Pickleball Serving Lesson Plan

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ODU-DCOEPS Core Instructional Lesson/Unit Plan

By Old Dominion University College of Education and Professional Studies

Teacher Candidate: Michael Horth Date Taught: 3/7/24

Cooperating Robert Lauser School / District: Norview High School


Grade: 10 Field Supervisor:

Unit / Subject: Pickleball

Lesson Title / Focus: Serving


Content Knowledge How was this lesson developed based on your research and knowledge of
content and the discipline?

This lesson was developed based on students’ prior knowledge of pickleball and other racket

Learner Differences
How did this lesson develop as a result of your examination of research and data about student
learning needs, how diverse students learn your content/lesson topic and how you can employ
culturally sustaining pedagogies, difficulties students might have, gaps in their knowledge, assets
they have, and so on?

Students will be allowed to work in groups that they pick. Tactics and skills of pickleball will be
tied into those of other racket sports that have been gone over in the past.

Outcomes/Goals What will students be expected to know or do as a result of this lesson? Are
these learning target(s)/outcome(s) appropriate based on your prior assessment/knowledge of
students’ understandings? Are your targets/outcomes observable and measurable? What are your
essential questions that align with the outcomes? List all outcomes associated with this lesson.

SWBAT serve the ball underhand over the net at least 80% of the time during the serving
SWBAT explain the all of the cues of serving during the exit ticket.
SWBAT respectfully transition with other students from participating to ball-saving during the
volleying activity.
Standards Which content, state, and national standards connect with your outcomes? List the
state, content, and national standard or standards that are being addressed.

National Standards
Standard 1: The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor
skills and movement patterns.
Standard 4: The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior
that respects self and others.

10.1 The student will demonstrate proficiency and apply the concepts and principles of exercise
physiology, biomechanics, and anatomy in a variety of lifetime activities that may include
outdoor pursuits, fitness activities, dance and rhythmic activities, aquatics, selected individual
performance activities, and net/wall and target games in at least two self-selected, lifelong, skill-
related physical activities.
a) Demonstrate skill attainment in one or more lifetime activities.
d) Demonstrate appropriate and proper use of equipment in one or more lifetime activities.
10.4 The student will demonstrate appropriate behaviors in all physical activity settings and the
social skills needed to be a contributing member of society.
a) Explain the importance of and demonstrate effective communication skills in physical activity

Resources and Materials What resources and other materials will be incorporated and how will
they promote active learning? Be specific. List all materials and resources needed for the lesson.

3 pickleball nets, 12 pickleball paddles, 3-6 pickleballs

Technology Does technology enhance the design and delivery of your lesson? Does the use of
technology promote active learning? Be specific. List all technology needed for both students
and teacher.



Learning Environment How will you support individual and collaborative learning and foster
positive interaction in the classroom?

Students will be encouraged to participate in the activity and to speak respectfully and
supportively with partners and peers during the serving activity and during transitions.
Introduction/Activating Strategies How will you engage learners in the lesson and learning?
How will you launch the lesson? How will you activate prior knowledge?

Warmups: Students will file into the gymnasium and walk around the gym until the locker rooms
are locked. Teacher will call out various dynamic stretches while students continue to walk
around the gym. Teacher will call for students to “Find a spot” and students will sit around the
perimeter of the gym. On the teacher’s count, students will do 10 pushups and 10 sit-ups. The 3
classes will then be broken up for the various activities. Time: 5 minutes

Instructional Strategies What learning activities do you have planned for the students? Include
a variety of teaching strategies (methods). Activities are to be learner-centered ( e. g. solve
problems, construct models, design and perform experiments, read authentic resources, answer
open-ended questions, support ideas with evidence, compose, analyze and interpret maps, draw
conclusions.) Include guided process of learning. Include the opportunities learners will have to
expand and solidify their understanding of the concept and/or apply it to a real-world situation.
List any independent practice activities.

Teacher will have already set up the 3 nets with 4 pickleball paddles at each net. While the gym
divider is being dropped, students in this class will be gathered by teacher to go over pickleball
serving. Teacher will explain underhand serving by going over the cues (face the target, fingers
toward the target, drop the ball to the paddle, swing through the ball). Teacher will also go over
equipment handling instructions (don’t drop or throw the paddles because they are delicate).
Time: 2-3 minutes
Serving activity: Students will be broken up into 2 groups: students participating in the activity
and students participating in “ball-saving.” Students in the serving activity will take turns serving
the ball over the net and then continuing to volley the ball back and forth over the net as many
times as they can while using both forehand and backhand. Students participating in ball-saving
will stand around the perimeter of the gym to keep the balls from rolling under the bleachers.
After about 15 minutes, students will switch rolls. Time: 30 minutes
Organization/Transition: Students will return the balls and paddles to the teacher at the end of the

Closure How will you bring closure to the lesson?

Students will be gathered again to discuss underhand serving. Teacher will ask pointed questions
like “Why do we serve underhand in pickleball” “What are the cues for underhand serving?”

Differentiation How will you adjust instruction, including incorporating technology, to meet the
needs of a diverse set of learners?

Student using wheelchair will be able to participate in the volleying activity, and will be grouped
with students she feels comfortable working with.
Assessment: How will you measure understanding of the outcomes and standards? What type(s)
of formative and summative assessment tasks/instruments (e.g., test, paper) and rubrics will be

Students will demonstrate that they can underhand serve the ball over the net at least 90% of the
time during the serving activity.


Reflection How will you evaluate your practice? Where did learners struggle in the lesson? How
can the lesson be strengthened for improved student learning? Did the lesson reflect culturally
sustaining pedagogies?

Once again, I had to transition the students in and out of participating in the activity more often
because there was even less equipment than the last lesson. However, I was able to communicate
more effectively with the students during the explanation because I was louder and more
confident. I continued to walk around the gym and remind them of the cues and I was able to get
more students to participate that didn’t want to last class. I was also able to adjust the lesson to a
new time constraint because we had a tornado drill right at the end of PE.

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