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2024 Hyg Sptce Can Manual v11032023

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2024 ADEX

Simulated Patient Treatment Clinical Examination
(SPTCE) Procedures



CDCA-WREB-CITA administers the ADEX Dental Hygiene Examination, which consists of computer-based and clinical exam
components. All examinations are based on specific performance criteria, developed by ADEX and other content experts, used
to measure the clinical competency of candidates. This manual covers only the processes of the examination referenced.

Both components of the ADEX Dental Hygiene Examination series must be successfully completed (passing scores) within
18 months of the initial attempt of any component in the series. Refer to the Candidate Guide (policies) available in the
Test Prep section of the ADEXtesting.org website for more information regarding the ADEX 18-Month Rule, exam eligibility,
registration, and other administrative policies.

A. The Computer Simulated Clinical Examination (CSCE OSCE) assesses various levels of diagnosis and treatment planning
knowledge, skills, and abilities. Clinically-based questions are utilized through computer-enhanced photographs,
radiographs, optical images of study and working models, laboratory data, and other clinical digitized reproductions.
Refer to the separate Computer Simulated Clinical Examination (CSCE OSCE) Candidate Manual for more information.

B. The Simulated Patient Treatment Clinical Examination (SPTCE) is performed on a typodont provided by CDCA-
WREB-CITA. Candidates are evaluated on calculus detection, calculus removal, periodontal probing measurements
and tissue management. See Performance Expectations for Scoring Rubric, criteria and point values.

Treatment Goals
The ADEX Dental Hygiene Simulated Patient Treatment Examination (SPTCE) evaluates a candidate’s ability to:

• Detect calculus
• Remove calculus
• Measure periodontal probing depths accurately
• Manage treatment appropriately

Candidates are provided maxillary and mandibular typodonts with a unique assignment to evaluate each treatment goal.
Each assignment fulfills the criteria listed in the ADEX SPTCE Scoring Rubric.

Evaluations of candidate performance are made according to defined criteria, on a point accrual basis with the potential
of earning 100 points. The criteria and point values are outlined in this manual. Calculus Removal, Periodontal Probing
Measurement, Final Case Presentation and Tissue Management are evaluated anonymously by three calibrated examiners.
Polishing is not an aspect of the examination. Polishing is not an aspect of the examination. Note that the candidate’s
periodontal probing measurements must be within ± 1mm of at least two of the three examiners’ measurements.

Examiners evaluate each presentation of candidate performance independently and enter their evaluations electronically.
Each examiner is unable to see the evaluations of the other two examiners for any procedure presentation, and examiners
are prohibited from discussing their evaluations during the examination.

ADEX SPTCE Scoring Rubric

Skills Points
Assessment Possible

• 4 assigned maxillary teeth

• 4 surfaces per tooth (M, D, F, L)
Calculus Detection 16
• 16 surfaces evaluated for presence or absence of
subgingival calculus (1 point each)

• One mandibular quadrant assigned for scaling

Calculus Removal • 12 assigned surfaces evaluated for calculus removal 66
(5.5 points each)

• Evaluation of calculus removal on all remaining surfaces

Final Case within assigned quadrant. Calculus remaining:
Presentation • 1 surface (-3 points) 6
• 2 or more surfaces (-6 points)

• 2 assigned teeth (1 anterior; 1 posterior)

Periodontal Probing
• 6 measurements per tooth (DF, F, MF, DL, L, ML) 12
• 12 measurements evaluated (1 point each)


NOTE: Tissue management or other penalty points are deducted from total points accrued.

A score of 75 or greater is required to pass this examination. Successful attempts are reported as a
Pass only. Failed attempts are reported as a numerical value based on the Scoring Rubric.

Standards of Conduct
Integrity of the examination process depends on fairness, accuracy and consistency. Standards are required
to ensure that these principles are adhered to by examiners and candidates. Penalties are imposed for
violations of examination guidelines and the penalties are proportional to the seriousness of the violation.
Minor violations may result in a warning or reminder. Serious violations may result in failure of an examination,
or in the most serious cases, failure of the entire examination series and prohibition from re-examination
within a 1-year period.

Candidates are required to adhere to these standards of conduct while participating in the ADEX Dental
Hygiene Examination or any CDCA-WREB-CITA administered examination. Refer to the Candidate Guide
for professional misconduct violations of examination guidelines (i.e. infection control, improper patient
management, use of prohibited electronic devices, etc.) resulting in penalties or automatic failure of the
examination and/or examination series.

Treatment Management
Candidates must effectively complete treatment without causing unwarranted hard or soft tissue damage to the simulated
dentition and gingiva. Penalty points will be assessed for each area of tissue damage according to the following criteria,
and subtracted from the total points accrued during the grading process.


• Penalty Point assessment criteria: • Penalty Point assessment criteria:
• One point deducted for each site of minor soft • One point deducted for each site of minor
tissue damage, up to three (3) sites. hard tissue damage, up to three (3) sites.
• The presence of four (4) or more minor soft • The presence of four (4) or more minor hard
tissue damage sites, or one major soft tissue tissue damage sites, or one major hard tissue
damage site results in Automatic failure. damage site results in Automatic failure.

• Minor Soft Tissue Damage. Slight soft tissue trauma • Minor Hard Tissue Damage. Slight hard tissue
that is inconsistent with the procedure, including: damage that is inconsistent with the procedure or
• A laceration/abrasion that is ≤ 3mm; a pre-existing condition; may include all hard tissue
surfaces that would not require additional definitive
• A laceration or injury that would not result in
the need for suturing, periodontal packing, or
further follow-up treatment. • Major Hard Tissue Damage. Major damage to the
hard tissue that is inconsistent with the procedure
• Major Soft Tissue Damage.
and a pre-existing condition; may include all hard
• A laceration/abrasion that is > 3mm and that tissue surfaces that would require additional
would require sutures, periodontal packing, or definitive treatment.
further follow-up treatment.
• A laceration/injury that would result in
exposure of alveolar bone, flap, or amputation
of papilla.
• An unreported broken instrument tip in the
sulcus or soft tissue.
Examiners are calibrated using the 11/12 explorer and a probe with 1 mm markings. Examiners also use these instruments
during evaluation (see examples below).

11/12 Explorer (e.g. ODU 11/12)

Probe marked with 1mm increments

(e.g. UNC 1-12 probe)

Instrument Guidelines
• Only instruments utilized within the standard of care for dental hygiene procedures may be utilized for this
examination. Use of restorative or non-dental instruments or materials is prohibited and grounds for dismissal from
the examination.

• Candidates are encouraged to have additional instruments available during the examination. Instruments should be
clean; however, sterilization of instruments is not required for simulated patient (i.e. manikin-based) examinations,
unless otherwise specified by the exam site host (see respective Site Info Sheet).

• Ultrasonic use is restricted at some exam locations. For information regarding ultrasonic/sonic or piezo electric scaling
device availability and hand piece compatibility, refer to the Site Info Sheet of the respective exam host site. The
CDCA-WREB-CITA does not assist candidates with equipment rental.


If an becomes contaminated, the candidate must inform the Chief Examiner to explain the protocol followed for
patient care. The candidate may continue using the instrument only after it is disinfected. Use of a contaminated
instrument without discussion with the Chief Examiner will result in a 100 point penalty (exam failure).


Candidates are responsible for reading and understanding manual(s) and materials published by the
CDCA-WREB-CITA. Candidates bear all risk of any misunderstanding resulting from the use of or reliance
on unofficial information or materials.

Refer to the Dental Hygiene Examination Overview and Test Prep pages of the ADEXtesting.org
website for official resources.

Candidate Guide, Site Info Sheet

Exam Manuals & Forms
Visit the Calendar section of the ADEXtesting.org website
Refer to the Candidate Guide for CDCA-WREB-CITA for Site Info Sheets regarding host-provided supplies and
policies and procedures regarding eligibility requirements, equipment, infection control protocols, PPE, equipment
infection control protocols, results release, exam rental, and other valuable information for each clinical
administration, and candidate conduct standards. exam location. Contact the site host directly for questions
Refer to the Candidate Manual for exam protocols, regarding school-related information listed in their Site
procedures, materials, and performance expectations. Info Sheet.

Downloadable sample forms are for candidate reference Submit questions regarding exam availability, registration
only, not for exam use. Official printed forms are provided and fees to CDCA-WREB-CITA via Contact Us.
at the exam site during Operatory Setup.

Video Tools Q&A Session

Visit the Test Prep page to access videos highlighting The Q&A Session affords Candidates the opportunity
the examination day experience. CDCA-WREB-CITA to ask questions about exam processes or other exam-
videos are for demonstration purposes only and not related concerns, including host site-specific protocols, in
a replacement for information contained within the advance of their clinical examination.
Candidate Manual.
Registered Candidates are notified of their scheduled
Note: CDCA-WREB-CITA does not endorse nor Q&A Session date and time via email; participation is
recommend any methodologies expressed in videos strongly encouraged. Sessions may be virtual or onsite,
shared by other organizations, agencies, companies, or depending on host site preference/availability. Q&A
individuals. Sessions are not recorded by CDCA-WREB-CITA.

All candidate assignments are performed on the CDCA- Questions?
WREB-CITA provided typodont. The SimPro DH
typodont was developed in partnership with Acadental. Contact Us
Manikin, shroud and mounting post also provided for
candidate use during the examination.

The examination timeline below is for example only; actual schedules vary by exam location. Candidates are notified via
email once their specific examination schedule is available in their Candidates.ADEXtesting.org profile several weeks prior
to the clinical exam.

1-3 Sessions Group A Group B Group C

Clinic Entrance,
Operatory Setup, 7:30 - 8:00 AM 10:30 - 11:00 AM 1:30 - 2:00 PM
Candidate Check-In

Exam Start Time 8:00 AM 11:00 AM 2:00 PM

Exam Finish Time 10:00 AM 1:00 PM 4:00 PM

Enter Candidate Findings,

10:00 - 10:30 AM 1:00 - 1:30 PM 4:00 - 4:30 PM
Candidate Check-out

NOTE: Although time announcements are made throughout the examination, Candidates are responsible for
managing and monitoring their time appropriately to ensure timely arrival and procedure completion according
to their assigned examination schedule.


The following items are required for admission to the clinical examination:

• PHOTO IDENTIFICATION. A government or school issued photo ID. Acceptable forms of non-expired photo
identification include such documents as current, valid driver license, passport, military ID, or official school ID.

Recent Name Change. If your legal name has recently changed, bring a copy of the supporting name change
document (e.g. marriage certificate, dissolution decree or court document) to the clinical examination.

• CANDIDATE ID NUMBER. A copy of your Candidate ID Number, located in your registration confirmation email
and your online candidate profile.


Candidate ID Number, Badges & Labels

CANDIDATE ID NUMBER. Note that your Candidate ID Number will be used on all badges, labels
and forms to maintain your anonymity during the examination; and in conjunction with your name
on all post-exam results reports.

BADGES. Upon identity verification, candidates receive a sheet of candidate labels, including two
(2) Candidate Photo ID Badge labels. Photo badge labels must be worn on both your outermost
garment and on your scrubs during the exam.

LABELS. Affix your Candidate ID Label to all examination materials, including the mandibular
typodont arch upon exam completion.

Operatory Setup & Check-In

When clinic entrance time is announced, Candidates will proceed to their assigned workstation and perform the following

Note that the SimProDH typodont and Assignment and Candidate Findings (ACF) Form are located at each assigned

1. Affix Candidate ID Label to Assignment and Candidate Findings (ACF) Form in designated area
2. Affix Candidate ID Label to plastic bag containing your treatment arch
3. Mount mandibular arch in provided articulator and shroud
4. Set up exam instruments
5. Adjust chair to a comfortable and appropriate operator position
6. Confirm operatory and supplies are ready for treatment
7. Chief Examiner or Exam Technical Coordinator (ETC) will check the position of mounted typodont
8. Chief Examiner or ETC will ask candidate to confirm the assignment

Notify Chief Examiner immediately of any equipment malfunction.

CDCA-WREB-CITA is not responsible for malfunction of any candidate

equipment or host facility equipment.

Clinical Treatment
Candidates have up to two (2) hours to complete the assigned treatment and record their findings on the Assignment and
Candidate Findings (ACF) Form.

1. Record Calculus Detection

2. Complete Calculus Removal for assigned quadrant
3. Record Periodontal Probing depth measurements only after calculus removal
4. Confirm that all findings are recorded on ACF Form

Chief Examiner is available throughout the exam; notify Chief Examiner immediately of issues or concerns.


Do not remove Mandibular arch from
• Start examination
articulator until instructed or end of
• 1-hour remaining examination is announced.
• 15 minutes remaining Examination attempt is considered
complete upon arch removal.
• End examination

Exam Completion
1. Notify Chief Examiner or ETC of finished treatment
2. Remove mandibular arch from articulator; dry well
3. Affix Candidate ID Label to mandibular arch
4. Place mandibular arch in plastic bag labeled with Candidate ID Label
5. Confirm recorded ACF Form findings with Chief Examiner or ETC in electronic scoring system
6. Fold ACF Form and place in labeled plastic bag containing mandibular arch
7. Return ACF Form/mandibular arch and any unused labels to Chief Examiner or ETC
8. Dry upper arch and inside of shroud with paper towels and compressed air. (Maxillary arch remains in manikin;
DO NOT remove)
9. Clean operatory as directed
10. Gather personal belongings
11. Exit examination area

Candidates are notified via email once examination results to the Candidate Portal.

Assignment and Candidate Findings Form

Downloadable sample forms are for candidate reference only, not for exam use.
Official printed forms are provided at exam site during Operatory Setup.

Assignment and Candidate Findings Form

Downloadable sample forms are for candidate reference only, not for exam use.
Official printed forms are provided at exam site during Operatory Setup.


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