F. Y. B. Sc. (Microbiology) - 14.09.2021

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CBCS: 2019-2020 F.Y.B.Sc.


Savitribai Phule Pune University

(Formerly University of Pune)

Three Year B.Sc. Degree Program in Microbiology

(Faculty of Science & Technology)

F. Y. B. Sc. (Microbiology)

2019 Pattern

Choice Based Credit System Syllabus

To be implemented from Academic Year 2019-2020

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CBCS: 2019-2020 F.Y.B.Sc. Microbiology

Title of the Course: B. Sc. (Microbiology)


Microbiology is a broad discipline of biology which encompasses five groups

of microorganisms i.e., bacteria, protozoa, algae, fungi, viruses. It studies their
interaction with their environments as well as how these organisms are harnessed in
human endeavour and their impact on society. The study has its extensions in various
other conventional and advanced fields of biology by employing microbes as study
models. Since inception of microbiology as a branch of science, it has remained an
ever-expanding field of active research, broadly categorized as pure and applied
science. Microorganisms were discovered over three fifty years ago and it is thought
that a huge diversity yet remains to be explored.
Knowledge of different aspects of Microbiology has become crucial and
indispensable to the society. Study of microbes has become an integral part of
education and human progress. There is a continuous demand for microbiologists as
work force – education, industry and research. Career opportunities for the graduate
students are available in industry and research equally.


In the post globalization world higher education has to play a significant role in
creation of skilled human resources for the well-being of humanity. The barriers among
the academic fields seem to have dissolved. However, the disparities in the field of
curriculum aspect, evaluation and mobility exist. With the changing scenario at local
and global level, the syllabus restructuring should keep pace with developments in the
education sector. Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) is being adopted and
implemented to address the issues related to traditional system and it also aims to
maintain the best of earlier curriculum. The student is at the centre of CBCS. The
present curriculum focuses on students’ needs, skill development, interdisciplinary
approach to learning and enhancing employability.
Microbiology curricula are offered at two levels viz. undergraduate and
postgraduate. The undergraduate curricula are prepared to impart basic
knowledge of the respective subject from all possible angles. In addition,
students are to be trained to apply this knowledge in day-to-day
applications and to get a glimpse of research.
Objectives to be achieved:
• To enrich students’ knowledge and train them in the pure microbial sciences
• To introduce the concepts of application and research in Microbiology
• To inculcate sense of scientific responsibilities and social and environment
• To help students build-up a progressive and successful career

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Course Structure:

 For First year: Student has to select 4 different subjects among the subjects
offered by the College /Institute.
 For Second year: Student has to select 3 different subjects among 4
subjects chosen in first year.
 For Third year: Student has to select only 1 subject among the 3 subjects
opted in second year.
 CGPA will be calculated based on core 132 credits only.
 Each theory credit is equivalent to 15 clock hours of teaching (12 hrs
classroom+3 hrs of tutorials-active learning method) and each practical
credit is equivalent to 30 clock hours of teaching in a semester.
 For the purpose of computation of workload, the following mechanism may
be adopted as per UGC guidelines:
 Each theory Lecture time for FY, SY, TY is of 1 lecture = 50 min
 Each practical session time for FY is of 3-hour 15 min = 195 min
 Each practical session time for SY & TY is of 4-hour 20 min = 260 min

Eligibility for Admission:

First Year B.Sc.:

a. Higher Secondary School Certificate (10+2) or its equivalent Examination

with English and Biology; and two of the science subjects such as Physics,
Chemistry, Mathematics, Geography, Geology, etc.
b. Three Years Diploma in Pharmacy Course of Board of Technical
Education conducted by Government of Maharashtra or its equivalent.

c. Higher Secondary School Certificate (10+2) Examination with English and

vocational subject of + 2 level (MCVC) - Medical Lab. Technician (Subject
Code = P1/P2/P3)

Admissions will be given as per the selection procedure / policies adopted by

the respective college keeping in accordance with conditions laid down by the
University of Pune.

Reservation and relaxation will be as per the Government rules.

Medium of Instruction: English

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Award of Credits:
 Each course having 4 credits shall be evaluated out of 100 marks and student
secure at least 40 marks to earn full credits of that course.

 Each course having 2 credits shall be evaluated out of 50 marks and student should
secure at least 20 marks to earn full credits of that course.

 GPA shall be calculated based on the marks obtained in the respective subject,
provided that student should have obtained credits for that course.

Evaluation Pattern:

 Each course carrying 100 marks shall be evaluated with Continuous Assessment
(CA) and University Evaluation (UE) mechanism.
 Continuous assessment shall be of 30 marks while University Evaluation shall be
of 70 marks. To pass in a course, a student has to secure minimum 40 marks
provided that he should secure minimum 28 marks in University Evaluation (UE).
 Each course carrying 50 marks shall be evaluated with Continuous Assessment
(CA) and University Evaluation (UE) mechanism.
 Continuous assessment shall be of 15 marks while University Evaluation shall be
of 35 marks.
 To pass in a course, a student has to secure minimum 20 marks provided that
he/she should secure minimum14 marks in University Evaluation (UE).
 For Internal examination minimum two tests per paper of which one has to be a
written test 10 marks
 Methods of assessment for Internal exams: Seminars, Viva-voce, Projects,
Surveys, Field visits, Tutorials, Assignment, Group Discussion, etc (on approval of
the head of the centre)

ATKT Rules:

 Minimum number of credits required to take admission to Second Year

of B. Sc.: 22
 Minimum number of credits required to take admission to Third Year of
B.Sc.: 44

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1. In addition to the compulsory credits of 132, the student has to earn additional 8
credits from following groups by taking/participating/conducting respective activities.
2. Courses in Group-I are compulsory.
3. The student can earn maximum 04 credits from an individual group from Group 2 to
Group-9. These extra credits will not be considered for GPA calculation; however,
these are mandatory for the completion and award of B. Sc. Degree.

Group 1: Physical Education (at F. Y.B. Sc. Sem. I)-01 credit

Physical Education (at F. Y.B. Sc. Sem. II)-01credit (Note: Group I is
compulsory for all the students as stated above.)
Group 2: Sport representation at Collegelevel-01 credit
Sport representation at University/Statelevel-02 credits
Group 3: National Social Service Scheme (participation in Camp): 01 credits
N.C.C. (with participation in annual camp)-01credit
N. C. C. (with B certificate/C certificate award)-02 credits
N.S.S./N.C.C. Republicdayparadeparticipation-04 credits
Group 4: Avishkar participation; Extension activity participation, Cultural activity
participation–01 credit, Avishkar selection at University level-02 credits.
Avishkar winner at state level-04credits
Group 5: Research paper presentation at State/National level-01 credits. Research paper
presentation at international level-02 credits
Group 6: Participation in Summer school/programme; Short term course (not less than 1-
week duration) -03 credit.
Group 7: Scientific Survey, Societal survey, -02 credits.
Group 8: Field Visits; Study Tours; Industrial Visits; Participation in curricular/ co
curricular competitions -01 Credit.
Group 9: Online certificate Courses /MOOC Courses/ Career Advancement Course up to
04 credits (Minimum10 Hrs. / credit)

Completion of Degree Course:

 A student who earns 140 credits, shall be considered to have completed
the requirements of the B. Sc. degree program and CGPA will be
calculated for such student.

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CBCS: 2019-2020 F.Y.B.Sc. Microbiology

Titles of Papers and Scheme of Study Evaluation

F. Y. B.Sc. Microbiology

Semester Paper Paper Paper title Credits Lectures/Week Evaluation

Code Th. Tut. Pr. CA UE Total
MB 111 I Introduction to 2 2 15 35 50
Microbial World
MB 112 II Basic Techniques in 2 2 15 35 50
I Microbiology
MB113 III Practical Course based 1.5 3 15 35 50
on theory papers
MB 111 and MB112
MB121 I Bacterial Cell and 2 2 15 35 50
II MB122 II Microbial cultivation 2 2 15 35 50
and growth
MB123 III Practical Course based 1.5 3 15 35 50
on theory papers
MB121 and MB122

S. Y. B. Sc. Microbiology

Semester Paper Paper Paper title Credits Lectures/Week Evaluation

Code Th Tut Pr. CA UE Total
MB 231 I Medical Microbiology 2 2 15 35 50
and Immunology
MB 232 II Bacterial Physiology 2 2 15 35 50
III and Fermentation
MB 233 III technology
Practical Course based 2 4 15 35 50
on theory papers
MB 231 and MB 232
MB 241 I Bacterial Genetics 2 2 15 35 50

MB 242 II Air, Water and Soil 2 2 15 35 50

IV Microbiology
MB 243 III Practical Course based 2 4 15 35 50
on theory papers
MB241 and MB 242

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CBCS: 2019-2020 F.Y.B.Sc. Microbiology

T. Y. B. Sc. Microbiology Proposed Structure

Semester V

Practical /
Semester Skill Paper Paper Title Marks Lecture

Discipline Specific MB 351 TC Medical Microbiology- I 50

Elective Course
MB 352 TC Immunology- I 50
MB 353 TC Enzymology 50 2 Credits
MB 354 TC Genetics 50 /per TC
MB 355 TC Fermentation technology- I 50
MB 356 TC Agricultural Microbiology 50
Discipline MB 357 PC Practical Course I 50
Specific Elective 2 Credits
Sem V MB 358 PC Practical Course II 50
Course Practical /per PC
MB 359 PC Practical Course III 50
Skill Enhancement MB 3510 Marine microbiology 50 2 Credits
MB 3511 Dairy Microbiology 50 2 Credits
Discipline Specific MB 361 TC Medical Microbiology- II 50
Elective Course
MB 362 TC Immunology- II 50
Theory 2 Credits
MB 363 TC Metabolism 50
/per TC
MB 364 TC Molecular Biology II 50
Sem VI
MB 365 TC Fermentation technology II 50
MB 366 TC Food Microbiology 50
DisciplineSpecific MB 367 PC Practical Course I 50
Elective Course 2 Credits
MB 368 PC Practical Course II 50
Practical /per PC
MB 369 PC Practical Course III 50
Skill Enhancement MB 3610 Waste management 50 2 Credits
MB 3611 Nanobiotechnology 50 2 Credits

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CBCS: 2019-2020 F.Y.B.Sc. Microbiology

Equivalence of Previous Syllabus: F. Y. B. Sc. Microbiology

Semester Old Course (2013 Pattern) New Course (2019 Pattern)

Course Course title Course Course title

Number Number
Theory Introduction to MB 111 Introduction to Microbial World
Paper I Microbiology

Theory Basic Techniques in MB 112 Basic Techniques in

I Paper II Microbiology Microbiology

__ Practical Course MB 113 Practical Course based on

(Term I & II) theory paper I (MB 111) and
Paper II (MB 112)

Theory Introduction to MB 121 Bacterial Cell and Biochemistry

Paper I Microbiology

II Theory Basic Techniques in MB 122 Microbial cultivation and

Paper II Microbiology growth

__ Practical Course MB 123 Practical Course based on

(Term I & II) theory paper I (MB 121) and
Paper II (MB 122)

External Students
There shall be no external students.

University Terms
Dates for commencement and conclusion for the first and second terms will be declared by
the University authorities. Terms can be kept by only duly admitted students. The term
shall be granted only on minimum 80 percent attendance at theory and practical course and
satisfactory performance during the term.

Current curriculum orientation

To accommodate more advanced topics in the syllabi, it is necessary to understand the
basic science knowledge level of the students that have chosen the Microbiology
discipline. Curricula of courses of state and central boards of higher secondary level were
reviewed to avoid reiterations of previous syllabi.

At first year of under-graduation, students will be provided the basic information that
includes – characteristics of microbial world. The microorganisms will be studied for
morphological, structural characterization, isolations techniques from natural and extreme

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environments and their prominent features. The methodology to develop keen observation
i.e., different microscopy techniques, staining techniques and nutritional requirements will
be taught in detail, including these aspects at laboratory level as well. Introduction to
biochemical characterization of components of micro-organism e.g., proteins, lipids,
nucleic acids and carbohydrates and instrumental techniques to estimate these components
qualitatively and quantitatively from micro-organisms or other natural sources will be the
focus for second theory paper. Relevant experimentation on these topics will be included
in practical course. In practical course, students will be trained in preparing laboratory
manuals, standard operating practices and logbooks.

At second year under-graduation includes paper on principles of taxonomy and

classification of major groups of microorganisms. The said paper will also include the
physiological studies on these groups of micro-organisms. Second paper will deal with Air
and Water Microbiology; role of micro-organisms in environment in regard to pollution
and biodegradation; water and sewage treatment. Practical for the second-year students
will be designed to be flexible incorporating project themes on environment, agriculture
and pollution aspects to acquire laboratory skills. Practical at this level will also include
application of biostatistics principles, computers for data analysis, interpretation,
introduction to scientific writing and report preparation. These aspects can be better while
carrying out the mini projects.

At third year under-graduation, the six theory papers will deal with broad areas of
microbiology. Five such areas are – Medical microbiology, Microbial physiology,
Microbial (prokaryotic and eukaryotic) genetics, Immunology and Fermentation
technology. The sixth course will be Applied Microbiology that will include – Dairy
Microbiology, Food Microbiology, Fermentation Technology, Agriculture Biotechnology,
Fungal Biotechnology, etc. The practicals at third year will be planed more intensively,
with exposure to applied fields and hands-on training.

Qualification of Teachers:

With minimum undergraduate and postgraduate degree in Microbiology (B. Sc. and M. Sc.
Microbiology) and qualified as per UGC regulations.

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CBCS: 2019-2020 F.Y.B.Sc. Microbiology

Semester I
MB 111: Introduction to Microbial World

Credit Topic No. of

Credit 1. Amazing world of Microbiology
I a. Development of microbiology as a discipline -Discovery of 4
microscope and Microorganisms (Anton von Leeuwenhoek and
Robert Hooke), Abiogenesis v/s biogenesis (Aristotle’s notion
about spontaneous generation, Francesco Redi’s experiment,
Louis Pasteur’s & Tyndall’s experiments)
b. Golden Era of Microbiology
i. Contributions of - Louis Pasteur (Fermentation, Rabies, 4
Pasteurization and Cholera vaccine-fowl cholera
experiment) Robert Koch (Koch’s Postulates, Germ theory
of disease, Tuberculosis and Cholera-isolation and staining
techniques of causative agent) Ferdinand Cohn (Endospore
ii. Discovery of viruses (TMV and Bacteriophages), River’s 4
Postulates,Contribution of Joseph Lister (antiseptic surgery),
Paul Ehrlich (Chemotherapy), Elie Metchnikoff
(Phagocytosis), Edward Jenner (Vaccination) and Alexander
Fleming (Penicillin) in establishment of fields of medical
microbiology and immunology, Discovery of Streptomycin
by Waksman
iii. Contribution of Martinus W. Beijerinck (Enrichment 2
culture technique, Rhizobium), Sergei N. Winogradsky
(Nitrogen fixation and Chemo-lithotrophy) in the
development of the field of soil microbiology
c. Modern Era of Microbiology 2
Carl Woese classification based on 16S r RNA
Signification and Application of Human Microbiome, Nano-
biotechnology and Space Microbiology
d. Nobel laureates in Life Sciences of 21st Century 2
(Project Based Learning: Assignments should be given to student)

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Credit 2. Types of Microorganism and their differentiating characters

II a. Prokaryotes, Eukaryotes, three domain and five domain system of 2
b. Bacteria (Eubacteria and Archaebacteria) 1
c. Protozoa 1
d. Fungi 1
e. Algae 1
f. Viruses, Viroids and Prions 2
g. Actinomycetes 1
3. Beneficial and Harmful effects of microorganisms:
a. Medical Microbiology (Enlist diseases caused by various 1
microorganisms, vaccines and antibiotics)
b. Environmental Microbiology (Eutrophication, red tide, Sewage 2
treatment, bioremediation)
c. Food and Dairy Microbiology (Food spoilage, food borne 1
diseases, Probiotics and fermented food)
d. Agriculture Microbiology (Plant diseases and Biofertilizers and 1
Bio-control agents)
e. Industrial Microbiology (Production of antibiotics, enzymes, 2
solvents and contaminants-bacteria and phages)
f. Immunology (Normal flora, Three lines of defence) 2

1. Ahmed M. and Basumatary S. K. (2019). Applied Microbiology. MJP Publisher,
Chennai, Tamil Nadu. India.
2. Beck R. W. (2000). A Chronology of Microbiology in Historical Context. United
Kingdom: ASM Press.
3. Bender K. S., Buckley D. H., Stahl D. A., Sattley W. M. And Madigan M. T. (2017).
Brock Biology of Microorganisms. E-Book, Global Edition. United Kingdom: Pearson
4. Dubey H. C. (2004). A textbook of fungi, bacteria and Viruses. Vikas Publishing
House Private Limited. New Delhi, India
5. Dubey R. C. and D. K. Maheshwary. (2012). A textbook of Microbiology. S Chand
and Company. New Delhi, India

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6. Goettel M. S. and Wilcks A. (2012).Beneficial Microorganisms in Agriculture, Food

and the Environment: Safety Assessment and Regulation. United Kingdom: CAB
7. Jain A. and Jain P. (2019). Essentials of Microbiology. Elsevier- India.
8. Kanungo R. (2017). Ananthanarayan and Paniker’s Textbook of Microbiology. 10th
edition. Universities Press, Hyderabad, India
9. Klein D. A., Harley J. P. And Prescott L. (2001). Microbiology. United Kingdom:
McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
10. Kumar S. (2015). Essentials of Microbiology. Jaypee Brothers, Medical Publishers
Private. Limited, New Delhi, India.
11. Lagerkvist U. (2003). Pioneers of Microbiology and The Nobel Prize. Singapore:
World Scientific Publishing Company.
12. Luria S. (2018). General Virology. Creative Media Partners, LLC. USA
13. Mehrotra R. S. (2009). Principles of Microbiology. India: McGraw-Hill Education
(India) Private Limited.
14. Mishra B. B. and Nayak S. K. (2020). Frontiers in Soil and Environmental
Microbiology. United States: CRC Press.
15. Pareek R. P. and Pareek N. (2019). Agricultural Microbiology. Scientific Publishers,
Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
16. Parija S. C. (2013). Textbook of Microbiology and Immunology - E-book. Elsevier
Health Sciences, India
17. Powar C. B. and Daginawala H. I. (2005). General microbiology Volume I. Himalaya
Publishing House Private Limited, Pune, India.
18. Powar C. B. and Daginawala H. I. (2005). General microbiology Volume II.
Himalaya Publishing House, Private Limited, Pune, India
19. Prasad G. B., Bisen P. S. and Debnath M. (2012). Microbes: Concepts and
Applications. Germany: Wiley.
20. Purohit S. S. (2006). Microbiology: Fundamentals and Applications. AGROBIOS,
Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
21. Reddy S. M., Girisham S. and Narendra Babu G. (2017). Applied Microbiology
(Agriculture, Environmental, Food and Industrial Microbiology). Scientific Publishers,
Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
22. Santos D. M. (2021). Recent Advances in Microbiology. United States: Apple
Academic Press

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23. Schlegel H. G. (2005). General Microbiology. Cambridge University Press, United

24. Sherwood L., Woolverton C. J. and Willey J. (2016). Prescott's Microbiology.
Singapore: McGraw-Hill Education.
25. Stanier R. Y. (2003). General Microbiology. United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan
26. Subba Rao N. S. (2016). Advances in Agricultural Microbiology. Netherlands:
Elsevier Science.
27. Tortora G. J., Funke B. R. and Case C. L. (2016). Microbiology: an Introduction.
Twelfth edition. Pearson, London.
28. Verma D. K. (2019). Microbiology for Sustainable Agriculture, Soil Health, and
Environmental Protection. United States: Apple Academic Press.
29. Woolverton C. J., Sherwood L. And Willey J. M. (2011). Prescott's Microbiology.
United Kingdom: McGraw-Hill.
Semester I
MB 112: Basic Techniques in Microbiology

Credit Topic No. of

I 1. Units of measurement – Introduction to Modern SI units 1
2. Microscopy
a. Bright field microscopy: 3
 Electromagnetic spectrum of light
 Structure, working of and ray diagram of a compound light
microscope; concepts of magnification, numerical aperture and
resolving power.
 Types, ray diagram and functions of – condensers (Abbe and
cardioid) eyepieces and objectives
 Concept of aberrations in lenses - spherical, chromatic, comma
and astigmatism
b. Principle, working and ray diagram of
 Phase contrast microscope 2

 Fluorescence Microscopy 1

 Electron Microscopy – TEM, SEM 3

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3. Staining Techniques:
a. Definition of Stain; Types of stains (Basic and Acidic), Properties 2
and role of Fixatives, Mordants, Decolourisers and Accentuators
b. Monochrome staining and Negative (Relief) staining 1
c. Differential staining - Gram staining and Acid-fast staining 2
d. Special staining- Capsule, Cell wall, Spore, Flagella, Lipid 3
granules, metachromatic granules
II 4. Sterilization and Disinfection
a. Sterilization
 Physical Agents - Heat, Radiation, Filtration 3
 Checking of efficiency of sterilization (Dry and Moist) – 4
Biological and Chemical Indicators
b. Disinfection:
 Chemical agents and their mode of action - Aldehydes, Halogens, 4
Quaternary ammonium compounds, Phenol and phenolic
 Heavy metals, Alcohol, Dyes, Detergents and Ethylene oxide. 4

 Characteristics of an ideal disinfectant 1

 Checking of efficiency of disinfectant - Phenol Coefficient 2

(Rideal–Walker method)

1. Debnath M., Prasad G. B. and Bisen P. S. (2012). Microbes: Concepts and
Applications. Germany: Wiley.
2. Dokland T., Hutmacher D. W. and Schantz J. and Ng M. M. (2006). Techniques In
Microscopy For Biomedical Applications. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing
3. Eliasa E. A., Samuelb O., Emmanuela N., Abrahama O. (2013). Evaluation of
Efficacy of Disinfectants Using Standard Methods in Healthcare Facilities in Kogi
state, Northcentral Nigeria. Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical
Sciences. 03 (27): 34-38.
4. Hugo and Russell's Pharmaceutical Microbiology. (2008). Denyer S. P., Hodges N.
A., Gorman S. P. and Gilmore B. F. (Editors). Germany: Wiley.
5. McDonnell G. E. (2020). Antisepsis, Disinfection, and Sterilization: Types, Action,
and Resistance. United States: Wiley.

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6. Murphy D. B. and Davidson M. W. (2012). Fundamentals of Light Microscopy and

Electronic Imaging. Germany: Wiley.
7. Pelczar M. J. Jr., Chan E.C.S. and Krieg N. R. (2010). Microbiology: An Application
based Approach. McGraw-Hill Education (India) Private Limited, New Delhi, India.
8. Pierce B. E. and Leboffe M. J. (2019). Microbiology: Laboratory Theory and
Application: Essentials. United States: Morton Publishing.
9. Purohit S. S. (2006). Microbiology: Fundamentals and Applications. AGROBIOS,
Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
10. Rutala W. A. (2005). Disinfection, Sterilization, and Antisepsis: Principles, Practices,
Challenges, and New Research. United States: Association for Professionals in
Infection Control & Epidemiology (APIC), Incorporated.
11. Sharma K. (2007). Manual of Microbiology (Second Edition). ANE Books, New
Delhi, India.
12. Sherwood L., Woolverton C. J. and Willey J. (2016). Prescott's Microbiology.
Singapore: McGraw-Hill Education.
13. Singh R. P. (2012). Microbiology. Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi, India.
14. Tortora G. J., Funke B. R. and Case C. L. (2016). Microbiology: an Introduction.
Twelfth edition. Pearson, London.
15. Turner R. (2018). Essentials of Microbiology. United Kingdom: EDTECH. ISBN:
16. Wistreich G. A. (2007). Microbiology Perspectives: A Photographic Survey of the
Microbial World. United Kingdom: Pearson Prentice Hall.

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CBCS: 2019-2020 F.Y.B.Sc. Microbiology

F. Y. B. Sc. Microbiology Practicals Syllabus

Semester I
Practical Course MB 113 (Implemented from 2019)
Based on theory paper I (MB 111) and Paper II (MB 112)
Expt. Topics No. of
No. Practicals
1 a. Safety measures and Good Laboratory Practices in microbiology 2
b. Introduction, operation, precautions and use of common
microbiology laboratory instruments: Incubator, Hot air oven,
Autoclave, Colorimeter, Laminar air flow hood, Clinical
2 a. Construction (mechanical and optical), working and care of 3
bright field microscope.
b. Permanent slide observation: Algae, Fungi and Protozoa
c. Wet mount slide preparation and its observation for: Bacteria,
Algae, Fungi and Protozoa.
3 a. Introduction and use of common laboratory glass wares: Test 2
tubes, culture tubes, suspension tubes, screw capped tubes, Petri
plates, pipettes (Mohr and serological) micropipettes, Pasteur
pipettes, Erlenmeyer flask, volumetric flask, glass spreader,
Durham’s tube, Cragie’s tube and inoculating needles (wire loop,
stab needles).
b. Learning basic techniques in Microbiology: Wrapping of
glassware, cotton plugging, cleaning and washing of glassware,
biological waste disposal.
4 Basic staining techniques: 3
a. Monochrome staining
b. Negative staining
c. Gram staining of bacteria
5 Observation of motility in bacteria using: Hanging drop method and 2
swarming growth method.
6. Checking of efficacy of chemical disinfectant: Phenol Coefficient 2
by Rideal–Walker method.

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1. Aneja K. R. (2007). Experiments in Microbiology, Plant Pathology And
Biotechnology. New Age International, New Delhi, India
2. Baunthiyal M., Saxena J. and Ravi I. (2015). Laboratory Manual of Microbiology,
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur, Rajasthan,
3. Bisen P. S. (2014). Laboratory Protocols in Applied Life Sciences. United Kingdom:
CRC Press.
4. Cappuccino J. and Welsh C. (2019). Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual, Loose Leaf
Edition. United Kingdom: Pearson Education.
5. Dubey R. C. and Maheshwari D. K. (2012). Practical Microbiology. S. Chand and
Company Limited, New Delhi, India
6. Gunasekaran P. (2007). Laboratory Manual in Microbiology. New Age International
Private Limited, New Delhi, India.
7. Harley J. P. and Prescott L. (2020). Laboratory Exercises in Microbiology.
Independently Published.
8. Karwa A.S., Rai M.K. and Singh H.B. (2012). Handbook of Techniques in
Microbiology: A Laboratory Guide to Microbes. Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur,
Rajasthan, India
9. Kumar V. (2012). Laboratory Manual of Microbiology. Scientific Publishers,
Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
10. Muralidhar S. (2019). Lippincott Illustrated Reviews Microbiology. Wolters Kluwer
India Private Limited, Gurugram, Haryana, India.
11. Randhawa V. S. (2009). Practicals and Viva in Medical Microbiology. Second
edition. India: Elsevier (A Division of Reed Elsevier India Pvt. Limited).
12. Sastry A. S. and Bhat S. K. (2017). Essentials of Practical Microbiology. Jaypee
Brothers, Medical Publishers Private Limited, Pune, Maharashtra, India
13. Sharma K. (2007). Manual of Microbiology (Second Edition). ANE Books, New
Delhi, India.
14. Solunke A. B., Wakte P. S., Hamde V. D. and Awasthi R. S. (2018). Manual of
Methods for Pure Culture Study. Nirmal Publication. New Delhi (India).

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CBCS: 2019-2020 F.Y.B.Sc. Microbiology

Semester II
MB 121: Bacterial Cell and Biochemistry

Credits Topic No. of

I 1. Bacterial Cytology 1
Microbial cell size, shape and arrangements
2. Structure, chemical composition and functions of the
following components in bacterial cell:
a. Cell wall (Gram positive, Gram negative) 2
b. Concept of Mycoplasma, Spheroplast, protoplast, L-form 1
c. Cell membrane 2
d. Endospore (spore formation and stages of sporulation) 1
e. Capsule 1
f. Flagella 2
g. Fimbriae and Pili 1
h. Ribosomes 1
i. Chromosomal & extra-chromosomal material 2
j. Cell inclusions (Gas vesicles, carboxysomes, PHB granules, 4
metachromatic granules, glycogen bodies, starch granules,
magnetosomes, sulfur granules, chlorosomes)
II 3. Chemical Basis of Microbiology
a. Atom, Biomolecules, types of bonds (covalent, co-ordinate 2
bond, non-covalent) and linkages (ester, phospho-diester,
peptide, glycosidic)
b. Chemistry of Biomolecules: Structure, organization and 1
4. Carbohydrates: Definition, classification
a. Monosaccharides: Classification based on aldehyde and 1
ketone groups; structure of Ribose, Deoxyribose, Glucose,
Galactose and Fructose.
b. Disaccharides: Glyosidic bond, structure of lactose and 1
c. Polysaccharides: Structure and types 2
Examples-Starch, glycogen, Peptidoglycan, chitin

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5. Lipids: Definition, classification 2

a. Simple lipids – Triglycerides, Fats and oils, waxes.
b. Compound lipids – Phospholipid, Glycolipids
c. Derived lipids – Steroids, Cholesterol
6. Proteins: Definition, classification
a. General structure of amino acids, peptide bond. 1
b. Types of amino acids based on R group 1
c. Structural levels of proteins: primary, secondary, tertiary and 1
d. Study of Hemoglobin, flagellin and cytoskeletal proteins 1
7. Nucleic acids: Definition, classification 2
a. DNA – structure and composition
b. RNA – Types (m-RNA, t-RNA, r-RNA), structure and
8. Classification of Bacteria: 2
Introduction to Bergey’s Manual of Determinative and Systemic
9. Classification of Viruses: ICTV nomenclature 1

1. Atlas R. M. (1988, Digitized 2010). Experimental Microbiology: Fundamentals and
Applications. United States: Macmillan.

2. Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology. (2005). Volume Two: The

Proteobacteria, Part A: Introductory Essays. Garrity G. editor. Springer. ISBN 978-0-
3. Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology. (2005). Volume Two: The
Proteobacteria, Part B: The Gammaproteobacteria. Garrity G. Brenner D. J., Krieg N.
R., and Staley J. R. (Eds.). Springer. ISBN 978-0-387-24144-9
4. Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology. (2005). Volume Two: The
Proteobacteria, Part C: The Proteobacteria. Garrity G. Brenner D. J., Krieg N. R., and
Staley J. R. (Eds.). Springer. ISBN 978-0-387-24145-6
5. Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology. (2009). Volume Three: The Firmicutes.
Part C: The Proteobacteria. Vos, P., Garrity, G., Jones, D., Krieg, N.R., Ludwig, W.,
Rainey, F.A., Schleifer, K.-H., Whitman, W. (Eds.). Springer. ISBN 978-0-387-

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CBCS: 2019-2020 F.Y.B.Sc. Microbiology

6. Berry A. And Watson J. D. (2009). DNA: The Secret of Life. United States: Knopf
Doubleday Publishing Group.
7. Bisen P.S. and Varma K. (2009). Handbook of Microbiology. CBS Publishers and
Distributors, New Delhi. India
8. Biswas S. B. and Biswas A. (2006) Introduction to viruses. Vikas Publishing House
Private Limited, New Delhi, India
9. Dubey R. C. and D. K. Maheshwary. (2012). A textbook of Microbiology. S Chand
and Company. New Delhi, India
10. Kapoor K. K., Tauro P. and Yadav K. S. (2016). An Introduction to Microbiology.
New Age International (P) Limited, New Delhi, India.
11. Klein D. A., Harley J. P. And Prescott L. (2001). Microbiology. United Kingdom:
McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
12. Luria S. (2018). General Virology. Creative Media Partners, LLC. USA
13. Miller A. D. and Tanner J. (2013). Essentials of Chemical Biology: Structure and
Dynamics of Biological Macromolecules.Germany: Wiley.
14. Parasher Y. K. (2006). Modern Microbiology. Campus Books International, New
Delhi, India.
15. Pelczar M. J. Jr., Chan E.C.S. and Krieg N. R. (2010). Microbiology: An Application
based Approach. McGraw-Hill Education (India) Private Limited, New Delhi, India.
16. Roush R., Wise J. and Fowler, S. (2018). Concepts of Biology. Hong Kong: Samurai
Media Limited.
17. Powar C. B. and Daginawala H. I. (2005). General microbiology Volume I. Himalaya
Publishing House Private Limited, Pune, India.
18. Powar C. B. and Daginawala H. I. (2005). General microbiology Volume II.
Himalaya Publishing House, Private Limited, Pune, India
19. Purohit S. S. (2006). Microbiology: Fundamentals and Applications. AGROBIOS,
Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
20. Saenger W. (2013). Principles of Nucleic Acid Structure. United States: Springer New
21. Singh R. P. (2012). Microbiology. Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi, India
22. Singh R. P. and Singh B. D. (2009). Microbial Physiology and Microbial Genetics:
(Microbiology). Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi, India.
23. Stanier R. Y. (2003). General Microbiology. United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan

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CBCS: 2019-2020 F.Y.B.Sc. Microbiology

24. Tsai C. S. (2007). Biomacromolecules: Introduction to Structure, Function and

Informatics. Germany: Wiley.
25. Tortora G. J., Funke B. R. and Case C. L. (2016). Microbiology: an Introduction.
Twelfth edition. Pearson, London.
26. Yadav M. (2017). Microbiology. Discovery Publishing House, New Delhi, India.
ISBN 13: 9788171417315

Semester II
MB 122: Microbial cultivation and growth

Credit Topic No. of

I 1. Cultivation of Microorganisms:
a. Nutritional requirements and nutritional classification. 3
b. Design and preparation of media: Common ingredients of media 3
and types of media.
c. Methods for cultivating photosynthetic, extremophilic and 4
chemo-lithotrophic bacteria, anaerobic bacteria, algae, fungi,
actinomycetes and viruses.
d. Concept of Enrichment, Pure Culture, Isolation of culture by 3
streak plate, pour plate, spread plate.
e. Maintenance of bacterial and fungal cultures using different 3
f. Culture collection centres and their role. 1
g. Requirements and guidelines of National Biodiversity Authority 1
for culture collection centres.
II 2. Bacterial growth:
a. Kinetics of bacterial growth (Exponential growth model) 3
b. Growth curve and Generation time 2
c. Diauxic growth 1
d. Measurement of bacterial growth- Methods of enumeration: 4
e. Microscopic methods (Direct microscopic count, counting
cells using improved Neubauer, Petroff-Hausser’s
f. Plate counts (Total viable count) 1

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CBCS: 2019-2020 F.Y.B.Sc. Microbiology

g. Turbidometric methods (including Nephelometry) 1

h. Estimation of biomass (Dry mass, Packed cell volume) 1
i. Chemical methods (Cell carbon and nitrogen estimation) 1
j. Factors affecting bacterial growth [pH, Temperature, Solute 4
Concentration (Salt and Sugar)] and Heavy metals.

1. Atlas R. M. (2005). Handbook of Media for Environmental Microbiology. United
States: Taylor and Francis.
2. Atlas R. M. (2010). Handbook of Microbiological Media. Ukraine: Taylor and
3. Bisen P.S. and Varma K. (2009). Handbook of Microbiology. CBS Publishers and
Distributors, New Delhi. India
4. Dubey H. C. (2004). A textbook of fungi, bacteria and Viruses. Vikas Publishing
House Private Limited. New Delhi, India
5. Dubey R. C. and D. K. Maheshwary. (2012). A textbook of Microbiology. S Chand
and Company. New Delhi, India
6. Dubey R. C. and Maheshwari D. K. (2012). Practical Microbiology. S. Chand and
Company Limited, New Delhi, India
7. Gunasekaran P. (2007). Laboratory Manual in Microbiology. New Age International
Private Limited, New Delhi, India.
8. Kapoor K. K., Tauro P. and Yadav K. S. (2016). An Introduction to Microbiology.
New Age International (P) Limited, New Delhi, India.
9. Klein D. A., Harley J. P. And Prescott L. (2001). Microbiology. United Kingdom:
McGraw-Hill Higher Education
10. Parasher Y. K. (2006). Modern Microbiology. Campas Books International, New
Delhi, India
11. Pelczar M. J. Jr., Chan E.C.S. and Krieg N. R. (2010). Microbiology: An Application
based Approach. McGraw-Hill Education (India) Private Limited, New Delhi, India.
12. Powar C. B. and Daginawala H. I. (2005). General microbiology Volume I. Himalaya
Publishing House Private Limited, Pune, India.
13. Powar C. B. and Daginawala H. I. (2005). General microbiology Volume II.
Himalaya Publishing House, Private Limited, Pune, India
14. Purohit S. S. (2006). Microbiology: Fundamentals and Applications. AGROBIOS,
Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India

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CBCS: 2019-2020 F.Y.B.Sc. Microbiology

15. Singh R. P. (2012). Microbiology. Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi, India Stanier R. Y.
(2003). General Microbiology. United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan Limited.
16. Tortora G. J., Funke B. R. and Case C. L. (2016). Microbiology: an Introduction.
Twelfth edition. Pearson, London.
17. Yadav M. (2017). Microbiology. Discovery Publishing House, New Delhi, India.
ISBN 13: 9788171417315

Semester II
Practical Course MB 123
based on theory paper I (MB 121) and Paper II (MB 122)

Expt. Topics No. of

No. Practicals
1 i. Preparation of simple laboratory nutrient media (Nutrient 1
agar/broth, MacConkey’s agar).
ii. Checking sterilization efficiency of autoclave using a 1
biological indicator (B. stearothermophilus)
iii. Preparation of Winogradsky’s column and observation of 1
different types of microorganisms using bright field
2 Special staining techniques: 2
i. Endospore staining
ii. Capsule staining
3 Isolation of bacteria: 1
Streak plate technique (Colony and cultural characteristics)

4 Enumeration of bacteria from fermented food / soil / water by: 2

i. Spread plate method
ii. Pour plate method
5 Study of normal flora of skin: 2
i. Cultivating and observing different morpho-forms of bacteria
from skin.
ii. Study of effect of washing on skin with soap and disinfectant
on it’s microflora.

6 To study the effect of different parameters on growth of E. 3

i. pH, temperature, sodium chloride concentration
ii. Study of oligodynamic action of heavy metal
7 Preservation of cultures on: 1
Slants, soil and on grain surfaces; revival of these cultures
and lyophilized cultures.


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CBCS: 2019-2020 F.Y.B.Sc. Microbiology

1. Arora B. and Arora D. R. (2020). Practical Microbiology. CBS Publishers and
Distributors, New Delhi, India.
2. Atlas R. M. (2010). Handbook of Microbiological Media. Ukraine:Taylor and
3. Dubey R. C. and Maheshwari D. K. (2012). Practical Microbiology. S. Chand
and Company Limited, New Delhi, India
4. Gunasekaran P. (2007). Laboratory Manual in Microbiology. New Age
International Private Limited, New Delhi, India.
5. Jain A., Agarwal J. and Venkatesh V. (2018). Microbiology Practical Manual.
1st Edition. E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences, India.
6. Karwa A. S., Rai M. K. and Singh H. B. (2012). Handbook of Techniques in
Microbiology: A Laboratory Guide to Microbes. Scientific Publishers,
Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
7. Kumar V. (2012). Laboratory Manual of Microbiology. India: Scientific
8. Panjarathinam R. (2008). Practical Medical Microbiology. Jaypee Brothers,
Medical Publishers Private Limited, India
9. Prasad M. M. and Roy A. K. (2009). Laboratory Manual of Microbiology.
New India Publishing Agency. New Delhi, India
10. Proctor D. B., Niedzwiecki B., Garrels M., Weaver P. A., Pepper J. and Mills
H. (2019). Kinn's The Clinical Medical Assistant - E-Book: An Applied
Learning Approach. United States: Elsevier Health Sciences.
11. Sandle T. (2013). Sterility, Sterilisation and Sterility Assurance for
Pharmaceuticals: Technology, Validation and Current Regulations. United
Kingdom: Elsevier Science.
12. Sastry A. S. and Bhat S. K. (2017). Essentials of Practical Microbiology.
Jaypee Brothers, Medical Publishers PrivateLimited, NewDelhi, India
13. Tambwekar S. (2015). Handbook of Quality Assurance in Laboratory
Medicine. Wolters kluwer india Pvt Ltd.
14. Vasanthakumari. (2009). Practical Microbiology. B. I. Publications Private
Limited, New Delhi, India.
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