Lab 7
Lab 7
Lab 7
Arthropods are bilaterally symmetrical, segmented eumatazoa with a hardened exoskeleton and
jointed appendages, of which at least one pair of functions as jaws. In adults the major body cavity
is a haemocoel and there are no cilia in any part of the body. Arthropod, (phylum Arthropoda), any
member of the phylum Arthropoda, the largest phylum in the animal kingdom, which includes such
familiar forms as lobsters, crabs, spiders, mites, insects, centipedes, and millipedes. About 84
percent of all known species of animals are members of this phylum. Arthropods are represented in
every habitat on Earth and show a great variety of adaptations. Several types live in
aquatic environments, and others reside in terrestrial ones; some groups are even adapted for flight.
●petri dish
Malacostraca 3 body 3 The anterior one to three the dominant mode of Malacostracans, ,
Region Appendage thoracic appendages are locomotion is swimming. increase in size ,To
s modified into protect themselves.
maxillipeds, which are
used in feeding.
Insecta 3 body 3 pairs of paired appendages In most insects, the Insects are so successful
region Appendage around the mouth are function of the legs is to because they have a
s used for collecting and enable walking on land, protective shell or
handling food. but modifications of their exoskeleton, they are
structure allow them to small, and they can fly.
be used in other kinds of Their small size and
locomotion, including ability to fly permits
jumping, swimming and escape from enemies and
walking on water. dispersal to new
Diplopodia 3 body No Diplopodia have Each leg has more They have chemical that
Region appendages appendages that have segments than an insect usually bite their
functions such as leg, and each set of predator.
feeding, legs moves independentl
sensing the environment, y to move .
walking, swimming,
defending against
predators, and capturing
chilopoda 2 body 1 pair of The appendages of the Chilopoda have a single The chilopoda protect
region Appendage first body segment have claw at the end of each themselves by secreting
s been modified to form leg which they walk or poison, stinging,
large, poisonous fangs run. and protective coloration.
that are used to capture
Insect mouth parts
cockroach These mouthparts help the cockroach to bite
and chew on hard stuffs, consume soft stuffs
and also lap upon liquids.
Horse fly its mouthparts are made of soft, spongy
structures called a labella and a proboscis. The
labella gently dab liquids into the proboscis,
which then sucks up the liquid. If the fly
encounters solid food it wants to eat, it drops
saliva onto it, turning the food into a liquid.
Bee The mouthparts of the honey bee belong to the
chewing–lapping type, comprising and they aid
the bee in chewing pollen and lapping nectar
Dragon fly Their mouthparts have stout mandibles and
multi-segmented maxillae for chewing solid
food — rather typical for a manipulate insect.
The labium, however, is modified into a hinged
scoop that can be projected forward rapidly to
catch prey.