Stiles Et Al (2020) Impact of COVID 19 On Health and Safety in The Construction Sector
Stiles Et Al (2020) Impact of COVID 19 On Health and Safety in The Construction Sector
Stiles Et Al (2020) Impact of COVID 19 On Health and Safety in The Construction Sector
DOI: 10.1002/hfm.20882
Gateway Consultants (HSW) Ltd.,
Burton‐on‐Trent, UK Abstract
School of Engineering, Newcastle University, Construction has been significantly affected by COVID‐19 yet is critical to the post‐
Newcastle, UK
COVID economic recovery. Specifically, construction needs to be constantly aware
Faculty of Engineering, University of
Nottingham, Nottingham, UK of safety and risk balanced with timely project delivery. Guidance for COVID‐19
must therefore be implemented in a way that reflects working practice and
pressures. There is, however, a potential knowledge gap regarding the practical
David Golightly, School of Engineering,
Newcastle University, Stephenson Bldg, feasibility and impact of applying COVID‐19 measures within construction, made
Newcastle NE1 7RU, UK.
more difficult by factors such as the temporary nature of projects and complex
Email: [email protected]
working arrangements. This article presents a commentary on safe construction
during, and beyond, COVID‐19, covering the human factors challenges and practi-
calities of implementing COVID‐19 measures. We observe that while guidance is
strong on risk management, understanding of how best to implement this guidance
is not yet stable. Also, care must be taken that implementing guidance does not
detract from general safety, which is also challenged by increased pressures on
delivery arising from COVID‐19. There may, however, be opportunities for safer
working practice arising from new awareness of health, hygiene, and safety risk. The
role of safety leadership is overlooked in guidance yet is vital to ensure safe
application of COVID‐19 working practices. The key message is that COVID‐19 needs
to be integrated and promoted within a general risk management approach, in part
because this takes account of differing priorities regarding safety risks, rather than
overly focussing on COVID‐19, and also because the effectiveness of COVID‐19
mitigations can be amplified by integration with pre‐existing safety processes.
construction, COVID‐19, health and safety, human factors, risk
1 | INTRODUCTION impact to its operations and has been amongst the hardest hit in
terms of COVID‐19 (Koh, 2020; McClure et al., 2020; ONS, 2020).
Construction is key to the global economy. In the United Kingdom, The implications of COVID‐19 on construction are twofold.
construction is worth over £100bn and employs over 2.4 million On one hand, work has been halted or changed and new projects
people (Rhodes, 2019). It is a sector that has seen a significant paused while construction practices come to terms with new ways of
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© 2021 The Authors. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries published by Wiley Periodicals LLC
working. Sites have had to adjust to social distancing, implementing period. The contributions of the article are in describing how con-
new hygiene and personal protective equipment (PPE) measures, and struction is meeting the challenge of working safely within COVID‐19,
accommodating a greater level of working from home for roles that and identifying what further work is needed to continue to deliver
are not essential to front‐line work. The importance of health and safety in construction during COVID‐19 and beyond. While this article
hygiene, as well as safety, has never been clearer. All of this has had is based on experience in the U.K. construction sector, we note that
to occur while maintaining safety in the conventional aspects of the importance of construction to the economy, and understanding
work, in a sector which ordinarily has multiple hazards. Delivering of the potential impact of COVID‐19, is shared worldwide
safety is a significant challenge (Health and Safety Executive (e.g., Choudhari, 2020; McClure et al., 2020; OSHA, 2020).
[HSE], 2019; van der Molen et al., 2018), especially where multiple
organizations of different sizes work together, as is typically found in
medium to large construction projects (Peñaloza et al., 2020; 2 | THE C ONSTRUCTION C ONTEXT
Rowlinson, 2004; Stiles et al., 2012; Woolley et al., 2020). The
temporary nature of arrangements can present a challenge for safety In normal times, delivering safety in construction is a complex ac-
leadership (Stiles et al., 2018a), which is a key mechanism for en- tivity (Woolley et al., 2020). The nature of the work is inherently
gaging the workforce in safety (Zohar, 2002; Zohar & Luria, 2003). often hazardous (Haslam et al., 2005), involving manual handling
On the other hand, construction is seen as a vital part of sti- (Antwi‐Afari et al., 2017; Hartmann & Fleischer, 2005; Paquet
mulating the post‐COVID economy, and there is much impetus to et al., 1999), working around plant, working at height or with difficult
start work on “shovel ready” schemes (e.g., UK Gov, 2020). As an postures (Dutta et al., 2020), working with dangerous materials
example, transport civil engineering is a significant part of this sector, (Sauni et al., 2001; Snashall, 2005) or where there are hazards such
with rail electrification and high‐speed rail seen as essential strate- as electricity (e.g., during rail maintenance or installation of overhead
gies to support decarbonization (International Energy Agency, 2019). line electrification [Salguero‐Caparrós et al., 2019]). It is a sector
In the more immediate term, short‐ and medium‐sized engineering where safety has reached a plateau that still accounts for a sig-
projects are essential to maintain the road and rail network, down to nificant number of injuries, lost working days, and a fatality injury
local schemes to convert roads to cycle lanes, in a move to address rate in Great Britain (1.31 per 100,000 workers) that is three times
new travel patterns arising from COVID‐19 (Laverty et al., 2020). the all industry rate (HSE, 2019) and where evidence of effective
There is therefore significant need to ensure construction can safety interventions is scarce (van der Molen et al., 2018).
quickly return to working safely, and in a flexible manner that might Construction‐related risks include more than the work per-
withstand subsequent local lockdowns, future waves or even future formed on site. There is movement to and from site, including travel
pandemics. In the U.K. construction sector, guidelines have been is- for people to get to work, possibly to and from communal lodgings.
sued by bodies such as Construction Leadership Council (CLC, 2020), At the site, there needs to be facilities for eating, for toilets and rest
as well as guidance from the England and Wales Government (HM areas, for storage of materials, and for storage of tools. There is a
Gov, 2020) and HSE (2020). The question is therefore one of how variability in the type of tasks performed—while much civil en-
well these guidelines address practice on the ground. Specifically:‐ gineering work may be outside, building or refurbishment (e.g.,
plastering, electrical work) may be performed inside. Construction is
• How well does guidance fit with the practicalities of safe working also a sector where the risks of safety must be balanced within the
in construction? How successfully are construction sites im- context of production and the need to deliver. Perfection in safety
plementing the guidance? needs to be traded off against factors such as cost, capacity, effi-
• How does COVID‐19, and associated guidance, affect the normal ciency, and quality (Peñaloza et al., 2020; Wilson et al., 2009).
safety behavior and safe operation of construction? Do COVID‐19 Construction is a sector that was amongst the first affected by
practices impede conventional safety, or offer any potentially COVID‐19 (Koh, 2020) and has experienced a high rate of infection
unanticipated benefits? (ONS, 2020). A number of factors may account for this. For example,
• What are the implications of organizational structure for safe the sector has a high proportion of males, an ageing workforce with
working in construction during COVID‐19? over 40% over 40 years old, and significant numbers over 55
• What are the implications for safety leadership in construction (ONS, 2018) and with a high number of Black, Asian and Minority
during COVID‐19? What role can safety leadership play, and how Ethnic (BAME) workers, and a high degree of migrant workforce that
must it adapt to address COVID‐19? have been particularly hard hit by COVID‐19 in preliminary statistics
(McClure et al., 2020). Additionally, work with hazardous materials
The following paper presents a commentary on these questions, and exposure to potentially harmful conditions that impact the re-
based on reflection on the guidance against previous work in con- spiratory function (Sauni et al., 2001) may also mean greater risk of
struction (Stiles et al., 2012, 2018a, 2018b), and observation and underlying health problems linked to COVID‐19. While data are
experience of the first author—a practicing health and safety con- limited and direct causal pathways are still not well understood,
sultant working on delivering safety and leadership guidance and these factors may explain why this sector has experienced higher
behavioral change in construction, including during the COVID‐19 incidence of COVID‐19.
| 3
One specific factor that impacts safety generally, and may have a Table 1 presents an example of a medium‐sized PDO and some
bearing on COVID‐19, is the organization of work. Nearly all of the key characteristics (this is an anonymized aggregation of six
projects, particularly medium to large projects, are delivered through pre‐COVID‐19 projects). These projects are highly dynamic,
joint working of multiple organizations. A common project organi- increasing in total numbers of people on site and numbers of
zation structure is developed, referred to as a “Project Delivery sub‐contractors as the project progresses. Work is often delayed, so
Organization” (PDO) for the remainder of this article, as illustrated in rather than being represented as a normal distribution, work and
Figure 1. A PDO is established with a number of companies, numbers of workers can be “skewed” to finish the job on time.
co‐ordinated via contractual obligations, for a determined period of Sub‐contractors may come from different organizations, often small
time (Rowlinson, 2004); key duty holders being the client, principal (five people or less), and often engaged in specialist work (e.g.,
contractors, and the supply chain. working at height, electrical installation, etc.).
An implication of the PDO is that it can make more complex the
communication and management of safety. Typically, safety is man-
TABLE 1 Typical medium‐sized Project Delivery Organization aged down the hierarchy, but feedback up the hierarchy is often
restricted (Woolley et al., 2020). There may be different levels of
Civils/rail (e.g., suburban
Project scope station construction) safety culture (Stiles et al., 2018b) and variable application of safety
processes within pockets of the PDO (Stiles et al., 2012). Companies
Project value (millions) £10 m
employing fewer than 100 people have a tendency for higher
Project duration 52 weeks
accident rates, indicative of poor safety performance (Fairman &
Number of site management team 5 Yapp, 2005; Pinder et al., 2016; Vickers et al., 2003). Similarly,
from PC on site
construction industry studies by the UK Health and Safety Executive
Number of people on site (average) 40 showed that companies within this sector employing fewer than
Number of people on site (peak) 100 400 people have significantly poorer safety performance than larger
organizations (HSE, 2011). Projects and priorities change during their
Subcontracted workforce 50%
execution, with contractors leaving and joining, hampering clear
Number of accidents/incidents 8 management and communication of safety. Where there is a lack of
commitment from the supply chain it is very difficult for the principal (lockdowns, closing of workplaces, schools, public spaces, etc.) or
contractor to implement effective interventions due to the mixed through social distancing. This distance has varied by country and,
messages received by the workforce regarding priorities (Briscoe & over time, within countries. In England, the guidance at the time of
Dainty, 2005; Briscoe et al., 2001). It is therefore a relevant question writing is 2 m social distancing without mitigation, or 1 m with sui-
as to whether the influencing factors for general safety within table mitigation (such as a face mask). Also, public health messaging
the PDO will also have a bearing on the implementation of has emphasized hygiene, particularly washing hands on a regular
COVID‐guidance. basis and cleaning and disinfection of contact surfaces.
One significant factor in the delivery of safety in general is lea- This general advice has informed guidance for either work
dership (Flin & Yule, 2004; Zohar, 2002; Zohar & Luria, 2003). Since generally, or specifically for construction. Three relevant sets of
COVID‐19 there has needed to be a rapid and wholesale change of guidance are the HM Government construction‐specific advice for
construction site safety, health, and hygiene, relying on leaders to give construction and outdoor working, the Health and Safety Executive
clear direction and resources, as well as ensuring that the controls return to work advice, and the Construction Leadership Council
necessary to be COVID secure are in place across all construction sites. COVID‐19 guidance. These are summarized in Table 2, with some
Effective safety performance is influenced from senior management examples of the content of the guidance in brackets. There have
where leaders should examine their own behaviors to become more been several revisions of these documents and the summaries refer
effective leaders in safety. It is recognized that leadership drives cul- to the latest versions on 13/10/20.
ture, which in turn influences behavior (Zohar & Luria, 2003). However, There are multiple factors to consider when looking at this gui-
the construction industry recognizes the lack of leadership across the dance. First, there are significant similarities across the guidance. All
sector (CIOB, 2008). Safety leadership is needed both in terms of senior have gone through several iterations to stay abreast of changes in
management by driving safety and their visible commitment to safety science, national policy, and general awareness in society of
(Marsh et al., 1998; Thompson et al., 1998), but also by front‐line su- COVID‐19 risk and mitigation. The guidance reflects approaches to
pervisors, who demonstrate commitment by ensuring the workforce reduce the primary modes of transmission (airborne as droplets and
are involved in safety decision making, and prioritizing safety above aerosols and through contact surfaces) and the major mitigations
production (Andriessen, 1978; Farrington‐Darby et al., 2005). (social distancing, ventilation, hygiene/handwashing, cleaning of con-
The implications of the PDO and leadership intersect with lea- tact surfaces). All have, at least in part, a typical hierarchy of controls
dership responsibilities often unclear between the different organi- approach to managing COVID‐19 risk, including seeking to eliminate
zations within the PDO (Arditi & Chotibhongs, 2005). While the exposure by only working on site where necessary; reducing exposure
principal contractor has the primary responsibility for co‐ordination through social distancing, cleaning, and hygiene; and then working
of site safety, the employer also has statutory duties for their em- through isolation, control, PPE and behaviors. It is only the CLC gui-
ployees. Differences in safety culture and safety practice across the dance, however, that explicitly structures the risks in accordance with
PDO may inhibit how safety leadership from the principal contractor a hierarchy of controls. Both the HM Government and HSE advice is
influences the supply chain (Stiles et al., 2018a, 2018b). structured more in terms of the functions being managed (e.g., the
work area, getting to site, moving around and in between sites).
All sets of guidance highlight that the areas of risk extend be-
2.1 | COVID‐19 and guidance yond the core activities of construction to include travel, rest facil-
ities, changing facilities, materials in and out, and so on. From an
It is important to consider the mechanisms of transmission of ergonomics standpoint, all emphasize the need to consider job re‐
COVID‐19. Transmission is primarily airborne as droplets from design to minimize exposure, including some quite specific guidance
person to person through face to face contact (e.g., coughing) (e.g., from the HM Government guidance, to encourage working side‐
(Fennelly, 2020; Setti et al., 2020), though recent evidence also in- by‐side rather than face‐to‐face). There is also an emphasis on or-
dicates that the virus may be suspended in the air as aerosols for ganizational aspects (e.g., the design of shifts to minimize exposure).
appreciable periods of time (Domingo et al., 2020). Carriers may be However, while all mention engagement with staff, this is not cov-
symptomatic or asymptomatic (Kenyon, 2020) and transmission is ered substantially.
significantly greater in enclosed spaces. There is also a potential risk
of spread of the virus through fomites (Stephens et al., 2019) on
contact surfaces, with contamination by falling droplets or hand 3 | OBSERVATION 1: MANAGING
contact from a carrier. The virus can remain viable for different CO V ID‐ 1 9 R I S K I N C O N S T R U CT I O N
lengths of time, up to several days, depending on the surface material
(Suman et al., 2020). Further transmission can occur via self‐ The first question to address is how the practice of construction
inoculation, as the virus enters the body by the airways (nose and work has adapted to working in a manner that manages the risk of
mouth), or the eyes, primarily by hand contact. COVID‐19. Relevant to that question is the issue of how guidance
As a result, the global strategy has been one of limiting person to has been applied, and whether there are limitations or gaps in this
person contact, either through complete reduction in social contact guidance.
| 5
T A B L E 2 Summary of COVID‐19 guidance—general and specific • When to travel to work (not when symptomatic; at higher risk;
to the construction sector living in vulnerable group)
• Workforce management (shifts and breaks work travel, 3.1 | Implementing the guidance
communications, and training)
• Inbound and outbound goods (pick‐up and drop‐off; frequency; Unlike other sectors (e.g., retail, hospitality) that experienced an almost
driver behavior) complete shutdown for several months, many sites continued to work
Health and Safety Executive (as of 09/20) in some form throughout the peak of COVID‐19 in the United Kingdom, during March–June 2020. The guidance, particularly from CLC, HSE,
guide.pdf and the UK Government was released quite quickly and then rapidly
updated as either new knowledge came to light, or the severity of the
• Talking with your workers (guide to communicating with staff, also
consider if English is not first language) outbreak in the United Kingdom eased. Construction is a sector that is
able to respond to changes in circumstances and regularly deals with
• Who should go to work (changing tasks to reduce risk; work from
home if possible; if cannot work at home, protection, handwashing, changes in health and safety guidance and regulation. While changes
minimum number of people) have been difficult, people and processes have been able to react
Executive (the U.K. safety regulator) has powers, and new funding, to practicable is a question of judgment. That said, there is already a
enforce COVID‐19 compliance can exacerbate anxieties over what culture and expectation of Drugs and Alcohol testing, both at in-
constitutes appropriate measures. duction and spot checks, particularly for working on highways or rail.
This may be particularly useful in future with widespread antibody
testing and, eventually, vaccination.
3.2 | Applying controls
Some functions and processes lend themselves more readily than 3.4 | Communication and engagement
others to mitigation based on how readily COVID‐19 risk manage-
ment can be integrated into pre‐existing processes. For example, the Engagement is referenced within the literature (e.g., Conchie
guidance highlights the need for cleaning of tools and equipment. As a et al., 2013) and guidelines and, in practice, sites are finding new
matter of standard practice on large projects, large plant (e.g., ex- ways to accommodate engagement. There is a reliance on face to
cavators) will have “(ignition) key control” processes, whereby only face briefings to deliver key safety information, and these are in-
competent staff are able and required to sign the equipment out for creasingly conducted outside, taking account of social distancing
use and to sign it back afterwards. It is therefore relatively straight- restrictions. Whilst the weather has on the whole been accom-
forward to link this process to additional COVID‐19 relevant steps, modating over summer months, how to carry out briefings externally
such as cleaning the seat and controls before plant is handed back. On as COVID‐19 continues into the winter months may need further
the other hand, smaller pieces of equipment (e.g., shovels) are usually consideration. Before COVID‐19 formal engagement with the
taken from communal stores on an ad hoc basis without specific frontline was often in meetings (safety committees or safety action
controls. These communal stores may not have a “stores person” to groups) or through on‐site leadership tours. This has changed, par-
manage the tool cleaning, and so forth, and thus new COVID‐19 ticularly on larger projects, due to often limited internal space to
controls are more difficult to apply. Making arrangements for secure accommodate face to face sessions whilst meeting social distancing
storage of such tools on site can increase contamination risk. requirements. With fewer non‐essential site visits being undertaken
The example of using a stores person to manage communal tools from those not permanently site based (to reduce risk of transmis-
highlights the choice between collective versus individual controls. sion and exposure) there have been fewer leadership tours under-
While collective measures are higher up the control hierarchy, they taken. This form of engagement generally takes place in less confined
often require extra resources (in cost, an extra person on site, areas with general dilution ventilation, and so does provide a means
management time, and surveillance). Individual control measures of continued leader and workforce engagement.
have greater reliance on individual compliance to COVID‐19 con- Since the start of the pandemic, there has been an increased use
trols, as there is less reliance on organizational safety management of technology to facilitate communication and engagement. Whether
processes. This is widely accepted as the less preferred option for these are replacing traditional face to face meetings now hosted via an
risk mitigation and control (UK Gov, 1999). online system, or through increased use of social media channels set
Control measures may be linked into a compliance and assess- up within projects to communicate more effectively, and remotely, for
ment regime, but this needs provision of new roles and competencies example, whatsapp groups. Another potential use of technology is QR
to check compliance. The CLC guidance provides checklists to cover Codes to track individual briefing records within a project. Up to this
when to conduct cleaning, but this needs processes to manage, in- year, these would have predominantly been captured via paper and
cluding consideration when checklists do not work and complacency pen signature of receipt. It is still early days to determine whether
sets in (Rydenfält et al., 2014). technology could be an enabler for improved safety practices, culture,
and behaviors, noting that the construction sector is not renown for
embracing technological solutions (Okpala et al., 2020) and there are
3.3 | Screening and testing potential implications for increase in stress and work‐life balance with
implementation of new technology (Holden & Sunindijo, 2018). Also,
This brings on the question of what to do and what processes need we note that a high number of migrant workers in the construction
to be in place should someone be later found to have COVID‐19. sector leads to a language barrier that can impede safety messaging
Processes for conducting prework “tests” such as temperature (Bust et al., 2008; Oswald et al., 2019).
checks, questions at security, and induction around symptoms are all A final comment is that the nature of the pandemic, affecting
appearing. Given that there needs to be a log of people on site for society as a whole, seems to be helping to push through change
fire regulation, and so forth, this is another example of being able to management, acceptance, and adoption of change at a much faster
link into pre‐existing processes. However, the efficacy of such tests rate than normally experienced with construction health and safety
in detecting infection in pre‐ or a‐ symptomatic individuals is limiting initiatives. While research has established the link between taking
(Mitra et al., 2020). Enhanced processes might involve random swab work‐related safety back to home life (Anger et al., 2018;
testing across the site, but would be prohibitive in terms of planning, Fleming, 2001), this may be an example of safety in the home (and
cost, and availability of testing capacity. What is reasonably wider society) taking safety into the workplace.
| 7
Despite the challenges of COVID‐19, there have been benefits for safety.
4.1 | Negative implications: COVID‐19 as a The need to adapt to COVID‐19 has generated a readiness to change.
distraction The sector has been able to respond rapidly to health and safety‐related
change, and has thus demonstrated to both management and front‐line
The observation from current working, is that some sites seem to be staff what is achievable when priority is given to health and safety. This
focussed on COVID risk at the expense of awareness and vigilance of experience may well benefit safety promotion in the future.
more general safety. This is in part because COVID‐19 has acted as a Furthermore, while there is often an emphasis on the safety
distraction, reducing the capacity of front‐line workers and man- aspect of “health and safety,” and health and hygiene are often
agement to focus on day‐to‐day safety concerns. While there is no overlooked (Jones et al., 2019). COVID‐19 has presented an op-
data as yet, the impression is that safety standards have slipped back portunity to emphasize the importance of more general hygiene
and there is a lack of focus, particularly on those sites where safety practices as a major consideration for construction. This may give
behaviors and culture were already less than ideal. impetus to considering health and health‐related behavior change
There have also been observed instances where work changes to (see Mullan et al., 2015) beyond the COVID‐19 outbreak.
accommodate COVID‐19 guidance has introduced a secondary risk. For
example, as a result of site rules to reduce the numbers of people using
lifts and hoists at any one time, queues can form and workers elect to 4.5 | Positive implications: Work redesign
carry equipment up staircases with greater risk of falls or dropping tools.
The need to re‐design work and processes in light of COVID‐19
guidance has also presented an opportunity for a more general work
4.2 | Negative implications: Reduced resources re‐design to improve safety. In particular, thinking of the hierarchy of
controls, COVID‐19 has provided an impetus to think more about
The need to reduce people on site has typically been applied to man- the circumstances where people can be kept at distance from dan-
agerial roles. This includes safety management roles, where those who gerous equipment or activities. Safer behaviors may be developed by
may have regularly been on‐site now rarely visit the site. The result is new prescribed practices by safety managers or supervisors, but
that there is a reduction in focus on general safety on site, resulting in COVID‐19 has also generated some ad hoc behaviors that are de-
reduced compliance. Additionally, an implication of COVID‐19 is that veloped by the workforce. In a recent observation as an example,
there have been fewer competent people on site, either through illness placing steelwork columns (e.g., for steel frames or for rail overhead
or due to efforts to limit the numbers of people for reasons of social line masts) onto bolts is usually a task where people can expose
distancing. The implication is that, with fewer competent people, staff themselves to finger and hand entrapment by moving too close when
have to resort to workarounds and less safe practices. For example, with positioning the steel. Instead, workers have taken to using metal rods
fewer people on site with competencies for using plant to move mate- to push the steels into place to maintain social distancing, but also
rials and tools, workers may resort to manual lifting and carrying, and reducing the overall safety risk of entrapment. There is the oppor-
pressure remaining to work more quickly for those operating the plant. tunity to observe and learn from these ad hoc workarounds and
implement them in more routine practice.
of a project are often where specific trades come in for “fit‐out” (e.g., pressure on the small company or individual to be on site, to be paid,
electrical work, plastering). While normally trades work around each despite the personal risks and anxiety that might occur within the
other in what can be rather confined spaces, social distancing makes current pandemic. Contractors commonly work across multiple sites
these arrangements much more complex. Where construction in- (e.g., plant operators and other specialists may be rapidly moving
volves buildings, these final project stages are more likely to occur from one site to the next). This presents a risk of cross‐
indoors, with a higher risk of COVID‐19 transmission. The difficulty of contamination of COVID‐19 across sites, as well as challenges for the
these arrangements is exacerbated by these trades often being self‐ individual or supplier to understand differences in working ar-
employed or working for small companies within the supply chain. It is rangements on sites working under different implementations and
not simply that people within the same organization are having to interpretations of the guidelines.
coordinate, but that people from different organizations need to There may be limited commitment to safety if an individual or
consult and coordinate in a way that has not previously been required. supply chain company is only on a project for a short period of time.
This requires extra time and resources, and in practice people may try Finally, as the national strategy of containment moves to one of local
to work round each other in an unplanned, and often risky, manner. lockdowns, as has been the case, there is a risk that people who travel
One implication is that some sites are moving to 24‐h working to meet into the site from elsewhere will not be able to get to work. Again, this
deadlines, creating both fatigue risks (Hallowell, 2010; Maynard presents pressures for the individual and challenges for the PDO in
et al., 2020) and issues around handover. co‐ordination and delivery of work, resource planning, which then feed
through into pressures that conflict with general safety.
PDOs often include small organizations, or self‐employed workers, Effective leadership is more than a delivery issue. It is a question of
sometimes working to short or zero hours contracts. This can put a making sure that leaders have the right skills and competencies to
| 9
actively lead, particularly through the period of turbulence since The observations are applicable to all organizations within the PDO, not
COVID‐19. How best to implement guidance is still emerging, as is an just the principal contractor.
understanding of what constitutes good onsite management, com- The second message is that we do not yet fully have to the tools
pliance monitoring, and enforcement in this type of crisis situation to manage that risk. The guidance provides a strong framework, but
(Dirani et al., 2020). Until this is fully understood, it is not always there are still uncertainties about the implementation of the gui-
clear to leaders what are the appropriate messages to communicate. dance both at an individual and organizational level. These tools in-
Is it important to wholly focus on COVID‐19 controls as this is the clude the need for evaluation studies to determine what are the
new risk facing the population, and when is it appropriate to cascade effective ways of measuring and understanding whether methods are
routine health and safety messages, and by what medium? Finally, it successful in managing COVID‐19 (Pawson et al., 2005; Pedersen
is not yet clear what construction workers are expecting from their et al., 2012). What is “reasonably practicable” is still emerging, and
leaders to support them through COVID‐19. It would be valuable to this is made more complex by COVID‐19 being a dynamic phenom-
systematically capture what they need from their leaders, and how enon (Rasmussen, 1997) both in terms of the science of transmission
they want them to communicate, given current working and chal- (Setti et al., 2020), the risk it represents (e.g., in terms of a “second
lenges. Once there is a better understanding of these factors, it may wave”) and changing societal attitudes and perceptions. Organiza-
be necessary to upskill and develop leaders within the sector to tions will have to learn to continue to operate with this degree of
effectively lead safety within PDOs. uncertainty for some time to come (Grote, 2004).
Third, the role and influence of the PDO goes beyond the
practicalities of needing to brief people arriving on site. It has a
6.3 | Intersection with the PDO whole range of implications both in terms of mitigation (e.g., how
contractors will clean, use and store the tools they bring to site) but
Again, we need to consider that a construction project is not a sin- also communication and collaboration (e.g., how they understand the
gular organization, but a temporary conglomeration of organizations different arrangements in the different workplaces they attend; how
of different sizes. In this context, there is a question of who should be multiple trades work together to coordinate safe working). This is a
the visible leaders that will have the most influence on the workers responsibility that is shared by the Principal Contractor and all of the
on the ground. Should it be from the client, the principal contractor, supply chain. We note that individual measures are unlikely to have
or from contractors? While this is always a relevant question (Stiles an effect on their own and it is likely a range of measures will need to
et al., 2018a), it is transformed by COVID‐19 because it is more be taken together if there is to be significant impact on safety (van
difficult for leaders to be visible and be active. If, for example, only der Molen et al., 2018).
the leaders from the principal contractor are able to be visible on The final message is that there are benefits and opportunities that
site, what should they be prioritizing? Also, what messages and how will arise from dealing with COVID‐19 risks. Organizations have found
should the leaders within contractor organizations working on pro- that they can adapt rapidly, improve hygiene, redesign tasks, and adopt
jects communicate to their employees, who are under the day to day new technology. All of these are valuable lessons for safety professionals
management of a principal contractor? The situation raises the to draw upon for the ongoing challenge of COVID‐19 and for safety
question about co‐ordination of communication, consistency of generally. However, there is a note of caution here. National govern-
messages, how these are reinforced as well as opportunities for ments are anticipating a construction‐led economic recovery from
worker feedback. Safety leaders from both the principal contractor COVID‐19. This may be an appropriate vision, but not without some risk
and contractor (as employer) must continue to reinforce their mes- to safety, especially where many changes in work organization and
sages in a manner that is meaningful to everyone under their man- practices are implemented with some urgency. We believe that findings
agement and supervision. from this article will give some direction to researchers, industry, and
policy makers for steps that are needed to understand more about the
correct balance between safety and construction performance.
7 | DI SCUSSION There are a number of pieces of practical guidance that can be
offered at this stage. The first, and following on from the above, is to
This article has reviewed the current state of working under COVID‐19 try to implement COVID‐19 management within pre‐existing risk
for the construction sector. Observations are summarized in Table 3, management where appropriate. This will likely lead to lower over-
including recommendations and arising from this review and sugges- heads and greater familiarity with the processes required. Organi-
tions for future research. Looking across the observations, some key zations should look to develop their skills at virtual and video
messages stand out. First, COVID‐19 is a risk like many others (Wilson conferencing. For example, the medical sector has published gui-
et al., 2009), albeit one that has affected the industry on an un- dance on how best to conduct conference calls (Oeppen et al., 2020)
precedented scale. It is likely that the most effective way of managing and this could be used, maybe with adaptation, for application in
that risk is where it can be integrated into existing mechanisms of construction. Learning these skills will be vital given that the change
control. This both makes implementation easier and simplifies to work and remote working is likely to continue after the end of
the workforce communication of the risk mitigation for COVID‐19. COVID‐19.
1. Managing COVID‐19 • Implementing the guidance • Embed COVID‐19 controls • Defining effective measures of
risk in construction • Applying controls within pre‐existing safety success for COVID‐19 control
• Screening and testing controls wherever possible effectiveness
• Communication and • Participatory input on task • Formal assessment of success of new
engagement redesign communication technologies
• New roles and competencies for • Development of communication best
COVID‐19 compliance practice
• Apply best practice from other • Understanding epidemiological risk in
sectors on use of communication construction (and sub‐types of
technology construction)
2. Broader implications • Negative implications • Monitor and maintain levels of • Data collection (e.g., accidents vs.
for safety (COVID‐19 as a distraction; competence on‐site infection) on the trade‐offs in
general wellbeing) • Exploit readiness to change COVID‐19 safety and overall site safety
• Positive implications (pushing • Exploration of effective co‐messaging
the health and safety agenda; of COVID‐19 and general safety
work redesign)
Finally, as with all behavior change, it is important to engage the consultation with construction workers and supervisors, to under-
workforce as much as possible in the development of COVID‐19 stand the practical experience and knowledge of what works and
policy and processes (de Jong & Vink, 2002; Wilson, 1995). This what does not, and to appreciate what skills, qualities, and means of
includes the participatory design of work (see Section 3.2) and engagement that they expect of their safety leaders (see Section 5.2).
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