WB-HVS NatGas Backup System
WB-HVS NatGas Backup System
WB-HVS NatGas Backup System
What are Vaporizer/Mixer Systems ?
PG vapor from a vaporizer or a storage tank is not directly compatible with natural gas and can therefore not be used for standby or backup purposes.
LPG vapor/air blenders blend LPG vapor with air to produce a gas mixture that is directly compatible and interchangeable with natural gas. This allows
users to switch back and forth between natural gas supplied by their utility company, and their own, LPG based backup fuel, without having to change
the setup of any of their process or heating equipment, such as burners, boilers, heater, dryers, kilns, drum ovens, etc. The LP/air blend is often referred to as
Synthetic Natural Gas, or SNG.
The vaporizer/mixer systems described in this brochure are designed for intermittent or continuous use as NatGas backup systems. They are the
combination of a horizontal water bath vaporizer (see brochure “Water Bath LPG Vaporizers”) and a Hallberg Venturi Mixer (see brochure “LPG Vapor/Air
Mixing Systems - Venturi Type), generating gas pressures of up to 8 psi (0.55 bar; optional: 15 psi, 1 bar) without the need of compressed air supply. The
absence of a compressor makes these systems very simple and economical to operate. .
aporizer/Mixer Systems from AES are designed for easy installation The systems monitor the gas pressure in the surge tank with a Rosemount
and long, trouble-free service. They come complete with vaporizer, pressure transmitter. An increase in demand results in a momentary drop in
Venturi arrangements, surge tank, controls, and all other equipment the tank pressure. If the tank pressure falls below adjustable setpoints, one or
necessary for safe operation. They are factory tested and ready to be placed more Venturi assemblies are activated. The Venturi assemblies will stay
on a concrete slab or other, non-combustible ground cover. After connection active until the surge tank pressure has recovered above their respective
to liquid LPG, mixed gas line and electrical supply, they can be ready to setpoint, and will then sequentially go off-line. This results in effectively
produce SNG within a few hours after arrival of the system at the job site. unlimited turndown.
The amount of air mixed into the LPG vapor stream must be precisely The sendout pressure, and the ON/OFF setpoints for the Venturi assemblies
controlled to make good SNG. Most important for the compatibility of SNG can easily be adjusted through simple inputs at the touchscreen. All PLC-
with natural gas is the Wobbe Index, which is a measure of the equipped systems offer a number of convenient system status information
interchangeability of two fuel screens. Among them are trend graphics for all system pressures, alarm
gases. Gases with similar history screens, and event recordings (pressing a button, starting/stopping
Wobbe Index have similar the system, etc.).
energy transfer through a given
orifice at a given pressure, The trend graphics typically record pressure data in 15-second intervals.
allowing use of either fuel gas without changing the burner settings. The Four days of data are kept in volatile memory. Up to 2 years of trend data,
Wobbe Index of “standard” Natural Gas is 1291 (1000 BTU/cuft; S.G. = 0.6). alarm data, and event data are stored with date and time stamp on a
Adjusting LPG/Air to a specific gravity of 1.3 yields a mixed gas with a very standard SD card or on a USB thumb drive and can be recalled any time.
similar Wobbe Index (1480 BTU/cuft; S.G. = 1.3; WI = 1298), allowing
changeovers from one gas to the other without any changes to the setup of
the connected loads.
Main Components of Low-Pressure NatGas Backup Systems
with Hallberg Venturi and Water Bath Vaporizer
Features and Specifications
General Specifications
Model Number Nominal Number of Number of Surge Tank Liquid Mixed Gas Approximate Approximate
System Venturis2 Venturis2 Capacity Inlet Outlet System Size Shipping
Capacity1 5 to 8 psi 9 to 15 psi US-gal Connection Connection in inches (m) Weight
MMBTU/h Systems Systems (m³) @ Vaporizer @ Surge Tank WxLxH lbs (kg)
WB - 168 / HVS - 14 MM 14 2 N/A 120 (0.450) 3-inch 150# 4650 (2110)
Raised Face
WB - 208 / HVS - 17 MM 17 2 N/A 120 (0.450) ANSI Flange 4650 (2110)
WB - 258 / HVS - 20 MM 20 2 2 120 (0.450) 1-inch 300# or 4650 (2110)
Raised Face DN80 PN10 W = 60” / 1.52m
WB - 308 / HVS - 27 MM 27 3 N/A 120 (0.450) ANSI Flange DIN Flange L = 132” / 3.35m 4700 (2130)
H = 112” / 2.54m
WB - 358 / HVS - 30 MM 30 3 3 120 (0.450) 5180 (2350)
4-inch 150#
WB - 408 / HVS - 37 MM 37 4 N/A 120 (0.450) or Raised Face 5230 (2375)
ANSI Flange
WB - 458 / HVS - 40 MM 40 4 4 120 (0.450) 5230 (2375)
DN25 PN40 or
WB - 555 / HVS - 50 MM 50 5 5 250 (0.950) DIN Flange 6700 (3040)
W = 72” / 1.83m
WB - 755 / HVS - 60 MM 60 6 6 250 (0.950) DN100 PN10 L = 142” / 3.61m 8200 (3720)
DIN Flange H = 112” / 2.54m
WB - 855 / HVS - 70 MM 70 7 7 250 (0.950) 8250 (3740)
WB - 1005 / HVS - 80 MM 80 8 8 500 (1.893) 12000 (5440)
6-inch 150#
WB - 1005 / HVS - 90 MM 90 9 9 500 (1.893) Raised Face 12050 (5465)
ANSI Flange
WB - 1205 / HVS - 100 MM 100 10 10 500 (1.893) W = 78” / 1.98m 12100 (5490)
L = 164” / 4.17m
WB - 1505 / HVS - 110 MM 110 11 11 500 (1.893) or H = 112” / 2.54m 12150 (5510)
WB - 1505 / HVS - 120 MM 120 12 12 500 (1.893) DN150 PN10 12200 (5530)
DIN Flange
WB - 1505 / HVS - 130 MM 130 13 13 500 (1.893) 2-inch 300# 12250 (5560)
Raised Face
WB - 1805 / HVS - 140 MM 140 14 14 1000 (3.785) ANSI Flange
WB - 1805 / HVS - 150 MM 150 15 15 1000 (3.785)
WB - 1805 / HVS - 160 MM 160 16 16 1000 (3.785) 8-inch 150#
DN50 PN25 Raised Face
WB - 2005 / HVS - 170 MM 170 17 17 1000 (3.785) DIN Flange ANSI Flange
WB - 2005 / HVS - 180 MM 180 18 18 1000 (3.785) Contact Factory
WB - 2205 / HVS - 190 MM 190 19 19 1000 (3.785)
DN200 PN10
WB - 2205 / HVS - 200 MM 200 20 20 1000 (3.785) DIN Flange
WB - 2505 / HVS - 210 MM 210 21 21 1000 (3.785)
WB - 2505 / HVS - 220 MM 220 22 22 1000 (3.785)
Nominal Capacity for Propane/Butane @ 0°F Liquid Inlet Temperature. 2 Actual number of venturi arrangements may vary with desired mixed gas pressure.
Weights and dimensions are approximate and for standard configurations only. Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Features and Specifications
Control System Components and Configuration
Standard Vaporizer Safety Features
Electronic Flame Safe Guard Honeywell 7800-Series; PLC Input with Status Indication at Operator Interface; Alarm History.
Low Burner Fuel Gas Pressure
Flame Safe Guard Interlock; PLC Input with Status Indication at Operator Interface; Alarm History.
High Burner Fuel Gas Pressure
Low Water Level Cutoff
Safety System (Performance Level 4 [SIL3]); Flame Safe Guard Interlock;
High Bath Temperature Limit
PLC Input with Status Indication at Operator Interface; Alarm History.
Flame Safe Guard Trouble Alarm
Safety System (Performance Level 4 [SIL3]);
Dual E-Stop Circuits
PLC Input with Status Indication at Operator Interface; Alarm History.
Smart; Pressure and Temperature transmitters in Vapor Outlet;
Liquid Carryover Protection
selectable LPG Type; adjustable Safety Margin; Alarm History; adjustable Alarm Delay.
Properly Sized for Vaporizer Capacity; UL listed relief valves for vaporizers with ASME “U”-Stamp; CE marked
Relief Valve for Vaporization Tubes
relief valves for export into European countries.
Relief Valve for Burner Gas Train Second-stage Burner Fuel Regulator with internal relief; relief pipe routed to outside of vaporizer control room
20% LEL Warning; 40% LEL Shutdown Alarm; Sensor Trouble warning; Alarms & Warnings in Alarm History;
Option: Gas Leak Monitor in Control Room
Alarms integrated into Safety System (Performance Level 4 [SIL3]); PLC Input with Status Indication
Standard language is English; standard engineering units are “US” (psig, °F, inWC, etc.);
when operator interfaces are configured for second language (Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Polish, Turkish,
Display Language and Engineering Units
German, French) and/or second engineering units “SI”, the selection of language and engineering units is a
simple input at the startup screen of the operator interface.
Password-protected login for multiple users with multiple credentials; remote monitoring and control through built
Local Operation and -in VNC server; open-source VNC client software is included with system manual; access restrictions and login
Remote Monitoring and Control requirements are the same for local operation and remote monitoring and control; remote monitoring and control
requires “visible” connection to private or public Ethernet network.
System Control Configuration shown is “typical”. Customized system control configurations are available. Please contact factory with your specific requirements.
For additional design and feature details of the WB-vaporizers, please review the “LPG Water Bath Vaporizers” brochure.
High Pressure Option: Compressed Air Requirements (for Propane [HD-5] and Specific Gravities between 1.28 and 1.31)
The High Pressure, air-assist option is Approximate Compressed Air Requirements Approximate Compressed Air Requirements
available for all AES venturi mixer systems. Model Number Air Supply Model Number Air Supply
This consist of a separate air pressure WB - 168 / HVS - 14 MM 76 cfm @ 100 psi WB - 1505 / HVS - 110 MM 592 cfm @ 100 psi
regulator and associated controls for each WB - 208 / HVS - 17 MM 92 cfm @ 100 psi WB - 1505 / HVS - 120 MM 646 cfm @ 100 psi
venturi train. Using this option, discharge WB - 258 / HVS - 20 MM 108 cfm @ 100 psi WB - 1505 / HVS - 130 MM 699 cfm @ 100 psi
pressures of up to 40 psi can be generated. WB - 308 / HVS - 27 MM 145 cfm @ 100 psi WB - 1805 / HVS - 140 MM 753 cfm @ 100 psi
WB - 358 / HVS - 30 MM 161 cfm @ 100 psi WB - 1805 / HVS - 150 MM 807 cfm @ 100 psi
The table on the right shows the air WB - 408 / HVS - 37 MM 199 cfm @ 100 psi WB - 1805 / HVS - 160 MM 861 cfm @ 100 psi
requirements for various system sizes. The WB - 458 / HVS - 40 MM 215 cfm @ 100 psi WB - 2005 / HVS - 170 MM 915 cfm @ 100 psi
numbers are based on propane as the LPG WB - 555 / HVS - 50 MM 269 cfm @ 100 psi WB - 2005 / HVS - 180 MM 968 cfm @ 100 psi
feedstock and include a 15% safety margin WB - 755 / HVS - 60 MM 323 cfm @ 100 psi WB - 2205 / HVS - 190 MM 1022 cfm @ 100 psi
for specific gravities of 1.28 to 1.31, allowing
WB - 855 / HVS - 70 MM 377 cfm @ 100 psi WB - 2205 / HVS - 200 MM 1076 cfm @ 100 psi
the mixed gas to be a direct replacement for
WB - 1005 / HVS - 80 MM 430 cfm @ 100 psi WB - 2505 / HVS - 210 MM 1130 cfm @ 100 psi
typical natural gas with a calorific value of
WB - 1005 / HVS - 90 MM 484 cfm @ 100 psi WB - 2505 / HVS - 220 MM 1185 cfm @ 100 psi
1000 BTU/cuft and a specific gravity of 0.6.
WB - 1205 / HVS - 100 MM 538 cfm @ 100 psi Actual requirements depend on application and may vary!
Communication Options
Alternate Energy Systems, Inc. uses Siemens S7-1200 or Allen-Bradley
MicroLogix-1400 Programmable Logic Controllers in all our products. Both Example of a Control System for a WB/HVS Mixer
PLCs have an integrated Ethernet interface for communication with the with Wireless Ethernet Connection to a Plant Network
Electronic Operator Interface (EOI), and for communication with external
devices such as plant monitoring systems. 1 PLC
2 Operator Interface
The operator interfaces have color LCD displays with touch screen for intuitive
3 Ethernet Switch/Router
system operation. The standard EOI is a 9-inch panel with high-resolution
4 Optional Wireless Ethernet
screen (1024x768).
If additional control functions are integrated into the vaporizer/mixer controls, 5 Antenna for line-of-sight
such as the control of liquid transfer pumps or the control of a test flare, size of connection to control room
the Operator Interface may be optionally increased to 10”, 12”, or 15”..
All systems are prepared for remote monitoring and control through a built-in
VNC server. As long as the system is connected to an accessible Ethernet
Network, it can be monitored and/or controlled from “anywhere”. Open-source
VNC client software is included with the system manual and can be installed on
as many PCs or Laptops as desired without a license fee. Access restrictions
and login requirements are the same for local operation and remote monitoring
and control.
Other communication options, i.e. Profibus DP, Modbus, etc. are available as
For locations without network connection we can provide a wireless Ethernet
Bridge that can connect the system to a plant network without the expensive
installation of communications cable (see example on right).
Please call AES if you require non-standard communication solutions.
from Grade)
from Grade)
Skid Length
Skid Length
Water Bath
Water Bath
Water Bath
Liquid Inlet
Mixed Gas
Mixed Gas
Skid Width
from skid)
from skid)
AES-WBHVS-19Feb16 6
Approximate Dimensions
120 gal
Surge Tank
66”x72”x90” 66”x36”x90”
(W x D x H) (W x D x H)
Optional Standard
Extended Full Size
Control Control
Room Room
66”x72”x90” 66”x36”x90”
(W x D x H) (W x D x H)
(W x D x H)
AES-WBHVS-19Feb16 7
Who is Alternate Energy Systems, Inc. ?
After working for other manufacturers of LPG vaporizers and LPG / air systems for several years, John E. Hallberg
founded Alternate Energy Systems, Inc. in 1974 in Peachtree City, located just 20 minutes south-west of the Atlanta
airport. He successfully set out to design and manufacture products which were superior to those of his competitors. As
a result, AES became very quickly known as the innovative manufacturer of quality products. Soon, the customer list
included a representative cross-section of the Fortune 500 companies in the U.S.
Through the years, AES has constantly added new products, and has further
improved the design of existing products, keeping us ahead of the
competition. Several designs, including those for LPG/Air mixing systems,
were awarded national and international patents.
AES is committed to serving customers in the U.S. and abroad through a network of sales specialists, technical support
personnel, distributors and installers.
Please visit our web site at www.altenergy.com for updated versions of all data sheets, price lists, application notes, a
list of authorized distributors, and other documents that are only available online.
Phone 770-487-8596
Fax 770-631-4306
Toll Free 800-410-9161
E-Mail [email protected]
WebSite www.altenergy.com
AES-WBHVS-19Feb16 8