GSM Security and Encryption
GSM Security and Encryption
GSM Security and Encryption
AbstractGSM bears numerous security vulnerabilities. Although GSMs architecture is designed in such a way to provide various security features like authentication, data/ signaling confidentiality, and secrecy of a user yet the GSM channel is susceptible to replay, interleaving and man-in-themiddle attacks. The GSM speech service is secure up to the point where speech enters the core network. However to achieve end-to-end security it is desired that the GSM subscriber, not the network operator controls the encryption on the speech channel. A new approach of encryption at the user-end is introduced. In this paper we have tested our encryption technique on the GSM communication system using TMS320C6713 DSP Starter Kit (DSK), in real-time. Our technique encrypts the speech before entering the GSM handset which adds security and privacy. The encryption algorithm being private to the communicating GSM subscribers, the GSM channel will become exclusively confidential for them. The DSK board was used as a separate module of the system implementing the encryption algorithm. Real-time experiments were conducted to check the performance of the system in terms of its performance and latency rate. I. INTRODUCTION Mobile phones are used on a daily basis by hundreds ofmillions of users, over radio links. Emerging wireless networksshare many common characteristics with traditional wire-line networks such as public switch telephone/data networks, andhence many security issues with the wire-line networks alsoapply to the wireless environment. Risks in wireless networksare equal to the sum of the risk of operating a wired network plus the new risks introduced by weaknesses in wireless protocols. Thus, wireless mobile communication technology is more vulnerable to security risks than fixed wired technology as monitoring airwaves is a much easier thing to do. Establishment of protective measures that guarantee a state of inviolability from antagonistic acts is an important requirement of wireless communication. Therefore a major concern regarding the safeguard of the subscribers privacy arises. The constraints of security include issues like, the weaknesses and limitations of mobile and communications, the architecture limitations, the user requirements, the contents of provided services, and the evolution of hacking techniques. The GSM system doesnt provide end-to-end security and lacks in
provision of traffic confidentiality to its subscribers. Anonymity, authentication, and confidentiality are the security services which are offered by the worlds largest mobile telephony system. Still this system is defenseless against many attacks and fails to ensure taut safety of the users telephone conversations and data transfer sessions. Confidentiality of transmitted data is achieved by encrypting the information flow between the communicating parties. In GSM networks, only the radio link between the mobile terminal and the base station is encrypted whereas the rest of the network transmits data in clear-text. Radio link confidentiality in GSM is not sufficient for attaining end-to-end security. As a result, a need for investigating mechanisms for implementing absolute confidentiality of traffic arises. In this paper we have proposed a very practical and highly attractive solution to the security lapses of the GSM system. An embedded hardware system (i.e. TMS320C6713 DSK) along with a simulation code developed in CCS (Code Composer Studio 3.1) is used to encrypt the speech signals. Tests were performed to evaluate the effect of encryption on voice transmission in GSM-GSM connections. The GSM system was examined in both scenarios i.e. transmission with encryption and without encryption and the results were obtained for comparison. DSPs are optimized for signal processing applications compared to general purpose processors (GPP). DSPs attractive feature is that actually the number of instructions is reduced for efficient signal processing. Hence, the DSPboards made the system speedy because of their dedicated processors and fast ADCs and DACs. This speed and accuracy would not have been made possible with desktop computers slow processors. In the following sections a complete picture of our innovative proposition has been painted