Clinicalmeetingoriginal 161117192705
Clinicalmeetingoriginal 161117192705
Clinicalmeetingoriginal 161117192705
Clinical Meeting
Dr. Maimuna Sayeed
Resident, Phase-A
Paediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition
Particulars of the Patient
Developmental History
He is developmentally age-appropriate.
Immunization History
He is immunized as per EPI schedule.
Family History
He is the 2nd issues of non-consanguineous
parents. No other family member has similar
types of illness.
Socio-economic History
He belongs to a middle class family . His father is a
businessman and mother is a housewife. Their
average monthly income is around 20,000 tk.
Treatment History
He took oral antibiotics & syrup paracetamol during
this period of illness. He also received blood
transfusion 4 times.
Physical Examination
General Examination
Vital Signs
• Temperature : 98°F
• Pulse: 96 beats/min
• Resp. Rate: 28 breaths/min
• Blood Pressure: 90/60 mm Hg (SBP lies below 50th
percentile & DBP lies between 50th - 90th percentile)
• Weight: 17kg
(lies between 5th and 10th
• Height: 117 cm
(lies on 50th-75th percentile)
Systemic Examination
Haemopoietic System
Moderately pale
Bony Tenderness: Absent
Skin survey: Normal.
Oral Cavity: Healthy, no gum hypertrophy, no sign of
bleeding manifestation.
Lymph node: Submandibular, bilateral anterior and
posterior cervical lymph nodes of both sides are
palpable & largest one measuring about 2cm × 2cm in
size and all are discrete, non-tender, firm in consistency,
not fixed with underlying structure & overlying skin &
there is no discharging sinus.
Haemopoietic System (contd.)
Palpable 6 cm from the right costal margin along the
midclavicular line
Surface - smooth
Consistency - firm
Margin - sharp
Upper border of liver dullness lies on the right 5th ICS.
Haemopoietic System (contd.)
Enlarged 8 cm from the left costal margin along it’s long axis
Surface - smooth
Consistency - firm
Splenic notch - present
Finger insinuation test - negative
Alimentary System
Oral Cavity:
No gum hypertrophy
No bleeding manifestations.
Abdomen proper:
Size & shape: normal
Umbilicus: Centrally Placed , inverted
No visible mass, no scar mark.
Alimentary System (contd.)
Superficial palpation:
Abdomen is soft, non-tender.
Deep Palpation:
Liver: Enlarged 6 cm from the right costal margin .
surface smooth, Non tender.
Spleen: Enlarged 8 cm from the left costal margin
along it’s long axis.
Alimentary System (contd.)
Percussion note: Tympanic
Shifting Dullness : Absent.
Bowel sound : Present
Genitourinary System:
Kidneys: Not ballotable
Urinary Bladder: Not palpable
Hernial Orifice: Intact
Genitalia: Male type
size: left sided testicular
swelling was present
temperature: not raised
tenderness: absent
consistency: firm to hard
surface: smooth, not attached
to skin
Respiratory System Examination
Respiratory Rate: 28 breaths/min
Shape of the chest: Normal
Chest Movement: Symmetrical
Trachea: Centrally Placed
Chest Expansibility: Symmetrical
Percussion Note: Resonant all over the chest.
Breath Sound: Vesicular
No Added sound
Cardiovascular system Examination
No visible pulsation.
Apex Beat: Located in the Left 5th ICS , just medial to
the midclavicular Line.
Thrill : Absent
Left Parasternal Heave: Absent.
Palpable P2 : Absent
Heart Sound: 1st and 2nd heart sounds are audible in
all the four areas.
Murmur : Absent
Nervous System Examination
No sign of arthritis, no visible deformity,
No muscle wasting.
Local temperature- Not raised
Tenderness- Absent.
Not restricted.
Salient Feature
Provisional Diagnosis
H/O Proptosis
Gradual pallor
Moderately pale in spite of
getting blood transfusion
Testicular swelling
Hemoglobin 8.4 gm/dl
TC of WBC 117.69 x 109/L
Differential counts:
Neutrophil 05%
Lymphocyte 15%
Eosinophil 0.1%
Basophil 00%
Monocyte 00%
Blast 80%
Investigations (contd.)
RBC Panel
RBC count 3.12 x 1012/L
HCT 27.2%
MCV 87.2 fL
MCH 26.9 pg
MCHC 30.9 g/dl
RDW-CV 16%
Platelet 36 x 109/L
Investigations (contd.)
Cd13 1.12%
Cd33 3.88%
Cd34 50.80%
cCd79a 90.70%
HLADR 93.25%
cMPO 1.13%
Cd117 0.11%
Comment: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (B cell lineage)
Investigations (contd.)
S. ALT 40U/L
Prothrombin time 14.7sec
APTT 28.2sec
S. Creatinine 0.51mg/dl
RBS 5.8 mmol/L
HBsAg Negative
Blood Grouping A+ve
CSF study Negative for malignant cell, CNS-1
Investigations (contd.)
Supportive :
Diet – Neutropenic.
Adequate hydration (2 ltr/sq.m/day) with NaHCO3
Nystatin oral drop
Chlorohexidine mouth wash
Acriflavin hip bath.
Tab. Allopurinol
Tab. Paracetamol
Syp. Antacid
Treatment (contd.)
Specific Treatment
Protocol based Multiagent Chemotherapy (UK ALL 2003 -
Regimen B)
30.10.16 02.11.16
Hemoglobin 7.9 gm/dl Hemoglobin 11.1 gm/dl
TC of WBC 122.00 x 109/L TC of WBC 84.72 x 109/L
Differential counts: Differential counts:
Neutrophil 10% Neutrophil 10%
Lymphocyte 10% Lymphocyte 10%
Eosinophil 0.1% Eosinophil 0.1%
Basophil 00% Basophil 00%
Monocyte 00% Monocyte 00%
Blast 80% Blast 80%
Platelet <10 x 10 /L Platelet <10 x 109/L
Follow up on 03/11/16 (day-6)
Subjective Objective Assessment Plan