Discussion 10 - Sanitary Drainage Lines
Discussion 10 - Sanitary Drainage Lines
Discussion 10 - Sanitary Drainage Lines
• Predecessor of P-traps
• Used before traps had to connect to a ventilation line
• Eachplumbing fixture, except those with integral traps,
shall be separately trapped with an approved-type
waterseal trap.
• Only one trap shall be permitted on a trap arm (portion
of a fixture drain between a trap and the vent)
• One trap, centrally located, may serve three single
compartment sinks or laundry tubs or lavatories,
adjacent to each other and in the same room, where
their waste outlets are not more than 0.75 m apart.
• The trap shall be the same size as the trap
arm to which it is connected.
• Each fixture trap shall have a trap seal of
water of not less than 51mm and not
more than 102 mm (except where a
deeper seal is found necessary by the
Administrative Authority for special
Minimum sizes of traps for common
plumbing fixtures
1 Bathtubs 38 mm 2
2 Bidets 38 mm 2
3 Floor Drains 51 mm 2
4 Shower, single stall 51 mm 2
5 Sink (residential) 38 mm 2
6 Urinal, wall mounted, integral trap 51 mm 3
Clean-outs REQUIRED
• at the upper terminal of every horizontal sewer or waste
• at each run of piping more than 15meters (50 feet) in
total developedlength
• at every 15m (50 ft) of total developed length or a
fraction thereof
• additional clean-out shall be provided on a horizontal
line with an aggregate offset angle exceeding 135°
• inside the building near the connection between the
building drain and the building sewer or installed
outside the building at the lower end of the building
drain and extended to grade.
• on a horizontal drain less than 1.5 m in length unless
such line is serving sinks or urinals.
• on short horizontal drainage pipe installed at a slope
of 72 deg or less from the vertical line (or at an angle
of 1/5bend)
• Size of clean-out shall be in conformity with the size
of pipeserved
38 mm 38 mm 11-1/2
51 mm 38 mm 11-1/2
64 mm 64 mm 8
76 mm 64 mm 8
102 mm & larger 89 mm 8
• Each clean-out shall be installed so it opens with the
direction of flow or at right angles to the direction of flow
except in the case of a wye branch.
• Each 90° clean-out extension shall be constructed from a wye
fitting or an approved fitting of equivalent sweep.
• Each clean-out 51 mm or less shall have a front clearance of
not less than 305 mm; those 51 mm or more shall have a front
clearance of 450 mm.
• Clean-outs in underfloor piping shall be extended to or above
finish floor or shall be extended outside the building when
there is less than 450 mm vertical clearance or 750 horizontal
clearance to the means of access.
• No underfloor clean-out for residential occupancies shall be
located more than 6.1 m from an access door, trap door or
crawl hole.
Vents & Venting System
• Portion of the drainage pipe
installation intended to maintain a
balanced atmospheric pressure
inside the system
Main Vent
Relief Vent
Dry Vent
• The sizes of vent piping shall be
determined from its length and the
total number of fixture units connected
• The diameter of an individual vent shall
not be less than 32 mm (1-1/4”) nor less
in size than one-half (1/2) the diameter
of the drain to which it is connected.
Installation of Vents
• All horizontal or branch vents shall be free from drops or sags
& shall be graded and connected to drip back by gravity to
the drainage pipe it serves.
• Each vent shall rise vertically 152mm above the highest level
rim of the fixtures served before offsetting horizontally.
• All vent pipes shall extend undiminished in size above the
roof or shall be reconnected to the soil or waste stack vent
at a point below the roof. The “vent stack through roof”
(VSTR) shall be increased one (1) pipe size above the
connection between the stack vent and the horizontal vent.
• Two (2) fixtures having same level inlet openings, may be
served by a common vertical vent pipe connected to an
approved double branchfitting.
• The size of yoke vent shall be not less in diameter than either
the soil stack or the vent stack, whichever is smaller.