Jaac 14 4 2441
Jaac 14 4 2441
Jaac 14 4 2441
Volume 14, Number 4, August 2024, 2441–2465 DOI:10.11948/20230449
1. Introduction
Studying differential equations with double-phase operators is a novel and fasci-
nating subject. It is caused by factors such as extremely anisotropic materials,
Lavrentiev’s phenomenon, and nonlinear elasticity theory (see [43–46]). In recent
years, there has been a surge in interest in the study of double-phase problems, with
numerous results obtained, see for example [6, 8, 10, 26, 29, 30, 33, 34].
By taking into account the fluctuations in the string’s length during vibrations,
Kirchhoff’s differential equations, as outlined by Kirchhoff [27], extend the classical
The corresponding author.
Mathematics and Computer Sciences Department, Faculty of Science and
Technology, University of Nouakchott, Nouakchott, Mauritania
Department of Industrial Engineering and Applied Mathematics, Professional
University Institute, University of Nouakchott, Nouakchott, Mauritania
Email: [email protected](A. Ahmed),
[email protected](M. S. B. Elemine Vall)
2442 A. Ahmed & M. S. B. Elemine Vall
It is not surprising that there have been articles dealing with questions related to
this type of operator in the classical Sobolev spaces. We refer the reader to [4,37,40]
for some examples, where the authors are interested in the Dirichlet problem.
An important generalization of the p-Laplace operator is the p(·)-Laplace opera-
tor. The p(·)-Laplace operator has more complex nonlinearities than the p-Laplace
In variable exposent Sobolev spaces, A. Crespo-Blanco et all in [11] propose
a new type of quasi-linear elliptic equations controlled by so-called double phase
operators with variable exponents. They prove some properties of the corresponding
Musielak-Orlicz Sobolev space and properties of the new double phase operator and
show the existence and uniqueness of elliptic equations corresponding to straight
sides with dependence into the slope, see also [14, 41] for related topics. In this
article, we use Kirchhoff-type operators in an elliptic Neumann problem.
To our knowledge, few papers have been studied dealing with the elliptic problem
introducing the Kirchhoff-type operator in the case of the Neumann condition (see
[2,13,15,28,42]). The hypotheses used in this paper, as well as the results, are quite
different from the previous results.
Multiplicity of weak solutions 2443
where (Φ−1 −1
2 (] − ∞, r[))w denoted the adherence of Φ2 (] − ∞, r[) with regards to the
topology of weak convergence. Then, the following claims are accurate
(a) If we have r0 > inf Φ2 and u0 ∈ E such that
2. Preliminary results
Consider a smooth bounded open domain Ω ⊂ RN , and let we define
n o
C+ (Ω) = z ∈ M, z(·) : Ω −→ R : 1 < z − = ess inf z(x) ≤ z + = ess sup z(x) < ∞ ,
x∈Ω x∈Ω
known as the Luxemburg norm. Then, the space (Lz(·) (Ω), k · kz(·) ) is a separable
reflexive and uniformly convex Banach space and its dual space is isomorphic to
0 1 1
Lz (·) (Ω), where + = 1.
z(·) z 0 (·)
An crucial instrument for our findings is the following Hölder type inequality
Z 1 1
u(x)v(x)dx ≤ + kukz(·) kvkz0 (·) ≤ 2kukz(·) kvkz0 (·) , (2.1)
Ω z− (z − )0
for all u ∈ Lz(·) (Ω) and v ∈ Lz (·) (Ω).
The modular function rz(·) is a fundamental element in the study of generalized
Lebesgue spaces. Furthermore, the following result is presented:
Proposition 2.1. (See [12, 24]). If u ∈ Lz(·) (Ω), we have
− +
(a) kukz(·) > 1 is true precisely when kukzz(·) < rz(·) (u) < kukzz(·) ,
+ −
(b) kukz(·) < 1 is true precisely when kukzz(·) < rz(·) (u) < kukzz(·) .
Multiplicity of weak solutions 2445
Provided that z1 , z2 ∈ C+(Ω) and z1 (x) ≤ z2 (x) for all x ∈ Ω, we can conclude
that the following continuous embedding holds :
It is worth mentioning that the space (W 1,z(·) (Ω), k·k1,z(·) ) is a Banach space that is
also separable and reflexive. For additional details on this framework, refer to [12].
Remark 2.1. If z ∈ C+ (Ω) and N < z − , then the embedding W 1,z(·) (Ω) ,→,→
C 0 (Ω) is continuous and compact. Since W 1,z(·) (Ω) is continuously embedded in
W 1,z (Ω).
Then we can set by (1.3)
C1 = sup , (2.3)
u∈W 1,p(·) (Ω)\{0} kuk1,p(·)
C2 = sup . (2.4)
u∈W 1,q(·) (Ω)\{0} kuk1,q(·)
A(t) A(t)
lim = 0, and lim = +∞.
t→0+ t t→+∞ t
Lemma 2.2. (See [32]). Suppose A and A∗ are two complementary Musielak func-
tions satisfying the ∆2 -condition, then we have
tA0d (x, t)
1 < a∗ ≤ ≤ a∗ < ∞, for any x ∈ Ω, t > 0,
A(x, t)
Here and in the sequel, consider p, q ∈ C+ (Ω) two variables exponents satisfy
(1.3) and the Musielak function:
It is clear that A and its complementary function fulfill the ∆2 -condition, and set
kukL∞ (Ω)
C0 = sup . (2.7)
u∈W 1,p(·),q(·) (Ω)\{0} kuk1,p(·),q(·)
3. Main results
For u ∈ W 1,p(·),q(·) (Ω) we define the following functionals
|∇u|p(x) |∇u|q(x)
Jp(x) (u) = dx, Jq(x) (u) = dx,
p(x) q(x)
λ(x) 1 λ(x) 1
Jp(x) (u) = λ(x) |u|p(x) dx, Jq(x) (u) = λ(x) |u|q(x) dx,
p(x) q(x)
Φ2 (u) = J(u) − H(u), (3.2)
where Z t Z t
F1 (x, t) = f1 (x, ρ)dρ, and F2 (x, t) = f2 (x, ρ)dρ. (3.3)
0 0
Then, it is easy to verify that the weak solutions u ∈ W 1,p(·),q(·) (Ω) of (1.2) are
exactly the critical points of Φ1 + Φ2 .
Definition 3.2. A function F1 (x, t) is said to be of type (S) if for all compact
subset of R noted E, there exists ς ∈ E such that
F1 (x, ς) = sup f1 (x, t) for almost every x ∈ Ω. (3.5)
Lemma 3.1. Assume that (1.3) and (1.4) are satisfied. Then, Φ2 , Φ1 ∈
C 1 (W 1,p(·),q(·) (Ω), R) and their Gâteaux derivatives are given by
hΦ02 (u), vi = a1 + a2 Jp(x) (u) |∇u|p(x)−2 ∇u∇vdx
|∇u|q(x)−2 ∇u∇vdx
+ b1 + b2 Jq(x) (u)
+ λ(x) |u|p(x)−2 uv + |u|q(x)−2 uv dx − f2 (x, u)vdx,
and Z
hΦ01 (u), vi = − f1 (x, u)vdx,
Since for u, v ∈ W 1,p(·),q(·) (Ω) one has (|∇u|+|∇v|)p(x)−1 |∇v| ∈ L1 (Ω). Using (3.6)
and (3.7) and applying the dominated convergence theorem, we can conclude that:
It means that Jp(x) is Gâteaux differentiable and for u, v ∈ W 1,p(·),q(·) (Ω), we have
hJp(x) (u), vi = |∇u|p(x)−2 ∇u∇vdx.
λ(x) λ(x)
By similar arguments, we can show that Jq(x) , Jp(x) and Jq(x) are Gâteaux differ-
entiables and for any v, u ∈ W 1,p(·),q(·) (Ω) we have
hJq(x) (u), vi = |∇u|q(x)−2 ∇u∇vdx,
0 Z
h Jp(x) (u), vi = λ(x)|u|p(x)−2 uvdx,
0 Z
h Jq(x) (u), vi = λ(x)|u|q(x)−2 uvdx.
Next, we prove that Jp(x) : W 1,p(·),q(·) (Ω) −→ W 1,p(·),q(·) (Ω)∗ is continuous. To this
aim we take a sequence (un )n in W 1,p(·),q(·) (Ω)
Z such that un −→ u in W
as n −→ ∞. By Lemma 2.2, we have lim |∇un − ∇u dx = 0. Therefore,
n−→∞ Ω
after extracting a sub-sequence, we conclude that
|∇un |p(x) ≤ (|∇u| + |∇un − ∇u|)
≤ 2p −1 |∇u|p(x) + |∇un − ∇u|p(x)
≤ 2p −1 |∇u|p(x) + h(x) . (3.10)
For any v ∈ W 1,p(·),q(·) (Ω) with kvk1,p(·),q(·) ≤ 1, the Hölder’s inequality gives
0 0
hJp(x) (un ) − Jp(x) (u), vi
2450 A. Ahmed & M. S. B. Elemine Vall
= |∇un |p(x)−2 ∇un − |∇u|p(x)−2 ∇u · ∇vdx
0 0
kJp(x) (un ) − Jp(x) (u)k(W 1,p(·),q(·) (Ω))∗
≤2 |∇un |p(x)−2 ∇un − |∇u|p(x)−2 ∇u| .
Lp0 (·) (Ω)
0 + +
Since 2(p ) +p −1 |∇u|p(x) + h is integrable over Ω, we can apply the dominated
convergence theorem to conclude that
p0 (x)
|∇un |p(x)−2 ∇un − |∇u|p(x)−2 ∇u dx → 0 as n → ∞.
Applying the mean value theorem again, for u, v ∈ W 1,p(·),q(·) (Ω) and t ∈ R \ {0},
we obtain
F2 (x, u(x) + tv(x)) − F2 (x, u(x))
= v(x)f2 (x, u(x) + θv(x)),
for some θ ∈ R with 0 < |θ| < |t|. Therefore,
Using Proposition 2.2, we see that for |t| < 1 there exists ` = kukL∞ (Ω) +kvkL∞ (Ω) >
0 such that
F2 (x, u(x) + tv(x)) − F2 (x, u(x))
= |v(x)||f2 (x, u(x) + θv(x))|
≤ |v(x)| sup |f2 (x, s)|.
Therefore, the dominated convergence theorem together with (3.12) and (3.13) im-
plies that
For the proof of the continuity of H 0 in W 1,p(·),q(·) (Ω) we use Remark 2.2 for a
sub-sequence still denoted un to get un −→ u in C 0 (Ω). Consequently,
|f2 (x, un (x)) − f2 (x, u(x))| ≤ 2 |f2 (x, un )| + |f2 (x, u)|
≤ 2 sup |f2 (x, s)| + sup |f2 (x, s)|
|s|≤k |s|≤k
2452 A. Ahmed & M. S. B. Elemine Vall
By (3.16) we have
0 0
|hH (un ) − H (u), vi| ≤ 4 sup |f2 (x, s)||v(x)|dx.
Ω |s|≤k
Note that sup |f2 (x, s)| ∈ L1 (Ω). Then, the dominated convergence theorem and
(3.14), conclude that
lim |f2 (x, un (x)) − f2 (x, u(x))||v(x)|dx = 0.
n→∞ Ω
This completes the proof that H 0 : W 1,p(·),q(·) (Ω) −→ W 1,p(·),q(·) (Ω)∗ is continuous,
and therefore H ∈ C 1 (W 1,p(·),q(·) (Ω), R).
Similarly as above we are able to illustrate that Φ1 ∈ C 1 (W 1,p(·),q(·) (Ω), R), and
since Φ2 = J − H, the proof is complete.
Lemma 3.2. Assume that (1.3) and (1.4) hold. Then Φ1 , Φ2 are sequentially
weakly lower semi-continuous.
Proof. We divided this prove into two claims, the first concerns the functional J
and the second focuses on the functional H.
Claim 1. For any u ∈ W 1,p(·),q(·) (Ω) we have
a2 2 b2 2 λ(x) λ(x)
J(u) = a1 Jp(x) (u)+ Jp(x) (u) +b1 Jq(x) (u)+ Jq(x) (u) +Jp(x) (u)+Jq(x) (u).
2 2
Consider a sequence (un )n such that (un )n goes to u weakly in W 1,p(·),q(·) (Ω). Then,
by the convexity of Jp(x) , we have
Jp(x) (u) ≤ Jp(x) (un ) + hJp(x) (u), u − un i.
When n goes to infinity, the aforementioned inequality, we can find that Jp(x) is
sequentially weakly lower semi-continuous. Its follows
1 1
a1 |∇u|p(x) dx ≤ lim inf a1 |∇un |p(x) dx. (3.17)
Ω p(x) n→+∞ Ω p(x)
Similarly, we get
Z 2 Z 2
a2 1 p(x) a2 1 p(x)
|∇u| dx ≤ lim inf |∇un | dx , (3.18)
2 p(x) n→+∞ 2 Ω p(x)
1 1
b1 |∇u|q(x) dx ≤ lim inf b1 |∇un |q(x) dx, (3.19)
Ω q(x) n→+∞ Ω q(x)
Z 2 Z 2
b1 1 b1 1
|∇u|q(x) dx ≤ lim inf |∇un |q(x) dx , (3.20)
2 Ω q(x) n→+∞ 2 Ω q(x)
Multiplicity of weak solutions 2453
1 1
λ(x) |u|p(x) dx ≤ lim inf λ(x) |un |p(x) dx, (3.21)
Ω p(x) n→+∞ Ω p(x)
and Z Z
1 1
λ(x) |u|q(x) dx ≤ lim inf λ(x) |un |q(x) dx. (3.22)
Ω q(x) n→+∞ Ω q(x)
Which yields
lim inf J(un )
" Z Z 2
1 a2 1
= lim inf a1 |∇un |p(x) dx + |∇un |p(x) dx
n→+∞ Ω p(x) 2 Ω p(x)
Z Z 2
1 q(x) b2 1 q(x)
+ b1 |∇un | dx + |∇un | dx
Ω q(x) 2 Ω q(x)
1 p(x) 1 q(x)
+ λ(x) |un | dx + λ(x) |un | dx
p(x) q(x)
" Ω Z
Z 2
1 a2 1
≥ lim inf a1 |∇un |p(x) dx + lim inf |∇un |p(x) dx
n→+∞ Ω p(x) n→+∞ 2 Ω p(x)
Z Z 2
1 q(x) b2 1 q(x)
+ lim inf b1 |∇un | dx + lim inf |∇un | dx
n→+∞ Ω q(x) n→+∞ 2 Ω q(x)
1 p(x) 1 q(x)
+ lim inf λ(x) |un | dx + lim inf λ(x) |un | dx
n→+∞ Ω p(x) n→+∞ Ω q(x)
a2 2
≥ a1 Jp(x) (u) + Jp(x) (u) + b1 Jq(x) (u)
b2 2 λ(x) λ(x)
+ Jq(x) (u) + Jp(x) (u) + Jq(x) (u)
≥ J(u), (3.23)
which means J is sequentially weakly lower semi-continuous.
Claim 2. Proving that H is weakly-lower semi-continuous.
Proposition 2.2 implies that there exists a sub-sequence of (un )n converging to
u uniformly on compact subsets of Ω. Then,
(un )n converges to u uniformly in Ω,
Thus, almost everywhere in Ω, we have lim F2 (x, un (x)) = F2 (x, u(x)) and
|F2 (x, un (x))| ≤ k sup |f2 (x, s)| for all n. Since sup |f2 (x, s)| ∈ L1 (Ω) by (1.4).
|s|≤k |s|≤k
Thus, the dominated convergence theorem gives that lim H(un ) = H(u). The
weak semi-continuity of the functional H implies that Φ2 is sequentially weak with
lower semi-continuity, which means that Φ1 is sequentially weakly continuous.
We will now demonstrate that Φ2 is coercive. For brevity, we will write ci for
some positive constant throughout.
Proposition 3.1. Assume that G satisfies exactly one of the following two condi-
2454 A. Ahmed & M. S. B. Elemine Vall
p+ min(a1 , b1 , λ0 )
1. There exist τ > 0, 0 < ε < and θ1 , θ2 , θ3 ∈ L1 (Ω) with
2p− −1 q +
θ1 6= 0 and θ2 6= 0 such that
θ1 (x) p− θ2 (x) q−
|F2 (x, t)| ≤ ε − |t| + − |t| + θ3 (x),
p+ C1p kθ1 kL1 (Ω) q + C2q kθ2 kL1 (Ω)
for almost all x ∈ Ω and all t ≥ τ .
p− λ0
2. There exist τ > 0, 0 < ε < + and θ4 ∈ L1 (Ω) such that
q kλkL∞ (Ω)
λ(x) p(x) λ(x) q(x)
|F2 (x, t)| ≤ ε |t| + |t| + θ4 (x), (3.25)
p(x) q(x)
Then, Φ2 is coercive.
Proof. Suppose (3.24) holds. Then, without loss of generality, we have
a2 2 b2 2
Φ2 (u) = a1 Jp(x) (u) + Jp(x) (u) + b1 Jq(x) (u) + Jq(x) (u)
2 Z 2
λ(x) λ(·)
+Jp(x) (u) + Jq(x) (u) − F2 (x, u)dx
1 1
≥ a1 |∇u|p(x) dx + b1 |∇u|q(x) dx
Ω p(x) Ω q(x)
1 1
+ λ(x) |u|p(x) + |u|q(x) dx
Ω p(x) q(x)
Z " − −
εθ1 (x)|u|p εθ2 (x)|u|q
− p−
+ − + θ3 (x) dx
Ω p+ C1 kθ1 kL1 (Ω) q + C2q kθ2 kL1 (Ω)
min(a1 , b1 ) p(x) q(x)
≥ |∇u| dx + |∇u| dx
q+ Ω Ω
+ + |u|p(x) + |u|q(x) dx
Ω − −
εkukpL∞ (Ω) εkukqL∞ (Ω)
− kθ3 kL1 (Ω) + − + −
p+ C1p q + C2q
min(a1 , b1 ) − −
0 − −
≥ +
k∇ukpp(·) + k∇ukqq(·) − 2 + + kukpp(·) + kukqq(·) − 2
q q
p− q−
εkuk1,p(·) εkuk1,q(·)
− kθ3 kL1 (Ω) + +
p q+
min(a1 , b1 , λ0 ) − min(a1 , b1 , λ0 ) −
≥ p− −1 + kukp1,p(·) + q − −1 + kukq1,q(·)
2 q 2 q
p− q−
kuk1,p(·) kuk1,q(·)
−ε + − c1
p+ q+
Multiplicity of weak solutions 2455
min(a1 , b1 , λ0 ) ε p− min(a1 , b1 , λ0 ) ε −
≥ p − −1 + − +
kuk 1,p(·) + q − −1 + − +
kukq1,q(·) − c1
2 q p 2 q q
p− q−
≥ c2 kuk1,p(·) + kuk1,q(·) − c1
− −
≥ c2 kukp1,p(·) + kukp1,q(·) − 1 − c3
c2 −
≥ p− −1 kukp1,p(·),q(·) − c3 . (3.26)
Under assumption (3.25) by using similar arguments as above, we get
min(a1 , b1 ) − −
0 − −
Φ2 (u) ≥ +
k∇ukpp(·) + k∇ukqq(·) − 2 + + kukpp(·) + kukqq(·) − 2
q q
ελ(x) p(x) ελ(x) q(x)
− |u| + |u| + θ4 (x) dx
Ω p(x) q(x)
min(a1 , b1 ) p −
0 p− q−
≥ k∇uk p(·) + k∇uk q(·) − 2 + kuk p(·) + kukq(·) − 2
q+ q+
kλkL∞ (Ω) − −
−ε −
kukpp(·) + kukqq(·) − 2 − c4
min(a1 , b1 ) p− q−
≥ k∇uk p(·) + k∇uk q(·)
kλkL∞ (Ω)
λ0 p− q−
+ − ε kuk p(·) + kuk q(·) − c5
q+ p−
kλkL∞ (Ω)
min(a1 , b1 ) λ0
≥ min , −ε
q + q + p−
− − − −
k∇ukpp(·) + kukpp(·) + k∇ukqq(·) + kukqq(·) − c5
c6 − −
≥ q− −1 kukp1,p(·) + kukq1,q(·) − c5
c6 − −
≥ q− −1 kukp1,p(·) + kukp1,q(·) − c7
c6 −
≥ q− −1 kukp1,p(·),q(·) − c7 .
2 × 2p− −1
Thanks to (3.26)-(3.27) and as a result of the coercivity of Φ2 , it follows that there
are constants α1 and α2 satisfy:
Φ2 (u) ≥ α1 kukp1,p(·),q(·) for any kuk1,p(·),q(·) ≥ α2 . (3.28)
Lemma 3.3. Assume the hypothesis (1.3) and one of the assumptions (3.24) and
(3.25). Hence, there are positives constants δ1 , δ2 and δ3 such that
λ(x) + dx − f2 (x, ς)dx ≤ δ1 |ς|q + δ2 , for any ς ∈ R.
Ω p(x) q(x) Ω
Proof. Under the assumptions (1.3) and (3.24) implies
λ(x) + dx − F2 (x, ς)dx
Ω p(x) q(x) Ω
2456 A. Ahmed & M. S. B. Elemine Vall
1 p+ 1 + θ1 (x) +
≤ kλkL∞ (Ω) |Ω| −
|ς| + − |ς|q +ε p − |ς|p dx
p q Ω p− C1 kθ1 kL1 (Ω)
θ2 (x) q+
+ε − |ς| dx + θ3 (x)dx
Ωq − C2q kθ2 kL1 (Ω) Ω
1 q+ 1 q+ ε +
≤ kλkL∞ (Ω) |Ω| |ς| + − |ς| + p−
|ς|q dx
p− p −
p C1 Ω
ε +
+ − |ς|q dx + kθ3 kL1 (Ω)
p− C2q Ω
2kλkL∞ (Ω) |Ω| ε|Ω| 1 1 +
≤ −
+ − p − + q − |ς|q + kθ3 kL1 (Ω) ,
p p C1 C2
for sufficiently large ς.
2kλkL∞ (Ω) |Ω| ε|Ω| 1 1
Then, we have (3.29) for δ1 = + − − + − and δ2 =
p− p C1p C2q
kθ3 kL1 (Ω) .
On the other hand, assumptions (1.3) and (3.25) implies
1 1
λ(x) |ς|p(x) + |ς|q(x) dx − F2 (x, ς)dx
Ω p(x) q(x) Ω
1 q+ 1 q+
≤ kλkL∞ (Ω) |Ω| |ς| + |ς|
p− p−
1 1
+ε λ(x) |t|p(x) + |t|q(x) dx + θ4 (x)dx
Ω p(x) q(x) Ω
2kλkL∞ (Ω) |Ω| q+ 2εkλkL∞ (Ω) |Ω| q+
≤ |ς| + |ς| + kθ4 kL1 (Ω)
p− p−
2(1 + ε)kλkL∞ (Ω) |Ω| q+
≤ |ς| + kθ4 kL1 (Ω) , for ς large enough.
Moreover, there exist positive sequences (an )n and (bn )n such that
lim bn = +∞, lim p−
= 0. (3.31)
n→∞ n→∞ bn
Finally, we assume the existence of a positive integrable function with khkL1 (Ω) = 1
Multiplicity of weak solutions 2457
for any n we have for almost all x in Ω, where α1 is the !!coercivity constant defined
2kλkL∞ (Ω) |Ω| ε|Ω| 1 1
in (3.28), δ1 = + − − + − and δ2 = kθ3 kL1 (Ω) if we
p− p C1p C2q
2(1 + ε)kλkL∞ (Ω) |Ω|
assume (3.24) and δ1 = and δ2 = kθ4 kL1 (Ω) if we assume
(3.25). The last inequalities (3.32) and (3.33) are strict on a non-negligible subset
of Ω.
Then, we can construct a sequence (vn )n of local minima of Φ1 + Φ2 such that
lim Φ2 (vn ) = ∞. Consequently, the problem (1.2) admits an unbounded sequence
of weak solutions.
Proof. For r > inf Φ2 (u), we define
u∈W 1,p(·),q(·) (Ω)
n o
Θ(r) = inf κ > 0 : Φ−1
1 (] − ∞, r[) ⊂ B(0, κ) , (3.34)
where B(0, κ) denoted the ball centered at 0 with radius κ in W 1,p(·),q(·) (Ω) with
respect to the norm k · k1,p(·),q(·) , and B(0, κ) denote its closure in W 1,p(·),q(·) (Ω).
Since Φ2 is coercive, we have Θ(r) ∈]0, +∞[ for all r > inf Φ2 (u). Owing
u∈W 1,p(·),q(·) (Ω)
of (3.28), we have
if Φ2 (u) < α1 kukp1,p(·),q(·) , then kuk1,p(·),q(·) < α2 .
With the help of (3.34)), one may observe that Φ−1 2 (] − ∞, r[) ⊂ B(0, Θ(r)) yields
2 (] − ∞, r[)) w ⊂ B(0, Θ(r)). By using (2.7), we get,
B(0, Θ(r)) ⊂ u ∈ C(Ω) : kukL∞ (Ω) ≤ C0 Θ(r) ,
which yields
inf Φ1 (v) ≥ inf Φ1 (v) ≥ inf Φ1 (v). (3.35)
v∈(Φ−1 kvk1,p(·),q(·) ≤Θ(r) kvkL∞ (Ω) ≤C0 Θ(r)
2 (]−∞,r[))w
Suppose κ ≥ α1 α2p and let u ∈ W 1,p(·),q(·) (Ω) satisfy Φ2 (u) < κ. If kuk1,p(·),q(·) ≥
α2 , then by (3.28), we have
κ > Φ2 (u) ≥ α1 kukp1,p(·),q(·) ,
κ p−
this shows that kuk1,p(·),q(·) ≤ . If kuk1,p(·),q(·) < α2 , it is easy to see that
κ p
kuk1,p(·),q(·) ≤ . By the definition of Θ(κ), we have
κ p
Θ(κ) ≤ . (3.36)
2458 A. Ahmed & M. S. B. Elemine Vall
Since F1 (x, ·) satisfies condition (3.5), for each n, there exists ςn ∈ [−an , an ] such
F1 (x, ςn ) = sup F1 (x, t) for almost all x in Ω. (3.37)
t∈[−an ,an ]
In order to satisfy (b) of Theorem 1.1, we consider un as the constant function with
value ςn and rn = α1 , which leads to lim rn → +∞. Using (3.36), we
C0 n→∞
conclude that
Θ(rn ) ≤ then C0 Θ(rn ) ≤ bn . (3.38)
q+ bn
δ1 |an | + δ2 < α1 = rn ,
consequently we find mn < rn which means (1.8) holds. Without loss of generality,
we can assume that (1.8) holds for all n.
From (3.32)-(3.33) and (3.37), we may find the following inequality
2 2
2+x +y
|u|( 2 + 4 | sin(x+y)|) u + |u|(1+ 2 | cos(x+y)|) u
1 1 1
+ 2 + y2
1 + x !
13 10 θ 1 (x) 3 6θ 2 (x) 2
= α(x)g(t) + |t| 2 + |t| in Ω,
100 5
11C 1
∂u = 0 on ∂Ω,
has a sequence of weak solutions (un )n in W 1,p(·),q(·) (Ω) with unbounded norm.
13 p+ min(a1 , b1 , λ0 )
Proof. It is clear that 0 < ε = < = 0.27, then (3.24) is
100 2p− 1 q +
satisfied. Furthermore, we have F1 (x, t) = α(x)G(t), and we can choose two positive
sequences (an )n and (bn )n such that a1 ≥ 1, bn2 = 2n2 a3n and an+1 > bn for every
n. Define G(an ) = a4n and G(bn ) such that
b 52
n 3
G(an ) < G(bn ) < α1 − δ1 |an | − δ2 + G(an ), (3.41)
4 13 1 1
where δ1 = |Ω| + |Ω| 5 + and δ2 = kθ3 kL1 (Ω) .
5 250 C12 C23
b p−
Put rn = α1 and ςn = an .
λ(x) λ(x)
|an |p(x) dx + |an |q(x) dx − F2 (x, an )dx − F1 (x, an )dx
Ω p(x) Ω q(x) Ω Ω
+ +
≤δ1 |an |q + δ2 − kαkL1 (Ω) aqn +1
→ −∞,
as n → ∞, then the conditions (3.30)-(3.31) hold true. Taking h(x) = α(x), then
(3.53) implies (3.32)-(3.33).
As a result, all the assumptions of Theorem 3.1 are satisfied, then problem (3.40)
has a sequence of weak solutions (un )n in W 1,p(·),q(·) (Ω) with unbounded norm.
The second main result is cited in the following theorem.
Theorem 3.2. Assume the assumptions (1.3) and (1.4) and the following hypoth-
In addition, assume that the functional F1 satisfies the condition (3.5) and
F1 (x, ς)dx + F2 (x, ς)dx Z
1 p(x) 1 q(x)
lim sup Ω Ω
> λ(x) |ς| + |ς| dx.
|ς|→0 |ς|p− Ω p(x) q(x)
Assume that (an )n and (bn )n are positive sequences satisfying
lim bn = 0 and lim + = 0. (3.45)
n→∞ n→∞ bqn
Additionally, there exists a positive function h ∈ L1 (Ω), where khkL1 (Ω) = 1, such
that for every n and all x in Ω, we obtain
q + !
bn −
F1 (x, an ) + h(x) δ3 − δ4 apn ≥ sup F1 (x, t), (3.46)
C0 t∈[an ,bn ]
q + !
bn p−
F1 (x, −an ) + h(x) δ3 − δ4 an ≥ sup F1 (x, t), (3.47)
C0 t∈[−bn ,−an ]
min(a1 , b1 , λ0 ) 2kλkL∞ (Ω)
with δ3 = and δ4 = + δ |Ω|, the relations (3.46) and
22q+ −2 q + p−
(3.47) are strict on a non negligible subdomain of Ω. Accordingly we can con-
struct a sequence (vn )n of separate local minima of Φ1 + Φ2 where vn tends to 0
in W 1,p(·),q(·) (Ω). Hence, a sequence of non-zero weak solutions to problem (1.2)
exists and converges strongly to 0 in W 1,p(·),q(·) (Ω).
Proof. We now proceed to demonstrate that Theorem 1.1 (c) holds by verifying
all the assumptions. Taking into account the inequality (3.42), for kuk1,p(·),q(·) ≤ 1
one has
Φ2 (u) = J(u) − F2 (x, u)dx
a2 2 b2 2
≥ a1 Jp(x) (u) + Jp(x) (u) + b1 Jq(x) (u) + Jq(x) (u)
2 2
λ(x) λ(x)
+ Jp(x) (u) + Jq(x) (u)
min(a1 , b1 ) p+ q+
0 p+ q+
≥ k∇ukp(·) + k∇ukq(·) + kuk p(·) + kuk q(·)
q+ q+
min(a1 , b1 , λ0 ) + min(a1 , b1 , λ0 ) +
≥ kukq1,p(·) + kukq1,q(·)
2q+ −1 q + 2q+ −1 q +
min(a1 , b1 , λ0 ) +
≥ 2q + −2 + kukq1,p(·),q(·)
2 q
≥ δ3 kukq1,p(·),q(·) ,
min(a1 , b1 , λ0 )
with δ3 = . Consequently, Φ2 is coercive, inf Φ2 = Φ2 (0) =
22q+ −2 q + W 1,p(·),q(·) (Ω)
Multiplicity of weak solutions 2461
that is, at 0, Φ1 + Φ2 does not reach a local minimum, as a result (1.11) is fulfilled.
Let r be small enough so that if Φ2 (u) < r, then kuk1,p(·),q(·) is no greater than
1+ 1+
r q r q
. It follows that Θ(r) is less than or equal to .
δ3 δ3
q +
Now put rn = δ3 If we set u0 and un to be the constant functions ς0
and ςn , respectively, as prescribed by Theorem 1.1, then
C0 Θ(rn ) ≤ bn . (3.48)
The inequalities (3.43)) and (1.3) affirm the existence of a sequence (ςn )n ⊂ R such
that ςn ∈ [−an , an ] such that for any an small enough,
|ςn |p(x) |ςn |q(x)
mn = λ(x) + dx − F2 (x, ςn )dx
Ω p(x) q(x) Ω
1 p− 1 p− −
≤ kλkL∞ (Ω) −
|ςn | + − |ςn | + δ|Ω||ςn |p
p p
2kλkL∞ (Ω) −
≤ + δ |Ω||ςn |p
≤ δ4 |an |p , (3.49)
2kλkL∞ (Ω)
where δ4 = + δ |Ω|.
If we choose n to be sufficiently large, then it follows from (3.45) that
q +
p− bn
δ4 |an | < δ3 = rn .
Then (1.8) is obtained.
Because F1 (x, ·) satisfies condition (3.5), for any n, we can find ςn ∈ [−an , an ]
F1 (x, ςn ) = sup F1 (x, t) a.e. in Ω. (3.50)
t∈[−an ,an ]
which is strict on a non negligible subset of Ω. Then, the inequality (1.9) acquires
immediately from (3.48) and (3.51). Consequently, Theorem 1.1 (c) holds, since the
necessary hypotheses have been fulfilled.
As a result, we can conclude that a sequence (vn )n of separate local minima of
Φ1 +Φ2 exists, and satisfies lim Φ2 (vn ) = 0. This means that lim kvn k1,p(·),q(·)
n7→+∞ n7→+∞
= 0, thereby completing the proof.
We introduce now an example to illustrate the results cited in the second theo-
( N
Corollary 3.2. For N ≥ 1 we set Ω = x ∈ RN : x2i < 1 and let p(x) =
1X 2 1
N +1+ x , and q(x) = N + 2 + ! , then p− = N + 1,
2 i=1 i N
2N 1+ x2i
3 1
p = N + , q − = N + 2 and q + = N + 2 +
. Consider the functions F2 (x, t) =
2 2N
! N
x2i x2i
2 + sin 2 + sin
N +1
i=1 p(x) i=1
− |t| + |t|
2N (N + 2) + 1
N 1
N +2+ N
N + 1 + 1 X x2 X
2 i 2
2N 1 + x
i=1 i
and let f1 (x, t) ≡ h(x)g(t), with h ∈ L1 (Ω) be a positive function such that
khkL1 (Ω) = 1 and g a continuous function with g(t) = G0 (t) and let (an )n and
− 1 +
(bn )n are two positives sequences with apn = bqn and bn+1 < an , with G(0) = 0,
G(an ) = apn +1 and
b q + −
G(an ) < G(bn ) < δ3 − δ4 |an |p + G(an ). (3.52)
b N +2+ 2N
Proof. Put rn = δ3 and ςn = an , one has
F1 (x, an )dx +
F2 (x, an )dx
Ω Ω! !
2 1 1 +
− 2 + sin xi + dx|an |q
Ω i=1
p(x) q(x)
p− +1 p− λ|Ω| −
> |an | − |an | − + |an |p −→ 0 as n → ∞,
therefore (3.42)-(3.44) hold true. Using (3.52) we obtain the conditions (3.46)-
Therefore, we can conclude that the assumptions required by Theorem 3.2 are
satisfied, thus completing the proof.
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