A Comparative Study of Three Women22
A Comparative Study of Three Women22
A Comparative Study of Three Women22
Forough Farrokhzad who was known as a rebellion woman, is the first women writer who mock
the society and made a revolution in literature and wrote about love, lust and sexuality. Her
poems thematically have been divided into Farrokhzad and rebellion , Farrokhzad and self
identity(Hassanpour ,Ruzy Suliza Hashim, ,3). She illustrates women in 2 faces;1_ reflecting her
own face in a mirror2_ women are seen rebellious and lonely . She married when she was young.
Like sylvia plath, she divorced and created the masterpiece poems. She had published
5collections;” The Capture” “ The wall” “ reborn” “ lets believe the beginning of the cold
season” and “ rebellion”. Some critics say” she has two faces because her early collections are
erotic, sensual and her last poems are political and historical. When she immigrates her works
translated she became well known in west, she also played in “ Women of Allah”,” The Last
Word” which are directed by Shirin Neshat, her poems had been played in Maryam Habibian
works. At the age of 32 she died by a car accident.( Akbari, Hasan.Jasmin Darznik)
Many of their works had been compared, however, this article focus on Three women; A Poem
for Three Voices and To My Sister which are less known, to get familiar with women’s position
and the poets’ psyche on that society and the ways of getting freedom, hope.
The article compares Three Women ; A Poem for Three Voices and to My Sister in 2 phases;
first, psychological critic of the poets to know their feeling , thoughts and personality. Second,
compare and analysis of the poems to get women’s position and how much are the poems close
to their real life.
Psychological critic
The psychological critic of literary works at first level is the expression of mental state and the
writer’s personality. Dr Abdul Hussein Zarrinkub in his literary criticism expresses “some critics
rely on psychological principles, these critics try to comprehend and express the poet’s and
writer’s inner feelings and thoughts to evaluate and determine the poet’s literary talent ,
imagination and emotion. Through this way, they study the influence of environment, society
and traditions on developing these currents to evaluate the poet’s type of thoughts”(qtd,in.
Akbari, Hassan,3). There are 3 ways which critics choose to analyze the poet’s literary works
but in order to get the poet’s psyche, the third way, the mode of literary reading especially as the
method for experiencing the subjectivity of the writer, is very useful . Taslimi says” Forough
look at the things around her and avoid using traditional and gnostical language, by this way the
reader need less cultural, linguistic and eastern knowledge in forough’s poem rather than Sohrab
Sepehre’s poems”(qtd,in, Taleb zadeh, Nushin, Saeed Hesampour). Sylvia and Forough wrote
their inner thoughts and feelings in their poems. Their most poems are biographical , language is
colloquial, both poets were introversion.In comparative study of two poems in psychological
perspective, we have to focus on the style, statement, values and personal feelings
Emotions and Reactions
Both used negative words including; patient, upset, desolations, harrowing sounds, death,….in
sylvia’s poem. Blood, tyrannical men, weak, concubine, angry tears, lamentation, chain, wounds
in Forough’s poem .we get that they hate men and both are looking for a way to rescue women.
These emotions derived from their thoughts , so they may have similarities in thinking.
Poets wrote the poems by their genius and inspiration not logic ,the inspiration comes from the
inner truth. Reimon Aroun states” intellectuals are the ones who existence doesn’t satisfy them
rather they want to justify their existence” (qtd,in., Akbari Beiraghi,13). Both in their poems
invite women to break the silence and look for freedom, the poems are biographical and the
poets anecdote their dailiness to justify their existence, society. due to breaking they had
different perspective toward what they had or what were their emotional mistakes.
The common intellectual and emotional horizons
both depict the other aspect of love in their poems. Both married at young age, sylvia loved her
husband as much as she loved her father, she lost her father at the age of 8 so she loved her
husband to fill her father’s lost but he betrayed to her and she divorced or in the case of forough,
her husband forbid her from writing and put her under pressure so she had to divorce, after that
they divided love in two categories; true love and earth love which can be consider as platonic
love which they address men tyranny and ruthless. Sylvia mostly tried to show the instability of
Comparative studies of the two poems
Three Women; A Poem for Three Voices is a social poem which reflects women’s choices
between body and the other choices in patriarchal society. Its theme is the question of
voicelessness with male medical authority. Plath has an alignment with voices. It’s a monologue.
First voice, is voice of a happy mother. The moon is metaphor for femininity and fertility which
are astonished by her. the second voice is a voice of a woman who had a miscarriage, depict the
image of cold and rational masculinity. In stanza two of her voice” The cold echoing tapping of
the type writer key” suggest a metonymy for writing and depict how flat and inadequate is the
reason of creation. The third voice, is the voice of a student who tooke a way her unwanted
child” the pregnancy is figure of violation” ( the Cambridge companian,70) between her body and
her choices, her body had been chosen, an unwanted pregnancy will ruin life of women mentally and
physically in masculine society. some times poets for expressing the reality, they decide to be unfamiliar
The three voices are unknown, sylvia demonstrates diversity of female experience and equal validity of
of each routes open to them. Actually these women’s agency had been taken, they cannot choose a
particular routes, they just response to particular circumstances in which their sexuality and gender
place them. Middle brook states “ three voices may well be semi _conscious emanation of plath disquite
regarding the emotional figuration of that had developed after her own miss carriage and the birth of
Nicholas”(qtd,in, the Cambridge companian,71), .” Plath experiment with voice and persona depict as a
psycho biographical narrative of self discovery” The poem is biographical and each voice relates to each
stage of sylvia plath’s life, sylvia used figurative, simple and colloquial language, the third and second
voices are the voice of immature person, but the first voice is the voice of a mature mother who is
happy and patient and this relate to after her divorce and birth of Nicholas when she achieved a self-
consciousness . the unknown voices have power to tell the truth without disturbing others.
For the period of repression, sounds and poetic voices play an important part. A voice mostly relates to
female body.” Orality marks both the creative-destructive power of maternal body and stigmatized
female sexuality through color”( the Cambridge companion,192).” When I first saw it, the small red
seep, I did not believe it.”” The blue color pales. He is human after all”( Plath). It means that voices
refers to female body and by expressing the color blue and red this assumption gets true, The color red
refers to female’s physical appearance, red is the symbol of erotic aggression which is directed by male
character toward a sexual powerful woman. The blue color refers to sexual inaccessibility. “ the voice
has a power to infiltrate and to undermine the symbolic order in localized weak spot”(the Cambridge
companion ,193). By using auditory devices sylvia states the reality. Blood has a symbolic meaning which
is in corrspodence with red and blue colors.
Blood has an symbolic meaning in poem.“in plath poetry blood is troop of bodily access which violates
both aesthetic and ideological closure”( the Cambridge companian,197).” The creative source of
violence is female body”( Eileen M. Aird,3). ” A red lotus opens in its bowl of blood, It is she that drags
the blood-black sea around/ Month after month, with its voices of failure”( plath). blood is a symbol of
aggression toward female sexuality. The fist verse refers to a student who had been raped by a man,
the second verse is a voice of women who had a miscarriage, both of them after violation had been
changed and made a new identity to forget the past.
(...) And all I could see was dangers: doves and words,
After pregnancy the dangers are; dove which refers to” Holy ghost” or mentality, words refer to
pressure of religion which people may call you prostitute and through you away.
Men believe that women have a perfect body when they are pregnant.” Perfect body of woman_ a
scarte fact”( the Cambridge companian,199). variety of desires marks the female’s body associates with
child birth and perfection is revenge upon life and motherhood. In most of her poem she celebrates the
mother infant relation. Freud divides human’s desire in three levels; id, ego and super ego in order to
control them. Steven Axelrod discusses the idea of “ the unfortunate creature without a penis of the
Freudian text(female sexuality) and points out women feel satisfied at whole” ”(qtd,in. Fernandes, Luis
Alfredo,6). ” women feel completion, wholeness after child birth”(qtd,in, Luis Alfredo Fernandes,6). In
contrast to freud theory which is mentioned that women are jealous of men, The second voice call
men” jealous god” because they are jealous of women’s body and completeness .
Women were limited by religious and give advances to men.” I see the Father conversing with the Son/
(...) ‘Let us make heaven/’ they say, ‘Let us flatten and launder the grossness from these souls. Father is
metaphor for God who has a special attention to men. The Christian god is portrayed cruel to his
creature by Plath actually more cruel to women because of religious limitation which surrounded them.
Three voices are charted on time, third voice is a voice of student at collegue who represent the early
stage of the poet, married to an English poet, the second voice, a secretary narrates the period after
that, first voice is a mother in the period of 1962 after Nicholas birth. third voice is in the past and talk
about the distance between inner and outer of the poet, the second voice is an author transitional
stage, in this stage author concern about reality.
Literary arrays gives beauty and strengthto the poem. Harriet Rostein argues that “ three women is the
longest and surely the weakest work in winter trees and a garbled compendium of images, reflection
and state of mind that plath was to put to stunning effect later in briefer lyric”( qtd,in. Fernandes, Luis
Alfredo,5). the poem is biographical, each voice relate to sylvia’s life and full of experience and symbols
and metaphors which make it valuable. .“ the great swan” recalls the ancient story of leda’s rape by Zeus
in the guise of a swan. Sylvia refers to “ snake in swan” to reveal the phallic threat and treachery of
Zeus. Its imagination is expressed In simple language. “I am slow as the world. I am very
patient,”(plath,4).It’s the voice of mother. she talks about freedom and is able to speak with her own
voice. In this stage , the poet is mature and has lots of confident and feels happy , this voice talks about
present. The “chilling willows” and “white clouds/Aside...dragging me in four directions”(plath) these
show that the pregnancy is unwanted she feels guilty and responsible for sex, violence and death. The
cry of child for mother is “the hook I hang on”(183) but for the student is “hooks” that “grate” (182). So
both of them have a different perspective to ward children, mother is happy to have child but the
student is not “ the great swan” beside referring to Zeus story, it also links to the poet’s father death.
“I am a mountain now, among mountainy women, The doctors move among us as if our bigness
Frightened the mind. They smile like fools. They are to blame for what I am, and they know it They hug
their flatness like a kind of health. And what if they found themselves surprised, [as I did? They would go
mad with it” (Plath,180).The student distinguishes herself from others because after child’s birth, she
has an unusual situation, if they have her condition, they may go mad. Men despite being symbol of
normal world , they are the symbol of repression form . Student is blaming them for making her old
and flat.” I leave someone/Who would adhere to me: I undo her fingers like bandages: I go” (184). She
feels empathy and vulnerable because instead of staying at hospital, she leaves her child.” Today the
colleges are drunk with spring. My black gown is a little funeral: It shows I am serious. (...) I had a dream
of an island, red with cries. It was a dream, and did not mean a thing” (Plath,185). The graduation is
symbolic to put away the past and she had lost inner self due to confirm outer conventions .“This is a
disease I carry home, this is a death” (177). The second voice is a secretary who works among men; like
a bad disease . she talks about death , her tone is angry since she had lost her child. “The fertility of
women is opposed to the rationality or “flatness” of men”( Fernandes ,Luis Alfredo,6). The second
women make us think about the creativity aspect of women. The flatness is connected with death, she
thinks she has lost herself and is fragment. Belk argues ”it is not coming from her whole being , its
passing from her head , with thoughts perhaps not really her own, through a mechanical device”(qtd,in.
Fernandes, Luis Alfredo,7). She works among men, she is a secretary, she works like a robot and is
controlled by men , men have stolen her consciousness so she is crazy, her words and thoughts are not
real. He says because he is a man and looks at women from patriarchal perspective, he says that
women are weak , men control women, the words she says are not real. This stage relates to a part of
sylvia’s life which she says” I lost life after life”( qtd,in. Fernandes, Luis Alfredo.8) she works hard to
validate an identity, then she disappointed and realized that the world can not give what she needs.
“Turning through time, the sun and stars/Regarding me with attention” (Plath,176) this is voice of a
happy mother who is surrounded with images and metaphors.” The moon’s concern is more personal:
She passes and repasses, luminous as a nurse. Is she sorry for what will happen? I do not think [so. She is
simply astonished at fertility” (plath,176). There is a connection between mother and the moon, the
moon is metaphor for mother. the poet’s inner outer are in a harmony with nature . Birth of a son gives
mother a sense of wholeness and power, son give form and identity .” I shall meditate upon normality.
shall meditate upon my little son. He does not walk. He does not speak a word. (...) I will him to be
common, To love me as I love him. And to marry what he wants and where he [will” (plath,186). Mother
put all wishes for her son; to be like others free, mother sees her children as miracle and this is the only
positive aspect of plath’s life. Forough Farrokhzad as an Iranian poet tried to depict sylvia’s
themes in most of her poems including To My Sister to depict women’s situation in Iran before
and after the revolution.
To My Sister analysis
It is one of her early poems which didn’t publish in her collections ,but it has as similar theme as
the capture collection has. Tallatof argues “ Farrokhzad’s poems are mostly concerned with
social condition, time addressing human suffering”( qtd,in Hassanpour ,Forough. Ruzy Suliza
Hashim,3). This poem is a social poem which concern with women’s condition in masculine society and
look for a way to rescue them. Most biographical poems concern with social issues.
To My Sister as a biographical poem which has been aligned with forough’s imagination and
emotion. Kianoosh argues that “ Farrokhzad’s poetry is informed by the notion of life, death,
happiness and sorrow that are associated with her poetic vision , the sacredness of womanhood
and the mystical beauty of sex”(qtd,in, Hassanpour,Forough , Ruzy Suliza Hashim,3). Shamisa argus
that “ farrokhzad’s poems give voice to her situation in community which is undesirable for her” qtd,in,
Hassanpour , Ruzy Suliza Hashim,3). Forough looks at the things around and bring her feelings,
imagination, thoughts to her poems, the language is empty of religion and tradition, its colloquial and
easy to understand, she is mostly concern about Iranian women’s situation and men’s lust. Forough
seeks for respect for women. To My Sister and Three Women; A Poem for Three Voices are
dramatic because both talk about women’s situation which may impress your feelings, forough
like Sylvia can be categorized as a confessional poets due to the reality which exist in her poems.
Ann Rosalin Jones states” if women are to discover and express who they are, to bring the
surface what masculine history has repressed in them , they must begin with their sexuality, their
sexuality begin with their bodies, with their genital and libidinal difference with men”( Leila
Naderi , Aysheh Nosrati,4). Luce Irigrary states” women’s body determines both her identity and her
mode of writing and thinking” ”(qtd,in. Naderi,Leila . Aysheh Nosrati,4).
Women’s identity is defined by their body they didn’t have other choices, they are inferior and a tool for
men’s lust , women have to respect men’s needs, social limitation wont allow them to be independent
and this is a great violation against women in patriarchal society then forough decided to rebel and
break the silence by her pen to illustrate her thought to defend women’s right.
One of the most important elements which keep Forough and sylvia close, is the femininity of their
poems. Shamlo says” farrokhzad’s writings some times are too feminine that I could not read them with
loud voice , when I do it , it seems as if I have worn a dress, when I hum her poetry, I hear them in the
voice of a woman” ”(qtd,in. Naderi, Leila , Aysheh Nosrati,4). It starts with “ rise up” Her tone is loud
and the repetition of “ rise up” depict her anxiety to warn women to wake up and do some thing and
how long they wan to bear this situation. He means that in order to get forough poems, you have to be a
woman. Women were associated with the concept of capture in this regard they had to stay at home
like prisoners and waiting for a guard to rescue them
In her first collection” The capture” , woman is an oppressed creature who is waiting for a man. “Seek
your rights, Sister, from those who keep you weak, from those whose myriad tricks and schemes ,keep
you seated in a corner of the house”(Farrokhzad,5_8). Women are victim of fate and passive against the
erring men, woman is helpless and dependent. in the contemporary world, she has nothing to do in
outside, she is a house wife. Every thing in her first collection is symmetrical, women are weak and
passive, in contrast, men are strong, selfish and have a vague personality.
forough find a solution and advice them to struggle more to change the law to get their self
consciousness and identity, to repress the tyrannical men and take their rights back. The
repetition of “ rise up” in last stanza shows her anxiety and emphasizes that women should not
be quite.
During the centuries, women beared many oppressions but the poets like sylvia and farrokhzd
didn’t let this situation accomplish with their silence, both encouraged them to break the silence.
The comparative study means compare persons who have the same thoughts, emotion and life in
different location. The article mention the contemporary poets; Sylvia Plath and Forough
Farrokhzad who made a revolution in literature tried to convey that among men, women have to
be respected and let them be free. the article tried to illustrate how much this theme is related to
our contemporary world and still the absurd thoughts exist. the culture has been changed but the
thoughts have to be changed either to have a righteous society.
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