Ensayo Sobre La Revolución de La Tecnología

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For example, the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations (JCAHO)
establishes requirements for how member agencies must operate, and loss of accreditation can
threaten an agency?s viability by restricting its funding and client referrals. Examples of relevant
databases available in most university libraries include Social Work Abstracts, Medline, PsycINFO,
and others.Some of the more important documents and data sources to be. Their central point is that
bureaucratic structure was designed for organizations in which both inputs and operations are
predictable and repetitive, whereas the individual clients and client problems served by HSOs are
unique. Still another complication is that agencies may be forced to stand against public opinion, as
in the case of advocacy organizations that must confront ignorance or discrimination against
particular clients or groups.Within the task environment, public opinion is often conveyed through
elected representatives, interest groups, civic organizations, and many others. Egregious cases in
which the abuse of a child resulted in death have led to public outcry, followed by legislative
changes directing protective service workers to favor the safety of the child when investigating new
reports. Accessing materials that describe programs, their rationale, and their designs will be
important to understanding what services are available.Go to the Foundation Center website, and
search the free online database of funding sources. They, too, become cultural artifacts and icons
either through continued participation or through legend. Is the structure appropriate to the needs of
the organization or program? ??? ??? ??? ???3. Some organizations are iconic, such as the American
Red Cross or UNICEF, in that images immediately come to mind. One part of the process is domain
legitimation, in which the organization gains acknowledgment of claims it makes as to its sphere of
activities and expertise. In the Lakeside Family Services vignette, volunteers were critical to the
organization?s early development. The physical environment, pictures on the wall, the language used,
the clothing staff wear, rituals and events, and the social interactions between staff and with clients
are all cultural artifacts. Morse and Lorsch (1970) demonstrated that higher productivity in one type
of organization (a container-manufacturing plant) was achieved through a traditional structure with
clearly defined roles, responsibilities, and lines of supervision. The University of Texas ?Consumer
Medicare Quality Measure Comparative Paper. What is the climate for supporting the achievement of
goals? ??? ??? ??? ???3. Download Free PDF View PDF Free PDF RELATED TOPICS Information
Technology Education Teacher Education See Full PDF Download PDF About Press Blog People
Papers Topics Job Board We're Hiring. Readers may find it useful to consider how each elements
might apply to an HSO with which they are familiar as an intern, employee, or even service
recipient. For example, Howard (2013), found that as dependence on fee-paying clients in nonprofit
HSOs increases, their likelihood of serving nonwhite clients decreases, as does the range of service
they offer to non-English speakers. Artifacts that project identity and impact image include
documents such as strategic plans, public relations materials, websites, Facebook postings, tweets,
and other social media postings. For children, we work to promote good parenting, quality education,
safety, and growth. Chen (2013) asserts that these stories promote organizational memory and
change. Finally, mass media are critical purveyors of public attitudes, although they may highlight
the extreme rather than typical opinions. These dynamics relate to the issue of boundary control,
which refers to the ability of the agency to reject clients it does not wish to serve. Consultation
Dialogue in Action Research Discussion. Writes following APA style for in-text citations, quotes,
and references without errors, and uses current reference sources. Would you describe the structure
as rigid or flexible? ??? ??? ??? ???2. For example, LFS is a prime candidate for reexamining its
original mission, which was established when orphanages were both necessary and commonplace. As
a student, you will access quality metrics in Medicare.gov. Discover the comparison of quality
information available to consumers. It also states the reason for the agency?s existence, which should
not change in fundamental ways unless the reason for existence also changes. Enter the email
address associated with your account, and we will email you a link to reset your password.
On the other hand, professional organizations such as the Academy of Certified Social Workers
(ACSW) or state licensing agencies impose standards on how individuals carry out their work within
agencies, whether or not the agencies themselves are accredited.The ?general public? is a constituent
of almost all organizations, and by their nature HSOs are dependent on societal approval for their
activities. The physical environment, pictures on the wall, the language used, the clothing staff wear,
rituals and events, and the social interactions between staff and with clients are all cultural artifacts.
If it is private, its legal basis is in its articles of incorporation. You can download the paper by
clicking the button above. Does the mission make a statement about expected client outcomes? ???
???7. But the greater the number of funding sources, the more complex the agency?s operations
become, as each new source adds another layer of regulatory constraints, program diversity, and
accountability expectations. In general, accrediting bodies certify the operation of organizations as a
whole, whereas professional associations and licensing bodies certify the work of individuals. The
question to ask about these artifacts is do they reflect the espoused values within the organization?s
mission statement or are there potential discontinuities in what is espoused and actual behavior.
Egregious cases in which the abuse of a child resulted in death have led to public outcry, followed by
legislative changes directing protective service workers to favor the safety of the child when
investigating new reports. They reveal the symbolic meaning in challenges faced and in relational
conflicts. Where are program-level decisions made? ??? ??? ??? ???4. One example is regulatory
bodies responsible for establishing acceptable service practices. Language: English close menu
English (selected) Espanol Portugues Deutsch Francais. Analyze a health care problem or issue by
describing the context, explaining why it is important, and identifying populations affected by it.
Governmental agencies that depend on direct appropriations are likely to have most of their
activities rigidly specified by public policy. Cramm, Strating, and Nieboer (2013), in a study of
nurses, found that organizational solidarity was greater in organizations with less hierarchical
structure, more individual autonomy, and more formal and informal information exchange. One
example is regulatory bodies responsible for establishing acceptable service practices. Identifying
important elements in the task environment is thus an ongoing process as public attitudes change and
funding methods evolve, and Table 8.4 depicts a tool for use in this process.Task 3: Assess Internal
Organizational CapacityConsider the examples of Canyon County Department of Child Welfare
(CCDCW) and Lakeside Family Services (LFS) presented at the beginning of this chapter. Also,
family courts are also using well-being as a focus for decision making about dependent children
(Casanueva et al., 2013). This is being made possible by improved tools for measuring well-being
and other indicators of quality of life. It is assumed that for most people, work means more than
merely earning a paycheck and that they are willing to contribute to the success of the total work
effort. Competency 3: Apply ethical principles and academic standards to the study of health care.
According to the BLS report, religious organizations benefitted from the largest number of volunteer
hours (33 percent of all hours), followed by educational or youth-oriented services (26 percent) and
social or community services (15 percent).Another type of resource is in-kind contributions of
material goods. Write following APA style for in-text citations, quotes, and references. Having
learned about the external and internal work of the organization, one is better able to assess the
organization?s cultural competency in Task 4. A chronology of events in the life of the agency may
be listed on the agency?s website. Employees of HSOs often come from a wide range of
specializations, including health, mental health, substance use, developmental disabilities, child
welfare, services to older adults, residential treatment, adult and juvenile corrections, and many
others. Writes following APA style for in-text citations, quotes, and references. This may lead to
certain groups of clients, including the most needy, being deliberately excluded from access to
services, as well as to creaming (taking on less needy clients who can pay or are more likely to
succeed). Changes to state and federal tax codes may encourage or restrict contributions to nonprofit
agencies by individuals who itemize deductions on their tax returns. Write a 4-6 page analysis of a
current problem or issue in health care, including a proposed solution and possible ethical.
Today, the contribution of these individuals to HSOs is enormous. The U.S. Bureau of Labor
Statistics (BLS) reports that ?about 62.6 million people volunteered through or for an organization at
least once between September 2012 and September 2013. Writes clearly and logically, with correct
use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics with some errors and lapses. To browse
Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade
your browser. An application exercise requiring web research and an executive summary. Alejandro
Madruga Gonzalez Download Free PDF View PDF Free DOC See Full PDF Download PDF
Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Examples include food, clothing, physical
facilities, real estate, vehicles, and office materials. It also states the reason for the agency?s
existence, which should not change in fundamental ways unless the reason for existence also
changes. Writes clearly and logically, using evidence to support a central idea, with correct use of
spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language
(EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. Colleagues? status is
related to their professional competencies, and thus status differentials are removed. However, some
clients are a good fit with an organization?s services while others are not, so most agencies establish
definitions of the types of clients they serve. This number included about 22 percent of adult men
and 28 percent of adult women. Clients who cover the cost of their services, either personally or
through third-party reimbursement, will be termed full-pay clients. They can affect, for example,
whether adult protective service workers are instructed merely to collect facts from a battered older
person and then turn to a supervisor who will direct the next steps, or whether they are allowed to
use professional judgment to intervene as they believe is needed. How does information flow
throughout the organization? ??? ??? ??? ???5. Power dynamics and status differentials may result in
misunderstandings. Furthermore, people are assumed to be creative, resourceful, and capable of
contributing more when given the opportunity. The question to ask about these artifacts is do they
reflect the espoused values within the organization?s mission statement or are there potential
discontinuities in what is espoused and actual behavior. Is it tasks, is it functions, or is it the
employee?How are decisions made. Extensive accounting and funding-usage requirements are also
imposed by nongovernmental funding sources such as the United Way.Other organizations that
impose some sort of regulatory boundaries include professional associations, labor unions, and
accrediting bodies. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel
Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. Disciplines in which they are trained include social
work, counseling, psychology, child care, medicine, nursing, rehabilitation, and education, and their
work may be supported by people from fields such as accounting, management, public relations, and
finance. Whatever form that history takes, it is an important cultural artifact that provides clues to
cultural values and assumptions and how they have changed over time.Equally important are the
historical narratives that organizational members tell. Restrictions or refusals can also occur with
clients who seek relatively costly services or services the agency does not provide.A complete agency
assessment should include a determination of whether the organization makes appropriate efforts to
direct clients it rejects to organizations that may be able to serve them. If LFS has not revised this
mission, it is unlikely that its current work has any connection to its stated reason for existence. You
can download the paper by clicking the button above. As noted in Chapter 2, the entire nonprofit
human service sector originated with individual volunteers working together to make their efforts
more productive. For a small, community-based agency, a collegial model might be best. They reveal
the symbolic meaning in challenges faced and in relational conflicts. This appeared to be a result of
these organizations.

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