Fracture Toughness and Brittle Failure in Critical Pressure Equipment

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Authors: John Puryear , Guillermo Ramirez,
Clint Botard, and Kollin Kenady

Reprint courtesy of AIChE (American

Institute of Chemical Engineers)
Fracture Toughness and Brittle Failure: A Pressure
Vessel Case Study
John Puryear , Guillermo Ramirez, Clint Botard, and Kollin Kenady
ABS Group, Advanced Engineering, 140 Heimer Road, San Antonio, TX; [email protected] (for correspondence)
Published online 00 Month 2017 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI 10.1002/prs.11955

That the manufacturing and fabrication process can A second example is damage to buildings during the 1994
introduce low fracture toughness and cause brittle failure in Northridge earthquakes in California. Post-event investigation
steel has been documented in well-known studies. These found instances of fractured connecting welds in steel
include failure of Liberty ships during World War II and, moment frames. These fractures were unexpected because
more recently, weld failures in steel moment frames during structural analysis suggested steel moment frames would per-
the 1994 Northridge earthquake. In both of these cases, the form well in a seismic event, compared to other structural
manufacturing and fabrication process introduced stress systems. As was observed in fabrication of the Liberty ships,
states that reduced fracture toughness and caused brittle the welding process used to connect moment frames in
failures. Northridge introduced residual stresses that reduced the frac-
Control of the manufacturing and fabrication process to ture toughness and caused brittle failure [2]. This result led to
maintain sufficient fracture toughness remains a challenge revision of seismic design guidelines as discussed in FEMA
for the Oil and Gas Industry. In this article, we will review 356 Prestandard and Commentary for the Seismic Rehabili-
an incident of a brittle failure of a pressure vessel. The head tation of Buildings [3].
of the pressure vessel, which was operating as a low-pressure In a more related example, an investigation lead by Harry
separator, detached about its circumference at a pressure McHenry was performed to determine the cause of a pres-
much less than the vessel’s maximum operating pressure. A sure vessel burst which resulted in 17 deaths at the Union
root cause analysis of the incident identified the performance Oil Plant in 1984 [4]. A catastrophic failure occurred after the
gaps and root causes from the vessel’s service conditions, vessel had undergone repair. The repair welding process
manufacture, and fabrication that combined to cause the introduced high residual stress and material embrittlement,
brittle failure. but a post-weld heat treatment was not performed. Metallog-
This article examines the performance gaps that lead to raphy revealed preexisting cracks which initiated adjacent to
the failure and their root causes. The effect of the root causes the weld repair. The presence of hydrogen from a sour envi-
on the vessel’s mechanical properties is discussed. Further, ronment and a susceptibility of the material near the welds
the performance gaps are related to material and fabrication to hydrogen cracking resulted in the formation of a crack in
guidelines in the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code. weak material which ultimately led to the final fracture of
Finally, recommendations for correcting the performance the vessel under normal operating conditions.
gaps are offered. V C 2017 American Institute of Chemical From these examples, it is clear that controlling the
Engineers Process Saf Prog 000: 000–000, 2017 manufacturing and fabrication processes to maintain suffi-
Keywords: mechanical integrity; case studies; accident cient fracture toughness has been a challenge historically. It
investigations remains a challenge to this day, particularly in the Oil and
Gas Industry, given its global scope and correspondingly
long supply chains. This article presents a case study of a
pressure vessel failure to illustrate how manufacturing and
That the manufacturing and fabrication process can intro-
fabrication processes affect fracture toughness and can intro-
duce low fracture toughness and cause brittle failure in steel
duce brittle failure.
has been documented in well-known studies. One example
It is particularly important that fracture toughness be con-
is failure of the Liberty ships during World War II. The hulls
trolled during manufacture and fabrication because, after the
of several early ships broke apart in high seas. Subsequent
unit is installed, operators commonly do not have the means
investigation found one factor to be the weld process intro-
to specifically verify fracture toughness through nondestruc-
ducing residual stresses that reduced hull weld’s fracture
tive means during routine inspections. Operators that lack
toughness. When this factor was combined with others, such
third-party verification are particularly vulnerable to inadver-
as low temperatures in the North Atlantic, the consequence
tently putting equipment with insufficient fracture toughness
was brittle, catastrophic failure [1].
into service.
In the motivating incident for this study, the head of the
This article was prepared for presentation at American Institute of pressure vessel, which was operating as a separator, detached
Chemical Engineers 2017 Spring Meeting, 13th Global Congress on
Process Safety, San Antonio, Texas, March 26–29, 2017. Copyright about its circumference at a pressure that was much less than
2017 ABS Group Inc. All rights reserved. the vessel’s maximum operating pressure. A root cause analy-
sis of the failure determined that factors from the vessel’s ser-
C 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers
V vice conditions, manufacture, and fabrication had combined

Process Safety Progress (Vol.00, No.00) Month 2017 1

to cause the brittle failure. Performance gaps in prevention indicating a problem that would have prevented the start of
and detection were identified, and root causes of these gaps operation. In fact, it was determined that the remaining oper-
were determined. ating life was at least 10 years. Operations were accordingly
After summarizing the failure incident, this article exam- restarted, and the separator was put back into service 2
ines the effects of the vessel’s manufacture and fabrication months before the failure.
on its mechanical properties. The vessel’s manufacturing pro-
cess is further related to the guidelines in the ASME Boiler & Failure Sequence
Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC). The performance gaps that A discontinuity in the interior surface of the head, near
led to the failure and their root causes are then discussed. the weld at about the 7 o’clock position (Figure 1), either
Finally, recommendations for correcting the performance existed when the separator was delivered or occurred during
gaps are offered. operation of the separator. Laboratory findings support the
theory that sulfide stress corrosion cracking began at the dis-
PRESSURE VESSEL FAILURE continuity and progressed slowly over years. This corrosion
mechanism is consistent with the sour service conditions and
Incident Summary age of the separator.
A full circumferential failure occurred in one head of a low- The initial discontinuity and the small, tightly closed
pressure condensate separator resulting in the total release of cracks were not detected by standard inspection methods
gas and condensate. The separator had operated offshore in before, or after, the accident. Only subsequent laboratory
sour service for over 30 years. examination was able to identify the cracks. Standard inspec-
Ten months before the failure, the separator was taken out tion methods before and after the accident did identify thin-
of service. Industry standard internal and external inspections ning from general corrosion; nevertheless, the thickness of
were performed on it. No relevant findings were identified the head was above the retirement thickness. The cracking
progressed through the thickness and caused a small release
that was detected by gas detectors. Within minutes, the crack
grew to the critical length that caused the complete circum-
ferential failure of the head. The progress of the crack is
illustrated in Figure 2.
The integrity performance of the separator—catastrophic
failure following development of a through crack—was inad-
equate in terms of ASME BPVC Section VIII design philoso-
phy. A vessel designed to the BPVC Section VIII is intended
to exhibit leak-before-failure performance. Specifically, the
vessel’s material must be adequate to develop a through
crack and leak product in a controlled manner without cata-
strophic failure. The integrity performance of the separator
did not satisfy this requirement.
The failure sequence described above was developed and
verified using onsite personnel interviews, line operation
data, postincident evidence gathering, gas detector data, ana-
lytical calculations, numerical analysis, and laboratory exami-
nation and analysis. Output from a simulation of the failure
Figure 1. Location of crack initiation. [Color figure can be sequence is shown in Figure 3. That simulation was per-
viewed at] formed using the Arbitrary-Lagrangian Eulerian method in
LS-DYNA, a multi-physics solver developed by Livermore
Software Technology Corporation.

Figure 2. Crack propagation from inner to outer surface. [Color figure can be viewed at]

2 Month 2017 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs Process Safety Progress (Vol.00, No.00)
Figure 3. Separator failure sequence. [Color figure can be viewed at]


Mechanical Properties
Laboratory analyses performed following the incident
revealed the effects of the manufacturing process on the sepa-
rator’s mechanical properties with the results showing that the
head metal was not normalized steel. Normalization is a heat
treatment that produces a more uniform microstructure in
the steel; the process is illustrated in Figure 4. In terms of
mechanical properties, the mill plate used to manufacture the
heads had relatively low fracture toughness and was thus vul-
nerable to brittle failure. In practical terms, lack of normaliza-
tion meant that the heads did not have the heat treatment that
would reduce the potential for crack growth and propagation.
The head manufacturing process further increased this
vulnerability to brittle failure. The cold working during dish-
ing and flanging (Figure 5) introduced high residual stresses,
increased the ultimate strength of the steel, decreased its
ductility, and reduced its fracture toughness. These observa-
tions came from laboratory tests comparing mechanical prop-
erties at the apex of the head to properties at the knuckle.
The residual stresses introduced during manufacture
remained because of a lack of heat treatment and/or insuffi-
cient post-weld heat treatment. These processes are shown
in Figures 6 and 7. Residual stresses in the vicinity of the fail-
ure were further increased by welding the head to the vessel
shell. The reduction in residual stress concentrations due to
stress relief and post-weld heat treatment is illustrated in Fig-
ure 8. In the figure, “T” refers to tensile stress and “C” refers
Figure 4. Normalization process (image courtesy of Prisma to compressive stress.
Impianti, and Wesman Group, www. [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonline-
Manufacturing Standards]
A normalized steel provides better material ductility to
reduce the possibility of a complete circumferential failure

Process Safety Progress (Vol.00, No.00) Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs Month 2017 3
Figure 5. Head dishing and flanging process (image courtesy of Slawinski, [Color figure can be viewed

Figure 6. Stress relief process (image courtesy of Myungjjn

Heat-Treatment, Inc., [Color figure can
be viewed at]

Figure 7. Post-weld heat treatment process (image courtesy

when a through-thickness crack is produced. Stress relieving of Indiamart, [Color figure can
allows a significant reduction in residual stresses that occur be viewed at]
from the cold-forming processes. However, the BPVC
accepted at the time of the separator’s manufacture did not
require that the metal used in forming the sour service sepa-
rator heads be a normalized steel or that stress-relief after  Prevention gaps—the separator was initially put into ser-
cold forming be applied to the head. vice with the heads having insufficient heat treatment dur-
The post-weld heat treatment allows a significant reduc- ing fabrication and assembly.
tion in residual stresses that occur from the welding process.  Detection gaps—insufficient or nonexistent heat treatment
The BPVC at the time of the separator’s manufacture did of the separator heads was not detected after the separa-
require post-weld heat treatment, but the operator accepted tor’s installation.
the separator, presumably because the manufacturer had
indicated that all requirements had been met. Pressure ves- The root causes of these performance gaps are discussed
sels for sour service do not require verification of sufficient in the following subsections.
heat treatment. Therefore, the inspections performed during
maintenance of the pressure vessels were not focused to
identify insufficient heat treatments in the separator’s manu- Prevention Gaps
facture or the small, tightly closed cracks that might form Five root cause paths related to preventing resulted in the
under these conditions. separator being put into service with the heads having insuf-
ficient heat treatment.
PERFORMANCE GAPS AND FAILURE ROOT CAUSES Two of the root cause paths were related to design. First,
The root cause analysis process involved first focusing on the mill plates used in the fabrication of the heads were not
the identification of equipment failures or front-line personnel made of normalized steel. The use of normalized steel is rec-
performance gaps that are the causal factors contributing to ommended in the technical literature for construction of ves-
the incident. A single equipment-related causal factor for the sels operating in corrosive environments [5,6]. Evidence
failure was identified: the separator lost mechanical integrity. suggests that there was no requirement for steel normalization
Once the causal factor was identified, the root cause anal- of sour service pressure vessel heads less than 1.5 inch thick
ysis focused on the identification of performance gaps that in internal design standards, nor was there such a requirement
contributed to the occurrence of the causal factor and the in international design standards (e.g., BPVC) at the time of
full development of the relevant root cause paths. The inves- design. Second, the separator heads did not receive effective
tigation team used a root cause map to help direct the asking stress relief after cold forming. Evidence suggests that there
of why-why-why until the management system weaknesses was no requirement for stress relief of pressure vessel heads
representing the root causes contributing to the incident with less than 5% fiber elongation during forming in internal
were identified. Specifically, associated with the causal factor design standards, nor was there such a requirement in interna-
were two performance gap categories: tional design standards (e.g., BPVC) at the time of design.

4 Month 2017 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs Process Safety Progress (Vol.00, No.00)
Figure 8. Reduction in residual stress concentration due to (a) stress relief and (b) post-weld heat treatment.

Post-weld heat treatment after fabrication was, however, manufacture adequacy of operating sour service pressure
required by the BPVC at the time of design. vessels which would have identified this vessel as inadequate
Three additional causes were related to the user’s procure- (due to lack of post-weld heat treatment) and prompted miti-
ment process for the separator. It was inferred that purchasing gation or removal from service. The root causes for these
documentation for the separator (which were not available for three root cause paths all involved the lack of requirements
review) did not include requirements for normalization or to support detection.
stress relief because the design standards did not have such a It is noted that the material condition created a situation
requirement. In addition, the separator was designed to the where, quite likely, inspections may not have been able to
ASME BPVC, but the operator had no requirement that an detect the initial damage, and even if the inspections did
ASME stamp be on the separator. Finally, it was deduced that detect the initial damage, the inspections would be under
the separator was accepted from the manufacturer (receipt the thresholds of criticality. In this way, inspections serve as
documents were not available for review) either without, or a limited second line of defense against manufacture and
with insufficient, post-weld heat treatment. Accordingly, a fabrication process control.
measure to verify that the heat treatment had occurred was
either not in place or not exercised.
Loss of mechanical integrity of a separator operating at
low pressure (the head fractured about its circumference in
Detection Gaps the flange region) had eight root causes. These causes
Three root cause paths related to detection that allowed the resulted in prevention gaps in design and procurement and
separator, vulnerable to brittle failure, to remain in service over detection gaps in inspections. These performance gaps com-
30 years. The root cause paths were limitations in hazard/defect bined to result in the loss of mechanical integrity.
identification and analysis through inspection. First, the pre- Several recommendations were proposed to address the
startup review, which was performed prior to initial start-up of performance gaps. First, with regard to the prevention gaps, it
the separator, did not identify the insufficient heat treatment. was recommended that the operator design standard add a
Verification of heat treatment documentation was not required requirement that all carbon steel plate and low-alloy steel
as a part of the pre-startup review. Second, the inspections per- plate, used in the manufacturing of the shell and heads of
formed throughout the life of the separator did not identify the pressure vessels in sour service, be normalized. A second rec-
non-normalized steel. Pressure vessel inspection plans did not ommendation was to add a requirement that any cold-formed
include a requirement to verify steel normalization. shell and head should be heat-treated for stress relieving.
Third, the inspections performed throughout the life of It remains the operator’s responsibility to verify that the
the separator did not detect the cracks that had formed and stress relief is performed. To that end, it was recommended
grown. There was no requirement for the determination of that the heat-treatment requirements (normalization, stress

Process Safety Progress (Vol.00, No.00) Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs Month 2017 5
relief, and post-weld heat treatment) for pressure vessels in 2. FEMA, FEMA 343, Case Studies: An Assessment of the
sour service in offshore installations be included in the con- NEHRP Guidelines for the Seismic Rehabilitation of
tracts for purchasing, design, or construction. In addition, Buildings, Federal Emergency Management Agency,
establishing a requirement that all new pressure vessels in Washington, D.C., 1999.
sour service in offshore installations have an ASME stamp 3. FEMA, FEMA 356, Prestandard and Commentary for the
was recommended; such a requirement had not existed pre- Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings, Federal Emergency
viously for this international operator. Management Agency, Washington, D.C., 2000.
With regards to the detection gaps, it was recommended 4. H. I. McHenry, Examination of a Pressure Vessel that
that the pre-startup safety review verify the evidences that Ruptured at the Chicago Refinery of the Union Oil Com-
the required heat treatment has been adequately performed, pany on July 23, 1984, U.S. Department of Commerce,
and, if applicable, that the ASME stamp for new pressure National Bureau of Standard, Boulder, CO, 1986.
vessels in sour service in offshore installations is the correct. 5. NACE International, Standard Material Requirements,
A final recommendation was that the operator verify the Materials Resistant to Sulfide Stress Cracking in Corrosive
required heat treatment was performed on other vessels that Petroleum Refining Environments, NACE Standard
are currently in service. MR0103–2012, Item 21305, NACE International, Houston,
TX (2012), p. 6.
6. U.S. Department of Energy, Material Selection for Multi-
LITERATURE CITED Function Waste Tank Facility Tanks, WHC-SD-W236A-ES-
1. K. H. Frank, Class Notes from “CE 397L Advanced Structural 003, Rev. 0, U.S. Department of Energy, Washington,
Metals,” University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, 2005. D.C. (1994), p. 1.

6 Month 2017 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs Process Safety Progress (Vol.00, No.00)
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