FanPro Special Tests Brochure II
FanPro Special Tests Brochure II
FanPro Special Tests Brochure II
For more info.: please contact Enluse B.V. – tel. +31(0)765781280 – email [email protected]
For more info.: please contact Enluse B.V. – tel. +31(0)765781280 – email [email protected]
Varnish Potential by MPC Testing
Identifying Varnish and Sludge Potential in Oil
MPC (Membrane Patch Colorimetry) tracks the amount of insolubes present in the lubricating
oil. In this way catastrophic failures can be avoided.
MPC is the only ASTM method (certified ASTM D7843 test: Standard Test Method for
Measurement of Lubricant Generated Insoluble Color Bodies in In-Service Turbine Oils using
Membrane Patch Colorimetry) to determine Varnish Potential. By separating oil degradation
products their color is measured. It is an important part of turbine and compressor lubricant
management. In this type of industry the oil may be in use for many years before it is
completely changed. If not properly monitored risk is there of harmful sludge and varnish.
With MPC, a direct correlation is made between the color and intensity of the insoluble
contaminants and oil degradation. The test is designed to identify soft contaminants directly
associated with oil degradation. This test is considered to be highly sensitive and reliable for
detecting subtle changes in insoluble levels
IR Spectroscopy:
FTIR covers the monitoring of base stock degradation, oxidation and additive depletion
in machine lubricants, hydraulic fluids and other fluid types.
For more info.: please contact Enluse B.V. – tel. +31(0)765781280 – email [email protected]
Acid Number:
A rapidly rising acid number indicates antioxidant depletion.
Particle Count:
Particulate contamination is tested using two methods, optical (soft/varnish particles)
and pore blockage (hard particles).
It provides a high level of confidence when extended oil drains on critical equipment are
established. It is up to the operator to conduct the tests routinely, by exception or utilized in
conjunction with a regular testing package.
For more info.: please contact Enluse B.V. – tel. +31(0)765781280 – email [email protected]
RULER (Remaining Useful Life Evaluation Routine)
Measuring the amount of remaining anti-oxidants
With (LSV) Linear Sweep Voltammetry, oil analysis has a tool to accurately determine the level
of anti-oxidants in used oils. The Ruler uses LSV to provide the exact amounts of aminic and
phenolic anti-oxidants present in the oil. Testing and monitoring antioxidant additives
(oxidation inhibitors) level is important for controlling the degradation of turbine oils and
industrial oils and their remaining useful life (RUL). Excessive temperatures, water and/or
cleanliness levels of the fluid have a direct relationship to the reduction of antioxidants. By
measuring the depletion and available reactivity of these antioxidant compounds while
conducting other routine performance tests, the service life of used lubricants can be
effectively monitored.
Suitable for compressors, hydraulic systems, bearing lube systems, gas and steam turbines
circulating systems.
During their life time the antioxidants are continually reduced, the remaining life time of oil can
be estimated. Accelerated rate of oxidation and degradation of oil occurs if all antioxidants are
used. The performance and functionality of the oil will be affected. Eventually also leading to
varnishing on certain systems
For more info.: please contact Enluse B.V. – tel. +31(0)765781280 – email [email protected]
Analytical Ferrography (A-Fer)
Morphological analysis of equipment’s wear mode
The Analytical Ferrography technique is in use since 1970. It provides Microscopic Examination
and Analysis of Debris (particles) found in lubricating oils. These particles consist of metallic and
non-metallic matter.
The metallic particle is a wear condition that separates different size and shapes of
metallic dust from components like all type of bearings, gears or couplings (if lubricated
in path).
Non-metallic particle consists of dirt, sand or corroded metallic particles.
Analytical Ferrography reveals both the wear mode(s) present as well as the alloy compositions
of the wear particles present. A clear picture is given of the component(s) that are wearing in
the system. Often Analytical Ferrography identifies catastrophic wear modes, when typical ppm
wear metal does not show any sign of the wear condition.
Analytical Ferrography can pinpoint specific component failure modes, thereby allowing
maintenance to take action to avert a catastrophic equipment failure.
6 Summary
For more info.: please contact Enluse B.V. – tel. +31(0)765781280 – email [email protected]
Rotating Pressure Vessel Oxidation Test
Oxidation stability testing of steam turbine oils (RPVOT) per ASTM D2272.
The Rotating Pressure Vessel Oxidation Test (RPVOT), formerly known as RBOT, evaluates the
remaining oxidation test life of in-service turbine and other oils; a good indicator of oxidative
To determine lubricant’s resistance to oxidation and sludge formation using accelerated test
conditions, involving: high pressure. high temperature, oxygen, the presence of water and
active metal catalysts.
Where the RPVOT is performed, the results should be considered in concert with other tests,
such as varnish potential (QSA and/or MPC) and direct measurement of phenolic and amine-
based oxidation inhibitors (RULER instrument), to truly gauge the remaining life and health of
the lubricant.
7 Application
Compressor oils
Large reservoir oils
Turbine oils
Hydraulic oils
For more info.: please contact Enluse B.V. – tel. +31(0)765781280 – email [email protected]
Along with the partnership with Polaris Laboratories, Enluse launched the start of our own
private label “FanPro™” – Fluid Analysis Program. Fluid analysis with Polaris provides a
solutions based approach to maintenance, backed by ISO 17025 A2LA accreditation (highest
level of quality attainable by a testing lab). This independent cooperation gives you an
independent advice.
Polaris Laboratories
For more info.: please contact Enluse B.V. – tel. +31(0)765781280 – email [email protected]