Who or What Is The Prophetic Beast
Who or What Is The Prophetic Beast
Who or What Is The Prophetic Beast
Who or What Is the
by Herbert W. Armstrong
Who or what is lithe wild Beast" of
the Apocalypse, or book of
Revelation, chapters 13 and 17?
What does Bible prophecy reveal
about world events now leading to
Armageddon and the end of this
age? This two-part booklet deals
with governments and wars that will
bring this world to its final end.
Illustrations by C. Winston Taylor
Part One: 1960 Wor ldwide Church of God
Part Two: 1952 Worldwide Church of God
All Righ ts Reser ved
Printed in U.S.A.
Part One
ible prophecy reveals events of our time and
wor ld-shaking events soon to change your life.
A major world-shaking event is foretold in the
symbolic lan guage of a mysterious world-dominat-
ing wild beast.
The Bible is God's book of hi st ory, prophecy and
revealed knowledge of God's purpose and master plan
for humanity from it s beginning on into et ernity. But
the Bibl e is primarily a book about t he chose n nation
of Israel , and other nations that have come into dire ct
contact with Israel.
We know littl e concerning nat ions, or whether t here were
nations on earth, prior t o t he great Flood. But soon after the
Flood, Nimrod founded the city-states of Babylon, Nineveh
and ot hers. In due time such nat ions as Egypt, Assyria ,
Babyloni a, t he Aramean st ates, Israel, Phoeni cia and ot hers
devel oped in the Middle East. By the end of the 7th century
B.C. Kin g Nebuchadnezzar had founded t he first world em-
pire or uni on of nations. The Bible does reveal t he hist ory,
and prophecy from now, of t he syste m of gentile world
empires sta rti ng with Nebuchadnezzar 's Babylon on to t he
2 Who or What Is the Prophet ic BEAST?
Second Coming of Christ, as well as the history and yet
future prophecy concerning Israel. This booklet will cover the
true significance of these two systems of nat.ons, and what
it means to us today, as well what is prophesied for the
. imminent future.
First, then, who is the mysterious wild "beast" of Reve -
lation 13 and 17? If you have his mark, you must suffer the
seven last PLAGUES! Is he a mysterious superman world
dictator yet to appear? ... Is he the Antichrist? ... or a gov-
ernment? . .. or a church?
THE MOST important question of the hour is: What, or
who, is the BEAST, the IMAGE of the beast, and the MARK of
the beast spoken of in the Apocalypse or book of Revelation?
Whatever this weird beast-whatever the baffling im-
age-whatever the mysterious mark-it behooves you and me
to find out!
For it is those of this very present generation who shall
be worshiping this beast or his image, or shall have received
his mark, that will suffer the unspeakable torture of the seven
last plagues!
Ignorance will not excuse! "My people are destroyed for
lack of knowledge," says the Eternal, in Hosea 4:6. And the
illustration of Ezekiel's watchman shows that those who are
unaware, because they are not warned, will suffer just the
same (Ezek. 33:6; and 3:18). God expects the spiritual leader
of His people to be His "wat chman" (Ezek. 33:7) and to warn
the people.
The time is at hand! The plagues of God's wrath will
soon be poured out, unmixed and undiluted-full strength-
upon a heedless, God-defying world, and a careless, luke -
warm, indifferent Christianity!
Who Shall Suffer the PLAGUES?
Listen! John in the Apocalypse or book of Revelation de-
scribes the last warning message: "If any man worship t he
beast and his image, and receive his mark in hi s forehea d, or
in his hand, t he same shall drink of the wine of t he wrath of
God, which is poured out without mixture" (Rev. 14:9, 10).
This prophecy is most significant because it is revea ling, in
advance, events immediately ahead of us at t his present time.
Who or What Is the Proph et ic BEAST? 3
Listen again!
John, carried forward in vision into the terrible "day of
t he Lord," sees these plagues beginning to fall! "And the
seven angels came out of the temple, having the seven last
plagues . . . and the first went, and poured out his vial upon
the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the
men which had the mark of t he beast, and upon them which
worshipped his image" (Rev. 15:6 and 16:2).
Every sign tells us these things will happen, plunging the
world into the most frantic, frenzied state of anguish ever
known, almost certainly within a matter of the next several
Those who suffer the wrath of Almighty God are de-
scribed as those who worship the beast, or his image, or have
his mark.
It is futile to try to imagine, as so many are doing, what
the mark of the beast may be. These prophecies are real.
They are imminent. Because these and other prophecies have
never been understood until now, even churches, the theolo-
gians, evangelists have been ignoring prophecies in general
and these imminent prophecies in particular. Too many are
trying to speculat e in their imaginations. But God says, " My
thoughts are not your thoughts" (Isa. 55:8).
We can't work this out in our minds. We are face to face
with a stern reality, not an imaginary fairy tale! There is only
one way t o learn the truth. That is to study carefully, cau-
tiously, prayerfully, with an open mind yielded to and guided
by t he Holy Spirit, all the testimony of all the scriptures that
bear on this question.
We cannot determine what the mark of the beast may be,
until we have learned what, or who, the beast is!
For, of course, t he mark is the beast's mark. Who, what
t hen, is the beast?
The beast, the image of the beast and the mark of the beast
are all described primarily in the 13th chapter of Revelation.
Notice carefully this Bible description. The apostle John
was being given this message for you and me of this day. In
t he vision he saw "a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven
4 Who or What Is t he Prophet ic BEAST?
heads and ten horns, and upon hi s horns ten crowns, and
upon hi s heads the name of blasphemy."
"And t he beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and
his feet were as t he feet of a bear, and his mouth as the
mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his
seat, and great authority" (Rev. 13:1-2).
Now most of those who are tea ching and pre aching to
others on these subjects overlook ent irely this description .
For thi s description will IDENTIFY the beast.
If t he beast is some mysterious superman, or antichrist,
soon to appear as world dictator, he will be a peculiar-looking
individual indeed, for he will have seven heads, and ten horns!
Have you ever seen a man with seven heads , and ten horns
growing out of one of his heads? And did you ever see a man
who was like a leopard, and can you imagine a sup erman coming
who will have the feet of a bear, and the mouth of a lion? And
will he appear by coming up out of some ocean?
Now t hes e, of course, are all symbols. The very word
beast is a symbol. And our problem is t o interpret the
symbols, for they st and for real , lit er al t hings. But man
can not inte rpret bibli cal symbols. And when we know what
t he heads and t he horns are, what the feet of t he bear, the
mouth of t he lion, and likeness to a leopa rd all mean, t hen
we can know what, or who, t he beast really is!
The Bible Interpr et s Its Own Symbols
The point we want to st ress is that the Bible interpret s its
own symbols! If we wan t t he t ruth, we must be guided solely
by t he Bibl e inte rpretat ion, not man 's interpreta t ions and
And the Bibl e its elf t ells us what they represent!
In the 7th chapter of Daniel, we find exactly t hese same
symbols described. Here again are t he bea st s, t he seven
heads, th e te n horn s, and here also is t he lion, t he bear, and
t he leopard. And her e t he Bibl e tells us what t hes e symbols
God had given Dani el underst anding in dr eams and
visions (Dan . 1:17). And Dan iel had a dream and a vision
(Dan. 7:1) in which he saw four great beast s (verse 3). And
notice, as in Revelation, t he beast s came up out of t he sea .
Who or What Is t he Prophetic BEAST? 5
The first was like a "lion" (verse 4), t he second was like
a "bear" (verse 5), t he third like a "leopard" (verse 6), and
the fourth was so dreadful and terrible it could not be
compared t o any wild beast known to inhabit the earth (verse
Now there was only one head described on the lion, one
for t he bear, one for the fourth beast-but the t hird beast ,
t he leopard, had four heads-thus making seven heads in all!
And out of this great and dreadful fourth beast grew t en
Now noti ce verse 16, latter part. Here comes the inter-
pretation of t he things! The question is, will we accept t his
Bible int erpret ation of the seven heads, the te n horns, the
lion, t he bear and t he leopard?
"These great beasts, which ar e four , are four kings which
sha ll arise out of t he earth," is the interpretation of verse 17.
And the word king is synonymous with kingdom, and
used only in t he sense that t he king represents t he kingdom
over whi ch he rules, for in verse 23 we read, "The fourth
beast shall be t he four t h kingdom upon t he earth." Notice
also t he word kingdom is used t o explain t he beasts in vers es
18, 22, 24, and 27.
Now what do t he "horns" represent? Noti ce verse 24:
"And t he ten horns out of t his kingdom are t en kings that
shall ari se." Notice the ten horns, or ten succeeding kingdoms
or governments, come OUT OF A KING DOM, not out of a man,
or a superman. This alon e mak es plain t ha t t he bea st is not
some myst eri ous personal superman yet to come. Also that
t he beast is not a churc h as some claim, for no t en kingdoms
ever did , or will, come out of a churc h. And since "king" in
t hese prophecies only stands for the kingdom he represents,
and since the words are used inter changeably, it follows t hat
t hese te n horn s ar e te n succeeding kingdoms growing out of
t he fourth kingdom, whi ch was to rul e t he earth!
Identification of the Kingdoms
These same four world-ruling gentile kingdoms are describ ed
in t he second chapt er of Dani el. King Nebucha dnezzar of t he
Chaldea n Empire, who had taken the Jews captive, had a
dream, t he mean ing of whi ch God revealed t o Daniel.
6 Who or What Is the Prophetic BEAST?
The dre am is descri bed in verses 31-35. The king saw a
great image. Its head was of gold, its bre ast and arms of
silver, its belly and t highs of br ass, it s legs of iron and it s feet
and toes were part iron and part clay. Finally, a sto ne, not
in men's hands, but supernaturally, smote t he image upon his
feet and toes. It was broken in pieces and was blown away
like chaff. Then t he stone t hat smashed it became a great
mountain and filled t he whole earth.
"This," Daniel says, beginning verse 36, "is t he dr eam;
and we will t ell t he int erpret ati on t hereof befor e t he king."
".. . Thou art this head of gold. And aft er t hee shall ar ise
anot her kingdom inferi or to t hee, and another t hird kingdom
of bras s, which sha ll bear rul e over all t he earth. And t he
fourth kingdom shall be st rong as ir on: fora smuch as iron
breaketh in pieces and subduet h all t hings: and as iron that
br eaketh all these, sha ll it br eak in pieces and bruise" (verses
The interpretation of t he stone smashing t he image at it s
toes is found in the 44t h verse:
"And in t he days of t hese kings sha ll t he God of heaven
set up a kingdom, which sha ll neve r be dest royed: an d t he
kingdom shall not be left to ot her people, but it shall break
in pieces and consume all t hese kingdoms, and it sha ll stand
forever." The Stone is Christ and Hi s world-ruling kingdom.
The int erpret ati on of t he stone is given many places in t he
Bible. "Jesus Christ of Nazareth ... is the sto ne which was
set at nought of you bui lders, which is become the head of
t he corner" (Acts 4:10-11).
And so we see t hat here are four universal world-ruling
gentile kingdoms. They begi n with the Cha ldean Empire,
which took t he Jews captive to Babylon.
God had promised ancient Israe l t hat if t hey would keep
His commandments, be His obedient nation, t hey would grow
into a mult itude of nati ons- or an empire-that would dom-
inate t he entire earth. But for disobedience t hey would have
to be ta ken captive by gentile nations (Lev. 26 and ot her
proph ecies). Ancient Isr ael had been t ried t hrough the gener-
at ions and cent ur ies. They had di sobeyed. Now t hey had been
ta ken captive by Nebuchadnezzar, who had raised up t he
worl d's first empire. But as God revealed t hrough Daniel in
chapter 2, it was God who had
turne d world dominion over to
t his succession of gentile em-
pires. They continue t hrough
four great uni vers al kingdoms
and out of t he fourth grows ten
s uccee d i ng go ve r n me nts.
These carry to the ti me of t he
Second Coming of Christ, and
t he setting up of the kingdom
of God to fill t he whole earth
and last foreve r.
The Fourth Beast
Pl ainly, here in Daniel 2 are
describ ed t he same four uni-
ve rsal wo rl d- ruli ng ge nt ile
powers t hat are desc ribed by
Dani el's four beast s. And this
dream-i mage iden ti fies who
t hey are. The first was Neb-
uch adnezzar' s kingdom, t he
Cha ldea n Empire, called "Bab-
ylon" after t he na me of its cap-
ital city, 625-539 B.C.
The seco n d ki n gd om,
which followed, t hen, we know
from hist ory, was the Pe rsian
Empire, 558-330 B.C., often
called Medo- Persia, composed
of Medes and Pe rsians.
All ancie nt- history stu-
dent s know t he t hi rd world
kingdom was Greece, or Mace -
doni a under Alexande r t he
Gr ea t , wh o conq ue re d t he
great Persian Empire 333-330
THE IMAGE of Daniel 2 symb ol ized
four world ruling empir es.
8 Who or What Is the Prophetic BEAST?
B.C. But Alexander lived only a short year afte r hi s swift
conquest, and hi s four generals divided hi s vast empire int o
four regions: Macedoni a and Greece , Thrace and West ern
Asia, Syria and t erritory east to t he Indus river , and Egypt.
So these were the four heads of the third beast of Daniel 7.
And t he FOURTHKINGDOM, which, developing from Rome,
spread out and gradua lly absorbed one after another of t hese
four divisions- "dreadful and te rrible, and st rong exceed-
ingly," was the ROMANEMPIRE (31 B.C. to A.D. 476).
It had absorbed all t he ot hers, occupied all their t erritory,
was great er and st ronger t han all. It included all the royal
splendor of ancient Babylon, t hus having t he head- the
st rongest pa rt-of t he lion. It had all t he massiveness and
numeri cally power ful army of t he Persian Empire- symb ol-
ized by t he legs, the most power ful par t of t he bear . It was
t he greatest war -making machine t he world had ever seen, and
it also possessed t he swiftness , t he cun ni ng, t he cruelty of
Alexander's army, symbolized by t he leopard.
And t hus, t his fourth beast was unlike any wild beast of t he
earth. It was st ronger, greater, more t errible, t han any.
And so John, in Revelation 13, sees, not four beast s, but
one beast. Not a leopard, but like a leopard- possessing all
its cunni ng, cruelty and spee d. But it also possessed t he
dominant cha racte ristics of t he two ot her most power ful
beast s- the feet of a bear, and t he mouth of a lion. Dani el's
fourt h beast , the Roman Empire, had abso rbed and t herefore
it incl uded t he t hree beast s before it . Thus it included all
seven heads. And John's beast also has seven heads. It was
Daniel's fourth beast , only, which had te n horns and John's
beast ha s te n horns.
And so, if we ar e willing to be guided solely by t he Bible
descriptio n of t his "beast" and to let t he Bible int erpret t he
symbols used to describe it , we come t o t he inevit able conclu-
sion t hat t he beast of Revelati on 13 is t he Roman Empi re,
of 31 B.C. to A.D. 476! Of course, many man -imagined theori es,
widely ta ught and publi shed, int erpret t his beast ot herwise-
some as a churc h, some as a myst erious, individua l, superman
yet to come. But t hese t heories will not st and t he t est of
applying t he Bible int erpret at ion to all t he symbols t hat
descri be t his beast .
Who or What Is the Prophetic BEAST? 9
Nebuchadnezzar 's image, by t he two legs, describes t he
two divisions of t he Roman Empire, aft er A.D. 330: West , wit h
capi ta l at Rome, and East , with capital at Constanti nople.
Jo hn also pictures t his beast , not as a church or as an
individual man, but as a powerful government having a great
army. For they worshiped t he beast by saying, "Who is able
t o make war with him?" (Rev. 13:4).
The Symbolism of the Horns
Let us now notice t he symbolism of t he horn s of t he fourth
beast of Daniel 7 and of the beast of Revelati on 13.
The ten horns symbolize the same t hing-the ten stage s
of govern ment continuing out of the Roman Empire after its
fall, A.D. 476). The ten horns "out of this kingdom" (the
fourth-the Roman empire, 31 B.C. to A.D. 476) "are t en kings
th at shall ari se .. . and the kingdom and the dominion, and
the great ness of t he kingdom under t he whole heaven" (not
IN heaven) "s hall be given to t he people of t he sai nts of th e
most High" (Dan. 7:24, 27).
The ten horns, then, are te n kingdoms to arise out of t he
fourth kingdom, the Roman Empire. These kings, also called
kingdoms, cont inue from A.D. 476until t he time when t he Stone,
Christ and Hi s Kin gdom, smas hes the image on its toes, and
the kingdom is given to the saints. Therefore, since in actual
hist ory there have never been t en contemporaneous kingdoms
that have continued out of the Roman Empire, side by side,
down t o t he pr esent- and since there have been nin e successive
kingdoms ruling t hat territory, which we shall explain, from
476 t o the pr esent, t herefore we k n ~ w t hat t he kingdoms rep-
resent ed by the horns ar e successive, not conte mporaneous.
The Deadly Wound
Now let us return t o our descript ion of t he beast in Revela-
ti on 13.
"And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded t o death;
and his deadly wound was healed: and all th e world wondered
after th e beast .
"And they worshipped t he dragon which gave power
unto the beast: and th ey worshippe d t he beast saying, Who- \
is like unto th e beast ? Who is able t o make war wit h him?
10 Who or What Is the Propheti c BEAST?
"And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great
things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to
continue forty and two months" (Rev. 13:3-5).
The beast here symbo lized is the one which included the
royal splendor and kingly power symbolized by t he mouth of
the lion (Babylon); t he ponderous strength symbo lized by the
feet of t he bear (Medo-Persia); and t he speed, cunning and
cruelty of the leopard (Greece). Since the interpretation of
these symbol s is found in Daniel 7, and since the fourth beast
had ten horns, the Bible interpretation of the beast of Rev-
elation 13 is the fourth beast of Daniel 7-the Roman Em-
pire, of 31 B.C. to A.D. 476. The beast described by John in
Revelation 13 included 7 heads, but the only head existing at
the time John saw t his nondescript beast (which included the
most powerful cha racteristics of all the beasts symbolizing its
predecessors) was t hat of t he fourth beast of Daniel, contain-
ing the sevent h head, and also the ten horns . So the specific
"one of it s heads" that was wounded t o death (Rev. 13:3) was
the seventh head of the Roman Empire-the head out of
which ten horns grew. The ten horn s, as Daniel interprets,
represent t en successive governments out of t he Roman Em-
pire, which were to cont inue until the setting up of the
Kingdom of God at the Second Coming of Christ.
The deadly wound, then, was the one administered to t he
Roman Empire, when, in its last decaying st ages, the barbar-
ians overran it , ending it s government in A.D. 476.
Notice, the dragon gave his power t o the beast. Who is
the dragon?
Some have said "pagan Rome. " But will we be guided solely
by t he Bible interpretation of it s own symbols? Then, if we will,
the dragon is a symbol which means Satan, the devil. Notice
Revelation 12. "The great dragon . . . that old serpent, called
the Devil, and Satan ... was cast out int o the earth . . . the devil
is come down unto you, having great wrath and when the
dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth " (verses 9,
12-13). "And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which
is the Devil, and Satan .. ." (Rev. 20:2).
THE APOSTLE JOHN was fill ed wit h great amazement when he
beheld in a vision a woman riding a sc arlet- colored beast ha ving
seven heads and ten horns (Rev. 17).
Who or What Is t he Prophetic BEAST? 11
They worshiped t he beast (Rev. 13:4). Therefore some
concl ude, from t his one statement alone, that the beast mus t
be t he papacy, not knowing t hat the people worshiped the
Roman Empire and its emperors! Notice how they worshiped
t he beast-saying, "Who is able to make war with him?" The
Roman Empire was the greatest war -making power t he world
had ever kn own. This beast killed by the sword (v. 10).
History is full of accounts of the worship of the Roman
empe rors, for paganism was a state religion. The following is
from Robinson's Medieval and Modern Times, an older col-
lege textbook, page 7:
"The worship of t he emperor : In a word, the Roman
government was not only wonderfully organized . . . everyone
was required to join in t he worship of the emp eror because
he stood for t he majesty and glory of the dominion . .. all
were obliged, as good citizens , to join in the official sacrifices
to the head of t he state, as a god. "
12 Who or What Is the Prophet ic BEAST?
But when t he seventh head of this great bea st received
it s deadly wound in A.D. 476, was t hat t he end? No, t he
prophecy says " his deadl y wound was healed .. . and power
was given unto him to continue forty and two months"
(verses 3, 5). The t en horns repr esent t en successive king-
doms to follow out of t his kin gdom. So, through t he te n horns
growing out of t his head (t he Roman Empi re of 31 B.C.-A.D.
476), t he beast (for t he te n horns are part of t he beast )
continue s until t he Second Coming of Christ.
The text says one of his heads was wounded t o death.
The beast inclu ded t he seven heads and t he te n horns. J ohn
sees t he beast living in t he days of it s seventh head, t he
Roman Empire. And when t hat head of t he beast was suffer-
ing from it s deadl y wound, hi s- the beast's- deadly wound
was healed. The horns now reign, one by one.
The Roman empire in Northern Africa was overrun by
t he Vandals, who sacked Rome in 455. Then in 476 Odoacer
set up his govern ment at Rome, called t he Heruli. But it did
not heal t he deadl y wound, for t his was a govern ment in
Rome. It was not a Roman govern ment, but one of foreign
ba rba rians.
Then t here was t he kingdom of t he Ostrogoths, 493-554,
another outside foreign peopl e who ruled in t he te rrito ry. But
t hey were driv en out of Italy and disappeared.
These t hree kin gdoms, sweeping into the Roman t erri-
t ory, filled the peri od known in hist ory as t he "transit ion
age" (see Myers' Ancient History , page 571). That is, a
TRANSITION between t he wound and t he healing.
Now Daniel saw a " little horn" coming up among t hese
te n, before whom t hese first t hree wer e "plucked up by t he
roots" (Dan. 7:8). That leaves 7 horns to come. And of t he
little horn, Daniel 7 says "his look was more stout t ha n hi s
fellows" (verse 20) . The papacy dominat ed completely all t he
horns to follow.
The Deadly Wound Healed
It was t he four t h kingdom (symbolized by t he fourth horn),
succeedi ng t he fall of t he Empire in 476, which really HEALED
t he deadl y wound, and rest ored t he empire. In A.D. 554,
Justi nia n, Emperor of t he East , from Constantinople, set up
Who or What Is the Prophet ic BEAST? 13
his government through an Imperial Legate at Ravenna,
Italy, and br ought about wha t is known in hi st ory as t he
"Imperial Rest orati on" of the Empire.
Now, notice verse 5 of Revelati on 13. Power was given
to t his beast , once healed, to "CONTINUE FORTY AND TWO
MONTHS." In t he proph ecies pertaining to t he t imes of Isr ael's
punishment, each day represent s a year in t he actual fulfill-
ment (Ezek. 4:4-6, Num. 14:34). Thus, t he heal ed beast is to
cont inue 1260 years.
Following t he healing, in 554, came t he Frankish king-
dom (French) , t he Holy Roman Empire (German, t hen t he
Austrian Hapsburgs) and Napoleon's kingdom (French) . But
when Na poleon was crushed in 1814, t he healed beast contin-
ued no longer. "So closed," says West' s Modern History , pa ge
337, "a government that dated from August us Caesar" (from
31 B.C.) . It went into Abyss!
And from 554 to 1814, t he durat ion of t he "hea led
beast," was exact ly 1260 years!
At t hat t ime, eight of t he horns having appeared and
gone, t he beast itself went int o t he non existent condition
symbolized in Revelati on 17:8 as t he "bottomless pit ." But by
th e year 1870, Garibaldi had unit ed t he many lit tle divisions
in t he peninsul a of Italy int o one nati on, and t he kingdom
t hus established began t he ninth horn, which culminated in
t he Fascist rul e of Mussolini .
Th e " Heads" the Woman Rode
We shall deal later more specifically with t he 17th chapte r of
Revelation in t his connection. But let us not e in passing t hat
t he woman menti oned in t his chapter never rode on any par t
of t his beast of Revelat ion 13 except it s last seven horns! She
is t he "little horn" of Daniel 7, whose " look was mor e stout
p. t han hi s fellows," and who caused t he first three to be
plucked up by t he root s. And since, in t he 17th chapter of
Revelati on , t he woman rode on all seven of t he heads of t he
beast t here pict ured, and since she rode none of t he heads but
only t he last seven of t he horns of the 13t h chapter beast, it
follows t hat the seven horns of the "hea led beast" of t he 13t h
chapter form the seven hea ds of the beast of the 17t h
14 Who or What Is the Prophet ic BEAST?
Noti ce, at the ti me John saw t he beast, five are fallen,
one is, and one is yet to come (Rev. 17:10). The five t hat are
fallen are t he five dur ing t he 1260 yea rs in which power was
given, by religious authority, for t he hea led beast to continue.
The one t hat "is, " is t he kin gdom t hat ext ended from
Garibaldi to t he downfall of Mussolini. It was not in any
sense t he powe r-wielding old Roman Empi re, so during t he
stage of t his 9th horn (Rev. 13) or 6th head (Rev. 17) John
speaks of it as t he beast t hat was, and is not , arid shall arise
once more out of t he bottoml ess pi t.
The 7t h head with its 10 horns, in t he 17th chapter, will
be, as t he 17t h chapter explains, t he revival of t he beast, t he
Roman Empire, "out of t he bottomless pit" by a "United
States of Euro pe," or federation of 10 Europea n nati ons
centered within the bounds of t he old Roma n Empire (Rev.
17:12-18). This is actua lly beginning today!
The enti re beast of Revelation 17-the revivals of t he
Roman Empire-is a part "of the seven" heads of Revelation
13 and Dan iel 7 because it comprises t he last seven horns.
Yet t his revived Roman Empire is "the eighth" system,
differi ng from t he seven before it (Rev. 17:11).
The Number of the " Beast"- 666-
Whose Number Is It?
Where sha ll we find t hat myst eri ous numbe r 666? Does t he
pope, as some claim, wear it on his crown, ident ifying him as
t he beast of Revelat ion 13? Or must we look for it elsewhere?
Her e are all the scriptures speaki ng di rectly of t his
"And t hat no man might buy or sell, save he t hat had
t he mark, or t he name of t he beast , or t he number of hi s
name. Here is wisdom. Let him t hat hath underst andi ng
count t he number of t he beast: for it is t he number of a ma n;
and his number is Six hundred t hreescore and six" (Rev.
13:17-18) .
"And I saw as it wer e a sea of glass mingled with fire:
and t hem t hat had gotten t he victory over t he beast, and over
his image, and over hi s mark, and over t he number of his
name, stand on t he sea of glass, having t he harps of God"
(Rev. 15:2).
Who or What Is the Prophetic BEAST? 15
Note These Points
From t hese scriptures, we have t he following definite point s:
1. The beast has a number and may be ident ified, if we
have wisdom, by this number.
2. The number is 666.
3. We are told to count t his number - that is, add it up.
The same Greek word is used elsewhere only in Luke 14:28:
"count t he cost."
4. This number , 666, is t he number of the beast. The
only Bible int erpret ati on of t his symbol , "beast," is a king-
dom or t he king who rules it and, t herefore, really is the
kingdom (Dan. 7:17-18, 22-24, 27). Therefore 666 must be the
number of t he KINGDOM. or GOVERNMENT, or EMPIRE, as well
as t hat of t he king who founds or rules it .
5. The expression "t he name of t he beast , or the number
of his name" makes plain that t he number 666 is the number
of t he name of t he kingdom or empire.
6. The express ion "it is t he number of a man" shows we
must also count this number in t he name of t he king, or ruler,
over t he kingdom identi fied as t he "beast. "
The Beast Is Not the Woman
In the 17th chapte r of Revelation we find a beast, an d a
woman - a great, wealthy but fallen woman-who was riding
t he beast. The Bible descri bes t he symbol "woman" to mean
a churc h (see II Cor. 11:2; Rev. 19:7; Ep h. 5:22-27). On the
ot her hand, "beast" is a symbol of a kingdom, or empi re.
Let us be consistent. The beast of Revelat ion 13 is not
t he woman who rode t he beast-the beast is t he government,
and t he woma n is a churc h.
The beast of Revelati on 13 is t he Roman Empire!
This beast had a deadl y wound (Rev. 13:3). T hat means
t he beast cease d altogether to exist or function as it had since
31 B.C. Yet it s deadl y wound was lat er hea led, after whi ch
(verse 5) it cont inued to exist another 1260 yea rs!
Those who believe a chur ch is t he beast say t his deadl y
wound came in 1798. But t he churc h did not cease to function
in t hat yea r. Napoleon's abuse of t he Pope in 1798 could in
16 Who or What Is t he Proph et ic BEAST?
no sense be called a wound to deat h. And t hose who t each
t his do not expect t hat churc h to conti nue on another 1260
The Founder of Rome
The founder and first king of Rome was Romulus. The
Roman Empire was named after him. His name, t he name of
a man, also is t he name of t he kingdom. And every citizen
in t he kingdom bea rs t he same name- a Roman.
When John wrot e t his Revelat ion, telling us to count t he
number of t he beast , he wrot e in t he Greek language. Conse-
quently, we should look for t hi s name, and t he number 666,
in t his language recognized in the Bible, not in t he Lati n.
We are all familiar wit h t he Roman numerals, where
lett ers are used for numbers. All underst and that I is 1, V is
5, X is 10, etc . But many do not know t hat the Greek
language, in which t he book of Revelation was written, also
uses letters for numbers.
In t he Greek , t he lan guage in which Revelati on was
writt en, t his name was underst ood in t he second century A.D.
t o have origina lly been spelled Lat einos. It signifies "Lat in
man" or "t he name of Latium," from which region t he
Romans der ived t hei r origi n and t heir language. This word,
too, signifies " Roman." In t he Greek , Lis 30, A is 1, T is 300,
E is 5, I is 10, N is 50, 0 is 70, S is 200. Count t hese figures.
They count to exactly 666!
It is indeed no coincidence t hat t he name of t he king-
dom, its foun der and first king, and of each man in t he
kingdom, counts t o exactly 666!
Cert ainly t he beast st ands identi fied!
And Mussolini , Too
But th e same number- 666- was also branded in Latin on
t he man who domi nated t he puny sixt h head of t he symbolic
Mussolini called himself " II Duce." It ali an s shouted
"Viva II Duce!" which means "long live t he chief." Every-
where in Italy was t he printed sign , " uu it duce ." The "VV"
is the abbreviat ion used for "Viva." A "V" is used instead of
t he "U" as is very commonly done. While t his is a greeting,
Who or What Is the Prophetic BEAST? 17
or title, Mussolini actually employed " II Duce" as a name. It
is in Lat in. Count it.
V is 5, V is 5, I is 1, L is 50, D is 500, V is 5, C is 100,
E has no number. Now count t hem, and you have exactly 666!
Thus t his number 666 is indelibly br anded upon t he
Roman Empire!
But, some will ask , does not t his number appl y to the
Pop e? Some tea ch "the words ' Vicarius Filii Dei' are on t he
Pope's triple crown." The Pope does, on some occasions, wear
a triple crown, but t hese words are not on it! We shou ld be
careful to prove all things.
Fur thermore, t hese words are in t he Latin, not a Bibl e
language. This is not a name, but a title, and it is t he na me
of t he beast , and t he number of t he name of t he man of the
beast we are told to count. Fur t her. t his Latin title does not
apply t o a kingdom, or empi re, but alone to a man.
THE ILLUSTRA nONS depi ct t he fir st two of four beasts that
emerged fro m a t urbulent sea in Daniel's dream (Dan. 7) .
18 Who or What Is the Proph et ic BEAST?
And so t he number 666 is branded on t he Roman Em-
pire, on t he founder and first kin g of t he Latins, on every
Roman, and even on Mussolini.
Could anything be more conclusive?
The " Two-horned Be ast "
Satan has his civil government on eart h. He gave it "his
power , and his seat, and great aut hority."
He also has organized reli gion as hi s instrumentality in
deceiving t he world. In II Corinthians 11:14, we find Sat an
is transformed into an "angel of light." According t o
Revelation 12:9 and 20:3, he has deceived t he whole world.
Paul tells us in II Corinthians 11:13-15. Satan has hi s
minist ers who pret end t o be the minist ers of righteousness,
but are actually false ap ostles, deceitful workers, calling
t hemselves t he minist ers of Christ! Therefor e they claim to
be Christian ministers. They are t he many, not the few,
because all prophecies say it is t he many, not t he few, who
have been deceived . Satan's main labor for six thousand years
has been t he deceiving of t he world.
Now turn to t he 13th chapter of Revelation, beginn ing
with verse 11:
"And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth;
and he had t wo horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dr agon. "
Who-what -is t his "beast"?
Some say it will be the United Stat es aligned with the
papacy. Some believe it is a federation of Protestant
churc hes. Most churc h organizat ions ignore t his very vit al
subject complete ly, or say frankly, "we do not know!"
Why this ignorance, when t he answer is so plain? Yes,
why indeed?
The Bible Interpretat ion
Remember, first, t he Bible int erpret s its own symbols! When
men put their own interpretation on Bibl e symb ols, their
conclusions are always false!
Noti ce, aft er John saw one beast , whi ch we have pr oved
to be t he Roman Empire, he now sees ANOTHER- a differ-
ent- beast rise up. We have learned that "beast" is a symbol
Who or What Is the Prophet ic BEAST? 19
for a kingdom, or civil government (Dan. 7:17, 23), and t he
t er m represents eit her t he kingdom or its leader, as the case
may be (Dan. 7:17, 23).
So thi s ot her bea st wit h t he two horns is t he prophecy
of an ot her kingdom or govern ment . In these pr ophecies, God
pictures to us t he earthly gent ile governments as t he wild
beasts whose characteristics describe them. This t wo-horned
beast appeared as a lamb. But actually it spoke as a dragon-
its t rue characteristic-for "out of t he abun dance of the heart
the mouth speaket h" (Matt. 12:34).
What does t he word "lamb" symbolize, in t he Bible ? The
answer is, Christ (John 1:29; Rev. 17:14). And "dragon" is a
symbol of t he devil (Rev. 12:9, 20:2).
So her e is some kingdom or government appearing as
that of Chr ist , or t he Kingdom of God.
Christ did not set up a government (kingdom) at Hi s
first appearing on earth. After His resurrect ion t he disciples
asked Him if He would at t hat time rest ore t he kin gdom
(Acts 1:6); but He did not. The Churc h is not t he Kin gdom.
Because some t hought it was, Jesus spoke t he pa rabl e of
Luke 19:11-27 to show that He first must ascend t o His
Father's t hro ne in heaven to recei ve the royal power to
become Kin g of kings, to set up the world-ruling Kingdom of
God. But Satan is a deceiver, and he has deceived the world
into supposi ng his (Satan's) syste m of churc hes is t he Kin g-
dom of God.
Now noti ce carefully Revelati on 13:12:
"And he exerciset h all the power of t he first beast before
The first beast is t he Roman Empire. Here is another
government pretending to be Christ's govern ment, t he Kin g-
dom of God, ta king, exercising, using, employing, all the
power of t he first kingdom.
Now when ? "He exerciset h all t he power of the first
beast before him, and causeth the earth and them whi ch
dwell t herein to wors hip t he first beast, whose deadly
wound was healed" (verse 12). So, it was after the deadly
wound (of A.D. 476) was healed. It was healed when
Justinian br ought about t he rest orati on of t he Empire in
t he West in A.D. 554. Consequently t his reli gious govern-
20 Who or What Is the Propheti c BEAST?
ment exercised power after A.D. 554 when the Roman
Empire was restored.
So here we have pi ctured a government - a religi ous
govern ment-appearing as Christ's government , masquerad-
ing as the Kingdom of God, actually ruling the civil Roman
Empire after A.D. 554.
The t eaching in that day was that t he Second Coming of
Christ is fulfilled in t he person of t he leaders of t he churc h.
The millennium had begun .
For the entire 1260 years, the emperors acknowledged
the supreme power of reli gion. The chur ch was organized as
a govern ment-as a dual , t wo-fold government (symbolized
by its two horns or kingdoms-for " horns" symbolize king-
doms also-see Dan . 7:24). It embodied churc h government,
and it also was a st ate or civil govern ment , always occupying
a cert ain amount of territory over whi ch it , alone, rul ed as an
independent sovereign stat e- in additio n to act ually ruling
over t he vast civil kingdom called t he Holy Roman Empire.
Even today, it is a sepa rate, independent, sovereign st ate.
Noti ce, t his second beast was to wield power over all t he
eart h, because it was to cause t he earth, and t hem that dwell
t herein, to worship this first beast "whose deadl y wound was
healed"- aft er 554.
In most any encyclopedia, under " Millennium," you will
read t he hist ory of t his very event - of how t he " Holy Roman
Empire" was called the " Kingdom of God upon earth." They
claimed t he Millennium had arrived!
Notice Revelati on 13:14: "And deceiveth t hem t hat dwell
on t he earth by t he means of t hose miracle s which he had
power to do in t he sight of t he beast. " Verse 13 says "he
doeth great wonders."
So not ice t hese t hr ee point s:
(1) This beast performs mir acles.
(2) He per formed t hem "in t he sight of" t he Holy
Roman Empire, or t he first beast.
(3) With t hem he deceived all nati ons.
All Nations Deceived
Where else, in t he Bible proph ecies, do we find t hese same
identical facts?
Who or What Is t he Prophetic BEAST? 2 1
Fi rst , not e Revelati on 17. Here is pi ctured a woman. In
II Cor inthians 11:2, Eph esians 5:22-27 and elsewhere, we
learn t hat "woman" is a symbol for churc h. This woma n is
a fallen woman - an apostate church- pict ure d as rul ing over
many nations (Rev. 17:1, 15).
In verse 3, this false churc h is pictured sitting on a beast
"having seven heads and te n horns." A woman riding a hor se
guides, controls, t he horse. It does her bidding.
Noti ce, verse 18, she is "t hat great city, whi ch reigneth
over t he kin gs of t he earth." Noti ce, ver se 2, t he inhabit ant s
of the eart h have been deceived by this counterfeit Christian-
it y. Also, Revelation 18:3, she has deceived all nat ions.
Next , noti ce II Thessal onians 2:3-4. T he day of Christ-
and t he coming of Christ -shall not come, un ti l t he re be a
falling away, and a "man of sin " be revealed. He exalts
himself above all that is called God. As God, he sits in a
te mple claimed t o be t he te mple of God, showi ng hi mself to
deceive people int o accepting him as God. God is our holy
Father. This final man, in a religious office, will claim the
same title. This wicked man is to be destroyed at, and by,
Christ's coming (verse 8). Noti ce ver ses 9-10: "Even him,
whose coming is aft er t he worki ng of Satan wit h all power
and signs [miracl es] and lyin g wonde rs , and wit h all deceiv-
ableness of unright eousness."
Here is an impor t ant religious figure prophesied to per -
form miracles and lying wonder s, with whi ch he deceives
peopl e everywhe re.
At Armageddon
This deceiving religious rul er will still be active clear down to
Armageddon and the Second Coming of Christ! In Revelation
16:13-16 are descri bed t hree foul spirits . They come from t he
dragon which is t he devil; from the beast, which is t he civil
Roman ruler; and from t he mouth of t he false prophet
associated with him. "For," continues verse 14, "they are t he
spirits of devils [demons], WORKI NG MIRACLES, whi ch go fort h
unto t he kin gs of the earth and of t he whole world, to gathe r
t he m to the battle of t hat great day of God Almighty." And
t hey are gathered, fina lly, at Armageddon! Note it! Yet fu-
t ure, t he Roman ruler , as t he Roman Empir e, is again re-
Dan. 2 Daniel 7 Dan. 8 Revelat ion 13 Rev. 17 EXPLANA- Th e EVENTS
(Stat e) (Churc h) and GOAT (State) (C hurc h) and BEAST Symbols HI STORY
Head of 1st BEAST I
GO LD like LI ON of prophetic EMPIRE ( Babylon)
v. 32, 38 v. 4
BABYLON 625-539 s.c.
Breast and 2nd BEAST RAM wt ih 2nd HEAD Th e PERS IAN EM PIR E
arms of ( BEA R)
2 horn s
of prop het ic ( Medo- Persia)
S ILV ER v. 5 v. 3, 4, 20 BABYLON 558-330 B.C.
v. 32, 39
Bcll y and 3rd BEAST I HE GOAT I J rd, 4th, St h, GREECE, under
t highs of
with grea t
6t h HEADS Al exand er the Great.
BRASS 4 heads horn and of prophetic and four divisions.
v. 32, 39 v. 6 4 notabl e BABYLON began 333 s.c.
v. 5-8, 2 1, 22
Legs as 4t h BEAST
IRON st rong likc wit h of proph eti c 3 1 B.C. -A.D. 476.
v. 33. 40-4 3 IRON wit h 7 HEADS and BABYLON, in 2 di visions,
with ten West and East
v. 7. 23. 24 v. 1. 2 HORNS
ThcD EADLY I Fall of the
v. 3
A.D . 476
1st HORN
1st HORN
T hesc t hree The VANDALS
horn s, A.D. 429- 533
by roots) dest royed at
2nd HOR N 2nd HORN
behest of
Pope, fillt hc
Odoacer's government,
(roo ted up)
" Transit ion
A. D. 476-493
3rd HORN
3rd HO RN
Age " ( Mye rs)
(rooted up) A.D. 493 -554
.L.Jl ORI " LAMB WOMAN beast , so and or
among ten DRAGO ' " who rode call cd " mage" of
I v. 8. 20-22 , l and "I MAGE" t he BEAST BABYLO Roman Empire
24-27 v. 11-18 v. 1,2 the G REA T gover nment
4t h
1st of
1st HEAD Since t he "I MPE RIAL
HORN remaini ng of BEAST "Great RESTORATI ON" of
7 horns-
(J\ (healed) Whore" emp ire by Justin ian,
ridde n by never rode A.D. 554. He recognized
WOUN D I scar let- any of the supremacy of this
clothed 7 heads of world's Christianit y.
(t o cont inue
woman the 1st
1260 years)
4 beasts , but
v. 5
did mount
and ride the
5t h 2nd of
2nd HEAD
last 7 horn s FRANKISH KINGDOM
remaini ng
~ ridden by of Daniel' s
Began 774. Ch arlemagne
4th beast it
crowned A.D. 800
follows that
6th 3rd of
3rd HEAD
t he last 7
HOR remai ning
ridde n by
horns of
EMPIRE (German head).
O:l woman
Dan. 7 and
Otto the Gre at cro wned,
Rev. 13 are
4th of
4th HEAD
the 7 HEADS
HAPSB URG dynast y
HORN remai ning n ridden by
of Rev. 17
(Austr ian head),
(5 fallen at
Charles V cr owned.
collapse of
Na poleon) .
8t h
5t h of
HORN rema ini ng c. ridden by KINGDOM ( French
woman head). crowned,
1805 .
In 1814, jus t 1260 year s after "deadly wound" was healed, t he " HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE" was dissolved. " So closed a
government t hat dated from August us Caesar" (West, p. 377) .
6t h of
6t h HEAD (O ne IS) (TALY. uni ted by
HORN remainin g ridden by Rev. 17:10 Gar ibaldi,
7 HORNS woman 1870 to 1945
Th e Ten 10t h I 7t h and IBeast ascends 7t h head (One yet Revived ROMAN
out of pit and ten to come) EMPIRE. by 10 r ulers
HORN HORNS under one leader.
24 Who or What Is the Prophetic BEAST?
stored, along with a great religious leader-and all in the
power and influence of the devil! Working miracles! All
prophecies concerning them show these powers doing the
same things!
Now notice the last battle of "the great day of God
Almighty." In Revelation 19:19-20 is pictured the beast-
"and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before
him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark
of the beast, and them that worshipped his image ."
Note it! Compare with the two -horned beast of Revela-
tion 13:11-17:
(1) Both perform miracles.
(2) Both perform them before, or In the sight of, the
(3) With them, both the false prophet and two-horned
beast deceive them that have the mark of the beast-cause
them to receive that mark (Rev. 13:16).
Certainly, then, this two-horned beast, the false prophet,
the man of sin and the woman that rode the beast are all
picturing a count erfeit Christianity.
Did the two-horned beast deceive the very ones who have
the mark of the beast? He did! Continue in Revelation 13:
"And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth"-how?
" ... saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should
make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword,
and did live. And he had power to give life unto the image
of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak,
and cause t hat as many as would not worship the image of
the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and
great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their
right hand, or in their foreheads: and that no man might buy
or sell [trade, earn a living, hold a job], save he that had the
mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name"
(verses 14-17).
So, notice: This two -horned beast not only caused people
to receive the mark of the beast (compare Rev. 19:20), but
also perpetrated the forming of an image that caused the
martyrdom of saints. As many as would not worship this
image were caused to be killed. This false church did not kill
them-she caused them to be killed. History shows that the
THE THIRD BEAST in Daniel's dream was followed by a fourth that
was " dreadful and terri ble" (Dan. 7).
civil gove rn ment martyred milli ons who were decla red
"anathe ma from Christ" or "he retics."
Compa re wit h t he woman who rode t he Beast in Revela-
t ion 17: "And I saw t he woman drunken with t he blood of t he
saints, and wit h t he blood of t he mar tyrs of Jesus" (verse 6).
Certainly t hese are one and t he same.
Now t his ecclesiastical organization, which is a twofo ld
government, deceived t he people by saying they should make
an image of the beast. Note it (Rev. 13:14)-that is how it
decei ved peopl e. What is an image? Dictiona ries define it as
a "likeness," or a "copy, represen t ation, model, semblance ,
count erpart." So here is a church saying, " Let us make a
mode l, or count erpa rt, of t he civil Roman govern ment"-for
t hat is what t he beast is.
Jesus Christ proclai med t he Kin gdom, or government of
God- divine government by will of God and by God's law-
26 Who or What Is the Prophetic BEAST?
not pagani zed human govern ment by will of man and man-
made laws. His Churc h includes all Spirit -begotten saints
who have and are led by t he Holy Spirit. Christ is it s only
Head, and Hi s Kin gdom is not of this world!
Where, then, did human churc h govern ment derive its
prese nt form? "The first pope , in t he real sense of t he word,
was Leo I (440-461 A.D.)," says t he Cyclopedia of Biblical,
Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature, volume 7, page 629.
To hi m t he form of govern ment of t he Roman Empire was
the most mar velous t hing on earth. He applied it s prin ciples
to t he church, organized t he church int o a government,
formi ng t he papacy.
This church govern ment or organization is t he image of
t he beast.
Says Myers' Ancient History: " Dur ing t he reign of Leo I,
t he Church set up, within t he Roman Empire, an ecclesiasti-
cal state [government] whi ch, in its constitution and it s
administrative system, was shaping it self upon t he imperial
model." This churc h govern ment, t hen, according to t his
historical authority, is in fact a mode l, a counterpart, an
image of t he beast which is t he Roman Empire govern ment.
The Brita nnica calls it an eccles iastical world empi re!
This image-ma n-des igned and man- ruled churc h gov-
ernment-compe lled people to worshi p t he churc h! And since
t he church was organized int o a worldly govern ment, t his was
worshi p of t he image- false wor ship-idolatry!
But t his churc h beca me a mother , and daught er churc hes
came out of her in "protest," calling t hemselves "Protestant."
And all have worldly, politi cal churc h govern ment. "Upon her
forehead was a name written, MYSTERY. BABYLONTHEGREAT,
THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS" (Rev. 17:5). Her daughters are
called "harlot s." Together, t hey are called "BABYLON." They
are pagan , teaching pagan doctrines and customs, cloaked in
t he name of Christ ianity! And all nations are deceive d!
Yes, human -organ ized churc hianity, not Bible-designed
spi rit ual-orga nis m govern ment, is t he image of t he beast. It
is t he pagan polit ical counterfeit of God's govern ment.
"Come out of her," God says (Rev. 18:4). God help us to
The MARKof
.. . It Is Here,
Better be sure whether this
brand is upon you! Without it, no
man will be able to buy or sell!
Without it, you may be tortured
even to death! But with it, you
shall suffer the SEVEN LAST
Part Two
OME used to say t his mystic " mark" was t he
fasces on t he old Unit ed Stat es dimes. During
Worl d War II many said it was Hi tl er' s
swasti ka. During the Depression New Deal many
said it was Roosevelt 's NRA!
No subject has been more intrigui ng and baffl ing to
our generat ion. Thousands of se rmo ns have been
preac hed on it -by professed mi nisters and evangelists
who t hemse lves did not kno w what it is! Milli ons have
been curious.
The ave rage sermon on t his subject cons iders one t ext of
Scripture, only!
Only Text Usually Read
Thi s is t he sole passage ordinarily quot ed:
"And he [the second "beast"] causeth all , both small and
great, rich and poor , free and bond, to receive a MARK in t heir
right hand, or in t heir foreheads : and t hat no man might buy
or sell, save he t hat had t he mark, or t he name of t he beast ,
or t he number of hi s name" (Rev. 13:16-17).
From t his one passage t he speaker custo marily uses his
ima gina tion. One might reason that since you will not be able
The Mar k of the Beast .. . It Is Here, Now! 29
t o buy or sell wit hout t his myst erious mark , and since we all
wish to be able t o buy and sell, t herefore we ought to do all
in our power to receive this mark!
But here is an additional passa ge t hey neglect t o show
"And I saw another sign in heaven , great and marvelous,
seven angels having t he seven last plagues; for in them is
filled up the wrath of God . . . . And t he seven angels came out
of t he t empl e, having the seven plagues . . . And I heard a
great voice out of t he te mple saying to t he seven angels, Go
your ways , and pour out t he vials of t he WRATH OF GOD upon
t he earth. And t he first went, and poured out hi s vial upon
t he earth; and t here fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the
men which had the mark of th e beast, and upon t hem whi ch
wor shipped his image" (Rev. 15:1, 6, and 16:1-2).
If you do have t he " mark of t he beast," you will receive
t he seven last plagues; and t hey will be terrible beyond
How to Tell What It Is!
There are many more references to this subject in t he Bible.
Inst ead of lookin g at one passage only, t hen t urning away
from God' s own revelat ion of t his mystery, and usi ng human
imagination and fancy to conjure up the many ridiculous
conclusions being foisted upon a deceived public by persons
devoid of understanding, let us see what GODsays this MARK
really is!
Make no mistake, God tell s us plainly what it is! It is
unmist akabl y, clearl y revea led and explained in t he Bible!
But to find God's answer , we must have before us all of the
scriptures referring t o this subject !
First, from the text uni versally quoted (Rev. 13:16-17),
notice this: The " mark" is something t hat will be very pop-
ular -something the majority of people will be in favor of,
will seek-which cust om will approve as right.
Eve ryone wan t s to be able to "buy or sell." In this
script ur al usage the expression "buy or sell" more literally
indicates being able to buy-not t hat stores or those from
whom one might make purchases of t he necessities of life
would refuse to accept t he money, but t hat t he one refusing
30 Who or What Is the Prophet ic BEAST?
t he " mark" would not be able to buy, would not be able to
earn a living, to earn a wage or salary, or to engage himself
in bus iness.
The " ma rk of t he beast ," t hen, ha s dir ect bearing on
ability to engage in business, or to hold a job and earn a
But let 's look at all t he facts God reveals on t he subject-
all t he scriptur es bearing on it.
What Is the Beast?
First, t hen, t he "beast" it self. The " mark" is t he mark of
t he "BEAST." This is described in t he first verses of t his
chapt er:
"And I stood upon t he sand of t he sea," records J ohn,
spea king of hi s propheti c vision, "ami saw a beast rise up out
of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon hi s
horns te n crowns, and upon his heads t he name of blas-
phemy. And t he beast whi ch I saw was like unt o a leopard,
and his feet were as the feet of a bea r, and hi s mouth as t he
mouth of a lion: and th e dragon gave him hi s power , and his
seat , and great aut hority" (Rev. 13:1-2).
The ident it y of t his weird "beast" was revea led in Part
One of t his booklet.
Daniel 7 reveals t hat t hese "beast s" or wild animals
symbolize civil GOVERNMENTS. or world empires. Dani el' s first
"beast " was like a lion, and it represent ed t he Chaldean
Empi re of Nebucha dnezzar, called Babylon. Hi s second, like
a bea r, pict ure d t he Persian Empire; hi s t hird, wit h four
heads, like a leopard, represent ed Alexander' s Greco-Macedo-
nian Empire and it s succee di ng four divisions after hi s death;
and his fourth beast , unlike any existing wild animal, t he
Roman Empire whi ch swallowed up and absorbed all t he
ot hers, and embodied t he strongest physical and milit ary
cha racteristics of all it s predecessor s.
This "beast" of Revelation 13 had the mouth, the
st rongest part, of the lion; the feet , the st rongest part, of t he
bear ; t he body of the leopard. It included, in t he ONE Empire
it represen t s, the strength of ALL of Dan iel' s "beasts." It is
Notice, t he "dragon" gave this Empi re it s seat and power ,
The Mark of the Beast .. . It Is Here, Now! 3 1
and great authority. Revelati on 12:9 and 20:2 bot h tell us in
plain words t his "dragon" is Satan t he devil. It is, t hen, t he
polit ical instrument of Satan in rul ing and deceiving the
WH OSE Mark?
Not e t his well! The " mark" is t he mark of t he BEAST-and
t he "beast" is t he ROMANEMPIRE. In Revelati on 17 a later
stage of t his same wild beast is pi ctured, and t here a
"woman"-a great CHURCH- sit s astride it , guides it , rules
over it. But t he MARK is t he mark of t he ROMANEMPIRE- not
t he Roman Catholic Church.
That is fact number one. Keep t hat in mind.
Now in verse 11 (Rev. 13) anoth er "beast" is pict ure d.
This beast had two horns like a lamb, but spoke as a dr agon .
This second beast of Revel ation 13 is also pictur ed in
Revelati on 17 as the harl ot woman who rode t he beast. This
fallen woman or churc h is differ ent from all ot her churc hes
in one respect . She is organized as a civil government, as well
as an ecclesiastical churc h. Nations of t he world send ambas-
sadors to her , the same as t hey do t he capitals of ot her
This churc h, just as t he woman riding an animal guides
and dir ect s t he animal-like, for exa mple, a woman riding a
horse-took over, exer cised, wielded, all t he power of t he first
beast - the Roman Empire. After A.D. 554, the churc h did do
this for 1260 years, as prophesied!
Not ice, further, Revelati on 13:15-16:
"And he had power to give life unto t he image of t he
beast , t hat t he image of t he beast should both speak, and
cause t hat as many as would not wors hip t he image of t he
beast shou ld be killed. And he causeth all .. . to receive a
mark in t heir right hand, or in t hei r foreheads" (Rev. 13:15-
Now here is a deceived church-both herself deceived by,
and therefore used by the devil , and also deceiving t he world.
Noti ce, t his churc h did not actually herself kill t hes e mar-
tyrs-she merel y caused them t o be killed. And she it was,
too, who CAUSES all under her dominati on to receive t he
dread MARK of t he beast.
32 Who or What Is the Prophet ic BEAST?
The Brand of Rome
Notice carefully what the above text tells us:
1) "He"- t he leader who originated human civil govern-
ment, modeled after that of the Roman Empire, in the
Churc h.
2) "Causeth" all t o receive this mark. It is t he churc h,
not the civil govern ment, which forces this brand on people.
3) It is t he same power which caused t he mart yrd om of
4) It brands on the people t he mark of the "beast"- t hat
is, t he mark of the Roman Empire, not the mark of the
churc h.
5) This mark is received in the right hand, and in t he
So the MARK is that of the Roman Empire, whi ch t his
CHURCH did cause or shall cause the western world t o receive.
TWO Martyrdo ms
Next not ice when t hes e saints were killed. This will show
us when t he mark of t he beast is enforced.
"And when he had opened t he fifth seal, I saw under t he
altar t he souls of t hem t hat wer e slain for t he word of God,
and for t he testimony whi ch they held: and t hey cried with
a loud voice, saying, How long, 0 Lord, holy and true, dost
t hou not judge and aven ge our blood on them that dwell on
t he eart h?" (Rev. 6:9-10).
Here we find pi ctured the mar tyr s of t he Middle Ages
already dead, at the t ime of t his vision-which is t he
approximate present . They know "Vengeance is MINE, sait h
t he Lord. " They know God's judgment s again st t his perse-
cuting, deceivin g, false chur ch, as described in Revelati on
18, are to be the seven last plagues, poured out "in t he
presence of t he Lamb" at the Second Coming of Christ.
Read of it in Revelation 18. These dead saints ar e pi ctured
as crying out t o ask "HOW LONG" befor e the Second Coming
of Christ and t he seven last plagues which will avenge t heir
ma rtyrdom. Hi st ory tells us that in t he Middle Ages more
t han fifty MILLIO N were killed, many for t heir BIBLE faith
and obedience to God instead of obedience to t his churc h
The Mark of the Beast .. . It Is Here, Now! 33
government of man and t he devil. Noti ce, now, what must
again happen before t he seven last plagues and the coming
of Chr ist!
"And white robes [symbolizing righteousness and purity]
wer e given unto everyone of t hem; and it was said unto them,
t hat t hey should rest yet a little season, until t heir fellow-ser-
vants also and thei r brethren, that should be kill ed as they
were, should be fulfilled" (Rev. 6:11).
Christ will not come to t ake vengea nce on this great false
chur ch UNTIL another great ma rtyrdom has taken place!
Not e it ! There was one mart yrdom. Those saints are
alrea dy killed. Their resurrecti on will occur WHEN Jesus re-
turns to earth-WHEN Hi s judgments are poured out on t his
false BABYLONand her daughter churc hes! But there is yet to
be anot her univers al persecution and martyrdom of sai nts,
just prior to Christ's coming in vengeance against t he forces
of evil! Here are TWO universal martyrdoms!
This comi ng great mar t yrdom is THE GREAT TRIBULA-
TION (Matthew 24:9, 21-22). This tribulation is not t he
wrath of God-the last pl agues. It is t he wrath of Satan
(Rev. 12:12), infli ct ed at the behest of HIS apostate chur ch
by t he coming "United States of EUROPE" and against t he
t rue people of Goo! It is a persecution-a tortur ing-a
martyring of t he sai nts of God-the very elect who cannot
be deceived (Matt. 24:24). Except t hose days of Great
Tribulati on be shortened, no flesh would be saved. But, for
THE SAKE OF Goo's PERSECUTED SAINTS t hose days sha ll be
God shall int ervene. Christ shall "co me quic kly."
The MARK Then, and Now
Now compare with t hese scri ptures:
In Revelat ion 17, pi ct ur ing this same church as t he
woman riding t he beast , Jo hn writes: "And I saw t he woman
drunken wit h t he blood of the sai nts, and with the blood of
the martyrs of Jesus" (verse 6).
Also: Revelation 20:4-"And I saw t hrones, and t hey sat
upon t hem, and judgment was given unt o them: and I saw t he
souls of t hem t hat were behea ded for t he witness of Jesus,
and for t he word of God, and which had not worshipped t he
34 Who or What Is the Prophetic BEAST?
beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon
their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned
with Christ a thousand years."
Now we see WHY these many millions were, and shall be,
martyred! It was because they refused to receive this mark of
the beast-refused t o join in this worship of church and
Empire! They obeyed God rather than man! Their lives were
governed by God. They were called out of this world-no
longer any part of this world. They were the children, the
heirs, the future citizens of His KINGDOM, not the kingdoms
of men. But-note it well!-they were, as God commands,
subject to the government of MAN. They did not resist-they
yielded themselves subject t o the penalty. They were t or-
tured-they were kill ed! But they obeyed the government of
God rather than man where there was conflict. And, at
Christ's coming to rule the world as KING of kings, they shall
all be lesser priests and kings under Him and rule the world!
Do you see what t his plainly reveal s? Those martyrs,
over a thousand years ago, were killed BECAUSE they would
not worship the church, conform to its idolatry and pagan
beliefs and customs, or worship the so-called "Holy Roman
Empire"-and BECAUSE they refused to receive the MARK of
th e beast!
This means the MARK of the beast is something that was
forced on people, on pain of being killed, more than a thou-
sand years ago! The MARK of t he beast was in full existence
and enforcement over a thousand years ago!
BUT, since it is those who have the mark of the beast
who shall suffer the seven last plagues at Christ's comi ng, t he
dread mark is once again to be enforced! And those who
refuse it are those who shall be MARTYRED in the coming
Now we begin to find real light shed on this baffling
Warning of Third Angel
Soon, now, the time is coming when gross spiritual darkness
will cover this earth-when no human will be permitted
to preach Christ's true Gospel. We must work while it is day-
the night is fast drawing on when no man can work for God.
The Mark of the Beast . . . It Is Here , Now! 35
At that time God shall send angel s with Hi s final warn-
ing t o th ese apost at e nati ons under sway of this great deceiv-
ing church as a final witness against t hem. Three such angel
messages ar e foretold in Revelation 14. Not ice t he final
warning of the t hird angel:
" If any man worship t he beast and his image, and receive
his MARK in his forehead, or in his hand, t he same shall dr ink
of the wine of the wrath of God"-the seven last plagues, full
force, unmixed with mercy (Rev. 14:9-1O)!
This shows t hat alt hough t he MARKwas br anded on all
but the martyrs over a t housa nd years ago, it is STILL the
brand of t radit ional Christianity t oday, and is ONCE AGAI N t o
be enforced. Once agai n t hose who refuse it shall be mar tyred.
But th ose who receive it shall suffer th e wrath of God wit hout
mer cy!
You must soon choose whom you will obey-this coming
Roman Empire resurrect ed by a United States of EUROPE,
ruled by tradit ional Christ ianity-or whether you shall OBEY
A Mark of Obedience
We begin now t o see t hat t he MARK of t he beast involves a
point of OBEDIENCE-whet her we shall OBEY GOD, or reject t he
commandment of God and obey MAN'S rule.
It has something to do, t hen, wit h t he COMMANDMENT OF
Noti ce, t here are, in general , two classes-one has t he
MARK, t he ot her reject s it and is martyred. Noti ce now t he
description of those who refuse this evil MARK:
"Here is t he patience of the saints: here ar e they that
keep the commandments of God, and t he fait h of J esus" (Rev.
There it is! In verses 9-11 of t his chapter t he t hird
angel warns t hat t hose who have t he mark of t he beast
shall be punished by t he plague s of God. In t he next verse,
the 12th, t he saints who do not have t he mark are those
who KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD. Those who have the
mark, therefore, ar e t hose who refuse to keep t he com-
mandments of God. The MARK of t he beast, t herefore,
involves a rejecti on of t he COMMANDMENTS OF GOD, or of
36 Who or What Is the Prophet ic BEAST?
one of them, for if we break one we are guilty of all (J ames
So, one class of people accepts t he MARK of the beast.
The ot her class keeps t he commandments of God.
A Mark of Disobedience
Hence, whatever t he mark of the beast may be, it means
disobedience to GOD'S government - t o t he Commandments
of God.
Her e's further proof-here are t hey who get vict ory over
t hi s mark:
Revelation 15:2-3: "And I saw as it were a sea of glass
mingled wit h fire: and t hem t hat had gotten t he victory over
t he beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over
t he number of his name, stand on t he sea of glass , having t he
harps of God. And t hey sing t he song of Moses the servant
of God, and t he song of t he Lamb, saying, Great and marvel-
lous ar e t hy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are THY
\VAYS, th ou Kin g of saint s."
This corresponds t o t he children of Israel, deliver ed from
Egyptian bondage under Moses. Moses was a t ype of Christ.
Pha raoh was t he type and forerunner of t his beast. The
plagues God poured on Egypt were a type of t he last plagues
to be poure d out on Babylon. The children of Isr ael stood on
t he shore of t he Red Sea, and God miracul ously deliver ed
them. Here t he sai nts of God are pict ure d on this symbolic
sea of glass.
They sing t he song of Moses, and t he song of t he Lamb
(Christ ). Moses pict ur es law and God's command ments; t he
La mb (Christ ) pict ures fait h and salvation from sin.
Remember , t he beast is t he human civil organization of
t he devil. In Revelati on 12, we find Satan st irred to great
wrath "because he knoweth t hat he hath but a short t ime"
(verse 12). He t hen starts a great PERSECUTION, or TRIBULA-
TION against the TRUE Church-the t rue sai nts of God. This
is just prior t o the Second Coming of Christ (verse 10). Now
noti ce against whom Satan is so wroth:
"And t he dr agon [Satan] was wroth with t he woman
[Chur ch], and went to make war wit h t he remnant [last
generation] of her seed, which keep the commandments of
The Mark of the Beast .. . It Is Here . Now! 37
God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ [the Bibl e]"
(verse 17).
There it is again! Those keeping God's COMMANDMENTS
-thos e yielding t hemselves to God' s RULE, and living by
every Word of God-by t he BIBLE-whi ch is t he written
testimony of J esus Christ - t hey are the ones t he devil will
persecute and martyr t hrough hi s false churc h and hi s re-
born Empire!
BEFORE DETERMINING exactly what the mark of the beast i s. it is
necessary to identify the beast it self as the Apostle John described
it in Revelati on 13: 1 7.
38 Who or What Is the Prophet ic BEAST?
But Satan knows his own. He will brand his own with
a mark, so t hey sha ll not receive this persecution and martyr -
dom, even as God put a mark on sinning Cain lest men
finding hi m slay him (see Genesis 4:15) . Those in t he world
who do not receive Satan's brand- the MARK of t he BEAST-
will suffe r Satan's wrath in the Tribulat ion.
Thank God, t hose days shall be cut short, for the elect 's
Class on Whom Plagues Fall
There are TWO classes of people. That class which receives
t he MARK of t he Beast is t he class upon whom t he PLAGUES
OF GOD will fall. So if we can furt her identify t hose who shall
recei ve t his WRATH OF GOD, and why God will t hus punish
t hem, we shall further identify what the mark is.
In Ephesians 5 Paul is te lling Christ ians t o flee for -
nication, covetous ness, idolatry-transgressi ng t he TEN
COMMANDMENTS. Then he says: " for because of these
t hings [t ransgressing Go d's LAW] co meth t he WRATH
OF GOD [last plagues] upon the children of disobedi ence"
(Eph. 5:6).
How plain! The wrath of God-the seven last plagues- is
coming on t hose who DISOBEY God, by violating t he Com-
mandment s. The plagues fall upon t hose who have t he mark
of t he beast !
Those who receive t he plagues are br eakers of God' s
commandments, and also at t he same t ime receivers of t he
MARK! It becomes mor e and mor e plain t hat t he mark of t he
beast represent s COMMANDMENT-BREAKING.
Notice t his again in Colossians 3:5-6: " Mort ify t herefore
your members whi ch are upon t he earth; fornication, un-
cleanness, inordinat e affection, evil concupiscence, and cov-
etousness, which is idolatry [transgressions of some of the
Ten Commandments ]: for whi ch t hings' sake t he wrath of
God cometh on the children of disobedience."
Not ice it also in t he prophecies of t he Old Testament:
"The great day of the Lord [time of God's wrath-the last
pla gues] is near That day is a day of wrath, a day of
t rouble and distress And I [God] will bring distress upon
men, t hat t hey shall walk like blind men [t he plagues! But
The Mark of t he Beast . . . It Is Her e, Now! 39
why?], because they have sinned against the Lord . .." (Zeph.
1:14-17) .
What is sin?
"Sin is the transgression of t he law" (I John 3:4)- Com-
The TRUTH Becomes Pla in
Now, let's recapitulate! The truth is becoming plain!
1) The mark plainly means the rejecting and breaking of
God's commandments. And in James 2:10-11, God says if we
brea k only one of the commandments, we are GUILTY of
breaking the LAW-guilty of all!
2) The Roman Empire is the real author of this mark.
It is the ma rk of the BEAST, not the woman who rode the
3) The church caused people to be deceived into receiv-
ing this ma rk .
4) Satan gave t his Roman Empire its seat and great
authority-it is the political instrument through which Satan
works, in deceiving the world.
5) Those who refuse this mark are prohibited from
"buying or selling,"- engaging in commerce, t rade, or holding
a job.
6) Many of those refusing this mark were , and shall
again be, martyred because of t heir refusal -because they
keep the Commandments of God!
7) Therefore, the inevitable and plain concl usion is t hat
the mark is something enforced by the church, originating in
the paganism of t he Roman Empire, which a cunning, deceiv-
ing devil would seize on as a mean s of cleverly DECEIVING
people into breaking God's Ten Commandments. And it
involves a direct connect ion with holding a j ob- engaging in
business-earning a living.
Satan is clever- cunning-a decei ver . He palms off
counterfeits, which look like t he genuine! Naturally he would
select t he one commandment of God which he can count erfeit
with a substitute-one in which by human reason alone no
man could see where it would make any difference! He would
select the one whi ch would seem of least importance to the
carnal human mind!
40 Who or What Is the Proph et ic BEAST?
He would not t ry to deceive men on idolatry, profanity,
or on stealing, lyin g, murder , adulte ry-t hough he has led
peopl e int o all of t hese.
But WHAT commandment could it be-what comma nd-
ment affecting a man's job or hi s business?
The re is only one possible commandment-the one
regarded by the largest number as t he " LEAST" of t he
comma ndments-and t hat is t he four t h comma ndment,
which says: " REMEMBER t he sabbath day, to keep it
holy . . . The seventh day is t he sabbath of t he Lord t hy God."
No carnal mind can see, wit hout the special spiritual
revelat ion of God t hrough Hi s Word, where it makes any
diffe rence WHICH day ma n obse rves .
WHEREDID SUNDAY ORIGINATE? Not with t he churc h, but
wit h t he pa gan religion of the ROMANEMPIRE! It is t he day
on which t he ancient pagan s assembled at sunrise, faced t he
east (as t hey do Easter Sunday morni ng today) and wor-
shipped t he rising SUN. It was Constantine, emperor of t he
Roman Empire, not a pope, who made SUNDAY t he official
so-called "Christ ian day of rest. " But it was enforced - peopl e
were caused to accept it universally-by t he CHURCH!
Why Sa ints Were Martyred
It was for obeyi ng God's FOURTH Commandment-keeping
t he Sabbath-that mill ions were put to death. The local
Council of Laodicea, about A.D. 363, passed t his decr ee:
"Christ ians must not Judaize by resting on t he Sabbath, but
must work on t hat day, resting rather on Sunday. But , if any
be found to be J uda izing, let them be declared anathema from
Christ ."
The churc h caused t he m to be killed. When t he church
bra nded one "anathema" (a her eti c), t he state police of t he
Empire began to rtur ing him. Unless he recan t ed, he was
t ortured until he died!
Laws became so strict no man could hold a job, or engage
in business, unl ess he worked on Saturday and rest ed on
Sunday. And t he world will be so geared t hat it will be almost
impossible for one to "buy or sell" except he receive t his
This is t he ONLY COMMANDMENT which was alte red by the
The. Mark of the Beast . . . It Is Here , Now! 41
Roman Empire! In Daniel 7:25 we read the prophecy of this
BEAST and the little horn (the political government of the
church) rising up, which was to think to CHANGE "t imes and
laws." That is, change God's LAW in respect to TIME-the
time for the Sabbath!
What Is a Mark , Anyway?
Now what is a "mark"? In Bible usage it is virtually synony-
mous with a "sign ," and in one or two places used inter-
changeably. There is merely this difference: A "mark" is a
brand of identification, forced on one . Cattle rai ser s put by
force their mark on their cattle-their brand. A "sign" is also
a badge of IDENTITY, but one voluntarily accepted and used.
A druggist hangs a sign in front of his st ore . It may say,
"JONES& CO. , DRUGS." It identifies . It tells what kind of st ore,
and who owns it .
Now the beast, in association with the churc h, used
FORCE to brand the Western world with t heir MARK. Those
who obeyed God and kept His Sabbath were martyred. They
were unable to "buy or sell. " But God does not force anyone.
God let s us make our own decision about obeying Him,
accepting Christ and becoming His obedient chi ldren.
But is t he Sabbath God's SIGN t hat we are Christians,
belon ging to HIM?
God's SIGN
Yes, indeed!
It was after God had made, and rat ified, t he covenant
with Israel. That Old Covena nt, of course, was for limi t ed
duration and is now repla ced with t he New. But any covenant
made af ter it had been made and ratified by blood was no
part of that Old Covenant.
It was forty days afte r that ratification t hat God made
a new, sepa rate, different covena nt between Himself an d all
who should be His people, t o last forever . This was no
t emporary covenant, but for all generations, FOREVER.
It is found in Exodus 31:12-17:
"And t he Lord spake unt o Moses, sayi ng . . . Veri ly MY
SABBATHS ye shall keep: for it is a SIGN between me and you
throughout your generations ." These generations of Israel
42 Who or What Is the Prophetic BEAST?
(see our free booklet "The United S tates and Br itain in
Prophecy," ) are still going on!
Now WHYis it a sign? Does it IDENTIFY God t o us? Does
it identify us as HIS? " . . . that ye may know t hat I am t he
Lord t hat doth sanctify you."
Get the powerful meaning of t hose words!
It is a SIGN, t hat we may KNOW t hat the Et ernal is t he
t rue God. It identifi es who God is. How? Noti ce verse 17: " It
is a SIGN... for in six days t he Lord made heaven and eart h,
and on t he sevent h day he rested, and was refreshed." It is
t he memori al of God's rest from CREATION. Always, in all
part s of t he Bibl e, God identi fies Himself as CREATOR. How
can we distinguish who is t he TRUE God, from all t he false
The t rue God created everything t hat is, including every-
t hing from which people have made false gods. Some wor-
shipped t he sun. But t he Et ernal , t he t rue God, created t he
sun, and rules it . Some worship idols carved out of sto ne, or
wood, or mar ble. But t he true God created t hat from which
t hey were made, and even t he human beings who made t hem.
The Sabbath is GOD'S Sabbath, not the J ewish Sabbath.
Never does t he Bible call it the "Jewish Sabbath." It identi-
fies GOD as t he CREATOR.
The Sa bbath was made FOR MAN. SO said Jesus (Ma rk
2:27). It was made WHEN man was made (Genesis 2:1-3). It
was MADE-and it was Christ, t he Yahweh or Eternal, who
made it! Therefore HE is Lor d of t he Sabbath! It was made
to keep man in t he true knowledge of t he IDENTITY of the t rue
God, to keep him from idolatry! And history proves that
every nat ion t hat did NOT keep God's Sabbath worshiped
false gods, and did not know who t he true God was ! When
Isr ael quit keeping God's Sabbath, t hey went into idolatry
(Eze k. 20:5, 11-13, 17-21).
But back to Exodus 31:17-18. It also is the SIGN by
which we are identi fied as belonging to GOD. We BELONG t o
whom we obey-so we read in Romans 6:16! It is the sign by
which we know He is t he ETERNAL ... "that doth sanctify
YOu." To sanctify is to set apart for spirit ua l use. The
The Mark of the Beast . . . It Is Her e, Now! 43
SABBATH sets one apart from the world, and always did-as
OBEYINGand belonging to GOD. Can you think of ANY REASON
why anyone would EVER keep the Sabbath, except t o OBEY
GOD? Would any man defy human custom and invite perse-
cution, and be set apart as different, through human reason?
Could any atheist be a Sabbath keeper? THE SABBATH IDEN-
God's people, we have seen above, are identifi ed as they
who KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS. The world acknowledges all
the other nine commandments. The only one t he world
rejects is the fourth. The onl y one that sets one apart from
t he world-that IDENTIFIES one as belongi ng to GOD-that is
a SIGN of God-is t he SABBATH.
Notice, verse 16, it is a "PERPETUAL COVENANT." It is a
COVENANT! It is no part of t he Old Covenant- no part of the
law of Moses! It was made wit h Israel after all these, and is
a separate, and perpetual COVENANT.
Notice verse 17: " It is a SIGN between me and the
chi ldren of Israel FOR EVER." There it is! It is a COVENANT. It
When given to physical , flesh -born Israel , this covena nt
punished by deat h any breaking of the SIGN. Today, since the
administration of t he death penalty by the Levites and judges
is not bein g done (II Cor. 3:7-8), and since all believers, in all
nations, whether Israelit e or gentile, are grafted into spi rit ual
Israel (Romans 11:24), the willful refusal to keep t his sign is
punishable by death-the second death .
" He th at despi sed Moses' law died without mer cy under
two or three wit nesses: of how much sorer punishment,
suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden
under foot the Son of God . ..?" (Heb. 10:28-29).
On Right Hand and in Forehead
God says t he penalty for SIN is DEATH! Sin is the transgres-
sion of t he law. If we br eak only t his one commandment, we
ar e guilty. The pena lty is DEATH!
The Roman churc h caused people to receive the MARK of
pagan ROME-the Sunday observed by t he pagan Roman
Empir e- and t he penalty for disobedience was DEATH!
Fi fty million or more were put to death-so says hist ory.
44 Who or What Is the Prophet ic BEAST?
The Sabbat h commandment is t he ONLY comma ndment
t he world will not accept in it s MIND (forehea d) and OBEY (by
work , or rest, wit h t he HAND). It is t he ONLY comma ndment
that can distinguish between t hos e who have t he MARK of t he
Now the book of Revelation is written mostly in symbols.
The ri ght hand symbolizes work or labor - the for ehead, t he
intellect or mind. It ha s to do with what we BELIEVE, in t he
mind, and whether we OBEY, wit h the hand.
How ABOUT GOD'S SIGN? It also was received in the fore-
head, and the hand!
Regarding one of God's annua l Sabbat hs, we read: " . .. it
sha ll be for a SIGN un t o t hee upon thi ne hand , and for a
memorial between thi ne eyes [for ehead], that the Lord's LAW
may be in thy mouth" (Ex. 13:9).
Deuter onomy 6:1, 6-8: " Now these are the COMMAND-
MENTS . . . and t hese words whi ch I command t hee this day,
shall be in t hine heart .. . and t hou sha lt bind t hem for a SIGN
upon thi ne hand , and t hey sha ll be as frontlets between thine
eyes ."
Deuter onomy 11:18: "The refore sha ll ye lay up these my
words in your heart and in your soul, and bind t hem for a
SIGN upon your hand , t hat t hey may be as frontlets between
your eyes."
Also see Proverbs 7:2-3 and Revelation 7:3-4; 14:1.
Ther e is absolute proof! Yes, the t ruth is very plain!
The Sabbath is God's SIGN, standing, mor e t han any
commandme nt, for OBEDI ENCE. It was symbolically in t he
HAND an d in t he FOREHEAD, just as t he MARK of t he BEAST-
the pagan SUNDAY- was in t he right HAND and in t he FORE-
SUNDAY observance-Christmas, New Year's, East er ,
etc .-this is the MARK of t he BEAST!
T he chur ch did cause all under t he " Ho ly Roman Em-
pire" to receive t his mark , during t he Middle Ages. Not only
wer e act ive church member s cause d t o observe Sunday in-
stead of t he SABBATH, but it became a un iver sal custom so
t hat all t he Western worl d-regardless of religious connection
or belief, accepted Sunday inst ead of SATURDAYas t he weekly
day of rest. It has become uni ver sal in t he West ern world
The Mark of the Beast ... It Is Here, Now! 45
except for Judaism, Islam, a few sects in Christianity, and t he
comparative few whom God has called out of this world and
into His true Church.
Has she stopped?
Just at present she has not the POWER to enforce this
mark on everyone. But there will be a United States of
EUROPE-a union of ten nations. It will be a UNION OF CHURCH
AND STATE-and the church once again will sit astride "The
Now notice Daniel 7:21-22: "I beheld, and the same horn
[papacy] made war with the saints, and prevailed against
them; until the Ancient of days came [Second Coming of
Christ] and judgment was given to the saints of the most
Yes, the MARK OF THE BEAST once again will be enforced!
No one will be able to hold a job or engage in business
without it. Those refusing will once again be tortured and
martyred-probably by the secret police of the political
state - but at the behest of the church!
Today, ALL NATIONS are deceived by this paganism mas-
querading under the name "Christianity."
Today, America, Canada, Britain-Israelitish nations.
descended from the ancient so-called lost ten tribes of Is-
rael -are actually in the ways of this "BABYLON."
God's last warning is this: " COME OUT of her, my people,
that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not
of HER PLAGUES" (Rev. 18:4)!
IF you are branded by this MARK, rejecting the SIGN of
God in your forehead and hand, you shall be tortured by
God's plagues without mercy! Yes, YOu!
But if you OBEY God-if you are watching , praying
without ceasing-you shall be accounted worthy to ESCAPE-
and come under GOD'S PROTECTION (Luke 21:36). 0
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