Player's Handbook To Deveros
Player's Handbook To Deveros
Player's Handbook To Deveros
Credits Contents
Author: Giles Penfold How to Use This Guide 3
Design Lead: Giles Penfold
Editors: Rachel Smith Deveros 6
Layout & Graphic Design: Nathanaël Roux
Districts................................................................ 7
Cover Artist: Phill Berry
Deveros Map: Janice Sheen (MisjayMaps)
Mercyr Guilds.....................................................10
Interior Artists: Phill Berry, Danny Pavlov, Edward
General Guilds....................................................11
Mattinian, Biagio D’Alessandro, Gerard Segura,
Criminal Guilds..................................................11
Spencer Lancaster
Additional Illustration Studios: Bad Moon Studios,
Character Suggestions..................................14
Cold Beverage Studios
Proofreaders: Daniel Saunders, Graham Hill, Nicholas
Jackson, Tasha Jade
Citizenship and Social Class.............................14
Tips and Tricks....................................................19
Content License
© 2023 Vynestra
Vynestra and their associated logos are trademarks of Vynestra.
ISBN 978-1-7384538-0-1 (hardcover)
ISBN 978-1-7384538-1-8 (PDF)
Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Gaming License version 1.0a,
Section 1(e), and are not Open Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (characters, place names, building
names, etc.), adventures, dialogue, story elements, plots, characters, organisations, artwork, graphics, maps, sidebars, and trade dress.
(Elements that have previously been designated as Open Game Content are not included in this declaration.)
Open Game Content: The Open Content in this book includes: Monster names, monster abilities, monster statistics, spell names,
feat names, disease names, kinship names, and the ember system. No other portion of this work may be reproduced in any form
without permission.
Forever bustling, the capital metropolis of Deveros in The Consentium but do not hold an active seat.
is a wealthy, interconnected trade harbour which These would have “Pro” before their title, for exam-
lies along the south-western region of the Aldarin ple: Proprimus and Promidnus. The two current
Empire called the Deveros Coast. One of the first primi are Primus Yunila Averni Quinta (they/them)
cities to be founded following Emergence, where of the Revitalist faction (right wing, seeks to reinstate
civilisations rose from the Underworld to reclaim imperial rule) and Primus Caesar Helios Aldarus
the surface world following the Age of Dusk, Deveros (he/him) of the Reformist faction (left wing, seeks to
has almost 1,000 years of expansive history hidden empower the people). The Capitan faction (left wing,
within its nooks and crevices. It holds the second focus on social reform and sowing seeds of chaos)
largest city population on Elos, second only to the has no elected primus this electoral cycle.
necropolis capital of North Rymin: Felgarde (if The second branch of Aldarin’s political forums
you count undead as part of a population, that is). is that of The Consentium Minor, used to represent
An eclectic mixing pot of all differing cultures and the plebeian people and the lower classes. All bills
nationalities, Deveros sees folk from the far corners must be approved in this forum before they go into
of the plane arriving every day to trade and make law, giving great power to the people of the empire.
deals with the thriving Aldarin Empire. An elected member of The Consentium Minor is
Deveros is a military powerhouse in and of itself, a publus (pl. publi) which are also split into ranks:
hosting three legions: Legio Aerius I Deverosa (1st honorus (pl. honori), legatus (pl. legati), and opulatus
Aerial Legion of Deveros); Legio Terra I Deverosa (pl. opulati). Opulati are the rank-and-file members
(1st Land Legion of Deveros); Legio Navilia I of The Consentium Minor, with legati being specially
Deverosa (1st Naval Legion of Deveros). As such, elected legionarii representatives. Honori hold the
there is an overwhelming legionarii presence in the most power, almost as much as the primi in terms
city, with a number of walled districts called prisada of legislature, being able to veto any bill passing
(pl. prisadae) hosting various legionary forts called through. They are immensely well respected by the
castrum. These legions do not keep the peace in the public for this and are seen as guardians of the people.
day to day life of the city, however. This is left to
an organisation known as Vintari, a branch of the
Aldarin Legions used to both train new legionarii
and to act as the guards of the empire’s settlements.
Vintari is the name of the organisation, with its
members known as vintarus (pl. vintari).
Deveros, and the Aldarin Empire as a whole, is
run by two elected representatives of the noble social
classes (patricians and sanctes) who are assigned
every two years. One of these leaders is called a
primus (pl. primi) and holds near absolute authority
over the runnings of the empire. The two leading
primi are typically from opposing political parties
and more often than not disagree on a lot of matters.
There is also the imperial family, who were deposed
a few centuries ago and now sit as symbolic figure-
heads of the empire with little-to-no sway over daily
politics. The primi lead The Consentium,
one of Aldarin’s two political forums
consisting of Aldarin’s noble
classes. An elected member
of The Consentium is called
a consensa (pl. consensae),
with various ranks for those
who currently hold office. In
descending order of authority
these ranks are: Primus, Legitor, Primus Caesar
Gildor, Midnus. There are also Helios Aldarus
those who have previously served
naval legionarii’s families live and where a sizable wonder within Sala Sel’Kildarak as long as you
amount of industry takes place to prepare the don’t get on the wrong side of the Ebyr’sol. The
naval legions for war. This district has a stricter Ebyr’sol are a fanatical cult of Deosian worshippers
curfew compared to the other Prisadae, enacted from the Qutharian Empire who hold immense
for all non-residents between 8pm and 8am. sway over the lives of those living in the district.
Prospector District: An industrious district where Solenta Major: One of Deveros’s largest districts,
many artisans gather to create both works of art Solenta Major is primarily a residential district
and practical tools for those within the city. From with insulae stacked to the skies. Bustling markets
jewellers to sculptors, all manner of skilled work and tabernae can be found all throughout the
can be found going on in Prospector District. The district to explore.
central heart of the district are the Macelian Spires: Solenta Minor: A shanty town on the southern edge
deep amethyst mines for which the city is famous. of the city’s perimeter, Solenta Minor has exploded
These amethysts are interwoven into almost over the past decade into its own unofficial district
everything to elevate its luxury and worth: glass, housing a number of illicit fishing guilds. It is
jewellery, roof tiles, and even the empire’s coinage. considered a blight on the city by a large number
Quintae Principalis: The thriving commercial hub of denizens within the city and is actively fighting
of Deveros, Quintae Principalis is where mer- against The Consentium for its right to exist at all.
chants from all across the Medial Plane gather to The Amethyst Acre: Home to the imperial family,
both buy and sell wares of the utmost quality and The Amethyst Acre sits above the rest of the city
rarity. Almost everything can be found here, if in a walled and heavily guarded zone. The public
you’re willing to pay the extortionate price that is are not allowed into the district apart from on a
likely being charged for it. Maybe you can instead handful of special festival days.
find a broker who is willing to offer you a better The Channelways: This dockside district sees equal
deal on that shiny magical sword you want if you’re amounts of trade and crime ripple through its
willing to wait for them to track down another one streets each day. Large ships cannot moor inside
from outside the capital. the Deveros Bay, so must rely on rapida (pl. rapi-
Sala Sel’Kildarak: Deveros’s famous city within a dae) to transport their cargo and crew to and fro.
city. The land was offered as a gift to a number of Rapidae are small watercraft which whiz along the
refugee Kishmarans and Tak’huutans several cen- canals of the city, operated by highly competitive
turies ago as a place for them to settle by one of the rapida guilds who are perpetually seeking to one
emperors. Now, in the modern day, this district is a up each other.
densely packed city within its own right, governed
Underground: There are many secrets which lie
by its own laws and its own political structure
beneath the surface, from abandoned legionary
independent of the Aldarins entirely. If you wish
forts to a sprawling network of sewers with its own
to experience the culture of the Kildar continents
population of shops, bars, and brothels.
without travelling to either, you can find plentiful
While Vynestra widely uses the same
currency as most 5th Edition settings, each
nation has its own variant on coinage that
can change in value. Luckily, as residents of
Deveros, you are fortunate enough to work
with the currency that most other currencies
on the Medial Plane base their worth around.
As such, the value of Aldarin currency is quite
stable. Despite this, the Aldarin Empire lacks
certain resources and platinum is one of
them. As such, amethysts are inlaid into gold
coinage to heighten their value. Here are
some coins to get you familiar with the terms
of the currency you’ll be using:
Aeris (pl. Aeris): One copper piece (valued
at 1 USD as of 2023).
Argentum (pl. Argentum): One silver piece
(valued at 10 USD as of 2023).
Unum (pl. Unum): One gold piece (valued at
100 USD as of 2023).
Quinta (pl. Quintae): Five gold piece (valued
at 500 USD as of 2023).
Decima (pl. Decimae): Ten gold piece
(valued at 1,000 USD as of 2023).
Medicenta (pl. Medicentae): Fifty gold
piece (valued at 5,000 USD as of 2023).
Centa (pl. Centae): One hundred gold piece
(valued at 10,000 USD as of 2023).
Transfodium: A small, secretive guild of dhampir exclusively of ex-legionarii and imperial magi who
vampire hunters who seek to free other dhampir found a job with Permadecio paid a lot better.
from the clutches of their vampiric overlords. Quor’s Champions: A guild of the most famous
White Wolves: A mercyr guild of lycans special- gladiators to have ever fought throughout the
ising in interacting with the lycan population Aldarin Empire. It is the dream of all gladiators
around Deveros. to become known as one of Quor’s Champions.
Sol’s Pilorum: A cult of Deosian worshippers trained
General Guilds to exterminate vampires and dhampir working for
the Vampiric Order. They work meticulously to
There are plentiful collectives of traders, artisans,
disrupt the efforts of Sanguesta and various known
and all manner of other professions who form their
vampires within the empire.
own guilds. These are some of the most well known:
Tectulous: The city’s cleaners who keep the streets
Aurmerce: A collective of privateers who lend their
and the sewers as clean as possible.
services to the Legions to help keep the Deveros
The Cardinals: The city’s gardeners who tend to
Coast free of pirates. The Aldarin Legions are not
Deveros’s many parks and gardens.
renowned for their strong naval forces and use
The Laudum: A collective of Deveros’s most talented
these privateers to supplement their own numbers.
lawyers, ready to jump onto any case that might
Bloodbound Brethren: Also known just as the
be presented to them.
Bloodbound, these are primarily legionarii who
The Meliamnan Watch: A group of Meliamnan
dedicate themselves entirely to Quor and bloodlet
cultists who act as a form of neighbourhood watch
regularly to the god of war.
for the locals of the central city. While not official
Brivane Pirates: A sizable fleet of eclectic pirates
guards, they serve to supplement the efforts of
working together to protect illegal fishers around
the Vintari.
the Deveros Coast from Aurmerce and the
Legions. These pirates exert a large amount of con-
trol over Raela on Cruorse Isle and Solenta Minor.
Criminal Guilds
Capitola: A high society club formed primarily of There are also numerous criminal guilds which
Capitan political group members, well known for operate throughout the city, some of which are more
their debauchery. Anyone who wishes to dabble widely spread than others:
in Aldarin’s political life, and who isn’t part of the Blueglades: A famous band of smash-and-grab
upper classes, might find themselves seeking entry thieves who utilise hooks and feathered capes
into Capitola to socialise with Aldarin’s elite. to quickly scale buildings and escape from those
Cloistered Covena: A collective of neomancers pursuing them.
(priests and priestesses who specialise in helping Junia’s Eagles: A Revitalist-aligned gang of street
with mental health) renowned for treating ex-le- thugs who cause havoc within Arbeia.
gionarii. They operate the Vitalum thermae. Laedemus: A band of thugs masquerading as sacer-
Galena Gnomes: A historic foundation which dotes (religious officials) under Viker, well known
researches and provides arcane support for those for kidnapping and ransoming people from within
with limb difference and disabilities. They are Solenta Minor.
famed for the creation of the phantom limb spell
and for bodystones, both of which are used across
the Medial Plane to this day.
Magnatus: A research guild primarily focused on
archaeology and the ancient Vilorian Empire.
Magnatus are one of the city’s largest contract
givers, always seeking mercyrs to protect
their expeditions out into dangerous ruins
and dungeons.
Order of the Quadrumvirate: A secretive order of
cultists who worship Aldarin’s four key deities:
Deos, Quor, Iora, and Gw’yth. They hold great
sway in the political landscape of Deveros with
many of Aldarin’s elite being part of this cult.
Permadecio: An insurance company who are Saeva Agracus
infamous for extorting their clients. They offer Vexia, Leader
protection, ambulance, and firefighting services of Laedemus
amongst other things and are composed almost
Sanguesta: A collective of dhampir thugs and aligned to them. A stalwart paladin of Deos may be
labourers working for the Vampiric Order, either connected to a more typically chthonic deity, such
through their own volition or because they as Xyth or Larveth, and might even despise this fact
have been forced to by their vampire overlords. about themselves. They may try to appeal to Deos
Known to kidnap people from over the city to to have these darker soul threads removed, or they
drain of blood. may embrace them as part of themself and use the
Spurius’s Lions: A Reformist-aligned gang of powers they are granted for the benefit of their oath.
street thugs who operate a series of tabernae You may choose up to three deities to be con-
throughout Arbeia. nected to through your ember. These are the sources
Umbra Syndicate: A semi-official branch of the of power that your ember will draw from and will
Aldarin military which focuses on sabotage, determine the abilities you can choose throughout
blackmail, and political assassination. the course of your character’s life. It is possible to
Vampiric Order: A globally powerful collective of change which deities you are connected to, but this is
vampires stemming from the first vampire, known typically an arduous and painful experience, so make
as The Deity. The vampires enjoy influencing the sure to choose wisely! Consider what your character
sway of Aldarin politics to their whims. wishes to achieve, who they wish to become. Embers
Yataal: Five noble families who control most of the set you on the path to becoming a demigod, so think
goings on in Sala Sel’Kildarak. They are immensely about who you might stand as should you wish to
powerful and are not to be taken lightly, with ascend. If you are struggling to choose, simply go
even the Vintari hesitating before deciding to get with whatever seems fun
in their way. to you and let things
play out as they will
during the campaign.
Embers Charring: As your ember
grows stronger,
Embers are the byproduct of threads of your soul you will be
being interwoven with soul threads of one or more given the
deities. Many people throughout the Medial Plane option to char
are fortunate enough to have these deific soul threads
within them, and as players within Deveros, you are
likely to be one such person. Those with embers are
known as emberblood or emberkin. Your ember is
a mark upon your body, similar to a tattoo, which
represents some aspect of your core personality
and self; or perhaps some innermost
passion or desire. Someone connected
to Rael, the deity of the seas, may
witness sea iconography appear-
ing as their ember markings,
for instance. Someone infused
with wild magic may see their
ember shifting over time to
feature the strange occur-
rences that fall across
their path. As you grow
stronger, so does your
ember, with it growing
across your body.
Most importantly,
your ember grants Half-Dragon
you powerful abilities with an ember
derived from the deities
you are connected to.
You do not have to wor-
ship the deities your soul is
woven with. Nor do
Ember Markings you even have to be
your abilities. This, in short, awakens a more then charring would be a good way to do this.
powerful second form of an ember ability. But to There are also potions which may reverse the
unlock it, you must undergo the charring process. negative effects of charring, but the cost of these
Charring eats away at your maximum hit points, are exceptionally high.
potentially causing unwanted side effects along
If you’re struggling to choose a selection of embers,
the way. It is a risk/reward play to char your ember
here are some pre-generated combinations that you
abilities, and you might even die in the process. If
might find appealing.
you wish to play a more glass cannon character,
Archetype Gods Ember Abilities
Divine Fury Deos, Iora Divine Shield (Deos), Fire of Deos (Deos),
Close The Gap (Iora)
Shadow Assassin Mornfel, Xyth Night Sight (Mornfel), Shadow Glide (Xyth),
Umbral Strike (Xyth)
Dream Weaver Gw’yth, Xithri Starry Night (Gw’yth), Goodnight (Xithri),
Eater of Dreams (Xithri)
Soul Stealer Kistra, Quor Cleave (Quor), Mark For Death (Kistra),
Thirsting Blades (Quor)
Cat Burglar Saleen, Viker, Vys Market Awareness (Saleen), Little Thief (Viker),
Sly Shadow (Vys)
Blood Smith Hargrum, Quor Apprentice Crafter (Hargrum), Fabrication (Hargrum),
Brave Soul (Quor)
Angry Librarian Gw’yth, Iora Polyglot (Iora), Throw The Book At Them (Iora),
Mental Rebuff (Gw’yth)
Explorer Aether, Celianthre Survival (Celianthre), Waystone Recall (Aether),
Survey (Aether)
Osseous Abomination Kylera, Larveth Marrow Riddled (Kylera), Bones of the Lotus Heart
(Kylera), Rapid Decay (Larveth)
Beetle Keeper Celianthre, Larveth Swarm Host (Larveth), Infest (Larveth),
Critter Chatter (Celianthre)
Medic Deos, Meliam Not Today (Meliam), Soul Repair (Deos), Empower
Healing (Deos)
Night Warden Mornfel, Xithri Basking In The Moonlight (Mornfel), Lunar Ray
(Mornfel), Nightmare (Xithri)
Innkeep Sovingar, Xithri Hearth Keeper (Sovingar), Hut Keeper (Sovingar),
Under My Sway (Xithri)
Eclectic Personality Quor, Saleen Persuasion (Saleen), Seductive Charm (Quor),
Quor’s Bond (Quor)
Wavebreaker Loritel, Rael Riverborn Soul (Loritel), Stormy Shroud (Rael),
Hull Breach (Rael)
Defender Loritel, Meliam Strategist (Loritel), Protective (Meliam),
Arcane Warding (Meliam)
Snake Strike Kylera, Larveth, Viker Bile Breath (Larveth), Serpent Strike (Larveth),
Ensnare (Viker)
Equaliser Kistra, Meliam Naturally Resilient (Meliam), Soul Tether (Kistra),
Leeching Tether (Kistra)
beyond the graces of courtesy. Vagnatae are not and feasts dedicated to the gods. The deities have
usually citizens. a large sway upon the wellbeing of the people and
Servus (pl. Servus): The class of servus is one which you know it. You are able to perform any of the
has almost died out entirely, originally thrust upon rituals needed for a festival in the absence of a
those who had been conquered by the Aldarin sacerdos, something which was drilled into you
Empire. The only official group to hold this class from a young age.
in modern Aldarin is that of prisoners, finding When you became a consensa, you had to
themselves in service to the empire for crimes they choose a side. Was it the imperial aligned party
have committed. of law-abiding Revitalists, the popularist party of
the Reformists who are always looking out for the
If you are unsure of what social class to place
people, or maybe the eccentric yet enigmatic party
yourself, mercyrs with citizenship are typically
of the Capitans who are seen as a joke by many
considered to be within the Praesta social class
of your colleagues. That choice is yours to make.
and mercyrs without citizenship within the Artifex
Emissary: You have been sent to Aldarin as a diplo-
social class.
matic representative from your nation, seeking to
keep the peace with the Aldarin Empire. You bear
Backgrounds the icon of your nation proudly, even if you might
Any of the base 5th Edition backgrounds work well get strange glances thrown at you on the streets.
with Deveros. If you wish for an easier hook into the You seek to spread the culture of your own nation
world of Vynestra, you may instead select one of the and to learn of the culture of the Aldarins so that
bespoke backgrounds for the Aldarin Empire, found you may better understand their ways.
in the Backgrounds section of The Aldarin Empire Legionarius: You’ve served your time in the Legions
book. These backgrounds are summarised below: and have looked death in the face every day of
Bloodbound: The ties you bear to vampiric families your life. You’re familiar with the tactics and strat-
are not a thing to be taken lightly. You began life egies used by the Legions and are all too aware of
impoverished and on the streets but found that the sheer power the Aldarin Empire can bring to
through the donation of your own blood you the table during war. There is strong respect and
could become so much more. You worked your admiration for your legionarii fellows, both those
way up the social ladder, with mysterious, pale- encamped in forts and on active campaign. They
skinned cultists of Quor gratefully accepting your put their lives on the line so everyone inside the
sanguineous offerings, bestowing boons upon you empire’s borders can live a comfortable life. You
which you used to attain status. Now you have all try not to think too much about the other nations
you can ask for, only for the small price of a few who are being crushed under the foot of Aldarin,
drops of blood. While you have no knowledge who though nightmares of war and the faces of those
the shadowy figures which abetted your path are, you have killed haunt your dreams.
you feel a deep sense of thanks for their patronage.
Maybe they may call upon you one day to serve?
Consensa: You were born into one of the wealthiest
families in the Aldarin Empire, destined for
greatness from the second your feet touched the
ground. You spent your younger years learning
bureaucracy and the political processes of your
people, aspiring to become a great politician one
day — a goal which you achieved. You have spoken
passionately within the halls of the Consentium,
attended meetings with the emperor, and have
made a name for yourself in the higher eche-
lons of society.
Your family name belongs amongst the ranks
of the patricians and sanctes. Everyone from
the empire who hears it tilts their head slightly
downwards in respect. Maybe this makes you
feel strange, or maybe you bask in the limelight,
holding your toga proudly as you stride along the
streets of Deveros.
A Legionarius
You are familiar with the location of all the
temples in the city, and regularly attend sacrifices
Mercyr: You’ve spent your life on the road working to start a new life in another nation, though your
contract after contract for one or more mercyr traumatic past still follows you like a shadow. You
guilds. You’ve faced bandits, dragons, and slip from settlement to settlement, seeking a place
everything in between, but have somehow always where you might call home. None truly feel like
survived. Familiar with the politics of modern day your true home, however. You form friendships
society, you’re able to navigate through the bureau- quickly but also know when to slip away for your
cratic nature of processing contracts to acquire own safety. You know how to rely on the land to
payment for your work. You know the intricacies survive. One day you wish to return to your home
of dealing with the wider people of Vynestra when nation and to restore it to its former glory.
it comes to trouble brewing on the horizon, aware
of how to prepare appropriately.
Maybe you belonged to one of the more
renowned mercyr guilds, having claimed wealth, The overall theme of Deveros focuses on the political
fame, and maybe even a celebrity nickname from and interpersonal relationships between PCs and
serving in their ranks. Maybe you stuck to the NPCs. While you will not be dealing with the wider
smaller leagues, working with a handful of mer- political landscape of the city in your day to day
cyrs unknown to the masses whilst seeking a better (unless you actively go out of your way to do so) it is
life for yourself and those around you. beneficial to be able to work with others in the city
Publus: You were always drawn to the politics of easily and to be able to delve into the intrigue that the
your people and eventually saw a chance to repre- city provides. As such bards and rogues will have an
sent the region you were born in within the capital easier time interacting with this area of the game. The
of Deveros. Maybe you were part of a legion and Aldarins hold great respect for those who are either:
were elected to stand on their behalf. Maybe the strong soldiers, powerful with the arcane, or devoted
settlement you came from in the outreaches of the to a cult. As such clerics, fighters, paladins, sorcer-
empire found nobody better to represent them. ers and wizards are all exceptional choices as well.
Either way, you served your time as a government Warlocks, due to their patrons being otherworldly in
official, speaking your mind and winning the nature, are still seen as powerful but are looked upon
hearts of the people. You blocked bills passing less favourably than their studious cousins.
through the Consentium Minor which you dis- If you are choosing to be a cleric or a paladin, you
agreed with, making both friends and enemies should familiarise yourself with the theming and
along the way. terminologies of the world. As a cleric or paladin,
You finished your time as a publus — a public you would be called a sacerdos: a priest or priestess of
representative of the plebeians — but that history a deity. The concept of “cleric” and “paladin” doesn’t
never left you. You feel strongly still about the truly exist in the Aldarin Empire, nor does the term
way the empire is run and wish to see change still. “clergy”. You would belong to a cult of your deity and
Are you trying to run for office again? Maybe you as such would be a cultist in devotion to them. You
have connections to the street gangs of your party would be expected to make offerings in kind to their
and are lobbying for a cause? Do you care much shrines and temples, and to help the local cultists
about your political party or are they simply a of these temples should you be requested to do so.
means to an end? If you are dedicated to one of the Quadrumvirate
Premagus: Trained in the ways of the arcane, you deities (Deos, Quor, Iora, Gw’yth) then you may
have attended the Deveros Arcane University curry favour from the Order of the Quadrumvirate
or another Anchor Nation arcane university for itself, or even be a member of its order. Joining this
some period of time. Maybe you have just finished order grants you special connections across Deveros
your first year. Maybe you have recently graduated from all walks of life who might be able to help you
with flying colours. Or did you drop you before out in a pinch.
your first year was up? You have formed strong If you are playing a fighter, you might wish to
bonds with many people throughout the Prisada consider the Legionarius sub-class and background,
Arcana district, both citizens of the city and other allowing you to lean fully into the legionary history
premagi. You have also made a few enemies from with your character. This will allow you certain priv-
the perpetual rivalries with the opposing student ileges within the city, such as unrestricted access to
houses. There are always parties to attend or study the Prisada districts and connections to the various
groups to be a part of, but you have your priorities legions within the local forts. Legionarii gain a lot of
set and have headed out into the wide world to respect from the locals for their service to the empire,
seek something more. though should you venture outside of Aldarin, you
Refugee: You have fled your home nation due to war, might be met with spite.
famine, or some other form of trouble. You seek
If you are a wizard, you may consider being either Bard, College of Five: Explore the diverse world
a student (premagus) or alumnus of the Deveros of Aldarin’s famed five musical instruments:
Arcane University. This would give you ties into the lute, the lyre, the tibia, the timpani, and the
Deveros’s arcane side and grant you unique permis- cornu. Summon these instruments and grant
sions to enter into the upper levels of the Deverosian your party additional boons based on their Bardic
World Anchor which contains plentiful libraries and Inspiration effects.
research areas into all forms of magic. Sorcerers, Cleric, Emotion Domain: Spark fear into the
warlocks and bards can too be part of the university hearts of your foes or twist their heartstrings to
if they wish, even if the institution is primarily feel sorrow with the Emotion Domain. Master
geared towards wizards. of manipulation, you use your theatrical perfor-
There are a handful of bespoke sub-classes that mances to lift the spirits of your allies and sour the
exist and are themed to Vynestra and The Aldarin mood of your foes.
Empire as a whole that would suit the setting impec- Cleric, Revelry Domain: Get out the wine jugs,
cably well. These are: we’re celebrating tonight! Spread goodwill and
laughter with the Revelry Domain, spurring on
the joys of drink and dance to both friend and foe
alike. Inflict the new drunk condition to topple
those who stand in your way or to simply spur
forth a merry time for all.
Fighter, Legionarius: Take command of the battle-
field, issuing orders to your allies and striking up
formations to grant benefits to you and your party.
The legionarius is a tactical support class which
focuses on rewarding the positioning of allies and
keeping friends alive on the field.
Fighter, Gryphon Rider: Have you ever wanted
to train a gryphon from a hatchling up into
a fully fledged flying machine? Now is your
chance, with the gryphon rider subclass! Nurture
your gryphon as you form an unbreakable bond
together, eventually taking to the skies to strike
down your foes.
Warlock, Twinned Moons Patron: Gazing down
from the heavens, the Twinned Moons of Adriosa
and Atheana watch over all creatures of the night.
Devote yourself to one of the moons, gaining the
blessing of lycanthropy alongside unique abilities
from each lunar entity. Summon spectral wolves
to your aide as the radiance of the night sky
washes over you.
The predominant languages of the Aldarin Empire
are Aldarin, Old Aldarin, and Common. Aldarin
derives from Latin whereas Old Aldarin derives
An Imperial Magus from Old Etruscan. Both languages are spoken in
a similar way in Vynestra, though Old Aldarin
is written using a notably different alphabet. As
such, it is only really used by the upper classes
who can afford to learn it. Aldarin is the most
common language spoken throughout Deveros,
though everyone also speaks Common as well.
As such, you’ll find people flicking between
the two languages depending on who they
are talking to.
Common only truly came into widespread usage always, prioritise choosing the skills that you want
over the past few centuries and a lot of people still to take to make your character true to themself over
speak in their own national languages, many of the suggestions provided in this book.
which are derived from Old Common from the
Age of Dusk. If you enter into Sala Sel’Kildarak, for Tips and Tricks
example, you’ll find Kildarian (a derived dialect of
Here are some handy tips for exploring Deveros that
Common) spoken abundantly. There will also be
you might be able to use to your benefit:
Kishmaran, Qutharian, and Tak’huutan spoken
Thermae Resting: Deveros is populated with
regularly amongst the sub-communities from those
dozens upon dozens of thermae (bathhouses).
nations, though only really within this one district.
These thermae are prime places to go, not only to
Due to Aldarin’s close ties with its Elosian Anchor
rest from a long day but also to socialise with the
Nation allies of Emondas and Zygarde, you will find
locals, seek out contracts, and play sports. Most
the Emondisian dialect of Elvish and the Zygardian
importantly, you can take what is called a thermae
dialect of Draconic spoken by a lot of visiting
rest. Thermae rests sit somewhere between a short
merchants, nobles, and tourists from these two
and a long rest, lasting anywhere up to four hours
nations. Emondisian Elvish tends to be quite terse
and allowing the use of magical bath salts and oils
and to the point, contrary to the Fyndarian Elvish
to grant additional healing and boons. The quality
which undulates and flows more freely. Zygardian
of the thermae also matters, with more luxurious
Draconic also sounds less brusque and more flowery
thermae granting much better healing, but also
than other Draconic dialects. It would be incredibly
costing vastly more to use.
difficult to understand to those who speak forms of
Blessings: You’ll find shrines and temples dedicated
Draconic found on other continents, almost sitting
to all manner of deities scattered throughout
as its own language in itself.
Deveros. Make an offering at these shrines and
temples along with a sizable contribution and you
Skills might find yourself blessed with a unique boon
In Deveros you’ll be doing a lot of interacting with from the governing deity. For instance, if you want
NPCs, some of which are immensely influential to see an edge in your next fight, drop an offering
within the Aldarin Empire. As such, you’ll want to of blood and gold to Quor.
pay a keen focus to the Persuasion, Deception, and Religious Officials: Any sacerdos in the city, when
Insight skills as being able to navigate these social conducting official religious rites (such as buri-
interactions adeptly is a great boon. With its wealth als, sacrifices, offerings, weddings, etc.) are not
of history and strong religious links with the Aedes allowed to be touched without their permission.
Tredecima, training into History and Religion is also This is an old law stemming from the early days
a good idea. Being able to pick up on the religious of the empire under the belief that disrupting a
quirks of each of the cults and the reasoning behind religious event would be the same as interrupting
these would help your characters avoid faux pas, the gods themselves, and may cause bad omens to
especially when it comes to entering into well- arise. As such, it is best to avoid laying hands on
guarded religious districts such as Consentiarus and sacerdotes (even those in your own party!) while
Aedes Tredecima. they are conducting rites to their god, or else you
As a mercyr, you’ll likely be doing an overwhelm- might find yourself arrested by the Vintari. It is
ing amount of investigative work as you track frowned upon, however, to use this law as a form
down whatever you’ve agreed to in your contracts. of avoiding arrest as historically some sacerdotes
As such, Investigation and Perception are two have attempted to begin religious rites as they
key skills that will benefit you in your adventures were being apprehended. To combat this loophole,
through the streets of Deveros. Arcana is another the Vintari employ their own sacerdotes or hire
handy skill. With a wealth of magic seen around the secondary groups such as The Meliamnan Watch
city it is useful to be able to navigate these magics to handle these religious officials on their behalf,
tactfully and to be able to detect benevolent forms as only a sacerdos may touch another sacerdos
from nefarious. during these rites.
Being largely a city setting, Nature and Survival Get Around Fast: Walking isn’t the only way to get
will be the least useful of all the skills you can take. around the city. There are many different forms
Even still, there may be chances to use them when of transport depending on your budget. If you’re
within the parks, gardens, and nearby vineyards and looking for a quick journey through the city, hire a
forests. All other skills will likely see some use at wagoneer to cart you to your destination for a few
some point and are fine to train into depending on argentum. For an even faster method, jump into
what your character wants to do and achieve. As a rapida (an arcane watercraft) and be propelled
through the canals at lightning speeds. If you really Know The Locals: Find your nearest taberna and
need to get somewhere right away, hop into one start to get to know the owner. Taberna owners
of the nearby Shrines of Gw’yth. While expen- have their finger on the pulse of everything going
sive, these shrines serve as an interconnected on within the city and will be able to point you in
weave of teleportation magic which allow for the right direction should you be at a loss for where
instantaneous travel across the city to any other to go. Drink wine with the locals, break bread over
Shrine of Gw’yth… for a steep fee. If you have the a meal, and maybe pop into a popina to join in
ability to fly, be careful! If you’re not registered some illicit gambling to get to know the seedier
to fly within the city, you could be shot down by underbelly of the Deveros’s machinations.
one of the many Promethean turrets around the
city perimeter.
ISBN 978-1-7384538-1-8 5E
COMPATIBLE 9 781738 453818