severe
back pain from the metastases that he had mistakenly attributed to a
physical injury.
Once a problem comes to the attention of a physician, the next step
taken is often an ultrasound exam. Ultrasound technology uses sound
waves to visualize the testis, and can help to rule out other causes as
well as evaluate a tumor. Blood tests are also performed to determine
whether alpha-fetoprotein molecules are present in the blood. Some
types of testicular cancer cells can form these and other molecules.
Because they can indicate the presence in the body of certain types of
cancer cells, these molecules are called tumor markers.
The testicle can be easily accessed in its position outside the main
body cavity, so one might expect that the next step would be a biopsy in
which a small sample of the tumor would be taken by inserting a needle
through the scrotum. However, most testicular tumors in pubescent
males are malignant and obtaining a tissue sample this way risks spread-
ing the cancer cells, so the next step is usually the removal of the entire
testicle, an orchiectomy. After this procedure, the removed testicle is
examined in a pathology laboratory.
The pathologist who evaluates the testicle examines the way the
tumor appears to the naked eye and the way the cells and tissues of
the tumor look under a microscope. The tumor marker information
from the blood tests is also considered. The microscopic analysis and
tumor marker information allows the pathologist to determine whether
the tumor is malignant and, if it is, what type of testicular cancer is
present. Although most testicular tumors are germ cell tumors, there
are other types to consider. And while germ cell tumors are categorized
as seminomas (seminomatous germ cell tumors) or nonseminomas
18 testicular Cancer
At the time of the initial diagnosis, as well as during and after treat-
ment, the physician must look for signs of metastasis. This can be done
by looking for enlarged lymph nodes or for tumors in different parts of the
body using imaging tools such as X-rays and computed tomography
(CT) scans, and with removal and laboratory examination (biopsy) of
some lymph nodes. Also, if a patient’s cancer cells are the type that
produce tumor markers, the physician can determine that cancer cells
are still present in the body if the markers are detected in the blood.
Risk Factors
It is not yet known what causes testicular cancer, but studies are being
conducted that consider a variety of possible factors, including genetic,
as in an individual’s DNA, as well as environmental sources. Among the
environmental factors considered are those to which an individual was
exposed while in the womb. Certain circumstances increase the risk
of developing testicular cancer; those circumstances are knows as risk
It is known that cryptorchidism, or hidden testis, is a risk factor
for testicular cancer. A person who was born with a testicle that did
not descend from the abdomen, where it first developed, to the scro-
tum—a movement that usually happens when a male fetus is still in the
uterus—has a greater risk of developing testicular cancer than someone
who was born with both testicles properly descended into the scrotum.
Evidence suggests that this risk exists even if surgery is performed to
properly position the testis after birth.
There are several other known risk factors: Someone who has had
one cancerous testicle removed has a greater than normal chance of
developing cancer in his other testicle; a man whose brother or father
20 testicular Cancer
22 testicular Cancer
Important Questions
26 testicular Cancer
men delay getting a medical opinion. Some hope the problem will go
away with time, some are embarrassed to mention the problem because
it affects a part of the body associated with sexual reproduction, and most
are unaware that they have an early symptom of testicular cancer that
requires fast medical attention. Because it is young men who are at great-
est risk for testicular cancer, it is especially important for them—and also
for those in whom they might confide, such as parents, coaches, friends,
and partners—to be aware of the symptoms of testicular cancer and the
importance of early detection. Jason learned too late, but he urged his
parents to help educate middle school and high school boys about tes-
ticular cancer. They have worked to fulfill his wish through the activities
of the Jason A. Struble Memorial Cancer Fund, Inc.
In humans and some other animals, the testicles are suspended outside
of the abdominal cavity in a sac called the scrotum. As a result, early
30 testicular Cancer
W hy are all males not routinely screened for testicular cancer? The
National Cancer Institute defines screening as checking for a disease
when there are no symptoms present. For testicular cancer, a screen might
involve a physician performing testicular exams, imaging techniques such as
ultrasound, and blood tests to look for proteins the presence or concentration
of which may indicate testicular cancer. At first, this might seem like an
excellent idea, as screening would certainly find cases of testicular cancer.
But there is a downside. For any screening test, a comparison of the positives
(finding disease early) to the negatives (the consequences of thinking there
is disease when there is not) must be made; this is known as an analysis of
the risk-benefit ratio. If the benefits outweigh the risks, screening is used.
If the risks outweigh the benefits, no screening is performed.
In the case of testicular cancer, a large number of people would have
to be screened to catch relatively few cases of cancer. Those few cases
Detection of Testicular Cancer 31
scrotum can also be noted. The exam takes a few minutes to perform
What does a normal testicle feel like? The testis is egg-shaped and
firm, and its surface is smooth. The area along the back of each testicle,
however, will not feel smooth. This is where the epididymis, a cord that
carries sperm, can be felt. Testicular size varies among individuals, and
it is normal for one testicle to be larger than the other. A muscle enables
the testicle to be positioned at different locations in the scrotum; at a
warm temperature the testicles will probably be low in the scrotum (far
would be the benefit. But what are the risks of extensive screening? Since
screening tests are not perfectly accurate there would be some false
positive results, meaning that some people would receive a result that
suggests they have cancer when they actually do not. In addition to the
extreme anxiety that a false positive can cause, additional tests would be
required to rule out cancer. The discomfort and possible medical complica-
tions caused by follow-up tests are a negative factor, and these tests also
take a lot of time and money.
The number of people who would experience a false positive and un-
dergo additional testing is considered to be too high compared to the
number of cases of testicular cancer that a physician would detect through
routine screening. Therefore, the risks are thought to outweigh the ben-
efits. The high risk-benefit ratio, coupled with the relative effectiveness
of treatments and the lack of a study showing that screening decreases
mortality, is why the National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer
Society do not recommend testicular cancer screening.
32 testicular Cancer
Figure 2.2 The illustration on the left shows a cross section of the male reproductive
system. On the right is an illustration showing the recommended technique for performing a
testicular self-exam.
from the abdomen). It is normal for one testicle to hang slightly lower in
the scrotum than the other.
What testicular cancer symptoms can be detected through a tes-
ticular self-exam? Any lump that can be felt on the testicle, even one as
small as a grain of rice, is suspicious. Such a lump will usually appear
on the side or front of the testicle and will be painless. Any size change
(enlargement or shrinkage) or hardening of the testicle is also suspi-
cious. Changes are generally noticed in relation to a previous exam,
but can also be detected by comparison to the other testicle. The only
exception to this is the rare simultaneous occurrence of cancer in both
Detection of Testicular Cancer 33
In addition to lumps and size or texture changes that can be noted from
feeling the testicle, other symptoms of testicular cancer include pain or
discomfort in the testicle or the scrotum, a feeling of heaviness in the
scrotum, or sudden collection of blood or other fluid in the scrotum.
Sometimes testicular cancer causes symptoms outside of the tes-
ticle/scrotum. An ache in the groin—the part of the body where the
leg connects to the abdomen—or in the lower part of the abdomen
may also signal testicular cancer. Some forms of testicular cancer cause
breast tissue to become enlarged or tender. In advanced cases, when
the cancer has spread to lymph nodes in the back of the abdomen,
pain—often severe—can be felt in the lower back. If it has spread to the
lungs, the patient can have shortness of breath and chest pain and may
cough up blood.
There are many possible symptoms of testicular cancer, but most cases
of testicular cancer can be noted initially by a change in a testicle or
the area around it. Some testicular cancer patients initially experience
only a single symptom, while others have more than one symptom.
The symptoms experienced vary with the type of testicular cancer
and, if it has spread, with the extent and location(s) of metastasis.
Therefore, any of the symptoms described could indicate testicular
cancer and therefore should quickly be brought to the attention of a
34 testicular Cancer
♦ Blood tests are performed to look for certain tumor markers that
may be present in some types of testicular cancer.
Steps to a Diagnosis
Diagnosis of Testicular Cancer 37
they bounce back, or echo. These echoes are then picked up by the
transducer and sent to a computer, which converts the sounds into im-
ages. Different tissues produce different echoes, and the combination of
these echoes produces a meaningful image. The ultrasound technician
captures the best images, which are then evaluated by a radiologist, a
specialist who analyzes medical images.
A testicular tumor will produce different echoes than the surround-
ing healthy testicular tissue and will therefore stand out against a
background of normal tissue. Many testicular tumors produce weaker
echoes than healthy tissue, and therefore appear lighter than their
In addition to showing the size of the mass, ultrasound allows the as-
sessment of two features that are key to a cancer diagnosis: (1) whether
the mass is within the testis (intratesticular) or outside of it (extratesticu-
lar), and (2) whether it is a mass of cells (solid) or a sac filled with fluid
or semisolid material (cystic). If the mass is extratesticular and cystic,
it is almost always benign (not cancerous). Most extratesticular solid
masses and intratesticular cystic masses are benign, but a testicular
mass that is intratesticular and solid is usually malignant. Therefore, if a
testicular ultrasound shows that a mass is within the testicle and solid,
the next step will almost certainly be removal of the testicle for labora-
tory analysis of the tumor.
Figure 3.1 This colored ultrasound shows a testicular tumor (blue). Ultra-
sound images are made by the varying reflections of high-frequency sound
waves. Cancerous tissue reflects these waves differently than noncancerous
tissue. (© Mehau Kulyk / Photo Researchers, Inc.)
Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) is a protein normally produced by an embryo
(the developmental stage that encompasses the first eight weeks of preg-
nancy) and, later, the fetus (the developmental stage after the eighth
week of pregnancy). The protein is first produced by cells of the yolk
sac, a sac attached to the embryo that produces the first blood cells as
well as the cells that will eventually develop into gametes (cells that
unite during sexual reproduction, sperm in males and ova in females).
Later in development, AFP is produced by liver cells of the fetus. Scien-
tists are not sure of the function of AFP in the developing baby. After the
first trimester of pregnancy, the AFP concentration in the fetal blood
begins to decrease, and this decrease continues during the first year of
a child’s life. From the age of about 8 to 12 months through adulthood,
AFP concentrations in the blood are normally low. Like its role in the
developing embryo or fetus, the role of AFP in adults—if there is one—is
Many people are familiar with AFP because of its role as a marker
for some birth defects. AFP of developing embryos or fetuses crosses
the placenta and enters the mother’s circulation. An AFP concentration
in the mother’s blood that is too high may indicate a problem with the
development of the spinal cord; a concentration that is too low may
indicate Down syndrome, a chromosome disorder.
Diagnosis of Testicular Cancer 41
Lactate Dehydrogenase
an antibody that can bind to a molecule unique to the measles virus will
not be able to bind to a molecule unique to the chicken pox virus. The
immuno in immunohistochemistry refers to antibodies used to probe for
the molecule in question, histo refers to the histology technique, and
chemistry acknowledges the chemical nature of the molecules and their
interactions in the test.
For immunohistochemistry, scientists use lab animals, such as
mice, to produce antibodies that will bind exclusively to the copies of
a specific molecule they want to be able to look for in a cell. Instead of
staining the tissue slices with a stain such as hematoxylin-eosin that will
dye most parts of the cell, the tissue slices will be coated with a solution
containing these antibody molecules. The antibodies will stick to the
tissue only if the tissue contains the appropriate molecule.
The cell molecules may have antibodies attached to them, but
there is no way to know this because the attached antibodies cannot
be seen. Making the antibodies visible can be accomplished in several
ways. In the simplest method, before the antibody is added to the tissue
slices it is modified by attaching (conjugating) an enzyme to it. Once
an antibody-enzyme has been allowed to attach to the cells, the tissue
is treated with a molecule that the enzyme can break down. It is the
breakdown product of this molecule that acts as a dye. As a result, dye
is only deposited on cells near the molecule in question.
♦ Testes develop in the fetus, in the abdominal cavity. They later move
into the scrotum.
♦ After movement into the scrotum, the testes retain their connections
to the abdominal cavity through the spermatic cord. Blood, tissue
fluid, and sperm move in tubes through the spermatic cords.
♦ Connective tissue covers each testis and divides it into sections that
each contain seminiferous tubules separated by the interstitium.
Leydig cells are found in the interstitium; Sertoli cells and germ cells
are in the seminiferous tubules.
48 testicular Cancer
A Doctor’s Explanation
The testes are the male reproductive glands, or gonads. They are key
structures in sexual reproduction. These paired, egg-shaped organs
produce spermatozoa, commonly known as sperm. Each of these male
gametes has the ability to fertilize a female gamete (egg cell, ovum) to
create a zygote, the first cell of the offspring. Testes also produce certain
hormones, which are chemicals made by cells that travel through blood
The Testes 49
to affect the function of other cells. The testes are also referred to as male
sex glands. The term gland implies that these organs secrete materials.
Testes are exocrine glands, which means that they secrete materials
(in this case sperm) through a duct to the outside of the body. They are
also endocrine glands, because they secrete materials (hormones)
directly into the bloodstream.
Each testis is suspended by its spermatic cord in the scrotum (scro-
tal sac), a skin-covered sac that lies just below the abdomen and behind
the penis. Each also has a piece of tissue—the gubernaculum—that
connects it to the inside of the scrotum. A male’s scrotum is formed in
utero at the fetal stage from tissues of the lower abdomen. These tissues
expand to form a pocket-like extension of the abdominal cavity, which
becomes the scrotum.
The fetal scrotum is connected to the abdominal cavity by tissues that
are arranged to form two tubelike passageways known as the inguinal
canals. These connections play an essential role in development: The
testes of the fetus develop at the back of the abdominal cavity near the
kidneys, outside of (and behind) a membrane that lines much of the
abdominal cavity, known as the peritoneum. This area is known as the
retroperitoneum. To move from their location in this retroperitoneal
space to the scrotum, the testes must pass through the inguinal canals. The
descent of each testis into the scrotum normally occurs before birth. Each
testis moves from the retroperitoneum, through the abdominal opening
of the inguinal canal (the internal inguinal ring), through the inguinal
canal, and out the scrotal opening of that inguinal canal (the external
inguinal ring) to the scrotum. Connective tissue then closes the inguinal
canal, separating the abdominal cavity from the scrotum.
Although closure of the inguinal canal prevents materials from mov-
ing freely between the abdominal cavity and the scrotum, connections
50 testicular Cancer
between the two areas of the body must be maintained. With regard
to the testes, the following connections are necessary: (1) blood must
be able to flow back and forth between the abdominal cavity and the
testes; (2) sperm made in the testes must be able to travel to the ab-
dominal cavity where it enters the urethra, a tube that carries it from
the body during ejaculation; and (3) excess tissue fluid of the testes,
which originates from the fluid part of the blood in the circulatory sys-
tem, must be able to travel to the abdominal cavity on its journey back
to the circulatory system. The connections between the testes and the
abdominal cavity of the body are made by blood vessels, lymph ves-
sels (the tissue fluid-carrying tubes of the lymphatic system), and the
vas deferens, a sperm-carrying duct. These tubes are tethered together
by muscle and connective tissue in a structure known as the spermatic
cord, which carries these tubes through the connective tissue of the
inguinal canal. Nerves also run between the abdomen and the testes
through the spermatic cord. The spermatic cord thus does much more
than suspend the testes in the scrotum: It allows for the testes to connect
to essential structures in the abdominal cavity. The spermatic cord is
also the conduit for testicular cancer cells to move from the testes to the
abdomen and, at times, beyond the abdomen to other body areas.
The surface of the testis (Figure 4.1) is smooth, except for an area known
as the hilus, where the blood vessels, lymph vessels, and sperm-carry-
ing ducts connect. The smooth surface is created largely by the testis’
main covering, the tunica albuginea. This tough, fibrous layer of con-
nective tissue (supportive tissue made primarily of the protein collagen)
contains embedded muscle cells.
The Testes 51
Figure 4.1
Each testis of a male who has gone through puberty has many hun-
dreds (estimates range from 500 to more than 1,000) of U-shaped
seminiferous tubules actively engaged in spermatogenesis, the
The Testes 53
process by which millions of sperm cells are produced each day. The
looped tubules are also coiled; looping and coiling enables more of
these important structures to fit into the confined space of the testis.
If stretched out, each tubule would be about a foot or two in length; if
the many hundreds of seminiferous tubules from a testis were stretched
out and placed end to end, they would cover the length of at least two
football fields! Sperm production occurs along the entire length of a
seminiferous tubule.
Seminiferous tubules have walls that surround the open area in the
center, called the lumen. Sperm made in the wall, along with fluid that
enables these cells to be moved through the tubule, are released into
the lumen of the tubules. The walls of the seminiferous tubules are made
of cells dedicated to sperm production (the germinal epithelium) and
underlying supportive tissue. The cells of the germinal epithelium of the
seminiferous tubule walls are of two types: germ cells (cells in various
stages of sperm development) and Sertoli cells (cells that aid developing
germ cells). The rest of the seminiferous tubule is made of supportive tis-
sues that surround the germinal epithelium. Immediately underlying the
germinal epithelium is the basement membrane. The tissue layer is made
of structural molecules, such as the protein collagen, that physically
support the germinal epithelium and also connect it to the underlying
loose connective tissue, the peritubular tissue (literally, tissue around
the tube). This tissue, which is also composed of molecules such as
collagen, plays a structural role. Cells that can produce connective tis-
sue molecules are present in the peritubular tissue, and researchers are
learning that these cells also communicate with—and influence—cells
of the germinal epithelium.
These testis cells and the many other non–germ cells have a variety
of functions, all of which are directed at assisting in the primary function
54 testicular Cancer
Figure 4.2 This color scanning electron micrograph (SEM) image shows the
seminiferous tubules. The center of each seminiferous tubule is filled with
developing sperm, of which the tails can be seen (blue). (© Susumu Nishinaga/
Photo Researchers, Inc.)
2. Cells derived from gonocytes that have the ability to divide in order
to copy themselves or to produce cells that will develop into sperm
cells (spermatogonia; sometimes referred to as spermatogenic
stem cells)
Some of these germ cells develop into germ cell tumors. Evidence
gathered by researchers indicates that cells early in the germ cell de-
velopmental pathway are the ones that become cancer cells, but this
remains an active area of investigation. One of the challenges faced
by scientists is that there is still much to be learned about the many
changes that occur as these cells proceed along the normal develop-
ment pathway: from primordial germ cell formation to mature sperm.
The process of spermatogenesis begins in puberty as spermatogonia
divide (by a process known as mitosis) to produce two cell types: (1)
cells that are copies of the original cell (which ensure that the supply
of stem cells will not be depleted) and (2) cells that will develop into
primary spermatocytes.
A primary spermatocyte undergoes two rounds of a special type of
cell division called meiosis. The first division of the primary spermato-
cyte produces two secondary spermatocytes. Each secondary sper-
matocyte undergoes division to produce two cells called spermatids.
Thus, each primary spermatocyte ultimately produces a total of four
spermatids. The arrangement of germ cells in the germinal epithelium
reflects the stages of their development: spermatogonia lie in the outer
region of the germinal epithelium (farthest from the lumen and closest
56 testicular Cancer
Sertoli Cells
Sertoli cells assist in many ways with the development of sperm cells.
These large cells span the germinal epithelium, from the basement
membrane to the lumen, and lie side by side, forming a continuous layer
of cells around the tubule.
The sides of the Sertoli cells are attached tightly to each other by
specialized connections, preventing fluid, dissolved molecules, and
cells from moving between the Sertoli cells. As a result, molecules
must pass through the cytoplasm of Sertoli cells to move from the
lumen-side of Sertoli cells to the basement membrane-side of Sertoli
cells. This lack of free movement of materials between cells is an im-
portant contributor to the blood-testis barrier, a system that restricts
access to the developing sperm cells by molecules and immune cells
from the blood and prevents sperm cells from gaining access to im-
mune cells. The evolutionary advantage of the barrier is thought to be
protection of the developing sperm from the body’s immune system,
which would recognize these cells as foreign and destroy them.
Germ cells develop in pocketlike projections of the Sertoli cells,
moving closer to the lumen as they mature. This requires breaking
and reforming of the connections between Sertoli cells. Sertoli cells
secrete a variety of molecules, including androgen-binding protein that
concentrates testosterone, and hormones; they also engulf spermatid
cytoplasm and secrete the fluid that helps carry sperm through the
seminiferous tubule.
Sertoli cells are capable of developing into cancer cells. Because
a Sertoli cell is not a germ cell, a Sertoli cell cancer is considered a
non–germ cell cancer.
58 testicular Cancer
Figure 4.3 Sperm surround a Sertoli cell, which provides nourishment for
developing sperm. (© LookatSciences/Phototake)
Sperm leave the rete testis (and the testis itself) at the hilus by way
of 6 to 12 small tubes known as efferent ductules. These carry the
sperm to the epididymis, a collection tube that lies just outside the
The highly coiled epididymis (which would be about 16 feet if
stretched out) runs along the back of the testis. In the first section,
much of the fluid produced in the seminiferous tubules is reabsorbed,
concentrating the sperm. The rest of the epididymis serves as more than
a simple conduit for sperm: It is where the sperm mature to the point at
which they are able to successfully fertilize an ovum. Sperm are also
stored in the epididymis until they leave the scrotal area to be released
from the penis through ejaculation.
Sperm leave the epididymis by way of the vas deferens, which
carries sperm from the scrotum, through the inguinal canal, and into
the abdominal cavity. (In the male sterilization procedure known as
a vasectomy, the vasa deferentia—one vas deferens on each side of
the body—are cut.) In the abdominal cavity, the vas deferens loops
up and over the bladder, the structure that stores urine. Sperm are
propelled through the vas deferens by contractions of the muscles
that surround the tube. Just near its end, the vas deferens is renamed
the ejaculatory duct.
The short ejaculatory ducts on each side of the body join with the
urethra—the tube that carries urine from the bladder. The urethra
serves two important functions: It delivers sperm and urine (at sepa-
rate times) to the outside of the body through the penis. The urethra
is the first—and only—tube where sperm traveling from the right tes-
ticle and sperm traveling from the left testicle join. All the other tubes
through which sperm travel are present on both sides of the body.
60 testicular Cancer
Figure 4.4 These sperm are moving from the seminiferous tubules through
the rete testis. From there the sperm will finish developing and be stored in the
epididymis. (© Innerspace Imaging/Photo Researchers, Inc.)
The circulatory system carries blood through blood vessels (arteries, ar-
terioles, veins, venules, and capillaries) that are distributed throughout
the body. Blood consists of fluid (plasma), red and white blood cells,
and platelets. Important molecules, such as nutrients and hormones,
are carried in the plasma. Red blood cells carry oxygen to the body’s
tissues, the many types of white blood cells work in complex ways to
help the body defend itself from microbes and cancer cells, and plate-
lets assist in blood clotting. Under pressure from the pumping heart,
blood is pushed through arteries and the smaller arterioles, tubes that
carry blood away from the heart, eventually reaching the capillaries,
the vessels of the body that exchange materials with body tissues. This
exchange is possible because capillaries have thin walls, made only of
a single layer of cells known as endothelial cells. Plasma (and at times
white blood cells) leaves the blood by passing between endothelial cells,
allowing the fluid (now referred to as tissue fluid) to bathe body tissues.
Molecules can then be exchanged between the cells of the body tissues
and the tissue fluid. Much of the tissue fluid is eventually returned to the
circulatory system, moving back into the capillaries. From capillaries,
the fluid travels in venules to larger veins back to the heart.
The blood supply for the testes comes largely from the testicular
arteries. These two arteries branch from the aorta—the body’s main
artery that carries blood from the heart—as it runs through the retro-
peritoneal cavity. They are then routed through the spermatic cord;
the right testicular artery delivers blood to the right testis and the left
testicular artery delivers blood to the left testis. Once at the testis, the
artery branches, supplying all areas of the testis. Many of the branches
travel along connective tissue to the individual lobules. Capillaries in the
interstitium exchange with the local tissue fluid. Although some of these
62 testicular Cancer
2. As this material moves through lymph vessels on its way to the
circulatory system, it encounters lymph nodes, small structures that
filter lymph. Lymph vessels empty lymph into one end of a lymph
node. The lymph moves slowly through the meshlike node, eventu-
ally leaving through a lymph vessel on the opposite side. The lymph
node is more than a mechanical filter. Cells in a lymph node trap,
destroy, and become activated to destroy microbes and cancer cells.
(Some cancer cells trapped by lymph nodes survive and multiply
within the node, but without the lymph nodes, these cancer cells
would enter the bloodstream unchecked.)
In the testis, many lymph capillaries, like the blood capillaries, are
located in the interstitium. They join others, leaving the testis as larger
lymphatic vessels at the hilus. They enter the spermatic cord, then travel
to the retroperitoneal cavity. From there, vessels join a long and much
larger vessel, the thoracic duct, which returns lymph to the left subclavian
vein, located near the heart. Testicular cancer cells that are picked up
by lymphatic capillaries in the testes first encounter lymph nodes in the
retroperitoneal cavity. These retroperitoneal lymph nodes are therefore
usually the first landing sites for testicular cancer metastases.
The testes are formed during fetal life in the retroperitoneum, a space
at the back of abdominal cavity. As development proceeds, they move
through the inguinal canals into the scrotum. Each remains connected
to the abdomen through its spermatic cord. The spermatic cord contains
blood vessels, lymph vessels, and a tube that carries sperm from the
64 testicular Cancer
testes. Sperm are made in the testes in long tubes known as seminifer-
ous tubules. Production of sperm takes many weeks, and is a stepwise
process that involves cell division and cell changes. Sertoli cells, located
in seminiferous tubules, help in the process of sperm development.
Leydig cells, located in tissue between seminiferous tubules, produce
the hormone testosterone.
Germ Cell Cancers
♦ Germ cell tumors that are mixtures of more than one tumor type
are called mixed germ cell tumors. They are classified with the non-
seminomatous germ cell cancers because of the way they respond
to available treatments.
66 testicular Cancer
Baseball player Mike Lowell, cyclist Lance Armstrong, skater Scott Ham-
ilton, newscaster Sean Kimerling, and high school student Jason Struble
share a diagnosis of testicular cancer: They also have in common the
type of testicular cancer with which they were diagnosed: a germ cell
There are many different types of testicular cancer. Of these, several
develop from germ cells—cells in sperm’s developmental pathway—and
are therefore classified as germ cell cancers. Most testicular cancers are
germ cell cancers; in males who have gone through puberty, more than
90 percent of testicular cancers fall into this category.
There are many different types of germ cell cancer. The type of
germ cell tumor (GCT) a patient has is determined in the laboratory.
The pathologist determines the way the tumor looks to the eye as well
as histologically, when stained slices are examined under a microscope.
Immunohistochemistry can add important diagnostic clues by show-
ing whether certain cell-specific molecules are present. Serum tumor
marker information can also assist in tumor identification.
Germ cell tumor classification has changed over time, and there is
variation in how GCTs are classified from one part of the world to an-
other. The United States and many other countries use the classification
scheme of the World Health Organization (WHO). In the WHO system,
GCTs are classified as either pure (composed of one histological—or
tissue—type) or mixed (composed of more than one histological type).
The pure histological types of GCTs are seminoma, spermatocytic
seminoma, embryonal carcinoma, yolk sac tumor, trophoblastic
tumors, and teratoma. Mixed GCTs are made up of varying combina-
tions of these types.
Germ Cell Cancers 67
A fter a few days of cell division, the mammalian zygote develops into a
blastocyst (a hollow structure with an inner cell mass that will be-
come the fetus) and a chorion made of trophoblasts, which will form the
fetal part of the placenta.
As the blastocyst implants into the lining of the uterus, the chorion
develops to form two placenta-producing layers (the cytotrophoblast and
the synctiotrophoblast). The inner cell mass forms two layers: the en-
doderm and the ectoderm. Later, a third layer, the mesoderm, will form.
Trophoblasts, cytotrophoblasts, and synctiotrophoblasts secrete hCG.
Later in embryonic development, a well-developed yolk sac appears.
The yolk sac is the structure that is responsible for production of a fetus’s
first blood cells and primordial germ cells. The placenta, the structure that
connects and exchanges materials between the fetus and the mother, is
also well developed.
The yolk sac and chorion are both extraembryonic membranes, structures
that are attached to a developing embryo and assist in its development.
68 testicular Cancer
T esticular germ cell tumors can metastasize to parts of the body far
from the testicle, such as the retroperitoneum and the mediastinum,
an area of the chest. But sometimes, a testicular GCT can occur in these
areas in the apparent absence of a testicular GCT. These are known as
extragonadal germ cell tumors (EGGCTs). The term extragonadal implies
that these primary tumors (tumors that have developed in—rather than
metastasized to—a location) occur outside the gonad. Another common
location for EGGCTs is a gland in the brain known as the pineal gland.
At times, a physician may discover that the mass is not a true EGGCT
because a small mass can actually be found in the testicle. But many ap-
pear to be true EGGCTs.
A commonly accepted explanation for the presence of these tumors
is that an error occurred during migration of primordial germ cells in the
fetus; instead of migrating from the yolk sac to the primitive testis devel-
oping in the abdomen, the germ cells traveled to a different area, such as
the mediastinum. But researchers are exploring other hypotheses. One is
that cells in a testis that have started to, but not yet, become cancer cells
migrate from the testes to other areas; only when they reach these other
areas do they become cancer cells.
Brian Piccolo, football player for the Chicago Bears, died in 1969 at
the age of 26 of embryonal carcinoma that originated in the mediasti-
num. Thankfully, advancements in the treatment of this type of cancer
have been made since the 1960s. His story was told in the film Brian’s
Germ Cell Cancers 71
It appears that GCTs in these three categories have different causes and
pathways of development.
There are also interesting differences between teratomas that occur
before and after puberty. Teratoma in children is always benign—it does
not invade neighboring tissues or spread to other parts of the body by
metastasis. In adults, teratoma can be benign but it can also be malignant,
spreading to nearby tissues and capable of spreading to distant sites. An
additional age-related difference is that teratoma in children is almost
always a pure tumor, while in adults it is usually found as a component of
a mixed GCT. The reasons for these differences are not understood.
above the collarbone. The disease can spread further still by way of
the circulatory system, to sites such as the liver, lung, and bones.
In some cases, seminoma cells secrete hCG, which is detectable in
low concentration in the blood. hCG can cause gynecomastia. Semi-
noma cells never secrete AFP, which is an important factor in certain
diagnoses. For example, if the histology shows pure seminoma but blood
tests show elevated concentrations of AFP, a doctor will know that the
tumor is not seminoma, but actually a mixed GCT (nonseminoma) that
will require different treatment.
When a pathologist cuts into a seminoma tumor, it appears light
in color. There is no significant necrosis (dead tissue) or hemorrhage
(bleeding). The tumor is homogeneous, meaning that different areas of
the tumor are similar in appearance.
After staining the sample with hematoxylin-eosin, microscopic
examination shows that the cells are organized to form sheets of neatly
arranged cells, commonly in clusters that are separated by connective
tissue in which many white blood cells, especially lymphocytes, have
gathered. Neighboring cells do not overlap. The cells are fairly uniform
in appearance, and cell features such as a cell membrane, cytoplasm,
and nucleus with one or more nucleoli are easily seen.
A challenge for pathologists is the existence of forms of seminoma
that vary in cell characteristics and cell arrangement and differ from
the normal microscopic appearance. Some variants may look like other
tumor types. In one variant, syncytiotrophoblasts, large cells with many
nuclei per cell, are found among the typical cells.
Spermatocytic Seminomas
cancers. Most commonly, the disease occurs in men older than 50. It
occasionally occurs in younger men, but not in those under 30. Unlike
other histological types, spermatocytic seminoma is never a compo-
nent of GCTs.
The primary symptom is a painless mass in the testis. The tumor may
invade local tissues such as the epididymis, but it rarely metastasizes.
A patient’s prognosis is therefore excellent. The cut surface of the tumor
is light in color, and some tumors may have small areas of necrosis or
Microscopically, one characteristic of spermatocytic seminoma is
the presence of three cell types that differ in size: small, intermediate
(the predominant cell type), and large. These cells are not arranged in
well-organized sheets as in seminoma. Groups of cells are often sepa-
rated by areas that have only a small amount of connective tissue and
may be filled with fluid.
Even though prognosis is usually excellent, on occasion, parts of the
tumor change to form a sarcoma, a connective-tissue-like tumor. The
sarcoma may metastasize to the retroperitoneum and organs. Currently,
prognosis for these patients is poor.
Embryonal Carcinoma
Embryonal carcinoma is the most common nonseminomatous, pure
GCT in adults, but it is much less common than seminoma and mixed
GCTs, accounting for less than 10 percent of adult GCTs. It tends to occur
in men between their mid-twenties and mid-thirties, about 10 years ear-
lier than seminoma. It rarely occurs before puberty and is a component
of more than 80 percent of mixed GCTs.
Embryonal carcinoma is usually noticed because of a mass in the
testis. Often, but not always, the mass is painless. Gynecomastia may
74 testicular Cancer
occur. Many patients have metastases at the time of diagnosis and may
have symptoms resulting from the spread to lymph nodes or organs.
Sometimes the cancer invades local structures such as the epi-
didymis and spermatic cord. It metastasizes via the lymphatics to the
retroperitoneal and mediastinal lymph nodes. At times, it may spread
through the blood, often to the lungs. Some tumors make hCG, which
can be detected in the blood serum.
When a tumor of this type is examined in the lab, large areas of
necrosis and hemorrhage are typically seen. Microscopically, the cells
are large and have different shapes and they tend to overlap. Many cells
appear to be in the process of division, and abnormalities in the division
process can be seen. Syncytiotrophoblasts may be present.
Embryonal carcinoma cells are undifferentiated—they are not ma-
ture cells with a set function. Many of the cells look like epithelial cells,
which cover surfaces of the body; in some areas, they are even arranged
like epithelial cells around cavities, forming structures that look roughly
like glands. Embryonal carcinoma cells can be arranged in many differ-
ent patterns, and a pathologist must be able to recognize them all.
Yolk sac tumor is the most common testicular cancer in children. The
name comes from the fact that the tumor has characteristics—such
as AFP production—that are similar to the embryonic yolk sac. It
occurs in boys from infancy to age 11; the median age is about 16
months. Yolk sac tumor also appears in adults, but almost always as a
component of mixed GCTs. About 40 percent of mixed GCTs contain
yolk sac tumor.
Germ Cell Cancers 75
Almost all trophoblastic tumors fall into the category of choriocarci-
noma. The name comes from its similarity to the chorion, which forms
the fetal part of the placenta.
Choriocarcinoma occurs only very rarely (less than 1 percent of
cases) in pure form. Most men diagnosed with this form of cancer are in
their teens and twenties. Choriocarcinoma occurs in about 8 percent of
mixed GCTs. Choriocarcinoma spreads rapidly and widely, and has the
worst prognosis of all the germ cell cancers.
Germ Cell Cancers 77
The word teratoma comes from the Greek word for monster (teraton) and
reflects the fact that the tumor is an odd conglomeration of recognizable
tissues. Although not in testicular cancer, other types of teratomas can
actually have hair and teeth.
78 testicular Cancer
Figure 5.2 A color transmission electron micrograph (TEM) shows three malig-
nant teratoma cells. Each teratoma cell shown here has a large, irregular-shaped
nucleus (brown). (© Steve Gschmeissner/Photo Researchers, Inc.)
Mixed GCTs normally occur only in males who have gone through pu-
berty. Any of the different GCT types, with the exception of spermatocytic
seminoma, may be present in a single tumor. After seminoma, mixed
GCTs are the most common type of adult GCT.
More than 80 percent of mixed GCTs have embryonal carcinoma as
one of the components, and about half contain teratoma. Yolk sac tumor
and seminoma occur less frequently, but are still commonly found. Cho-
riocarcinoma is found in less than 10 percent of the mixed GCTs.
The different tumor types vary in aggressiveness, metastasis loca-
tions, and treatment sensitivity, and so it is important for the pathologist
to list the different tumor types and to estimate the percentage of each.
This information will affect treatment decisions.
GCTs arise from germ cells and are the most common type of testicular
cancer. The type of GCT a patient has is determined by analysis of the
tumor in the pathology lab and by the presence or absence of certain
tumor markers in the blood. It is important to diagnose the type of GCT
accurately because they may require different treatment. GCTs are
grouped into two large categories: seminomatous GCTs and nonsemino-
matous GCTs. Seminomatous GCTs are of two types: seminoma (classic
Germ Cell Cancers 81
♦ Non-germ cell testicular tumors are much less common than germ
cell tumors.
♦ Leydig cell tumors, Sertoli cell tumors, rete testis carcinoma, and
primary testicular lymphoma are non-germ cell tumors of the testis.
Testicular tumors that arise from cells that support germ cells or play
other roles in testicular function—non-germ cell testicular tumors—oc-
cur much less frequently than their germ cell tumor counterparts.
Testicular tumors that do not arise from germ cells represent a greater
Non-Germ Cell Testicular Cancers 83
Sertoli cell tumors (SCTs) occur less frequently than LCTs: They account
for less than 1 percent of testicular tumors. The most common type is
84 testicular Cancer
SCT NOS (not otherwise specified); variants include the very rare large
cell calcifying SCT (LCCSCT). As the name suggests, LCCSCTs are large
and contain calcium deposits. SCT NOS typically occurs in adults, while
LCCSCT is often found in younger patients. In some cases, LCCSCT occurs
as part of a syndrome, such as Peutz-Jeghers, a rare genetic disorder in
which patients develop intestinal polyps and have a greatly increased risk
of developing various cancers. SCT NOS is rarely malignant, but some
LCCSCTs are malignant. The prognosis for maligant LCCSCTs is poor.
Non-Germ Cell Testicular Cancers 85
Cells of the testis that are not germ cells, but rather support germ cells
or have other functions in the testis, can also form tumors. These are
referred to as non-germ cell tumors. They are much less common than
GCTs, but they make up a greater proportion of testicular tumors in
children than in adults. Some of these tumors are benign, but others are
malignant. Non-germ cell cancers have not shared the treatment success
86 testicular Cancer
Figure 6.2 This color scanning electron micrograph (SEM) shows a normal
B-lymphocyte, or B-cell. Lymphomas, or cancers of the lymphocytes, can occur
in the testes and are known as primary testicular lymphomas. (© Eye of Science/
Photo Researchers, Inc.)
of germ cell cancers, and prognosis is often poor. Non-germ cell tumors
include Leydig tumors, Sertoli cell tumors, carcinoma of the rete testis,
and primary testicular lymphoma.
Treatment of Testicular Cancer
88 testicular Cancer
For testicular cancer, the cancer stages range from stage I (least ad-
vanced) to stage III (most advanced). Each of the three stages is broken
down further into subcategories (i.e., IIIA, IIIB, IIIC) that further describe
the details of the cancer’s spread. The process of determining the cancer
stage is referred to as cancer staging. In cancer staging, information
about serum (blood fluid) tumor marker concentration is gathered, as
well as information about whether the tumor has spread to tissues near
the testis, to the regional lymph nodes, or to more distant sites. The stag-
ing system used to determine the extent of cancer spread is known as
the TNM (tumor-node-metastasis) system. In this system, T stands for
the spread of the tumor to nearby structures, such as the tunica vaginalis
and the spermatic cord; N stands for metastasis to regional (usually ret-
roperitoneal) lymph nodes; and M stands for metastasis of the cancer
to nonregional (distant) lymph nodes or organs, such as the lungs and
brain. Information about the serum (S) tumor markers AFP, hCG, and
lactate dehydrogenase supplements data from the TNM system.
Cancer staging requires blood work to determine tumor marker con-
centration; analysis in the pathology lab of the testicle and structures
near it (e.g. spermatic cord) to determine the extent of local spread; and
imaging studies—such as a CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis and a
chest X-ray—to look for metastasis. In addition to using the CT scan to
determine whether there is metastasis to retroperitoneal lymph nodes,
the determination is at times based on analysis in the pathology lab of
surgically removed lymph nodes.
Table 7.1 shows the categories into which a patient’s testicular cancer
can be placed based on evaluation of serum tumor marker concentra-
tion (S) and information about the local spread of the primary tumor
(T), its metastasis to regional lymph nodes as determined by imaging
90 testicular Cancer
RPLND to treat testicular cancer was first performed in the early 1900s.
As more physicians began to use the technique and scientists learned
more about which lymph nodes could become involved by metastasis,
the procedure evolved to increase the number of lymph nodes removed.
By the late 1970s, the procedure involved removing lymph nodes from
both sides of the retroperitoneum (bilateral RPLND), including those
92 testicular Cancer
* The designation pT implies that the tumor (T) has been analyzed in the pathol-
ogy laboratory.
** The designation pN implies that the lymph node (N) has been analyzed in the
pathology laboratory.
*** LDH units: N, the upper limit of normal for the assay used; hCG units: milli inter-
national units (mIU)/mL; AFP units: ng/mL.
Source: Adapted from American Cancer Society, “Detailed Guide, Testicular Cancer: How is
Testicular Cancer Staged?” http://www.cancer.org/docroot/CRI/content/CRI_2_4_3X_How_is_
testicular_cancer_staged_41.asp?sitearea= (accessed August 21, 2008). National Cancer Institute,
“Testicular Cancer Treatment,” http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/pdq/treatment/testicular/
HealthProfessional/page4 (accessed August 21, 2008); and A. Bahrami, J. Y. Ro, and A. G. Ayala, “An
Overview of Testicular Germ Cell Tumors,” Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, 131, 8
(2007): 1267–1280.
94 testicular Cancer
Table 7.2. S
tages of Testicular Cancer Based on Grouping of
Serum Tumor Marker (S) and TNM Classification System.
pT (N or pN)
Stage (distant (serum tumor
(tumor) (regional
metastasis) markers)
lymph nodes)
I pT1-4 N0 M0 Sx
IA pT1 N0 M0 S0
IB pT2-4 N0 M0 S0
Adapted from American Cancer Society, “Detailed Guide, Testicular Cancer: How is Testicular
Cancer Staged?” http://www.cancer.org/docroot/CRI/content/CRI_2_4_3X_How_is_testicular_can-
cer_staged_41.asp?sitearea= (accessed August 21, 2008); National Cancer Institute,“Testicular Can-
cer Treatment,” http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/pdq/treatment/testicular/HealthProfessional/
page4 (accessed August 21, 2008); and A. Bahrami, J.Y. Ro, and A. G. Ayala,“An Overview of Testicular
Germ Cell Tumors,” Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, 131, 8 (2007): 1267–1280.
Treatment of Testicular Cancer 95
above (suprahilar) and below (infrahilar) where the ureters and blood
vessels connect to the kidneys. In addition, a surgical technique used to
reach lymph tissue from behind the aorta and the vena cava was intro-
duced. One problem with the RPLND surgeries being done at that time
was that removal of the suprahilar nodes led to some added surgical
complications. Another problem was that, in the process of removing
retroperitoneal lymph nodes, nerves that controlled ejaculation were
often damaged. This resulted in sperm being ejaculated into the blad-
der rather than through the urethra (retrograde ejaculation), which
rendered the patient infertile.
In the 1980s, physician John Donohue and his colleagues at Indiana
University began to investigate whether they could safely reduce the
number of lymph nodes removed in a RPLND in order to minimize surgi-
cal complications, including the nerve damage that caused retrograde
ejaculation. To do this, they evaluated lymph nodes of many patients so
they could map the common pathways of spread to the retroperitoneal
nodes. As part of this study, they compared the metastasis patterns of
right-sided and left-sided tumors. They found that for early stage tes-
ticular cancer, right-sided tumors metastasized to different sets of lymph
nodes than left-sided tumors.
Based on this and other information, RPLND surgery began to
change. The surgically complex removal of suprahilar lymph nodes
could often be eliminated without increased risk of death from cancer.
And, rather than performing a full bilateral dissection, surgeons began
to perform modified—more unilateral—surgeries, with certain lymph
nodes (mostly those on the left side of the retroperitoneum) removed for
left-side tumors and others (mostly those on the right side) removed for
right-side tumors. With fewer nodes removed, damage to nerves that are
important to normal ejaculation was minimized. Did the change from
Treatment of Testicular Cancer 97
blood before the chemotherapy. These stem cells repopulate the bone
marrow, where they divide repeatedly to maintain their own population
and produce various blood cell types. Einhorn reviewed the cases of
184 patients whose salvage therapy involved high-dose chemotherapy
and stem cell rescue. With post-treatment follow-up times ranging from
14 to 188 months (median 48 months), 116 of 184 patients (63 percent)
were found to be in complete remission, an excellent success rate in this
the medical properties of this plant after his brother sent him leaves from
the plant and explained that they were used to make a Jamaican tea used
in diabetes treatment. Noble tested extracts from the plant, but could find
no effect on diabetes. He did find that it decreased the white blood cell
count and thus reasoned that it might work against blood cell cancers.
Biochemist Charles Thomas Beer joined Noble’s lab and isolated the ac-
tive compound, vinblastine, which proved in clinical trials to be an effec-
tive chemotherapeutic agent. Both Noble and Beer were inducted into the
Canadian Medical Hall of Fame in recognition of their important work.
Figure 7.3 Bacteria of the genus Streptomyces are used to make antibiotics
and chemotherapy drugs. Shown here is Streptomyces griseus, which is used to
produce the antibiotic streptomycin. (© Dr. Christine Case/Visuals Unlimited,
Radiation Therapy
The treatment for testicular cancer depends largely on the type of tes-
ticular cancer a patient has and the cancer stage. For testicular cancer,
Treatment of Testicular Cancer 109
♦ Testicular cancer rates are higher in some parts of the world than
others. In the United States, white men are at greater risk of testicular
cancer than African American men.
What Causes Testicular Cancer? 111
Figure 8.1 Tannery workers, such as those shown here, are at a higher risk for
testicular cancer. Exposure to dimethylformamide (DMF), a chemical solvent
used in tanneries, is suspected to be to blame for this increased risk, although
it has not been proven conclusively. (© Stephanie Maze/CORBIS)
them developed testicular cancer. These blood samples were still avail-
able and could be evaluated to see if any chemicals in them might be
linked to later development of testicular cancer. The researchers found
that those who had high concentrations of a DDT breakdown product
in their blood were significantly more likely to eventually develop
testicular cancer than those with low concentrations. DDT and other or-
ganochlorine (organic compounds with chlorine) pesticides have long
been suspected in testicular cancer because they can affect hormones
in the body, which themselves have been suspected to influence the risk
of this cancer.
Another way to assess environmental factors is to examine occu-
pational risk—whether certain occupations (such as leather tanning)
carry increased testicular cancer risk. For example, many studies show
that firefighters are at increased risk for testicular cancers due to their
occupational exposure to soot and chemicals such as benzene. (Brit-
ish Columbia now defines testicular cancer as an occupational risk for
firefighters.) Another study suggested that the use of handheld radar
guns by police (often positioned near testicles) might increase testicular
cancer risk. Many other occupations have also been evaluated.
What is the role of genetics? A known, established risk factor for
testicular cancer is a family history of testicular cancer. The greatest
risk is having a brother with testicular cancer, which increases the
risk up to tenfold, more than is normally seen with other cancers. This
suggests an important role for genetics in the development of testicular
cancer. (It is important to remember, however, that brothers often have
numerous environmental factors in common.) If a gene or genes play
a role, on what chromosomes are these susceptibility genes located?
Studies to find regions of chromosomes that may affect testicular cancer
risk rely on analysis of affected families, defined as families with two
116 testicular Cancer
Figure 8.2 The pesticide DDT was widely used in the first half of the twentieth
century. In this photograph an army field hospital is being sprayed with DDT. It
was later discovered that exposure to DDT led to an elevated risk of testicular
cancer. (© National Library of Medicine/U.S. Institutes of Health)
does not appear to disappear when people from these parts of the world
migrate to different places.
The causes of testicular cancer are not known, but it most likely occurs
as a result of a combination of environmental and genetic factors. Since
testicular cancer tends to occur at a young age, scientists are particularly
interested in determining the role of the intrauterine environment in
testicular cancer development. The intrauterine environment includes
truly external factors such as toxicants as well as more internal factors,
such as hormones produced by the mother. Certain occupations may
put a person at greater risk of developing testicular cancer. A man is
more likely to develop testicular cancer if he has a family member, par-
ticularly a brother, who developed testicular cancer and if he was born
with an undescended testicle. Another risk factor for testicular cancer
is testicular cancer itself: A man who develops testicular cancer has an
increased chance of developing a new testicular cancer in the other
testicle. Testicular cancer rates are greater in some parts of the world
than other. In the United States, testicular cancer occurs at a greater rate
in white men than in African American men.
Questions for the Future
♦ Despite the remarkable progress that has been made in the field of
testicular cancer, many questions and challenges remain.
♦ Researchers want to learn more about the many steps that occur as
a normal cell of the testicle is transformed into a cancer cell, and
they want to understand why, and when, these changes occur.
Challenges and Questions for the Future 121
Treatment Options
Advances in testicular cancer treatment make testicular cancer one of
the most curable cancers. In some situations, such as stage I seminoma,
the cure rate is close to 100 percent. Yet each year in the United States,
hundreds of men die of testicular cancer; much of the effort to develop
new treatment methods is therefore directed at this group. Some non-
GCTs still carry a poor prognosis, and successful efforts are needed to
address these rare cancers. Even for GCTs, with an overall cure rate of
122 testicular Cancer
successes. This is also true for RPLND, where debate is ongoing over
minimally invasive versus open surgery, and on the surgical templates
Figure 9.1 Doctors and researchers across many medical and science disci-
plines are working to improve our understanding of testicular cancer. (© Radu
Razvan/Shutterstock images)
the testicular cancer types and cases that still carry a poor prognosis,
and learning about the many cellular and molecular changes that occur
as a normal cell of the testicle is transformed into a cancer cell. These
challenges can be overcome by the work of individuals from a variety of
academic and clinical backgrounds.
Chapter 1
1. Lawrence H. Einhorn, “Testicular Cancer: An Oncological Success Story,”
Clinical Cancer Research 3, 12 (1997): 2630–2632.
Chapter 2
1. Mike Eisenbath, “Jason’s Story,” http://www.testicularcancer.org/
abouttcstoryone.htm (accessed August 21, 2008).
2. Sean Kimerling Testicular Cancer Foundation, “Survivor Stories,” http://
html (accessed August 21, 2008).
3. Tom Struble, “A Father’s Challenge to Educators and the Medical Community,”
Jason A. Struble Memorial Cancer Fund, http://www.testicularcancer.
org/ourchallenge-educators.htm (accessed August 21, 2008).
Chapter 7
1. American Cancer Society, “Detailed Guide, Testicular Cancer: How is
Testicular Cancer Staged?” http://www.cancer.org/docroot/CRI/con-
(accessed August 21, 2008).
2. National Cancer Institute, “Testicular Cancer Treatment,” http://www.
page4 (accessed August 21, 2008).
3. A. Bahrami, Jae Y. Ro, and Alberto G. Ayala, “An Overview of Testicular
Germ Cell Tumors,” Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 131, 8
(2007): 1267–1280.
4 S. E. Eggener, B. S. Carver, D. S. Sharp, R. J. Motzer, G. J. Bosl, and J. Shein-
feld, “Incidence of Disease Outside Modified Retroperitoneal Lymph Node
Dissection Templates in Clinical Stage I or IIA Nonseminomatous Germ
Cell Testicular Cancer,” Journal of Urology 177, 3 (2007): 937–943.
5. M. C. Li, W. F. Whitmore Jr., R. Golbey, and H. Grabstald, “Effects of Com-
bined Drug Therapy on Metastatic Cancer of the Testis,” Journal of the
American Medical Association 174 (1960): 1291–1299.
notes 127
Chapter 8
1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Epidemiologic and Reports
Testicular Cancer in Leather Workers—Fulton County, New York,” Morbid-
ity and Mortality Weekly Report 38, 7 (1989): 111–114.
2. S. M. Levin, D. B. Baker, P. J. Landrigan, S. V. Monaghan, E. Frumin, M.
Braithwaite, and W. Towne, “Testicular Cancer in Leather Tanners Exposed
to Dimethylformamide (letter),” Lancet 2, 8568 (1987): 1153.
3. A. Petterson, L. Richiardi, A. Nordenskjold, M. Kaijser, and O. Akre, “Age
of Surgery for Undescended Testis and Risk of Testicular Cancer,” The New
England Journal of Medicine 356, 18 (2007): 1835–1841.
4. C. Myrup, et al., “Correction of Cryptorchidism and Testicular Cancer
(correspondence),” The New England Journal of Medicine 357 (2007):
alpha-fetoprotein A protein normally made in fetal life that can be
found at high concentrations in the blood of those with some types
of testicular cancer.
antibiotic An antimicrobial compound produced by a microbe.
antibody A defensive protein that can bind specifically to other
apoptosis Programmed cell death.
blood-testis barrier A physical barrier formed by Sertoli cell
junctions that prevents materials from passing between the blood
and the cells of the testis.
cancer stage The degree to which a cancer has advanced.
carcinoma in situ An early cancer that has not invaded surrounding
chemotherapy The use of chemicals to treat cancer.
choriocarcinoma A type of nonseminomatous germ cell testicular
chorion A membrane associated with the embryo that forms the fetal
part of the placenta.
clinical stage The cancer stage determined before tissue is removed
and analyzed in a pathology laboratory.
complete remission The disappearance of all signs of a cancer.
computed tomography (CT) scan An imaging technique that uses
X-rays to produce a three-dimensional image.
cryptorchidism A condition in which a testicle does not descend
into the scrotum before birth.
cytotoxic Toxic to cells.
glossary 129
germ cell cancer A cancer of a cell that would normally develop into
a germ cell.
germinal epithelium The part of the seminiferous tubule dedicated
to sperm production, i.e., the germ cells and the Sertoli cells.
gonads Organs that form gametes (in males, the testes).
gonocytes Cells in the embryo/fetus that are precursors of
gubernaculum The tissue that connects the testis to the inside of the
gynecomastia Enlargement of breast tissue in males.
haploid Having one copy of each chromosome.
hematopoietic Blood cell forming.
hilus The region of a testis where blood, lymphatic, and sperm-
carrying vessels connect.
histology The microscopic study of tissues.
hormone A substance made by one part of the body that travels
through the blood to another and affects its activity.
human chorionic gonadotropin A small protein hormone normally
produced by the placenta to maintain pregnancy, which can be
found at high concentration in the blood of those with some types
of testicular cancer.
hydrocele Fluid accumulation in a sac that surrounds the testicle.
immunohistochemistry The use of antibodies to specifically label
certain cellular molecules.
induction therapy Initial chemotherapy.
inguinal canals Tubelike passageways that connect the abdomen to
the scrotum.
glossary 131
urethra A tube that carries sperm and urine to the outside of the
vas deferens A tube that carries sperm from the epididymis to the
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148 Bibliography
treatment. See treatment for cancer serum tumor marker and TNM
types of, 12, 15, 75 staging, 92–93, 94
typical patient, 12–15 stages of cancer. See testicular
testicular torsion, 34 cancer, stages of
testis toxicity, 23
anatomy of, 50–52 trophoblastic tumor, 65–68, 81
change in size, shape, texture, 25, trophoblasts, 41
32, 35 tumor, 12
circulatory system and, 48, 61–62 tumor markers, 17, 38–42, 45
described, 48–50 tumor-node-metastasis system (TNM),
examination, 30–32, 37 89–94
hidden, 19 tunica albuginea, 50
lump/enlarged, 15–16, 32 tunica vaginalis, 51
lymphatic system and, 48, 62–63
male sex gland, 49 U
noncancerous problems, 34
ultrasound, 17, 36, 37–38, 45–46
pain, 33, 35
Umezawa, Hamao, 105
removal of, 12, 36, 37, 46
University of Chicago, 97
self-examination, 32
University of Iowa, 20
sperm production in, 52–56
University of Texas, 99
tissue, analysis of, 36, 46
University of Western Ontario, 103
undescended. See cryptorchidism
urethra, 50
testosterone, 51, 64
tissue fluid, 50
TNM. See tumor-node-metastasis system V
Today, 26 varicoceles, 34
transducer, 37 vas deferens, 50, 59
treatment for cancer, 8, 18–19 vasectomy, 59
chemotherapy. See chemotherapy vinblastine, 99, 100, 103, 106
described, 87–88
future of, 121–123 W
nonresponsive, 22
Waxman, Selman, 104
radiation therapy. See radiation
World Health Organization, 66
retroperitoneal lymph node dissec-
tion. See retroperitoneal lymph X
node dissection X-rays, 19
about the author
about the consulting editor