Chapter4 5

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This chapter discussed the results of the development of the Puerto Galera

National High School Student Services System. Tables and figures were used to

present discussions about each objective of the study.

Student services system for PGNHS

The study aimed to develop a system specifically for the student services of

Puerto Galera National High School. The system has various pages that served

different purposes and goal. It developed a mobile-first graphical user interface for

the students. Mobile-first approach means that it developed an interface for mobile

browsers first and then expanded the interface for desktops next. Figure 14

presented the survey result from PGNHS student device assessment.

Figure 15
Student of PGNHS Device Assessment



Mobile Laptop Desktop No access to web

The survey answered by students of Puerto Galera National High School

showed that 73% of the respondents use mobile devices while 26% use laptops. This
concluded that the student services system should focus more on the responsiveness

for mobile browsers. The graph showed great importance in supporting the strategy


The main feature of the website was to enable students to request/track

documents using a tracking number. This service was only limited to enrolled

students of Puerto Galera National High School. In the eServices page of the system,

students were required to login credentials to validate identity. There were three

field of inputs: student’s campus, student’s name, and student’s LRN. These data

were validated in the database upon input, then it was determined if the eServices

access were denied or approved. This was used to ensure that only students enrolled

for the current semester can send requests. This method also filters out unwanted

requests from outsiders and spammers. Moreover, there was a specific request form

that the student must fill-up. The form included student information, request

information, and authentication protocols. The first part collects student name,

campus, grade level, section, and LRN. Contact details, collect student email and

mobile number. The email input was required by the system as it was the receiving

address for notifications. Lastly, the request information collects the document type

and request reason. The submit form button was disabled until a valid OTP were


Upon completion, the form was sent to the admin where it can be approved

or rejected. Submitting would also email the student a tracking number that was

unique for its request. Another service that the system provided was the Tracking of

Request. Its main page shows two interfaces for Document Tracking: the tracking

form and the tracking schedules. The form has three fields: the student name, LRN,

and Tracking Number. The tracking number was sent to the email address of the

student upon request submission. The user should enter or paste the unique tracking

number before proceeding.

Meanwhile, there are three categories upon putting the tracking number:

Pending, Completed, and Rejected. Information listed were determined with the

status and expected delivery of the document. It was important to note that for every

change of status made for the request, a message was sent to the registered email of

the user as an update even without regularly visiting the website. This method

produced a positive impact to the users as it eases the process and awareness.

Furthermore, another form in the system was dedicated to the Appointment

Scheduling Request. This similarly consisted of student information, appointment

information, and verification. The form collects the desired date of the student,

name, LRN, email, and office name. The chosen date was subject to change after

admin approval. Upon submission, an email was sent to the student for every update

of its status.

This study also developed an interface where news and contacts of the school

were found. This was used to widely disseminate information around the web and

open for the public to see whether enrolled to school or not. Articles uploaded in

this page has an optional pdf attachment that can be downloaded by anyone within

the web. Similarly, the contact information of different offices within different

campuses were presented to promote positive and open communication with

different stakeholders of PGNHS community.

Meanwhile, it recognized the need to develop an interface for another set of

users. These users consisted of the ICT admin and Office admins. Office admins are

the designated persons of each office—Registrar, Office of the Principal, Guidance,

and Disciplinary—to handle student requests if necessary. This used the method

desktop-first development for the admin of the system of PGNHS. This

development method prioritized the initial interface design for desktop platforms

and subsequently optimizing it for mobile devices. This approach was used with

consideration that the admin of the system was expected to use desktop browsers

than mobile.

A. Administrator Dashboard

The admin has specific dashboard and pages for managing and handling the

information in the database. To enter admin access, the user must verify their

account through login. Upon login, the system presents summary reports from

request documents, appointment scheduling, and a graph for request distribution

statuses. All information for all four of the offices can be accessed by the Admin

(ICT). Meanwhile, upon login of the office of administrators, only information such

as documents related for their designated office was visible. Consequently, the

admin of the Registrar can only view information about the Registrars Office, the

admin of the Disciplinary can only access information about the Disciplinary Office,

and so on.

B. Administrator Document Requests and Tracking

Another section accessible to the administrators was the Document Requests

tab. There are two sections in this page: the summary report distribution from

different offices and the document requests itself. This is where admins update the

statuses of the document requests such as approved and declined. This is also where

admins can print generated reports as per needed. Similarly, the ICT administrator

can access all information for all four offices. It modified statuses and approval

requests of different offices. Meanwhile, Office Administrators are only able to

access information about their office designation. Every change of status that any

admin does send email notifications automatically to students. Moreover, there was

a button to generate a pdf report. This triggers a dialogue to choose the date range

for the report, and thus filtering the results.

C. Administrator Appointment Scheduling

In this part, there are also two sections: the summary of numbers and the

schedule itself. Admin has the ability to reject or approve appointments depending

on the availability of the offices. Similar to the previous page, the limitation for

accessing and viewing information in Appointment Scheduling varies to the role of

the account logged in. The ICT Admin can access all offices, while specific office

admins can only access their own.

Also, there was another function to generate pdf report in this page. This

triggers similar dialogue to choose the date range of the report which was available

for download. This study utilized an email notification system for most of the

features of the system. In this way, users were conveniently notified about updates

for their requests even without regularly checking the website. This made use of

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Library of Python. This module provided

the system an automatic emailing system to any internet machine. The module was

used for free and without limits. The system used a specific email address that

served as the email sender or source for every email sent. This was done by

activating two-factor authentication in the email address and creating an application

password generated by Google before the set-up process begin. Additionally, the

email system was recorded to be successful and without delays in each.

Functionality Testing
This section discusses the results of functionality testing, presenting the

outcomes of test cases for various system modules designed for both students and

administrators. Table 9 provides a detailed description of functionality test cases

specific for student users of the Puerto Galera National High School Student

Services System, in addition to a thorough examination of system performance and


Table 9.
Functionality Testing for Students

Test Test Test Case Description Expected Result Test

ID Module Result

001 Student Verify that students can view about page About is accessible Passed
About without an account

002 Student Verify that students can view, search, and News articles can be viewed, Passed
News click news searched, and clicked.

003 Student Verify that students are required to login to Page is locked for Passed
eServices access the page unregistered user

004 Student Verify that students can receive email Email is sent to registered Passed
eServices verification address

005 Student Verify that students can send document Form completion will trigger Passed
eServices requests email notification

006 Student Verify that students can schedule Form completion will trigger Passed
eServices appointment request to specific office email notification

007 Student Verify that students can track document Status is displayed when Passed
eServices status using tracking number tracking number is inputted

008 Student Verify that students can see appointment Calendar of appointments is Passed
eServices calendar availability displayed

009 Student Verify that page is accessible without FAQs page is accessible Passed
FAQs account

010 Student Verify that students can send feedback Form completion even Passed
FAQs using feedback form without account

011 Student Verify that page is accessible without Contacts is displayed Passed
Contacts account

Table 9 presented the test cases developed for different modules of the

student services systems for student users. There was a total of eleven (11) test cases

for About, News, eServices, FAQs, and Contacts modules. Specific test case steps

were done to verify the expected results and has passed a result. The tests aimed to

identify bugs that might affect the functionality of the system. The test cases all

yielded “Passed”. Table 10 displays the functionality testing for Admins.

Table 10
Functionality Testing for Admin

Test Test Test Case Description Expected Result Test

ID Module Result

001 Admin Verify that admin landing page Admin pages are locked Passed
Login page requires login without login

002 Admin Verify that admin dashboard is Dashboard is displayed Passed

Dashboard accessible upon login

003 Admin Verify that admin can post, edit, Admin intervention edit, Passed
News page and delete news with text, update, or delete news in the
thumbnail, and optional pdf database

004 Admin Verify that admin can change Admin intervention can edit, Passed
Document status of requests, send email update, or delete requests in
page notification, and generate pdf the database

005 Admin Verify that admin can change Admin intervention can edit, Passed
Appointme status of appointment, send email update, or delete
nt page notification, and generate pdf appointments in the database

006 Admin Verify that admin can add, edit, Admin can access FAQs Passed
FAQs page or delete FAQs database

007 Admin Verify that admin can view Admin can access feedback Passed
FAQs page feedback sent by students database

Table 10. (cont’d)
008 Admin Verify that admin login has Admin will be logout after a Passed
Authenticat session timeouts period of time without
ion intervention

Meanwhile, another set of test module were done for the administrators. This

was presented in Table 10 for the functionality testing of admin users. There was a

total of eight (8) test cases for seven (7) modules. The modules included are the

login, dashboard, news, documents, appointments, FAQs, and authentication. The

functionalities of each module were tested to achieve a test result of “passed”. Table

11 shows the Performance Testing test scenarios.

Table 11
Performance Testing

Test Test Module Test Case Description Expected Result Test

ID Result

001 Student Verify that users can access the System response is Passed
pages system simultaneously without lag equal to or less than 1
(About, second.

002 Admin pages Verify that users can access the System response is Passed
(Dashboard, system simultaneously without lag equal to or less than 1
Document second.

003 Emailing Verify that users are able to System is able to Passed
System receive email notifications with comply and emails are
least waiting time received in less than 5

004 System pages Verify that system response fast System is able to Passed
response time for every click and drag. respond with no lag.

Table 11. (cont’d)

005 System Verify that the system generates System is able to Passed
printing correct report that has proper generate PDF reports
function formatting. and print specific
006 Database Verify that the system can fetch System queries are Passed
functionality specific data and queries are correct.
programmed correctly.

There is a total of six tests conducted for the Performance of the system,

specifically for the student and admin performance during peak hours, speed of the

email receiving process, and the performance of system elements responsiveness.

Table 12 displays the compatibility testing test cases.

Table 12
Compatibility Testing

Test Test Test Case Description Expected Result Test

ID Module Result

001 System Verify that users can access the System is compatible Passed
Pages system in web browsers without with web browsers.
mismatching UI elements and

002 Verify that users can access the System is compatible Passed
system in mobile browsers without with mobile browsers.
mismatching UI elements and

003 Verify that users can access the System is accessible to Passed
system in different types of different types of
browsers. browsers maintaining its
UI design and elements.

004 Verify that users can access the System is accessible to Passed
system in different types of different types of OS
Operating Systems. maintaining its UI
design and elements.

Table 12. (cont’d)

005 Verify that UI elements and design System maintains its UI Passed
maintain its quality without design and elements
unexpected blurs and lags.

006 Verify that users can access the System is accessible to Passed
system in different types of different types of
network (Wi-Fi, Mobile data, etc.) network maintaining its
UI design and elements.

Table 12 presents the test cases used for compatibility testing. There is a total

of six test cases resulting to “passed”. Meanwhile, Table 13 presents the usability

testing test cases.

Table 13
Usability Testing

Test Test Test Case Description Expected Result Test

ID Module Result

001 Student Verify that students can navigate About page design and Passed
About page through the page with ease and performance is usable.
without stress

002 Student Verify that students can navigate News articles can be Passed
News page through the page with ease and viewed, searched, and
without stress clicked.

003 Student Verify that students can navigate Page is usable and user- Passed
eServices through the page with ease and friendly
page without stress
004 Student Verify that students can navigate Page is usable and user- Passed
eServices through document requests with friendly
page ease and without stress

005 Student Verify that students can use the Page is usable and user- Passed
eServices system to send appointment request friendly
page to specific office

006 Student Verify that students can use Calendar of Passed

eServices appointment calendar appointments is
page displayed
007 Student Verify that page is accessible FAQs page is accessible Passed
FAQs page without account

Table 13. (cont’d)

008 Student Verify that students can send Form completion even Passed
FAQs page feedback using feedback form without account

009 Student Verify that page is accessible Contacts is displayed Passed

Contacts without account
010 System Verify that contents of the system Content are readable and Passed
Design are readable and of high-quality. adjusts to screen sizes.

011 Search Verify that system search functions System searches give Passed
functionality are working and correct results are appropriate results.

012 Error Verify that system has proper error System displays Passed
Handling handling and displays appropriate appropriate error
screens. handling.

013 Consistency Verify if the system design is System design is Passed

Handling consistent to its all pages. constant.

There is a total of thirteen (13) test cases for the usability testing in Table 13.

All the tests achieved optimal results and are labeled “passed”. Meanwhile, Table

14 presents the Reliability Testing for the system.

Table 14
Reliability Testing

Test Test Test Case Description Expected Result Test

ID Module Result

001 System Verify that system is available and System is accessible Passed
availability up at all times. anytime in the web using
the internet.

002 System Verify that the system errors System errors are fixable Passed
Error display proper fixes and with proper instructions
Handling appropriate screens to user.

003 System Verify that system data in the System data is secured Passed
integrity database are ethically secured and stored in the
from risks. database with
authentication protocols.

Table 14. (cont’d)

004 System Verify that system has appropriate System is equipped with Passed
session session management that handles session control function.
management auto-logout feature.

005 System load Verify that system can handle System handles Passed
balancing multiple users at the same time. simultaneous usage in
different networks.

006 System Verify that system has backup and System has recovery Passed
back-up and recovery procedures in the event measures functionality.
recovery of data loss, system failures, or

Table 14 contains six test cases for the reliability testing. All entries

proceeded with appropriate results and are labeled “passed”. Similarly, Table 15

presents the Security Testing done for the system.

Table 15
Security Testing

Test Test Module Test Case Description Expected Result Test

ID Result

001 System Verify that the system has done System has mitigating Passed
vulnerability mitigating plans for its plans in cases of security
vulnerabilities such as SQL breaches and attacks.
injection, cross-site scripting
(XSS), cross-site request forgery
(CSRF), and insecure direct object
references (IDOR)

002 System Verify that system has simulated System has appropriate Passed
Penetration real-world hacking attempts and measures for system
identify exploitable penetrations.

003 System Verify that system has System uses appropriate Passed
authentication authentication mechanisms, measures and protocols
including login forms, password of authentications.
policies, and multi-factor
authentication (MFA)

Table 15. (cont’d)

004 System Verify that the website correctly System has proper Passed
authorization enforces access controls and diagram of access to
permissions to prevent specify authorization.
unauthorized access to sensitive
data or functionality.

005 System data Verify that the website protects System has proper tables Passed
protection sensitive data, including personal and database mapping to
information, financial data, and store data in relational
authentication credentials. manner.

006 System input Verify that that the website System has input Passed
management properly validates and sanitizes protection protocols to
user input to prevent common secure data from
security threats such as SQL unexpected breaches.
injection, XSS, and command

Table 15 displays six test cases done to validate the security of the system.

All scenarios gathered the result of “passed”.

User Survey Results

This section presented the results and discussion gathered from the survey

conducted with the users of PGNHS student services system. The survey was

conducted from October 2023 to November 2023. The survey was divided into three

parts: Respondent information, Functional testing, and Non-Functional testing.

The first part of the survey collected personal information of the respondents

such as name (optional), grade & section, campus, and consent to the collected of

data. The survey gathered scattered results from the grade & section category as the

respondents vary within the whole institution. However, it was computed to that

60% were from the senior high department. Table 16 presented the Functional Tests

done with the users of the Student Services System.

Table 16
Functionality Survey Results
Functionality Description Frequency Percentage
News Page
1. I can see uploaded news in my feed. 88.37%
2. I can view news details when I clicked a specific headline. 86.05%
3. I can download the attached pdf, if available. 67.44%
eServices Page
1. I can receive email notification about my OTP. 69.76%
2. I can send document requests. 53.48%
3. I can track document requests using the tracking number. 53.48%
4. I can send appointment schedule requests. 55.81%
5. I can view upcoming schedules in the calendar. 65.12%
FAQs Page
1. I can read the questions and answers. 97.67%
2. I can send feedback reports using the account given to me. 67.44%

The second part tested the ability of the users to access different parts of the

system given the restrictions of the beta accounts provided. There were three

categories: News, eServices, and FAQs. For each category, the respondents were

instructed to select all that applies to the mentioned page. Table 16 presented the

functionality survey results along with its corresponding frequency percentage. In

the News page, 88.37% of the respondents answered that uploaded news are visible

in the feed. While, 86.05% answered that news details were shown upon click of

each news article. Lastly, 67.44% selected that attached news PDF were

downloadable. This concludes that the news page was accessible within the web.

Upon authentication, eServices gathered the following frequency percentages.

There were 69.76% of respondents who could receive the OTP via email. There

were 53.48% users who could send and track document requests using the tracking

number sent via email. Lastly, there were 55.81% and 65.12% of users who can

send appointment schedule requests and view upcoming schedules respectively.

Moreover, the FAQs page gathered 97.67% of users who answered that the FAQs

posted by the admin were visible in the feed and 67.44% answered that users were

able to send feedback.

In conclusion, the pages of the PGNHS student services system were

accessible to different users around the web. Only the eServices page of the student

users was restricted to the enrolled students of PGNHS while the other pages were

accessible without any account. Similarly, the main features of the website were

concluded to be working properly and with expected quality. Student users were

able to Request Document, Track Document, Request Appointment Schedule, and

View Upcoming Schedules in the calendar. The last part of the survey presented the

Non-Functional categories of the system. This was shown in Table 17.

Table 17
Non-Functionality Survey Results
Non-Functionality Descriptions Frequency Percentage
User Interface
1. I think the overall look is appealing. 95.35%
2. I think the interface is easy to use and understand. 81.40%
3. The colors of the website blend with each other. 67.44 %
4. The fonts of the website is appropriate. 55.81%
5. The pictures are high quality. 60.47%
6. The page responds to my screen size. 65.12%
Reliability and Efficiency
1. The website responds smooth and fast. 86.05%
2. The website can be accessed anytime and anywhere. 65.12%
3. It displays appropriate messages for valid and invalid actions. 65.12%
1. I can see myself using this website. 83.72%
2. I can see myself recommending this website to my friends and family. 69.77%
3. I can see the potential of this website for many features to come. 86.05%

Table 17 presented the survey results of the user interface, reliability, and

usability of the system. The user interface was tested in six categories where users

were instructed to select all that may apply in the user interface. There were 95.35%

respondents who answered that the overall look of the website was appealing.

Meanwhile, 81.4% and 67.44% answered that the interface was easy to understand

and that colors blended to each other. Moreover, 55.81% answered that the fonts

used was appropriate, 60.47% answered that the pictures used were high quality,

and 65.12% answered that the page responds to screen sizes. The results concluded

that each category gathered a result of above 50% which means that the overall

interface of the system was accepted by the user respondents.

Meanwhile, another category tested was the reliability and efficiency of the

system. There were 86.05% of respondents who answered that the website responds

fast, while 65.12% answered that the website can be accessed anytime & anywhere

and that it displays appropriate messages for valid and invalid actions. Each test

gathered a result not lowered by 60%. This result concluded that the system was

reliable and produced efficient responses to users. Moreover, usability of users was

tested in another set of categories. There are 83.72% of respondents that declare

their willingness to use the website while there are 69.77% of respondents most

likely to recommend the system to other peers. Lastly, there are 86.05% users

anticipating the further improvement that the website could have. These results

gathered a percentage not lowered by 60% which concluded that the users of the

system have high chance of accepting the system.

Suggestions gathered in the Survey

At the end of the survey, it created a space for respondents to enter their

comments about the developed system and additional features expected to be

developed in the future. Table 18 presented the comments and suggestions of the

users about the existing features developed in the system.

Table 18
Comments from Respondents of Survey
1. I personally think that this website will help PGNHS and Non-PGNHS students, teachers, and staffs to
be aware of what PGNHS’ history, values, and what it offers to its previous, current, and incoming
2. I think is what the school needs this time since the population is growing. This
website can help in avoiding delays since it will lessen the need for in-person appointments.
3. The idea of creating such website appears promising since, in the future, it may help reduce difficulties
experienced by students, and keep them updated with news even by non-physical means. I am looking
forward to the project and more future improvements in it as I know this will be beneficial for many

Table 18 summarizes the survey feedback into three key points that indicated

a positive impact on students. The website's effectiveness and potential were

highlighted as it addressed the school's growing population, and users recognized it

as a way to solve challenges by reducing in-person appointments. Meanwhile, Table

19 also explained additional features that users wanted and expected to be

incorporated to the future system update. These can serve as references for the future

researchers or programmers that might want to continue the study.

Table 19
Future Features according to Survey

Anticipated Features

1. I think it would be better if the creator adds brief information about the school faculty so that they will
know about every trusted person within the school premises.

2. A section where each club organization are able to post about their matters as well so more students
become informed about it (ex.: their plans, projects to come, and programs they are implementing).

Table 19 contains a list of features requested by respondents for potential

development in future revisions of the system. These suggestions were relayed to

the system administrator for review and possible implementation in future updates.

The survey results yielded two primary recommendations. The first proposal

supports for the inclusion of a background section within the system to highlight the

school's faculty members. This addition would give users valuable insights into the

educators who help them along their academic journey. The second suggestion is to

integrate a club-related feed into the system, which will disseminate information

about various club activities and initiatives. Such a feature would increase students'

awareness and participation in extracurricular activities.

During this collaborative exchange, the previously mentioned suggestions

were documented in the programming notes for possible inclusion in future system

updates. Thus, these recommendations reflect mutually beneficial efforts by

researchers and educational institutions to improve the system's functionality and

user experience in the future.



This chapter presented a comprehensive summary of research findings,

conclusions, and recommendations in the design and development of the Puerto

Galera National High School Student Services System.

Summary of Findings

The aim of this study was to develop a Student Services System for Puerto

Galera National High School, emphasizing reliability, integrity, and user

convenience. This system served to integrate technology to improve existing service

delivery and data storage of PGNHS campuses.

1. The student services system was developed, tested, and deployed in the web.

This system enabled students to request and track documents, schedule

appointments with school offices, access school news and information, and

communicate effectively with the school. The features streamlined document

requests, reduced waiting times, improved information access, and enhanced

communication which aligned with the project aims of enhancing

educational support and transparency.

2. The admin dashboard of the ICT and Office Admins was developed, tested,

and deployed. This dashboard enabled administrators to efficiently manage

document requests, appointment schedules, and communication with the use

of the web. It also allowed the admin to upload school news, monitor website
tickets and feedback, and generate reports on student satisfaction, response

times, and request types. These features enhanced administrative efficiency

and support decision-making at Puerto Galera National High School.

3. The system effectively utilized the SMTP Python library to implement an

automatic email verification and notification system at Puerto Galera

National High School. The system automated the process of sending emails

to students for updates on their document requests and appointment

schedules, ensuring timely and efficient communication. The system

enhanced security by sending one-time passwords to students' email

addresses before each form submission, thereby ensuring the integrity and

confidentiality of the data were considered. The administrators also received

OTPs via email for every modification made, adding an additional layer of

security and accountability to the system.


The development of the PGNHS Student Services System has significantly

changed the instructional environment of Puerto Galera National High School.

Specifically, it is concluded that:

1. The implemented student services system of Puerto Galera National High

School has streamlined document requests and reduced waiting times by

enabling users to send requests online.

a. The need to travel to the office and wait in lines were removed.

b. Information accessibility and enhanced communication were

improved as the system encompassed uploading of news and feedback

collecting system accessible to all.

c. A section where contact information of different offices was

enumerated promote real-time communication and responsiveness to


2. The implementation of an admin dashboard has notably streamlined

administrative functions at PGNHS.

a. Administrators efficiently oversee document requests, appointment

scheduling, and communication in a single click.

b. The system summarized the requests from students removing the

time-consuming process of manually scrutinizing each document for


c. The system removed the need to manually coordinate appointment

schedules, allowing for a more automated and organized approach.

3. The utilization of the SMTP Python library in automating email notifications

for document requests and appointments ensured timely updates for students.

a. Students stay informed about the status of their requests without the

need for physical presence, thereby saving time and resources.

b. Response time is shortened as updates are automatically sent to users.

c. The system added security measures such as one-time passwords for

form submissions and administrator modifications to secure data

integrity and confidentiality.


In this section, the suggestions and strategies for optimizing the PGNHS

Student Services System based on the findings, conclusions, and identified

limitations were presented.

1. Use the study to help other institutions like Puerto Galera National High

School be IT integrated.

2. Add new system features considering Table 12 which presented the features

recommended by the students who answered the survey.


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