New Resume Letter-Cv
New Resume Letter-Cv
New Resume Letter-Cv
1) Turyatunga Justus
Settlement manager,
Windle international Uganda, Training on MHPSS-mental health
Nakivale field office refugee settlement, psychosocial support by Lutheran
Tel: 0773-818334 World Federation.
Email: [email protected] Training on learning through play
(LTP) using six bricks by War
2) Ahabwe Christopher. Child Holland.
Settlement manager, Certificate in patriotism from
WIU Adjumani field office, Office of the Prime Minister.
Tel: 0785 497414/0756993269
Email: [email protected]
Football, handball, scrabble,
3) Dr. Kirya Robert Kent volleyball, pool table
Islamic university in uganda (main campus) Adventure and prayer
Tel: +256 (0) 702 - 944 038 or +256 (0) 776 - 550 953 Reading, listening and watching
Email: [email protected]. news.
I Kayongo Timothy herein declare that the information provided is true about me.