App 22 Risk-Assessment
App 22 Risk-Assessment
App 22 Risk-Assessment
Sequencing of piling work. Conflict with other parts of Plan for safe, practical and economic working, not just for time. Avoid return
the project construction visits for piling rigs if possible.
creating unsafe working
Piling near to the top of slopes. Slope failure, rig Consider the type and size of rig(s) to be used, track bearing pressures and the
overturning. requirements for adequate safe working space, exclusion zones and storage
areas. The physical limits of the designed platform should be clearly defined on
Working in excavations. Access ramps and wall site. Evaluate the balance between optimum earthworks scheme and optimum
props can impede working pile foundation scheme.
Inadequately Rig overturning, unsafe Ensure working platform is designed, constructed and maintained in
designed/constructed/maintained working conditions for accordance with published guidance or other appropriate best practice. Specify
working platforms. operatives. site investigation works to take account of the need for measuring near surface
soil properties required for design. Construct platform according to
specification, inspect regularly and maintain to original specification. Operate
proper procedures for excavations (e.g. for removal of obstructions) and
Underground services. Personal injury or death, Enquiries with utility companies to establish presence of services. Arrange pile
loss of amenity, delay to positions to “bridge” over services. Instigate permit to dig/work systems.
Unexploded explosive ordnance Personal injury or death, Undertake preliminary risk assessment and if possibility of UXO is identified
(UXO). damage to construction notify client of his CDM responsibilities should it appear they have not been
plant and/or surrounding discharged. Follow on with detailed assessment and risk mitigation. Implement
property, delay to project. UXO risk management strategy and emergency response plan.
Overhead services. Injury to workforce, Instigate appropriate method statements and lifting plans. Agree working
electrocution, fire, loss of clearances with utility companies. Utilise smaller/low headroom plant if
amenity, delay to project. required, possibly with a change of construction technique if technically
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Racking of/damage to Injury to operatives from Consider design of reinforcement cages to ensure adequate robustness for
reinforcement cages while lifting. falling steel bars. temporary lifting stresses. Consider provision of lifting rings etc.
Open pile bores or wall panel Operatives falling into Avoid leaving pile bores open, implement suitable protection measures such as
excavations, with or without open bore or excavation, barriers and life-jackets.
support fluid. injury and possible
Bore hole instability prior to Instability of heavy plant at Ensure adequate slurry head above high groundwater level. Avoid excessive
concreting. surface with potential for surcharge and/or ground borne vibration near panel.
Displaced pile support fluid Contamination of open Adequate containment by bunding and control by pumping and
during concreting. water courses. tanking/settlement tanks as necessary.
Excessive vehicle movements Traffic incidents, personal Piling techniques that reduce or eliminate spoil will reduce this risk.
on/off site. injury, air pollution, noise.
Flighting of soils during pile Damage to/instability of Consider the susceptibility of soils to flighting due to piling method or plant
installation. adjacent buildings. employed. Implement suitable monitoring/construction controls or alternative
piling methods or plant.
Pile trimming to cut-off level and Vibration white finger Correct use of mechanical pile croppers or other means of pile trimming that do
exposing of reinforcement. injuries. not involve the excessive use of hand-held tools. Consider the possibility and
practicality of debonding reinforcement above cut off level.
Scabbling pile surface. Personal injury from flying Use pile concrete retardant to enable “lighter methods” of achieving scabbled
debris, vibration white finish to pile surface.
finger injuries.
Exposed ends of reinforcement Personal injury. Use protection caps on the bars after pile trimming and before placing
after pile trimming. foundation concrete.
Inadequate access to piles for Personal injury trips and Ensure safe access to pile head – avoid steep sides of excavations for pile
integrity testing. slips. caps –provide safe means of access and egress.
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