AUTOSAR CP SWS MemoryMapping

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Specification of Memory Mapping


Document Title Specification of Memory Mapping

Document Owner AUTOSAR
Document Responsibility AUTOSAR
Document Identification No 128

Document Status published

Part of AUTOSAR Standard Classic Platform
Part of Standard Release R23-11

Document Change History

Date Release Changed by Description
AUTOSAR • Clarify usage of GLOBAL and LOCAL
2023-11-23 R23-11 Release coreScope
Management • Improve document readability
• Correction of inconsistent MAKW
patterns and examples
2022-11-24 Release • Resolve incompatibility to [constr_4103]
Management • Add 64bit alignment support

• Deprecate compiler abstraction

• POWER_ON_INIT behaviour does not
match ComputerRuntimeInitialization
2021-11-25 R21-11 Release • Deprecate compiler abstraction
• Description regarding alignment is too
strict for some targets
2020-11-30 R20-11 Release • No content changes
• Clarify NO-INIT policy

• Clarify caseness of VendorApiInfix

• Clarify usage of core scope
2019-11-28 R19-11 Release
Management • Update of referenced pictures

• Changed Document Status from Final to


1 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

• Support splitting of modules in
allocatable memory parts
AUTOSAR • Clarify handling of configuration data
2018-10-31 4.4.0 Release
Management • Additional minor corrections /
clarifications / editorial changes; For
details please refer to the Change
AUTOSAR • Amend explanatory text
2017-12-08 4.3.1 Release
Management • Editorial changes
• Support dedicated allocation of pointer
Release • Remove obsolete specification content
2016-11-30 4.3.0
Management • Amend examples

• Editorial changes
• Support core scope specific memory
AUTOSAR allocation
2015-07-31 4.2.2 Release
• Clean up requirement tracing
• editorial changes
• Support partitioning of BSW for safety

AUTOSAR • Remove obsolete memory sections in

Release Recommendation A
2014-10-31 4.2.1
Management • Clarifications about the handling of SIZE

• editorial changes
AUTOSAR • Clarify usage of <X> in recovery and
Release saved data zone
2014-03-31 4.1.3
Management • editorial changes
2013-10-31 4.1.2 Release • Clarify usage of default section

2 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

• Consistent naming pattern for memory
allocation keywords

• pre-define M1 values for the option

attribute of MemorySection and
2013-03-15 4.1.1 • added configuration for Compiler

• support BSW module specific MemMap

header files

• recommended memory allocation

keywords are reworked
• Consistent naming pattern for memory
allocation keywords is introduced
2011-12-22 4.0.3
Administration • Refine definition the <PREFIX> part in
memory allocation keywords
• ECU Configuration Parameters for
MemMap defined

• Define generation of MemMap header


• New standardised Memory Allocation

Keywords for new initialisation policy

• Refinement of <SIZE> suffix of Memory

Allocation Keywords to <ALIGNMENT>
AUTOSAR • Clarify link MetaModel attribute values,
2009-12-18 4.0.1
– Define MemorySectionType and
SectionInitializationPolicy for the
standardised Memory Allocation
– Define that <NAME> used for Memory
Allocation Keywords is the
MemorySection shortName

• Application hint for usage of INLINE and


• Handling structs, arrays and unions


3 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

• Typo errors are corrected throughout the

• Memory Mapping section has been

AUTOSAR extended for application SWC
2010-02-02 3.1.4
• Common Published information has
been updated

• Legal disclaimer revised

2008-08-13 3.1.1 • Legal disclaimer revised
• In MEMMAP004,all size postfixes for
memory segment names were listed, the
keyword ’BOOLEAN was added, taking
into account the particular cases where
boolean data need to be mapped in a
particular segment.

• In MEMMAP004 and
2006-11-28 2.1 SWS_MemMap_00021,tables are
defining the mapping segments
associated to #pragmas instructions,
adding some new segments to take into
account some implementation cases

• Document meta information extended

• Small layout adaptations made

2006-05-16 2.0 • Initial Release

4 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping


This work (specification and/or software implementation) and the material contained in
it, as released by AUTOSAR, is for the purpose of information only. AUTOSAR and the
companies that have contributed to it shall not be liable for any use of the work.
The material contained in this work is protected by copyright and other types of intel-
lectual property rights. The commercial exploitation of the material contained in this
work requires a license to such intellectual property rights.
This work may be utilized or reproduced without any modification, in any form or by
any means, for informational purposes only. For any other purpose, no part of the work
may be utilized or reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in
writing from the publisher.
The work has been developed for automotive applications only. It has neither been
developed, nor tested for non-automotive applications.
The word AUTOSAR and the AUTOSAR logo are registered trademarks.

5 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

1 Introduction and functional overview 8

2 Acronyms and Abbreviations 9

3 Related documentation 10
3.1 Input documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.2 Related standards and norms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.3 Related specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4 Constraints and assumptions 12
4.1 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.2 Applicability to car domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
5 Dependencies to other modules 13
5.1 File structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
5.1.1 Code file structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
5.1.2 Header file structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
6 Requirements traceability 15

7 Functional specification 17
7.1 General issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
7.2 Mapping of variables and code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
7.2.1 Requirements on implementations using memory mapping
header files for BSW Modules and Software Components . . 18 Splitting of modules in allocatable memory parts . . 24 config constants versus non-config constants . . . . 25 Variable Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Constant and Calibration Sections . . . . . . . . . . 28 Code Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
7.2.2 Requirements on memory mapping header files . . . . . . . 36
7.3 Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
7.3.1 Code Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
7.3.2 Fast Variable Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
7.3.3 Code Section in ICC2 cluster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
7.3.4 Callout sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
7.3.5 Allocatable Memory Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
8 API specification 56

9 Sequence diagrams 57

10 Configuration specification 58
10.1 How to read this chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
10.2 Containers and configuration parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

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Specification of Memory Mapping

10.2.1 MemMap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
10.2.2 MemMapAddressingModeSet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
10.2.3 MemMapAddressingMode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
10.2.4 MemMapAllocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
10.2.5 MemMapGenericMapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
10.2.6 MemMapSectionSpecificMapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
10.2.7 MemMapMappingSelector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
10.3 Published Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
11 Analysis 70
11.1 Memory allocation of variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
11.2 Memory allocation of constant variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
11.3 Memory allocation of code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
A Appendix 74
A.1 Referenced Meta Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
A.2 Specification Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
A.2.1 Added Specification Items in R23-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
A.2.2 Changed Specification Items in R23-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
A.2.3 Deleted Specification Items in R23-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
A.3 Not applicable requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

7 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

1 Introduction and functional overview

This document specifies mechanisms for the mapping of code and data to specific
memory sections via memory mapping files. For many ECUs and microcontroller plat-
forms it is of utmost necessity to be able to map code, variables and constants module
wise to specific memory sections. Selection of important use cases:
Avoidance of waste of RAM
Besides symbols with defined alignment (e.g. code) further symbols of different align-
ment (e.g. 8, 16 and 64 bit) and size have to be allocated. If unsorted, the linker will
leave gaps in the memory in between those symbols. This is because the microcon-
troller platform requires a specific alignment of those symbols and the linkers usually
do not offer an optimization of variable allocation. This wastage of memory can be cir-
cumvented if the symbol are mapped to specific memory sections depending on their
alignment. So an according mean is provided where required.
Usage of specific RAM properties
Some variables (e.g. the RAM mirrors of the NVRAM Manager) must not be initialized
after a non cold-power-on resets. It shall be possible to map them to a RAM section
that is not initialized at any reset except cold-power-on-reset. For some variables (e.g.
variables that are accessed via bit masks) it improves both performance and code size
if these are located within a RAM section that allows bit manipulation instructions of
the compiler.
Usage of specific ROM properties
In large ECUs with external flash memory there is the requirement to map modules
with functions that are called very often to the internal flash memory that allows for fast
access and thus higher performance. Modules with functions that are called rarely or
that have lower performance requirements are mapped to external flash memory that
has slower access.
Usage of the same source code of a module for boot loader and application
If a module shall be used both in different contexts (e.g. boot loader and applica-
tion), it is necessary to allow the mapping of symbols to different memory sections. A
mechanism for mapping of code and data to memory sections that is supported by all
compilers listed in chapter 3.1 is the usage of pragmas. As #pragmas are very com-
piler specific, a mechanism that makes use of those #pragmas in a standardized way
has to be specified.
Support of Memory Protection and Partitioning
The usage of hardware memory protection requires an assignment of symbols to par-
titions. Therefore an additional separation of symbols into different memory (partition)
areas is needed. Such shall be realized by identifying the BSW module or SWC MSN
or additional feature prefixes as well as related software addressing methods.

8 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

2 Acronyms and Abbreviations

The glossary below includes acronyms and abbreviations relevant to the Memory Map-
ping specification that are not included in the [1, AUTOSAR glossary].

Abbreviation / Acronym: Description:

BSW Basic Software
ISR Interrupt Service Routine
NVRAM Non-Volatile RAM
MAKW Memory Allocation Key Word

Table 2.1: Abbreviations and Acronyms

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Specification of Memory Mapping

3 Related documentation

3.1 Input documents

[1] Glossary
[2] General Specification of Basic Software Modules
[3] General Requirements on Basic Software Modules
[4] Software Component Template
[5] Basic Software Module Description Template
[6] Methodology for Classic Platform
[7] Guide to BSW Distribution
[8] Specification of RTE Software
[9] Cosmic C Cross Compiler User’s Guide for Motorola MC68HC12, V4.5
[10] ARM ADS compiler manual
[11] GreenHills MULTI for V850 V4.0.5
Building Applications for Embedded V800, V4.0, 30.1.2004
[12] TASKING for ST10 V8.5
C166/ST10 v8.5 C Cross-Compiler User’s Manual, V5.16
[13] TASKING for ST10 V8.5
C166/ST10 v8.5 C Cross-Assembler, Linker/Locator, Utilities User’s Manual,

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Specification of Memory Mapping

3.2 Related standards and norms

Not applicable.

3.3 Related specification

AUTOSAR provides a General Specification on Basic Software modules [2, SWS BSW
General], which is also valid for SWS Memory Mapping.

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Specification of Memory Mapping

4 Constraints and assumptions

4.1 Limitations
The user interface of the memory allocation mechanisms is assumed to be supported
by any ANSI-C compiler. Instead the implementation of the abstraction inside the
memory mapping header files is hardware, compiler and compiler version specific and
results in specific #pragmas. So the mode sets made available to the mechanism
need to reflect this limitation to be able to map to it accordingly.

A dedicated pack-control of structures is not supported. Hence global set-up

passed via compiler / linker parameters has to be used. A dedicated alignment
control of code, variables and constants is not supported. Hence affected objects
shall be assigned to different sections or a global setting passed via compiler / linker
parameters has to be used.

Originally during specification of abstraction and validation of concept the com-

pilers listed in chapter 3.1 have been considered. The mechanism is limited to those
and other compilers supporting the user interface and according #pragma abstraction.

4.2 Applicability to car domains

No restrictions.

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Specification of Memory Mapping

5 Dependencies to other modules

[SWS_MemMap_00020] dThe SWS Memory Mapping is applicable for each
AUTOSAR basic software module and software component. Therefore the imple-
mentation of memory mapping files shall fulfill the implementation and configura-
tion specific needs of each software module in a specific build scenario. See
also [SWS_MemMap_00038], [SWS_MemMap_00003], [SWS_MemMap_00018] and
[SWS_MemMap_00001].c(SRS_BSW_00384, SRS_BSW_00351)

5.1 File structure

5.1.1 Code file structure

Not applicable.

5.1.2 Header file structure

[SWS_MemMap_00028] dThe Memory Mapping shall provide a BSW memory map-

ping header file if any of the BSW Module Descriptions is describing a Depen-
dencyOnArtifact as requiredArtifact.DependencyOnArtifact.category
= MEMMAP In this case the file name of the BSW memory mapping header file name
is defined by the attribute value
tifactDescriptor.shortLabel in the BSW Module Description.c(SRS_BSW_-
00465, SRS_BSW_00415, SRS_BSW_00351, SRS_BSW_00464)
Please note that [SWS_MemMap_00028] does support that either several BSW Mod-
ule Descriptions contributing to the same file (e.g MemMap.h for legacy code) or that
the same BSW Module Description specifies a set of memory mapping header files
with differnt names for example in case of a BSW Module Description of an ICC2 clus-
For instance:

Results in the generation of the requested Memory Allocation Key Words in the file

13 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

[SWS_MemMap_00032] dFor each basic software module description which is part

of the input configuration a basic software module specific memory mapping header
file {Mip}_MemMap.h shall be provided by the Memory Mapping if the BSW Module
Descriptions is NOT describing a DependencyOnArtifact as requiredArtifact.
DependencyOnArtifact.category = MEMMAP. Hereby {Mip} is composed accord-
ing <Msn>[_<vi>_<ai>] for basic software modules where
• <Msn> is the shortName (case sensitive) of the BswModuleDescription
• <vi> is the vendorId of the BSW module
• <ai> is the vendorApiInfix of the BSW module
The sub part in squared brackets [_<vi>_<ai>] is omitted if no vendorApiInfix is
defined for the Basic Software Module which indicates that it does not use multiple in-
stantiation.c(SRS_BSW_00465, SRS_BSW_00415, SRS_BSW_00351, SRS_BSW_-

«header» BSW module


Figure 5.1: Basic Software Module specific memory mapping header file

Please note:
The approach of basic software module specific memory mapping header files imple-
ments the pattern of a user specific file split as specified in [SRS_BSW_00415]. The
concrete name pattern defined in [SWS_MemMap_00032] is deviating from the naming
scheme of [SRS_BSW_00415] since the module and user relationship is interpreted
from the opposite way around.
[SWS_MemMap_00029] dFor each software component type which is part of the input
configuration a software component type specific memory mapping header file {com-
ponentTypeName}_MemMap.h shall be provided by the Memory Mapping.c(SRS_-
BSW_00465, SRS_BSW_00415, SRS_BSW_00351, SRS_BSW_00464)

«header» SWC

Figure 5.2: Software Component type specific memory mapping header file

14 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

6 Requirements traceability
The following tables references the requirements specified in [3] and links to the fulfill-
ment of these. Please note that if column ’Satisfied by’ is empty for a specific require-
ment this means that this requirement is not fulfilled by this document.
Requirement Description Satisfied by
[RS_Arti_00028] The locating process shall allow [SWS_MemMap_00038] [SWS_MemMap_00060]
grouping of "traceables" into separate [SWS_MemMap_00061] [SWS_MemMap_00062]
memory regions. [SWS_MemMap_00063] [SWS_MemMap_00064]
[SWS_MemMap_00070] [SWS_MemMap_00071]
[SWS_MemMap_00072] [SWS_MemMap_00073]
[SWS_MemMap_00080] [SWS_MemMap_00081]
[SWS_MemMap_00082] [SWS_MemMap_00083]
[SRS_BSW_00006] The source code of software modules [SWS_MemMap_00003] [SWS_MemMap_00005]
above the µC Abstraction Layer [SWS_MemMap_00006] [SWS_MemMap_00010]
(MCAL) shall not be processor and [SWS_MemMap_00036]
compiler dependent.
[SRS_BSW_00306] AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules [SWS_MemMap_00003] [SWS_MemMap_00005]
shall be compiler and platform [SWS_MemMap_00006] [SWS_MemMap_00010]
independent [SWS_MemMap_00015] [SWS_MemMap_00016]
[SWS_MemMap_00018] [SWS_MemMap_00023]
[SRS_BSW_00328] All AUTOSAR Basic Software [SWS_MemMap_00001] [SWS_MemMap_00005]
Modules shall avoid the duplication of
[SRS_BSW_00345] BSW Modules shall support [SWS_MemMap_00003]
pre-compile configuration
[SRS_BSW_00351] Encapsulation of compiler specific [SWS_MemMap_00002] [SWS_MemMap_00003]
methods to map objects [SWS_MemMap_00005] [SWS_MemMap_00006]
[SWS_MemMap_00007] [SWS_MemMap_00010]
[SWS_MemMap_00011] [SWS_MemMap_00013]
[SWS_MemMap_00015] [SWS_MemMap_00016]
[SWS_MemMap_00018] [SWS_MemMap_00020]
[SWS_MemMap_00022] [SWS_MemMap_00023]
[SWS_MemMap_00026] [SWS_MemMap_00027]
[SWS_MemMap_00028] [SWS_MemMap_00029]
[SWS_MemMap_00032] [SWS_MemMap_00033]
[SWS_MemMap_00034] [SWS_MemMap_00035]
[SWS_MemMap_00036] [SWS_MemMap_00037]
[SWS_MemMap_00038] [SWS_MemMap_00039]
[SWS_MemMap_00040] [SWS_MemMap_00041]
[SWS_MemMap_00042] [SWS_MemMap_00060]
[SWS_MemMap_00061] [SWS_MemMap_00062]
[SWS_MemMap_00063] [SWS_MemMap_00064]
[SWS_MemMap_00070] [SWS_MemMap_00071]
[SWS_MemMap_00072] [SWS_MemMap_00073]
[SWS_MemMap_00080] [SWS_MemMap_00081]
[SWS_MemMap_00082] [SWS_MemMap_00083]
[SRS_BSW_00384] The Basic Software Module [SWS_MemMap_00020]
specifications shall specify at least in
the description which other modules
they require
[SRS_BSW_00415] Interfaces which are provided [SWS_MemMap_00028] [SWS_MemMap_00029]
exclusively for one module shall be [SWS_MemMap_00032]
separated into a dedicated header file

15 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Requirement Description Satisfied by
[SRS_BSW_00437] Memory mapping shall provide the [SWS_MemMap_00006] [SWS_MemMap_00038]
possibility to define RAM segments [SWS_MemMap_00060] [SWS_MemMap_00061]
which are not to be initialized during [SWS_MemMap_00062] [SWS_MemMap_00063]
startup [SWS_MemMap_00064] [SWS_MemMap_00070]
[SWS_MemMap_00071] [SWS_MemMap_00072]
[SWS_MemMap_00073] [SWS_MemMap_00080]
[SWS_MemMap_00081] [SWS_MemMap_00082]
[SRS_BSW_00441] Naming convention for type, macro [SWS_MemMap_00022]
and function
[SRS_BSW_00464] File names shall be considered case [SWS_MemMap_00028] [SWS_MemMap_00029]
sensitive regardless of the filesystem [SWS_MemMap_00032]
in which they are used
[SRS_BSW_00465] It shall not be allowed to name any [SWS_MemMap_00028] [SWS_MemMap_00029]
two files so that they only differ by the [SWS_MemMap_00032]
cases of their letters
[SRS_BSW_00477] The functional interfaces of [SWS_MemMap_00003] [SWS_MemMap_00018]
AUTOSAR BSW modules shall be [SWS_MemMap_00023]
specified in C99

Table 6.1: RequirementsTracing

16 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

7 Functional specification

7.1 General issues

The memory mapping files include the compiler and linker specific keywords for mem-
ory allocation into header and source files. These keywords control the assignment of
variables and functions to specific sections. Thereby implementations are independent
from compiler and microcontroller specific properties. The assignment of the sections
to dedicated memory areas / address ranges is not the scope of the memory mapping
file and is typically done via linker control files.
[SWS_MemMap_00001] dFor each build scenario (e.g. Boot loader, ECU Application)
an own set of memory mapping files has to be provided.c(SRS_BSW_00328)
[SWS_MemMap_00002] dThe memory mapping file name shall be {Mip}_MemMap.h
for basic software modules and {componentTypeName}_MemMap.h for software
components where {Mip} is the Module implementation prefix and {component-
TypeName} is the name of the software component type.c(SRS_BSW_00351)
Please note that the information of {Mip} is taken from the Basic Software Module
Description of the related BSW module as described in [SWS_MemMap_00028] and
[SWS_MemMap_00010] dIf a compiler/linker does not require specific commands to
implement the functionality of SWS Memory Mapping, the Memory Allocation Keyword
defines might be undefined without further effect.c(SRS_BSW_00006, SRS_BSW_-
00306, SRS_BSW_00351)
[SWS_MemMap_00036] dIf a compiler/linker does not support mandatory functionality
for the kind of MemorySection used by the BSW module or software component the
Memory Allocation Keyword shall be defined to raise an error.c(SRS_BSW_00006,
SRS_BSW_00306, SRS_BSW_00351)

Example 7.1
3 #endif

As described in [SWS_MemMap_00029] the number of files depends on the number

of SwComponentTypes in the input configuration. To determine the number of Mem-
orySections the applicable SwcImplementations have to be known. These are
described in an AUTOSAR environment with the SwcToImplMapping in the Sys-
temMapping and / or via ECU Configuration values RteImplementationRef in a
RteSwComponentType container.
Knowing the SwcImplementations provides as well the number of MemorySec-
tions which have to be identified for [SWS_MemMap_00027]. For more details about
the content of a SwcImplementation see document [4] and [5].

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Specification of Memory Mapping

Further on the total number of used MemorySections depends as well on the num-
ber of used BSW modules. These can be determined by the M1 instance of the
EcucValueCollection which refers to the MemMap’s EcucModuleConfigura-
tionValues. This EcucValueCollection refers as well to EcucModuleCon-
figurationValues of other Bsw Modules which refer again to BswImplementa-
tions via moduleDescription references. Knowing the BswImplementations
provides as well the number of MemorySections which have to be identified for
[SWS_MemMap_00026]. For more details about the content of a BswImplementa-
tion see document [5].
In [6] further information is provided how Memory Mapping is used in the AUTOSAR

7.2 Mapping of variables and code

7.2.1 Requirements on implementations using memory mapping header files

for BSW Modules and Software Components

[SWS_MemMap_00038] gives a recommendation to the granularity in which the differ-

ent types of variables and code should be allocated in a C implementation. The ref-
erenced subsection, and subsection defines the recommended
names for those memory allocation keywords. Nevertheless a implementation may
deviate from this recommendations, e.g. to implement supplementary requirements.
[SWS_MemMap_00038] d
Each AUTOSAR basic software module and software component should support the
configuration of at least the following different Section Types:
• VAR as described in [SWS_MemMap_00060].
• VAR_FAST as described in [SWS_MemMap_00061].
• VAR_SLOW as described in [SWS_MemMap_00062].
• INTERNAL_VAR as described in [SWS_MemMap_00063].
• VAR_SAVED_ZONE as described in [SWS_MemMap_00064].
• CONST as described in [SWS_MemMap_00070].
• CONST_SAVED_RECOVERY_ZONE as described in [SWS_MemMap_00071].
• CONFIG_DATA as described in [SWS_MemMap_00072].
• CALIB as described in [SWS_MemMap_00073].
• CODE as described in [SWS_MemMap_00080].
• CODE_FAST as described in [SWS_MemMap_00081].

18 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

• CODE_SLOW as described in [SWS_MemMap_00082].

• CALLOUT_CODE as described in [SWS_MemMap_00083].
It is allowed to add module specific sections as they are mapped and thus are config-
urable within the module’s configuration file.
The shortcut {ALIGNMENT} means the typical variable alignment. In order to avoid
memory gaps variables are allocated separately according their size for the kind of
memory sections where a high amount of variables is expected, e.g. VAR. Hereby
it is the task of the implementer to ensure the proper granularity by defining memory
sections with different {ALIGNMENT} postfixes for variables of different element sizes
as described below.
It is the integrator’s job to ensure via appropriate memory mapping configuration (i.e.
using the proper alignment #pragmas or omitting them at all to let the compiler decide)
that the platform specific alignment requirements of objects of the respective size are
honored. Thereby the effective alignment can deviate from the {ALIGNMENT} post-fix.
BOOLEAN, used for variables and constants of size 1 bit
8, used for variables and constants which typically have to be aligned to 8 bit. For
instance used for variables and constants of size 8 bit or used for composite data
types: arrays, structs and unions containing elements of maximum 8 bits.
16, used for variables and constants which typically have to be aligned to 16 bit. For
instance used for variables and constants of size 16 bit or used for composite data
types: arrays, structs and unions containing elements of maximum 16 bits.
32, used for variables and constants which typically have to be aligned to 32 bit. For
instance used for variables and constants of size 32 bit or used for composite data
types: arrays, structs and unions containing elements of maximum 32 bits.
64, used for variables and constants which typically have to be aligned to 64 bit. For
instance used for variables and constants of size 64 bit or used for composite data
types: arrays, structs and unions containing elements of maximum 64 bits.
PTR, used for variables and constants whose value is the address of another variable,
so called pointers.
UNSPECIFIED, used for variables, constants, structure, array and unions when size
(alignment) does not fit the criteria of 8,16, 32, 64 bit or PTR. For instance used for
variables and constants of unknown size
In case structures and unions, it shall be allowed to use an alignment larger than the
bit size of the elements. For instance to facilitate copy instruction a structure may have
minimum 2 byte alignment, even if members are byte aligned. In this case, it should be
possible to use alignment 16 bit instead of 8 bit for this structure.
Note: The (embedded) application binary interface ((E)ABI) of some target architec-
tures (e.g., TriCore) imposes additional alignment requirements on aggregate types
type (e.g., structs) depending on the size of the structure. Those additional constraints

19 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

do not need to be taken in consideration when selecting the {ALIGNMENT} post-fix of

the Memory Allocation Keyword for variables and constants of those aggregate types.
The shortcut {INIT_POLICY} means the initialization policy of variables. Possible
INIT_POLICY postfixes are:
• CLEARED, used for not explicitly initialized variables.
• INIT, used for initialized variables. This are typically explicitly initialized vari-
ables, but it can be also used for not explicitly initialized variables to be able to
mix up both types to deal with legacy code.
• POWER_ON_CLEARED, used for variables that are not explicitly initialized (cleared)
during normal start-up. Instead these are cleared only after either a power on
reset of the microcontroller or a power on reset of a battery backup memory itself
after battery loss.
For more details and examples please refer to the table below.
Note: The postfixes NO_INIT and POWER_ON_INIT are still supported but deprecated
and will be removed in one of the next releases.
Use INIT or CLEARED also for those variables which might be initialized at a later time
in the program flow, e.g. by an initialization routine. POWER_ON_CLEARED shall be
used for variables which shall survive resets only.
For optimizing the initialization at start-up, it is possible for any software vendor to apply
an initialization policy refinement inside the SwAddrMethod name, e.g.:
reset safe variables.
that the section contains NVRAM buffers.
to express that the memory is a special battery backup device.
• <PREFIX>_SEC_VAR_INIT_INDETERMINATE_QM_8, used to express that the
section contains NVRAM buffers.
• <PREFIX>_SEC_VAR_INIT_SELFINIT_QM_8, used to express that the mem-
ory is a special battery backup device.
Depending on the used SwAddrMethod one can derive options to map to individual
ModeSets and so to different memory devices in the target project.
Note 1: For microcontrollers / processors which are equipped with Error Correction
Codes (ECC), the hardware needs to initialize the according memory in case of under
voltage due to lost ECC. This includes:

20 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

• Any ’normal’ system RAM without external supply, which needs to be initialized
when the microcontroller voltage drops below a threshold as the ECC codes be-
come invalid. This usually happens in case of a cold power on reset.
• Any ’standby’ supplied RAM, which needs to be initialized when the standby volt-
age drops below a threshold and the ECC codes become invalid.
As a consequence POWER_ON_CLEARED symbols cannot be stored inside of those
memory areas.
Note 2: Please consider that microcontrollers / processors with embedded LBIST (Log-
ical Build In Self Test), MBIST (Memory Build In Self Test) will initialize a specified
amount of memory when those tests are executed. So these memory devices shall not
be used for POWER_ON_CLEARED.c(SRS_BSW_00437, SRS_BSW_00351, RS_-
Init Policy Allowed for Type Example Initializa- Behavior Note
CLEARED Not explicitly BSS uint8 my_bss; /* =0 */ any reset All objects are initialized to This is typically used for
initialized 0 or null pointer as per C not explicitly initialized
variables standard (6.7.8 objects with a static
Initialization clause 10). storage duration.

INIT Initialized DATA uint8 my_data=5; any reset, All objects are initialized This is typically used for
variables copytable according to their either initialized or not
execution initializer. explicitly initialized objects
with a static storage
BSS uint8 my_bss; /* =0 */ All objects are initialized to
0 or null pointer as per C
standard (6.7.8
Initialization clause 10). Note: Depending on the
used compiler it might not
be possible to combine
initialization due to limited

POWER_ON_ Power-on BSS uint8 my_bss; Cold All objects are initialized to This deviates from the C
CLEARED cleared PowerOn 0 or null pointer, but only standard as all objects
variables reset on Cold PowerOn reset or with a static storage
brownout reset. They are duration shall be initialized
not overwritten on a before program startup
regular warm reset (e.g. (5.1.2 Execution
software reset, watchdog environments).
reset, external reset).

Table 7.1: Summary of Init Behavior

21 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

[SWS_MemMap_00022] dThe keywords to be used before inclusion of the mem-

ory mapping header file shall use the templates <PREFIX>_START_SEC_<NAME> or
• <PREFIX> is the <MIP> for BSW modules, if no SectionNamePrefix is de-
fined for the MemorySection. <MIP> is the capitalized module implementation
prefix built according to [SWS_BSW_00102].
• <PREFIX> is the symbol (case sensitive) of the SectionNamePrefix for BSW
modules, if a SectionNamePrefix is defined for the MemorySection.
• <PREFIX> is the shortName (case sensitive) of the AtomicSwComponentType
for software components.
• <NAME> is the shortName of the MemorySection described in Basic Software
Module Description or a Software Component Description (case sensitive) if the
MemorySection has no symbol attribute defined.
• <NAME> is the symbol of the MemorySection described in Basic Software Mod-
ule Description or a Software Component Description (case sensitive) if the Mem-
orySection has a symbol attribute defined.
c(SRS_BSW_00441, SRS_BSW_00351)
Please note if the Memory Allocation Keywords shall appear in capital letters in the
code the related MemorySections in the Basic Software Module Description or Soft-
ware Component Description have to be named with capital letters.
[SWS_MemMap_00037] dThe part <NAME> from [SWS_MemMap_00022] may con-
tain the following ASIL keywords to indicate the restriction/qualifications: {safety} =
The {safety} tag is optional and indicates the maximum possible safety level. Down-
scaling in the project is possible inside memory mapping header files. If no {safety}
keyword is added the default shall be treated as QM (without any ASIL qualification).c
[SWS_MemMap_00039] dThe part <NAME> from [SWS_MemMap_00022] shall
contain the following {coreScope} keywords with the values GLOBAL as optional
default without restrictions in memory access and LOCAL as mandatory alternative
setting with restrictions in memory access to one desired core.

Consequently, the {coreScope} value GLOBAL shall not be written in the MAKW as

22 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

well as SwAddrMethod name.

The usage of {coreScope} LOCAL is limited to the section types it is specified

for. In addition for section types VAR, VAR_FAST, VAR_SLOW, INTERNAL_VAR the
usage of {coreScope} is only permitted for {INIT_POLICY} equal to CLEARED or
INIT. This restriction shall reduce the complexity of memory layouts and reduce the
amount of memory holes due to typical allocation restrictions valid for non initialized
memory sections.c(SRS_BSW_00351)

A detailed summary can be found in the following table. Further examples and
usage hints are mentioned below.

Core Valid for Rationale Useful

Scope in for
unset or variables A symbol can be accessed (read, write, execute) SWC
GLOBAL code by any core in global address space. Any BSW
constants ModeSet with GLOBAL core scope can be used as RTE
config data allocation target. Thus, a symbol can be allocated CDD
calibration close to a certain core using its GLOBAL
constants ModeSets.
GLOBAL scope shall be used for any user API
which shall be available to other BSW modules,
SWC or the RTE.
LOCAL variables A local symbol can be accessed (read, write, BSW
code execute) by the core it is mapped to only. Only CDD
constants ModeSets with LOCAL core scope of the desired
core can be used as allocation target.
Table 7.2: Summary of Core Scope Behavior

In this regard the [constr_1402] in the document [4] is defined.

• ADC_START_SEC_CODE - is allocated to GLOBAL scope, as GLOBAL is default
• PWM_KERNEL_START_SEC_CODE_LOCAL - is allocated to LOCAL scope and can
be mapped to a dedicated core using the unique prefix
Finally, it is an integrator decision to map memory section with the GLOBAL as well as
LOCAL property to a core specific memory section. For GLOBAL the allocation target
can be utilized to optimize the performance if the majority of memory accesses will
occur from a specific core.

When using LOCAL, one shall be aware that the call tree accessing the symbol
needs to be executed within at least the right core or at most the right partition on the

23 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

right core. This is because otherwise memory protection errors or access violations
might occur which usually lead to exceptional behaviour of the hardware.

More detailled recommendations on how to use the {coreScope} in an appro-

priate way can be found in the document [7].
[SWS_MemMap_00042] dFor all section types, the part <NAME> from
[SWS_MemMap_00022] may contain an optional vendor specific {refinement} tag.
It shall be used to refine the allocation or initialization behavior (variables only). The
used values are vendor specific and free of choice.c(SRS_BSW_00351)
Please note that the name part <NAME> according [SWS_MemMap_00022] is pro-
vided either by MemorySection.shortName or MemorySection.symbol. In order
to provide the safety information the name part according [SWS_MemMap_00037]
needs to be part of the MemorySection.shortName or MemorySection.sym-
bol respectively. To provide the core scope qualification the name part according
[SWS_MemMap_00039] needs to be part of the MemorySection.shortName or
Therefore the usual patterns for Memory Allocation Keywords are





Those are applied in the recommendations provided in subsection, and
subsection Splitting of modules in allocatable memory parts

To increase the performance some multi core architectures work with core local mem-
ory areas. As a consequence the access speed to specific memory areas depends
on the core where the code is executed. For instance a BSW module which is multi
core capable by implementation of the Master/Satellite-approach is usually beneficial
to split the interface of the BSW module from the "Master" functionality implemen-
tation. Another use case is to split a BSW module with several distinct features in
different memory parts. Those memory parts are typically composed out of a set of
sections (CODE, CONST, VAR) used or the implementation of the feature. This sup-
port that those memory parts can be assigned to set of physical controller memories
being close to the main user of the feature.

24 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

[SWS_MemMap_00040] dWhen a BSW module is split into allocatable memory parts

the <PREFIX> as described in [SWS_MemMap_00022] shall be build up according to
[constr_4103] of [5].c(SRS_BSW_00351)
[SWS_MemMap_00041] dWhen a BSW module is split into allocatable memory parts
all belonging MemorySections.prefix needs to reference a SectionNamePre-
Please note the example given in 7.3.5.

<Msn> <vi> <ai> SectionNamePre- Resulting Prefix

(if SectionNamePrefix is
Fls 142 Ext undefined FLS_142_EXT
Adc don’t care undefined ADC_FEATURE ADC_FEATURE
Adc don’t care undefined undefined ADC
Table 7.3: Summary of Section Name Prefix for BSW Modules config constants versus non-config constants

There are basically two different kinds of constants in the implementation of an

1. Constants which are used to implement a configurable behavior. For the different
config classes of config data (i.e. everything that is placed in <Mip>_Lcfg.c
and <Mip>_PBcfg.c) the syntax of Memory Allocation Keywords are:
{PREFIX}_STOP_SEC_CONFIG_DATA_{configClass}[_{refinement}][_ {safety}]_{ALIGNMENT}

Note: {configClass} may only be PREBUILD or POSTBUILD. Thereby PRE-

BUILD represents both Pre-Compile time and Link time configuration
See table 7.11.
2. Constants which are used to implement a fixed value which is not related to
the configuration methodology of AUTOSAR. For non-config constants (i.e. ev-
erything that is placed in <Mip>.[ch] or <Mip>_<Implementation Exten-
sion>.[ch]) the Syntax of Memory Allocation Keywords are:

See table 7.9.

25 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping
AUTOSAR CP R23-11 Variable Sections

The following tables define keywords for variable sections:

[SWS_MemMap_00060] d
Syntax of Memory Allocation {PREFIX}_START_SEC_VAR_{INIT_POLICY}[_{refinement}][_{safety}][_{core
Keyword Scope}]_{ALIGNMENT}
Description To be used for all global or static variables.
The name part _{refinement} shall be used to refine the allocation or initialization behavior.
The name part _{safety} shall contain the safety integrity level with at most one of the strings
QM, ASIL_A, ASIL_B, ASIL_C, ASIL_D. In case of QM the name part may be omitted.
The name part _{coreScope} shall contain the core scope qualification with at most one of the
strings GLOBAL, LOCAL. In case of GLOBAL the name part may be omitted.
In the related SwAddrMethod one option attribute shall describe the safety integrity level with the
possible values {safetyQM, safetyAsilA, safetyAsilB, safetyAsilC, safetyAsilD}. In case of safety
QM the attribute may be omitted.
In the related SwAddrMethod one option attribute shall describe the core scope qualification with
at most one of the possible values {coreGlobal, coreLocal}. In case of coreGlobal the attribute
may be omitted.
Memory Section Type VAR
Section Initialization Policy {INIT_POLICY}
Status –

Table 7.4: Section Type VAR

c(SRS_BSW_00437, SRS_BSW_00351, RS_Arti_00028)

[SWS_MemMap_00061] d
Syntax of Memory Allocation {PREFIX}_START_SEC_VAR_FAST_{INIT_POLICY}[_{refinement}][_{safety}]
Keyword [_{coreScope}]_{ALIGNMENT}
Description To be used for all global or static variables.
To be used for all global or static variables that have at least one of the following properties:
• accessed bitwise
• frequently used
• high number of accesses in source code
Some platforms allow the use of bit instructions for variables located in this specific RAM area as
well as shorter addressing instructions. This saves code and runtime.
The name part _{refinement} shall be used to refine the allocation or initialization behavior.
The name part _{safety} shall contain the safety integrity level with at most one of the strings
QM, ASIL_A, ASIL_B, ASIL_C, ASIL_D. In case of QM the name part may be omitted.
The name part _{coreScope} shall contain the core scope qualification with at most one of the
strings GLOBAL, LOCAL. In case of GLOBAL the name part may be omitted.

26 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

In the related SwAddrMethod one option attribute shall describe the safety integrity level with the
possible values {safetyQM, safetyAsilA, safetyAsilB, safetyAsilC, safetyAsilD}. In case of safety
QM the attribute may be omitted.
In the related SwAddrMethod one option attribute shall describe the core scope qualification with
at most one of the possible values {coreGlobal, coreLocal}. In case of coreGlobal the attribute
may be omitted.
Memory Section Type VAR
Section Initialization Policy {INIT_POLICY}
Status –

Table 7.5: Section Type VAR_FAST

c(SRS_BSW_00437, SRS_BSW_00351, RS_Arti_00028)

[SWS_MemMap_00062] d
Syntax of Memory Allocation {PREFIX}_START_SEC_VAR_SLOW_{INIT_POLICY}[_{refinement}][_{safety}]
Keyword [_{coreScope}]_{ALIGNMENT}
Description To be used for all infrequently accessed global or static variables.
The name part _{refinement} shall be used to refine the allocation or initialization behavior.
The name part _{safety} shall contain the safety integrity level with at most one of the strings
QM, ASIL_A, ASIL_B, ASIL_C, ASIL_D. In case of QM the name part may be omitted.
The name part _{coreScope} shall contain the core scope qualification with at most one of the
strings GLOBAL, LOCAL. In case of GLOBAL the name part may be omitted.
In the related SwAddrMethod one option attribute shall describe the safety integrity level with the
possible values {safetyQM, safetyAsilA, safetyAsilB, safetyAsilC, safetyAsilD}. In case of safety
QM the attribute may be omitted.
In the related SwAddrMethod one option attribute shall describe the core scope qualification with
at most one of the possible values {coreGlobal, coreLocal}. In case of coreGlobal the attribute
may be omitted.
Memory Section Type VAR
Section Initialization Policy {INIT_POLICY}
Status –

Table 7.6: Section Type VAR_SLOW

c(SRS_BSW_00437, SRS_BSW_00351, RS_Arti_00028)

[SWS_MemMap_00063] d
Syntax of Memory Allocation {PREFIX}_START_SEC_INTERNAL_VAR_{INIT_POLICY}[_{refinement}][_{safety}]
Keyword [_{coreScope}]_{ALIGNMENT}

27 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Description To be used for global or static variables those are accessible from a calibration tool.
The name part _{refinement} shall be used to refine the allocation or initialization behavior.
The name part _{safety} shall contain the safety integrity level with at most one of the strings
QM, ASIL_A, ASIL_B, ASIL_C, ASIL_D. In case of QM the name part may be omitted.
The name part _{coreScope} shall contain the core scope qualification with at most one of the
strings GLOBAL, LOCAL. In case of GLOBAL the name part may be omitted.
In the related SwAddrMethod one option attribute shall describe the safety integrity level with the
possible values {safetyQM, safetyAsilA, safetyAsilB, safetyAsilC, safetyAsilD}. In case of safety
QM the attribute may be omitted.
In the related SwAddrMethod one option attribute shall describe the core scope qualification with
at most one of the possible values {coreGlobal, coreLocal}. In case of coreGlobal the attribute
may be omitted.
Memory Section Type VAR
Section Initialization Policy {INIT_POLICY}
Status –

Table 7.7: Section Type INTERNAL_VAR

c(SRS_BSW_00437, SRS_BSW_00351, RS_Arti_00028)

[SWS_MemMap_00064] d
Syntax of Memory Allocation {PREFIX}_START_SEC_VAR_SAVED_ZONE_{refinement}[_{safety}]_{ALIGNMENT}
Description To be used for RAM buffers of variables saved in non volatile memory.
The name part _{refinement} shall denote at least the specific content of the saved zone.
In the related SwAddrMethod the sectionInitializationPolicy attribute shall be set to
The name part _{safety} shall contain the safety integrity level with at most one of the strings
QM, ASIL_A, ASIL_B, ASIL_C, ASIL_D. In case of QM the name part may be omitted.
In the related SwAddrMethod one option attribute shall describe the safety integrity level with the
possible values {safetyQM, safetyAsilA, safetyAsilB, safetyAsilC, safetyAsilD}. In case of safety
QM the attribute may be omitted.
Memory Section Type VAR
Section Initialization Policy POWER-ON-CLEARED
Status –

Table 7.8: Section Type VAR_SAVED_ZONE

c(SRS_BSW_00437, SRS_BSW_00351, RS_Arti_00028) Constant and Calibration Sections

The following tables define keywords for constant and calibration sections.

28 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

[SWS_MemMap_00070] d
Syntax of Memory Allocation {PREFIX}_START_SEC_CONST[_{refinement}][_{safety}]_{ALIGNMENT}
Description To be used for global or static constants.
The name part _{refinement} is the typical period time value and unit of the ExecutableEntitys in
this MemorySection. The name part _{refinement} is optional. Units are:
• US microseconds
• MS milli second
• S second
For example: 100US, 400US, 1MS, 5MS, 10MS, 20MS, 100MS, 1S
Please note that deviations from this typical period time are possible due to integration decisions
(e.g. RTEEvent To Task Mapping). Further on in special modes of the ECU the code may be
scheduled with a higher or lower period.
The name part _{safety} shall contain the safety integrity level with at most one of the strings
QM, ASIL_A, ASIL_B, ASIL_C, ASIL_D. In case of QM the name part may be omitted.
In the related SwAddrMethod one option attribute shall describe the safety integrity level with the
possible values {safetyQM, safetyAsilA, safetyAsilB, safetyAsilC, safetyAsilD}. In case of safety
QM the attribute may be omitted.
Memory Section Type CONST
Section Initialization Policy -
Status –

Table 7.9: Section Type CONST

c(SRS_BSW_00437, SRS_BSW_00351, RS_Arti_00028)

[SWS_MemMap_00071] d
Keyword ZONE_{refinement}[_{safety}]_{ALIGNMENT}
Description To be used for ROM buffers of variables saved in non volatile memory.
The name part _{refinement} shall denote at least the specific content of the recovery zone.
The name part _{safety} shall contain the safety integrity level with at most one of the strings
QM, ASIL_A, ASIL_B, ASIL_C, ASIL_D. In case of QM the name part may be omitted.
In the related SwAddrMethod one option attribute shall describe the safety integrity level with the
possible values {safetyQM, safetyAsilA, safetyAsilB, safetyAsilC, safetyAsilD}. In case of safety
QM the attribute may be omitted.
Memory Section Type CONST
Section Initialization Policy -
Status –

Table 7.10: Section Type CONST_SAVED_RECOVERY_ZONE

c(SRS_BSW_00437, SRS_BSW_00351, RS_Arti_00028)

29 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

[SWS_MemMap_00072] d
Syntax of Memory Allocation {PREFIX}_START_SEC_CONFIG_DATA_{configClass}[_{refinement}]
Keyword [_{safety}]_{ALIGNMENT}
Description Constants with attributes that show that they reside in one segment for module configuration.
The name part _{configClass} shall contain the configClass with one of the strings PREBUILD or
The name part _{refinement} shall be used to refine the memory allocation keyword to allow
individual allocation.
The name part _{safety} shall contain the safety integrity level with at most one of the strings
QM, ASIL_A, ASIL_B, ASIL_C, ASIL_D. In case of QM the name part may be omitted.
In the related SwAddrMethod one option attribute shall describe the safety integrity level with the
possible values {safetyQM, safetyAsilA, safetyAsilB, safetyAsilC, safetyAsilD}. In case of safety
QM the attribute may be omitted.
In the related SwAddrMethod one option attribute shall describe the configClass with the
possible values {configClassPreBuild, configClassPostBuild}.
Memory Section Type CONFIG-DATA
Section Initialization Policy -
Status –

Table 7.11: Section Type CONFIG_DATA

c(SRS_BSW_00437, SRS_BSW_00351, RS_Arti_00028)

[SWS_MemMap_00073] d
Syntax of Memory Allocation {PREFIX}_START_SEC_CALIB[_{refinement}][_{safety}]_{ALIGNMENT}
Description To be used for calibration constants.
The name part _{refinement} shall be used to refine the memory allocation keyword to allow
individual allocation.
The name part _{safety} shall contain the safety integrity level with at most one of the strings
QM, ASIL_A, ASIL_B, ASIL_C, ASIL_D. In case of QM the name part may be omitted.
In the related SwAddrMethod one option attribute shall describe the safety integrity level with the
possible values {safetyQM, safetyAsilA, safetyAsilB, safetyAsilC, safetyAsilD}. In case of safety
QM the attribute may be omitted.
Memory Section Type CALPRM
Section Initialization Policy -
Status –

Table 7.12: Section Type CALIB

c(SRS_BSW_00437, SRS_BSW_00351, RS_Arti_00028) Code Sections

There are different kinds of execution code sections. This code sections shall be iden-
tified with dedicated keywords. If a section is not supported by the integrator and micro
controller then be aware that the keyword is ignored. The table below defines recom-
mended keywords for code sections:

30 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

[SWS_MemMap_00080] d
Syntax of Memory Allocation {PREFIX}_START_SEC_CODE[_{refinement}][_{safety}][_{coreScope}]
Description To be used for mapping code to application block, boot block, external flash etc.
The name part _{refinement} is the typical period time value and unit of the ExecutableEntitys in
this MemorySection. The name part _{refinement} is optional. Units are:
• US microseconds
• MS milli second
• S second
For example: 100US, 400US, 1MS, 5MS, 10MS, 20MS, 100MS, 1S
Please note that deviations from this typical period time are possible due to integration decisions
(e.g. RTEEvent To Task Mapping). Further on in special modes of the ECU the code may be
scheduled with a higher or lower period.
The name part _{safety} shall contain the safety integrity level with at most one of the strings
QM, ASIL_A, ASIL_B, ASIL_C, ASIL_D. In case of QM the name part may be omitted.
The name part _{coreScope} shall contain the core scope qualification with at most one of the
strings GLOBAL, LOCAL. In case of GLOBAL the name part may be omitted.
In the related SwAddrMethod one option attribute shall describe the safety integrity level with the
possible values {safetyQM, safetyAsilA, safetyAsilB, safetyAsilC, safetyAsilD}. In case of safety
QM the attribute may be omitted.
In the related SwAddrMethod one option attribute shall describe the core scope qualification with
at most one of the possible values {coreGlobal, coreLocal}. In case of coreGlobal the attribute
may be omitted.
Memory Section Type CODE
Section Initialization Policy -
Status –

Table 7.13: Section Type CODE

c(SRS_BSW_00437, SRS_BSW_00351, RS_Arti_00028)

[SWS_MemMap_00081] d
Syntax of Memory Allocation {PREFIX}_START_SEC_CODE_FAST[_{refinement}][_{safety}][_{coreScope}]
Description To be used for code that shall go into fast code memory segments.
The FAST sections should be used when the execution does not happen in a well defined period
times but with the knowledge of high frequent access and /or high execution time. For example, a
callback for a frequent notification.
The name part _{refinement} shall be used to refine the memory allocation keyword to allow
individual allocation.
The name part _{safety} shall contain the safety integrity level with at most one of the strings
QM, ASIL_A, ASIL_B, ASIL_C, ASIL_D. In case of QM the name part may be omitted.
The name part _{coreScope} shall contain the core scope qualification with at most one of the
strings GLOBAL, LOCAL. In case of GLOBAL the name part may be omitted.
In the related SwAddrMethod one option attribute shall describe the safety integrity level with the
possible values {safetyQM, safetyAsilA, safetyAsilB, safetyAsilC, safetyAsilD}. In case of safety
QM the attribute may be omitted.
In the related SwAddrMethod one option attribute shall describe the core scope qualification with
at most one of the possible values {coreGlobal, coreLocal}. In case of coreGlobal the attribute
may be omitted.
Memory Section Type CODE

31 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Section Initialization Policy -
Status –

Table 7.14: Section Type CODE_FAST

c(SRS_BSW_00437, SRS_BSW_00351, RS_Arti_00028)

[SWS_MemMap_00082] d
Syntax of Memory Allocation {PREFIX}_START_SEC_CODE_SLOW[_{refinement}][_{safety}][_{coreScope}]
Description To be used for code that shall go into slow code memory segments.
The SLOW sections should be used when the execution does not happen in a well defined
period times but with the knowledge of low frequent access. For example, a callback in case of
seldom error.
The name part _{refinement} shall be used to refine the memory allocation keyword to allow
individual allocation.
The name part _{safety} shall contain the safety integrity level with at most one of the strings
QM, ASIL_A, ASIL_B, ASIL_C, ASIL_D. In case of QM the name part may be omitted.
The name part _{coreScope} shall contain the core scope qualification with at most one of the
strings GLOBAL, LOCAL. In case of GLOBAL the name part may be omitted.
In the related SwAddrMethod one option attribute shall describe the safety integrity level with the
possible values {safetyQM, safetyAsilA, safetyAsilB, safetyAsilC, safetyAsilD}. In case of safety
QM the attribute may be omitted.
In the related SwAddrMethod one option attribute shall describe the core scope qualification with
at most one of the possible values {coreGlobal, coreLocal}. In case of coreGlobal the attribute
may be omitted.
Memory Section Type CODE
Section Initialization Policy -
Status –

Table 7.15: Section Type CODE_SLOW

c(SRS_BSW_00437, SRS_BSW_00351, RS_Arti_00028)

[SWS_MemMap_00083] d
Syntax of Memory Allocation {PREFIX}_START_SEC_CALLOUT_CODE[_{refinement}][_{safety}][_{coreScope}]
Description To be used for mapping callouts of the BSW Modules which shall typically use the global linker
settings for callouts.
The name part _{refinement} shall be used to refine the memory allocation keyword to allow
individual allocation.
The name part _{safety} shall contain the safety integrity level with at most one of the strings
QM, ASIL_A, ASIL_B, ASIL_C, ASIL_D. In case of QM the name part may be omitted.
The name part _{coreScope} shall contain the core scope qualification with at most one of the
strings GLOBAL, LOCAL. In case of GLOBAL the name part may be omitted.
In the related SwAddrMethod one option attribute shall describe the safety integrity level with the
possible values {safetyQM, safetyAsilA, safetyAsilB, safetyAsilC, safetyAsilD}. In case of safety
QM the attribute may be omitted.
In the related SwAddrMethod one option attribute shall describe the core scope qualification with
at most one of the possible values {coreGlobal, coreLocal}. In case of coreGlobal the attribute
may be omitted.

32 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Memory Section Type CODE
Section Initialization Policy -
Status –

Table 7.16: Section Type CALLOUT_CODE

c(SRS_BSW_00437, SRS_BSW_00351, RS_Arti_00028)

33 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

[SWS_MemMap_00003] dEach AUTOSAR basic software module and software com-

ponent shall wrap declaration and definition of code, variables and constants using the
following mechanism:
1. Definition of start symbol for module memory section
2. Inclusion of the memory mapping header file
3. Declaration/definition of code, variables or constants belonging to the specified
4. Definition of stop symbol for module memory section
5. Inclusion of the memory mapping header file
Note: In between 1 to 5 there shall be no other preprocessor code added. This would
prevent correct interpretation of source code and cause later preprocessor errors.

Note: For code which is invariably implemented as inline function the wrapping
with Memory Allocation Keywords is not required.c(SRS_BSW_00006, SRS_BSW_-
00306, SRS_BSW_00345, SRS_BSW_00351, SRS_BSW_00477)
Application hint:
The implementations of AUTOSAR basic software modules or AUTOSAR software
components are not allowed to rely on an implicit assignment of objects to default sec-
tions because properties of default sections are platform and tool dependent. There-
fore this style of code implementation is not platform independent.
Application hint:
For code which is implemented with the LOCAL_INLINE macro of the "Compiler.h"
the wrapping with Memory Allocation Keywords is required. In the case that the LO-
CAL_INLINE is set to the inline keyword of the compiler the related Memory Allocation
Keywords shall not define any linker section assignments or change the addressing
behavior because this is already set by the environment of the calling function where
the code is inlined. In the case that the LOCAL_INLINE is set to empty the related Mem-
ory Allocation Keywords shall be configured like for regular code. For code which his
implemented with the INLINE macro of the "Compiler.h" the wrapping with Memory
Allocation Keywords is required at least for the code which is remaining if INLINE is set
to empty.
Please note as well that in the Basic Software Module Description the MemorySec-
tion related to the used Memory Allocation Keywords has to document the usage of
INLINE and LOCAL_INLINE in the option attribute. For further information see [5].

Additional option attribute values are predefined in document [4], [TPS_SWCT_-

The inclusion of the memory mapping header files within the code is a MISRA violation.
As neither executable code nor symbols are included (only pragmas) this violation is
an approved exception without side effects.

34 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

The start and stop symbols for section control are configured with section identifiers
defined in the inclusion of memory mapping header file. For details on configuring
sections see " Configuration specification".

Example 7.2

For example (BSW Module):

2 #include "Eep_MemMap.h"
3 static uint16 EepTimer = 100;
4 static uint16 EepRemainingBytes = 16;
5 #define EEP_STOP_SEC_VAR_INIT_16
6 #include "Eep_MemMap.h"

Example 7.3

For example (SWC):

1 #define Abc_START_SEC_CODE
2 #include "Abc_MemMap.h"
3 /* --- Write a Code here */
4 #define Abc_STOP_SEC_CODE
5 #include "Abc_MemMap.h"

[SWS_MemMap_00018] dEach AUTOSAR basic software module and software com-

ponent shall support, for all C-objects, the configuration of the assignation to one of
the memory types (code, variables and constants).c(SRS_BSW_00306, SRS_BSW_-
00351, SRS_BSW_00477)
[SWS_MemMap_00023] dMemory mapping header files shall not be included inside
the body of a function.c(SRS_BSW_00306, SRS_BSW_00351, SRS_BSW_00477)
The goal of this requirement is to support compiler which do not support #pragma
inside the body of a function. To force a special memory mapping of a function’s static
variable, this variable must be moved to file static scope.
Application hint concerning callout sections:
According [SWS_BSW_00135] an individual set of memory allocation keywords per
callout function shall be used. This provides on one hand a high flexibility for the
configuration of memory allocation. On the other hand this bears the risk of high con-
figuration effort for the MemMap module because all individual memory sections have to
be configured for the MemMap header file generation. To ease the integration of such
callout sections it is recommended that in the Basic Software Module Description all
MemorySections which are describing callouts and which typically are treated with
the same linker properties should refer to the identical SwAddrMethod. According the
recommended memory sections in section "code sections" the SwAddrMethod
defined by AUTOSAR would have the reference path:

35 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

For instance:

This enables the integrater either to configer all of the memory sections identical with
the means of the MemMapGenericMapping and additionally to handle the special
cases individually with the means of the MemMapSectionSpecificMapping. See
as well the example 7.3.4 Callout sections

7.2.2 Requirements on memory mapping header files

[SWS_MemMap_00005] dThe memory mapping header files shall provide a mech-

anism to select different code, variable or constant sections by checking the defini-
tion of the module specific Memory Allocation Key Words for starting a section (see
[SWS_MemMap_00038]). Code, variables or constants declared after this selection
shall be mapped to this section.c(SRS_BSW_00328, SRS_BSW_00006, SRS_BSW_-
00306, SRS_BSW_00351)
[SWS_MemMap_00026] dEach BSW memory mapping header file shall support the
Memory Allocation Keywords to start and to stop a section for each belonging Memory-
Section defined in a BswImplementation which is part of the input configuration.c
[SWS_MemMap_00033] dAll MemorySections defined in a BswImplementation
belong to the {Mip}_MemMap.h memory mapping header file if the BswImplementa-
tion does NOT contain a DependencyOnArtifact as requiredArtifact.De-
pendencyOnArtifact.category = MEMMAPc(SRS_BSW_00351)
Please note also [SWS_MemMap_00032].
[SWS_MemMap_00034] dAll MemorySection defined in a BswImplementation
belong to the memory mapping header file defined by the attribute requiredArti-
fact.artifactDescriptor.shortLabel if the BswImplementation does con-
tain exactly one DependencyOnArtifact as requiredArtifact.Dependency-
OnArtifact.category = MEMMAPc(SRS_BSW_00351)
Please note also [SWS_MemMap_00028].
[SWS_MemMap_00035] dAll MemorySection defined in a BswImplementation
and associated with the identical SectionNamePrefix belong to the memory map-
ping header file defined by the attribute requiredArtifact.artifactDescrip-
tor.shortLabel of the DependencyOnArtifact which is referenced by the Sec-
tionNamePrefix with a implementedIn reference.c(SRS_BSW_00351)

36 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

In this case the if the BswImplementation may contain several DependencyOnArti-

fact as with requiredArtifact. DependencyOnArtifact.category = MEMMAP
This will be used to describe an ICC2 cluster with one BswModuleDescription.
Please note also [SWS_MemMap_00028].
[SWS_MemMap_00027] dThe software component type specific memory mapping
header file {componentTypeName}_MemMap.h shall support the Memory Allocation
Keywords to start and to stop a section for each MemorySection defined in a SwcIm-
plementation associated of this software component type.c(SRS_BSW_00351)
[SWS_MemMap_00015] dThe selected section shall be activated, if the section macro
is defined before include of the memory mapping header file.c(SRS_BSW_00306,
[SWS_MemMap_00016] dThe selection of a section shall only influence the linker’s
behavior for one of the three different object types code, variables or constants con-
currently.c(SRS_BSW_00306, SRS_BSW_00351)
Application hint:
On one side the creation of combined sections (for instance code and constants) is not
allowed. For the other side the set-up of the compiler / linker must be done in a way,
that only the settings of the selected section type is changed. For instance the set-up
of the code section shall not influence the configuration of the constant section and
other way around.

Example 7.4
4 #elif
5 /*
6 additional mappings of modules sections into project
7 sections
8 */
9 ...
10 #endif
14 #pragma section data "sect_data16"
16 #undef MEMMAP_ERROR
17 #elif
18 /*
19 additional statements for switching the project sections
20 */
21 ...
22 #endif

Application hint:
Those code or variables sections can be used for the allocation of objects from more

37 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

than one module.

Those code or variables sections can be used for the allocation of objects from different
module specific code or variable sections of one module.
[SWS_MemMap_00006] dThe memory mapping header files shall provide a mech-
anism to deselect different code and variable sections by checking the definition
of the module specific Memory Allocation Key Words for stopping a section (see
The selected section shall be deactivated if the section macro is defined before in-
clude of the memory mapping header file. Code or variables declared after this se-
lection shall be mapped to an section collecting those inaccurate non-handled ob-
jects from BSW Module or software component implementation.1 c(SRS_BSW_00006,
SRS_BSW_00306, SRS_BSW_00437, SRS_BSW_00351)

Example 7.5
4 #elif
5 /*
6 additional mappings of modules sections into project
7 sections
8 */
9 ...
10 #endif
13 /* additional module specific mappings */
14 ...
17 #pragma section code restore
19 #undef MEMMAP_ERROR
20 #elif
21 /*
22 additional statements for switching the project sections
23 */
24 #endif

[SWS_MemMap_00007] dThe memory mapping header files shall check if they have
been included with a valid memory mapping symbol and in a valid sequence (no START
preceded by a START, no STOP without the corresponding START). This shall be done
by a preprocessor check.c(SRS_BSW_00351)

Example 7.6

Since its error prone to determined expected properties for memory which is not explicitly handled
by Memory Allocation Key Words usually those objects are treated in away to cause linker errors. The
default sections might be used to catch those non-handled objects.

38 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

1 #define MEMMAP_ERROR
3 /*
4 mappings of modules sections into project sections and
5 statements for switching the project sections
6 */
8 ...
10 #pragma section code restore
12 #undef MEMMAP_ERROR
13 #endif
15 #ifdef MEMMAP_ERROR
16 #error "Eep_MemMap.h, wrong pragma command"
17 #endif

[SWS_MemMap_00011] dThe memory mapping header files shall undefine the mod-
ule or software component specific Memory Allocation Key Words for starting or stop-
ping a section.c(SRS_BSW_00351)

Example 7.7

[SWS_MemMap_00013] dThe memory mapping header files shall use if-else struc-
tures to reduce the compilation effort.c(SRS_BSW_00351)

Example 7.8

For instance:
1 #define MEMMAP_ERROR
2 ...
3 /* module and ECU specific section mappings */
5 #pragma section ftext
9 #pragma section code text
11 #undef MEMMAP_ERROR
12 #elif defined ...
13 ...
15 #endif

39 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

7.3 Examples
The examples in this section shall illustrate the relationship between the Basic Software
Module Descriptions, Software Component Descriptions, the ECU configuration of the
Memory Mapping and the Memory Mapping header files.

7.3.1 Code Section

The following example shows ApplicationSwComponentType "MySwc" which con-

tains in its SwcInternalBehavior a RunnableEntity "Run1". The RunnableEn-
tity "Run1" references the SwAddrMethod "CODE" which sectionType attribute
is set to code. This expresses the request to allocate the RunnableEntity code into
a code section with the name "CODE".
RTE contract relevant

MySwc: CODE: SwAddrMethod

sectionType = code

+swAddrmethod +swAddrmethod


IB_MySwc: +runnable Run1:

SwcInternalBehavior RunnableEntity

symbol = Run1

MemMap relevant

Impl_MySwc: +resourceConsumption MySwcResources: +memorySection CODE:

SwcImplementation ResourceConsumption MemorySection

Figure 7.1: Example of ApplicationSwComponentType with code section

According the SWS RTE [8] the Runnable Entity prototype in the Application Header
File of the software component is emitted as:

Example 7.9

Runnable Entity prototype in Application Header File Rte_MySwc.h according

1 #define MySwc_START_SEC_CODE

40 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

2 #include "MySwc_MemMap.h"
4 void MySwc_Run1(void);
6 #define MySwc_STOP_SEC_CODE
7 #include "MySwc_MemMap.h"

Please note that the same Memory Allocation Keywords have to be used for the func-
tion definition of "MySwc_Run1" and all other functions of the Software Component
which shall be located to same MemorySection.
The SwcImplementation "Impl_MySwc" associated with the ApplicationSwCom-
ponentType "MySwc" defines that it uses a MemorySection named CODE. The
MemorySection "CODE" refers to SwAddrMethod "CODE". This indicates that the
module specific (abstract) memory section CODE share a common addressing strat-
egy defined by SwAddrMethod "CODE".

41 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

MemMap Ecuc Parameter Value Description

MemMap: EcucModuleDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1

(from MemMap)

MemMap: EcucModuleConfigurationValues

implementationConfigVariant = VariantPreCompile


CODE_INTERNAL: EcucContainerValue

definition = MemMapAddressingModeSet


CODE_INTERNAL: EcucContainerValue

definition = MemMapAddressingMode



value = #pragma section code "fls_code" CR LF #pragma ....

definition = MemMapAddressingModeStart
+container +parameterValue

CNF_DEFAULT: EcucContainerValue :EcucTextualParamValue

definition = MemMapAllocation value = #pragma section code "illegal" CR LF #pragma ....

definition = MemMapAddressingModeStop


CNF_SEC_CODE: EcucContainerValue +referenceValue :EcucReferenceValue

definition = MemMapGenericMapping definition = MemMapAddressingModeSelection

+referenceValue :EcucReferenceValue

definition = EcucMemoryMappingSwAddrMethodRef

SWC / BSWM Description


CODE: SwAddrMethod

sectionType = code

Figure 7.2: Example of MemMap configuration for a code section

42 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

With the means of the MemMapGenericMapping "CNF_SEC_CODE" Memory

Mapping is configured that all module specific (abstract) memory sections re-
ferring to SwAddrMethod "CODE" are using the MemMapAddressingModeSet
"CODE_INTERNAL". MemMapAddressingModeSet "CODE_INTERNAL" defines the
proper statements to start and to stop the mapping of code to the specific linker sec-
tions by the usage of the related Memory Allocation Keywords.
With this information of the Memory Allocation Header for the Software Component
can be generated like:

Example 7.10

Header file MySwc_MemMap.h according [SWS_MemMap_00022]

2 #ifdef MySwc_START_SEC_CODE
3 #pragma section_code "fls_code"
4 #pragma ...
5 #undef MySwc_START_SEC_CODE
7 #ifdef MySwc_STOP_SEC_CODE
8 #pragma section_code "illegal"
9 #undef MySwc_STOP_SEC_CODE

7.3.2 Fast Variable Section

The following example shows ApplicationSwComponentType "MySwc" which

contains in its SwcInternalBehavior two VariableDataPrototypes "FooBar"
and "EngSpd"’.
The VariableDataPrototype "FooBar" references a ImplementationDataType
which is associated to a SwBaseType defining baseTypeSize = 8. This denotes a
variable size of 8 bit for the data implementing "FooBar".
The VariableDataPrototype "EngSpd" references a Implementation-
DataType which is associated to a SwBaseType defining baseTypeSize = 16. This
denotes a variable size of 16 bit for the data implementing "EngSpd".
Both VariableDataPrototypes references the SwAddrMethod "VAR_FAST_INIT"
which sectionType attribute is set to "var" and the memoryAllocationKeyword-
Policy is set to addrMethodShortNameAndAlignment.
This denotes that the variables implementing the associated VariableDataProto-
types have to be sorted according their size into different MemorySections.

43 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

SWC Description

MySwc: VAR_FAST_INIT: SwAddrMethod

sectionType = var
sectionInitializationPolicy = init
memoryAllocationKeywordPolicy = AddrMethodShortNameAndAlignment

+internalBehavior +swAddrMethod +swAddrMethod

IB_MySwc: FooBar:
SwcInternalBehavior +swDataDefProps «atpVariation»
VariableDataPrototype :SwDataDefProps


+type uint8: ImplementationDataType




uint8: BaseType

baseTypeSize = 8

EngSpd: +swDataDefProps «atpVariation»

VariableDataPrototype :SwDataDefProps


+type uint16: ImplementationDataType




Impl_MySwc: uint16: BaseType

baseTypeSize = 16

Figure 7.3: Example of ApplicationSwComponentType with VariableDataProto-


Please note that in this example both VariableDataPrototypes have to be im-

plemented by RTE. The RTE again has to provide a BSW Module description defin-
ing the used MemorySections. Further on the RTE might allocate additional buffer
for instance to implement implicit communication behavior. In this example the RTE
uses four different MemorySections "VAR_FAST_INIT_8", "VAR_FAST_INIT_16"’,
"VAR_FAST_INIT_TASK_BUF_8" and "VAR_FAST_INIT_TASK_BUF_16" to sort vari-
ables according their size and to allocate additional buffers.

44 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

SWC Description


sectionType = var
sectionInitializationPolicy = init
memoryAllocationKeywordPolicy = AddrMethodShortNameAndAlignment


RTE BSWM Description

RTE: RTE_xyz_resources: VAR_FAST_INIT_8:

BswModuleDescription +memorySection
ResourceConsumption MemorySection

alignment = 8

+internalBehavior VAR_FAST_INIT_16:
BswInternalBehavior alignment = 16


alignment = 8
RTE_xyz: +resourceConsumption
+memorySection VAR_FAST_INIT_TASK_BUF_16:

alignment = 16

Figure 7.4: Example of Basic Software Module Description of RTE

All of these MemorySections are associated with the SwAddrMethod

"VAR_FAST_INIT" This indicates that the module specific (abstract) memory sections
"VAR_FAST_INIT_TASK_BUF_16" share a common addressing strategy defined by
SwAddrMethod "VAR_FAST_INIT".

45 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

MemMap Ecuc Parameter Value Description

MemMap: EcucModuleDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1

+definition (from MemMap)

MemMap: EcucModuleConfigurationValues

implementationConfigVariant = VariantPreCompile


VAR_NEAR_INIT: EcucContainerValue

definition = MemMapAddressingModeSet

value = var
definition = MemMapSectionType

value = init
definition = MemMapSupportedSectionInitializationPolicy

value = AddrMethodShortNameAndAlignment
definition = MemMapSupportedMemoryAllocationKeywordPolicy

VAR_INIT_NEAR_8: EcucContainerValue

definition = MemMapAddressingMode

value = #pragma section nearbss "data_near_fast_8" CR LF #pragma section neardata "data_near_fast_8" ....
definition = MemMapAddressingModeStart

value = #pragma section nearbss "illegal" CR LF #pragma section neardata "illegal" ....
definition = MemMapAddressingModeStop

value = 8
definition = MemMapAlignmentSelector


VAR_INIT_NEAR_16: EcucContainerValue

definition = MemMapAddressingMode

value = #pragma section nearbss "data_near_fast_16" CR LF #pragma section neardata "data_near_fast_16" ....
definition = MemMapAddressingModeStart

value = #pragma section nearbss "illegal" CR LF #pragma section neardata "illegal" ....
definition = MemMapAddressingModeStop

value = 16
definition = MemMapAlignmentSelector

Figure 7.5: Example of MemMap configuration for a data section

46 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

The ECU Configuration of Memory Mapping defines a MemMapAddressingModeSet

"VAR_NEAR_INIT" This supports the sectionType = var, sectionInitializa-
tionPolicy = "INIT" and memoryAllocationKeywordPolicy = addrMethod-
ShortNameAndAlignment. In this example MemMapAddressingModes are shown
for the alignment 8 and 16 (MemMapAlignmentSelector = 8 and MemMapAlign-
mentSelector = 16).
MemMap Ecuc Parameter Value Description

MemMap: EcucModuleDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1

(from MemMap)

MemMap: EcucModuleConfigurationValues

implementationConfigVariant = VariantPreCompile


VAR_FAR_INIT: EcucContainerValue

definition = MemMapAddressingModeSet

+container +container

CNF_DEFAULT: EcucContainerValue VAR_NEAR_INIT: EcucContainerValue

definition = MemMapAllocation A definition = MemMapAddressingModeSet



CNF_VAR_FAST_INIT: EcucContainerValue +referenceValue :EcucReferenceValue

definition = MemMapGenericMapping definition = MemMapAddressingModeSelection

+referenceValue :EcucReferenceValue

A definition = EcucMemoryMappingSwAddrMethodRef

SWC Description +value


sectionType = var
sectionInitializationPolicy = init
memoryAllocationKeywordPolicy = AddrMethodShortNameAndAlignment

Figure 7.6: Example of MemMap configuration for a MemMapGenericMapping

With the means of the MemMapGenericMapping "CNF_VAR_FAST_INIT" Memory

Mapping is configured that all module specific (abstract) memory sections referring
to SwAddrMethod "VAR_FAST_INIT" are using the MemMapAddressingModeSet
"VAR_NEAR_INIT". MemMapAddressingModeSet "VAR_NEAR_INIT" defines the
proper statements to start and to stop the mapping of variables with different align-
ments (in this example 8 and 16) to the specific linker sections by the usage of the
related Memory Allocation Keywords.

47 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

With this information of the Memory Allocation Header for the BSW can be generated

Example 7.11

MemMap Header file Rte_MemMap.h

2 #pragma section nearbss "data_near_fast_8"
3 #pragma section neardata "data_near_fast_8"
4 ....
5 #pragma ...
9 #pragma section_code "illegal"

13 #pragma section nearbss "data_near_fast_16"
14 #pragma section neardata "data_near_fast_16"
15 ....
16 #pragma ...
20 #pragma section_code "illegal"
24 #pragma section nearbss "data_near_fast_8"
25 #pragma section neardata "data_near_fast_8"
26 ....
27 #pragma ...

31 #pragma section_code "illegal"
35 #pragma section nearbss "data_near_fast_16"
36 #pragma section neardata "data_near_fast_16"
37 ....
38 #pragma ...

42 #pragma section_code "illegal"

48 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

7.3.3 Code Section in ICC2 cluster

The following Basic Software Module Description would result in the support of the
Memory Allocation Keywords in the MemMap header file:

49 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

MEM: BswModuleDescription +implementedEntry NvM_MainFunction: +implementedEntry

category = BSW_CLUSTER

+implementedEntry NvM_WriteBlock: +implementedEntry


+implementedEntry MemIf_SetMode: +implementedEntry



MEM: +entity
BswInternalBehavior NvM_MainFunction:




+schedulerNamePrefix BswSchedulerNamePrefix

symbol = NvM
+entity MemIf_SetMode:


+schedulerNamePrefix BswSchedulerNamePrefix
symbol = MemIf +swAddrMethod
CODE: SwAddrMethod

sectionType = code

MEM: +swAddrmethod +swAddrmethod



ResourceConsumption MemorySection   
symbol = CODE
MEMIF_PART: +prefix
+sectionNamePrefix SectionNamePrefix

symbol = MEMIF

+memorySection MemorySection
symbol = CODE
+sectionNamePrefix +prefix

symbol = NVM

Figure 7.7: Example of BSW Module Description of an ICC2 cluster

Example 7.12

50 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

MemMap Header file

2 ...
4 ...
6 ...

7.3.4 Callout sections

The following Basic Software Module Description would result in the support of the
Memory Allocation Keywords in the MemMap header file:

51 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Bsw Module Description

COM: BswModuleDescription +outgoingCallback Com_TxIpduCallout:

category = BSW_MODULE

+outgoingCallback Com_RxIpduCallout:


COM: BswInternalBehavior




ResourceConsumption MemorySection
+memorySection +swAddrMethod CALLOUT_CODE:

sectionType = code


MemMap Ecu Configuration Values

MemMap: EcucModuleConfigurationValues

implementationConfigVariant = VariantPreCompile


CNF_DEFAULT: EcucContainerValue

definition = MemMapAllocation A


CNF_SEC_CALLOUT_CODE: +referenceValue :EcucReferenceValue

definition = MemMapAddressingModeSelection
definition = MemMapGenericMapping

+referenceValue :EcucReferenceValue

definition = EcucMemoryMappingSwAddrMethodRef

+container +value

CODE_INTERNAL: EcucContainerValue CODE_INTERNAL: EcucContainerValue

definition = MemMapAddressingModeSet +subContainer definition = MemMapAddressingMode

Figure 7.8: Example of description and configuration for callout code

Example 7.13

MemMap Header file containing CALLOUT_CODE examples. These are build

according to SEC_CALLOUT_CODE_<CN> where <CN> is derived from BswMod-

52 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

uleEntry.ShortName defined on Figure 7.8.

2 2 ...
4 4 ...
6 6 ...

Nevertheless both memory sections are implemented identical since both are refer-
encing the identical SwAddrMethod and the MemMapGenericMapping is used to
configure the MemMap module.

7.3.5 Allocatable Memory Parts

The following example shows an Adc driver which is internally split into an interface part
and a kernel part. Usually the kernel part is allocated to memory with high performance
for the micro controller core handling the interrupts. In opposite the interface part is
usually allocated to memory with a good average performance for all micro controller
cores using the Adc module. The shown configuration would result in the support of
following Memory Allocation Keywords in the Adc_MemMap.h header file:

53 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Adc: BswModuleDescription

category = BSW_MODULE

+entity Adc_ReadGroup:
IbAdc: BswCalledEntity +executableEntity

+entity Adc_IsrGroupScanCompleted:
BswInterruptEntity +executableEntity



+resourceConsumption +swAddrmethod

+memorySection CODE_QM_GLOBAL: MemorySection
ResourceConsumption SwAddrMethod
symbol = CODE_QM_LOCAL +swAddrmethod sectionType = code
option = safetyQM,coreGlobal


ADC_USERIF: SectionNamePrefix
symbol = ADC_USERIF






sectionType = var
option = safetyQM,coreGlobal
memoryAllocationKeywordPolicy = AddrMethodShortNameAndAlignment

CODE_QM_LOCAL: MemorySection
+memorySection SwAddrMethod
symbol = CODE_QM_LOCAL
+swAddrmethod sectionType = code
option = safetyQM,coreLocal



+prefix +prefix

+memorySection VAR_INIT_QM_LOCAL_8: MemorySection

symbol = VAR_INIT_QM_LOCAL_8 VAR_INIT_QM_LOCAL_16: MemorySection

symbol = VAR_INIT_QM_LOCAL_16

+swAddrmethod +swAddrmethod


sectionType = var
option = safetyQM,coreLocal
memoryAllocationKeywordPolicy = AddrMethodShortNameAndAlignment

Figure 7.9: Example of description and configuration for allocatable memory parts

Example 7.14

Adc_MemMap.h header file

54 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

2 ...
4 ...
6 ...
8 ...
10 ...
12 ...
14 ...
16 ...
18 ...

Nevertheless both memory sections are implemented identical since both are refer-
encing the identical SwAddrMethod and the MemMapGenericMapping is used to
configure the MemMap module.

55 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

8 API specification
Not applicable.

56 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

9 Sequence diagrams
Not applicable.

57 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

10 Configuration specification
In general, this chapter defines configuration parameters and their clustering into con-
tainers. In order to support the specification section 10.1 describes fundamentals. It
also specifies a template (table) you shall use for the parameter specification. We
intend to leave section 10.1 in the specification to guarantee comprehension.
Chapter 10.2 specifies the structure (containers) and the parameters of the module
Chapter 10.3 specifies published information of the module MemMap.

10.1 How to read this chapter

For details refer to the chapter 10.1 "Introduction to configuration specification" in
SWS_BSWGeneral [2].

10.2 Containers and configuration parameters

The following chapters summarize all configuration parameters. The detailed meanings
of the parameters describe chapter 7 Functional specification.

10.2.1 MemMap

SWS Item [ECUC_MemMap_00001]

Module Name MemMap
Description Configuration of the Memory Mapping module.
Post-Build Variant Support false
Supported Config Variants VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
MemMapAddressingModeSet 0..* Defines a set of addressing modes which might apply to a Sw
MemMapAllocation 0..* Defines which MemorySection of a BSW Module or a Software
Component is implemented with which MemMapAddressing
This can either be specified for a set of MemorySections which
refer to an identical SwAddrMethod (MemMapGenericMapping)
or for individual MemorySections (MemMapSectionSpecific
Mapping). If both are defined for the same MemorySection the
MemMapSectionSpecificMapping overrules the MemMap

58 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

MemMap: EcucModuleDef +container MemMapAddressingModeSet:

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1 lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = *

+container EcucParamConfContainerDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = *

Figure 10.1: Overview about MemMap

10.2.2 MemMapAddressingModeSet

SWS Item [ECUC_MemMap_00002]

Container Name MemMapAddressingModeSet
Parent Container MemMap
Description Defines a set of addressing modes which might apply to a SwAddrMethod.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item [ECUC_MemMap_00009]

Parameter Name MemMapSupportedAddressingMethodOption
Parent Container MemMapAddressingModeSet
Description This constrains the usage of this addressing mode set for Generic Mappings to swAddr
The attribute option of a swAddrMethod mapped via MemMapGenericMapping to this
MemMapAddressingModeSet shall be equal to one of the configured MemMap
Multiplicity 0..*
Type EcucStringParamDef
Default value –
Regular Expression [a-zA-Z]([a-zA-Z0-9]|_[a-zA-Z0-9])*_?
Post-Build Variant Multiplicity false
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

59 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

SWS Item [ECUC_MemMap_00017]

Parameter Name MemMapSupportedMemoryAllocationKeywordPolicy
Parent Container MemMapAddressingModeSet
Description This constrains the usage of this addressing mode set for Generic Mappings to swAddr
The attribute MemoryAllocationKeywordPolicy of a swAddrMethod mapped via Mem
MapGenericMapping to this MemMapAddressingModeSet shall be equal to one of the
configured MemMapSupportedMemoryAllocationKeywordPolicy’s
Multiplicity 0..*
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range MEMMAP_ALLOCATION_ The Memory Allocation Keyword is build with the
KEYWORD_POLICY_ADDR_ short name of the SwAddrMethod. This is the
METHOD_SHORT_NAME default value if the atttribute does not exist in the
MEMMAP_ALLOCATION_ The Memory Allocation Keyword is build with the
KEYWORD_POLICY_ADDR_ the short name of the SwAddrMethod and the
METHOD_SHORT_NAME_AND_ alignment attribute of the MemorySection. This
ALIGNMENT requests a separation of objects in memory
dependent from the alignment and is not
applicable for RunnableEntitys and Bsw
Post-Build Variant Multiplicity false
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item [ECUC_MemMap_00008]

Parameter Name MemMapSupportedSectionInitializationPolicy
Parent Container MemMapAddressingModeSet
Description This constrains the usage of this addressing mode set for Generic Mappings to swAddr
The sectionIntializationPolicy attribute value of a swAddrMethod mapped via MemMap
GenericMapping to this MemMapAddressingModeSet shall be equal to one of the
configured MemMapSupportedSectionIntializationPolicy’s.
Please note that SectionInitializationPolicyType describes the intended initialization of
The following values are standardized in AUTOSAR Methodology (see chapter 7.2.1):
Note: The values NO-INIT and POWER-ON-INIT are still supported but deprecated
and will be removed in one of the next releases.
Note: The values are defined similar to the representation of enumeration types in the
XML schema to ensure backward compatibility.
Multiplicity 0..*
Type EcucStringParamDef

60 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Default value –
Regular Expression –
Post-Build Variant Multiplicity false
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item [ECUC_MemMap_00007]

Parameter Name MemMapSupportedSectionType
Parent Container MemMapAddressingModeSet
Description This constrains the usage of this addressing mode set for Generic Mappings to swAddr
The attribute sectionType of a swAddrMethod mapped via MemMapGenericMapping or
MemMapSectionSpecificMapping to this MemMapAddressingModeSet shall be equal
to one of the configured MemMapSupportedSectionType’s.
Multiplicity 0..*
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef

Range MEMMAP_SECTION_TYPE_ To be used for calibratable constants of

CAL_PRM ECU-functions.
MEMMAP_SECTION_TYPE_ To be used for mapping code to application
CODE block, boot block, external flash etc.
MEMMAP_SECTION_TYPE_ Constants with attributes that show that they
CONFIG_DATA reside in one segment for module configuration.
MEMMAP_SECTION_TYPE_ To be used for global or static constants.
MEMMAP_SECTION_TYPE_ Values existing in the ECU but not dropped down
EXCLUDE_FROM_FLASH in the binary file. No upload should be needed to
obtain access to the ECU data. The ECU will
never be touched by the instrumentation tool,
with the exception of upload. These are memory
areas which are not overwritten by downloading
the executable.
MEMMAP_SECTION_TYPE_ To be used for global or static variables. The
VAR expected initialization is specified with the
attribute sectionInitializationPolicy.
Post-Build Variant Multiplicity false
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

61 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
MemMapAddressingMode 1..* Defines a addressing mode with a set of #pragma statements
implementing the start and the stop of a section.

Software Component Template, BSW Module

Description Template, Generic Structure Template

lowerMultiplicity = 0 «enumeration»
upperMultiplicity = * MemorySectionType

MemMapSupportedSectionType: const
EcucEnumerationParamDef calprm
upperMultiplicity = * configData
lowerMultiplicity = 0 excludeFromFlash

+parameter EcucStringParamDef «primitive»
upperMultiplicity = *
lowerMultiplicity = 0

EcucStringParamDef «primitive»
+parameter Identifier
upperMultiplicity = *
lowerMultiplicity = 0 + blueprintValue: String [0..1]
regularExpression = [a-zA-Z]([a-zA-Z0-9]|_[a-zA-Z0-9])*_? + namePattern: String [0..1]

+parameter EcucEnumerationParamDef
upperMultiplicity = *
lowerMultiplicity = 0


MemMapAddressingMode: MemMapAddressingModeStart: EcucMultilineStringParamDef

EcucParamConfContainerDef +parameter
upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 1 lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = *

MemMapAddressingModeStop: EcucMultilineStringParamDef
upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 1

MemMapAlignmentSelector: EcucStringParamDef
upperMultiplicity = *
lowerMultiplicity = 1
regularExpression = [1-9][0-9]*|0x[0-9a-f]*|0[0-7]*|0b[0-1]*|UNSPECIFIED|UNKNOWN|BOOLEAN|PTR

Generic Structure Template


xml.xsd.customType = ALIGNMENT-TYPE
xml.xsd.pattern = [1-9][0-9]*|0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]*|0[bB][0-1]+|0[0-7]*|UNSPECIFIED|UNKNOWN|BOOLEAN|PTR
xml.xsd.type = string

Figure 10.2: Overview about MemMapAddressingModeSet

62 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

10.2.3 MemMapAddressingMode

SWS Item [ECUC_MemMap_00003]

Container Name MemMapAddressingMode
Parent Container MemMapAddressingModeSet
Description Defines a addressing mode with a set of #pragma statements implementing the start
and the stop of a section.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item [ECUC_MemMap_00004]

Parameter Name MemMapAddressingModeStart
Parent Container MemMapAddressingMode
Description Defines a set of #pragma statements implementing the start of a section.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucMultilineStringParamDef
Default value –
Regular Expression –
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item [ECUC_MemMap_00005]

Parameter Name MemMapAddressingModeStop
Parent Container MemMapAddressingMode
Description Defines a set of #pragma statements implementing the start of a section.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucMultilineStringParamDef
Default value –
Regular Expression –
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item [ECUC_MemMap_00006]

Parameter Name MemMapAlignmentSelector
Parent Container MemMapAddressingMode
Description Defines a the alignments for which the MemMapAddressingMode applies. The to be
used alignment is defined in the alignment attribute of the MemorySection. If the Mem
MapAlignmentSelector fits to alignment attribute of the MemorySection the set of
#pragmas of the related MemMapAddressingMode shall be used to implement the start
and the stop of a section.
Please note that the same MemMapAddressingMode can be applicable for several
alignments, e.g. "8" bit and "UNSPECIFIED".
Multiplicity 1..*

63 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Type EcucStringParamDef
Default value –
Regular Expression [1-9][0-9]*|0x[0-9a-f]*|0[0-7]*|0b[0-1]*|UNSPECIFIED|UNKNOWN|BOOLEAN|PTR
Post-Build Variant Multiplicity false
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

10.2.4 MemMapAllocation

SWS Item [ECUC_MemMap_00010]

Container Name MemMapAllocation
Parent Container MemMap
Description Defines which MemorySection of a BSW Module or a Software Component is
implemented with which MemMapAddressingModeSet.
This can either be specified for a set of MemorySections which refer to an identical Sw
AddrMethod (MemMapGenericMapping) or for individual MemorySections (MemMap
SectionSpecificMapping). If both are defined for the same MemorySection the Mem
MapSectionSpecificMapping overrules the MemMapGenericMapping.
Configuration Parameters

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
MemMapGenericMapping 0..* Defines which SwAddrMethod is implemented with which Mem
The pragmas for the implementation of the MemorySelector
Keywords are taken from the MemMapAddressingModeStart
and MemMapAddressingModeStop parameters of the MemMap
AddressingModeSet for the individual alignments.
That this mapping becomes valid requires matching MemMap
SupportedSectionType’s, MemMapSupportedSection
InitializationPolicy’s and MemMapSupportedAddressingMethod
The MemMapGenericMapping applies only if it is not overruled
by an MemMapSectionSpecificMapping
MemMapMappingSelector 0..* The container holds a section criteria reusable for MemMap

64 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
MemMapSectionSpecificMapping 0..* Defines which MemorySection of a BSW Module or a Software
Component is implemented with which MemMapAddressing
The pragmas for the implementation of the MemorySelector
Keywords are taken from the MemMapAddressingModeStart
and MemMapAddressingModeStop parameters of the MemMap
AddressingModeSet for the specific alignment of the Memory
The MemMapSectionSpecificMapping precedes a mapping
defined by MemMapGenericMapping.

65 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

MemMapAllocation: MemMapGenericMapping: MemMapAddressingModeSetRef:

EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucReferenceDef
lowerMultiplicity = 0 lowerMultiplicity = 0 upperMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = * upperMultiplicity = * lowerMultiplicity = 1

+reference EcucReferenceDef
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1

upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 1
destinationType = SW-ADDR-METHOD


+ memoryAllocationKeywordPolicy: MemoryAllocationKeywordPolicyType [0..1]

+ option: Identifier [0..*]
+ sectionInitializationPolicy: SectionInitializationPolicyType [0..1]
+ sectionType: MemorySectionType [0..1]

+swAddrmethod 0..1

MemMapSectionSpecificMapping: MemMapAddressingModeSetRef:
EcucParamConfContainerDef +reference EcucReferenceDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0 upperMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = * lowerMultiplicity = 1

+reference EcucForeignReferenceDef

upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 1
destinationType = MEMORY-SECTION


+ alignment: AlignmentType [0..1]

+ memClassSymbol: CIdentifier [0..1]
+ option: Identifier [0..*]
+ size: PositiveInteger [0..1]
+ symbol: Identifier [0..1]

+parameter EcucStringParamDef
lowerMultiplicity = 0
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = *

Figure 10.3: Overview about MemMapAllocation

10.2.5 MemMapGenericMapping

SWS Item [ECUC_MemMap_00011]

Container Name MemMapGenericMapping
Parent Container MemMapAllocation

66 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Description Defines which SwAddrMethod is implemented with which MemMapAddressingMode
The pragmas for the implementation of the MemorySelectorKeywords are taken from
the MemMapAddressingModeStart and MemMapAddressingModeStop parameters of
the MemMapAddressingModeSet for the individual alignments.
That this mapping becomes valid requires matching MemMapSupportedSectionType’s,
MemMapSupportedSectionInitializationPolicy’s and MemMapSupportedAddressing
The MemMapGenericMapping applies only if it is not overruled by an MemMapSection
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item [ECUC_MemMap_00012]

Parameter Name MemMapAddressingModeSetRef
Parent Container MemMapGenericMapping
Description Reference to the MemMapAddressingModeSet which applies to the MemMapGeneric
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to MemMapAddressingModeSet
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item [ECUC_MemMap_00023]

Parameter Name MemMapMappingSelectorRef
Parent Container MemMapGenericMapping
Description Reference to a MemMapPrefixSelector. The owning MemMapGenericMapping is only
effective for those memories where the MemMapMappingSelector matches.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to MemMapMappingSelector
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item [ECUC_MemMap_00013]

Parameter Name MemMapSwAddressMethodRef
Parent Container MemMapGenericMapping
Description Reference to the SwAddrMethod which applies to the MemMapGenericMapping.
Multiplicity 1
Type Foreign reference to SW-ADDR-METHOD
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –

67 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

No Included Containers

10.2.6 MemMapSectionSpecificMapping

SWS Item [ECUC_MemMap_00014]

Container Name MemMapSectionSpecificMapping
Parent Container MemMapAllocation
Description Defines which MemorySection of a BSW Module or a Software Component is
implemented with which MemMapAddressingModeSet.
The pragmas for the implementation of the MemorySelectorKeywords are taken from
the MemMapAddressingModeStart and MemMapAddressingModeStop parameters of
the MemMapAddressingModeSet for the specific alignment of the MemorySection.
The MemMapSectionSpecificMapping precedes a mapping defined by MemMap
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item [ECUC_MemMap_00015]

Parameter Name MemMapAddressingModeSetRef
Parent Container MemMapSectionSpecificMapping
Description Reference to the MemMapAddressingModeSet which applies to the MemMapModule
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to MemMapAddressingModeSet
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item [ECUC_MemMap_00016]

Parameter Name MemMapMemorySectionRef
Parent Container MemMapSectionSpecificMapping
Description Reference to the MemorySection which applies to the MemMapSectionSpecific
Multiplicity 1
Type Foreign reference to MEMORY-SECTION
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

No Included Containers

68 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

10.2.7 MemMapMappingSelector

SWS Item [ECUC_MemMap_00021]

Container Name MemMapMappingSelector
Parent Container MemMapAllocation
Description The container holds a section criteria reusable for MemMapGenericMappings.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item [ECUC_MemMap_00022]

Parameter Name MemMapPrefixSelector
Parent Container MemMapMappingSelector
Description The parameter MemMapPrefixSelector defines a regular expression which shall be
applied to the <PREFIX> part of the memory allocation keywords. The mapping using
this selector is only effective for those memories where the <PREFIX> part of the
memory allocation keyword matches the regular expression.
Note: This is in particular intended the restrict the usage of of a MemMapAddressing
ModeSet for a sub set of BSW Modules or Software Components or a subset of
allocatable memory parts inside BSW Modules or Software Components.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucStringParamDef
Default value –
Regular Expression –
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time –
Post-build time –
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

No Included Containers

10.3 Published Information

For details refer to the chapter 10.3 Published Information in SWS_BSWGeneral [2].

69 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

11 Analysis
This chapter does not contain requirements. It just gives an overview to used keywords
and their syntax within different compilers. This analysis is required for a correct and
complete specification of methods and keywords and is based on the documents [9],
[10], [11], [12] and [13].

11.1 Memory allocation of variables

Compiler analysis for starting/stopping a memory section for variables:

Compiler Required syntax

Cosmic, S12X Initialized variables:
#pragma section {name}
#pragma section {}

Non Initialized variables:

#pragma section {[name]}
#pragma section []
Metrowerks, S12X #pragma DATA_SEG (<Modif> <Name> | "DEFAULT")
<Modif>: Some of the following strings may be used:
Pragma shall be used in definition and declaration.
Tasking, ST10 #pragma class mem=name
#pragma combine mem=ctype
#pragma align mem=atype
#pragma noclear
#pragma default_attributes
#pragma clear

atype is one of the following align types:

B Byte alignment
W Word alignment
P Page alignment
S Segment alignment
C PEC addressable
I IRAM addressable

ctype is one of the following combine types:

L private (’Local’)
P Public
C Common
G Global
S Sysstack

70 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Compiler Required syntax

U Usrstack
A address Absolute section AT constant address
(decimal, octal or hexadecimal number)
Tasking, TC1796 #pragma pack 0 / 2
Packing of structs. Shall be visible at type declaration
#pragma section type "string"
#pragma noclear
#pragma clear
#pragma for_extern_data_use_memory
#pragma for_initialized_data_use_memory
#pragma for_uninitialized_data_use_memory
GreenHills, V850 #pragma align (n)
#pragma alignvar (n)
#pragma ghs section sect="name"
#pragma ghs section sect =default
Section Keyword:
data, sdata, tdata, zdata, bss, sbss, zbss
ADS, ST30 #pragma arm section [sort_type[[=]"name"]]
sort_type="rwdata, zidata
Alignment control via key words:
__packed, __align()
DIABDATA, MPC5554 #pragma section class_name [init_name] [uninit_name]
[address_mode] [access]
#pragma section class_name
Pragma shall be used before declaration.
class_name for variables:

Table 11.1: Memory allocation of variables

11.2 Memory allocation of constant variables

Compiler analysis for starting/stopping a memory section for constant variables:

Compiler Required syntax

Cosmic, S12X Initialized variables:
#pragma section const {name}
#pragma section const {}
Metrowerks, S12X #pragma CONST_SEG (<Modif> <Name> | "DEFAULT")
<Modif>: Some of the following strings may be used:
Pragma shall be used in definition and declaration.

71 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Compiler Required syntax

Tasking, ST10 #pragma class mem=name
#pragma align mem=atype
#pragma combine mem=ctype
#pragma default_attributes

atype is one of the following align types:

B Byte alignment
W Word alignment
P Page alignment
S Segment alignment
C PEC addressable
I IRAM addressable

ctype is one of the following combine types:

L private (’Local’)
P Public
C Common
G Global
S Sysstack
U Usrstack
A address Absolute section AT constant address
(decimal, octal or hexadecimal number)
Tasking, TC1796 #pragma pack 0 / 2
Packing of structs. Shall be visible at type declaration

#pragma section type "string"

#pragma for_constant_data_use_memory
GreenHills, V850 #pragma ghs section sect="name"
#pragma ghs section sect =default
Section Keyword:
rodata, rozdata, rosdata
ADS, ST30 #pragma arm section [sort_type[[=]"name"]]

Alignment control via key words:

__packed, __align()
DIABDATA, MPC5554 #pragma section class_name [init_name]
[uninit_name] [address_mode] [access]
#pragma section class_name
Pragma shall be used before declaration.

class_name for constant variables:


Table 11.2: Memory allocation of constant variables

72 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

11.3 Memory allocation of code

Compiler analysis for starting/stopping a memory section for code:

Compiler Required syntax

Cosmic, S12X Initialized variables:
#pragma section ( name )
#pragma section ()
Metrowerks, S12X #pragma CODE_SEG (<Modif> <Name> | "DEFAULT")
<Modif>: Some of the following strings may be used:
Pragma shall be used in definition and declaration.
Tasking, ST10 #pragma class mem=name
#pragma combine mem=ctype
#pragma default_attributes

ctype is one of the following combine types:

L private (’Local’)
P Public
C Common
G Global
S Sysstack
U Usrstack
A address Absolute section AT constant address
Tasking, TC1796 #pragma section code "string"
#pragma section code_init
#pragma section const_init
#pragma section vector_init
#pragma section data_overlay
#pragma section type[=]"name"
#pragma section all
GreenHills, V850 #pragma ghs section sect="name"
#pragma ghs section sect =default
Section Keyword: text
ADS, ST30 #pragma arm section [sort_type[[=]"name"]]

DIABDATA, MPC5554 #pragma section class_name [init_name]
[uninit_name] [address_mode] [access]
#pragma section class_name
Pragma shall be used before declaration.

class_name for code:


Table 11.3: Memory allocation of code

73 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

A Appendix

A.1 Referenced Meta Classes

Class ApplicationSwComponentType
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components
Note The ApplicationSwComponentType is used to represent the application software.
Tags: atp.recommendedPackage=SwComponentTypes
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtomicSwComponentType, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , Atp
Type, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable, Sw
Aggregated by ARPackage.element
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table A.1: ApplicationSwComponentType

Class AtomicSwComponentType (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components
Note An atomic software component is atomic in the sense that it cannot be further decomposed and
distributed across multiple ECUs.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpType, CollectableElement,
Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable, SwComponentType
Subclasses ApplicationSwComponentType, ComplexDeviceDriverSwComponentType, EcuAbstractionSwComponent
Type, NvBlockSwComponentType, SensorActuatorSwComponentType, ServiceProxySwComponent
Type, ServiceSwComponentType
Aggregated by ARPackage.element
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
internalBehavior SwcInternalBehavior 0..1 aggr The SwcInternalBehaviors owned by an AtomicSw
ComponentType can be located in a different physical file.
Therefore the aggregation is <<atpSplitable>>.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=internalBehavior.shortName, internal
symbolProps SymbolProps 0..1 aggr This represents the SymbolProps for the AtomicSw
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
Tags: atp.Splitkey=symbolProps.shortName

Table A.2: AtomicSwComponentType

Class BaseTypeDirectDefinition
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::BaseTypes
Note This BaseType is defined directly (as opposite to a derived BaseType)
Base ARObject, BaseTypeDefinition
Aggregated by BaseType.baseTypeDefinition
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

74 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Class BaseTypeDirectDefinition
baseType BaseTypeEncoding 0..1 attr This specifies, how an object of the current BaseType is
Encoding String encoded, e.g. in an ECU within a message sequence.
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=90
baseTypeSize PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Describes the length of the data type specified in the
container in bits.
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=70
byteOrder ByteOrderEnum 0..1 attr This attribute specifies the byte order of the base type.
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=110
memAlignment PositiveInteger 0..1 attr This attribute describes the alignment of the memory
object in bits. E.g. "8" specifies, that the object in
question is aligned to a byte while "32" specifies that it is
aligned four byte. If the value is set to "0" the meaning
shall be interpreted as "unspecified".
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=100
native NativeDeclarationString 0..1 attr This attribute describes the declaration of such a base
Declaration type in the native programming language, primarily in the
Programming language C. This can then be used by a
code generator to include the necessary declarations into
a header file. For example
BaseType with shortName: "MyUnsignedInt" native
Declaration: "unsigned short"
Results in
typedef unsigned short MyUnsignedInt;
If the attribute is not defined the referring Implementation
DataTypes will not be generated as a typedef by RTE.
If a nativeDeclaration type is given it shall fulfill the
characteristic given by basetypeEncoding and baseType
This is required to ensure the consistent handling and
interpretation by software components, RTE, COM and
MCM systems.
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=120

Table A.3: BaseTypeDirectDefinition

Class BswImplementation
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswImplementation
Note Contains the implementation specific information in addition to the generic specification (BswModule
Description and BswBehavior). It is possible to have several different BswImplementations referring to
the same BswBehavior.
Tags: atp.recommendedPackage=BswImplementations
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, Implementation, MultilanguageReferrable,
PackageableElement, Referrable
Aggregated by ARPackage.element
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
arRelease RevisionLabelString 0..1 attr Version of the AUTOSAR Release on which this
Version implementation is based. The numbering contains three
levels (major, minor, revision) which are defined by

75 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Class BswImplementation
behavior BswInternalBehavior 0..1 ref The behavior of this implementation.
This relation is made as an association because
• it follows the pattern of the SWCT
• since ARElement cannot be splitted, but we want
supply the implementation later, the Bsw
Implementation is not aggregated in BswBehavior
preconfigured EcucModule * ref Reference to the set of preconfigured (i.e. fixed)
Configuration ConfigurationValues configuration values for this BswImplementation.
If the BswImplementation represents a cluster of several
modules, more than one EcucModuleConfigurationValues
element can be referred (at most one per module),
otherwise at most one such element can be referred.
Tags: xml.roleWrapperElement=true
recommended EcucModule * ref Reference to one or more sets of recommended
Configuration ConfigurationValues configuration values for this module or module cluster.
vendorApiInfix Identifier 0..1 attr In driver modules which can be instantiated several times
on a single ECU, SRS_BSW_00347 requires that the
names of files, APIs, published parameters and memory
allocation keywords are extended by the vendorId and a
vendor specific name. This parameter is used to specify
the vendor specific name. In total, the implementation
specific API name is generated as follows: <Module
Name>_<vendorId>_ <vendorApiInfix>_<API name from
E.g. assuming that the vendorId of the implementer is
123 and the implementer chose a vendorApiInfix of
"v11r456" an API name Can_Write defined in the SWS
will translate to Can_123_v11r456_Write.
This attribute is mandatory for all modules with upper
multiplicity > 1. It shall not be used for modules with
upper multiplicity =1.
See also SWS_BSW_00102.
vendorSpecific EcucModuleDef * ref Reference to
• the vendor specific EcucModuleDef used in this Bsw
Implementation if it represents a single module
• several EcucModuleDefs used in this Bsw
Implementation if it represents a cluster of modules
• one or no EcucModuleDefs used in this Bsw
Implementation if it represents a library
Tags: xml.roleWrapperElement=true

Table A.4: BswImplementation

Class BswModuleDescription
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::BswModuleTemplate::BswOverview
Note Root element for the description of a single BSW module or BSW cluster. In case it describes a BSW
module, the short name of this element equals the name of the BSW module.
Tags: atp.recommendedPackage=BswModuleDescriptions
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement,
CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Aggregated by ARPackage.element, AtpClassifier .atpFeature

76 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Class BswModuleDescription
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
bswModule BswModuleDependency * aggr Describes the dependency to another BSW module.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=bswModuleDependency.shortName, bsw
bswModule SwComponent 0..1 aggr This adds a documentation to the BSW module.
Documentation Documentation
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=bswModuleDocumentation, bswModule
expectedEntry BswModuleEntry * ref Indicates an entry which is required by this module.
Replacement of outgoingCallback / requiredEntry.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=expectedEntry.bswModuleEntry, expected
implemented BswModuleEntry * ref Specifies an entry provided by this module which can be
Entry called by other modules. This includes "main" functions,
interrupt routines, and callbacks. Replacement of
providedEntry / expectedCallback.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
internalBehavior BswInternalBehavior * aggr The various BswInternalBehaviors associated with a Bsw
ModuleDescription can be distributed over several
physical files. Therefore the aggregation is <<atp
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
moduleId PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Refers to the BSW Module Identifier defined by the
AUTOSAR standard. For non-standardized modules, a
proprietary identifier can be optionally chosen.
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=5
providedClient BswModuleClientServer * aggr Specifies that this module provides a client server entry
ServerEntry Entry which can be called from another partition or core.This
entry is declared locally to this context and will be
connected to the requiredClientServerEntry of another or
the same module via the configuration of the BSW
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation

77 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Class BswModuleDescription
providedData VariableDataPrototype * aggr Specifies a data prototype provided by this module in
order to be read from another partition or core.The
providedData is declared locally to this context and will be
connected to the requiredData of another or the same
module via the configuration of the BSW Scheduler.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=providedData.shortName, provided
providedMode ModeDeclarationGroup * aggr A set of modes which is owned and provided by this
Group Prototype module or cluster. It can be connected to the required
ModeGroups of other modules or clusters via the
configuration of the BswScheduler. It can also be
synchronized with modes provided via ports by an
associated ServiceSwComponentType, EcuAbstraction
SwComponentType or ComplexDeviceDriverSw
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=providedModeGroup.shortName, provided
releasedTrigger Trigger * aggr A Trigger released by this module or cluster. It can be
connected to the requiredTriggers of other modules or
clusters via the configuration of the BswScheduler. It can
also be synchronized with Triggers provided via ports by
an associated ServiceSwComponentType, Ecu
AbstractionSwComponentType or ComplexDeviceDriver
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=releasedTrigger.shortName, released
requiredClient BswModuleClientServer * aggr Specifies that this module requires a client server entry
ServerEntry Entry which can be implemented on another partition or
core.This entry is declared locally to this context and will
be connected to the providedClientServerEntry of another
or the same module via the configuration of the BSW
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation

78 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Class BswModuleDescription
requiredData VariableDataPrototype * aggr Specifies a data prototype required by this module in oder
to be provided from another partition or core.The required
Data is declared locally to this context and will be
connected to the providedData of another or the same
module via the configuration of the BswScheduler.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=requiredData.shortName, required
requiredMode ModeDeclarationGroup * aggr Specifies that this module or cluster depends on a certain
Group Prototype mode group. The requiredModeGroup is local to this
context and will be connected to the providedModeGroup
of another module or cluster via the configuration of the
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=requiredModeGroup.shortName, required
requiredTrigger Trigger * aggr Specifies that this module or cluster reacts upon an
external trigger.This requiredTrigger is declared locally to
this context and will be connected to the providedTrigger
of another module or cluster via the configuration of the
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=requiredTrigger.shortName, required

Table A.5: BswModuleDescription

Class DependencyOnArtifact
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Implementation
Note Dependency on the existence of another artifact, e.g. a library.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Aggregated by Implementation.generatedArtifact, Implementation.requiredArtifact, Implementation.requiredGenerator
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
artifact AutosarEngineering 0..1 aggr The specified artifact needs to exist.
Descriptor Object
usage DependencyUsage * attr Specification for which process step(s) this dependency is
Enum required.

Table A.6: DependencyOnArtifact

79 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Class EcucModuleConfigurationValues
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::ECUCDescriptionTemplate
Note Head of the configuration of one Module. A Module can be a BSW module as well as the RTE and ECU
As part of the BSW module description, the EcucModuleConfigurationValues element has two different
The recommendedConfiguration contains parameter values recommended by the BSW module vendor.
The preconfiguredConfiguration contains values for those parameters which are fixed by the
implementation and cannot be changed.
These two EcucModuleConfigurationValues are used when the base EcucModuleConfigurationValues
(as part of the base ECU configuration) is created to fill parameters with initial values.
Tags: atp.recommendedPackage=EcucModuleConfigurationValuess
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Aggregated by ARPackage.element
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
container EcucContainerValue * aggr Aggregates all containers that belong to this module
atpVariation: [RS_ECUC_00078]
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=container.shortName, container.variation
definition EcucModuleDef 0..1 ref Reference to the definition of this EcucModule
ConfigurationValues element. Typically, this is a vendor
specific module configuration.
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=-10
ecucDefEdition RevisionLabelString 0..1 attr This is the version info of the ModuleDef ECUC
Parameter definition to which this values conform to / are
based on.
For the Definition of ModuleDef ECUC Parameters the
AdminData shall be used to express the semantic
changes. The compatibility rules between the definition
and value revision labels is up to the module’s vendor.
implementation EcucConfiguration 0..1 attr Specifies the kind of deliverable this EcucModule
ConfigVariant VariantEnum ConfigurationValues element provides. If this element is
not used in a particular role (e.g. preconfigured
Configuration or recommendedConfiguration) then the
value shall be one of VariantPreCompile, VariantLink
Time, VariantPostBuild.
module BswImplementation 0..1 ref Referencing the BSW module description, which this
Description EcucModuleConfigurationValues element is configuring.
This is optional because the EcucModuleConfiguration
Values element is also used to configure the ECU
infrastructure (memory map) or Application SW-Cs.
However in case the EcucModuleConfigurationValues are
used to configure the module, the reference is mandatory
in order to fetch module specific "common" published
postBuildVariant Boolean 0..1 attr Indicates whether a module implementation has or plans
Used to have (i.e., introduced at link or post-build time) new
post-build variation points. TRUE means yes, FALSE
means no. If the attribute is not defined, FALSE
semantics shall be assumed.
Table A.7: EcucModuleConfigurationValues

80 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Class EcucValueCollection
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::ECUCDescriptionTemplate
Note This represents the anchor point of the ECU configuration description.
Tags: atp.recommendedPackage=EcucValueCollections
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Aggregated by ARPackage.element
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
ecucValue EcucModule * ref References to the configuration of individual software
ConfigurationValues modules that are present on this ECU.
atpVariation: [RS_ECUC_00079]
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
ecuExtract System 0..1 ref Represents the extract of the System Configuration that is
relevant for the ECU configured with that ECU
Configuration Description.

Table A.8: EcucValueCollection

Class EngineeringObject (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::GeneralTemplateClasses::EngineeringObject
Note This class specifies an engineering object. Usually such an object is represented by a file artifact. The
properties of engineering object are such that the artifact can be found by querying an ASAM catalog file.
The engineering object is uniquely identified by domain+category+shortLabel+revisionLabel.
Base ARObject
Subclasses AutosarEngineeringObject, BuildEngineeringObject, Graphic
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
category NameToken 1 attr This denotes the role of the engineering object in the
development cycle. Categories are such as
• SWSRC for source code
• SWOBJ for object code
• SWHDR for a C-header file
Further roles need to be defined via Methodology.
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=20
domain NameToken 0..1 attr This denotes the domain in which the engineering object
is stored. This allows to indicate various segments in the
repository keeping the engineering objects. The domain
may segregate companies, as well as automotive
domains. Details need to be defined by the Methodology.
Attribute is optional to support a default domain.
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=40
revisionLabel RevisionLabelString * attr This is a revision label denoting a particular version of the
engineering object.
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=30
shortLabel NameToken 1 attr This is the short name of the engineering object. Note
that it is modeled as NameToken and not as Identifier
since in ASAM-CC it is also a NameToken.
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=10

Table A.9: EngineeringObject

81 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Class Identifiable (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::GeneralTemplateClasses::Identifiable
Note Instances of this class can be referred to by their identifier (within the namespace borders). In addition to
this, Identifiables are objects which contribute significantly to the overall structure of an AUTOSAR
description. In particular, Identifiables might contain Identifiables.
Base ARObject, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Subclasses ARPackage, AbstractDoIpLogicAddressProps, AbstractEvent, AbstractImplementationDataTypeElement,
AbstractSecurityEventFilter , AbstractSecurityIdsmInstanceFilter , AbstractServiceInstance, AppOsTask
ProxyToEcuTaskProxyMapping, ApplicationEndpoint, ApplicationError, ApplicationPartitionToEcuPartition
Mapping, AppliedStandard, AsynchronousServerCallResultPoint, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, Atp
Classifier , AtpFeature, AutosarOperationArgumentInstance, AutosarVariableInstance, BinaryManifest
AddressableObject, BinaryManifestItemDefinition, BinaryManifestResource, BinaryManifestResource
Definition, BlockState, BswInternalTriggeringPoint, BswModuleDependency, BuildActionEntity , Build
ActionEnvironment, CanTpAddress, CanTpChannel, CanTpNode, Chapter, ClassContentConditional,
ClientIdDefinition, ClientServerOperation, Code, CollectableElement, ComManagementMapping, Comm
ConnectorPort, CommunicationConnector , CommunicationController , Compiler, ConsistencyNeeds,
ConsumedEventGroup, CouplingElementAbstractDetails, CouplingPort, CouplingPortAbstractShaper ,
CouplingPortStructuralElement, CpSoftwareClusterResource, CpSoftwareClusterResourceToApplication
PartitionMapping, CpSoftwareClusterToApplicationPartitionMapping, CpSoftwareClusterToEcuInstance
Mapping, CpSoftwareClusterToResourceMapping, CryptoServiceMapping, DataPrototypeGroup, Data
Transformation, DdsCpDomain, DdsCpPartition, DdsCpQosProfile, DdsCpTopic, DependencyOnArtifact,
DiagEventDebounceAlgorithm, DiagnosticAuthTransmitCertificateEvaluation, DiagnosticConnected
Indicator, DiagnosticDataElement, DiagnosticDebounceAlgorithmProps, DiagnosticFunctionInhibit
Source, DiagnosticParameterElement, DiagnosticRoutineSubfunction, DltApplication, DltArgument, Dlt
LogChannel, DltMessage, DoIpInterface, DoIpLogicAddress, DoIpRoutingActivation, ECUMapping, EOC
ExecutableEntityRefAbstract, EcuPartition, EcucContainerValue, EcucDefinitionElement, Ecuc
DestinationUriDef, EcucEnumerationLiteralDef, EcucQuery, EcucValidationCondition, EndToEnd
Protection, EthernetWakeupSleepOnDatalineConfig, EventHandler, ExclusiveArea, ExecutableEntity ,
ExecutionTime, FMAttributeDef, FMFeatureMapAssertion, FMFeatureMapCondition, FMFeatureMap
Element, FMFeatureRelation, FMFeatureRestriction, FMFeatureSelection, FlatInstanceDescriptor,
FlexrayArTpNode, FlexrayTpConnectionControl, FlexrayTpNode, FlexrayTpPduPool, FrameTriggering,
GeneralParameter, GlobalTimeGateway, GlobalTimeMaster , GlobalTimeSlave, HeapUsage, HwAttribute
Def, HwAttributeLiteralDef, HwPin, HwPinGroup, IEEE1722TpAcfBus, IEEE1722TpAcfBusPart, IPSec
Rule, IPv6ExtHeaderFilterList, ISignalToIPduMapping, ISignalTriggering, IdentCaption, ImpositionTime,
InternalTriggeringPoint, J1939SharedAddressCluster, J1939TpNode, Keyword, LifeCycleState, Lin
ScheduleTable, LinTpNode, Linker, MacMulticastGroup, MacSecKayParticipant, McDataInstance,
MemorySection, ModeDeclaration, ModeDeclarationMapping, ModeSwitchPoint, NetworkEndpoint, Nm
Cluster , NmEcu, NmNode, NvBlockDescriptor, PackageableElement, ParameterAccess, PduActivation
RoutingGroup, PduToFrameMapping, PduTriggering, PerInstanceMemory, PhysicalChannel, Port
ElementToCommunicationResourceMapping, PortGroup, PortInterfaceMapping, PossibleErrorReaction,
ResourceConsumption, RootSwCompositionPrototype, RptComponent, RptContainer, RptExecutable
Entity, RptExecutableEntityEvent, RptExecutionContext, RptProfile, RptServicePoint, RteEventIn
CompositionSeparation, RteEventInCompositionToOsTaskProxyMapping, RteEventInSystemSeparation,
RteEventInSystemToOsTaskProxyMapping, RunnableEntityGroup, SdgAttribute, SdgClass, Secure
CommunicationAuthenticationProps, SecureCommunicationFreshnessProps, SecurityEventContext
Props, ServerCallPoint, ServiceNeeds, SignalServiceTranslationElementProps, SignalServiceTranslation
EventProps, SignalServiceTranslationProps, SocketAddress, SomeipTpChannel, SpecElement
Reference, StackUsage, StaticSocketConnection, StructuredReq, SwGenericAxisParamType, SwService
Arg, SwcServiceDependency, SwcToApplicationPartitionMapping, SwcToEcuMapping, SwcToImpl
Mapping, SwitchAsynchronousTrafficShaperGroupEntry, SwitchFlowMeteringEntry, SwitchStreamFilter
ActionDestPortModification, SwitchStreamFilterEntry, SwitchStreamFilterRule, SwitchStreamGateEntry,
SwitchStreamIdentification, SystemMapping, SystemSignalGroupToCommunicationResourceMapping,
SystemSignalToCommunicationResourceMapping, TDCpSoftwareClusterMapping, TDCpSoftware
ClusterResourceMapping, TcpOptionFilterList, TimingClock , TimingClockSyncAccuracy, Timing
Condition, TimingConstraint, TimingDescription, TimingExtensionResource, TimingModeInstance, Tls
CryptoCipherSuite, TlsCryptoCipherSuiteProps, Topic1, TpAddress, TraceableTable, TraceableText,
TracedFailure, TransformationProps, TransformationTechnology, Trigger, VariableAccess, VariationPoint
Proxy, ViewMap, VlanConfig, WaitPoint
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

82 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Class Identifiable (abstract)
adminData AdminData 0..1 aggr This represents the administrative data for the identifiable
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
annotation Annotation * aggr Possibility to provide additional notes while defining a
model element (e.g. the ECU Configuration Parameter
Values). These are not intended as documentation but
are mere design notes.
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=-25
category CategoryString 0..1 attr The category is a keyword that specializes the semantics
of the Identifiable. It affects the expected existence of
attributes and the applicability of constraints.
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=-50
desc MultiLanguageOverview 0..1 aggr This represents a general but brief (one paragraph)
Paragraph description what the object in question is about. It is only
one paragraph! Desc is intended to be collected into
overview tables. This property helps a human reader to
identify the object in question.
More elaborate documentation, (in particular how the
object is built or used) should go to "introduction".
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=-60
introduction DocumentationBlock 0..1 aggr This represents more information about how the object in
question is built or is used. Therefore it is a
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=-30
uuid String 0..1 attr The purpose of this attribute is to provide a globally
unique identifier for an instance of a meta-class. The
values of this attribute should be globally unique strings
prefixed by the type of identifier. For example, to include a
DCE UUID as defined by The Open Group, the UUID
would be preceded by "DCE:". The values of this attribute
may be used to support merging of different AUTOSAR
models. The form of the UUID (Universally Unique
Identifier) is taken from a standard defined by the Open
Group (was Open Software Foundation). This standard is
widely used, including by Microsoft for COM (GUIDs) and
by many companies for DCE, which is based on CORBA.
The method for generating these 128-bit IDs is published
in the standard and the effectiveness and uniqueness of
the IDs is not in practice disputed. If the id namespace is
omitted, DCE is assumed. An example is
"DCE:2fac1234-31f8-11b4-a222-08002b34c003". The
uuid attribute has no semantic meaning for an AUTOSAR
model and there is no requirement for AUTOSAR tools to
manage the timestamp.
Tags: xml.attribute=true

Table A.10: Identifiable

83 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Class Implementation (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::Implementation
Note Description of an implementation a single software component or module.
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Subclasses BswImplementation, SwcImplementation
Aggregated by ARPackage.element
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
buildAction BuildActionManifest 0..1 ref A manifest specifying the intended build actions for the
Manifest software delivered with this implementation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
codeDescriptor Code * aggr Specifies the provided implementation code.
compiler Compiler * aggr Specifies the compiler for which this implementation has
been released
generated DependencyOnArtifact * aggr Relates to an artifact that will be generated during the
Artifact integration of this Implementation by an associated
generator tool. Note that this is an optional information
since it might not always be in the scope of a single
module or component to provide this information.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=generatedArtifact.shortName, generated
hwElement HwElement * ref The hardware elements (e.g. the processor) required for
this implementation.
linker Linker * aggr Specifies the linker for which this implementation has
been released.
mcSupport McSupportData 0..1 aggr The measurement & calibration support data belonging to
this implementation. The aggregtion is <<atpSplitable>>
because in case of an already exisiting BSW
Implementation model, this description will be added later
in the process, namely at code generation time.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
Tags: atp.Splitkey=mcSupport
programming Programminglanguage 0..1 attr Programming language the implementation was created
Language Enum in.
requiredArtifact DependencyOnArtifact * aggr Specifies that this Implementation depends on the
existance of another artifact (e.g. a library). This
aggregation of DependencyOnArtifact is subject to
variability with the purpose to support variability in the
implementations. Different algorithms in the
implementation might cause different dependencies, e.g.
the number of used libraries.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=requiredArtifact.shortName, required

84 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Class Implementation (abstract)
required DependencyOnArtifact * aggr Relates this Implementation to a generator tool in order to
GeneratorTool generate additional artifacts during integration.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=requiredGeneratorTool.shortName, required
resource ResourceConsumption 0..1 aggr All static and dynamic resources for each implementation
Consumption are described within the ResourceConsumption class.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
Tags: atp.Splitkey=resourceConsumption.shortName
swcBsw SwcBswMapping 0..1 ref This allows a mapping between an SWC and a BSW
Mapping behavior to be attached to an implementation description
(for AUTOSAR Service, ECU Abstraction and Complex
Driver Components). It is up to the methodology to define
whether this reference has to be set for the Swc- or Bsw
Implementtion or for both.
swVersion RevisionLabelString 0..1 attr Software version of this implementation. The numbering
contains three levels (like major, minor, patch), its values
are vendor specific.
usedCode String 0..1 attr Optional: code generator used.
vendorId PositiveInteger 0..1 attr Vendor ID of this Implementation according to the
AUTOSAR vendor list

Table A.11: Implementation

Class ImplementationDataType
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ImplementationDataTypes
Note Describes a reusable data type on the implementation level. This will typically correspond to a typedef in
Tags: atp.recommendedPackage=ImplementationDataTypes
Base ARElement, ARObject, AbstractImplementationDataType, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier ,
AtpType, AutosarDataType, CollectableElement, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Packageable
Element, Referrable
Aggregated by ARPackage.element
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
dynamicArray String 0..1 attr Specifies the profile which the array will follow in case this
SizeProfile data type is a variable size array.
isStructWith Boolean 0..1 attr This attribute is only valid if the attribute category is set to
If set to true, this attribute indicates that the
ImplementationDataType has been created with the
intention to define at least one element of the structure as

85 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Class ImplementationDataType
subElement ImplementationData * aggr Specifies an element of an array, struct, or union data
(ordered) TypeElement type.
The aggregation of ImplementionDataTypeElement is
subject to variability with the purpose to support the
conditional existence of elements inside a Implementation
DataType representing a structure.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=subElement.shortName, sub
symbolProps SymbolProps 0..1 aggr This represents the SymbolProps for the Implementation
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
Tags: atp.Splitkey=symbolProps.shortName
typeEmitter NameToken 0..1 attr This attribute is used to control which part of the
AUTOSAR toolchain is supposed to trigger data type
Table A.12: ImplementationDataType

Enumeration MemoryAllocationKeywordPolicyType
Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::AuxillaryObjects
Note Enumeration to specify the name pattern of the Memory Allocation Keyword.
Aggregated by SwAddrMethod.memoryAllocationKeywordPolicy
Literal Description
addrMethodShort The MemorySection shortNames of referring MemorySections and therefore the belonging Memory
Name Allocation Keywords in the code are build with the shortName of the SwAddrMethod. This is the
default value if the attribute does not exist.
Tags: atp.EnumerationLiteralIndex=0
addrMethodShort The MemorySection shortNames of referring MemorySections and therefore the belonging Memory
NameAndAlignment Allocation Keywords in the code are build with the shortName of the SwAddrMethod and a variable
alignment postfix.
Thereby the alignment postfix needs to be consistent with the alignment attribute of the related
Tags: atp.EnumerationLiteralIndex=1

Table A.13: MemoryAllocationKeywordPolicyType

86 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Class MemorySection
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ResourceConsumption::MemorySectionUsage
Note Provides a description of an abstract memory section used in the Implementation for code or data. It shall
be declared by the Implementation Description of the module or component, which actually allocates the
memory in its code. This means in case of data prototypes which are allocated by the RTE, that the
generated Implementation Description of the RTE shall contain the corresponding MemorySections.
The attribute "symbol" (if symbol is missing: "shortName") defines the module or component specific
section name used in the code. For details see the document "Specification of Memory Mapping".
Typically the section name is build according the pattern:
<SwAddrMethod shortName>[_<further specialization nominator>][_<alignment>]
• [<SwAddrMethod shortName>] is the shortName of the referenced SwAddrMethod
• [_<further specialization nominator>] is an optional infix to indicate the specialization in the case
that several MemorySections for different purpose of the same Implementation Description referring to
the same or equally named SwAddrMethods.
• [_<alignment>] is the alignment attributes value and is only applicable in the case that the memory
AllocationKeywordPolicy value of the referenced SwAddrMethod is set to addrMethodShortNameAnd
MemorySection used to Implement the code of RunnableEntitys and BswSchedulableEntitys shall have a
symbol (if missing: shortName) identical to the referred SwAddrMethod to conform to the generated RTE
header files.
In addition to the section name described above, a prefix is used in the corresponding macro code in
order to define a name space. This prefix is by default given by the shortName of the BswModule
Description resp. the SwComponentType. It can be superseded by the prefix attribute.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Aggregated by ResourceConsumption.memorySection
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
alignment AlignmentType 0..1 attr The attribute describes the typical alignment of objects
within this memory section.
executableEntity ExecutableEntity * ref Reference to the ExecutableEntitites located in this
section. This allows to locate different Executable
Entitities in different sections even if the associated Sw
Addrmethod is the same.
This is applicable to code sections only.
option Identifier * attr The service (in AUTOSAR: BswModuleEntry) is
implemented in a way that it either resolves to aninline
function or to a standard function depending on
conditions set at a later point in time.
The following two values are standardized (to be used for
code sections only and exclusively to each other):
• INLINE - The code section is declared with the keyword
• LOCAL_INLINE - The code section is declared with the
keyword "static inline".
In both cases (INLINE and LOCAL_INLINE) the inline
expansion depends on the compiler. Depending on this,
the code section either corresponds to an actual section
in memory or is put into the section of the caller.
prefix SectionNamePrefix 0..1 ref The prefix used to set the memory section’s namespace
in the code. The existence of a prefix element
supersedes rules for a default prefix (such as the Bsw
ModuleDescription’s shortName). This allows the user to
define several name spaces for memory sections within
the scope of one module, cluster or SWC.
size PositiveInteger 0..1 attr The size in bytes of the section.

87 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Class MemorySection
swAddrmethod SwAddrMethod 0..1 ref This association indicates that this module specific
(abstract) memory section is part of an overall SwAddr
Method, referred by the upstream declarations (e.g.
calibration parameters, data element prototypes, code
entities) which share a common addressing strategy. This
can be evaluated for the ECU configuration of the build
This association shall always be declared by the
Implementation description of the module or component,
which allocates the memory in its code. This means in
case of data prototypes which are allocated by the RTE,
that the software components only declare the grouping
of its data prototypes to SwAddrMethods, and the
generated Implementation Description of the RTE actually
sets up this association.
symbol Identifier 0..1 attr Defines the section name as explained in the main
description. By using this attribute for code generation
(instead of the shortName) it is possible to define several
different MemorySections having the same name - e.g.
symbol = CODE - but using different sectionName
Table A.14: MemorySection

Enumeration MemorySectionType
Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::AuxillaryObjects
Note Enumeration to specify the essential nature of the data which can be allocated in a common memory
class by the means of the AUTOSAR Memory Mapping.
Aggregated by SwAddrMethod.sectionType
Literal Description
calibrationVariables This memory section is reserved for "virtual variables" that are computed by an MCD system during a
measurement session but do not exist in the ECU memory.
Tags: atp.EnumerationLiteralIndex=2
calprm To be used for calibratable constants of ECU-functions.
Tags: atp.EnumerationLiteralIndex=3
code To be used for mapping code to application block, boot block, external flash etc.
Tags: atp.EnumerationLiteralIndex=4
configData Constants with attributes that show that they reside in one segment for module configuration.
Tags: atp.EnumerationLiteralIndex=5
const To be used for global or static constants.
Tags: atp.EnumerationLiteralIndex=6
excludeFromFlash This memory section is reserved for "virtual parameters" that are taken for computing the values of
so-called dependent parameter of an MCD system. Dependent Parameters that are not at the same
time "virtual parameters" are allocated in the ECU memory.
Virtual parameters, on the other hand, are not allocated in the ECU memory. Virtual parameters exist
in the ECU Hex file for the purpose of being considered (for computing the values of dependent
parameters) during an offline-calibration session.
Tags: atp.EnumerationLiteralIndex=7
var To be used for global or static variables. The expected initialization is specified with the attribute
Tags: atp.EnumerationLiteralIndex=9

Table A.15: MemorySectionType

88 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Class Referrable (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::GeneralTemplateClasses::Identifiable
Note Instances of this class can be referred to by their identifier (while adhering to namespace borders).
Base ARObject
Subclasses AtpDefinition, BswDistinguishedPartition, BswModuleCallPoint, BswModuleClientServerEntry, Bsw
VariableAccess, CouplingPortTrafficClassAssignment, DiagnosticEnvModeElement, EthernetPriority
Regeneration, ExclusiveAreaNestingOrder, HwDescriptionEntity , ImplementationProps, LinSlaveConfig
Ident, ModeTransition, MultilanguageReferrable, PncMappingIdent, SingleLanguageReferrable, SoConI
PduIdentifier, SocketConnectionBundle, TimeSyncServerConfiguration, TpConnectionIdent
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
shortName Identifier 1 attr This specifies an identifying shortName for the object. It
needs to be unique within its context and is intended for
humans but even more for technical reference.
Stereotypes: atpIdentityContributor
shortName ShortNameFragment * aggr This specifies how the Referrable.shortName is
Fragment composed of several shortNameFragments.
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=-90

Table A.16: Referrable

Class RunnableEntity
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior
Note A RunnableEntity represents the smallest code-fragment that is provided by an AtomicSwComponent
Type and are executed under control of the RTE. RunnableEntities are for instance set up to respond to
data reception or operation invocation on a server.
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, ExecutableEntity , Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, Referrable
Aggregated by AtpClassifier .atpFeature, SwcInternalBehavior.runnable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
argument RunnableEntity * aggr This represents the formal definition of a an argument to
(ordered) Argument a RunnableEntity.
asynchronous AsynchronousServer * aggr The server call result point admits a runnable to fetch the
ServerCall CallResultPoint result of an asynchronous server call.
The aggregation of AsynchronousServerCallResultPoint
is subject to variability with the purpose to support the
conditional existence of client server PortPrototypes and
the variant existence of server call result points in the
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
Name, asynchronousServerCallResultPoint.variation
canBeInvoked Boolean 0..1 attr If the value of this attribute is set to "true" the enclosing
Concurrently RunnableEntity can be invoked concurrently (even for one
instance of the corresponding AtomicSwComponent
Type). This implies that it is the responsibility of the
implementation of the RunnableEntity to take care of this
form of concurrency.

89 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Class RunnableEntity
dataRead VariableAccess * aggr RunnableEntity has implicit read access to dataElement
Access of a sender-receiver PortPrototype or nv data of a nv data
The aggregation of dataReadAccess is subject to
variability with the purpose to support the conditional
existence of sender receiver ports or the variant existence
of dataReadAccess in the implementation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=dataReadAccess.shortName, dataRead
dataReceive VariableAccess * aggr RunnableEntity has explicit read access to dataElement
PointBy of a sender-receiver PortPrototype or nv data of a nv data
Argument PortPrototype. The result is passed back to the
application by means of an argument in the function
The aggregation of dataReceivePointByArgument is
subject to variability with the purpose to support the
conditional existence of sender receiver PortPrototype or
the variant existence of data receive points in the
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
dataReceive VariableAccess * aggr RunnableEntity has explicit read access to dataElement
PointByValue of a sender-receiver PortPrototype or nv data of a nv data
The result is passed back to the application by means of
the return value. The aggregation of dataReceivePointBy
Value is subject to variability with the purpose to support
the conditional existence of sender receiver ports or the
variant existence of data receive points in the
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=dataReceivePointByValue.shortName, data
dataSendPoint VariableAccess * aggr RunnableEntity has explicit write access to dataElement
of a sender-receiver PortPrototype or nv data of a nv data
The aggregation of dataSendPoint is subject to variability
with the purpose to support the conditional existence of
sender receiver PortPrototype or the variant existence of
data send points in the implementation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=dataSendPoint.shortName, dataSend

90 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Class RunnableEntity
dataWrite VariableAccess * aggr RunnableEntity has implicit write access to dataElement
Access of a sender-receiver PortPrototype or nv data of a nv data
The aggregation of dataWriteAccess is subject to
variability with the purpose to support the conditional
existence of sender receiver ports or the variant existence
of dataWriteAccess in the implementation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=dataWriteAccess.shortName, dataWrite
external ExternalTriggeringPoint * aggr The aggregation of ExternalTriggeringPoint is subject to
TriggeringPoint variability with the purpose to support the conditional
existence of trigger ports or the variant existence of
external triggering points in the implementation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
internal InternalTriggeringPoint * aggr The aggregation of InternalTriggeringPoint is subject to
TriggeringPoint variability with the purpose to support the variant
existence of internal triggering points in the
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=internalTriggeringPoint.shortName, internal
modeAccess ModeAccessPoint * aggr The runnable has a mode access point. The aggregation
Point of ModeAccessPoint is subject to variability with the
purpose to support the conditional existence of mode
ports or the variant existence of mode access points in
the implementation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=modeAccessPoint.ident.shortName, mode
modeSwitch ModeSwitchPoint * aggr The runnable has a mode switch point. The aggregation
Point of ModeSwitchPoint is subject to variability with the
purpose to support the conditional existence of mode
ports or the variant existence of mode switch points in the
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=modeSwitchPoint.shortName, modeSwitch

91 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Class RunnableEntity
parameter ParameterAccess * aggr The presence of a ParameterAccess implies that a
Access RunnableEntity needs read only access to a Parameter
DataPrototype which may either be local or within a Port
The aggregation of ParameterAccess is subject to
variability with the purpose to support the conditional
existence of parameter ports and component local
parameters as well as the variant existence of Parameter
Access (points) in the implementation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=parameterAccess.shortName, parameter
readLocal VariableAccess * aggr The presence of a readLocalVariable implies that a
Variable RunnableEntity needs read access to a VariableData
Prototype in the role of implicitInterRunnableVariable or
The aggregation of readLocalVariable is subject to
variability with the purpose to support the conditional
existence of implicitInterRunnableVariable and explicit
InterRunnableVariable or the variant existence of read
LocalVariable (points) in the implementation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=readLocalVariable.shortName, readLocal
serverCallPoint ServerCallPoint * aggr The RunnableEntity has a ServerCallPoint. The
aggregation of ServerCallPoint is subject to variability with
the purpose to support the conditional existence of client
server PortPrototypes or the variant existence of server
call points in the implementation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=serverCallPoint.shortName, serverCall
symbol CIdentifier 0..1 attr The symbol describing this RunnableEntity’s entry point.
This is considered the API of the RunnableEntity and is
required during the RTE contract phase.
waitPoint WaitPoint * aggr The WaitPoint associated with the RunnableEntity.
writtenLocal VariableAccess * aggr The presence of a writtenLocalVariable implies that a
Variable RunnableEntity needs write access to a VariableData
Prototype in the role of implicitInterRunnableVariable or
The aggregation of writtenLocalVariable is subject to
variability with the purpose to support the conditional
existence of implicitInterRunnableVariable and explicit
InterRunnableVariable or the variant existence of written
LocalVariable (points) in the implementation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=writtenLocalVariable.shortName, written

Table A.17: RunnableEntity

92 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Class SectionNamePrefix
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::ResourceConsumption::MemorySectionUsage
Note A prefix to be used for generated code artifacts defining a memory section name in the source code of
the using module or SWC.
Base ARObject, ImplementationProps, Referrable
Aggregated by ResourceConsumption.sectionNamePrefix
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
implementedIn DependencyOnArtifact 0..1 ref Optional reference that allows to Indicate the code artifact
(header file) containing the preprocessor implementation
of memory sections with this prefix.
The usage of this link supersedes the usage of a memory
mapping header with the default name (derived from the
BswModuleDescription’s shortName).

Table A.18: SectionNamePrefix

Class SwAddrMethod
Package M2::MSR::DataDictionary::AuxillaryObjects
Note Used to assign a common addressing method, e.g. common memory section, to data or code objects.
These objects could actually live in different modules or components.
Tags: atp.recommendedPackage=SwAddrMethods
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, CollectableElement, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Aggregated by ARPackage.element
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
memory MemoryAllocation 0..1 attr Enumeration to specify the name pattern of the Memory
Allocation KeywordPolicyType Allocation Keyword.
option Identifier * attr This attribute introduces the ability to specify further
intended properties of the MemorySection in with the
related objects shall be placed.
These properties are handled as to be selected. The
intended options are mentioned in the list.
In the Memory Mapping configuration, this option list is
used to determine an appropriate MemMapAddressing
section SectionInitialization 0..1 attr Specifies the expected initialization of the variables
Initialization PolicyType (inclusive those which are implementing VariableData
Policy Prototypes). Therefore this is an implementation
constraint for initialization code of BSW modules
(especially RTE) as well as the start-up code which
initializes the memory segment to which the AutosarData
Prototypes referring to the SwAddrMethod’s are later on
If the attribute is not defined it has the identical semantic
as the attribute value "INIT"
sectionType MemorySectionType 0..1 attr Defines the type of memory sections which can be
associated with this addressing method.

Table A.19: SwAddrMethod

93 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Class SwBaseType
Package M2::MSR::AsamHdo::BaseTypes
Note This meta-class represents a base type used within ECU software.
Tags: atp.recommendedPackage=BaseTypes
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, BaseType, CollectableElement, Identifiable,
MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Aggregated by ARPackage.element
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
– – – – –
Table A.20: SwBaseType

Class SwComponentType (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Components
Note Base class for AUTOSAR software components.
Base ARElement, ARObject, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, AtpClassifier , AtpType, CollectableElement,
Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, PackageableElement, Referrable
Subclasses AtomicSwComponentType, CompositionSwComponentType, ParameterSwComponentType
Aggregated by ARPackage.element
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
consistency ConsistencyNeeds * aggr This represents the collection of ConsistencyNeeds
Needs owned by the enclosing SwComponentType.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=consistencyNeeds.shortName, consistency
port PortPrototype * aggr The PortPrototypes through which this SwComponent
Type can communicate.
The aggregation of PortPrototype is subject to variability
with the purpose to support the conditional existence of
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=port.shortName, port.variationPoint.short
portGroup PortGroup * aggr A port group being part of this component.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=portGroup.shortName, portGroup.variation
swcMapping SwComponentMapping * ref Reference to constraints that are valid for this Sw
Constraint Constraints ComponentType.
swComponent SwComponent 0..1 aggr This adds a documentation to the SwComponentType.
Documentation Documentation
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=swComponentDocumentation, sw
unitGroup UnitGroup * ref This allows for the specification of which UnitGroups are
relevant in the context of referencing SwComponentType.

Table A.21: SwComponentType

94 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Class SwcImplementation
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcImplementation
Note This meta-class represents a specialization of the general Implementation meta-class with respect to the
usage in application software.
Tags: atp.recommendedPackage=SwcImplementations
Base ARElement, ARObject, CollectableElement, Identifiable, Implementation, MultilanguageReferrable,
PackageableElement, Referrable
Aggregated by ARPackage.element
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
behavior SwcInternalBehavior 0..1 ref The internal behavior implemented by this
perInstance PerInstanceMemory * aggr Allows a definition of the size of the per-instance memory
MemorySize Size for this implementation. The aggregation of PerInstance
MemorySize is subject to variability with the purpose to
support variability in the software components
implementations. Typically different algorithms in the
implementation are requiring different number of memory
objects, in this case PerInstanceMemory.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=perInstanceMemorySize, perInstance
required String 0..1 attr Identify a specific RTE vendor. This information is
RTEVendor potentially important at the time of integrating (in
particular: linking) the application code with the RTE. The
semantics is that (if the association exists) the
corresponding code has been created to fit to the
vendor-mode RTE provided by this specific vendor.
Attempting to integrate the code with another RTE
generated in vendor mode is in general not possible.

Table A.22: SwcImplementation

Class SwcInternalBehavior
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::SwcInternalBehavior
Note The SwcInternalBehavior of an AtomicSwComponentType describes the relevant aspects of the
software-component with respect to the RTE, i.e. the RunnableEntities and the RTEEvents they respond
Base ARObject, AtpClassifier , AtpFeature, AtpStructureElement, Identifiable, InternalBehavior , Multilanguage
Referrable, Referrable
Aggregated by AtomicSwComponentType.internalBehavior, AtpClassifier .atpFeature
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

95 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Class SwcInternalBehavior
arTypedPer VariableDataPrototype * aggr Defines an AUTOSAR typed memory-block that needs to
Instance be available for each instance of the SW-component.
This is typically only useful if supportsMultipleInstantiation
is set to "true" or if the component defines NVRAM
access via permanent blocks.
The aggregation of arTypedPerInstanceMemory is subject
to variability with the purpose to support variability in the
software component’s implementations. Typically different
algorithms in the implementation are requiring different
number of memory objects.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=arTypedPerInstanceMemory.shortName, ar
event RTEEvent * aggr This is a RTEEvent specified for the particular Swc
The aggregation of RTEEvent is subject to variability with
the purpose to support the conditional existence of RTE
events. Note: the number of RTE events might vary due
to the conditional existence of PortPrototypes using Data
ReceivedEvents or due to different scheduling needs of
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=event.shortName, event.variationPoint.short
exclusiveArea SwcExclusiveArea * aggr Options how to generate the ExclusiveArea related APIs.
Policy Policy When no SwcExclusiveAreaPolicy is specified for an
ExclusiveArea the default values apply.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=exclusiveAreaPolicy, exclusiveArea
explicitInter VariableDataPrototype * aggr Implement state message semantics for establishing
Runnable communication among runnables of the same
Variable component. The aggregation of explicitInterRunnable
Variable is subject to variability with the purpose to
support variability in the software components
implementations. Typically different algorithms in the
implementation are requiring different number of memory
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation

96 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Class SwcInternalBehavior
implicitInter VariableDataPrototype * aggr Implement state message semantics for establishing
Runnable communication among runnables of the same
Variable component. The aggregation of implicitInterRunnable
Variable is subject to variability with the purpose to
support variability in the software components
implementations. Typically different algorithms in the
implementation are requiring different number of memory
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
includedData IncludedDataTypeSet * aggr The includedDataTypeSet is used by a software
TypeSet component for its implementation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
Tags: atp.Splitkey=includedDataTypeSet
includedMode IncludedMode * aggr This aggregation represents the included Mode
Declaration DeclarationGroupSet DeclarationGroups
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
Tags: atp.Splitkey=includedModeDeclarationGroupSet
instantiation InstantiationDataDef * aggr The purpose of this is that within the context of a given
DataDefProps Props SwComponentType some data def properties of individual
instantiations can be modified. The aggregation of
InstantiationDataDefProps is subject to variability with the
purpose to support the conditional existence of Port
Prototypes and component local memories like "per
InstanceParameter" or "arTypedPerInstanceMemory".
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=instantiationDataDefProps, instantiationData
perInstance PerInstanceMemory * aggr Defines a per-instance memory object needed by this
Memory software component. The aggregation of PerInstance
Memory is subject to variability with the purpose to
support variability in the software components
implementations. Typically different algorithms in the
implementation are requiring different number of memory
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=perInstanceMemory.shortName, perInstance

97 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Class SwcInternalBehavior
perInstance ParameterData * aggr Defines parameter(s) or characteristic value(s) that needs
Parameter Prototype to be available for each instance of the
software-component. This is typically only useful if
supportsMultipleInstantiation is set to "true". The
aggregation of perInstanceParameter is subject to
variability with the purpose to support variability in the
software components implementations. Typically different
algorithms in the implementation are requiring different
number of memory objects.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=perInstanceParameter.shortName, per
portAPIOption PortAPIOption * aggr Options for generating the signature of port-related calls
from a runnable to the RTE and vice versa. The
aggregation of PortPrototypes is subject to variability with
the purpose to support the conditional existence of ports.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=portAPIOption, portAPIOption.variation
runnable RunnableEntity * aggr This is a RunnableEntity specified for the particular Swc
The aggregation of RunnableEntity is subject to variability
with the purpose to support the conditional existence of
RunnableEntities. Note: the number of RunnableEntities
might vary due to the conditional existence of Port
Prototypes using DataReceivedEvents or due to different
scheduling needs of algorithms.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=runnable.shortName, runnable.variation
service SwcService * aggr Defines the requirements on AUTOSAR Services for a
Dependency Dependency particular item.
The aggregation of SwcServiceDependency is subject to
variability with the purpose to support the conditional
existence of ports as well as the conditional existence of
The SwcServiceDependency owned by an SwcInternal
Behavior can be located in a different physical file in order
to support that SwcServiceDependency might be
provided in later development steps or even by different
expert domain (e.g OBD expert for Obd related Service
Needs) tools. Therefore the aggregation is <<atp
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=serviceDependency.shortName, service

98 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Class SwcInternalBehavior
shared ParameterData * aggr Defines parameter(s) or characteristic value(s) shared
Parameter Prototype between SwComponentPrototypes of the same Sw
ComponentType The aggregation of sharedParameter is
subject to variability with the purpose to support variability
in the software components implementations. Typically
different algorithms in the implementation are requiring
different number of memory objects.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=sharedParameter.shortName, shared
supports Boolean 0..1 attr Indicate whether the corresponding software-component
Multiple can be multiply instantiated on one ECU. In this case the
Instantiation attribute will result in an appropriate component API on
programming language level (with or without instance
variationPoint VariationPointProxy * aggr Proxy of a variation points in the C/C++ implementation.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
Tags: atp.Splitkey=variationPointProxy.shortName

Table A.23: SwcInternalBehavior

Class SwcToImplMapping
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate::SWmapping
Note Map instances of an AtomicSwComponentType to a specific Implementation.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Aggregated by SystemMapping.swImplMapping
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
component SwComponent * iref Reference to the software component instances that are
Prototype being mapped to the specified Implementation. The
targeted SwComponentPrototype needs be of the Atomic
SwComponentType being implemented by the referenced
InstanceRef implemented by: ComponentInSystem
component SwcImplementation 0..1 ref Reference to a specific Implementation description.
Implementation to be used by the specified SW
component instance. This allows to achieve more precise
estimates for the resource consumption that results from
mapping the instance of an atomic SW component onto
an ECU.

Table A.24: SwcToImplMapping

Class SystemMapping
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SystemTemplate
Note The system mapping aggregates all mapping aspects (mapping of SW components to ECUs, mapping of
data elements to signals, and mapping constraints).
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Aggregated by System.mapping
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

99 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Class SystemMapping
application ApplicationPartitionTo * aggr Mapping of ApplicationPartitions to EcuPartitions
PartitionToEcu EcuPartitionMapping
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
Mapping.shortName, applicationPartitionToEcuPartition
appOsTask AppOsTaskProxyToEcu * aggr Mapping of an OsTaskProxy that was created in the
ProxyToEcu TaskProxyMapping context of a SwComponent to an OsTaskProxy that was
TaskProxy created in the context of an Ecu.
com ComManagement * aggr Mappings between Mode Management PortGroups and
Management Mapping communication channels.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=comManagementMapping.shortName, com
cryptoService CryptoServiceMapping * aggr This aggregation represents the collection of crypto
Mapping service mappings in the context of the enclosing System
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=cryptoServiceMapping.shortName, crypto
dataMapping DataMapping * aggr The data mappings defined.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=dataMapping, dataMapping.variation
ddsISignalTo DdsCpISignalToDds * aggr Collection of DdsISignalToDdsTopicMappings.
TopicMapping TopicMapping
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=ddsISignalToTopicMapping, ddsISignalTo
ecuResource ECUMapping * aggr Mapping of hardware related topology elements onto their
Mapping counterpart definitions in the ECU Resource Template.
atpVariation: The ECU Resource type might be variable.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=ecuResourceMapping.shortName, ecu
j1939Controller J1939Controller * aggr Mapping of a J1939ControllerApplication to a J1939Nm
ApplicationTo ApplicationToJ1939Nm Node.
J1939NmNode NodeMapping

100 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Class SystemMapping
mapping MappingConstraint * aggr Constraints that limit the mapping freedom for the
Constraint mapping of SW components to ECUs.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=mappingConstraint, mapping
pncMapping PncMapping * aggr Mappings between Virtual Function Clusters and Partial
Network Clusters.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=pncMapping, pncMapping.variation
portElementTo PortElementTo * aggr maps a communication resource to CP Software Clusters
ComResource Communication
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
Mapping ResourceMapping
Name, portElementToComResourceMapping.variation
resource EcuResourceEstimation * aggr Resource estimations for this set of mappings, zero or
Estimation one per ECU instance.
atpVariation: Used ECUs are variable.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=resourceEstimation, resource
resourceTo CpSoftwareCluster * aggr Maps a Software Cluster resource to an Application
Application ResourceToApplication Partition to restrict the usage.
Partition PartitionMapping
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
Mapping.shortName, resourceToApplicationPartition
rteEvent RteEventInSystem * aggr Separation constraint that limits the mapping freedom for
Separation Separation the mapping of RteEvents to OsTasks in the System
rteEventToOs RteEventInSystemToOs * aggr Constraint that enforces a mapping of RteEvent to a
TaskProxy TaskProxyMapping particular OsTask in the System context.
signalPath SignalPathConstraint * aggr Constraints that limit the mapping freedom for the
Constraint mapping of data elements to signals.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=signalPathConstraint, signalPath

101 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Class SystemMapping
softwareCluster CpSoftwareClusterTo * aggr The mapping of ApplicationPartitions to a CpSoftware
ToApplication ApplicationPartition Cluster.
Partition Mapping
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
Mapping.shortName, softwareClusterToApplication
softwareCluster CpSoftwareClusterTo * aggr maps a service resource to CP Software Clusters
ToResource ResourceMapping
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
Name, softwareClusterToResourceMapping.variation
swCluster CpSoftwareClusterTo * aggr The mappings of SW cluster to ECUs.
Mapping EcuInstanceMapping
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=swClusterMapping.shortName, swCluster
swcTo SwcToApplication * aggr Allows to map a given SwComponentPrototype to a
Application PartitionMapping formally defined partition at a point in time when the
Partition corresponding EcuInstance is not yet known or defined.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
Name, swcToApplicationPartitionMapping.variation
swImplMapping SwcToImplMapping * aggr The mappings of AtomicSoftwareComponent Instances to
atpVariation: Derived, because SwcToEcuMapping is
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=swImplMapping.shortName, swImpl
swMapping SwcToEcuMapping * aggr The mappings of SW components to ECUs.
atpVariation: SWC shall be mapped to other ECUs.
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
atp.Splitkey=swMapping.shortName, swMapping.variation
systemSignal SystemSignalGroupTo * aggr Mapping of a communication resource to a SystemSignal
GroupToCom Communication Group.
Resource ResourceMapping
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
Mapping.shortName, systemSignalGroupToCom

102 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

Class SystemMapping
systemSignalTo SystemSignalTo * aggr Mapping of a communication resource to a SystemSignal.
ComResource Communication
Stereotypes: atpSplitable; atpVariation
Mapping ResourceMapping
Name, systemSignalToComResourceMapping.variation

Table A.25: SystemMapping

Class VariableDataPrototype
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::SWComponentTemplate::Datatype::DataPrototypes
Note A VariableDataPrototype represents a formalized generic piece of information that is typically mutable by
the application software layer. VariableDataPrototype is used in various contexts and the specific context
gives the otherwise generic VariableDataPrototype a dedicated semantics.
Base ARObject, AtpFeature, AtpPrototype, AutosarDataPrototype, DataPrototype, Identifiable, Multilanguage
Referrable, Referrable
Aggregated by ApplicationInterface.indication, AtpClassifier .atpFeature, BswInternalBehavior.arTypedPerInstance
Memory, BswModuleDescription.providedData, BswModuleDescription.requiredData, BulkNvData
Descriptor.bulkNvBlock, InternalBehavior .staticMemory, NvBlockDescriptor.ramBlock, NvDataInterface.
nvData, SenderReceiverInterface.dataElement, ServiceInterface.event, SwcInternalBehavior.arTypedPer
InstanceMemory, SwcInternalBehavior.explicitInterRunnableVariable, SwcInternalBehavior.implicitInter
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
initValue ValueSpecification 0..1 aggr Specifies initial value(s) of the VariableDataPrototype

Table A.26: VariableDataPrototype

A.2 Specification Items

A.2.1 Added Specification Items in R23-11

[SWS_MemMap_00060] [SWS_MemMap_00061] [SWS_MemMap_00062] [SWS_-

MemMap_00063] [SWS_MemMap_00064] [SWS_MemMap_00070] [SWS_-
MemMap_00071] [SWS_MemMap_00072] [SWS_MemMap_00073] [SWS_-
MemMap_00080] [SWS_MemMap_00081] [SWS_MemMap_00082] [SWS_-

A.2.2 Changed Specification Items in R23-11

[SWS_MemMap_00038] [SWS_MemMap_00039]

A.2.3 Deleted Specification Items in R23-11


103 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

Specification of Memory Mapping

A.3 Not applicable requirements

[SWS_MemMap_NA_00999] dThese requirements are not applicable to this specifica-
tion.c(SRS_BSW_00494, SRS_BSW_00492, SRS_BSW_00490, SRS_BSW_00487,
SRS_BSW_00486, SRS_BSW_00485, SRS_BSW_00484, SRS_BSW_00483, SRS_-
BSW_00403, SRS_BSW_00404, SRS_BSW_00405, SRS_BSW_00344, SRS_-
BSW_00159, SRS_BSW_00167, SRS_BSW_00171, SRS_BSW_00170, SRS_-
BSW_00419, SRS_BSW_00383, SRS_BSW_00388, SRS_BSW_00389, SRS_-
BSW_00390, SRS_BSW_00392, SRS_BSW_00393, SRS_BSW_00394, SRS_-
BSW_00395, SRS_BSW_00396, SRS_BSW_00397, SRS_BSW_00398, SRS_-
BSW_00399, SRS_BSW_00400, SRS_BSW_00375, SRS_BSW_00101, SRS_-
BSW_00416, SRS_BSW_00406, SRS_BSW_00168, SRS_BSW_00407, SRS_-
BSW_00423, SRS_BSW_00424, SRS_BSW_00425, SRS_BSW_00426, SRS_-
BSW_00427, SRS_BSW_00428, SRS_BSW_00429, SRS_BSW_00432, SRS_-
BSW_00433, SRS_BSW_00336, SRS_BSW_00337, SRS_BSW_00369, SRS_-
BSW_00339, SRS_BSW_00422, SRS_BSW_00417, SRS_BSW_00323, SRS_-
BSW_00004, SRS_BSW_00409, SRS_BSW_00385, SRS_BSW_00386, SRS_-
BSW_00161, SRS_BSW_00162, SRS_BSW_00005, SRS_BSW_00164, SRS_-
BSW_00325, SRS_BSW_00342, SRS_BSW_00343, SRS_BSW_00160, SRS_-
BSW_00007, SRS_BSW_00300, SRS_BSW_00413, SRS_BSW_00347, SRS_-
BSW_00307, SRS_BSW_00310, SRS_BSW_00373, SRS_BSW_00327, SRS_-
BSW_00335, SRS_BSW_00350, SRS_BSW_00408, SRS_BSW_00410, SRS_-
BSW_00411, SRS_BSW_00346, SRS_BSW_00314, SRS_BSW_00348, SRS_-
BSW_00353, SRS_BSW_00301, SRS_BSW_00302, SRS_BSW_00312, SRS_-
BSW_00357, SRS_BSW_00377, SRS_BSW_00378, SRS_BSW_00308, SRS_-
BSW_00309, SRS_BSW_00358, SRS_BSW_00414, SRS_BSW_00359, SRS_-
BSW_00360, SRS_BSW_00330, SRS_BSW_00331, SRS_BSW_00009, SRS_-
BSW_00401, SRS_BSW_00172, SRS_BSW_00010, SRS_BSW_00333, SRS_-
BSW_00341, SRS_BSW_00334, SRS_BSW_00305, SRS_BSW_00380, SRS_-
BSW_00438, SRS_BSW_00439, SRS_BSW_00440, SRS_BSW_00447, SRS_-
BSW_00448, SRS_BSW_00449, SRS_BSW_00450, SRS_BSW_00451, SRS_-
BSW_00452, SRS_BSW_00453, SRS_BSW_00454, SRS_BSW_00456, SRS_-
BSW_00457, SRS_BSW_00458, SRS_BSW_00459, SRS_BSW_00460, SRS_-
BSW_00461, SRS_BSW_00462, SRS_BSW_00003, SRS_BSW_00304, SRS_-
BSW_00318, SRS_BSW_00321, SRS_BSW_00374, SRS_BSW_00379, SRS_-
BSW_00402, SRS_BSW_00463, SRS_BSW_00466, SRS_BSW_00467, SRS_-
BSW_00469, SRS_BSW_00470, SRS_BSW_00471, SRS_BSW_00472, SRS_-
BSW_00473, SRS_BSW_00478, SRS_BSW_00479, SRS_BSW_00480, SRS_-
BSW_00481, SRS_BSW_00482)

104 of 104 Document ID 128: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_MemoryMapping

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