Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence
The capability of people to perform the work or job that they do falls into three areas:
Whilst a significant amount of information, research and education exists in the fields of technical
skills and intellectual capability, the area of Emotional Intelligence remains largely untouched.
Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognise, understand and manage emotions in ourselves and
Emotional Intelligence is divided into the four clusters of Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social
Awareness and Relationship Management (often been referred to very broadly as “people skills” in
years gone by).
Daniel Goleman, a leader in this field, has identified that successful managers and leaders possess a
high percentage of emotional intelligence. By successful we mean those who have; Achieved better
financial results,
Developed more effective and supportive organisational climates or culture and Achieved higher
productivity gains with their workforce. Goleman’s (1998) findings also indicated that Emotional
Intelligence contributes 80 to 90% of the competencies that distinguish outstanding leaders from
average leaders.
the ability to recognise and understand their own moods, emotions and drives as well as their effect
on others;
the ability to control or redirect disruptive impulses, moods and to think before acting;
the passion to work for reasons beyond money or status and the propensity to pursue goals with
energy and persistence;
the ability to understand the emotional makeup of other people and the skill in treating people
according to their emotional reactions; the proficiency in managing relationships, building networks
and the ability to find common ground and build rapport.
IQ versus EI
In professional and technical fields the typical entry-level threshold IQ is 110 to 120. It is generally
considered that your IQ, which is largely genetic, will change little from childhood. Since everyone is
in the top 10% or so of intelligence, IQ itself offers relatively little competitive advantage.
EI on the other hand can be learned at any age. Growing your competency in EI is not easy or quick,
as it takes perseverance in the process of critical self-evaluation, commitment to improvement and of
course behavioural practice.
It is also important to note, that competence in Emotional Intelligence does not necessarily increase
with age as you might expect. Some people may learn from life’s experiences, but many do not.
emotional self-awareness, where you are able to read and understand your emotions as well as
recognise their impact on work performance and relationships; accurate self-assessment, where you
are able to give a realistic evaluation of your strengths and limitations; self-confidence, where you
have a positive and strong sense of one’s self-worth. The starting point and key in these areas is the
ability to be critically self-reflective.
transparency, which is maintaining standards of honesty and integrity, managing yourself and
adaptability, which is the flexibility in adapting to changing situations and overcoming obstacles;
achievement orientation, which is the guiding drive to meet an internal standard of excellence;
Social Awareness
empathy, which is understanding others and taking an active interest in their concerns;
organisational awareness, which is the ability to read the currents of organisational life, build
decision networks and navigate politics;
Relationship Management
developing others, which is the propensity to strengthen and support the abilities of others through
feedback and guidance;
influence, which is the ability to exercise a wide range of persuasive strategies with integrity, and also
includes listening and sending clear, convincing and well-tuned messages;
change catalyst, which is the proficiency in initiating new ideas and leading people in a new
teamwork and collaboration, which is the promotion of cooperation and building of teams.
The Emotionally Intelligent Organisation i.e. an organisation with a high number of emotionally
intelligent leaders, managers and critical professionals stands to be at the forefront of organisational
practice and performance, and is more likely to be an employer of choice.
Research also supports the view that competence in Emotional Intelligence accounts for over 90% of
the difference between ineffective leaders and effective leadership performance.
Effective leadership improves business performance and provides organisations with a competitive
Becoming an EI organisation
To implement this strategy you first need to define what the core capabilities your business requires
to achieve its vision, values and business strategies which includes Emotional Intelligence clusters
and competencies. You will also need to identify the more specific competency profiles for positions
within the organisation.
This capability framework and competency profiles, then forms the basis for your performance
management system in conjunction with your Key Performance Indicators. The performance
management system then becomes a mechanism for driving and achieving changes in the workplace.
The framework can also be used to support recruitment and selection and other cultural
development strategies, thus ensuring a more appropriate match of people and organization goals.
The next stage is to grow the emotional intelligence competencies through specific development
programs reflecting the organisation’s capability framework.
If you do not have a “core” capability framework for your staff, there are still benefits in introducing
Emotional Intelligence development programs. These are seen primarily through improved
leadership and interpersonal relationships and as a result improved business performance.
Growing your EI competencies is not easy or quick, as it takes perseverance in the process of critical
self-reflection, commitment to improvement and of course behavioural practice.
Transformational Learning
When you grow your Emotional Intelligence, it is called transformational learning, as this growth
comes from using critical self-reflection.
So, what is critical self-reflection? Most people would be familiar with reflection, which is the analysis
of one’s beliefs. We also have critical reflection, which is the analysis of the assumptions on which
our beliefs are built. But the area we are most interested in is Critical Self-Reflection, which is the
analysis of the way we pose problems to ourselves and of our own structure of assumptions that we
use as a reference for interpreting our experiences.
Effective critical self-reflection requires you to question yourself and the assumptions you make on
an ongoing basis. This can be demonstrated through the three (3) why? Test, that is where you ask
“Why” down three levels from the item you are analysing.
For example, I have been asked to present a workshop to one hundred people on a subject I know
very well, and I have said no.
(1) Why did I say no? Because I would not feel comfortable doing it.
(2) Why do you feel uncomfortable about doing it? Because I might look incompetent.
(3) Why do you feel you would look incompetent? Because people in the audience may know more
than I do.
The answer to this question is based on assumptions, and we need to challenge these assumptions
to check their validity. If the assumptions are invalid and we change that assumption and therefore
our perspective then transformational learning has occurred.
2. I am generally guided by
my goals and values.
others goals and values.
3. When I am under pressure, I generally have
changed behaviours from normal.
behaviours that remain unchanged.
5. I generally
have a good sense of humour about myself.
take myself seriously.
6. I present myself
with self-assurance and having "presence".
with some confidence and cautiousness.
9. I always like to
take on new challenges.
maintain the status quo.
10. I generally
inspire confidence in others.
rely on others confidence.
11. I generally
allow my emotions and moods to impact on my behaviours.
keep my disruptive emotions and impulses under control.
13. I always
do as I say I will do.
do only what I have to do.
14. Trust by others
is automatically given to me.
is built through reliability and authenticity.
15. I am always
flexible in how I see events.
able to see events for what they are.
17. I always
set myself challenging goals.
complete the goals that are set for me.
19. Generally, I
pursue goals beyond what is required or expected of me.
pursue goals only as far as is required of me.
24. I always
listen to the important words being said.
listen well and am attentive to emotional cues.
25. Others perspectives are always
understood and sensitivity shown.
clouding the issues and getting us off track.
28. I always
give customers what they ask for.
understand customers needs and match products/services.
29. I always
act as a trusted advisor to the customer.
tell the customer what they want to hear.
32. I always
let people know of the behaviours expected.
model the behaviours expected of others.
EI Quadrant Descriptors
Social Awareness
Relationship Management