2333 Meeting 2. Sentences, Utterances and Propositions-3

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Meeting 2


I. Introduction
II. Sentences vs. Utterances
III. Propositions
IV. Consolidation

Task 1.
Read the following out loud:
 A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
Now read it out loud again.

Which of the following do you agree with?

a. You have just read 2 sentences
b. You have just made 2 utterances (i.e. two unique physical events have just taken place)


Task 2. Read the following phrases and decide if they describe an utterance or a sentence. Put them
into the columns.


1. any stretch of talk, by one person, before and after which there is silence on the part of
that person
2. a string of words put together by the grammatical rules of a language
3. physical event
4. a grammatically complete string of words expressing a complete thought
5. dies on the wind
6. the USE by a particular speaker, on a particular occasion, of a piece of language, such as a
sequence of sentences, or a single phrase, or even a single word
7. neither a physical event nor a physical object
8. the IDEAL string of words behind various realizations in utterances and inscriptions
9. It would make sense to say that ………was in a particular accent (i.e. a particular way of
pronouncing words).
10. It would not make strict sense to say that ……… was in a particular accent

Most of the tasks in this chapter are taken from Semantics – A course book (Hurford et al, 2007)

➔ What is an utterance and what is a sentence?

Task 3. Now decide whether the following could represent utterances. Indicate your answer by
circling Yes or No.

1) “Hello” Yes/No
2) “Not much” Yes /No
3) “Utterances may consist of a single word, a single phrase or a single sentence.
They may also consist of a sequence of sentences. It is not unusual to find
utterances that consist of one or more grammatically incomplete sentence-
fragments. In short, there is no simple relation of correspondence between
utterances and sentences” Yes /No
4) “Pxgotmgt” Yes / No
5) “Schplotzenpflaaaaaaargh!” Yes /No

Task 4. Some examples will help to get the idea of a sentence across. Indicate your answer by
circling Yes or No.
(1) Do all (authentic) performances of ‘Macbeth’ begin by using the same sentence? Yes /No
(2) Do all (authentic) performances of ‘Macbeth’ begin with the same utterance?
Yes /No
(3) Does it make sense to talk of the time and place of a sentence? Yes /No
(4) Does it make sense to talk of the time and place of an utterance? Yes /No
(5) Can one talk of a loud sentence? Yes /No
(6) Can one talk of a slow utterance? Yes /No

In semantics we need to make a careful distinction between utterances and sentences. In

particular we need some way of making it clear when we are discussing sentences and when
utterances. We adopt the convention that anything written between double quotation marks
represents an utterance and anything italicized represents a sentence or (similarly abstract)
part of a sentence, such as a phrase or a word.

Task 5.
1. For each of the following label it as an utterance (U or sentence (S), as appropriate, by
circling your choice.
a. “The train now arriving at platform one is the 11.15 from King’s Cross” U/S
b. The pelican ignores the linguist U/S
2. Given our conventions, say what is wrong with the following:
a. John announced Mary’ s here in his squeakiest voice.
b. “Mary thought how nice John was”

Task 6. Which of the following utterances are tokens of whole sentences (S) and which are not
(1) “John” S / NS
(2) “Who is there?” S /NS
(3) “Mine” S / NS
(4) “It’s mine” S / NS
(5) “Where shall I…. ?” S / NS

Task 7. Given below are some sample conversations. In each case the second utterance is not a
token of a sentence. Write out a full sentence expressing the intended meaning more fully.

1) a. Magnus: “When did Goethe die?”

b. Fred: “In 1832”
2) a. Hostess: “Would you like tea or coffee?”
b. Guest: “Coffee, please”
3) A: “Who won the battle of Waterloo?”
B: “Wellington”

Task 8. Fill in the blanks with the word sentence or utterance.

A (1) is not associated with phonetic characteristics such as accent and voice
quality through a speaker's act of uttering it. Accent and voice quality belong strictly to the
(2), not to the (3) uttered.

A PROPOSITION is that part of the meaning of the utterance of a declarative sentence which
describes some state of affairs. The state of affairs typically involves persons or things referred to
by expressions in the sentence. In uttering a declarative sentence a speaker typically asserts a

Task 9. Consider the following pairs of sentences. In each case, say whether there are any
circumstances of which one member of the pair could be true and the other false (assuming in each
case that the same name, e.g. Harry, refers to the same person).

(1) Harry took out the garbage

Harry took the garbage out Yes /No
(2) John gave Mary a book
Mary was given a book by John Yes I No
(3) Isobel loves Tony
Tony loves Isobel Yes /No
(4) George danced with Ethel
George didn’t dance with Ethel Yes / No
(5) Dr Findlay killed Janet
Dr Findlay caused Janet to die Yes / No

The notion of truth can be used to decide whether two sentences express different propositions.
Thus if there is any conceivable set of circumstances in which one sentence is true, while the
other is false, we can be sure that they express different propositions.

Task 10. In the present-day world,

(1) Is it a fact that there are lions in Africa? Yes /No

(2) Is the proposition that there are lions in Africa a true proposition? Yes /No
(3) Is it a fact that the state of Arkansas is uninhabited by human beings? Yes / No
(4) Is the proposition that the state of Arkansas is uninhabited by human beings true?
Yes / No

True propositions correspond to facts, in the ordinary sense of the word fact. False propositions
do not correspond to facts.

Task 11. Answer the following questions:

(1) If John wonders whether Alice is deceiving him, would it seem reasonable to say that he has
the proposition that Alice is deceiving him in his mind, and is not sure whether it is a true or a
false proposition? Yes /No

(2) If I say to you, “If Mary came to the party, Phyllis must have been upset”, do I thereby
put in your mind the proposition that Mary came to the party, without necessarily indicating
whether it is true or not? Yes No

(3) If I say to you, “Was your father in the Navy?”, would it seem reasonable to say
that I have the proposition that your father was in the Navy in my mind, and wish to
know whether this proposition is true or not? Yes /No

(4) Is there something odd about the following sentence? If so, what?
Pamela considered the fact that her mother was alive and realized that it could not possibly
be true.
(5) Is there something similarly odd about the following sentence? If so, what?
Pamela considered the proposition that her mother was alive and realized that it could not
possibly be true.
Task 12.
(1) In the following utterances, is any proposition asserted by the speaker?
(a) “Have you seen my toothbrush?” Yes /No,
(b) “Get out of here this minute!” Yes /No.
(c) “I’m afraid that I’ll have to ask you to leave” Yes /No

(2) Would you say that the members of the following sentence pairs have the same
propositional content?
(a) Go away, will you?
You will go away Yes/ No
(b) Pigs might fly
I’m a Dutchman Yes/ No
(c) I am an idiot
Am I an idiot? Yes/ No

Propositions are clearly involved in the meanings of other types of sentences, such as
interrogatives and imperatives. Normally, when a speaker utters a simple declarative sentence,
he commits himself to the truth of the corresponding proposition: i.e. he asserts the
proposition. By uttering a simple interrogative or imperative, a speaker can mention a
particular proposition, without asserting its truth.

It is useful to envisage the kind of family tree relationship between these notions shown in the

Task 13. Do you agree with the following statements?

1. Proposition cannot be said to belong to any particular language.

2. Sentences cannot be said to belong to any particular language.
3. Sentences in different languages can correspond to the same proposition, if the two
sentences are perfect translations of each other.

4. It is sensible to talk of an utterance being in a particular language.
5. Anything that can be said of propositions can also be said of utterances, but not
necessarily vice versa.
6. Anything that can be said of sentences can also be said of utterances, but not necessarily
vice versa.

Task 14.
(1) Fill in the chart below with ‘+‘ or ‘—‘ as appropriate. Thus, for example, if it makes sense to
think of a proposition being in a particular regional accent, put a ‘+‘ in the appropriate box; if
not put a ‘_’
Utterances Sentences Propositions

Can be loud or quiet

Can be grammatical or not

Can be true or false

In a particular regional

In a particular language

(2) Can the same proposition be expressed by different sentences? Yes / No

(3) Can the same sentence be realized by different utterances
(i.e. have different utterances as tokens)? Yes / No

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