A Vision To Preserve Wildlife Unit 3

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Zoos are controversial, for some they are favourite destinations for a

day trip but others say they are animal prisons, where the inmates
are kept under inappropriate conditions. Zoos are changing, pens
had become more like real habitats. Many zoos have breeding
programs to help save endangered species and educate visitors
about the need of conservation. But are those just cosmetic
Zoos are just equipped to transport visitors to a threaten habitat for
an afternoon, just to show them what’s like.
So how should zoos evolve to meet future challenges?
The illusion of a wild tropical rainforest its almost perfect at the
Leipzig Zoo. Zoologist in … says it’s a steep in the right direction. …
He’s interested in how zoos had had to change to ensure its future.
The eventful history of zoos is not a pleasant one. Animals behind
bars that was usual in the past and it's what gave zoos a bad name.
The wanted to show as many animals as possible. They had no clue
about how to keep many of the species in captivity they get them
from the wild and many died on the way or on the arrival because
they weren't fed properly because there was no knowledge about
how to keep them.

Many exotic animals were brought to Europe during the Age of

exploration. They were first kept in court menageries of emperors
and kings. These evolve into public zoos. Animals were shown as
living trophies often accompanying shows of human natives of
faraway lands. In the course of the 20th c zoos with cages and small
confining pens fell into disrepute visitors felt pity for the animals and
behavioral scientists criticized the facilities as unsuitable.
More recently zoos had built larger pens that recreate the natural
habitats of the animals
Zoo development has been marked by trial and error
There’s always room for improvement you learn something new
every day if your’re attentive. but based on what scientists are
discovering their findings … help improve things.
Many zoos are rebuilding for the future but the required renovations
are costly and time-consuming.
Many zoos are, some animal rights advocates say, not nearly
enough. They still demonstrate against poor zoo keeping and
demand larger pens with fewer animals and some want to eliminate
zoos entirely.
In central Switzerland there is a zoo that might even please the
strictest zoo critics, the landscape and animal park Goldau is not a
conventional zoo. It’s been built into the side of natural rockslide;
primarily local species of animals live among the enormous boulders
they’re well adapted to the climate and don’t require expensive
habitat replicas or climate-controlled buildings (an outstanding
example of what a zoo can be)
The specialization is really fantastic because when you specialize it
can be better than when you have one of every species and if you
limit yourself to birds like bearded vultures or bald ibis or to
mammals like otters or bison then you can be very good, you can
develop an excellent educational concept as well.
Goldau places a major emphasis on informing visitors as the world
association of zoos and aquariums “Waza” has urged, “Waza” is
also calling on zoos to breed endangered species and take part in
release programs. Goldau is doing this by breeding bison, the wild
cattle had already become extinct in their natural habitat but thanks
to breeding programs bison are back in Europe. The bearded vulture
is another famous case, it was wiped out in Switzerland. The
bearded vulture project is the most successful one the Swiss
breeders have carried out. Every visitor to Goldau learns about the
more than 20 year old? project to return the vultures to the wild. The
aim is to reintroduce the majestic birds to their Alpine habitat which
ranges from the Pyrenees to the Balkans ….
The whole concept is driven by the idea of zoos as conservation
centres … we need to become more committed to society’s goals of
making the planet a little bit better and maintaining habitats for wild
animals, we have to be advocate for wild animals.

The main function of a zoo is not the preservation of species even

though they are really trumpeting this at the moment. Their first job
is education. They really have to get people to read the exhibit levels
or become active and identify with the animals on the other side of
the glass rather than just strolling by. That’s not quite happening yet,
zoos need to do much more in this regard.
How much of an effect zoological education really has?
Can class time at the zoo motivate people to protect endangered
species and even change their behaviour?
Here children are supposed to do more than get to know the
animals. They should inquire, experience, discover, and learn how
delicate ecosystems are. They should also realize how
environmental destruction can affect their own lives even far from
the wild –
The TIGERS entire habitat can be seen in miniature, in the wild an
…. Tiger territory can stretch for hundreds of square kilometers.
How can a small pen at the zoo replace that?
Tigers mainly cover large distances in search of food if they’ve got
plenty to eat their range is smaller. We are actually providing too
much food sometimes, then we’ve got to make sure that the cats get
enough activity. You don’t need ten kilometers for that, what you
need is a pen that’s stimulating, well-structured where the animal
can move and behave like it would in the wild (or is that just wishful
The fundamental question remains… Can animals like the big cats
or elephants who range over large areas really be comfortable in
zoos? several studies say it’s not possible but few of the major zoos
are willing to do without elephants.
Having ELEPHANTS is a big deal they’re super interesting for the
visitors and they’re one of the biggest attractions of zoos.
Are zoos striving to draw as many visitors as at the expense of the
animal well-being?
(Large enclosures)
Chimpanzees are the most complicated apes to keep because they
have complicated social structures. They live in big communities
with up to 50 animals in a group and they come and go as they
please. In a zoo they can’t leave if they are fed up with another
member of the group, they’re forced to be together that’s a problem.
Should such highly intelligent animals be kept in zoos at all?
Some experts have been demanding human rights for apes for
years now such as the right to live in freedom.
Human rights for all primates are going a bit too far, where do you
draw the line? and What does it really mean? Does it mean apes
should be given free democratic civil rights? Would it mean that
apes have the right to vote?
I believe that differences are large enough that the idea should at
least be question critically.
….. (releasing of voltures) informing and involving local people is
key to the success of this project.
We have to get local people on board that’s why it’s so important for
us to have good cooperation from the start.
The Leipzig Zoo has also provided animals for reintroduction
projects but so far that has not been the focus of the zoo’s
The greatest species diversity is found in the tropics. The
international union for conservation of nature publishes a red list of
threatened species it says that 1 in 8 bird species and 1 in 4
mammals are threaten with extinction. Some of these species can
be found at the Leipzig zoo. ….
To halt the tide of extinction the Leipzig zoo also supports projects to
conserve species in their local habitats. In the rainforest of Borneo
they are working to save the last sabah rhinoceros a subspecies of
the Sumatran rhinoceros. It’s estimated that there are only about 50
of them living in the wild. The Leipzig zoo has provided funding and
personnel to help conservation authorities in Borneo set up a
breeding station with three of the rare animals.
Can zoos really halt the rapidly progressing disappearance of
Zoos can’t even get close to help saving a large fraction of
endangered species, they can only rescue a small selection.
What they can do, however, is the kind of thing they do in Goldau,
where they educate visitors about wolves and bears for example.
(Resettle the species)
Thanks to zoos locally extinct species are back. Shortly before the
young birds of prey make their first flight, biologists from the
foundation for bearded vultures visit the airy one last time…
The Goldau animal park is showing the way it breeds endangered
local species and help to ensure sufficient numbers in the wild…
Both zoos are committed to educating their visitors with hands-on
activities but how can zoos be further improved?
What every zoo should do is focus on one particular issue and make
it a central topic then they can build on that so that when people
leave the zoo, they don’t just say we had a great afternoon with
elephants and tigers instead they can take something home with
them, something that sticks, something that makes them rethink
their behavour with regard to the environment.
If zoos didn’t already exist, we’d have to invent them right now. I
believe that protection of nature and species will be one of the key
issues of the 21st century.
Visitors today no longer accept zoos they see as animals’ prisons
the focus is on education and conservation but zoos will have to
work harder on those if they are to survive as well.

Zoos in the past were true prison. Do you agree?

In the past Zoos were prisons for wild and exotic animals.

To begin with, the early version of zoos was created for the sake of
entertainment. During the era of exploration, animals were removed
from their natural habitat and brought to Menageries in Europe and
kept in unsuitable pens and cages. Moreover, back in the day there
was not enough scientific knowledge about animal care. As a
consequence, many malnourished animals died because they didn’t
have a suitable diet.

During the 17th century when Menageries appeared, those early

version of zoos had one aim, to collect and exhibit as many wild
creatures as possible, without paying attention to the animals’
wellbeing. As a result, facilities failed to reacreate natural habitats,
instead they were more like prisons. Animals were confined within
TheTibetan plateau
It comprises one quarter or China’s entire land mass.
It is the highest ecosystem in the world.
Many millions of years ago the entire region lay beneath the sea.
And now fossils of marine creatures can be found at 4.000 meters
above sea level.
It functions as a giant mirror reflecting the sun rays back into space,
in order to to keep a led on global warming
But if the planet gets warmer, the snow and ice of the Tibetan
plateau will retreat contributing to a rise in global temperatures and
disrupting weather patterns around the globe.

La Tomatina
I’ve come to Valencia to visit a small village called Buñol, which is
about fifteen minutes by train from here. The last Wednesday of
every August they host “La Tomatina”. When they dump five tons of
surplus tomatoes into the local town square and an estimated
20,000 people get busy throwing them at each other it basically
becomes the world’s biggest food fight.
The story of La Tomatina began one day here when people threw
tomatoes at each other and the end result was that everyone was
throwing tomatoes. The biggest party of Buñol,
(stalls selling goggles, people on the streets dancing playing,
throwing water at each other, a festive spirit)
Before La Tomatina begins tradition dictates that they must climb a
small pole to reach a ham at the top. The reason for this is that ham
and tomatoes are traditionally eating together. Though it looks ease
the pole is heavily greased in order to impede the drunken masses
from getting to the top. Once the ham is released, la tomatina
A party that is thrown for a girl when she turns 15 and it’s to
celebrate her going into womanhood. You have a court of honor
which is your 14 best girlfriends and your 15 best guy friends and
they represent every year of your life and your mother puts on your
lipstick and your tiara and your father puts on changes of shoes from
flats to heels.
Mother: I just think it’s been such a great opportunity for chanel
because as I’ve told her it’s really allow her to embrace her culture in
a completely different way and I don’t think if you had asked her
three or four years ago you know what do you think about having a
quinceañera. I don’t think she would have been anywhere near
exited as she has been the past few months. So of course in my
family is very important I had my quinceañera, my sister had hers,
chanel… we want to make sure she always keeps that alive.

(They go to a ballroom in limousine…ceremony changing of the

shoes. Chanel’s father changes her shoes from a flat to a heel.
Symbolizing her entrance in to womanhood. Chanel’s mother
applies lipstick to chanel for the first time again symbolizing she
entering womanhood, ater this they place a tiara on chanel’s head
signifying her triumph over childhood and her ability to face the
challenges ahead, chanel now present her last doll, one of its
favourites dolls from childhood.. channel dances with her father …
chenel gives a speech thanking her relatives, then they toast and


Our planet faces immense challenges, the footprint of humankind is

already much larger than our planet resources can sustain. And on
top, the world’s population is expected to grow to about 9 billion by
2050 and that’s why it’s so important to develop innovation that
enhance people’s quality of life while consuming less resources.

The company has tree businesses units, adhesive technologies,

brands like Loctites, Beauty Care, Schwartz Corps and Laundry and
Home Care with brands like Perzil.

Henkel is a family business with a long tradition of about 140 years.

And very early on, developing this business responsibly and

sustainably was important to the company. By 2030, our goal is to
become three times more efficient. Since 2010, we already
improved our efficiency by 43%. And how do we do this? For
example, by saving water and energy in our operations. By making
more use of renewable energy or by developing sustainable

I am Michael Todd. I lead the innovation and new business

development functions here at Henkel Adhesives Technologies.
Henkel Adhesives Technologies is the world leader in adhesives,
sealants and functional coatings. Our products touch our lives every
day in ways that we can't even imagine. Everything from our mobile
phones to our automobiles, even to the furniture we use at home,
contain adhesives or sealants coming from Henkel. Many of our
food products are currently stored within plastic films. As an
example, a potato chip bag. We use these every day. These
products, however, are rather difficult to recycle. And so Henkel, in
partnership with a company called Sepiritech, is introducing new
technologies to make the recycling of these food packaging products
easier. With these new technologies, we will reduce landfill, taking
plastics and foils out of the environment and improving our lives. I
do, of course, recycle my plastics at home as well. And with these
new technologies, it'll make even more of the products that we use
every day, easily recyclable. I'm Arndt Scheidgen. I'm responsible
for the international product development for laundry and home
care. Henkel always tries to make the optimal balance between high
performance and low environmental impact. And here we want to
give the consumer the highest performing products at the least
impact concerning energy use, water use and material. One recent
example for a sustainable product is the relaunch of our liquid
detergents in Europe. Here we reduced the dosage down to 50ML
while we concentrated the detergents over proportionally. So we
have a high performance, we have less packaging material, we have
less use of water, and we have a lower carbon footprint because our
products enable the consumers to wash at low temperatures. My
name is Daniel Kleine, I'm the site manager and also the president
of Henkel, Germany. We have many buildings here on site and we
have an action plan on how we can improve energy efficiency.
Industry 4.0 gives us the opportunity to drive efficiency. For
example, for our warehouse here in Dusseldorf, we have low energy
conveyors, we have Led lightning and we have high spec isolation.
All of the sites and processes we have on Henkel for the laundry
home care business are providing online data. This gives us the
opportunity to directly check real time data and making sure we're
providing high quality products. My name is Dusk Gershmaus. I'm a
corporate director, international responsible at Henkel Beauty Care
for strategic projects. We are proud of our sustainability initiatives,
but we also recognize the fact that we can have a much bigger
impact if we work together with strong partners. One example we
have is our cooperation with the international development
organization Zolidaridat. Here we support smallholder farmers
working in the palm oil industry with a digital platform called Farming
Solution. With this, they are able to increase their productivity and to
minimize the negative environmental effects and thus receiving a
sustainable certification for the harvest much faster than before. A
second example is our cooperation with the Plastic Bank. The
Plastic Bank is an initiative which does not only fight ocean plastic,
but who also improves the lives of people living in poverty. We at
Henkel, we are sponsoring three of these collection centers in Haiti
where people can bring plastic waste, collect the plastic waste to
these centers. There the plastic waste is weighted and for this they
get a certain remuneration in order to foster a circular economy. Our
experts at the moment working on how to integrate this collected
material into our products implementing our sustainability strategy.
It's our people who make the difference. And that is why we have
trained more than 50,000 Henkel employees as sustainability
ambassadors. Through the initiative. They can get involved in
sustainability activities in their day-to-day work. For example, by
collaborating with customers, by visiting schools and sharing their
knowledge with kids, by engaging in social projects or by simple
actions such as avoiding disposable coffee cups or avoiding printing.
There has never been a more urgent need for companies,
governments, organizations, but also individuals to take action. And
that is why we are actively supporting the implementation of the
United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals. We are
committed to making sure that our long tradition of sustainability
continues well into the future along the entire value chain and with
the support from our partners from across industries worldwide.

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