The Sexual Self
The Sexual Self
The Sexual Self
• At the outset, I want to make it clear that when
approaching this topic on the sexual self, it
should not just be as a biological process, but as
a preparation to entering into and sustain an
intimate, happy, and long-time relationships in
the future.
Sexual Self
• Part of yourself where you learn and understand
your sexual development and how people’s
sexual activity, beliefs, misconceptions and
unlimited access from the internet on sex can
influence your own sexual behaviors and
The Human Reproductive System
• The Male Reproductive System
The testes produce 200 million
sperm cells/ spermatozoa
every week.
Carries either X or Y
Puberty starts 10 to 15 years
The Human Reproductive System
• The Female Reproductive
The ovaries produce 400,000
eggs every 28 days.
Egg cell carries X
Puberty starts between ages
The Human Reproductive System
In women, ovaries produce estrogen and
progesterone as well as small amount of
While in men, production of testosterone is fairly
During adolescence both men and women
increase their sex drives.
Basic Biology of Sexual Behavior
• Adolescents, experiencing strong sexual desire
from the first time and eager for all pleasures life
can offer.
• TV, movies, and music are not only influences
Human Sexuality
• Five Circle of Sexualities
1. Sensuality – awareness and
feeling about your own
body and other people’s
bodies, especially the body
of a sexual partner.
Human Sexuality
• Five Circle of Sexualities
2. Sexual Intimacy – the
ability to be emotionally
close to another human
being and to accept
closeness in return.
Human Sexuality
• Five Circle of Sexualities
3. Sexual Identity – a
person’s understanding of
who he/she is sexually,
including the sense of
being male or of being
Human Sexuality
• Five Circle of Sexualities
4. Reproduction and Sexual
Health – person’s
capacity to reproduce
and the behaviors and
attitudes that make
sexual relationships
healthy and enjoyable.
Human Sexuality
• Five Circle of Sexualities
5. Sexualization – people behave sexually
to influence, manipulate, or control other
Sexuality in Adolescent Youths (13-19)
• Once youth have reached puberty and beyond,
they experience increase interest in romantic and
sexual relationships and genital sex behaviors.
• Most adolescents explore relationships with one
another, fall in and out of love and participate in
sexual intercourse before the age of 20.
The Chemistry of Lust, Love and
▪ There are physiological and psychological aspect
in being turned on, being in love and attach to
another person.
Neurotransmitters involved:
Adrenaline, Dopamine,
The Chemistry of Lust, Love and
• Attachment – bond
helping the couple to take
their relationship to
advance level.