New Resume Letter-Cv

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Windle International Uganda,

+256-785665993 [email protected] Kyangwali Refugee Settlement,
P E A Plot 726, Mawanda road, Nagawa
+256-702613675 [email protected]
Close, P.o.Box 24230 Kampala.

BIO DATA, Education

Detail-A Ugandan male, from kabwangasi sub county Pallisa district and oriented KAMPALA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY
experienced trained Education officer registered with the Ministry of Education, Sports, Science and Bachelor of Education Arts (Secondary)
Technology with registration number 56481590157161 with 19 years of experience in Kampala Uganda,
directing education management, crisis management, networking, advocacy and coordination. May 2015-June 2019,
Successful in implementing effective Education in Emergency, Excellent communicator, thrives in
fast-paced environments with a complete set of skills to drive project implementations. KYAMBOGO UNIVERSITY
(Ngetta National Teachers College)
Diploma in Education-Secondary,
01 April, 2021 – To Date. Kampala-Uganda,
Education Project Assistant, June 2001- June 2003.
Windle International Uganda-Adjumani, Nakivale, Kyangwali
Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education
Key Result Areas: Mbale District-Uganda,
 Quality planning, research, documentation and reporting of project Feb 1999-Dec 2000
interventions in education.
 Coordination and monitoring education activities in schools. KAKORO HIGH SCHOOL
 Provision of technical assistance and guidance on education Uganda Certificate of Education,
programming. Pallisa District-Uganda,
 Clinical support supervision and classroom observation to support Feb 1995-Dec 1998.
 Review schemes of work and lesson plans for well-illustrated
competencies and learning outcomes. KEY SKILLS
 Conduct continuous professional development for teachers.  Project management& leadership
 Enhance inclusive education to support SNE
 Budget planning
 Support and promote child protection and safe guarding.
 Mobilization of the community to support education activities.  Information technology
 Participates in partner coordination meetings for networking. applications (word, excel, power
 Stake holder’s engagement with UNHCR, OPM, DIS, DEO, point, kolbri using Cobo tool and
CAO, etc. virtual meeting).
 Prepares weekly, monthly and quarterly reports on the progress of  Strong interpersonal skills i.e.
project intervention. assertive, self-esteem, self-
 Compliance to performance standards and management of the awareness, negotiation skills.
organizational policies.  Written and verbal communication
 Provision of MHPSS interventions to vulnerable, unaccompanied in English
and separated children.  Coordination, advocacy,
 Prevention of sexual exploitation, abuse and gender based networking
violence.  Organizational and motivational
 Data collection and analysis to support M&E activities. competencies.
 Raising concept notes and PRFs to aid the implementation of  Guidance and counselling skills.
project activities.  Problem solving, decision making
 Initiate innovative evaluations in education in emergency, INEE,
and ability to make sound
and SNE. judgement.
Other responsibilities,
 Analytical and risk management
 Evaluation of bidders as a member of the field procurement
 Ability to work under pressure to
 Focal person for PSNs and OVCs at the field level
meet tight deadline.
2011 –December, 2020. LANGUAGES
Examiner, History P241/4.
Uganda National Examination Board.  English, Luganda, Lusoga, Lugisu, Lugwere,
Key Result Areas Lunyankore, Kiswahili and some kinyankore.
 Conducted assessment of the national performance of candidates.
 Reviewed marking guide. OTHER TRAININGS ATTENDED
 Scouting national examinations at all levels.  Certificate in prevention of sexual
 Graded the candidates as per performance. exploitation and abuse by UNICEF
 Worked as a team starter during marking.
 Certificate in child protection and
 Monitoring the examination process in schools.
safe guarding by UNICEF.
 Guarding against examination mal practice.
 Certificate in project management
 Prepared reports about the examination process
essentials by Kaya.
2018-December 2020.  Certificate in safeguarding
Essentials online by Humanitarian
Education officer,
Leadership academy.
Katira Parents Secondary School-Ministry of Education.  Digitalized learning system by
British high council.
Key Result Areas:
 Training on early grade reading and
 Director of studies academics. assessment (EGRA) by British
 Develop teaching content and learning materials Council.
 Maintain records of learners, enrolment and attendance.  Training on Language for
 Conduct assessments and prepare termly reports. Resilience by British Council.
 Preparing schemes of work and lesson planning.
 Training on inclusive education for
 Guidance and counselling sessions.
persons with special needs by
 Supporting learner’s participation in learning process.
Refugee Law Project.
 Engage in co-curricular and extra activities
 Promote the spirit of patriotism.

2005 February to 2017,

Assistant Education officer,
Mbale Progressive SS,-Ministry of Education.

Key Result Areas:

 Develop teaching content and learning materials
 Maintain records of learner, enrolment and attendance.
 Preparing schemes of work and lesson planning content.
 Career guidance and counselling sessions.
 Supporting learners participation in learning process
 Engage in co-curricular and extra activities.
 Conduct assessment and prepare termly report.

1) Turyatunga Justus
Settlement manager,
Windle international Uganda,  Training on MHPSS-mental health
Nakivale field office refugee settlement, psychosocial support by Lutheran
Tel: 0773-818334 World Federation.
Email: [email protected]  Training on learning through play
(LTP) using six bricks by War
2) Ahabwe Christopher. Child Holland.
Settlement manager,  Certificate in patriotism from
WIU Adjumani field office, Office of the Prime Minister.
Tel: 0785 497414/0756993269
Email: [email protected]
 Football, handball, scrabble,
3) Dr. Kirya Robert Kent volleyball, pool table
Islamic university in uganda (main campus)  Adventure and prayer
Tel: +256 (0) 702 - 944 038 or +256 (0) 776 - 550 953  Reading, listening and watching
Email: [email protected]. news.

I Kayongo Timothy herein declare that the information provided is true about me.

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