Convergence Between Green Technology and Building

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Convergence between Green Technology and Building
Construction in the Republic of Korea
Sungsu Jo 1 , Sangho Lee 1, * and Hoon Han 2

1 Department of Urban Engineering, Hanbat National University, Daejeon 34158, Republic of Korea;
[email protected]
2 School of Built Environment, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia;
[email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +82-42-821-1191

Abstract: This study examines the convergence between green technology and building construction
in Korea using both input-output and network analysis from 1990 to 2015. The industry type of
the input-output tables used in the Bank of Korea is reclassified into 20 categories. The analytical
results are summarized as follows: First, the construction industry is expanding its production area
by adopting green technologies (KRW 2245 billion → KRW 7842 billion). Second, the impact of green
technologies on the growth rate of the construction industry is greater than that of traditional con-
struction technologies (technical coefficient 0.5410 → 0.5831). Third, the results of the analysis show
that smart green technology enhances efficiency in the construction industry (multiplier coefficient
2.3673 → 2.4972). Our input-output model reveals that the smart green technology coefficient input to
construction is relatively small, but the output is bigger in effects. Also, the results of the input-output
analysis show that both hardware and software smart technologies continuously increase energy
demand. Finally, the network analysis demonstrates the rapid convergence of smart technologies in
the construction industry (pathway 13 → 22). These results demonstrate that smart green technology
leads to a high value-added output in the construction industry.

Citation: Jo, S.; Lee, S.; Han, H. Keywords: construction; smart green technologies; green building; industrial convergence; input-
Convergence between Green output model; network analysis
Technology and Building
Construction in the Republic of Korea.
Buildings 2024, 14, 658. https:// 1. Introduction
Academic Editors: Guangdong Tian, Traditional industry is currently on the evolutionary path of digitizing. For a long time,
Maxim A. Dulebenets, Amir digitization has been an important issue for the construction of buildings and infrastruc-
M. Fathollahi-Fard and ture [1]. Digitalization, as well as sustainable energy use and management, has long been an
Honghao Zhang issue in our society [2]. Nowadays, more than half of the world’s population live in urban
areas. Human activities are under pressure from this high population density and buildings
Received: 26 December 2023
and require sustainable development [3]. Sustainable economic development based on a
Revised: 18 February 2024
city-centered philosophy resulted in greenhouse gas emissions. The progressive emission of
Accepted: 22 February 2024
Published: 1 March 2024
greenhouse gasses has made global warming a worrisome environmental problem. In this
context, there is a debate on how to minimize the impact on the environment and increase
energy efficiency through the use of intelligent systems in smart buildings [4] In general,
a smart building can be defined as the convergence of information and communication
Copyright: © 2024 by the authors. technology for building management and green technology for energy efficiency.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Studies on smart buildings have focused on innovative technologies for air condition-
This article is an open access article ing and heating, lighting, and solar thermal energy efficiency [5]. Empirical studies have
distributed under the terms and been conducted on how to reduce energy consumption through innovative technologies
conditions of the Creative Commons in buildings [6,7]. There have also been studies on industrial and economic aspects [8].
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
These studies have predicted that the high value added in construction, service, and infor-
mation and communication technology (ICT) will lead to a large demand in construction.

Buildings 2024, 14, 658.

Buildings 2024, 14, 658 2 of 19

Accordingly, there have been many studies on the application of smart green technologies
in construction. However, the existing studies do not provide a clear understanding of
the convergence of smart green technologies in the construction industry. Therefore, this
study examines the relationship between smart green technologies and construction as a
technological convergence toward smart buildings.
This study undertakes several steps to determine how smart green technology con-
verges within the construction industry. First, a literature survey defining the industrial
segments of smart technology and green technology. Second, we estimated how much the
smart green industry is purchased in the construction industry. The study also examined
the multiplier effects of smart green technologies on the overall construction industry. The
IO model is used to estimate technical coefficients and production-inducing coefficients.
Finally, this study examined convergence changes between smart green technologies and
the construction industry. The study used the centrality and network analysis.
The remaining chapters of this study are organized as follows: Section 2 examines the
theoretical background of smart and green technologies, offering an in-depth exploration
of the existing research concerning inter-industry convergence. In Section 3, the study
elucidates the input-output model and network analysis as the analytical model utilized
and describes the data sources in the analysis. Section 4 systematically examines the
integration of smart and green technologies within the construction industry, with a specific
focus on input-output analysis and network analysis. Lastly, Section 5 summarizes the
study’s findings, outlines its limitations, and suggests directions for future research.

2. Literature Review
Since the smart and green technologies used in the construction industry can be
defined very broadly depending on the field, it is necessary to examine the fields related to
this study in detail. Accordingly, in this chapter, we looked at the theoretical background
of what smart and green technologies are and explained the concept of the convergence of
smart and green technologies and construction. In addition, existing research related to
industrial convergence was reviewed.

2.1. Theoretical Background: Smart and Green Technilogies

What is an intelligent building? The intelligent building is a topic that has been
discussed for a long time. Before the intelligent building, there was the concept of the smart
building. This has been discussed since 1990. Wong’s study states that smart buildings
should minimize human interaction. In other words, a smart building is a control system
that minimizes mutual interference [9]. This means that building management requires
the integration of various systems [9,10]. The smart building requires more smart devices,
materials, and sensors for building automation [11].
There are some studies that have discussed the importance of smart technologies or
green buildings from the ICT perspective, separately from system integration. Zero-energy
buildings, which maximize energy efficiency and limit carbon emissions, or green buildings,
which are inextricably linked to performance, have been the subject of several studies [12].
Putting these together, essentially linked green buildings have been the subject of various
studies. The green building is a balanced approach when it comes to infrastructure and
energy conservation, including building infrastructure, information and communication
technologies (ICTs), and energy savings [13].
Smart buildings are driven by climate change and integrate the aspects of energy
conservation and management with smart technology systems that optimize services and
operations. The concept of smart buildings began to change with intelligent buildings
that take into account all aspects [14,15]. Putting these together, it can be said that a
smart building is an ICT which includes a separate green technology for sustainable
energy efficiency.
What are smart technologies? Existing studies state that smart technologies simply
extend beyond ICT and require technology that adds an intelligence function to things [8,16].
Buildings 2024, 14, 658 3 of 19

These technologies are sensing, processing, networking, and interfacing [17]. Intelligent
technology for intelligence manages humans’ five senses (e.g., cognitive function). For
example, they consist of a smell sensor, an auditory sensor, a visual sensor, and a vibration
sensor. The collected data (content) that the user needs require a suitable algorithm for
processing knowledge content. For example, if the collected data are smoke, then fire creates
smoke. Knowing that the smoke is from a fire is the knowledge algorithm. The delivery
of the data here is an act of network technologies (e.g., Wi-Fi, 5G, and broadband). The
interface is a technology that converts information from processed data into information
and makes it available to the user by outputting it to the display.
These technologies can be divided into three industry sectors. Sensor and interface
technologies are close to the manufacturing industry’s IT. Processing technology is related
to the knowledge-based service industry. Network technology is close to the IT service
industry. This is evident in the smart car, smart farm, smart factory, and smart building
cases. Through these cases, studies have examined the questions of what a required
technology is and how it is related to the related industry [8,16]. On the other hand, smart
technologies change over time and the categorization of the industry changes, so it is
difficult to create a strong framework based on these limited aspects.
In particular, the OECD introduced a definition of the ICT industry that breaks down
the dichotomy of traditional manufacturing and services in the economy [18–20]. The
OECD definition of ICTs and knowledge services industries is a useful taxonomy, although
it may not cover the full range of related activities. The OECD industry classification
method is the most appropriate classification in terms of economic quantification and we
can conduct comparative studies between countries in terms of economics [21]. This study
classified smart technology as IT manufacturing, IT services, and knowledge services based
on the above OECD method.
What is green technology? The demand for green buildings is increasing due to climate
change worldwide [22]. According to this trend, many countries and international organi-
zations have developed sustainable green building rating systems. The most representative
ones are the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) of the USA, Building
Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) of the UK, LEED
of Canada, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen (DGNB) of Germany, Green Star
of Australia and New Zealand, and Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) of India.
The important function of these assessment systems and green technology focuses
on energy consumption and the recycling of resources. In addition, there have been
studies on planning green buildings or green cities. The elements associated with green
technology are recycling resources (e.g., the use of heavy water, rain collectors, recycling,
and minimizing waste), maximizing carbon absorption (e.g., solid green), and maximizing
the use of renewable energy such as active solar systems, passive solar systems, geothermal
energy, and wind energy [23]. From this point of view, green technology can be divided
into energy generation, energy use and supply, resource recycling, and manufacturing
industries. Recent studies have shown solar, heat pump, and heat storage technologies
for efficient energy management in buildings [24–26]. These studies manifest that the
green-technology-related industries are the energy generation industry (e.g., solar, thermal,
and wind energy), energy supply industry (e.g., electric, gas, and water), and energy
recycling and process industry (e.g., rain recycling and waste processing). Categorizing
the green technology industry is about utilizing and applying smart technology for energy
efficiency [4].
This study defines an integrated technology that uses a knowledge algorithm to
control smart buildings, using smart technologies such as sensors, green technologies to
save carbon, and renewable and recycled energy as key components (Figure 1).
Buildings 2024, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 19

This study defines an integrated technology that uses a knowledge algorithm to

Buildings 2024, 14, 658 control smart buildings, using smart technologies such as sensors, green technologies4to
of 19
save carbon, and renewable and recycled energy as key components (Figure 1).

Figure 1. The
Figure conceptual
1. The framework
conceptual of aofsmart
framework building
a smart analysis.
building analysis. Related
Related Research
In In a research
a research study
study ononconvergence
various methods
methods suchsuch as
as aa commitment-output
commitment-output model modelbased basedon oninput-output
input-outputtables, tables,structural
structuralpath pathanalysis,
network analysis. Lee and Kim analyzed the changes
and network analysis. Lee and Kim analyzed the changes in the structure of the in the structure of the construction
industry using
construction the 1980
industry usingand the19901980input-output tables. Thetables.
and 1990 input-output structure Theof the construction
structure of the
construction industry changed based on services and telecommunications. These resulted
industry changed based on services and telecommunications. These changes changes in
the active
resulted development
in the of intelligent
active development buildings,buildings,
of intelligent office automation, and so on.and
office automation, Thissochange
was the basis for the revival of the construction industry
This change was the basis for the revival of the construction industry at that time. at that time. At the same time,
At the
construction is becoming a high value-added industry, reflecting
same time, construction is becoming a high value-added industry, reflecting the trend of the trend of services
and information
services and information [27]. [27].
The Thestudy by Lee
study by LeeandandLeemLeem confirmed
confirmed that the
that the structure
telecommunications industry leads to innovation as a tool for knowledge sharing. The
the telecommunications industry leads to innovation as a tool for knowledge sharing. The
study found that the telecommunications industry plays an important role in innovation in
study found that the telecommunications industry plays an important role in innovation
the knowledge economy [28].
in the knowledge economy [28].
The studies by Jo and Lee and Jo et al. examined the smart industry and construction
The studies by Jo and Lee and Jo et al. examined the smart industry and construction
from a smart city perspective, different from previous studies. They also analyzed the
from a smart city perspective, different from previous studies. They also analyzed the
relationships between the smart city industry and other industries. In Jo and Lee’s study,
relationships between the smart city industry and other industries. In Jo and Lee’s study,
the changes in industry structure between the smart city industry and the construction
the changes in industry structure between the smart city industry and the construction
industry were analyzed using the 1980 and 2014 input-output tables. They defined that the
industry were analyzed using the 1980 and 2014 input-output tables. They defined that
smart city industry consists of IT manufacturing, IT services, and knowledge services. In
the smart city industry consists of IT manufacturing, IT services, and knowledge services.
particular, the study showed that IT manufacturing and IT services are very important in
In the
particular, the study
relationship with showed that IT manufacturing
the construction industry. The study and ITalso
explainsare that
smart city
in the relationship with the construction industry. The study
industry has a comprehensive influence on other industries, such as smart farms, also explains that the smart
industry and has smart
a comprehensive
grids [9]. Jo et influence
al.’s study oninvestigated
other industries, such as ecosystem
the industrial smart farms, from
the buildings, and smartera
Korean information grids [9]. current
to the Jo et al.’ssmart
period. They the used
industrial ecosystem
four tables of data
from the 15
every Korean
from the 1960 erainput-output
to the current smarttocity
tables 2015period.
datastudy results confirmed that the smart city industry replaced other industries and is2015).
every 15 years from the 1960 input-output tables to 2015 (1960, 1975, 2000, and making
The study
new results
value chainsconfirmed that the smart
in all industries. However, city their
conclusion otherwasindustries and is is
that this impact
making new value chains in all industries. However,
not big, and they emphasized that smart city year has not come yet [16].their final conclusion was that this
impact Most
is not of
big, and they emphasized that smart city year has not come
the industrial analyses in the existing studies used an input-output model, a yet [16].
Most of path
structural the industrial analyses
analysis model, andinathe existing
network studies
analysis used an
model. Theinput-output
input-outputmodel,model acan
calculatepath analysis and
the structure model, andeffect
ripple a network analysisbut
of the industry, model. The input-output
it is difficult to grasp themodeldetailed
calculate the structure and ripple effect of the industry, but it is difficult
and value chain of the ripple effect of the industry. The structural path analysis model to grasp the
can identify the ripple effect of an industry as a detailed path, but since it is an analysis
based on production-inducing effects, it has limitations in identifying the input structure of
the industry.
Buildings 2024, 14, 658 5 of 19

Other research areas that integrate methods such as the input-output model and
structural pathway analysis include research related to energy pathway extraction [29] and
carbon emissions [30]. Lenze extracted pathways related to energy use, water use, and
air emissions for all industries in Australia [31]. Butnar et al. studied the flows of 11 air
pollutants along the economic supply chain of Spain [32]. There are also studies that have
experimented with the applicability of structural pathway analysis to measuring flows in
economic and environmental networks. More recently, research has been conducted to
analyze and interpret economic, industrial, and social phenomena using network analysis.
Hidalgo et al. analyzed the evolution of the production structures of continents and
countries using network analysis [33]. In the study by McNerney et al., who argued that
the network methodology is excellent for studying the relationships between industries, a
network of the money flows of 45 countries was applied and analyzed using the OECD
international input-output tables [34]. Liu and Zhang’s study examined the flow of urban
ecological networks in Beijing by combining a monetary input-output table and a physical
input-output table to analyze the urban ecosystem [35]. Stamopoulos et al. used network
analysis to quantify the economic impact of the ICT industry on the Greek economy.
The ICT industry contributed significantly to the Greek economy. He found that ICT
services (i.e., a subdivision of the ICT industry) are closely linked to transactions between
industries [21]. Li et al. developed an integrated assessment model based on network
analysis for industrial structure changes in China and Japan [36]. Wang and Chen used the
network analysis method to study the energy and water flow between the Beijing, Tiajin,
and Hebei regions. They analyzed the energy dependence, impact, and recycling rate in the
three cities [37]. In addition, according to recent research, green technology products are
expected to have a significant impact on the economic, environmental, and social aspects
of the construction supply chain [38].
As such, previous studies using the network analysis method have had excellent
results in analyzing economic, industrial, and social phenomena and estimating their ripple
effect paths. However, the studies that used network analysis focused on macroeconomics
such as continents, nations, and entire industries. The most studied topics were carbon
emissions and knowledge cities as the current trends of industrialization and urbanization.
This study combines the input-output model with the network analysis method to fill the
gaps and overcome the limitations of previous studies. The study investigated the hot topic
of the convergence between smart green technology and construction.

3. Research Model and Data

3.1. The Input-Output Model for Industry Analysis
This study used an input-output model and network analysis method as analysis
tools. An input-output model is a tool for the quantitative analysis of the production and
interactions between industries through trade activities. In particular, the model captures
the interdependencies between industries step by step, and this analysis examines the
multiple impacts for each industry in an input-output analysis [39].
The basic structure of the input-output model is a matrix consisting of an endogenous
sector and an exogenous sector. The endogenous sector shows the intermediate input and
demand between industries. It has the form of a square matrix. The column of the square
matrix shows the input of each industry and indicates the quantity of goods to be purchased.
The row indicates the extent to which each industry’s products are sold as demand from
other industries. Thus, the quadratic matrix, which consists of intermediate inputs and
intermediate demand, represents the relationship between the purchase of intermediate
inputs and the sale of demand products between industries and has the greatest importance
in the input-output model.
The exogenous sector consists of primary inputs and final demand. The primary
input includes the value added and the final demand includes household consumption
and information consumption. In an input-output table, the total output of the total of the
inputs and intermediate demand, represents the relationship between the purchase of
intermediate inputs and the sale of demand products between industries and has the
greatest importance in the input-output model.
Buildings 2024, 14, 658 6 of 19
The exogenous sector consists of primary inputs and final demand. The primary
input includes the value added and the final demand includes household consumption
and information consumption. In an input-output table, the total output of the total of the
row and
and the
the total
total of
of the
the column
column is
is consistent.
consistent. The
The basic
basic structure
structure of
of an
an input-output
input-output table
(industry associations) is shown in Figure
(industry associations) is shown in Figure 2. 2.

Figure 2. Concept of an input-output model.

Figure 2. Concept of an input-output model.
The input-output model (industry association analysis) is based on the input coefficient
The input-output
(technical model (industry
coefficient) calculated association table.
from the input-output analysis) is based coefficient
The technical on the input
(aij )
coefficient (technical coefficient) calculated from the input-output
is based on the median input for each sector divided by the total input. This table. Themeans
amount of (𝑎 ) isofbased
input on the
industry median
i that inputj needs
industry for each
to sector divided
produce by of
one unit theoutput.
total input.
This means
technical the amount
coefficient of input
can be of industry
calculated 𝑖 that industry
using Equation (1): 𝑗 needs to produce one unit
of output. The technical coefficient can be calculated using Equation (1):
aij = xij /X j (1)
𝑎 = 𝑥 /𝑋 (1)

where a𝑎ij isisthe

where (𝑖, j)th
the(i, 𝑗)thtechnical
technical coefficient and x𝑥ij isisintermediate
coefficient and intermediate input
input of
of the j)th
(i, 𝑗)th
the (𝑖,
industry. X j represents the total input of industry j.
industry. 𝑋 represents the total input of industry 𝑗. This study analyzed the input of the
This study analyzed the input of the
smart green industry needed when the construction industry produces one unit of output.
smart green industry needed when the construction industry produces one unit of output.
The multiplier coefficient (bij ) can be calculated through the technical coefficient.
The multiplier coefficient (𝑏 ) can be calculated through the technical coefficient. It
It means when the final demand of industry j increases production by one unit, what
means when the final demand of industry 𝑗 increases production by one unit, what
industry i′ s direct and indirect impact would be. The multiplier coefficient can be calculated
industry 𝑖′𝑠 direct and indirect impact would be. The multiplier coefficient can be
using Equation (2).
calculated using Equation (2).
Bij = [ I − A]−1 (2)
𝐵 = 𝐼 𝐴
where B is the production-inducing coefficient matrix and consists of b . I is the unit (2)
ij ij
where 𝐵 andisAthe
is production-inducing
a matrix of technicalcoefficient
coefficients. Thisand
matrix study defines
consists of 𝑏the. 𝐼production-
is the unit
matrix and 𝐴 is a matrix of technical coefficients. This study definesindustry
coefficient as the direct and indirect effects of the smart green and the
the production-
traditional industry when the construction industry increases its output by one unit.
inducing coefficient as the direct and indirect effects of the smart green industry and the
traditional industry when the construction industry increases its output by one unit.
3.2. Network Analysis Model
The network
3.2. Network analysis
Analysis Model model uses social network analysis, degree centrality, and
eigenvector centrality. Degree centrality is the simplest and most intuitive indicator. It is
The network analysis model uses social network analysis, degree centrality, and
measured by default as the number of links to a given node. Degree centrality indicates
eigenvector centrality. Degree centrality is the simplest and most intuitive indicator. It is
the direct impact or activity between industry i and industry j. For example, the more
measured by default as the number of links to a given node. Degree centrality indicates
links associated with a particular node, the higher the value of the link degree centrality.
the direct impact
Industries with aor activity
high between
degree industrycan
of centrality i and industry
create new j.opportunities
For example, through
the moreother
associated with a particular node, the higher the value of the link degree
industries. Many industries are directly linked, so we can explore a number of alternatives centrality.
to industrywith a high degree of centrality can create new opportunities through other
industries. Many industries
Degree centrality are directly
is divided linked, so
into in-degree we can explore
centrality a number
and out-degree of alternatives
centrality when
to industry growth.
there is a directionality of the connection. This study started from the production-inducing
coefficient, is divided into
which directionality in-degree
exists, centrality
and network and out-degree
centrality was analyzed.centrality when
The analysis
there is a directionality of the connection. This study started from the inproduction-inducing
results of this study were derived from in-degree centrality (DC (i )) and out-degree
centrality (DC out (i )) using the following Equation (3):

1 n
n − 1 ∑ j=1 ij
DCin (i ) = f (3)
Buildings 2024, 14, 658 7 of 19

where DCin (i ) is the in-degree centrality of i industrial nodes. n is the total number of
industries in the entire network. f ij represents the direct and indirect effect of industry j on
industry i when industry j increases its output by one unit of production (Equation (4)).

1 n
n − 1 ∑ j=1 ji
DC out (i ) = f (4)

where DC out (i ) is the out-degree centrality of i industrial nodes. n is the total number of
industries in the entire network. f ji is the production-inducing coefficient as industry j′ s
direct and indirect impact when industry i increases its production by one unit.
The in-degree centrality is similar to the forward linkage effect, and the out-degree
centrality has a similar meaning to the backward linkage effect.
Having a large number of connected nodes does not necessarily make a node an
important node. If degree centrality is critical to the number of directly connected nodes,
then eigenvector centrality is a connected node that can weigh the importance of other
nodes. For example, the influence is greater if it is connected to a strong person than if
it is connected to a large number of weaker people. In other words, a node connected to
important nodes is the more critical node. A large value of eigenvector centrality means
that the node itself is connected to a large number of nodes with a high score, as expressed
in Equation (5).
EV i = ∑ j=1 Cj Zij (5)

where EV i is an eigenvector and n is the number of industries in the whole network. Cj is

of importance and industry j, Zij means a connection from industry i to industry j. Vector C
is the eigen equation of λC = ZCC. The eigenvector centrality can be derived from vectors
corresponding to the largest eigenvalue (λ).

3.3. Research Data

The study uses data for Korea from the 1990 and 2015 input-output tables issued by
the Bank of Korea. The reason for choosing these two years is that they clearly show the
changes in Korea’s smart green industry.
The input-output table published by the Bank of Korea produces a data sheet every
five years. The 2015 input-output table is the most recent. Accordingly, this study used the
2015 input-output table as the most current data at the time the study was conducted. The
study used the 2015-based GDP deflator for changes and comparative analysis. A total of
164 industries were reclassified into 20 sub-classified industries for the purposes of this
study, taking into account the basic sectors of industry (Table 1).
IT manufacturing focuses on functions such as storing computational measurement
data using the movement of electrons and includes wired and wireless communication
devices capable of transmitting voice and data information. These industries are classified
as representative industries that collect, transmit, and output data from intelligent buildings.
The IT service industry has five software parts: portal, online information, database, online
content, and online information process. These industries have functions such as data
analysis, processing, and use and monitoring in intelligent buildings.
The knowledge services industry consists of areas such as knowledge-based artificial
intelligence decision-making algorithms. Knowledge services include areas that have
the overall control over content in smart buildings [40,41]. The green industry consists
of new renewable energy technologies that minimize carbon emissions while recycling
energy generation and supply to buildings. The green industry is very relevant to green
technologies. Solar panels that generate new renewable energy and smart grids that manage
and operate energy are examples of the convergence of IT and the green industry [16].
Buildings 2024, 14, 658 8 of 19

Table 1. Classification of smart green industries and traditional industries.

No. Industries of Classification

1 IT Manufacturing (ITM)
2 IT Services (ITS)
Smart and Green
3 Knowledge Services (KS)
4 New Renewable and Recycle Energy (NRRE)
5 Construction (C)
6 Agriculture and Fishing (AF)
7 Mining (M)
8 Light (L)
9 Chemical (CH)
10 Metal and Non-metal (MNM)
11 Machinery Manufacturing (MM)
12 Transport Equipment Manufacturing (TEM)
13 Other Manufacturing (OM) Traditional
14 Wholesale and Retail Trade Services (WRTS)
15 Accommodation and Food Services (AFS)
16 Transport Services (TS)
17 Real Estate Services (RES)
18 Business Support Services (BSS)
19 Public Administration and Defense Services (PADS)
20 Other Services (OS)

Smart green systems minimize energy consumption through new technological in-
novations while promoting energy conservation and the reuse of materials to support
the environmental aspects of sustainability [42]. Specifically, the green industry includes
nuclear energy and waste from buildings users, as well as aspects of energy generation
such as new renewables and hydropower; and it includes the recycling of resources [43].
Construction is an industry about buildings, including residential real estate and
dormitories, and all structural facilities, including buildings such as commercial public edu-
cational facilities. It also includes architectural renovation and civil engineering. Buildings
that are smart and capable of generating and delivering sustainable energy are classified as
smart green industries in this study.

4. Analysis Results
4.1. Changes in the Amount of Production That the Construction Industry Purchases for Smart
Green Industries
How much does the construction industry need green technologies? To answer
this first question, this study used an input-output model to determine the construction
industry’s consumption level of green technologies (Table 2). This study examined the
purchases of green technologies by the construction industry.
In 1990, the construction industry bought a total of KRW 10,088 billion (Korean cur-
rency unit) of technologies from other industries. In 2015, it bought KRW 130,695 billion of
technologies, an increase of KRW 120,606 billion in 25 years. In 1990, the construction indus-
try bought KRW 2245 billion (22.26%) from smart green industries and KRW 7842 billion
(77.74%) from traditional industries. In 2015, the construction industry purchased
KRW 33,376 billion from smart green industries, an increase of KRW 31,130 billion com-
pared to 1990. The construction industry purchased KRW 97,319 billion from traditional
Buildings 2024, 14, 658 9 of 19

industries, an increased of KRW 89,476 billion. As a result, the rate of traditional industrial
purchases in the construction industry is decreasing (−3.28%), while the rate smart green
industry purchases is increasing (+3.28%).

Table 2. Purchase activities of the construction industry in 1990 and 2015 (unit: KRW million, %).

Industries Construction in 1990 Construction in 2015 Amount of Growth Rate of Growth

ITM 71,552 (7.09) 9,356,875 (7.16) 8,641,348 1207.7
ITS 50,964 (0.51) 714,920 (0.55) 663,956 1302.8
Smart and Green KS 1,433,508 (14.21) 22,368,220 (17.11) 20,934,712 1460.4
NRRE 45,835 (0.45) 935,993 (0.72) 890,158 1942.1
SUM 2,245,834 (22.26) 33,376,008 (25.53) 31,130,174 -
AF 21,193 (0.21) 500,720 (0.38) 479,527 2262.7
M 170,735 (1.69) 264,933 (0.20) 94,198 55.2
L 643,065 (6.37) 5,194,992 (3.97) 4,551,927 707.8
CH 524,754 (5.20) 10,594,875 (8.11) 10,070,121 1919.0
MNM 4,466,853 (44.28) 52,532,440 (40.19) 48,065,587 1076.1
MM 615,237 (6.10) 5,606,611 (4.29) 4,991,374 811.3
TEM 54,734 (0.54) 84,515 (0.06) 29,781 54.4
OM 20,582 (0.20) 5,082,660 (3.89) 5,062,078 24,594.5
C 48,661 (0.48) 64,588 (0.05) 15,927 32.7
WRTS 580,979 (5.76) 7,388,364 (5.65) 6,807,385 1171.7
AFS - 783,447 (0.60) 783,447 -
TS 335,452 (3.32) 1,886,276 (1.44) 1,550,824 462.3
RES 94,607 (0.94) 592,447 (0.45) 497,840 526.2
BSS 253,120 (2.51) 6,329,772 (4.84) 6,076,652 2400.7
PADS - - - -
OS 13,009 (0.13) 413,035 (0.32) 400,026 3075.1
SUM 7,842,979 (77.74) 97,319,675 (74.46) 89,476,696 -
Total SUM 10,088,814 (100.0) 130,695,683 (100.0) 120,606,869 -

Purchases green technologies by construction services are evolving into a knowledge

service, with new renewables showing the largest percentage increase. The result is a
reduction in carbon dioxide emissions from construction and increased energy efficiency,
reflecting the focus on using new renewable energies [44]. The reason the construction
industry buys more from smart green industries than traditional industries is because
the industry is buying new technologies and applying them to construction as green
technologies emerge and grow [45].
In other words, there is a shift from red concrete buildings (e.g., brick) to smart
buildings that combine information and communication technology with green technology.
The fact that more green technologies are being purchased by the construction industry
supports the argument that buildings now have more facilities and equipment such as
computers using energy.

4.2. Changes in Smart Green Industries’ Input in the Construction Industry

The results of the technical coefficient analysis are presented in Table 3. The technical
coefficient of the whole construction industry increased from 0.541 in 1995 to 0.5831 in 2015,
which means that the input cost of technical materials increased to KRW 42.1 to construct a
Buildings 2024, 14, 658 10 of 19

building worth KRW 1000. The technology coefficient of smart green industries increased
from 0.1204 in 1990 to 0.1475 in 2015 (+0.0271). On the other hand, the technical coefficient
of traditional industries going into construction was 0.0151 in 2015, which is lower than the
coefficient for smart green industries.

Table 3. Changes in the input of smart green industry into construction, 1990 to 2015 (unit: techni-
cal coefficient).

Industries Construction in 1990 Construction in 2015 Amount of Growth Rate of Growth

ITM 0.0383 (7.09) 0.0400 (6.87) 0.0017 4.5%
ITS 0.0027 (0.5) 0.0031 (0.54) 0.0004 15.9%
Smart and Green KS 0.0768 (14.2) 0.1001 (17.16) 0.0232 30.2%
NRRE 0.0024 (0.45) 0.0041 (0.71) 0.0017 70.4%
SUM 0.1204 (22.26) 0.1475 (23.30) 0.0271 -
AF 0.0011 (0.21) 0.0022 (0.38) 0.0011 97.2%
M 0.0091 (1.69) 0.0011 (0.2) −0.0080 −87.0%
L 0.0344 (6.37) 0.0232 (3.98) −0.0112 −32.6%
CH 0.0281 (5.2) 0.0474 (8.13) 0.0193 68.5%
MNM 0.2395 (44.27) 0.2351 (40.32) −0.0044 −1.8%
MM 0.0329 (6.09) 0.0250 (4.3) −0.0079 −23.9%
TEM 0.0029 (0.54) 0.0003 (0.06) −0.0026 −87.1%
OM 0.0011 (0.2) 0.0227 (3.9) 0.0216 1961.1%
C 0.0026 (0.48) 0.0002 (0.04) −0.0023 −88.9%
WRTS 0.0311 (5.75) 0.0330 (5.67) 0.0019 6.1%
AFS - 0.0035 (0.6) 0.0035 -
TS 0.0179 (3.32) 0.0084 (1.44) −0.0095 −53.1%
RES 0.0050 (0.93) 0.0026 (0.45) −0.0024 −47.7%
BSS 0.0135 (2.5) 0.0283 (4.85) 0.0148 108.7%
PADS - - - -
OS 0.0006 (0.12) 0.0018 (0.31) 0.0012 165.0%
SUM 0.4205 (77.74) 0.4356 (74.70) 0.0151 -
Total SUM 0.5410 (100.0) 0.5831 (100.0) 0.0421 -

The inputs of construction technology materials are IT manufacturing, the intelligent

green industry of knowledge-based services, and traditional industries such as the metal
industry, non-metal light industry, and machinery and chemical industry, which were the
mainstays. However, in terms of the growth rate of technology application from 1990 to
2015, intelligent green industries increased greatly, such as new renewable energy (70.4%),
knowledge-based services (30.2%), IT services (15.9%), and IT manufacturing (4.5%).
The technical coefficients of the intelligent green industry were applied to the construc-
tion industry in 1990 in the order of knowledge, IT manufacturing, IT services, and new
renewable energy. Notably, the technical coefficients increased in 2015, with new renewable
energy showing the largest rate of increase (70.4%).
To sum up, the input of IT manufacturing technology (e.g., sensing technology to see,
hear, and smell), knowledge services (e.g., data processing algorithms), IT service technol-
ogy (e.g., software, information networking), and green technology (e.g., energy efficiency,
new renewable energy, and energy recycling) into construction has been increasing, leading
to buildings becoming smarter over time.
Buildings 2024, 14, 658 11 of 19

New renewable energy recycling has increased its input to construction. The results
of this analysis show that the use of technology in construction has changed over time.
The merging of knowledge, infrastructure, information services, and green technology in
construction is evident.

4.3. Changes in the Ripple Effect of Construction on Smart Green Industries

The production-enhancing effect of construction on other sectors of the economy
increased from 2.3673 in 1990 to 2.4972 in 2015, an increase of 0.1299 (Table 4). In 1990,
when the construction of KRW 1000 was carried out, it generated a total effect of KRW
2367. In 2015, this effect was KRW 2497. The production-enhancing effect of construction
affecting smart green industries was an increase of 0.0952. The production-enhancing effect
of construction on traditional industry was an increase of 0.0425.

Table 4. Changes in the ripple effect of construction on smart green industries, 1990 to 2015 (unit:
multiplier coefficient, %).

Industries Construction in 1990 Construction in 2015 Amount of Growth Rate of Growth

ITM 0.0806 (3.4) 0.0943 (3.77) 0.0137 17.0
ITS 0.0121 (0.51) 0.0188 (0.75) 0.0068 55.8
Smart and Green KS 0.1361 (5.74) 0.1892 (7.57) 0.0531 39.0
NRRE 0.0318 (1.34) 0.0534 (2.14) 0.0216 68.0
SUM 0.2607 (11.01) 0.3559 (14.25) 0.0952 -
AF 0.0255 (1.08) 0.0177 (0.71) −0.0078 −30.5
M 0.0757 (3.19) 0.0804 (3.22) 0.0047 6.2
L 0.0849 (3.58) 0.0740 (2.96) −0.0109 −12.9
CH 0.1723 (7.27) 0.1775 (7.11) 0.0052 3.0
MNM 0.4975 (21.01) 0.4079 (16.33) −0.0896 −18.0
MM 0.0626 (2.64) 0.0507 (2.03) −0.0119 −18.9
TEM 0.0171 (0.72) 0.0116 (0.46) −0.0055 −32.2
OM 0.0038 (0.16) 0.0669 (2.68) 0.0631 1621.1
C 1.0114 (42.72) 1.0027 (40.15) −0.0087 −0.9
WRTS 0.0674 (2.84) 0.0794 (3.18) 0.0120 17.8
AFS - 0.0243 (0.97) - -
TS 0.0427 (1.8) 0.0668 (2.67) 0.0241 56.3
RES 0.0200 (0.84) 0.0177 (0.71) −0.0023 −11.5
BSS 0.0225 (0.95) 0.0554 (2.22) 0.0329 145.9
PADS - - - -
OS 0.0025 (0.1) 0.0077(0.31) 0.0052 207.1
SUM 2.081 (88.99) 2.1235 (85.75) 0.0425 -
Total SUM 2.3673 (100.0) 2.4972 (100.0) 0.1299 -

In terms of the smart green industry, knowledge services and new renewables were
analyzed as the most affected industries. As already indicated, the results are consistent
with the results of the analysis on the purchasing side and the analysis on the technical
input side. Of particular note is IT services. Although the IT service industry showed that
its technical input (0.0031) was the smallest and its rate of increase (15.9%) was not large,
the analysis of production-inducing coefficients found that the rate of increase was the
Buildings 2024, 14, 658 12 of 19

second-largest at 55.8%. This means that IT services is a low-cost, high-efficiency industry,

which has a large effect compared to its low technology input.
In the smart green industry, the production-inducing effect increased; the ramifications
were large as a result of the analysis of the technical coefficients of knowledge (0.1892), IT
manufacturing (0.0943), new renewable energy (0.0534), and IT services (0. 0188). As for
traditional industries, most of them, with the exception of a few industries, were found to
be less conducive to production. This means that construction has transferred these impacts
to smart green industries and certain traditional industries such as other manufacturing
and business support services. The construction industry benefits more from smart green
industries than any other industry.

4.4. Changes in the Network Relationship between Smart Green Industries and Construction
4.4.1. Changes in the Network Structure of Inter-Industries
The results of the basic analysis of the entire network structure are shown in Table 5.
The network links connecting industry and commerce were 381 in 1990 and 400 in 2015,
and the density of the network diagram showed an increase of 0.05 from 1.003 to 1.053. This
means that, as the number of links increases, the network’s connectivity is strengthened. A
network built on the production-inducing factors of the input-output table is a complete
network in which all industries are linked.

Table 5. Fundamental analysis of network structure (unit: number of).

Graph Threshold Link of Graph Density of

Year Node Link
Density (Average of Leontief Multiplier) Threshold Application (%) Threshold Application
1990 20 381 1.003 0.0833 65 (18.06) 0.171
2015 20 400 1.053 0.0951 85 (22.37) 0.224

In this complete network, it is not easy to find cross-sector connections. In other words,
the raw network built by the input-output table is very dense because the value of the
production-inducing coefficient is very small, since most inter-industry linkages have only
significant associations above a certain level that must be used for the analysis.
Accordingly, in this study, the average value of the production-inducing coefficient
was used as a threshold to find the optimal number of connections in the industrial network.
A value higher than the average of the production-inducing coefficient is represented in
the network. In 1990 and 2015, the threshold values were 0.0833 and 0.0951, respectively.
The number of connections to which the threshold value applied was 65 in 1990 and 85 in
2015. The density of the network was given as 0.171 and 0.224, respectively. The number of
these connections corresponds to 18.06% and 22.37% of the total network, respectively.
The results of the basic analysis of the network structure look as displayed in Figure 3.
The blue and green nodes represent the intelligent green industry, the red color represents
the construction industry, and the gray node represents the traditional industry. The sizes
of the nodes in the network were expressed in terms of the centrality of the connection.
Networks with thresholds applied could confirm that, in 1995, the size of the nodes in
traditional industries was large when the nodes of the smart green industry were shown to
be small.
IT servicee and business support servicee have been identified as isolated nodes. On
the other hand, in 2015, the network confirms that the nodes of the intelligent green industry
are larger than those in 1990. All of them seemed to be interconnected, with no isolated
nodes. This means that the influence of the intelligent green industry is increasing.
Buildings 2024, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 19
Buildings 2024, 14, 658 13 of 19

Figure 3. Network structure before and after applying the threshold.

Figure 3. Network structure before and after applying the threshold.
4.4.2. Changes in the Network Centrality of Industries
4.4.2. Table
Changes in the
6 shows Network
the results ofCentrality of Industries
the analysis of the in-degree and out-degree centrality and
Table 6 shows
eigenvector the The
centrality. results of the
value analysis of
of in-degree the in-degree
centrality shows andthat out-degree centrality
traditional industries
and eigenvector
are mainly centrality.
at the top, and that Thethevalue
smart of in-degree
green industrycentrality
has a lowshows thatvalue
centrality traditional
for the
most part.are The mainly
smartat the top,
green and that
industry the smart
accounted for green
about industry
15% of the hastotal
a lowof centrality
value for the
centrality most The
in 1990.
The smart green industry
centrality accounted for
of IT manufacturing about
(1.08) had 15%
theof the total
highest of
in-degree for 9.34%inof1990.
centrality the total
The in 1990. In centrality
in-degree 1990, IT services had a value of(1.08)
of IT manufacturing 0, because
had thethe
highest value, accounting effectfor
of 9.34%
IT services
of thehas a below-average
total in 1990. In 1990, value. In 2015,had
IT services theain-degree
value of
0, because of thethe smart green industry
production-inducing accounted
effect for about
of IT services has 15% of the total, similar
a below-average value. Into
1990. the
2015, However,
in-degreeIT manufacturing
centrality of the(0.8) smartand newindustry
green renewable energy (0.78)
accounted appeared
for about 15% oftothe be
total, similar to 1990. industries.
However, IT manufacturing (0.8) and new renewable energy (0.78)
appeared out-degree
The centrality of theindustries.
to be higher-than-average smart green industry was about 19.8% in 1990 and
18.4% in 2015 in the entire network.
The out-degree centrality of the smart It should
green be industry
noted that,wasinabout
both 1990
19.8%and 2015,and
in 1990 the
18.4% foundinthat
in 2015 the IT services
entire had no
network. impactbe
It should onnoted
other that,
in bothThis1990means that the
and 2015, the
analysis found that IT effect
servicesof IT
had services is minimal
no impact on otherandindustries.
that it hasThis
means that the
rather than independent
production-enhancing characteristics.
effect of IT services is minimal and that it has industry-dependent
In terms of eigenvector centrality, in 1990 and 2015, IT manufacturing had above aver-
rather than independent characteristics.
age values,
In terms while the rest of the
of eigenvector smart green
centrality, industry
in 1990 and was
2015,found to be below average.
IT manufacturing had aboveThis
suggests that there are few direct or indirect links to industries (e.g.,
average values, while the rest of the smart green industry was found to be below average. traditional industries
at thesuggests
This top) thatthat
are important
there are few in thedirect
network, with thelinks
or indirect exception of IT manufacturing.
to industries (e.g., traditional
Buildings 2024, 14, 658 14 of 19

Table 6. Changes in the network centrality, 1990 to 2015 (unit: centrality coefficient, %).

In-Degree Out-Degree Eigenvector

1990 2015 1990 2015 1990 2015
1 OM (1.45, 12.53) TEM (1.61, 11.36) MNM (3.08, 26.63) CH (3.35, 23.65) PADS (1, 11.56) TEM (1, 12.57)
2 TEM (1.15, 9.96) MM (1.35, 9.52) CH (3.01, 26.0) KS (2.50, 17.6) TEM (0.75, 8.72) OS (0.84, 10.6)
3 MM (1.13, 9.77) AFS (1.09, 7.73) KS (1.38, 11.9) MNM (1.86, 13.1) OM (0.73, 8.51) MM (0.78, 9.92)
4 ITM (1.08, 9.34) L (1.05, 7.41) ITM (0.92, 7.95) M (1.16, 8.22) C (0.73, 8.47) OM (0.58, 7.35)
5 C (0.97, 8.39) OM (1.01, 7.14) M (0.77, 6.73) WRTS (1.02, 7.24) TEM (0.64, 7.46) L (0.57, 7.23)
6 L (0.93, 8.09) OS (0.92, 6.50) L (0.57, 4.98) L (1.01, 7.13) MM (0.56, 6.54) TEM (0.49, 6.18)
7 PADS (0.76, 6.59) C (0.86, 6.12) WRTS (0.48, 4.22) TEM (0.94, 6.68) L (0.51, 5.90) ITM (0.46, 5.81)
8 CH (0.71, 6.20) MNM (0.81, 5.74) AF (0.37, 3.22) ITM (0.82, 5.83) CH (0.49, 5.75) AFS (0.44, 5.54)
9 MNM (0.62, 5.42) ITM (0.80, 5.67) RES (0.31, 2.75) OM (0.53, 3.76) ITM (0.49, 5.72) MNM (0.41, 5.18)
10 TEM (0.59, 5.13) NRRE (0.78, 5.55) MM (0.27, 2.39) AF (0.39, 2.78) OS (0.38, 4.47) C (0.36, 4.53)
11 NRRE (0.40, 3.50) TEM (0.77, 5.48) TEM (0.21, 1.89) TEM (0.23, 1.66) AFS (0.38, 4.47) AF (0.34, 4.35)
12 OS (0.39, 3.45) AF (0.71, 5.00) C (0.14, 1.21) NRRE (0.12, 0.86) MNM (0.36, 4.27) CH (0.34, 4.30)
13 AFS (0.35, 3.02) CH (0.66, 4.70) OM (0, 0) MM (0.09, 0.67) RES (0.34, 4.04) NRRE (0.32, 4.06)
14 AF (0.33, 2.89) M (0.53, 3.78) PADS (0, 0) BSS (0.08, 0.62) KS (0.33, 3.86) M (0.25, 3.18)
15 RES (0.23, 1.99) WRTS (0.39, 2.76) TEM (0, 0) AFS (0, 0) AF (0.33, 3.86) WRTS (0.25, 3.18)
16 M (0.22, 1.92) ITS (0.33, 2.37) NRRE (0, 0) OS (0, 0) M (0.28, 3.31) ITS (0.22, 2.80)
17 KS (0.20, 1.75) BSS (0.17, 1.20) OS (0, 0) C (0, 0) NRRE (0.25, 2.99) BSS (0.12, 1.53)
18 ITS (0, 0) KS (0.14, 1.00) AFS (0, 0) ITS (0, 0) WRTS (0, 0) KS (0.09, 1.18)
19 WRTS (0, 0) RES (0.12, 0.89) ITS (0, 0) RES (0, 0) ITS (0, 0) RES (0.02, 0.34)
20 BSS (0, 0) PADS (0, 0) BSS (0, 0) PADS (0, 0) BSS (0, 0) PADS (0, 0)
Total SUM 11.5, 100 14.1, 100 11.5, 100 14.1, 100 8.64, 100 7.95, 100
AVG 0.58 0.71 0.58 0.71 0.43 0.40
Note: Bold characters are smart and green industries. See the abbreviation. You can check the Abbreviation.

In both 1990 and 2015, the in-degree and out-degree centrality of IT manufacturing
had above-average values. This is because IT manufacturing has a very close relationship
with traditional industries [16]. The results of the analysis showed that the smart green
industry has a reciprocal relationship with other industries, and its influence is also in-
creasing. In particular, for new renewable energy, its value and share are increasing in all
centralities. This is likely caused by the increasing use of carbon credits and the response to
climate change.

4.4.3. Changes in the Network Industry Path between Smart Green Industries and the
Construction Industry
The ramifications of the multiplier coefficient describe the relationship between indus-
try and industry as a ripple effect. However, the network industry path can analyze all
delivery systems of the production-inducing coefficient. In other words, we can find out
how strong the ripple effect of the intelligent green industry is on which path to construc-
tion. In this study, the network industry path was extracted from a network created so that
only those above the threshold could be represented.
The results of the network industrial pathway analysis of the smart green industry
to the construction industry are shown in Table 7. The analysis of the industrial network
showed an increase of 9 from 13 in 1990 to 22 in 2015, which means that the link is
strengthened, and a new value chain is created between the intelligent green industry and
the construction industry. If we look at them in detail, they are as follows: it was shown
that IT manufacturing has a tangential link to construction. The weights were increased by
0.014 from 0.080 to 0.094. This means that IT manufacturing does not run through other
industries, but mediates its ramifications through a direct relationship with construction.
IT services did not appear in the industry path of the 1990 and 2015 network, which means
Buildings 2024, 14, 658 15 of 19

that IT services above the threshold have no effect on construction. This means that its
ramifications are very small in absolute terms.

Table 7. Changes in the industrial network path from 1990 to 2015.

No. Industrial Path in 1990 Weight Industrial Path in 2015 Weight Changes
1 ITM C 0.080 ITM C 0.094 0.014
3 KS C 0.136 KS C 0.189 0.053
4 KS ITM C 0.204 - Extinct
5 KS L C 0.187 - Extinct
6 KS L CH C 0.274 - Extinct
7 KS L CH M MNM C 0.994 - Extinct
8 KS L CH MNM C 1.024 - Extinct
9 KS CH C 0.297 KS CH C 0.333 0.036
10 KS CH MNM C 0.959 KS CH MNM C 0.770 −0.189
11 KS CH M MNM C 0.929 KS CH M MNM C 0.946 0.017
12 - KS CH M NRRE MNM C 1.247 New
13 - KS CH M TS MNM C 0.967 New
14 - KS CH M TS NRRE MNM C 1.057 New
15 - KS CH TS MNM C 1.069 New
16 - KS CH TS NRRE MNM C 1.159 New
17 - KS CH TS M NRRE MNM C 1.627 New
18 KS MNM C 0.611 KS MNM C 0.564 −0.047
19 KS MNM CH C 0.754 - Extinct
20 KS MNM M CH C 0.738 - Extinct
21 - KS M MNM C 0.764 New
22 - KS M NRRE MNM C 0.817 New
23 - KS M TS MNM C 0.785 New
24 - KS M TS NRRE MNM C 0.875 New
25 - KS M TS M NRRE MNM C 1.343 New
26 - KS TS MNM C 0.689 New
27 - KS TS NRRE MNM C 0.752 New
28 - KS TS M NRRE MNM C 1.220 New
29 - KS NRRE MNM C 0.657 New
31 - NRRE MNM C 0.530 New

New renewables did not emerge as a pathway for the grid industry in the construction
industry in 1990. However, in 2015, a pathway emerged that went through the metal and
nonmetal industries and influenced the construction industry. Most network industries
were analyzed in the knowledge service industry. The number of network industries
in knowledge services increased from 12 in 1990 to 20 in 2015. This means that, among
the intelligent green industries, the construction industry has been greatly influenced by
knowledge services.
In particular, the network industrial path from knowledge services to the construction
industry was confirmed, with 7 disappearing and 15 being newly created. The missing
network path is the path that started with the knowledge service industry and then gave
rise to the light industry and the metal–nonmetal industry. The path “KS → MNM → C”
did not disappear, but its branching weights were analyzed to decrease (−0.047). This
means that the path of the network industry is weakened by the light industry and the
metal–base metal industry.
On the other hand, network industry routes related to chemical mining and trans-
portation services may have newly emerged, or their weights were partially increased.
In particular, the newly emerged network industrial route is the intelligent green indus-
trial route, which includes new renewable energy and accounts for 67% of the total. This
Buildings 2024, 14, 658 16 of 19

means that new renewable energy affects the construction industry, and issues such as new
renewable energy and carbon dioxide emissions have probably been transferred to the
construction industry.
If we look at this path of the network industry, we can see that the demand for smart
green technology is spilling over into the construction industry. This shows that we are
beyond the initial stage of the informatization of the construction industry [16]. These
results mean entering into the smart era. In addition, the smart green industry has more
than a direct relationship with the construction industry; it was analyzed to establish
indirect associations through different industries.

5. Conclusions
This study analyzed how smart green technology and construction have been changed
by the convergence of smart buildings from the industrial side. The analysis data in this
study are the input-output tables for 1990 and 2015 issued by the Bank of Korea, and
the industry category of the input-output table was reclassified into 20 industries. In
this study, the analytical model was used, which consists of the input-output model and
network analysis.
The construction industry still performs important production activities through the
purchase of traditional technology (industries). It was studied that the scale of production
activities is gradually expanding through the purchase of intelligent green technology.
In particular, the new renewable energy sector recorded the largest percentage increase
in purchases. This is due to the dramatic increase in the demand for carbon emission
reduction and energy-efficient new renewable energy in buildings. As a result, the growth
rate of smart green technology deployment in the construction industry is greater than that
of technology in traditional industries. This has been a sharp increase and further increases
in H/W, S/W, and energy-related equipment and facilities, indicating that somatization
is proceeding rapidly. As for its impact on construction, the smart green industry has
been studied as a low-cost, high-efficiency industry that uses less technology and has a
great impact. The intelligent green industry is a must for the sustainable operation of the
construction industry and shows that it is an industry that leads the high value-added
construction industry.
In the network analysis, it was found that the influence of the smart green industry is
increasing and turning into an interdependent relationship with construction and other
industries. This was also reflected in the results of the network industry pathways. The
number of network industries increased by nine between 1990 and 2015. The connection
between the smart green industry and the construction industry has intensified. This means
that the construction industry is increasing the demand for the smart green industry. This
indicates that the impact of the intelligent green industry is relatively new and innovative.
It was analyzed that the smart green industry prefers to establish indirect links through
other industries than a direct relationship with the construction industry. In particular, it
was found that the value and proportion of new renewable energy hace increased the most.
This is due to the problem of carbon emissions and the response to climate change.
These results stem from Korea’s smart-related policies. Since 1990, Korea has es-
tablished various policies such as the policy on e-Korea (2002), broadband Korea (2003),
U-Korea (2006), U-City Law (2008), and 1st and 2nd U-city master plans (1990 and 2015).
These policies hafe promoted the convergence of smart green and traditional industries
(Jo et al., 2015). In this regard, smart technologies related to IT manufacturing, IT services,
and knowledge services are expected to be widely used in buildings and cities (urban areas).
However, the classification of the smart green industry is still a problem. As technology
advances, the boundaries of the industry blur, as the lines between service and production
are unclear. This study was developed based on existing studies, including the content of
the papers published by the OECD, and we derived a smart green industry, but it cannot
be said that this is accurate. This study made a new classification of the industry and
Buildings 2024, 14, 658 17 of 19

identified the link between smart green technology and construction based on the various
aspects of the proposed classification, which provides useful experimental results.
The limitations of this study and the future research direction are as follows: The
input-output tables of the Republic of Korea are updated once every five years. For this
reason, there is a limitation that the most recent data cannot be used to analyze the current
time frame, which is affected by COVID-19. Future research should be conducted not only
on Korea, but also on high-GDP countries such as China, Germany, Japan, and the United
States. This will provide a better understanding of how experience in Korea differs from
or is similar to other countries and provide better insights. Also, in addition to research
at the national level, it is also necessary for specific aspects to analyze how smart green
industries are changing across regions. Industry input-output tables can be used to analyze
what convergence relationship green technology has with construction in the real-world
urban context of building.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, S.J.; methodology, S.J.; validation, S.L. and H.H.; formal
analysis, S.J.; writing—original draft preparation, S.J.; writing—review and editing, S.L. and H.H.;
visualization, S.J.; supervision, S.L.; funding acquisition, S.J. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was supported by the research fund of Hanbat National University in 2023
(No. 202304440001).
Data Availability Statement: Publicly available datasets were analyzed in this study. This data can
be found here:
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

ITM IT Manufacturing
ITS IT Services
KS Knowledge Services
NRRE New Renewable and Recycle Energy
C Construction
AF Agriculture and Fishing
M Mining
L Light
CH Chemical
MNM Metal and Non-Metal
MM Machinery Manufacturing
TEM Transport Equipment Manufacturing
OM Others Manufacturing
WRTS Wholesale and Retail Trade Services
AFS Accommodation and Food Services
TS Transport Services
RES Real Estate Services
BSS Business Support Services
PADS Public Administration and Defense Services
OS Other Services

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