DGAnnual 2023

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2023 Annual Report





What are the specific risks

and opportunities that affect
What does the organization
Where does the organization the organization’s ability
do and what are the What is the organization’s
want to go and how does it to create value over the short,
circumstances under which it business model?
intend to get there? medium and long term,
and how is the organization
dealing with them?

* Financial * Manufactured * Intellectual

capital capital capital

Driving value creation through integrated thinking Reporting boundary and scope
Through our FY2023 Annual Report, we aim to provide concise communication about
Our commitment to our purpose is fundamental to DGKC approach to value creation. This is provided in the context of our material matters
how we manage our business, develop and deliver on addressed through our purpose, strategy and as informed by our key relationships,
our strategy and create sustainable value for our principal risks and associated opportunities. We also provide a succinct overview of our
stakeholders. With this in mind, and by embracing governance practices, business model and capitals performance in terms of financial and
integrated thinking as a central tenet of our strategy non-financial indicators for the financial year.
and purpose-led business model, we can manage the
effects of our business activities on the six capitals, as Governance
referred to in the Integrated Reporting Framework. DGKC governance system led by the board and its committees, operates on the principles
of transparency, accountability and good governance, by safeguarding the interest of the
As we connect for a better future our purpose-led stakeholders. Our governance structure is explained in detail in the Corporate
strategy is designed to positively influence our Governance section on page.
operating context and meaningfully contribute to the
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN Strategic Focus and Future Outlook
SDGs)." Strategic objectives and outlook is the result of our well-articulated business strategy
which defines these objectives. The resource allocation mechanism is in place to
implement those strategic objectives, which also elaborates the measurement
achievements and target outcomes. Our forward looking statement addresses our
expected condition and performance, status of projects disclosed last year also explaining
about the sources of information and assumptions used for projections.

The topics discussed in this report reflect the issues that could impact the role we play in
society, as well as how our business deals with evolving market dynamics and allocates
resources to ensure we deliver.

In FY2023, we conducted a review of the material matters that could, in our judgement,
significantly impact the value we create for our stakeholders. The content of this report is
based on the outcome of this assessment

Annual Report
DGKC 2023


FURTURE BASIS OF Reporting period

OUTLOOK PRESENTATION The report is prepared and published
annually and covers the period July 01 to
June 30, 2023.
What challenges
To what extent has and uncertainties is How does the Data Compilation Methodologies
How does the
the organization the organization organization The economic and social data presented in
achieved its likely to encounter determine what the report includes data covering DGKC
strategic objectives in pursuing its matters to include manufacturing plants, marketing offices,
structure support its and head office, while the environmental
for the period and strategy, and what in the integrated
ability to create data relates to plant sites only and does not
what are its are the potential report and how are
value in the short, include the environmental impact of other
outcomes in terms implications for its such matters locations except for the environmental
medium and long
of effects on business model and quantified or impacts of fuel and electricity used.
the capitals? future evaluated?
performance? The compilation of data has been done on
the basic scientific measurement as well
as industry specific logical methodologies.
* Human * Social and relationship * Natural There are no changes in reporting period,
capital capital capital scope, boundary, and data measurement
methodologies. Previous years’ figures
have been regrouped/rearranged
What process do we follow to complete the integrated report? wherever found necessary to conform to
Process owners across the Company and its Subsidiaries provide the reporting packs prepared on the this year’s classification. The online PDF
basis of reporting criteria as required by the applicable reporting frameworks detailed below. version can be accessed at
Materiality of information is taken into account while reporting the financial and non-financial www.dgcement.com.
information. Financial reviews are carried out by extracting information from the audited financial
statements. Operating Businesses – DGKC, its
Subsidiaries and Associates
DGKC, its subsidiaries and associated
Sustainability section is prepared by a cross-functional team comprising of reporting representatives
entities operates in paper, dairy, Hotels,
which produces the content of the report under the oversight from the mangment.
and automobile industry.
The report aims to demonstrates clarity and conciseness, and the information contained is concrete,
Financial and non-financial reporting
specific, relevant and easy to understand. It also delivers effective sequence, structure, logic and flow.
The report includes financial and
non-financial performance, risks and
Which reporting frameworks do we adhere to? opportunities, and outcomes attributable
The Annual Integrated Report 2023 is prepared on the basis and guidelines of International <IR> to our activities and key stakeholders that
Framework (2022) and BCR criteria defined by ICAP/ICMAP. Readers can conveniently access the significantly influence our value-creation
cross-referenced BCR criteria, along with their respective page numbers in the annual report, via the ability. Extensive details about financial
Investor Relations section on the company's official website, www.dgcement.com. position and performance are available on
The Report in its entirety also complies with requirements of Companies Act, 2017, Code of Corporate
Governance 2019 and other applicable regulations explained in respective elements of report. The Targeted readers
Financial Statements consistently comply with the requirements of International Financial Reporting The report is primarily intended to address
Standards (IFRS), Companies Act, 2017 and other applicable regulations the needs of investors and to provide them
with a holistic view of our value creation
Assuring the integrity and approval of our report potential taking into account financial and
We ensure the integrity of the report through our integrated reporting process, various reviews and non-financial risks and opportunities. The
approval processes. Directors’ report and Financial Statements are reviewed by the Audit Committee information is also presented to other key
and approved by the Board of Directors. stakeholders including our employees,
suppliers, regulators, and society etc.
Independent External Review / Assurances
Our External Auditors M/S A. F. Ferguson & Co. Chartered Accountants (a member firm of PwC SDG Reporting
network) provides opinion/assurance on compliance with code of corporate governance, independent We report on activities, projects and
auditors report on standalone and consolidated financial statements. Certain reviews and external targets that support United Nation (UN)
assurances specific to various Capitals are also detailed in their relevant section. Credit Rating of SDGs
Entity has been conducted by PACRA.
Feedback: For any question or suggestion
regarding Report please connect to the

2023 Annual Report


01 07 to 37

02 39 to 49


51 to 59 04 61 to 97


05 99 to 117


Annual Report
DGKC 2023

06 119 to 121

07 131 to 138


08 139 to 144

09 145 to 214


10 215 to 296


2023 Annual Report

To transform the Company into a modern and dynamic cement manufacturing company with qualified professionals
and fully equipped to play a meaningful role on sustainable basis in the economy of Pakistan.

To provide quality products to customers and explore new markets to promote/expand sales of the Company through good
governance and foster a sound and dynamic team, so as to achieve optimum prices of products of the Company for
sustainable and equitable growth and prosperity of the Company.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023

DG Khan Cement Company Limited continues to hold in Protection and Paper Use of Company Assets: All
high esteem the best practices of corporate governance directors/employees are expected to exercise their
and believes in widely propagating its values and ethics business judgment in a manner that protects the assets
for strict adherence by all employees, contractors, of the Company and promotes their efficient use.
suppliers and others while doing business for the
Company. The Company’s commitment to encouraging Reporting Any Illegal or Unethical Behaviour: Every
ethical and responsible practices is demonstrated by the director/employee of the Company is encouraged to
fact that DG Khan Cement Company Limited had a promptly contact the Chairman of the Board or the
comprehensive Code of Conduct in place well before the Compliance Officer/ HR department if he or she has
introduction of the Stock Exchange requirement. observed a violation of this Code, illegal or unethical
Salient Features of Code of Conduct
Public Company Reporting: The Company expects
Compliance Officer: The Company has designated directors/employees to provide prompt and accurate
Company Secretary/ HR department respectively, as its answers to enquiries relating to its public disclosure
Compliance Officer to administer this Code. requirements.

Compliance with Law: Directors/Employees must Disclosure of Interest: Directors/Employees are also
comply with all of the laws, rules, and regulations of required to disclose their interest, at the time of
Pakistan and other countries applicable to either appointment and on an annual basis the directorships
Company or its business. and/or memberships they hold in other companies.

Conflict of Interest: Any director/employee who becomes Insider Trading: No director/employee shall, directly or
aware of a conflict or potential conflict of interest is indirectly, deal in the shares of the Company in any
expected to bring it to the attention of the Chairman of the manner during the Closed Period prior to the
Board or the Compliance Officer/ HR department. announcement of financial results.

Confidentiality: All directors/employees must maintain Amendment, Modification and Waiver: This Code may be
the confidentiality of confidential information entrusted amended, modified or waived only by the Company’s
to them by either Company, except when the applicable Board of Directors and must be publicly disclosed if
Company authorizes disclosure or disclosure is required required by any applicable law or regulation. As a general
by laws, regulations, or legal proceedings. Policy, the Board will not grant waivers to the Code.

Fair Dealing: Each director/employee is expected to deal (Approved code of conduct for directors and employees
fairly with the respective customer of the Company, are shown on webside in detail)
suppliers, competitors, officers, and employees.

P Positive contribution and commitment collaborative efforts. With this belief inculcated as DG
culture, every member of the team positively contributes
R Respect for self and others
and selflessly commits for the cause of the team and the
I Integrity in actions and decisions organisation; has self-belief and respect for himself and
for others; imbibes integrity and passion in all his actions
D Drive to continuously improve
and decisions; has tremendous drive and zeal to
E Excellence in everything we do continuously improve and seeks to achieve excellence in
all its actions. This collaborative team spirit at DGKC has
People at DGKC believe in shared values and goals. All resulted in continuous improvement and made us stay at
team members collaborate, share knowledge, the top. Our culture is built on the strong pillar of
communicate and support one another. They believe that ‘Together We Perform. Together We Achieve. Together We
any result positive or not is an outcome of their Grow’.

2023 Annual Report



We're ambitious and innovative. We get excited about our work. We bring energy and imagination to
our work in order to achieve a level of performance, not achieved before. We achieve a higher
standard of excellence.


We are accountable for providing quality products & excellent services along with
meeting the strict requirements of regulatory standards and ethical business practices.

Everything we do, should work perfectly. We maintain integrity & excellence. We believe
in actions, not in words.


We respect our customers, shareholders & others stakeholders and want

to fulfil their needs. We always appreciate comments & suggestions from
our stakeholders.


We can see things from different perspectives; we are open to

change and not bounded by how we have done things in the
past. We can respond rapidly and adjust our mode of operation
to meet stakeholders' needs and achieve our goals.


Shareholders – Create sustainable economic

value for our shareholders by utilizing an
honest and efficient business methodology.

Community – Committed to serve the society

through employment creation, support
community projects & events, and be a
responsible corporate citizen.

Customers – Render service to our customers

by using state-of-the-art technology, offering
diversified products and aspiring to fulfil their
needs to the best of our abilities.

Employees – Be reliant on the inherent merit

of the employees and honour our
relationships. Work together to celebrate and
reward the unique backgrounds, viewpoints,
skills, and talents of everyone at the work
place, at each level.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023

Board of Directors
Company Products
Mrs. Naz Mansha Chairperson / Non-Executive
I. Clinker
Mr. Raza Mansha Chief Executive / Executive
II. Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC)
Mr. Khalid Niaz Khawaja Non-Executive
Mr. Usama Mahmud Independent III. Sulphate Resistant Cement (SRC)
Mr. Shehryar Ahmad Buksh Independent
Mr. Farid Noor Ali Fazal Executive
Mr. Shahzad Ahmad Malik Non-Executive HS Code

Female Director 01 Clinker: 2523.1000 Cement: 2523.2900

Male Directors 06

Applicable Laws & Regulations

Audit Committee
Many laws and regulations apply to the Company including:
• The Companies Act • Stock Exchange Regulations
Mr. Shehryar Ahmad Buksh Member/Chairman
• Code of Corporate Governance
Mr. Khalid Niaz Khawaja Member
• International Accounting and Financial Reporting Standards
Mr. Shahzad Ahmad Malik Member
• International Auditing Standards • Mining Laws
• Income Tax Law • Sales Tax Law
• Excise Laws • Property Laws
Human Resource & Remuneration Committee • Labour Laws • Health & Safety Laws
• Environmental Laws • Banking Regulations, etc.
Mr. Usama Mahmud Member/Chairman
Mr. Raza Mansha Member
Mr. Khalid Niaz Khawaja Member Company Rating

Long Term: AA - Short Term: A1+

Management Outlook: Stable Rating Agency: PACRA
Rating Date: March 03, 2023
Mr. Raza Mansha Chief Executive Officer
Dr. Arif Bashir Director Technical & Operations
Mr. Farid Noor Ali Fazal Director Marketing Registered Office
Mr. Inayat Ullah Niazi Director Finance/CFO
Nishat House, 53-A, Lawrence Road, Lahore-Pakistan.
UAN: +92 42 111 11 33 33 Fax: +92 42 36367414
Email: info@dgcement.com Web site: www.dgcement.com
Company Secretary

Mr. Khalid Mahmood Chohan


Khofli Sattai, Distt., Dera Ghazi Khan-Pakistan.

Bankers Phone: +92-641-460025-7 Fax: +92-641-462392
Email: dgsite@dgcement.com
Allied Bank Limited MCB Islamic Bank Limited
Bank Alfalah Limited Meezan Bank Limited 12, K.M. Choa Saidan Shah Road, Khairpur,
Bank Al-Habib Limited National Bank of Pakistan Tehsil Kallar Kahar, Distt. Chakwal-Pakistan.
Bank Islami Pakistan Limited Samba Bank Limited Phone: +92-543-650215-8 Fax: +92-543-650231
Dubai Islamic Bank Soneri Bank Limited
Chichaee Gadani Main RCD, HUB
Faysal Bank Limited Standard Chartered Bank Limited
Distt. Lasbela, Pakistan
Habib Bank Limited Limited The Bank of Punjab
UAN: +92 42 111 11 33 33
Habib Metropolitan Bank United Bank Limited
MCB Bank Limited The Bank of Khyber
JS Bank Limited Silk Bank Limited
Share Registrar: THK Associates (Pvt) Ltd
Citi Bank N.A. Industrial and Commercial Bank
Askari Bank Limited of China (ICBC)
Head Office, Karachi Branch Office, Lahore
BOP Taqwa Islamic Banking
Plot No. 32-C, Jami Commercial Office No. 309, 3rd Floor,
Street No. 2, DHA Phase_VII, North Tower, LSE Building,
Karachi 75500. 19 Shahrah-e-Aiwan-e-Iqbal,
External Auditors UAN: 021 111 000 322 Lahore
Tel: 021 353 10 191, Phone: +92 42 3630 2044
Fax: 021 353 10 190
A.F. Ferguson & Co., Chartered Accountants

For Investors’ Information, Comments, Inquiries, Complaints

Legal Advisors
Mr. Farid Fazal (Director Marketing)
Mr. Shahid Hamid, Bar-at-Law E-mail: ffazal@dgcement.com Phone: +92 42 111 11 33 33
(Marketing related queries)

Mr. Inayat Ullah Niazi (Chief Financial Officer)

Important Identification Numbers of Company E-mail: iniazi@dgcement.com Phone: +92 42 111 11 33 33

CUIN: 0006469 NTN: 1213275-6 Mr. Khalid Mehmood Chohan (Company Secretary)
STRN: 0402252300164 PSX Symbol: DGKC E-mail: kchohan@dgcement.com Phone: +92 42 111 11 33 33

2023 Annual Report


D.G. Khan Cement Company Limited (DGKC/ the Company) is a public limited company incorporated in Pakistan on
27-09-1978 as limited liability company under Company law in Islamic Republic of Pakistan. It is listed on Pakistan Stock
Exchange. It is a blue-chip stock. The Company is created and governed by its statutory documents, Memorandum and
Articles of Association, registered with country corporate authority.

The Company is primarily engaged in production and sale of Clinker and Cement with more than 1,900+ regular
employees. As at June 30, 2023; total market capitalization was about Rs 22 billion. Total market share of the company
(local and export) is about 13%.


PS 232:2008(R) Grade 53
Compliance with:
American Standard: ASTM C-150 Type I
CLINKER British Standard: BS 12:1996
European Standard: EN 197-1/2000 CEMI 42.5 N/R
Indian Standard: IS No. 269:2015 Grade 53
Sri Lankan Standard: SL 107:2015 Strength Class 42.5N
PS 612-2014 Class 42.5N
DG CEMENT Compliance with:
American Standard: ASTM C-150 Type V
ELEPHANT CEMENT European Standard: BS/EN 197-1/2011 CEMI SR5, Class 42.5N

ISO Certifications

Annual Report
DGKC 2023


DGKC has strong presence in all over Pakistan. With its plants stretched from North to Center to South, DGKC covers
market in far reach areas of Pakistan through extensive dealership network of over 2,200 dealers.

DGKC also enjoys notable presence in foreign markets including Bangladesh, Afghanistan, USA, China, Srilanka and other
parts of central Africa. The Company is also trying to find new export markets through its HUB plant close to the port.

Over 2200 Dealers Nation-wide

Sales Office Rawalpindi

Khairpur: Factory

Dera Ghazi Khan: Factory

Expansion on table

Lahore: Head Office

Hub: Factory

Sales Office Lahore

Sales Office Multan

Sales Office Dera Ghazi Khan

Sales Office Karachi

China Srilanka Bangladesh Afghanistan Africa USA

2023 Annual Report

Description Site Manufacturer Capacity Year Installed
Cement Plant (line-1) DGK UBE Industries, Japan 2,000 tpd 1986
Cement Plant (line-1) DGK FLSmidth, Denmark 200 tpd 1994
Cement Plant (line-2) DGK FLSmidth, Denmark 4,000 tpd 1998/2005
Cement Plant (line-1) DGK FLSmidth, Denmark 500 tpd 2005
Cement Plant KHP FLSmidth, Denmark 6,700 tpd 2007
Kiln HUB FLSmidth, Denmark 9,000 tpd 2018
Mills HUB Loesche GMBH, Germeny 2018
Pack House HUB Haver & Boecker, Germeny 2018
Captive Power Plant** HUB Niigata, Japan
Captive Power Plant DGK Wartsila, Finland
Captive Power Plant KHP Wartsila, Finland
Coal Fired Power Plant DGK Sinoma, China 30 MW 2016
WHR Plant DGK Nanjing Turbine Electricity Machinery Group Company 10.4 MW 2010
WHR Plant KHP FLSmidth, Denmark 12 MW 2020
RDF Plant KHP Vecoplan, Germany & Elden , Germany
RDF Plant DGK Vecoplan, Germany & Elden , Germany
WHR Plant HUB Sinoma, China 10 MW 2021
Coal Fired Power Plant HUB Sinoma, China 30 MW Sep, 2021
Solar Power Plant KHP Sinoma, China 6.9 MW 2023

Factory Clinker Clinker
(Tons per day) (Tons per annum)
Dera Ghazi Khan 6,700 2,010,000
Khairpur 6,700 2,010,000
Hub 9,000 2,700,000
Total 22,400 6,720,000


Limestone Crusher 1125 tph 1500 tph 1350 tph 3975 tph
Raw Mill 490 tph 500 tph 654 tph 1644 tph
Coal Mill 50 tph 52 tph 66 tph 168 tph
Kiln 6700 tpd 6700 tpd 9,000 tpd 22,400 tpd
Cement Mill 552 tph 350 tph 445 tph 1347 tph
Pack House 960 tph (8x120) 600 tph (6x100) 792 h (6x132) 2362 tph


Furnace Oil Gas Dual Fuel WHR Solar Coal Total
DGP - 24.60 - 10.40 30.00 65.00
KHP - - 33.00 12.00 6.9 - 51.90
HUB 23.84 - - 10.00 1.02 30.00 64.86
Total 23.84 24.60 33.00 32.40 7.92 60.00 181.76

Factory MW
DGK 42
KHP 31
HUB 40
Total 113
**Transferred to HUB from DGK site

Annual Report
DGKC 2023

About Founder:
Mian Mohammad Yahya, the founding father, was born in Nishat is a Pakistani business conglomerate group. It has
1918 in Chiniot. In 1947 when he was running a leather a diversified presence in various sectors. All its entities
business in Calcutta, he witnessed the momentous are run by professionals on update business practices in
changes that swept the Indo-Pak sub-continent and compliance with national and international regulations.
culminated in the emergence of Pakistan. This is a story
of success through sheer hard work and an undaunted The Group has notable presence in following business
spirit of entrepreneurship. Beginning with a cotton export
house, he soon branched out into ginning, cotton and jute
textiles. He was elected Chairman of All Pakistan Textile • Banking & Financial Services • Insurance
Mills Association, the prime textile body in the country. • Cement • Textiles
• Hospitality & Hotels • Energy
He died in 1969, at the age of 51 having achieved so much
• Aviation • Automobiles
in so short time. After him, Mian Mohammad Mansha,
like his father, continues the spirit of entrepreneurship, • Paper packing products • Real Estate
and has led the Group to become a multi-dimensional • Agriculture & Farming, Livestock & Dairy
corporation, with wide ranging interests. Nishat has
grown from a cotton export house into the premier
business group of the country.

- Nishat Hotels And

Properties Limited HOSPITALITY CEMENT - DG Khan Cement
- Nishat Hospitality Company Limited
(Private) Limited

- Adamjee Insurance
- Nishat Power Limited ENERGY INSURANCE Company Limted
- Lalpir Power Limited - Security General
- Pakgen Power Limited Insurance Company

- Nishat Dairy BANKING - MCB Bank Limited

(Private) Limited & DAIRY SERVICES - MCB Islamic Bank
- Nishat Sutas Limited
Dairy Limited

- Pakistan Aviators AUTOMOBILES - Hyundai Nishat

& Aviation Motors (Private) Limited
(Private) Limited

PACKING TEXTILE - Nishat Mills Limited
- Nishat Paper Products
PRODUCTS - Nishat Linen (Private)
compnay Limited

2023 Annual Report


No. Name of Company Relationship with DGKC



Annual Report
DGKC 2023



Share Holder No. of Shares %

Nishat Mills Limited 137,574,201 31.40

Adamjee Life Insurance Company Limited 6,122,518 1.4
Security General Insurance Company Limited 428,500 0.10
Mrs. Naz Mansha 213,098 0.05
Mian Raza Mansha 12,796,880 2.92
Mrs. Ammil Raza Mansha 5,891,098 1.34
Mian Umer Mansha 27,565,313 6.29
Mian Hassan Mansha 27,139,917 6.19
217,731,525 49.7

No. of Shares %

MCB Bank Limited 102,277,232 8.63

Nishat Mills Limited 30,289,501 8.61
Adamjee Insurance Co. Ltd. 27,877,735 7.97
Nishat Paper Products Co. Ltd. 25,595,398 55.00
Nishat Dairy (Pvt) Limited 270,000,000 55.10
Nishat Hotels and Properties Limited 104,166,667 8.55
Hyundai Nishat Motor (Pvt) Ltd. 195,623,000 10.00

2023 Annual Report


Annual Report
DGKC 2023


NPPL is a public company limited by shares, incorporated in Pakistan on July 23, 2004. It is
principally engaged in the manufacture and sale of paper products and packaging material. Its
manufacturing facility is located at Khairpur on the parent company's land. Company has 3 main
production lines with 220 million bags per annum production capacity to facilitate cement industry
in meeting their packing requirements. DGKC holds 55% shares in NPPL.

2023 Annual Report

Annual Report
DGKC 2023


NDPL is a private company limited by shares, incorporated in Pakistan on October 28, 2011. It is principally engaged in the
business of production and sale of raw milk. The company was set up with the principle object of carrying out dairy
business in Pakistan. It has purchased 147 acres of land near Sukheki to set up the dairy operations. As at June 30, 2023
the Company has 3,535 mature milking animals.

In October 2018, Nishat Group inked a joint agreement with SÜTAS, a Turkish brand which is one of the largest producers
of milk and dairy products in Turkey. The agreement aimed for the manufacturing, marketing and sale of premium dairy
products in Pakistan and development of Pakistan’s dairy sector. The venture is initiating a processed milk brand
“MilkField” subsequent to year end. DGKC owns 55.1% holding in NDPL

2023 Annual Report

The company hereby discloses its significant beneficial ownership, inclusive of indirect interests, in its subsidiaries, Nishat
Paper Products Limited and Nishat Dairy (Pvt) Limited, where it holds approximately 55% of shares in each. The company
presents consolidated financial accounts that encompass these subsidiaries, ensuring transparency in its financial

Furthermore, the company maintains investments in several private and public companies within the group, which
consistently yield dividends or capital appreciation. These investments include holdings in prominent entities such as MCB
Bank, Nishat Mills Limited, Adamjee Insurance Limited, Nishat Hotels (Pvt) Limited, and Hyundai Nishat Motors (Pvt)

31.40% investment in DGKC


Nishat Paper Products MCB Bank Limited

55.00% 8.63%

Nishat Dairy (Pvt) Limited Nishat Mills Limited

55.10% 8.61%

Adamjee Insurance Co. Ltd.


Nishat Hotels & Properties Limited


Hyundai Nishat Motor (Pvt) Ltd.


Annual Report
DGKC 2023



Internal Audit CEO HR&R

Audit Committee Committee

CFO/Director Finance Director Director Technical

Marketing & Operations CIO Company

Head of GM
Head of Finance Exports Works DGK
& Treasury

Head of DGM
Local Sales Works
Head of Sales,
Receivable & Taxation

Head of GM
Admin & HR HO Works KHP

Head Accounts/
Payables DGM

Department GM
Head Imports Works HUB

Head Domestic Payables

Admin DGK

Admin KHP

Controller-KHP GM
Admin HUB

Accounts Head of
Controller-HUB Purchase

2023 Annual Report

D.G. Khan Cement, operates on a strong sustainable business model growing into a high-quality building material that
mainly focuses environmental responsibility and customer satisfaction. Our core strategy is the efficient production of
cement through modern, energy-efficient manufacturing processes that reduce carbon emissions and have minimum
environmental impact.

We strategically source raw materials such as limestone and clay from nearby quarries located adjacent to our
manufacturing plants to reduce transportation costs and support local communities in which we operate. We prioritize

Risk and opportunities

in our operating Input Our Business Activity

• Economic enviroment
and market demand Financial Capital
• Inflation and cost of • Equity - 64.19 Billion Laterite Bauxite
production • Total Assets - 134.71 Billion
• Legal and Compliance
Manufacturing From Suppliers
(Refer to Risks and • Production facility at 3
Opportunities Section) different Sites Additive
• Clinker production capacity of Crusher
6.7 Million ton/ annum

Strong governance Water, energy & environement
oversight conservation

• DGKC is committed to Human and Intellectual Capital

highest standards of 1900+ Regular employees
governance, ethicsand
integrity. Coal
Social and Relationship
• DGKC embraces best in 2200+ netweok of distrbutors and
class governance systems dearlers From Suppliers
and practices to ensure Calcination of
sustainable value creation Suppliers Raw Meal
Coal Mill
and serve as market Long term and constructive
Feeding of fuel
leader partnerships with key suppliers. (Coal or Furnace Oil)

(Refer to Governance

Gypsum Crusher

From Suppliers


Annual Report
DGKC 2023
both residential and commercial customers to ensure a diverse audience. Our distribution network is increasingly focused
in regions where housing and commercial industry is growing who are expanding our market and customer reach, not only
in Pakistan but also around the world. DGKC also invests heavily in R&D to continuously develop new cost-effective
processes without compromising the quality benchmark and produce environmentally friendly cement with the use of
advanced technologies. Our revenue includes sales of cement, value-added services and working with construction
companies to ensure strong growth and profitability.

DGKC goal is to become a leader in the industry by providing high quality cement, reducing environmental impact,
promoting sustainable construction practices, and putting customers and communities first in our business process.

Our Capitals
And Process (Value Generated
and Added)
Financial Capital
Limestone Clay
• Profit Before Tax - 3.1
From Quarry • 26+ Billion in government
Crusher Human Capital

• Talent nourishment and

• Diversity focused at
RDF and
Raw Mill Mixing and Grinding of Raw Materials workplace
Alternative Fuels
• Promoting employment

Social Capital

Preheater RDF Shredders • Customer satisfaction

Feeding of RDF and Alternative Fuels • Trust of vendors
• Growing network of
vendors, dealers &
Kiln Burning of Raw Meal to produce Clinker
Manufactured Capital

• Contributing to substitute
• Providing better quality of
Clinker Silo Clinker storage yard
• Higher market share

Natural Capital
Grinding of Clinker and Gyspum
Cement Mill • Better utilization of
to produce clinker
natural resources
including water, energy &
other natural resources.
Packing Filling, packing and loading of cement (Refer to Performance
Plant in bags / bulkers

Dealers / distributors and

Customer institutational customer

2023 Annual Report


DG Cement is primarily engaged in cement production and distribution, which involves the precise blending of limestone
and various minerals (raw meal) at high temperatures in kilns.

On the upstream part of value chain, we source essential raw materials like limestone, gypsum, and clay from mines.
Mining sites are secured through leases, with monthly royalties paid to the Minerals department. Coal, a crucial
component, is imported to fuel cement production. Stringent oversight by experts ensures the quality of their cement.

On the downstream part our efficient distribution is enabled by outsourced fleet of specialized trucks and vehicles,
facilitating material movement and timely customer deliveries. Strong distribution and dealers’ network in key markets
enhance their delivery speed and service quality, setting them apart from competitors.

By fostering strong relationships with upstream suppliers, ensuring a seamless flow of raw materials, and collaborating
efficiently with downstream partners, we strive to meet the demands of the construction industry and contribute to the
growth and development of infrastructure worldwide. Together with our valued partners, we are committed to delivering
high-quality cement products while promoting sustainability and responsible practices throughout the value chain.

Clay, Shale, Iron Ore,
Gypsum Transportation DG Cement Plant


End Over

Construction Retalier Distributors Transportation

The effective management of these connections ensures a steady supply of raw materials, energy, and equipment for
cement production and the efficient delivery of cement products to construction companies and end-users. This integrated
approach is crucial for the company's success and its contribution to the construction industry's value chain.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023


• It determines how government policy • Management look at tariffs, trade deals as they are developed
and actions intervene in the economy not only by the economics or business side but what political
and other factors that can affect a relationships influence those decisions.
business. • Management proactively plans for the different demand
• Political instability and transition of scenarios with help of budgeting, forecasts and projections.
government impacts the organization • Timely adjustments are made in the organizational processes
negatively. and policies in response to actual or anticipated changes in
Political • Rapid changes in Government’s Government policies.
macroeconomic policies also adversely • Issues relating to the Cement Industry are dealt with through
impact the Company’s business. the forum of APCMA.

• Extensive competition, devaluation • Management continues to identify new markets for its
of currency, fluctuating interest products, internationally to offset local demand
rates and higher inflation. contraction and hedge currency fluctuation.
• Low Government’s development • Company constantly strives to bring efficiencies in its
spending, prevailing pandemic and manufacturing process and energy mix including BMR,
Economic lower economic growth, which supports in mitigating adverse effect of increase
construction activities slow-down. in production cost.

• As a socially responsible corporate entity, DGKC strives

hard to develop the communities in which it operates by
• Focus on Corporate Social ensuring compliance with all requirements of CSR.
Responsibility, Donations, • It donates generously to various social and charitable
development of communities and causes including health, education and social sectors.
Scholarships. • It also provides clean water, free education through
Social schools, medical facilities and fire fighting services in
arears nearby the sites.

• To continue its legacy of being among the unparalleled

• Risk of technological obsolescence. leaders of the cement industry, DGKC has always given
• Technological innovation by priority to latest technological developments.
competitors • Installation of 6.9 MW Solar Plant at KHP.
Technological • Continuous investment in key technological software to
achieve operational excellence.

• The Company takes various steps to protect the

environment including compliance with applicable
Environmental Footprint, environmental standards.
Recycling, Climatic Conditions • Company has approved standards of ISO for complying with
an effective environmental management system.
Global warming, Natural disasters
Environmental • Waste is collected from cities and is used as alternate fuel.
etc. • Investment in Waste Heat Recovery system so as to
minimize Company’s impact on the environment due to its

DGKC has a dedicated team of professionals which

ensures that all its processes comply with the
Compliance with the applicable regulatory requirements. It ensures that
applicable legal and all taxes and duties payments, whether income tax or
regulatory requirements sales tax, are made timely by having an effective cash
Legal management system in place.

2023 Annual Report


• Strong brand • Highly fragmented

recognition industry
• Well diversified fuel mix % & • Demand supply gap, overcapacity
efficient operations • High taxation and duties
• Strong financial position • High energy cost and inflation
• Quality and efficiency of human resources • High interest rates
• Easy access to production resources • Tough competition in local market
• Trusted and efficient supply chain • Low exports of cement
• Geographically diversed & state-of-art • Unstable exchange rate
production facilities
• Self sufficiency in
electricity requirement WEA





• Future growth • Overcapacity



potential particularly effecting the margins
exports to USA • Devaluation of money
• Focus on cost optimizing • Inconsistent economic policies
• Export opportunities due to fully • Protectionism in export market
operational HUB facility • Rising cost of logistics
• CPEC led growth opportunities • High cost of financing
• Flood related infrastructure requirement • Slashing PSDP funds
• Alternate energy sources • Rise in coal prices
• Economic instability
• Price war threat

Annual Report
DGKC 2023


Seasonality affects the cement market in Pakistan significantly. adversely affecting cement sales. The impact of winter (October
Sales generally peak during the hot summer months (March to to February) varies from region to region. While bitterly cold
June). Dry, warm weather is ideal for construction, motivating temperatures may slow exterior construction, indoor
contractors, architects, homeowners and developers to start or construction is likely to continue, providing some support for
accelerate projects. This increase in production increases cement sales.
demand for cement and bolsters sales.
In conclusion, seasonal factors play an important role in the
In contrast, the rainy season (July to September) presents fluctuations in cement sales in Pakistan. Our Company evaluates
challenges. Heavy rains disrupt construction, delaying cement its marketing strategies and inventory management to better
transport and causing logistics issues. Contractors may retire, navigate these seasonal changes.


The political environment in Pakistan, where our cement Ban on Import of Raw Materials: Bans on the import of
company operates, is marked by a combination of challenges raw materials due to low foreign reserves can lead to supply
and opportunities that significantly affect our ability to chain disruptions, affecting our production capacity and
implement our business strategies. These factors include potentially leading to product shortages in the market.
regime changes, government policies, delays in elections,
protests, inflation, economic and trade policies, and bans on the Global Energy Supply Disruptions: Disruptions in
import of raw materials due to low foreign reserves. energy supplies, such as those caused by political tensions with
major energy suppliers like Russia, can lead to increased energy
Regime Change and Government Shifts: Pakistan has prices. This not only raises our operational costs but also has the
witnessed changes in government over the years, which can potential to deplete the country's national reserves, affecting our
result in shifts in policies and regulations affecting the business purchasing power and overall economic stability.
environment. For instance, when a new government comes into
power, it often brings its own economic and trade policies, which International Trade Restrictions: Political tensions
may differ from those of the previous administration. This can between Pakistan and other countries, such as India, can affect
create uncertainty and impact our long-term business planning. our cement industry's export opportunities. For instance, the
deterioration of relations between India and Pakistan following
Inconsistency in Government Policies: Inconsistent events like the Pulwama attack in 2019 and India's decision to
government policies can pose a significant challenge to our abrogate Article 370 and 35A can limit our access to the Indian
company's operations. Frequent changes in tax regulations, market, which has been a significant destination for our exports.
import/export policies, and infrastructure development plans
can disrupt our supply chain and production processes. Anti-Dumping Laws: In some countries, particularly in
South Africa, anti-dumping laws can hinder our exports. These
Delay in Elections and Protests: Delays in scheduled laws are designed to protect domestic industries from foreign
elections and political protests can lead to instability and competition by imposing tariffs or restrictions on imported
uncertainty in the country. Protest events can disrupt the supply goods.
of raw materials and impact transportation logistics, ultimately
affecting our production and distribution capabilities. In conclusion, the political environment in Pakistan and other
countries plays a crucial role in shaping the operating landscape
Inflation: High inflation rates in Pakistan can increase our for our cement company. To navigate these challenges
production costs, making it more challenging to maintain effectively, we must maintain flexibility in our business
competitive prices in the market. This can impact our profit strategies, closely monitor political developments, engage with
margins and market share. relevant stakeholders, and diversify our market presence to
mitigate risks associated with geopolitical tensions and policy
Economic and Trade Policies: Changes in economic and fluctuations. Additionally, investing in sustainable practices and
trade policies, such as tariffs and trade agreements, can have a technologies can enhance our resilience in a volatile political
direct impact on our company's exports and imports. For climate.
example, a shift in trade alliances or the imposition of tariffs on
our products in other countries can affect our international
market presence.

2023 Annual Report


Overall cement industry ensures that interests of stakeholders are duly respected. Customers are well attended and their
grievances are timely addressed. Cement industry has also been good compliant of tax and corporate laws.


Training, Development, Recognition, Work-life Balance


Compliance with Law and Regulatory Requirements


Company’s Growth and Performance, Return on Investment


Deposits Volume, Investments, Borrowing Portfolio and Timely Repayments of Debts


Regular Supplies, Timely Delivery, Profit margins


Quality, Consistency, Regular supplies and Timely delivery


Timely Payment, Long Term Relationship


Job Creation, Minimum Negative Environment Impact

* Please refer to stakeholders engagement section for detailed analysis

Annual Report
DGKC 2023



Concretes are considered substitute for

cement but the market is dominated by
cement and customers in Pakistan are
THREAT OF more comfortable in cement product than

• High rivalry among competitors

• Over-Capacity in local market
• Demand -Supply gap is unfavorable
THREAT OF • Low opportunities in export market due
COMPETITION to political and economic reasons

As high investments are required for

cement plant, there is barrier for new
Medium entrants. However, already established
THREAT OF to Low cement mills regularly go for BMRs for
NEW ENTRANT capacity additions

• Low in local market due to reputational

strength of Company
• High in international commodity market
due to Commodity Super Cycle

• Large number of customers and

fragmented market
• However, export markets are tense and
have more negotiating powers

2023 Annual Report


Established Installation
under the Acquired by Kiln Firing of plant at
control of Nishat Installation System Khairpur
State Group under of 23.84 MW converted Chakwal,
Cement privitization furnace oil from furnace enhanced
Corporation initiated by based oil to the capacity
of Pakistan the captive coal-based to 13,400
Limited Government power plant system. TPD.

19 19 19 20 20
78 19 92 19 96 19 01 20 07
86 93 98 05
Commenced Clinker Addition of Increase in
commercial production another production
production capacity of production capacity of
with clinker existing line with existing
capacity of production clinker lines to
2,000 TPD at line capacity of 6,700 tons
DG Khan site increased to 3,300 TPD at per day
2,200 TPD DG Khan site

Annual Report
DGKC 2023

Addition of
Installation Installation new plant at
of 33 MW of 8.6 MW HUB Addition of
dual fuel WHR power enhanced Addition of 6.9 MW
power plant plant at the clinker 10 MW WHR Solar power
at Khairpur Khairpur capacity to power plant plant at
site site 22,400 TPD at HUB site Khairpur

20 20 20 20 20
07 20 13 20 18 20 21 20 23
10 16 20 22
Installation Installation Addition of 12 Addition of
of 10.4 MW of 30 MW MW WHR 30 MW CFPP
WHR power Coal Fired power plant at power plant
plant at DG Power Plant Khairpur site. at HUB site
Khan site at DG Khan Old plant was
site decomissioned

2023 Annual Report


DG. Khan Cement Limited, is dedicated to operating within • Under the Companies Act, 2017, DGKC conducts its
a framework of legality and ethics, recognizing the pivotal operations, including corporate formation,
role of compliance with various legislative and regulatory governance, and reporting, ensuring transparency
requirements in its corporate governance and and accountability.
sustainability. As outlined in its 2023 Annual Report, DGKC
diligently adheres to several key mandates:

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
• Being a publicly listed entity, DGKC adheres to stock • Property tax payments are made to maintain property
exchange regulations to safeguard market integrity legality.
and investor interests. It commits to high corporate
governance standards through the Code of Corporate • DGKC upholds labor rights, workplace safety, and
Governance, promoting transparency and environmental compliance. It adheres to labor laws,
accountability. ensuring employee welfare, and complies with health
and safety regulations to minimize workplace
• The company follows international accounting and hazards.
financial reporting standards to maintain financial
reporting accuracy and global comparability. • Environmental responsibility is acknowledged
Compliance with income tax, sales tax, and excise through compliance with emission standards, waste
laws at provincial and federal levels is vital for disposal regulations, and measures aimed at
financial sustainability and legal standing. reducing environmental impact.

• DGKC is in full compliance with the Mining Act, as well DGKC's commitment to these requirements, as
as the laws and regulations administered and evidenced in its 2023 Annual Report, underscores its
supervised by the Ministry of Mines and Minerals. dedication to ethical and responsible operations,
reinforcing its reputation as a responsible corporate

2023 Annual Report

JULY 01, 2022 TO JUNE 30, 2023

September 05, 2022 October 25, 2022

Notice of Meeting of HR&R Committee sent to Members of Meeting of the Members of Audit Committee conducted for
HR&R Committee. recommendation of Un Audited Accounts for the 1st Quarter
ended September 30, 2022, Related Party Transactions etc. etc.
September 13, 2022 to the Board of Directors for their approval.

Meeting of the Members of HR&R Committee conducted.

October 25, 2022

September 05, 2022 Meeting of the Board of Directors conducted for consideration
and approval of Un-Audited Accounts for the 1st Quarter ended
Notice of Meeting of Audit Committee sent to Members of Audit September 30, 2022, Directors Report, Related Party
Committee. Transactions etc. etc.

September 05, 2022

October 25, 2022
Notice for Meeting of Board Directors for consideration of
Financial Results for the 1st Quarter ended September 30, 2022
Annual Audited Accounts for the year ended June 30, 2022 sent
along with other Coprorate Actions, if any, Sent to Stock
to Board of Directors.
Exchange immediately after conclusion of Board Meeting.

September 13, 2022

October 28, 2022
Meeting of the Members of Audit Committee conducted for
recommendation of Annual Audited Accounts for the year ended Annual General Meeting conducted and Shareholders approved
June 30, 2022, related party transactions, appointment of Annual Audited Acounts, Appointment of External Auditors,
External Auditors etc.etc. to the Board of Directors for their Election of Directors and Investments under Section 199 of the
approval. Companies Act, 2017.

September 13, 2022 October 28, 2022

Meeting of the Board of Directors conducted for consideration Certified Copy of Resolutions Passed by the Shareholders in
and approval of Annual Audited Accounts for the year ended their Annual General Meeting held on October 28, 2022 sent to
June 30, 2022 Director's Report, Related Party Transactions, Stock Exchange.
Appointment of External Auditors, Agenda and Venue of AGM,
Special Business Under Section 199 of the Companies Act, 2017
etc. etc. October 29, 2022

Notice for Meeting of Board Directors for Appointment of

September 13, 2022 Chairperson, CEO and Re-constitution of Board Committees
Sent to Directors and Stock Exchange.
Financial Results for the year ended June 30, 2022 and other
Coprorate Actions Sent to Stock Exchange immediately after
conclusion of Board Meeting. November 04, 2022

September 29, 2022 Meeting of the Board of Directors conducted for Appointment of
Chairperson, CEO and Re-constitution of Board Committees.
Notice of AGM Sent to Pakistan Stock Exchange.
November 08, 2022
October 05, 2022
10% Final Cash Dividend Credited into designated bank
Notice of Annual General Meeting published in Newspapers. accounts of shareholders

October 17, 2022 November 18, 2022

Notice of Meeting of Audit Committee sent to Members of Audit Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on October 28, 2022
Committee. sent to Stock Exchange.

October 17, 2022

November 24, 2022
Notice for Meeting of Board Directors for consideration of
Un-Audited Accounts for the 1st Quarter ended September 30, Corporate Briefing Session on FY 2022 was held through video
2022 Sent to Directors and Stock Exchange. link.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023

Feberuary 14, 2023 April 19, 2023

Notice of Meeting of Audit Committee sent to Members of Audit Financial Results for the 3rd Quarter ended March 31, 2023
Committee. along with other Coprorate Actions, if any, Sent to Stock
Exchange immediately after conclusion of Board Meeting.

Feberuary 14, 2023

May 29, 2023
Notice for Meeting of Board Directors for consideration of
Un-Audited Accounts for the Half Year ended December 31, 2022 Notice of Emergent Meeting of Board Directors for
Sent to Directors. consideration of Increase in Authorized Share Capital Sent to
Board of Directors and was held on same day.
February 22, 2023
May 29, 2023
Meeting of the Members of Audit Committee conducted for
recommendation of Un Audited Accounts for the Half Year ended Decision of of the Board of Directors recommending increase in
December 31, 2022, Related Party Transactions etc. etc. to the Authorized Share Capital disseminated on PSX immediately
Board of Directors for their approval. after BOD Meeting along with Notice of EOGM.

February 22, 2023 May 30, 2023

Meeting of the Board of Directors conducted for consideration Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting published in
and approval of Un-Audited Accounts for the Half Year ended Newspapers.
December 31, 2022, Directors Report, Related Party
June 05, 2023

February 22, 2023 Notice of Meeting for consideration of Budgetry Impact on the
business of the Company Sent to Board of Directors.
Financial Results for the Half Year ended December 31, 2022
along with other Coprorate Actions, Sent to Stock Exchange
immediately after conclusion of Board Meeting. June 12, 2023

Meeting of the Board of Directors conducted for consideration of

March 27, 2023 of Budgetry Impact on the business of the Company.
Material Information regarding successful construction and
installation of On-grid Solar Power Plant of 6.952 MW at June 12, 2023
Khairpur Site, disseminated on PSX.
Decision of the Board of Directors disseminated on PSX
immediately after BOD Meeting
April 11, 2023

Notice of Meeting of Audit Committee sent to Members of Audit

June 15, 2023
Decision of the Board of Directors for cancellation of EOGM
April 11, 2023 disseminated on PSX.

Notice for Meeting of Board Directors for consideration of

June 16, 2023
Un-Audited Accounts for the 3rd Quarter ended March 31, 2023
Sent to Board of Directors.
Notice for Cancellation of EOGM sent to PSX for circulation.

April 19, 2023

June 17, 2023
Meeting of the Members of Audit Committee conducted for
recommendation of Un Audited Accounts for the 3rd Quarter Notice for Cancellation of EOGM published in Newspapers
ended March 31, 2023, Related Party Transactions etc. etc. to
the Board of Directors for their approval.

April 19, 2023

Meeting of the Board of Directors conducted for consideration of

Un-Audited Accounts for the 3rd Quarter ended March 31, 2023,
Directors Report, Related Party Transactions etc. etc.

2023 Annual Report


Our Corporate Strategy entails producing the highest quality of products benefitting all stakeholders. The Company
emphasizes on transparency and building greater standards of ethical values. The Company focuses on its team and
believes in regular training and development of its human resource given the technologically advanced nature of DGKC’s
plant and machinery. There is a strong commitment for continuous improvement of each process in order to optimize

Strategic Objectives and Related Strategies in Place

1 2 Sustainable and Profitable Cement

Footprint Strengthened
Our strategically placed manufacturing plants from As we invest to deepen the quality and penetration of
North to Center to South provide us unique ability to get cement market across Pakistan, we intend to be a
access to all cities across Pakistan. Our enhanced sustainable and profitable company. We have always
footprint provides us with a unique platform to scale our been the first movers regarding investments in new
strategy while we also selectively partner with technologies. DGKC aims to ensure optimum utilization of
institutional investors. plant with operational efficiencies.

Primary Financial Capital Human Capital Primary Financial Capital

capitals utilized Social and Relationship Capital capitals utilized Social and Relationship Capital
and impacted: Manufacturing Capital and impacted: Manufacturing Capital

Nature Long term Nature Medium term Long term

Strategies in place Strategies in place

• Develop strong dealership network. • Capacity expansion in line with demand and supply
gap in the market
• Expand dealership network selectively depending
on purpose and customer satisfaction index • Continuously invest in new technologies to ensure
competitive advantage over other manufacturers
• Developing strong relationship with institutional
customers • Eradicating operational inefficiencies via strong
• Develop and promote the brand as 'first choice'
among its customers and develop the strong and
loyal dealers'

• Quality insurance to keep customer loyalty

Number of dealers across Pakistan Capacity utilization %

KPIs Number of complaints from end KPIs Operational efficiencies in cement
Monitored customers Monitored manufacturing (Cost per ton of
Customer satisfaction index cement)

Relevance Relevance
These KPIs will remain relevant in These KPIs will remain relevant in future
of KPIs of KPIs

Annual Report
DGKC 2023

3 4 Social and environmentally

Market Diversification
DGKC intends to diversify its market base to minimize the DGKC is a cement manufacturer and the production
maximum risk. Pakistan cement market largely depends process may have environmental impacts. DGKC intends
on the infrastructure programs initiated by the to invest in technologies that are environmentally friendly
Government. Considering the Pakistan economic and has minimum social impact. DGKC also has vision to
challenges, diversification towards profitable exports is engage local communities in terms of jobs, facilities and
necessary to maintain sustainable profitability. community service as a contributor towards society.

Primary Financial Capital Primary Financial Capital

capitals utilized Social and Relationship Capital, capitals utilized Social and Relationship Capital
and impacted: Manufacturing Capital and impacted: Manufacturing Capital
Human Capital Intellectual Capital
Intellectual Capital

Nature Short term to medium term Nature Medium term Long term

Strategies in place Strategies in place

• Continuously explore the profitable export markets • Contribute to sustainable development of society
• Get certification regarding high quality of cement & through all commercial and social activities of the
clinker, plant outstanding standards to get access Company.
in international market (particularly China and
USA). • Ensure compliance to all applicable laws via strong
• Financial planning to ensure effective and legal and compliance team.
profitable sales utilization of plant.

Net retention in export and local Number of non-compliances

market Legal and other notices from
Monitored Monitored
Increase in export% competent authorities

Relevance Relevance
These KPIs will remain relevant in future These KPIs will remain relevant in future
of KPIs of KPIs

5 HR Excellence Strategies in place

• Forecast future HR plans.

HR has been proven as an important asset of any
• Succession Plan
Company. DGKC although is a capital intensive company,
• Linking HR planning to overall business strategy
yet competent and skilled HR has been its backbone
• Accept and absorb change to cope with future
throughout its successful journey. Ensuring retention,
planning and rewarding the skilled HR has been one of
the pillars of our corporate strategy.

Primary Financial Capital

capitals utilized Social and Relationship Capital Employee turnover ratio
and impacted: Intellectual Capital Employees feedback and surveys
Human Capital

These KPIs will remain relevant in future
of KPIs
Nature Medium term Long term

2023 Annual Report


To achieve strategic objectives, our company strategically strives to enhance stakeholders’ value and meticulously
establishes strategies and plans. To achieve its strategic objectives, the Company deploys resources at its disposal in a
planned manner.

1 Financial Capital

We intend to maintain sufficient liquidity available for operations. Our investments in banking, textile, and insurance
sectors generate adequate return on investments throughout the year in the form of dividends. This provides the
management with the flexibility to fund business expansion and invest in cost-saving initiatives. Moreover, the
Company has an efficacious Cash Flow Management System in place whereby cash inflows and outflows are projected
and monitored on a regular basis. Working capital requisites are managed mainly through internal cash generation
and subsidized financing, whenever available.

2 Manufactured Capital

Realizing the significant impact of manufactured capital on the Company’s ability to achieve its strategic objectives,
DGKC makes a deliberate effort to create and maintain a technologically superior asset base. Infrastructure at our
plant-sites, Head Office and the extensive marketing and distribution network constitute the Company’s manufactured

Proper technical and financial due diligences are carried out when new plant or machinery is to be installed to ensure
that they provide depth to the Company in meeting its objectives. Power mix and future supply chain for stores and
spares are also considered to avoid any disruption of the plant.

3 Intellectual Capital

Intellectual Capital is the value of the Company’s cumulative knowledge and resources that it can utilize to enhance
profits, gain new customers, improve product quality or otherwise improve the business.

DGKC accords highest priority to the development of its Information Systems resources to ensure accurate data
processing, efficient communications, streamlined business processes and accumulation of market intelligence.

State-of the art ERP system and sales ordering system are in place to gather real time market information and plant
performance. Business Continuity plan and assets backups are in place to ensure the protection of intellectual capital.

4 Human capital

Best available talents are not only attracted but also retained to maintain the quality of our human capital. Regular
training and developments, proper reward and HR planning are regularly reviewed to ensure the HR capital remain in
line with our strategic objectives and helped the organization in achieving them.

5 Social and relationship capital

Relationships with key stakeholders are always part of our plan in pursuance of our strategy. Regular meetings with
Banks, trade associations, Government bodies etc are conducted for the purpose of communication in achieving
shared objectives.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023


DGKC has been blessed with unique capabilities and resources that have been developed over the years through due
diligence and planning keeping in view strategic objectives of the Company. Key resources and capabilities of the Company
which provide sustainable competitive advantage over the years are:

Key Resources and Capabilities to Provide Sustainable

Competitive Advantage

• Geographically diverse & • Investments in multiple • Well diversified fuel mix % &
state-of-art production companies and regular efficient operations
facilities dividend income • Strategic location at Hub site,
• Self-sufficiency in electricity • Strong brand recognition boosting ability to export.
requirement • Sufficient production • Easy access to production
capacity to meet the market resources

Value Creation

Indirect wealth Contribution towards Development of local

creation through Government treasury communities across
equitable business in the form of Pakistan (being
with suppliers and Royalty, Income and Geographically
customers sales taxes, Federal diverse) in the form
Excise Duty of education, health,
job creation and
Inclusive working
social uplifting
environment for Forex generations
employees with through export
career development, opportunities Long term
job security and relationship with
personal High returns for customers and
development shareholders suppliers

Growth in
shareholders’ wealth

2023 Annual Report

Sustainability Strategy and Measurable Objectives
Sustainability is one of the most important strategic priorities and is present in every aspect of our business. For this
reason, our executive team evaluates and guides to the board members regarding DGKC’s efforts to achieve the following

• Integrate sustainable development into our short- and long-term strategies

• Ensuring sustainable growth policies and practices
• Endorse our Sustainability Model, priorities and KPIs
• Evaluate the effectiveness of sustainability initiatives and their implementation
• Provide guidance to the executive board members on strategic sustainability decisions

ESG - Sustainability Model

The model has three objectives organized into environmental, social, and governance pillars, as well as 19 main priorities
to integrate sustainability into every aspect of the business. Guided by this model, we focus our efforts and resources on
issues relevant to our business and stakeholders.

• Net-Zero CO2 • Board Composition &

• Circular Economy Management
• Biodiversity • Disclosure &
Conservation Transparency
• Preserving Water • Ethics & Compliance
• Air Quality &
SUSTAINABILITY • Customer Centricity
• Responsible & Green
• Sustainable Products
AT DGKC Procurement
• Risk & Opportunity
& Solutions Management
• SDG aligned Corporate


- Health & Safety

- Respect of Human
- Community
Development for
- Just Transition,
Shared Value &
Social Innovation
- Diversity, Equity &
- Workforce Experience

Annual Report
DGKC 2023

At DGKC we recognize the importance of sustainability and has made it our priority. Our businesses has embeded the
sustainability throughout in organization in order to achieve real results. The UN 17 SDG- Sustainable Development Goals
(a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity)

17 01
16 Partnership No
for the Poverty
Peace, Goal
Justice, Zero
& strong Hunger
15 Institution
Life Good Health
on Land & Well Being

14 Life SUSTAINABLE Quality

Below Education

13 Climate

GOALS Gender


Consum- & Sanitation

12 ption
Sustainable Clean
Cities Energy
Reduced Economic
11 Inequalities Industry,
Growth 07

10 08

At DGKC , We actively persue UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and we continue to align our practices to meet
the Global goals by 2030. We have defined a new set of ambitions with a 2030 vision that strengthens our commitment to
building a better world and helping to alleviate some of the most significant challenges communities face today and until
today we are committed to integrate stated SDGs (relevant to our business process) into our business and have developed
strategies accordingly:

2023 Annual Report

Sustainablity SDG
Our Strategy
Targets Reference

We have focused on reducing our emissions, increasing energy efficiency in our

operations, using lower emission alternatives to traditional fossil fuels,
decreasing our clinker factor and promoting renewable energy. To reduce carbon
Carbon foot prints and save valuable power cost:
Footprint SDG-13 -We have Installed WHR plants (Waste Heat Recovery) at all sites that use waste
heat from kilns and convert this to power thereby reducing consumption of fossil
- We have planned to invest in On- Grid solar power plants at all sites. Solar Plant
of 7 MW has been successfully installed at Khairpur.

Utilization of waste from other industries as a source of energy –we’re

contributing to a circular economy. For this DGKC has already installed :
• Refuse-derived fuel Plants as an alternative energy source to produce energy
from various types of waste such as municipal solid waste, industrial waste
Waste to or commercial waste.
Fuel SDG-7 • TDF Tyre-dervided fuel plant at its KHP and DG sites and planning to install
at HUB site as well in which Tyres may be mixed with coal or other fuels to be
burned in concrete kilns. Usage of alternative fuel not only helps to get rid of
different types of Industrial, agriculture, and municipal wastes but also
reduce production costs in the times of global Commodity Super Cycle.

We are committed to doing whatever it takes to reduce our environmental

footprint. As part of our ongoing efforts, we strive to:
• Monitor major and minor emissions
• Improve our measurement methods
• Adapt to new and more stringent air emissions regulations, investing
Enhancing accordingly and executing required trainings
Environmental SDG-11 • Go beyond local regulations and set ambitious targets for emissions
Management mitigation

DGKC is endeavoring to improve environment and the cleanliness of city. In this

regard, thousands of trees are planted every year, heavy machinery was provided
for cleaning. Worth millions of rupees were provided to the District
Administration which are being utilized for the cleanliness of the city.

It is used in several stages during the production process of cement, ready-mix

Water SDG-6 and aggregates as well as for cleaning plants, trucks and equipment. To protect
Resource this natural resource and help our business flourish, we work to increase our
Management SDG-14 water efficiency and control our water waste.

we seek gradually to implement the system “3 R's of Environment”: Reducing,

Optimum Reusing, and Recycling to manage effectively the resources we use to do our
Consumption work.

SDG-10 The company ensures no discrimination on grounds including gender, race,

Reduce ethnic origin and religion.

SDG-3 In addition to existing running schools and hospitals we are planning to add on
Education and more schools around the site areas to provide free education and health facilities.

We are focused to create job opportunities for the local community and provides
Poverty SDG-1 the platform to train technical staff at all levels particularly to fresh diploma
Reduction and holders and graduate engineers. In this way, we will empower the new
Skills Development SDG-2 generation to stand on their feet and contribute in the development of country.

Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) section translates our aforementioned strategles into actionable initiatives.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023

Company’s strategies and resource allocations are driven Environmental Issues
by not only by internal factors but external factors such as
technological changes, societal issues, climate changes DGKC implements its strategies in accordance with
and environmental factors. DGKC has also considered well-defined environment policy. We consider all factors
these factors in shaping its strategies and has before taking strategic decisions about expansion and
accordingly planned its resources. other activities which has impact on environment to
mitigate its affects/ footprint on environments. All the
Technological Changes business processes, new investments and any other
strategic decision is made keeping in line with their
Technology has changed the pace of business and raised environmental effects and the contribution they make
the expectations of our customers. Being a responsive towards society. Keeping up with its commitment for
Company towards change, DGKC always adapts the latest environment protection, the Company has implemented a
technology, whether it pertains to automation of business solar power project at its Plant in Khairpur site.
processes, advanced financial software for data analytics
or adoption of latest technologies for production. The
Company not only ensures that it acquires latest Initiatives In Promoting And
technologies and tools for its expansion projects, it also Enabling Innovation
implements/replicates the newer technologies for its
earlier plants as well. These investments in technology
DGKC takes following initiatives to boost innovation in
allows the Company to reap benefits in terms of
business and encourages its employees to come up with
efficiencies and lower costs in pursuance of its long and
new ways to improve products and processes:
medium terms goals.

• Regular workshops or occasional company away days

Societal Issues to brainstorm ideas.
• Supportive atmosphere in which people feel free to
DGKC believes in giving back to the society and express.
accordingly the societal issues relating to education, • Encourage risk taking and experimentation within the
health, donation, job creation, charity and poverty boundaries of acceptable risk tolerance and risk
alleviation are the integral part of its strategic plans. appetite
DGKC has adequate health, safety and environment • Promote openness between individuals and teams.
related policies and procedures. We also ensure that the • Delegation, teamwork and Job rotation
demographic and population changes in the region we • Reward innovation and celebrate success.
operate are accommodated in policies and procedures. • Look for imagination and creativity when recruiting
We believe in giving back to the society in terms of various new employees.
activities, capacity building programs, vocational training
programs, sponsorship of schools, scholarships, medical
clinics and other health related initiatives.

2023 Annual Report


The Company does not intend to initiate any plans of corporate restructuring. The Company has two significant plans for
coming years:

• Solar Power Plant at all sites.

• RDF / TDF Plant at HUB site.

However, for the time being, these projects have been deferred keeping in view discount rates and other macro-economic

The Company does not have any immediate plans for further expansion or discontinuation of any operations, other than the
ones already mentioned in the Directors’ Report.

Rationale of Major Capital Expenditure

During the FY23, major capital expenditure is related to Solar Power Plant at KHP site that was capitalized in last quarter,
diversifying our power mix at Khairpur site, making it cleaner and cost-efficiently. The project was partially financed
through financing scheme offered by SBP for renewable energy.

Company had plans to install Solar power plants at HUB and DG site but expensive capital and cost escalation caused the
Company to defer these plans. Further, management intends to lower the debt profile in order to improve debt equity ratio
and as part of our sustainability strategy.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023


DGKC enjoys good relationship with its financiers. DGKC has made timely payments of all its debt obligation and has not
made any default in this regard during the year.


The working capital and financing needs of the Company are managed through a robust treasury management system
which ensures effective cash flow management while safeguarding against any related risks.

Cash flow management is achieved through effective forecasting and periodic evaluation of planned inflows in the form of
turnover and investment income. There have been consistent stream of dividend income of around Rs 2.5 billion (mainly
from MCB) that provides needed liquidity to our operations.

Further, maturity profiles of assets and liabilities are regularly maintained and evaluated to ensure optimization of cash
inflows and outflows as per expected business operation needs.

All debt repayments maturing this year were paid on their due time and there have been no defaults in repayment of any
debt during the year.

The strategy to overcome liquidity problem is to ensure minimum cash requirement for working capital. Cash generation
left out after financing working capital will be used to finance capex (that has been strategically deferred or minimized).
Rest of the funds available will be used to lower the total debt. During the year, Company has reduced total debt by Rs 4.4

2023 Annual Report


DGKC’s enterprise risk management framework is aligned to the ISO 3100 International Risk Management Standard that
ensures best practices in the governance of risk. Through enterprise risk management, we identify DGKC’s key risks and
provide the Board with a robust assessment of the Company’s principal risks. An embedded enterprise risk management
process supports the identification of these principal risks. The process adopts both a bottom-up and a top-down approach
to identify and escalate risks across all levels of the organization.

Bottom-Up Top-Down
Approach Approach
Annual Assessment of risk Identifies strategic level
in Board risks, cascading these
Operational level
Risk Review
Company’s risks are An emerging risk assessment
identified at executive level is conducted and reported at
Periodic risk reviews with the different Management
management committee Committees to identify any new
Annual tactical risk or emerging threats and
assessment trends. These are allocated to
risk owners to investigate and
Identified risks are
assigned to member of
Operational risk
management or risk
champion for evaluation

Group-level Principal Risks

Mitigating Actions

Board-level Review
The Board reviews and approves the risk appetite for each principal risk to enable informed, risk-based

The process outlined above guarantees that risk management is embedded across all levels of the organization, leading
to risk-based, informed decision-making with the appropriate levels of accountability. In order to ensure that all risks are
effectively mitigated and managed, we adopt a multiple line of defense model to provide assurance to our stakeholders.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023


The board uses risk appetite and tolerance thresholds to evaluate the nature and extent of the risks and opportunities that
DGKC is willing to take in the pursuit of its value-creation strategy. The board reviews Risk Management processes
annually in terms of good governance and risk management practices in line with global best practice. Our risk appetite
and tolerance thresholds are used in strategy development and business planning and act as a reference point for
significant risk taking and risk mitigation decisions. The purpose of the risk appetite process is to ensure that the company
is not exposed to more risk than it is willing and able to assume. These arrangements allow the board to evaluate whether

• Exploiting the full potential of its risk appetite and whether it is sufficient to achieve its stated objectives
• Protecting itself sufficiently from risks associated with its pursuit of value creation
• Making the appropriate disclosures on risks and opportunities to its stakeholders.

The process of setting the overall risk appetite continues to provide the board with the opportunity to oversee the strategic
direction of the business in a volatile macroeconomic environment, in which the rise of unpredictable risks and emerging
structural opportunities will continue to have an impact on the business model into the future.

Placing Risk Appetite at the Core of Strategic Decision-Making

Essential for proactive risk management

A forward- A clear structure to assess current and

looking risk future risk profiles
capability Reinforces learnings from experience

An essential tool to understand the risk

impact of strategic decisions
…that places

risk at the Enables management and the board to


centre of balance risks and opportunities

decisions A key enabler in delivering sustainable
value creation

…and is Cascaded by risk type and corporate structure

embedded in
the organisation Supports a sound risk culture and drives

Enhances risk maturity and sets the tone for

policies and procedures

Balancing our Risk Capacity, Appetite and Tolerance

Risk capacity refers to the total amount of Risk appetite refers to the total risk we Risk tolerance describes the specific

risk the company can bear are willing to take to meet our strategic maximum amount of exposure by risk or
priorities risk category that is deemed acceptable

Our ability to service our debt Our risk tolerance is measured according
Our risk capacity is assessed in obligations and preserve asset valuations to qualitative thresholds aligned to our
terms of balance sheet strength is used as a yardstick to measure risk approved appetite levels

Used by the board in assessing risk and Used in setting strategy and business Used by the board as a reference point
opportunities planning to assess, review and monitor the
strategic direction of the business
Management considered the improved Aligned with Redefine’s strategic priorities

risk capacity in the annual insurance and uses our risk registers as a key Enables management to make prompt
cycle reference point and proactive decisions to ensure risk
management objectives are achieved in
Acts as a reference point for significant the ordinary course of business
risk taking and risk mitigation decisions

2023 Annual Report

In alignment with our commitment to transparency, we provide the following risk reporting mechanisms:

Internal Reporting External Reporting

• Quarterly risk assessments and reports to the • Full compliance with regulatory reporting
board of directors. requirements.
• Monthly operational risk reviews with department • Transparent disclosure of material risks in our
heads. annual reports.
• Regular updates to risk owners and relevant • Ongoing communication with investors, analysts,
stakeholders. and stakeholders about our risk management


The Board of Directors of DGKC is responsible for the risk Board of Directors has conducted an exhaustive
management and determining the company’s level of risk assessment of the primary risks confronting our
tolerance. The board regularly undertakes an overall company. This comprehensive evaluation included a
review of business risks to ensure that the management thorough analysis of risks that have the potential to pose
maintains a sound system of risk identification, risk a significant threat to our business model, future
management and related system and internal controls to performance, as well as our solvency and liquidity. This
safeguard assets, resources, reputation and interest of in-depth examination underscores our unwavering
the Company and shareholders. At DGKC, we have commitment to sound corporate governance and risk
evaluated our risk tolerance carefully, considering management. By identifying and understanding these
market dynamics and stakeholder expectations. Our critical risks, we can proactively implement measures to
approach emphasizes proactive risk identification, mitigate and manage them effectively.
mitigation, and compliance with all relevant regulations.
We pledge transparency in our risk management Safeguarding our business model, ensuring sustained
practices, ensuring your confidence in our operations. future performance, and maintaining robust solvency and
This commitment will safeguard our financial stability, liquidity are essential components of our corporate
reputation, and long-term success while allowing us to strategy. We firmly believe that this proactive approach
pursue strategic opportunities. will not only protect our organization from potential
setbacks but also position us to seize opportunities for
The Board of Directors has carried out a detailed growth and innovation.
assessment of risks facing the Company originating from
various sources. The Board of Directors is satisfied with
the Company’s risk management practices and the
mitigating strategies adopted to counter such risks.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023


1 2
Political Instability Risk Unstable economic and
market conditions
Source: External Source: External

Capital Impacted: Financial Capital, Social and Capital Impacted: Financial Capital,
relationship capital, Human Capital Manufactured Capital, Human Capital

Strategic Objectives: Market diversification, Strategic Objectives: Sustainable and profitable

sustainability cement manufacturer, footprint strengthened,
market diversification

Context and Value Impact Context and Value Impact

Political turmoil often leads to investors’ confidence Volatile macroeconomic conditions such as fluctuating
shaken. The cement industry is also often subjected to foreign exchange and inflation rates may weaken
unpredictable taxes, both direct and indirect. This, consumer spend and enterprise investment, thereby
combined with the added pressure from consumers to presenting risk to our revenue outlook. Inflationary
reduce prices, creates a challenging operating pressures could impact the DGKC’s operating costs and
environment. External factors, such as civil societal CAPEX efficiency.
activism, rapidly changing Government policies and fiscal
adjustments could also directly influence our operations.

Opportunity: As a significant tax contributor, Opportunity: Week PKR against USD provides us the
highlighting the role we play as a partner to opportunity to look for avenues in international
governments and citizens – especially as tax markets
contributions enable governments to deliver their
developmental agendas

Mitigating Action Mitigating Action

• Enhance our operating model, as we deliver on our • Continuously improve products and services to
Social Contract, accelerate the impact of our enhance our customer value proposition.
foundations and support enabling regulation.
• Create and implement a comprehensive stakeholder
• Regularly communicate DGKC purpose through relations strategy.
media statements and campaigns to educate DGKC’s
customers. • Include contingencies in our business plans to provide
for the negative operational impacts of lower
• Monitor changes to our political environments and economic growth and changes in interest, inflation
engage with the government on regular basis. and exchange rates.

• Consult regularly with tax advisers to understand the • Take an export-oriented approach to improve the
impact of our current operating environment. plant utilization

• Proactively understand tax pressures in all • Ensure cost effective procurement and price
jurisdictions and engage with governments to adjustments where necessary
minimize impacts

• Improve technical skills around tax and

regulatory-related issues

2023 Annual Report

3 4
High-Interest Rate Fluctuation in Coal Prices
Source: External Source: External

Capital Impacted: Financial Capital, Capital Impacted: Financial Capital,

Manufactured Capital Natural Capital

Strategic Objectives: Sustainable and profitable Strategic Objectives: Sustainable and profitable
cement manufacturer, footprint strengthened, cement manufacturer
market diversification

Context and Value Impact Context and Value Impact

High interest rates may hinder Company ability to grow Coal prices have been subject to fluctuations in both
as funds would not be available at affordable rates. international and local market. Being major component
Further, as Company is leveraged with total exposure of of our cost of production, fluctuations in it would affect
more than Rs 40 billion, it may also affect its ability to our profitability.
maintain high margins as compared to its competitors.

Opportunity: High-interest rates may pose a risk, but Opportunity: Fluctuations in foreign coal prices would
they also offer an opportunity for enhanced returns provide opportunity to look for internal source of
through strategic financial management. energy to make appropriate mix to reduce cost and to
save valuable foreign exchange reserves. High Coal
prices may also push the Company to replace Coal
usage with RDF and TDF to some extent

Mitigating Action Mitigating Action

• Defer the Capex expenditures so that all the cash • Diversify the energy sources in line with plant
generation would be utilized in debt reduction. requirement

• Working capital management strategies to be placed • Evaluate the various options of local coals to replace
to reduce the short term debt profile. foreign coal and to reduce cost

• Keeping eye on the inflation and interest rate trends • Keep an eye on international coal prices and make
and make appropriate strategies in this regard. necessary stocks in line with coal anticipated prices.

• Taking appropriate cash management strategies to • Negotiate the long term contracts with vendors to
reduce debt and to decrease the related finance ensure sustainable supplies.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023

5 6
Cybersecurity Risk High Power Cost
Source: Internal/External Source: Internal/External

Capital Impacted: Financial Capital, Capital Impacted: Financial Capital, Natural Capital,
Intellectual Capital Manufactured Capital

Strategic objectives: Strong brand image, Strategic objectives: Sustainable and profitable
HR Excellence cement manufacturer

Context and Value Impact Context and Value Impact

An external cyber attack, insider threat or supplier High power cost has been a threat to all the sectors of
breach – whether malicious or accidental – could lead to Country. This would make the product uncompetitive in
service interruption and/or the breach of confidential international market and less profitable as compared to
data. This could negatively impact DGKC’s customers, the products offered by the competitors.
revenue and reputation and lead to costs associated with
fraud and/or extortion.

Opportunity: Providing world-class data security as Opportunity: High power costs and future possible
part of our growing business needs, customer base trend provides opportunity to diversify into renewables
and data sensitivity. to ensure sustainable and cost-efficient energy source.

Mitigating Action Mitigating Action

• Commission world-class security vendors to enhance • Diversify the energy source to ensure optimum power
methods of detecting sophisticated attackers. mix and to reduce cost.

• Proactively assess and increase security measures • Invest in energy-efficient technologies to reduce total
and controls in place across projects, infrastructure
power requirement.
and while storing and transmitting confidential
• Develop the own power sources at all sites to make
• Enhance our third-party security reviews through them independent of Wapda/K-Electric
efficient, standardized, automated tooling and
processes, which decreases third-party security risk, • Explore the options of renewable energies like solar
including the number and impact of third-party power plants for green and sustainable energies.

• Monitor the DGKC’s cyber incident response and


• Manage security risks by implementing continuous

security improvement program and developing
dynamic and responsive frameworks.

• Embed the DGKC security risk, control and assurance

framework across our business.

• Embed the sustainable cyber skills program by

attracting and retaining scarce cyber skills.

2023 Annual Report

7 8
Legal and Compliance Health and Safety Risk
Source: Internal/External Source: External/Internal

Capital Impacted: Financial Capital, Social and Capital Impacted: Human Capital, Financial Capital,
Relationship Capital, Intellectual capital Manufactured Capital

Strategic objectives: Social and environmentally Strategic objectives: Ensuring the health and safety of
responsible our workforce, maintaining operational continuity,
sustaining profitability, and contributing to public
health efforts.

Context and Value Impact Context and Value Impact

The introduction of stringent regulatory and compliance A transmitted or infectious disease, such as Corona or
requirements will impact profitability, growth and service viral infection, and any health and safety incident present
delivery. This exposes us to significant financial and a significant risk to our organization. Such events can
reputational damage. directly impact our workforce, disrupt operations, strain
healthcare resources, and lead to financial losses.
Furthermore, they can affect our reputation and social
responsibility commitments.

Opportunity: Proactively responding to the changing Opportunity: Strengthening health and safety measures
regulatory context provides opportunities for can enhance employee well-being, improve workforce
“first-mover advantage” productivity, and bolster our reputation as a responsible
employer and corporate citizen.

Mitigating Action Mitigating Action

• Engage with governments and regulatory and public • Complete initial scanning of every individual joining
bodies through our Social Contract. the company along with medical certificate. Free
hospitalization, laboratory tests and other medical
• Engage with local Communications, Regulators and facilities at sites and head office to every employee of
regional standard setting bodies to shape regulatory the company. This also includes provision of free
requirements and mitigate risk. medicines up to a certain limit
• Implementation of strict HS&E policies and training
• Proactively engage with government and other key workshops. Periodic review of safety related incidents
stakeholders to communicate key messages and and internal audits ensure process effectiveness.
proposals on how policy and regulatory decisions • Prioritize the health and safety of employees by
positively and negatively impact the sector. implementing robust safety protocols, providing
personal protective equipment, and enforcing social
• Participate in broader government objectives and distancing measures during outbreaks.
public interest through national industry associations, • Collaborate with local healthcare authorities and
other influential organizations. providers to support public health efforts, such as
vaccination campaigns and testing initiatives, to help
• Keep update about the new regulatory changes and curb the spread of diseases.
seek advise from experts about potential impact on • Educate employees on best practices for personal
DGKC business and operations. hygiene and disease prevention to reduce the risk of
infection in the workplace.
• Offer mental health support and resources to
employees to address the emotional toll that health
crises can have on individuals.
• Continuously monitor global health trends and
collaborate with health authorities to adapt our health
and safety measures accordingly.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023


We acknowledge the inherent risk of supply chain disruption arising from environmental, social, or governance (ESG)
incidents. These incidents, including natural disasters, labor disputes, regulatory changes, and reputational issues, can
impact the flow of product essential to our operations.

To Address And Mitigate These Risks, We Have Implemented A Multifaceted


Regular evaluation of supplier ESG practices ensures alignment with our values and

We actively diversify our supplier base to reduce dependency on a single source,
bolstering our supply chain resilience.

We employ data analytics to monitor ESG-related trends, enabling proactive
identification of potential risks and opportunities.

Robust contingency plans outline responses to supply chain disruptions, facilitating swift

Engaging with stakeholders fosters strong relationships, reducing the likelihood of
ESG-related incidents.

Sustainability principles are integrated into supply chain management, promoting
responsible sourcing and ethical practices among suppliers.

Our commitment to ESG risk management underscores our dedication to long-term sustainability and responsible
business practices. By proactively monitoring and mitigating these risks, we aim to safeguard operations and contribute
positively to the global ESG landscape.

2023 Annual Report


Mrs. Naz Mansha Mr. Khalid Niaz Khawaja

Director/Chairperson Director/Non-Executive

Mrs. Naz Mansha has over 36 years’ experience as a Mr. Khalid Niaz Khawaja is a Fellow of Institute of
Director on the Board of different companies. She has Bankers, Pakistan. He has more than 49 years’ experience
been associated with D. G. Khan Cement Company to work in different capacities in banking industry and CEO
Limited (DGKCC) since 1994 and she is also a Chief in one of the leading Leasing company. He had been on the
Executive of Nishat Linen (Private) Limited, a subsidiary of board as a director on the leading institutions Including
Nishat Mills Limited and Director/Chief Executive of Lahore Stock Exchange Limited.
Emporium Properties (Pvt) Limited and Director on the
Board of Golf View Land (Pvt) Limited and Adamjee Life
Assurance Company Limited. She is a graduate from
Kinnaird College, Lahore.

Mr. Raza Mansha MR. USAMA MAHMUD

Director/Chief Executive Officer Director/Independent

Mian Raza Mansha has more than 28 years diversified Mr. Usama graduated from University of Pennsylvania
professional experience in various business sectors (UPenn) with a B.S.E. in Bioengineering and a Masters
including Banking, Textile, Power, Cement, Insurance, in Public Administration. He is a seasoned professional
Hotels, Properties, Natural Gas, Agriculture, Dairy etc. He with cross-cutting experience of working in both public
received his Bachelor degree from the University of and private sector. His areas of expertise include
Pennsylvania, USA. Currently he is on the Board of: management consulting, technical assistance, policy
development and project implementation. He has also
Director/Chief Executive Officer worked with international organizations such as DFID,
• D. G. Khan Cement Company Limited UN, and the World Bank. Usama has spearheaded
• Nishat Paper Products Co. Limited large scale initiatives and reform programs, such as
• Nishat Developers (Pvt.) Limited the education reforms in Punjab. He serves as the
Director of Delivery Management Consultants (Pvt)
Director Limited.
• MCB Islamic Bank Limited
• Nishat Hotels & Properties Limited
• Nishat (Raiwind) Hotels and Properties Ltd.
• Nishat (Aziz Avenue) Hotels and Properties Ltd
• Nishat Dairy (Pvt.) Limited
• Euronet Pakistan (Pvt.) Limited
• Nishat Agriculture Farming (Pvt.) Limited
• Hyundai Nishat Motor (Pvt.) Limited
• Nishat Agrotech Farms (Pvt) Limited

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
A part from Executive Director’s (Sales & Marketing) day to
day operational activities, he is currently Senior Vice
Chairman of All Pakistan Cement Manufacturers
Association (APCMA) and has also served as its Acting
Chairman in 2002. Moreover, he serves on boards of
Directors of Nishat Papers Products Company Limited
MR. Shehryar Ahmad Buksh
(NPPCL) and Nishat Mills Limited as well.

Mr. Shehryar has completed his MBA Management from

Lahore University of Management Sciences. He has over 25
years of experience in the retail industry, mall
development, product development and network
Mr. Shahzad Ahmad Malik
expansion across Pakistan. He had been on the board as a
director on the leading institutions including Lahore
Chamber of Commerce and Industry, First Punjab
Modaraba, Pakistan Board of Investments, Punjab Board of
Investments, Punjab Small Industrial Corporation and
Quaid – e – Azam Industrial Estate.
Mr. Shahzad Ahmad Malik has been associated with Nishat
He is also serving as Director / Managing Director on the Group since 1998. Before joining the Group, he served as a
Boards of Deputy Director in the Pakistan Audit and Accounts
Service, Government of Pakistan. He has a degree in Civil
• HKB Enterprises Engineering and later on did his MBA from the Lahore
• HKB Retail SMC (Pvt.) Limited. University of Management Sciences. He is also a Director
• Fortress Square Mall on the Board of Nishat Power Limited.

Mr. Farid Noor Ali Fazal Dr. Arif Bashir

Director/Executive Director Technical & Operations

Dr. Arif Bashir holds a Ph.D. degree, by profession he is

He holds a bachelor degree in Commerce, Law and Chemical Engineering. He joined cement sector in 1983.
Management. He has vast experience of about 48 years in During his career spanning over 40 years, he has proven
marketing, selling, logistics and administration. He started himself in technical, managerial and research areas.
his career in 1967 with Fancy Group of Companies and
later served as Marketing Manager of Steel Corporation of He has vast experience in the fields of chemical
Pakistan before moving to Middle East in 1976. He engineering, energy conservation, environmental studies,
remained associated with the cement and steel sector in alternate fuels, renewable energy (biomass, solar & wind),
Middle East for more than a decade where he served in project planning, execution and monitoring, operation and
various companies mostly as General Manager (Sales & maintenance. He possesses good skills to develop and train
Marketing). technical teams having special interest in the field of
applied engineering research.
He later moved to Houston, Texas, USA in 1987 where he
successfully managed his entrepreneurial venture for next He represented Pakistan on various national and
eleven years before returning to Pakistan and joining international conferences. To his credit are number of
DGKC in 1998. His vast experience, leadership traits, international research publications. He is also associated
business acumen, people skills and dedication to work have with educational institutions as examiner and active
been key elements of his success in the role and he has member of board of studies. He supervised university
contributed incredible expansion in the market share of students in applied research projects leading towards the
DGKC locally and specially internationally as well. degree of Ph.D.

2023 Annual Report

He is pioneer in conversion of domestic cement industry

from furnace oil to coal and alternate fuels firing that has
changed the entire structure of Pakistan Cement Industry.

He is associated with DGKC since 1993, where he oversaw

the expansion of plants and setting up of three new cement
Mr. Khalid Mahmood Chohan
production lines with number of optimizing projects. In
Company Secretary
2004, he was given challenging responsibility to set up
state of the art greenfield 7000 tpd Khairpur project which
was successfully completed in 2007. In 2011 he was posted
on the top technical post of the Company as Director
(Technical & Operations). He was also heading technical
team who completed Pakistan largest 10,000 tpd Cement He is a Commerce graduate. His experience tenor is about
project in 2018 at Hub, district Lasbela Balochistan. 40 years. His fields of expertise include income tax,
corporate matters and secretarial practices.
His technical expertise and leadership have been
instrumental in vertical growth of the Company. He played He is Company Secretary of various companies in Nishat
a pivotal role in training and development of skilled Group.
professional team of engineers and technicians. He also
serves on the boards of directors of Pakgen Power Limited
and Nishat Paper Products Company Limited.

Mr. Inayat Ullah Niazi Mr. Nauman Yaqoob

Director Finance Chief Information Officer

He is a Commerce Graduate and C.A. Inter. His experience He holds Bachelors and Master’s degree in Information
spans about 39 years, through out with DGKC. He Technology (IT) from Preston University. He has
supervised the financial matters related to expansion of DG experience of over 28 years in different areas of IT
Plant. He also oversaw critical financing arrangements for including ERP, Software development, Network
installation of new plants at Khairpur (2007) and Hub communication, Data Centers, Security and BMS. He also
(2018). His expertise is in accounts, tax, audit, finance, has many international affiliations and certifications.
treasury, budget and planning. He remained a crucial (CISCO, Microsoft, Oracle, Dell, IBM, Honeywell, Bosch
negotiator and dealer in transactions with international etc.)
financial institutions, development institutions and export
credit agencies. He started his career in 1994 from DGKC. After 13 years
with Nishat Group, he moved to work at different positions
He has served as director of Lahore Stock Exchange, in Government of Pakistan & Punjab’s departments up to
National Clearing Company of Pakistan Limited and LSE “BPS-20” (Expo Center Lahore, Punjab IT Board, TEVTA,
Financial Services Limited. He is also CFO of Nishat Paper Home department, ZTE Telecomm). He is one of the
Products Company Limited. pioneers behind the concept of “E-Governance” in public
sector enterprises and transform and implement the
He is also serving as a director in Security General technology of Punjab Prisons, Forensics and Securities.
Insurance Company Limited, Nishat Hotels & Properties
Limited, Nishat (Aziz Avenue) Hotels & Properties Limited,
Nishat (Raiwind) Hotels & Properties Limited, Nishat
Energy Limited, Lalpir Power Limited and Pakistan Aviators
and Aviation (Private) Limited.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023



Mrs. Naz Mansha


Female Director: 01
Male Directors: 06
Mr. Raza Mansha
Chief Executive

Mr. Khalid Niaz Khawaja Mr. Usama Mahmud MR. Shehryar Ahmad Buksh Mr. Farid Noor Ali Fazal Mr. Shahzad Ahmad Malik
Director/Non-Executive Independent Director/Independent Executive Non-Executive


Ms. Naz Mansha is committed to principles of good No annual evaluation is carried out by external consul-
corporate governance consistent with prudent tant during the year.
management and enhancement of shareholders’ value
based on her vast experience. She is also a Chief BOARD MEETINGS HELD ABROAD
Executive of Nishat Linen (Private) Limited, a subsidiary
of Nishat Mills Limited and Director/Chief Executive of Since all the directors of the Company are based in
Emporium Properties (Pvt) Limited and Director on the Pakistan, no meeting of the Board of Directors of the
Board of Golf View Land (Pvt) Limited and Adamjee Life Company was held abroad.
Assurance Company Limited.

2023 Annual Report

INDEPENDENT DIRECTORS These include but are not limited to:

- BASIS FOR INDEPENDENCE • monitoring and review of governance practices;

• influence and monitor the strategic direction of the
Independent director means a director of company, not organization;
being a whole-time director and who is neither a • appointment / removal, determination of
promoter nor belongs to a promoter group. Here, remuneration and renewal of contracts, terms and
promoter means a person or persons who are in over-all conditions of key management positions;
control of a company. Mr. Shehryar Ahmed Baksh and Mr. • matters recommended by the Board’s committees
Usama Mahmood do not bear any executive role nor in • significant issues, placed by the Chief Executive
any way related to the promoters. They are acting as an Officer, for the information, consideration and
independent director in accordance with code of decision of the Board or its committees;
corporate governance rules. • review and monitor the internal controls framework;
• investments in new ventures;
• evaluation of effective risk management framework;
DIVERSITY IN THE BOARD • monitoring of integrity and ethical issues;
• approval and periodic reviews of annual business
Our Board diversity aims to cultivate a broad spectrum of plan, cash flow projections, forecast and strategic
demographic attributes and characteristics in the plans;
boardroom. All seven board members depict a true blend • approval of related party transactions;
of diversity in the form of skills, exposure, expertise, • review of internal audit reports;
knowledge, age and experience. Chairperson has over 36 • review of management letter issued by the external
years experience in running different businesses. CEO auditors; and
has more than 28 years of rich experience, particularly • approval of the Company’s Financial Statements
related to cement. Mr Khalid Niaz Khawaja and Shahzad including interim and final dividend and review of
Malik have rich banking and finance experience. Mr internal / external audit observations regarding the
Usama Mahmood has engineering degree and skills in overall control environment
public administration. The blend of skills, experience and
competencies provide diversity in the Board. Responsibilities have been delegated to the Committees
by the Board and they function as per the approved Terms

ROLE OF CHAIRPERSON AND of Reference. They are responsible for review of requisite
matters and make necessary recommendations.
Respective roles of the Board and management are
The Chairman is responsible for leading the Board and pre-defined explicitly, while CEO has been entrusted with
focusing it on strategic matters, overseeing the the routine business operations in an effective and ethical
Company’s business and setting high governance manner, in compliance with the Company’s Articles of
standards. She plays a pivotal role in fostering the Association.
effectiveness of the Board and individual Directors.
The Board has approved strategies and goals including
The CEO is responsible for the day-to-day leadership and but not limited to annual targets of production, sales,
management of the business, in line with the strategic turnover, cost, profitability, identifying new areas of
Framework, risk appetite and annual and long-term investment for the Company and compliance with legal
objectives approved by the Board. and regulatory requirements. The management is also
responsible for identification and administration of key

ROLE AND risks, opportunities, establishment and maintenance of

internal controls and preparation / presentation of
RESPONSIBILITIES financial statements in conformity with the applicable
financial reporting framework consisting of approved
OF THE BOARD accounting and financial reporting standards, Companies
Act 2017 besides other Rules and regulations issued by
DGKC’s Board of Directors is fully cognizant of its roles Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan.
and responsibilities towards the Company’s esteemed
shareholders. Its primary aim is to enhance shareholders’
value in a transparent and efficient manner. The Board
exercises responsibilities conferred to it in the Company’s
governance framework which exceeds the requirements
of the regulatory framework.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023


DGKC complies with all the requirements set out in the Companies Act, 2017 and the Listed Companies (Code of Corporate
Governance) Regulations, 2019 with respect to the composition, procedures and meetings of the Board of Directors and its

The Board has constituted adequate number of Committees like Audit Committee and Human Resource and Remuneration
Committee. The Committees performed well according to their Terms of Reference. The Board has developed a
mechanism for annual evaluation of Board’s own performance, members of the Board and its Committees. The Board
carried out annual evaluation of Board’s own performance, Members of the Board and its Committees on April 19, 2023.
The overall performance of the Board measured on the basis of approved criteria for the year was satisfactory. The overall
assessment as satisfactory is based on an evaluation of the following integral components, which have a direct bearing on
Board’s role in achievement of Company’s objectives.

Diversity in Board: The Board is composed of members with diverse background having relevant knowledge, skills and
experience of cement. Its appropriate balance of one executive, four non-executive and two independent directors ensure
its independence and empowerment.

Formulation of corporate strategy: Board has a clear understanding of the stakeholders (shareholders, customers,
employees, vendors, society at large) whom the Company serves. The Board has spent sufficient time on strategy
formulation and it has set annual goals and targets for the management in all major performance areas. The Board
subsequently follows up and monitors overall corporate strategy, key financial performance indicators and other budgetary

Process and procedures: The Board members diligently performed their duties and thoroughly reviewed, discussed and
approved business strategies, corporate objectives, plans, budgets, financial statements and other reports. It received
clear and succinct agendas and supporting written material in sufficient time prior to board and committee meetings. The
board met frequently enough to adequately discharge its responsibilities.

Monitoring of organization’s business activities: The Board remained updated with respect to achievement of Company’s
objectives, goals, strategies and financial performance through regular presentations by the management, internal and
external auditors and other independent consultants. The Board provided appropriate direction and oversight on a timely

Oversight: The Board has effectively set the tone-at-the-top, by putting in place transparent and robust system of
governance. This is reflected by setting up an effective control environment, compliance with best practices of corporate
governance and by promoting ethical and fair behavior across the company. The Board reviewed the Company’s significant
accounting policies according to the financial reporting regulatory framework. Board also ensured the effective risk
management system in place.

Mrs Naz Mansha


August 31, 2023

2023 Annual Report

BOARD’S ANNUAL additional factors and questions as prescribed under

S.R.O. 301(1)/2020 dated April 9, 2020
Listed Companies (Code of Corporate Governance)
Regulations, 2019 requires the Board of DGKC to review
The Company has made sufficient arrangements to carry
its and the committees’ performance annually. The
out orientation sessions for their directors to acquaint
purpose of this evaluation is to ensure that the Board’s
them with company’s operations, applicable laws and
overall performance and effectiveness is measured and
regulations and their duties and responsibilities in order
benchmarked against expectations in the context of
to enable them to effectively govern the affairs of the
objectives set for the Company. The Board has completed
company on behalf of shareholders. Non-executive
its annual self-evaluation on April 19, 2023 regarding
directors are provided with exposure to operating
which a report by the Chairman on Board’s overall
management of the Company on a regular basis
Performance is also attached with this Annual Report.
throughout the year. Moreover, non-executive directors
For the purpose of Board evaluation, a comprehensive
may elect to contact any employee, customer, advisor or
criterion has been developed. Key elements of the criteria
supplier of the Company.
are as follows:

Board Composition mainly: DIRECTOR’S TRAINING

• whether the Board has appropriate mix of skills, PROGRAM
expertise and competencies.
• whether there is gender diversity In compliance with regulatory requirements, the Board
• whether the Board members have significant other members (except Mr Shehryar Ahmad Buksh) are
commitments etc appropriately certified/exempted under the Directors’
Training Program from SECP approved institutions. The
Processes and Procedures mainly: company has planned to arrange Directors’ Training
Program certification for the remaining one director, Mr
• Whether the agenda and related information are Shehryar Ahmad Buksh.
circulated in advance of meeting to allow Board

members to study and understand the information
Whether adequate and qualitative information is EXTERNAL OVERSIGHT OF

provided to directors
Whether conflicts of interests between Board
members are avoided and fully documented. MEASURES
• Compliance with Code of Corporate Governance etc
The Board places great emphasis on transparency,
Oversight mainly: accountability, good governance and safeguarding the
interest of the stakeholders. DGKC has not only
• Whether Board considers the quality and well-articulated internal control and systems in place
appropriateness of financial accounting and reporting within the company but also emphasized on external
and the transparency of disclosures oversight to enhance the credibility of the information
• Whether Board takes into account significant risks provided to stakeholders. These are:
that may directly or indirectly affect the Company
such as regulatory and legal requirements; market • External audits of statutory accounts
and competitive trends; export demand and price; • Cost Audit on annual basis
energy availability and cost; foreign exchange • Internal audit on regular basis
fluctuations, interest rate risk; financial and liquidity • ERP system audit by external auditors (PwC) and
risk SCARLET Systems
• Whether Board reviews details of financing facilities • Independent assessment of technology environment
availed by the Company and networks are carried out by CNS Engineering
• Whether Board evaluates the significant investment Services
and divestment of funds etc

In addition to that, Board will also review the

performance of its committees’ performance in
accordance with their TORs. The criteria also include

Annual Report
DGKC 2023

All transactions with related parties arising in the normal disclosure is in line with the requirements of the 4th
course of business are carried out on an unbiased, arm’s Schedule to the Companies Act, 2017 and applicable
length basis at normal commercial terms and conditions, International Financial Reporting Standards.
under the Company’s Related Party Policy developed in
accordance with the law. All transactions or arrangements (other than investment
in Hyundai Nishat Motor (Private) Limited) with all related
In compliance with the regulatory requirements, all parties were carried out in the ordinary course of
related party transactions are placed before the Audit business on an arm’s length basis. During the year,
Committee for review and recommendation to the Board Company invested Rs 1,007 million in Hyundai Nishat
of Directors at the end of each quarter. The same are then Motor (Private) Limited in accordance with the
considered and approved by the Board keeping in view the shareholders approval in last AGM to earn dividend and
Committee’s recommendations. Any transactions where prospective capital gains.
majority of the directors are interested, are referred to
the shareholders in General Meeting for approval. During the year, there was no conflict of interest
observed with any of the director in any of the contract or
The Company has made detailed disclosures about arrangement with the related party. However, all the
related party transactions (along with basis of related parties transactions have been annexed in the
relationship with the related parties) in its financial attached notice of AGM to seek approvals from
statements annexed with this annual report. Such shareholders in the AGM held on October 27, 2023.

2023 Annual Report

BOARD'S POLICY ON where they are concerned or interested. Where majority
of directors are interested, the matter is laid before the
GOVERNANCE OF RISK AND General meeting for approval.

The Company has developed a mechanism for
identification of risks and assigning appropriate criticality
level and devising appropriate mitigation measures which INDEPENDENT DIRECTORS
are regularly monitored and implemented by the
management across all major functions of the Company The Company shall not pay remuneration to its
and presented to the Audit Committee for information non-executive directors including independent directors
and review. except for meeting fee for attending Board and its
Committee meetings. The Company will reimburse or
The Company has devised and implemented an effective incur expenses of travelling and accommodation of
internal control framework which also includes an Directors in relation to attending of Board and its
independent internal audit function. The Internal Audit Committees meetings. The Directors’ Remuneration
function is responsible for providing assurance on the Policy will be reviewed and approved by the Board of
effectiveness and adequacy of internal control and risk Directors from time to time.
management framework in managing risks within
acceptable levels throughout the Company. The
Company’s approach towards risk management has been BOARD FEE ON ACTING AS
disclosed in the Risk and Opportunity section of this
The Company will not pay any remuneration to its
The Board continues to have a firm commitment to directors acting as a non-executive director in other
promote diversity, equal opportunity and talent group companies. However, they are entitled to get
development at every level throughout the Company, meeting fee on attending the Board and its Committee
including at Board and management level and is meetings, which of course shall be borne by the company
constantly seeking to attract and recruit highly qualified in which they are acting as a non-executive director.
candidates for all positions in its business. The Company
believes that diversity helps to ensure that it can achieve
its overall business goals, especially in light of our SECURITY CLEARANCE OF
geographical footprint, and is critical in promoting a
diverse and inclusive culture across the whole Company.
The Board of Directors firmly believes that the diverse
mix of gender, knowledge, expertise and skill sets of the Since all member of board of directors are Pakistani,
members enhances the effectiveness of the Board. In this there is no need for security clearance.
regard, Board ensures that a diverse mix of directors are
elected on the Board of the Company, which represent
the interests of all stakeholders. Diversity and inclusion is
a part of who we are, how we lead and what we believe in.


No director of the Company shall take part in the
discussion or vote relating to contract or agreement

Annual Report
DGKC 2023

HUMAN RESOURCE Equality, Diversity and

Our employment policies are based on the principles of
DGKC believes that employees are assets of the Company
equality and diversity. We believe that the elimination of
and have been instrumental in driving the Company’s
unfair discrimination in the workplace contributes to
performance year on year. Their passion, commitment,
productivity and performance as it allows employees’
sense of ownership and team work has enabled the
talents to be most effectively realized. We are committed
Company to maintain its leadership position in the
to dignity at work and fair treatment of all colleagues. The
challenging market scenario. The Company has always
Head of Human Resource Department is accountable for
striven to offer a positive, supportive, open and high
ensuring that these principles are followed and for
performance work culture where innovation and risk
establishing appropriate action plans for their business.
taking is encouraged, performance is recognized and
employees are motivated to realize their true potential.
Succession Plan
It is not only the employees who are important to DG. For
A succession plan is a component of good HR planning
us, the extended ‘DG Family’ that includes the family
and management. Succession planning acknowledges
members of our employees is also critical to our success.
that the staff will not be with an organization indefinitely
It stems from the belief that a happy employee at work is
and it provides a plan and process for addressing the
the one who is happy back home. And hence, we aim to
changes that will occur when they leave. Keeping in view
raise the happiness quotient of the families of our
the need and importance of succession planning, the
employees as well.
Company has formulated a comprehensive succession
Recruitment and Selection plan by focusing on all the key positions within the
Company. The key positions can be defined as those
positions that are crucial for the operations of the
We at DGKC believe in hiring and retaining capable,
organization and which are hard to be replaced because
qualified and potentially useful employees who are
of skill, seniority and/or experience requirements.
willing to contribute their best to accomplish the
objectives of the Company. Appointments of jobs in the
permanent cadre are made by promotions or through SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENT
direct recruitment by the concerned appointing authority
through the HR department. RESPONSIBILITY POLICY
Development and Training For DGKC, reaching environmental excellence is a main
objective. We dedicate significant efforts to address key
Employees’ development and capability building across sustainability-related issues, from biodiversity and
functions and levels remained a key focus area to build a conservation to renewable energy, climate change and
strong talent pipeline. The Company is committed to emissions monitoring.
invest in enhancing its human capital through building
technical skills and competencies of its employees. With At DGKC managing our environmental footprint is an
the use of performance management processes, the integral part of our business philosophy. We are fully
Company aims to ensure that all employees know what is committed to carrying out our business activities in an
expected of them and possess the necessary skills, environmentally responsible and sustainable manner and
knowledge, values and experience to achieve the highest to minimize the environmental implications of our
level of performance to their true potential. activities.

Reward and Motivation To meet this, we:

It is our policy to reward the employees with fair and • Actively pursue a policy of pollution prevention.
competitive salaries and perks along with an opportunity • Comply with Company policies and procedures and all
to share in the success of the business in terms of applicable local laws and regulations. Make strategic
promotions and personal growth. All the elements of the efforts to maximize our energy and resource
reward system are designed to support the achievement efficiency, lower our carbon intensity and reduce
of the desired behaviour, values and standards as well as emissions by managing our usage of energy, water
high performance and continuous improvement/ consumption and waste generation.
development. • Responsibly manage the land within our operations to
protect ecosystems and biodiversity and to maximize
our contribution to nature conservation.

2023 Annual Report

• Maintain open and effective communication channels INVESTORS’ GRIEVANCE POLICY

with our employees, contractors, customers, the
community and all those who work with us. Investors’ service is an important imperative for
• Provide the necessary resources for instruction, sustained business growth of an organization, therefore,
training and supervision to appropriately manage the the organization should ensure that investors receive
environmental aspects of our operations. exemplary service across different touch points of the
• Plan, review and assess our environmental organization. DGKC has developed an effective investor
performance against measurable targets and grievance policy to actively address and resolve the
industry best practices to drive continuous issues being faced by the investors and to fulfill the legal
improvement. requirements. The Chief Financial Officer and Company
• Investigate, monitor and openly report our Secretary of the Company are responsible for
environmental performance. implementing the policy. The policy follows the following
• Set corporate requirements to assess the principles:
sustainability attributes of our suppliers and
subcontractors. • Investors are treated fairly at all times;
• Complaints raised by investors are dealt with courtesy
Everyone who works for the company is responsible for and in a timely manner;
demonstrating correct environmental behaviors and • Investors are informed of avenues to raise their
reporting potential environmental risks, including among complaints within the Company, and their rights if they
others employees, suppliers, contractors, third parties, are not satisfied with the resolution of their
and out-sourcing partners. Managers are accountable for complaints;
clearly defining environmental roles and responsibilities. • Complaints are treated efficiently and fairly;
• The Company’s employees work in good faith and
We comply through following plan of actions: without prejudice, towards the interests of the
• KPIs and standard protocols follow up Investors.
• Emissions monitoring and reporting
• Waste and water management During the current year no complaint has been received
• Regulation updates, trends and new technologies at our Investors’ Inquiries & Complaint Cell.
• Promotion of best practices throughout our
STAKEHOLDERS The discipline that goes into a safety program will spill
over into production and quality control. People will be
The Board places great emphasis on transparency and more aware of safety and how they do their jobs. We
accountability to forfend the interest of the stakeholders. believe it will work to our benefit with production and
For this purpose, Board has directed the management to quality.
continuously engage with all stakeholders to address
their concerns. Management is also asked to discuss any As an employer, we identify hazards in our workplace and
concern of great importance in the Board meetings and take steps to eliminate or minimize them. We have
other relevant sub-committee meetings. To update with developed a safety plan to aware our employees what
the stakeholders, management annually holds a they will do to ensure their safety and what we expect
Corporate Briefing Session to interact with stakeholders, from them.
respond their concerns and brief them on company’s
business plans. Company also invites its stakeholders at Following initiatives are being taken to ensure employees
AGM to discuss annual financial performance of the health and safety, but not limited to:
company and other matters of great importance. Further,
Company has also dedicated a team comprises of its • Regularly checking of all equipment and tools to
senior management to deal with the grievances and ensure that they are well maintained and safe to use
concerns of its stakeholders. Different forms of • Proper training is made necessary for all employees,
stakeholders’ engagement have been discussed in especially if where there is a risk for potential injury
Stakeholders Engagement Section of annual report. associated with a job.
• Even if an incident does not result in a serious injury,
we conduct an incident investigation to help
determine why an incident happened so we can take
steps to ensure that it will not recur in future.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
• Keep records of all first aid treatments, inspections, Reporting a wrongdoing: If you have a concern you wish to
incident investigations, and training activities. raise, you may write to any of the Designated Officers or
• Awareness campaign of preventive measures against contact them via telephone or fax. The designated officers
COVID-19 are:
• Onsite gym, sports complex, swimming and other
facilities for employee fitness • Director Marketing
• Free dispensaries at sites • Chief Financial Officer
• Suitable medical policies in place to provide quality • GM HR & Admin
treatment to employees’ in case of major or minor
illness. All employees of DGKC are made aware of this Policy and
• Mandatory breaks and time-off the safeguards it provides to the whistle-blower.


At DGKC, any employee who suspects a wrongdoing at DGKC pursues an effective policy for the safety of its
work, is strongly encouraged to report such wrongdoing records to affirm its commitment to ensure that
through the whistle blowing procedure. authentic, reliable and usable records are created,
captured and managed to meet the standard of best
Policy and Procedures practices and to meet the Company’s business and
statutory requirements.
DGKC whistle-blowing policy (Policy) gives employees
(and people working with DGKC), trust and confidence in The policy ensures that:
how their concerns will be treated. The whistle blowing • A full and accurate record of the transactions of the
policy allows employees to report their concerns on any Company is created, captured and maintained
breach of the Code of Conduct . The actions that can be physically and in systems along with proper backup;
reported include: • Records are to be maintained in conditions suitable
for the length of time to cater for the Company’s
• Criminal Acts needs and statutory requirements;
• Putting Health or Safety at Risk • Records and archives will be available within the
• Environmental Damage constraints of security, confidentiality, privacy and
• Bullying or Harassment archival access conditions;
• Accounting Malpractices • Records are destroyed or disposed of in accordance
• Failing to Comply with Legal Obligations with the disposal policies, procedures and guidelines
• Concealing any of the above activities. of the Company in accordance with law;
• Ownership of the records and archives is with the
The Policy through the procedures set out therein, Company and not with an individual or any team.
ensures highest level of confidentiality for the whistle
blower and the investigation process. Additionally, in
order to encourage people to speak up, the Policy also
mandates no reprisal against the whistle-blower, who MANAGING AND REPORTING
may also report the concern anonymously.
Procedures for raising concerns are provided below:
Informal reporting: Voice concern with line manager or
DGKC takes a comprehensive and diligent approach to
any other senior manager.
managing and reporting policies, reflecting its
commitment to transparency, accountability and ethical
Formal reporting: Report the matter formally for
practices. While recognizing that well-defined policies
investigation with line manager or any of the designated
form the foundation of a robust Governance framework,
officer either verbally or in writing.
our systematic policy management system encompasses
policy creation, dissemination, implementation, and
Designated Officer: Referred to by the individual directly
or by the line manager for investigation but matter is kept
Our policies are formulated with input from relevant
stakeholders, incorporating industry best practices and
Anonymous reports: Individuals may wish to raise
legal requirements. To ensure effective communication
concerns anonymously.

2023 Annual Report

and understanding, we employ a clear and accessible provide a mechanism for disaster recovery in the
policy dissemination strategy. This includes respective areas. The Company has arranged the security
dissemination through emails, uploading on Company of all the factory sites by hiring well-trained security
website (where relevant) and training and workshops personnel on its payroll. All the physical assets are
across the organization. properly safeguarded and insured. Back up of virtual
assets such as IT programs and software are regularly
The policies and procedures; including for procurement, arranged. Very efficient and effective firefighting systems
waste and emissions are subject to review at regular have been in place at all our manufacturing facilities.
intervals and take into account any change in regulatory Standard Operating Procedures for all the processes
environment, operational efficiencies and compliance have been devised and documented according to the best
with international best practices. practices prevailing in the industry. All transactions and
affairs of the Company are properly documented; and

BUSINESS CONTINUITY these documents are appropriately preserved according

to our Policy for Safety of Records.
PLAN / DISASTER RECOVERY Board regularly reviews the Business Continuity Plan.
PLAN Any new threats and risks arising from new and emerging
external/internal environment are evaluated and
Operational continuity is of paramount importance for the strategies are formulated to minimize and eliminate
long-term success and viability of any Company. DGKC those threats.
has developed business continuity plans which also

Annual Report
DGKC 2023



We have reviewed the enclosed Statement of Compliance with the Listed Companies (Code of Corporate Governance)
Regulations, 2019 (the Regulations) prepared by the Board of Directors of D. G. Khan Cement Company Limited (the
Company) for the year ended June 30, 2023 in accordance with the requirements of regulation 36 of the Regulations.

The responsibility for compliance with the Regulations is that of the Board of Directors of the Company. Our responsibility
is to review whether the Statement of Compliance reflects the status of the Company's compliance with the provisions of
the Regulations and report if it does not and to highlight any non-compliance with the requirements of the Regulations. A
review is limited primarily to inquiries of the Company's personnel and review of various documents prepared by the
Company to comply with the Regulations.

As a part of our audit of the financial statements, we are required to obtain an understanding of the accounting and internal
control systems sufficient to plan the audit and develop an effective audit approach. We are not required to consider
whether the Board of Directors' statement on internal control covers all risks and controls or to form an opinion on the
effectiveness of such internal controls, the Company's corporate governance procedures and risks.

The Regulations require the Company to place before the Audit Committee, and upon recommendation of the Audit
Committee, place before the Board of Directors for their review and approval, its related party transactions. We are only
required and have ensured compliance of this requirement to the extent of the approval of the related party transactions
by the Board of Directors upon recommendation of the Audit Committee.

Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention which causes us to believe that the Statement of Compliance does
not appropriately reflect the Company's compliance, in all material respects, with the requirements contained in the
Regulations as applicable to the Company for the year ended June 30, 2023.

A.F. Ferguson & Co.

Chartered Accountants

Date: September 12, 2023

UDIN: CR2023100705szuwWjd0

2023 Annual Report


Name of company : D. G. Khan Cement Company Limited

Year ended : June 30, 2023

The company has complied with the requirements of the Regulations in the following manner:

1. The total number of directors are Seven ( 7 ) as per the following:

a. Male: 6
b. Female: 1

2. The composition of board is as follows:

a) Independent Director Mr. Shehryar Ahmad Buksh

Mr. Usama Mahmud

b) Other Non-executive Director Mr. Khalid Niaz Khawaja

Mr. Shahzad Ahmad Malik

c) Executive Directors Mian Raza Mansha

Mr. Farid Noor Ali Fazal

d) Female Director (Non-executive Director) Mrs. Naz Mansha

3. The directors have confirmed that none of them is serving as a director on more than seven listed companies,
including this company;

4. The company has prepared a code of conduct and has ensured that appropriate steps have been taken to disseminate
it throughout the company along with its supporting policies and procedures;

5. The Board has developed a vision/mission statement, overall corporate strategy and significant policies of the
company. The Board has ensured that complete record of particulars of the significant policies along with their date
of approval or updating is maintained by the company;

6. All the powers of the Board have been duly exercised and decisions on relevant matters have been taken by the
Board/ shareholders as empowered by the relevant provisions of the Act and these Regulations;

7. The meetings of the Board were presided over by the Chairperson and, in her absence, by a director elected by the
Board for this purpose. The Board has complied with the requirements of Act and the Regulations with respect to
frequency, recording and circulating minutes of meeting of the Board;

8. The Board have a formal policy and transparent procedures for remuneration of directors in accordance with the Act
and these Regulations;

9. The following Directors have either obtained certificate of Directors’ Training Program or are exempted from the
requirement of Directors’ Training Program as per the Listed Companies (Code of Corporate Governance)
Regulations, 2019:

Mrs. Naz Mansha

Mr. Raza Mansha
Mr. Khalid Niaz Khawaja
Mr. Usama Mahmood
Mr. Farid Noor Ali Fazal
Mr. Shahzad Ahmad Malik

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
Six out of the seven Directors of the company, as above, have either obtained certificate of Directors’ Training
Program or are exempted from the requirement of Directors’ Training Program. The company has planned to
arrange Directors’ Training Program certification for the remaining one director, Mr Shehryar Ahmad Buksh.

10. The Board has approved appointment of chief financial officer, company secretary and head of internal audit,
including their remuneration and terms and conditions of employment and complied with relevant requirements of
the Regulations;

11. Chief financial officer and chief executive officer duly endorsed the financial statements before approval of the

12. The board has formed committees comprising of members given below:

a) Audit Committee

1. Mr. Shehryar Ahmad Buksh (Independent Director) – Chairman

2. Mr. Khalid Niaz Khawaja (Non-Executive Director)
3. Mr. Shahzad Ahmad Malik (Non-Executive Director)

b) HR and Remuneration Committee

1. Mr. Usama Mahmud – (Independent Director) - Chairman

2. Mian Raza Mansha (Executive Director)
3. Mr. Khalid Niaz Khawaja (Non-Executive Director)

13. The terms of reference of the aforesaid committees have been formed, documented and advised to the committee
for compliance.

14. The frequency of meetings of the committee were as per following:

a) Audit Committee 4 quarterly meetings

b) HR and Remuneration Committee 1 annual meeting

15. The Board has set up an effective internal audit function who are considered suitably qualified and experienced for
the purpose and are conversant with the policies and procedures of the company;

16. The statutory auditors of the company have confirmed that they have been given a satisfactory rating under the
Quality Control Review program of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan and registered with Audit
Oversight Board of Pakistan, that they and all their partners are in compliance with International Federation of
Accountants (IFAC) guidelines on code of ethics as adopted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan and
that they and the partners of the firm involved in the audit are not a close relative (spouse, parent, dependent and
non-dependent children) of the chief executive officer, chief financial officer, head of internal audit, company
secretary or director of the company;

17. The statutory auditors or the persons associated with them have not been appointed to provide other services except
in accordance with the Act, these Regulations or any other regulatory requirement and the auditors have confirmed
that they have observed IFAC guidelines in this regard;

18. We confirm that all requirements of regulations 3, 6, 7, 8, 27,32, 33 and 36 of the Regulations have been complied
with; and

a. In respect of regulation 6(1), the Company believes that it has sufficient impartiality & is able to exercise
independence in decision making within the Board and hence, does not require to roundup the fraction to 3
independent directors.

19. Explanation for non-compliance with requirements, other than regulations 3, 6, 7, 8, 27, 32, 33 and 36 are below:

2023 Annual Report

Sr. No. Requirement Explanation for Non-Compliance Reg. No.

1 Representation of Minority shareholders No one has intended to contest 5

The minority members as a class shall be facilitated by election as director representing
the Board to contest election of directors by proxy minority shareholders.

2 Responsibilities of the Board and its members Non-mandatory provisions of the CCG 10(1)
Adoption of the corporate governance practices. Regulations are partially complied.

3 Directors’ Training The Company has planned to arrange 19(3)

Companies are encouraged to arrange training for at Directors’ Training Program
least one head of department every year under the certification for head of department
Directors’ Training Program from July 2022. over the next few years.

4 Directors’ Training The Company has planned to arrange 19(3)

Companies are encouraged to arrange training for at Directors’ Training Program
least one female executive every year under the certification for female executives over
Directors’ Training Program from July 2020. the next few years.

5 Nomination Committee Currently, the board has not 29(1)

The Board may constitute a separate committee, constituted a separate Nomination
designated as the nomination committee, of such Committee and the functions are being
number and class of directors, as it may deem performed by the Human Resource &
appropriate in its circumstances. Remuneration Committee.

6 Risk Management Committee Currently, the board has not 30(1)

The Board may constitute the risk management constituted a RMC and the Company's
committee, of such number and class of directors, as Risk Manager performs the requisite
it may deem appropriate in its circumstances, to carry functions and apprises the board
out a review of effectiveness of risk management accordingly.
procedures and present a report to the Board.

(Mian Raza Mansha) (Mrs. Naz Mansha)

Director/CEO Director/Chairperson

Annual Report
DGKC 2023

The Audit Committee. shall be responsible to recommend (viii) consideration of major findings of internal
to the Board of Directors the appointment of external investigations of activities characterized by fraud,
auditors, their removal, audit fees, the provision by the corruption and abuse of power and
external auditors of any service to the listed company in management's response thereto;
addition to audit of its financial statements and the Board
of Directors shall give due consideration to the (ix) ascertaining that the internal control systems
recommendations of the Audit Committee in all these including financial and operational controls,
matters and where it acts otherwise, it shall record the accounting systems for timely and appropriate
reasons thereof and approved the following terms of recording of purchases and sales, receipts and
references of Audit Committee payments, assets and liabilities and the reporting
structure are adequate and effective;
(i) determination of appropriate measures to
safeguard the Company’s assets; (x) review of the company’s statement on internal
control systems prior to endorsement by the Board
(ii) review of annual and interim financial statements of and internal audit reports;
the company, prior to their approval by the Board,
focusing on,- (xi) instituting special projects, value for money studies
or other investigations on any matter specified by
(a) major judgmental areas; the Board, in consultation with the chief executive
(b) significant adjustments resulting from the officer and to consider remittance of any matter to
audit; the external auditors or to any other external body;
(c) going concern assumption;
(d) any changes in accounting policies and (xii) determination of compliance with relevant statutory
practices; requirements;
(e) compliance with applicable accounting
standards; (xiii) monitoring compliance with these Regulations and
(f) compliance with these Regulations and other identification of significant violations thereof;
statutory and regulatory requirements; and
(g) all related party transactions; (xiv) review of arrangement for staff and management to
report to audit committee in confidence, concerns, if
(iii) review of preliminary announcements of results any, about actual or potential improprieties in
prior to external communication and publication; financial and other matters and recommend
instituting remedial and mitigating measures;
(iv) facilitating the external audit and discussion with
external auditors of major observations arising from (xv) recommend to the Board the appointment of
interim and final audits and any matter that the external auditors, their removal, audit fees, the
auditors may wish to highlight (in the absence of provision of any service permissible to be rendered
management, where necessary); to the company by the external auditors in addition
to audit of its financial statements, measures for
(v) review of management letter issued by external redressal and rectification of non-compliances with
auditors and management’s response thereto; the Regulations. The Board shall give due
consideration to the recommendations of the audit
(vi) ensuring coordination between the internal and committee and where it acts otherwise it shall
external auditors of the company; record the reasons thereof;

(vii) review of the scope and extent of internal audit, audit (xvi) consideration of any other issue or matter as may be
plan, reporting framework and procedures and assigned by the Board;
ensuring that the internal audit function has
adequate resources and is appropriately placed
within the company;

2023 Annual Report


TORs include:- evaluation, compensation (including retirement
benefits) and succession planning of the Chief
(i) Recommending Human Resource Management Financial Officer, Company Secretary and Head of
Policies to the Board. Internal Audit.

(ii) Recommending to the Board the selection, (iv) Consideration and approval on recommendations of
evaluation, compensation (including retirement CEO on such matters for Key management positions
benefits) and succession planning of the Chief who directly report to Chief executive officer.
Executive Officer.
(v) Consideration of any other issue or matter as may be
(iii) Recommending to the Board the Selection, assigned by the Board of Directors.

The Company has communicated its Quarterly / Half-Yearly and Annual Financial Results in a timely manner. Following
is the timeline for authorization of financial statements by the Board of Directors:

Particulars Date of authorization Time from period end date

First Quarter Results October 25, 2022 1 month
Half Yearly Results February 22, 2023 1 month
Third Quarter Results April 19, 2023 1 month
Annual Results August 31, 2023 2 Months


No external search consultancy was used for appointment of any director on the Board.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023


The Board Audit Committee (BAC) is governed by the mandate given to it vide Code of Corporate Governance and Board of
the Company. It is vital platform to ensure transparency of company reporting and checking effectiveness in achievement
of company objectives. BAC assists Board in scrutinizing the financial and non-financial information and maintaining an
independent check on activities of the management. It also provides a helping hand to Board in risk management, internal
controls, compliance and governance matters.

Composition of Audit Committee

BAC comprises of three members:

• Mr Shehryar Ahmad Buksh (Chairman / Independent Director)
• Mr Khalid Niaz Khawaja (Member/Non-Executive Director)
• Mr. Shahzad Ahmad Malik (Member/Non-Executive Director)

All the members have extensive knowledge and experience in the field of finance, accounting, controls, system
management, reporting and compliance areas.

During the year, four meetings of the Audit Committee were held which the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial
Officer also attended by invitation. The external auditors of the company also attended two of the meetings when issues
related to accounts and audit were discussed.

Review of financial statements

The Audit Committee reviewed quarterly, half-yearly and annual financial statements of the Company and recommended
for approval of the Board of Directors. It has also reviewed preliminary announcements of results prior to publication. BAC
ensured that:

• Appropriate accounting policies have been consistently applied except for the changes, if any, which have been
appropriately disclosed in the financial statements.

• Accounting estimates are based on reasonable and prudent judgment. Proper and adequate accounting records
have been maintained by the Company in accordance with the applicable laws and financial reporting is consistent
with management processes and adequate for shareholder needs.

• These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with approved accounting standards as applicable in
Pakistan. Accordingly, approved accounting standards comprise of such International Financial Reporting Standards
(IFRSs) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board as are notified under the Companies Act, 2017 (the
Act), provisions of and directives issued under the Act. In case requirements differ, the provisions of or directives
under the Act prevail.

• The CEO and the CFO have endorsed the standalone as well as consolidated financial statements of the Company and
the Board of Directors Report. They acknowledge their responsibility for true and fair presentation of the Company’s
financial statements, accuracy of reporting, compliance with regulations and applicable accounting standards and
establishment and maintenance of internal controls and systems of the company.

Risk Management and IT Governance

The BAC has effectively implemented the internal control framework through an in-house Internal Audit function, which is
independent of the External Audit function. The Company’s system of internal controls is sound in design and has been
continually evaluated for effectiveness and adequacy.

The BAC has ensured the achievement of operational, compliance and financial reporting objectives, safeguarding of the
assets of the Company and the shareholders wealth through effective financial, operational and compliance controls and
risk management at all levels within the Company.

BAC also evaluated the significant changes in the external and internal environment and risks arising out of. BAC ensured
that significant controls and strategies are in place to mitigate those risk.

2023 Annual Report

BAC also reviewed IT Governance practices and instances of cybersecurity breaches. Committee underscored that breach
of cybersecurity may have implication for data authenticity and Company physical and virtual assets. CIO also apprised the
committee about the controls in place and future plans in this regard.

Internal audit

The Internal Audit Department carried out independent audits in accordance with an internal audit plan which was
approved by the BAC. Further, the BAC has reviewed material Internal Audit findings and management’s response thereto,
taking appropriate action or bringing the matters to the Board’s attention where required.

The Head of Internal Audit has direct access to the Chairman of the BAC and BAC has ensured staffing of personnel with
sufficient internal audit acumen and that the function has all necessary access to management and the right to seek
information and explanations.

Coordination between the external and internal auditors was facilitated to ensure efficiency and contribution to the
Company’s objectives, including a reliable financial reporting system and compliance with laws and regulations.

Whistle -blowing to audit committee

The Committee regularly reviews the mechanism for employees and management to report concerns to the Audit
Committee and ensures that any allegations are scrutinized seriously. During the year, no whistle was blown which needed
to be reported to BAC.

Engagement with external auditors

The external auditors of the Company, M/s A.F. Ferguson & Co, Chartered Accountants, have completed their audit of the
standalone and consolidated financial statements, the “Statement of Compliance with Listed Companies (Code of
Corporate Governance) Regulations, 2019” for the year ended June 30, 2023.

The BAC has reviewed and discussed Key Audit Matters and observations with the external auditors. The final Management
Letter including such audit observations is required to be submitted within 45 days of the date of the Auditors’ Report on
the financial statements as required by the Code of Corporate Governance and shall therefore, accordingly be discussed
in the next Board Audit Committee meeting.

The external auditors were allowed direct access to the Audit Committee.

Appointment of external Auditors

External auditors shall retire on the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting. Appointment of external auditors and fixing
of their audit fee was reviewed and the Audit Committee following this review, recommended to the Board of Directors for
reappointment of M/s. A.F. Ferguson & Co., Chartered Accountants, as external auditors for the year ending June 30, 2024.
The current engagement partner has started his tenure from FY 2021.

The Company also obtains taxation related services from M/s. A.F. Ferguson & Co, Chartered Accountants as it is one of
the reputed firm in provision of said services and has sound professional policies and procedure to ensure independence.

BAC ensured that sufficient safeguards are in place both at firm level and management level to ensure independence and
objectivity of external auditors. Being one of the Big Four Audit firms, the Audit Committee is satisfied with the integrity,
objectivity and effectiveness of the services provided by the firm.

M/s. A.F. Ferguson & Co., Chartered Accountants has been given a satisfactory rating under the Quality Control Review
Program of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP) and they are registered with Audit Oversight Board
of Pakistan. The firm is fully compliant with the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) Guidelines on Code of
Ethics, as adopted by ICAP and have indicated their willingness to continue as auditors for the year ending June 30, 2024.

Annual Report 2023

The Company has issued a very comprehensive Integrated Annual Report, which gives fair, balanced and understandable
information in excess of the regulatory requirements to offer an in depth understanding about the management style, the
policies set in place by the Company, its performance during the year, and future prospects to various stakeholders of the

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
The Audit Committee believes that the Integrated Annual Report 2023 includes both financial and non-financial
performance, risks and opportunities and outcomes attributable to Company’s activities and key stakeholders having
significant influence on its value creation ability

Compliance with applicable legal requirements

BAC ensured that:

• The Company has adhered in full, without any material departure, with both the mandatory and voluntary provisions
of the listing regulations of the Pakistan Stock Exchange, Listed Companies (Code of Corporate Governance)
Regulations, 2019, the Company’s Code of Conduct and Values and the international best practices of governance
throughout the year.

• The Company has issued a “Statement of Compliance with Listed Companies (Code of Corporate Governance)
Regulations, 2019” which has also been reviewed and certified by the External Auditors of the Company.

• The Company’s Code of Conduct has been disseminated and placed on Company’s website.

• Closed periods were duly determined and announced by the Company, precluding the Directors, the CEO and
Executives of the Company from dealing in Company’s shares, prior to each Board meeting involving announcement
of interim/final results, distribution of dividend to the shareholders or communication of any other business decision,
which could materially affect the market share price of the Company

• All direct or indirect trading and holdings of Company’s shares by Directors & executives or their spouses were
notified in writing to the Company Secretary along with the price, number of shares, form of share certificates and
nature of transaction which were notified by the Company Secretary to the Board within the stipulated time. All such
holdings have been disclosed in the Pattern of Shareholding

• The statutory and regulatory obligations and requirements of best practices of governance have been met

Related parties transactions

The BAC has reviewed the related party transactions and recommended the same for approval of the Shareholders in the
Annual General Meeting after ratification from the Board of Directors.

Self evaluation

The Committee members carried out the Annual Evaluation of the BAC in terms of structure, composition, frequency of
meetings and contribution towards Board in decision making and policy making.

Shehryar Ahmad Buksh


August 31, 2023

2023 Annual Report


How ERP system of DGKC integrated the User training of ERP software
business processes
We encourage and monitor that user trainings are held
Company’s Oracle ERP is the core back-office application regularly at all sites for each module. In addition, focused
for the company. It consists of several modules, including sessions are held for infrequent processes and complex
GL Module, Fixed Asset Module, Sales & Distribution occasional scenarios. Valuable input by the users while
Module, Purchase and payable module, Store and using the system on critical / significant matters, if any,
Inventory module, Production Planning, , Plant related to IT governance and ERP (including IT system
Maintenance Module, HR and Payroll module etc. All flaws, Bugs, Glitches, integrity and availability) are
these modules are integrated with each other, which provided to the respective technical professionals to
ensures data integrity and process controls. The close develop and modify the procedures.
integration and central database ensure that information
flows from one ERP component to another without the ERP Risk Management
need of redundant data entry.
A risk matrix is available which is continuously monitored
All the organization data and information reside inside and reviewed. Business process configuration and
the ERP. Information is either accessed directly from the development are done through various techniques. Any
ERP through system generated reports or information is process changes or development is first tested
prepared from the data accessed or retrieved from the thoroughly before transporting the change system.
ERP, thus being the single source of information Annual external audit is also conducted that provide
valuable feedback to improve the internal control system.
Management support in the effective Any new change in processes/database is also subject to
implementation and continuous updating scrutiny from internal audit department.

ERP has full support of the management in terms of ERP System security in connection with
resources required and emphasis on use of the system. sensitivity of Data
System is kept updated through regular upgrades. DGKC
is currently on ORACLE for execution of business Authorization to transactions and reports is granted
processes. A rectifying system is in place to address based on business user role in organization. There are
business users’ issues and service requests. A full different levels ranging from entry level to checking and
dedicated team is employed by DGKC in this regard. approval level to ensure segregation of duties. This is
duly reviewed by our internal audit function, ERP
department and process owners in finance department.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023

BOARD GOVERNANCE under IT governance policy, the Company has taken
sufficient measures to ensure its network security and
FRAMEWORK has implemented stringent controls to protect its data
OVER IT AND CYBER SECURITY privacy, compliance with legal and regulatory
requirements of cyber security and continuously
IT governance, otherwise referred to as “enterprise upgrades the systems. SOC (Security Operation Center)
governance of IT” or “corporate governance of IT”, is a has been implemented along with EDR/XDR solution for
focus area of corporate governance that is concerned with Servers and Endpoints. Best practices are regularly
the organization’s IT assets. In analogy to corporate researched and applied with the goal of effectively
governance, it is concerned with the oversight of IT managing and monitoring cyber hazards. In collaboration
assets, their contribution to business value and the with the legal advisors, the function keeps track of any
mitigation of IT-related risks. amendments to laws and regulations, such as the
Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act 2016 and the
Board has developed IT governance framework with the Copyright Ordinance of 1962. Company’s CIO is
following stated objectives: empowered to enforce, evaluate and monitor this process
on regular basis.
• Strategic alignment, with focus on aligning IT with the
business and collaborative solutions During the year, the system observed numerous cyber
attacks on database and Information System. However,
• Value delivery, concentrating on optimizing expenses with proper controls, layers of latest security measures,
and proving the value of IT these attacks were successfully thwarted. No
compromise of data and physical assets were observed
• Risk management, addressing the IT related business during the year.
• Resource management, optimising IT related
knowledge and resources CYBERSECURITY PROGRAMS,
• Performance management, monitoring IT enabled
investment and service delivery. IT Governance Framework provides basis for IT
Governance policy that also include cybersecurity and IT
In the line of above stated objectives, the Board has related risk management. The features of the policy are
developed IT Governance policy for the management to as follows:
implement. The policy is continuously evaluated and
discussed keeping in view rapidly changing IT • Establishing information technology goals, and the
environment and cyber risks. strategies for achieving IT related goals.

THE EVALUATION AND • Establishing principles and guidelines for making

information technology decisions and managing
CYBER RISKS • Overseeing the management
information technology initiatives.
of institutional

Board is engaged in regularly monitoring & evaluation of

• Establishing and communicating organizational
legal and regulatory implications of cyber security risks
information technology priorities.
and related threats. Board members are also engaged in
the approval of IT Budgets and major IT related capital
• Resource allocation plans for IT priorities.
expenditures for network upgradation and strengthening
of cyber security system The Board also understands the
• Use of ERP across all departments and reporting
implication of cyber security breaches. In this connection,

2023 Annual Report


• Determination of access levels at different positions COMPANY’S CONTROLS ON EARLY
and procedures to restrict those accesses. WARNING SYSTEM
• Confidentiality of information will be assured by To identify, assess, address, and make timely
protection from unauthorized disclosure or intelligible communications to the board about cybersecurity risks
interruption. and incidents, your company has adopted following
• Integrity of information (its accuracy and
completeness) will be maintained by protecting • Implemented a third-party vigilance system that
against unauthorized modification. filters the spam traffic for the internet and exchange
as well.
• Regulatory and legislative requirements will be met,
including record keeping. • Spam emails/activities are being monitored through
SEIM as well.
• Disaster Recovery Plans and efficacy of its
implementation. • Phishing attacks are being in control with strict
password changes and no default password policy.
• All breaches of information security, actual or
suspected, will be reported to and investigated by the • Access Management is also implemented in a very
CIO / Internal and External Audit. controlled manner.

• The controls, rules and procedures for all individuals • BYOD is strictly prohibited in organizations.
accessing and using an organization’s IT assets and
resource. • To monitor Physical Security, deployment of security
appliances is in the implementation process with 24/7

RISK OVERSIGHT • To secure Endpoints, external devices are prohibited

to connect on LAN and four-level defenders/firewalls
Board actively oversights and understands emerging and are implemented.
constantly changing legal and regulatory environments.
The Company’s CIO regularly apprises the Board of Any breaches to the system and above protocols are
Directors on overall performance / evaluation of IT thoroughly monitored and investigated and can be
infrastructure. He addresses knowledge gaps and marked as ‘early warning sign’ of any major threat; its
support proposed measurements to fulfill the magnitude and response are assessed and if necessary,
requirement to protect business interests from current presented to Board for any policy action.
and future threats.

CYBERSECURITY MATTERS Apart from the compliance with defined security policies
and procedures, a third party independent assessment
Company holds 2-3 meetings annually comprising of Key and review related to:
Management Personnel, CIO and one executive director
with an agenda of new developments, network • Technology environment and networks are carried out
upgradation, security risks, network, and system-level By CNS Engineering Services.
challenges and resolution strategy and approvals for the
implementations of new tools and enhance security level • ERP is carried out by SCARLET Systems and PwC (as
over enterprise level. The recommendations from this part of external audit).
committee is presented to Board Audit Committee for
further recommendations. The recommendations are Both are carried out annually to ensure that adequate
then presented to Board for approvals or any or additional controls are in place to address the cyber security risks.
line of actions. The management committee is further These reviews related to risk assessments remain under
tasked with apprising the Board about new and potential observation from time to time as soon as some new
IT risks, their likelihoods and measures to address them. vulnerabilities related to systems come to notice.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
CONTINGENCY AND DISASTER This digital transformation offered by Industry 4.0 will
allow DGKC to create digital twins that are virtual replicas
RECOVERY PLAN of processes, production lines, plants and supply chains.
DGKC has deployed SSL certificated for web/Cloud traffic
Disaster recovery and various backup plans are in place to as we are using a hybrid solution and a complete cloud
ensure continuity of company’s business and to cope with computing system is in process to transform company
the failures resulting into a cyber breach. Company’s digitally.
cyber insurance is under consideration. For Disaster
Recovery, we have three levels of backups of data of During the year, DGKC automated the documentation
users, systems, configurations, etc. Disaster Recovery system with M-files providing base for paperless
Plan related to IT contains the guidelines related to: environment in future. Further, the process provides
complete trail of all the transactions enabling the users to
• The criteria to activate the plan including detection of have easy access to data and information.
a disaster and notification to relevant personnel;
DGKC also developed mobile app for the management to
• Procedures to implement the recovery strategy and have easy access to MIS reports that are updated on real
recover all vital data, information, software, hardware time. HR system was also developed for all the employees
and communication networks; to have easy access to information regarding leaves,
medical requests, attendance etc
• Procedures to revert back to normal processing;
testing procedures
Backup testing is performed on regularly basis to ensure MITIGATE CYBER SECURITY RISKS
the reliability and completeness of backup media.
We encourage and monitor that user trainings are held
ADVANCEMENT IN DIGITAL regularly at all sites for development. In addition, focused
sessions are held for infrequent processes and complex
TRANSFORMATION TO IMPROVE occasional scenarios relating to cyber security on regular
TRANSPARENCY AND basis live and through video conference. Company also
GOVERNANCE provides awareness related to emerging cyber threats
that is disseminated via emails to all Company users.
Industry 4.0 is revolutionizing the way companies
During the year, DGKC has also provided some specific
manufacture, improve and distribute their products.
training relating to cyber security to its employees from
Manufacturers are integrating new technologies,
the NETCAD Academy (cyber security courses on the
including Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing and
platform of a virtual university with an affiliation with
analytics, and AI and machine learning into their
CISCO) and some training courses from Udemy.
production facilities and throughout their operations.

2023 Annual Report

DGKC is preparing its statutory financial statements in accordance with the accounting and reporting standards as
applicable in Pakistan. The accounting and reporting standards applicable in Pakistan comprise of:

i) International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS') issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)
as notified under the Companies Act, 2017; and

ii) Provisions of and directives issued under the Companies Act, 2017 ('Act').

Where provisions of and directives issued under the Companies Act, 2017 differ from the IFRS, the provisions of and
directives issued under the Companies Act, 2017 have been followed.

Note 2.2 to the unconsolidated financial statement specify initial application of standards, amendments or an
interpretation to existing standards.

The Board holds the responsibility for supervising the Company's financial reporting process. On the other hand, the
management is accountable for both the creation and accurate presentation of the financial statements. Management is
also tasked with establishing internal controls as necessary to ensure the preparation of financial statements devoid of
significant errors or fraudulent activities.

Mrs Naz Mansha


Annual Report
DGKC 2023

We're pleased about adopting the International Integrated Reporting (IR) Framework. An integrated report is a concise
communication about how an organization’s strategy, governance, performance and prospects, in the context of its external
environment, leads to the creation of value over the short, medium and long-term. Keeping in view the globalized business
scenario and the ever-increasing expectations of all the stakeholders being users of published annual report, integration of
corporate governance briefings, social and environmental information with financial information is vital to organizational position
and performance reporting.

DGKC fully applies the Fundamental Concepts’, ‘Content Elements’ and ‘Guiding Principles’ of IR framework. This is a true and
fair move that connects us to global standards, support us to reflect a complete picture of how we create value as a company.

Fundamental Concepts
Fundamental concept behind IR framework is to reinforce the fact that value is not created, preserved or eroded by or within an
organization alone. It is:
• Influenced by the external environment
• Created through relationships with stakeholders
• Dependent on various resources

An integrated report therefore aims to provide insight about:

• The external environment that affects an organization
• The resources and the relationships used and affected by the organization named as financial, manufactured, intellectual,
human, social and relationship, and natural capital
• How the organization interacts with the external environment and the capitals to create, preserve or erode value over the
short, medium and long term.

Guiding Principles
The seven Guiding Principles underpin the preparation and presentation of an integrated report, informing the content of the
report and how information is presented.
• Strategic focus and future orientation
• Connectivity of information
• Stakeholder relationships
• Materiality
• Conciseness
• Reliability and completeness
• Consistency and comparability

These Guiding Principles are applied individually and collectively for the purpose of preparing and presenting an integrated
report; accordingly, judgement is needed in applying them, particularly when there is an apparent conflict between them (e.g.
between conciseness and completeness).

Contents of elements
An integrated report includes eight Content Elements, posed in the form of questions to be answered. These are:
• Organizational overview and external environment
• Governance
• Business model
• Risks and opportunities
• Strategy and resource allocation
• Performance
• Outlook
• Basis of preparation and presentation

We fully apply underlying concept behind IR framework for the purpose of transparent and fair communication with our
stakeholders enabling them to make effective and timely decision.

Raza Mansha
Chief Executive

2023 Annual Report


2022 TO JUNE 30, 2023 30, 2023
During the year under review, Four Audit Committee During the year under review, Seven Board of Directors
Meetings were held, attendance position was as under:- Meetings was held, attendance position was as under:-

Name of Members Number of Meetings Name of Directors Number of Meetings

Attended Attended

Mr. Khalid Niaz Khawaja1 (Ex-Chairman) 4 Mr. Raza Mansha (Chief Executive Officer) 6
Mr. Usama Mahmud2 2
Mr. Mahmood Akhtar3 2 Mrs. Naz Mansha (Chairperson) 4
Mr. Shehryar Ahmed Buksh4 (Chairman) 2
Mr. Shahzad Ahmad Malik5 2 Mr. Shehryar Ahmed Buksh1 4

Audit Committee was re-constituted on November 4, 2023 Mr. Khalid Niaz Khawaja 7
after Election of Directors held on October 28, 2022
Mr. Usama Mahmud 6
1 Re-appointed as member of Audit Committee on November
04, 2023 Mr. Farid Noor Ali Fazal 7
2 Retired as member Audit Committee on October 28, 2023
3 Retired on October 28, 2023
Mr. Shahzad Ahmad Malik 6
4 Appointed as member and Chairman of Audit Committee on
November 04, 2023
5 Appointed as member on November 04, 2023 Mr. Mikaal Mustafa Iqbal2 0

Mr. Mahmood Akhtar3 2


1 Appointed in place of Mr. Mikaal Mustafa Iqbal on November
04, 2022
R COMMITTEE MEETINGS DURING 2 Elected in Election of Directors held in AGM on October 28,
2022 and Resigned on November 04, 2022
THE YEAR FROM JULY 01, 2022 TO 3 Retired on October 28, 2023

JUNE 30, 2023

During the year under review one Human Resource &
Remuneration (HR&R) Committee meeting were held,
attendance position was as under:-

Name of Members Number of Meetings


Mr. Khalid Niaz Khawaja1 (Ex-Chairman) 1

Mr. Raza Mansha2 1
Mr. Shahzad Ahmad Malik3 1
Mr. Usama Mahmud4 (Chairman) 0

HR & R Committee was re-constituted on November 4,

2023 after Election of Directors held on October 28, 2022

1 Retired as member HR & R Committee on October 28, 2023

2 Re-appointed as member HR & R Committee on November 04,
3 Retired as member Hr & R Committee on October 28, 2023
4 Appointed as member and Chairman of HR & R Committee on
November 04, 2023

Annual Report
DGKC 2023

AS ON 30/06/2023


2,461 1 100 117,143 0.027
3,116 101 500 1,058,073 0.242
2,051 501 1000 1,780,595 0.406
3,135 1001 5000 8,144,528 1.859
734 5001 10000 5,659,034 1.292
243 10001 15000 3,090,441 0.705
176 15001 20000 3,257,104 0.743
120 20001 25000 2,768,350 0.632
68 25001 30000 1,921,505 0.439
54 30001 35000 1,773,565 0.405
35 35001 40000 1,330,008 0.304
25 40001 45000 1,080,028 0.247
51 45001 50000 2,524,151 0.576
16 50001 55000 853,220 0.195
21 55001 60000 1,239,846 0.283
14 60001 65000 882,700 0.202
28 65001 70000 1,932,411 0.441
15 70001 75000 1,091,778 0.249
4 75001 80000 315,378 0.072
11 80001 85000 915,476 0.209
9 85001 90000 794,965 0.181
5 90001 95000 470,100 0.107
23 95001 100000 2,298,500 0.525
2 100001 105000 210,000 0.048
3 105001 110000 322,772 0.074
3 110001 115000 340,638 0.078
5 115001 120000 596,924 0.136
3 120001 125000 363,386 0.083
6 125001 130000 767,187 0.175
7 130001 135000 930,552 0.212
7 135001 140000 953,455 0.218
2 140001 145000 288,500 0.066
5 145001 150000 750,000 0.171
4 150001 155000 611,356 0.140
4 155001 160000 630,813 0.144
1 160001 165000 165,000 0.038
1 165001 170000 165,500 0.038
1 170001 175000 171,506 0.039
1 175001 180000 176,439 0.040
1 180001 185000 185,000 0.042
7 185001 190000 1,310,787 0.299
2 190001 195000 389,249 0.089
8 195001 200000 1,600,000 0.365
7 200001 205000 1,422,700 0.325
2 205001 210000 413,875 0.095


2023 Annual Report


1 210001 215000 210,512 0.048
3 215001 220000 650,743 0.149
4 220001 225000 897,956 0.205
4 225001 230000 909,400 0.208
1 235001 240000 236,360 0.054
6 245001 250000 1,493,000 0.341
2 250001 255000 506,000 0.116
2 255001 260000 519,200 0.119
2 260001 265000 529,000 0.121
1 265001 270000 268,500 0.061
2 270001 275000 548,451 0.125
2 275001 280000 558,000 0.127
2 280001 285000 565,250 0.129
1 285001 290000 287,122 0.066
5 295001 300000 1,500,000 0.342
2 310001 315000 624,543 0.143
1 315001 320000 318,952 0.073
1 320001 325000 325,000 0.074
1 325001 330000 330,000 0.075
1 340001 345000 344,239 0.079
2 345001 350000 700,000 0.160
1 355001 360000 359,400 0.082
1 360001 365000 363,936 0.083
1 365001 370000 370,000 0.085
2 370001 375000 743,945 0.170
1 375001 380000 380,000 0.087
3 395001 400000 1,198,219 0.274
2 405001 410000 815,454 0.186
1 410001 415000 414,500 0.095
1 425001 430000 428,500 0.098
1 435001 440000 440,000 0.100
1 445001 450000 450,000 0.103
1 450001 455000 450,620 0.103
1 475001 480000 475,759 0.109
1 490001 495000 495,000 0.113
3 495001 500000 1,500,000 0.342
1 515001 520000 517,500 0.118
1 530001 535000 532,951 0.122
1 640001 645000 644,848 0.147
1 645001 650000 646,800 0.148
1 655001 660000 659,000 0.150
2 675001 680000 1,353,558 0.309
2 695001 700000 1,400,000 0.320
1 705001 710000 710,000 0.162
1 710001 715000 710,531 0.162
1 750001 755000 754,910 0.172
1 800001 805000 803,500 0.183
1 810001 815000 813,867 0.186
1 850001 855000 854,000 0.195
1 890001 895000 892,500 0.204

Annual Report
DGKC 2023


1 960001 965000 962,000 0.220
1 995001 1000000 1,000,000 0.228
1 1000001 1005000 1,000,073 0.228
1 1075001 1080000 1,077,279 0.246
1 1195001 1200000 1,200,000 0.274
1 1210001 1215000 1,212,400 0.277
1 1425001 1430000 1,425,500 0.325
4 1495001 1500000 6,000,000 1.370
2 1575001 1580000 3,151,733 0.719
1 1645001 1650000 1,650,000 0.377
1 1665001 1670000 1,668,635 0.381
1 1715001 1720000 1,718,505 0.392
1 1750001 1755000 1,751,145 0.400
1 1795001 1800000 1,800,000 0.411
1 1870001 1875000 1,873,000 0.428
1 1910001 1915000 1,910,532 0.436
1 1955001 1960000 1,956,760 0.447
1 1980001 1985000 1,982,555 0.453
1 1990001 1995000 1,993,428 0.455
1 1995001 2000000 2,000,000 0.457
1 2020001 2025000 2,023,000 0.462
1 2045001 2050000 2,050,000 0.468
1 2190001 2195000 2,191,236 0.500
1 2370001 2375000 2,374,983 0.542
1 2410001 2415000 2,414,239 0.551
1 2710001 2715000 2,710,972 0.619
1 2940001 2945000 2,942,932 0.672
1 3065001 3070000 3,069,500 0.701
1 3515001 3520000 3,515,768 0.803
1 3865001 3870000 3,865,511 0.882
1 4410001 4415000 4,411,739 1.007
1 5220001 5225000 5,223,501 1.192
1 5335001 5340000 5,339,987 1.219
1 5665001 5670000 5,665,811 1.293
1 5890001 5895000 5,891,098 1.345
1 9145001 9150000 9,148,510 2.088
1 11530001 11535000 11,530,478 2.632
1 12795001 12800000 12,796,880 2.921
1 15220001 15225000 15,222,730 3.475
1 15550001 15555000 15,551,203 3.550
1 22925001 22930000 22,929,033 5.234
1 27135001 27140000 27,139,917 6.195
1 27565001 27570000 27,565,313 6.292
1 114645001 114650000 114,645,168 26.168

12,628 Company Total 438,119,118 100.00

2023 Annual Report

AS ON JUNE 30, 2023


1. Directors, Chief Executive Officer, 18,905,576 4.32

and their spouse and minor children

2. Associated Companies, undertakings 144,125,219 32.90

and related parties.

3. NIT and ICP 1,994,928 0.46

4. Banks Development Financial 40,014,141 9.13

Institutions Non Banking Financial

5. Insurance Companies 9,067,169 2.07

6. Modarabas and Mutual Funds 14,410,984 3.29

7. Shareholders holding 10% 137,574,201 31.40

8. General Public:

a. Local 96,839,009 22.10

b. Foreign 7,011,261 1.60

9. Others

Joint Stock Companies 16,445,493 3.75

Investment Companies 18,034 0.00
Pension Funds, Provident Funds etc. 21,778,027 4.97
Foreign Companies 17,471,631 3.99
Charitable Trusts, Foundations and Others 1,883,434 0.43

Annual Report
DGKC 2023

AS ON JUNE 30, 2023
No. of Shares %

I. Associated Companies, undertakings and related parties

Nishat Mills Limited - Associated Company 137,574,201 31.40

Security General Insurance Company Limited - Associated Company 428,500 0.10
Adamjee Life Assurance Company Limited - Associated Company 710,531 0.16
Adamjee Life Assurance Company Limited-IMF - Associated Company 5,339,987 1.22
Adamjee Life Assurance Company Limited-Amanat Fund - Associated Company 72,000 0.02

II. Mutual Funds:



2023 Annual Report

III. Directors and their spouse(s) and minor children:

Mrs. Naz Mansha Director/Chairperson 213,098 0.05

Mian Raza Mansha Director/CEO 12,796,880 2.92
Mr. Khalid Niaz Khawaja Diretcor 2,000 0.00
Mr. Usama Mahmud Director 200 0.00
Mr. Shehryar Ahmed Buksh Director 1,000 0.00
Mr. Farid Noor Ali Fazal Director 1,200 0.00
Mr. Shahzad Ahmad Malik Director 100 0.00
Mrs. Ammil Raza Mansha Spouse of CEO 5,891,098 1.34

IV. Executives:

Mr. I.U. Niazi Chief Financial Officer 2,775 0.00

V. Public Sector Companies and Corporations:

Joint Stock Companies 16,445,493 3.75

VI. Banks, Development Finance Institutions, Non-banking Finance

Companies, Insurance Companies, Takaful, Modaraba and Pension Funds:

Investment Companies 18,034 0.00

Insurance Companies 9,067,169 2.07
Financial Institutions 40,014,141 9.13
Modaraba Companies 179,567 0.04
Mutual Funds 14,231,417 3.25
Pension Funds/Providend Funds/Charitable Trusts, Foundations Etc. 23,661,461 5.40

VII. Shareholders holding Five percent or more voting interest

in the Listed Company

Mian Umer Mansha 27,565,313 6.29

Mian Hassan Mansha 27,139,917 6.19
Nishat Mills Limited 137,574,201 31.40

Trading in the shares of the Company, carried out by its Directors, Chief Excutive Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Chief
Financial Officer, Head of Internal Audit, Company Secretary, their Spouses and minor children during the period July
01, 2022 to June 30, 2023, are as under:

S.No. Name Designation No. of Shares

Sold Purchased

Annual Report
DGKC 2023

2023 Annual Report


Net Revenue (000) Gross Margin %
2023 64,983,821 2023 14.7%
2022 58,043,863 2022 17.9%
Percentage 12%

Total Assets (000) Profit Before Tax (PBT) (000)

2023 134,713,251 P B T 2023 3,162,543
2022 136,562,013 2022 6,019,761

Percentage -1% Percentage -47%

Equity (000) Profit / Loss After Tax (PAT) (000)

2023 64,192,277 P B T 2023 -3,635,976
2022 69,918,102 2022 2,972,132

Percentage -8% Percentage -222%

Earnings per Share (EPS) Breakup Value/ Share

2023 -8.30 2023 146.52
2022 6.78 2022 159.59
Percentage -222% Percentage -8%

Annual Report
DGKC 2023

Market Value per share Dividend per Share

2023 51.3 2023 -
2022 62.5 2022 1
Percentage -18% Percentage -100%

No. of Employees (Average) Revenue per Employee (000)

2023 1,902 2023 34,166
2022 1,900 2022 30,549
Percentage 0.1% Percentage 12%

Capitalization (000) Capacity Utilization

2023 2,081,492 2023 69%
2022 8,728,068 2022 95%
Percentage -76%

Production (MT)
2023 4,628,354
2022 6,370,194
Percentage -27%%

2023 Annual Report

I am delighted to share my views on occasion of
presenting the annual report of the Company.

FY23 has been very tough for all the segments of the
society. Record breaking inflation, political chaos, legal
battles and indecisiveness on part of Government have
cost the middle-class segment of society very badly.
Consequently, GDP grew by 0.29% only while large scale
manufacturing shrank by 8.11%, depicting low volumes
and profitability across all industries. Increase in Super
Tax rate from 4% to 10% also affected the bottom line of
the industry

Pakistan is now in stand-bye agreement with IMF.

Elections are due and caretaker setup is in place.
There is very narrow window available for
Pakistan to navigate the transition upto March,
otherwise IMF program may again be
jeopardized and may off track the economic
recovery path.

Keeping in view economic numbers, industry

volume growth will remain modest for next
financial year. Discount rates are expected
to remain high. Your Company will have to
face the uphill task to cover these high fixed

I am hopeful that the Country will recover

back to make significant progress. The
industry will revive. The Company will keep
its values, maintain its policy of persistent
struggle and steer for continuous growth.

Mrs. Naz Mansha


August 31, 2023

Annual Report
DGKC 2023


I am pleased to share with you my views on the industry and
your Company performance.

This year had been tough for industries in Pakistan on many

fronts. Pakistan got along with IMF at the start of the year in
August, but later on, Pakistan internal political battle got it
suspended. This shattered the overall business environment.
Reserves hit rock bottom, putting extreme pressure on
USD/PKR exchange rate. IMF stringent measures were put in
place, getting inflation to record high of more than 35%.
Discount rates were also increased to 22% in line with
inflation numbers. Heavy flooding in first half of the year also
affected the national income. Consequently, overall GDP
growth reduced to 0.29%. All these factors affected the
purchasing of power of middle-class men, reduced their
savings and disturbed their buying pattern.

Your Company capacity remained under-utilized due to

demand and supply gap. Lower margins are related to
high fixed costs. High Finance cost of Rs 6.7 billion has
been charged to profit and loss account due to
record-breaking rising discount rates. Considerable
dividend income and Company strategy of using
alternate fuel have contributed significantly towards
profitability. In continuation of sales strategy, clinker
was exported to earn valuable foreign exchange
reserves of USD 36 million (including export of
cement) and to contribute towards fixed costs. We
are also in contact with USA customers, which if
materialized may boost our profitability, diversify our
export base and opening up new horizon of
opportunities. Super tax rate has been enhanced
from 4% to 10% through Finance Act 2023. This
increased our deferred tax liability and converted our
bottom line into net loss.

Post year end situation appears to be uncertain for

the country. IMF stand-bye agreement is only upto
March and specifically for the purpose of transition of
Government. Any violation of the agreements may
cast doubt over future dealings with IMF. This may
again derail the economic recovery path. Coal prices
are now trending downward. However, with recent
surge in oil prices, there is probability that coal may
trend upward again. Keeping in view all these factors,
I expect Cement dispatches may grow modestly for
next year.

Mr Raza Mansha
Chief Executive Officer

August 31, 2023

(To view the presentation video on the company's business

performance for the year, which covers the company's
business strategy for improvement and future outlook,
please visit www.dgcement.com.)

2023 Annual Report

Company historically registered satisfactory Actual Budget
performance with regard to its financial performance.

Rs in million
During the period, the Company registered Profit Before
Tax of Rs 3.163 billion despite historic high finance cost of Sales 64,984 77,647
Rs 6.742 billion. Comparison with last year and budgeted GP 9,556 9,435
results are as follows: PBT 3,163 4,937

Comparison with last year results

Future Prospects Of Profit
Company has shown growth in overall sales, while GP
declined moderately. However, PBT decreased Management believes that macro-economic factors
drastically mainly on account of high finance cost as prevailing may affect cement sector growth. Local
compared to last year. dispatches may remain largely same as that of FY23.
Cement prices will remain stable. Discount rates may
remain high. However, management expects profitability
on account of the following:
2023 2022
Rs in million
• There is declining trend of coal prices in
Sales 64,984 58,044 international market. However, at the same time,
GP 9,556 10,428 there is cost push on account of currency
PBT 3,163 6,020 devaluation. Some cost relief may be available on
account of low coal cost.

The plant remained under-utilized due to demand and • High discount rates may indicate better profitability
supply gap prevailing in local market. Clinker export for banking sector. Company has significant
sales also decreased due to unfavorable rates in export investment in MCB Bank Limited. Management
market. In addition to that, there is inflationary pressure expects better rate of dividend from MCB, that
on cost side. The whole effect of inflation could not be contributes positively towards profitability.
passed on to customers by increasing prices. Company
resorted to different cost saving measures, like changing • Paper bags prices are also expected to decrease on
mix of coals, use of RDF and TDF in replacement of coal account of downward trend of international kraft
etc. Despite all these measures, Company could not avoid paper prices.
hit on its GP. PBT decline was mainly attributable to
rising finance costs, mainly on account of high discount • Company will contribute to export clinker to keep
rates. plant capacity utilization at optimum level,
contributing towards fixed costs.
Company’s net profitability is negative due to increase in
deferred tax liability mainly on account of rise in super tax • Company is also looking for exports options in USA
and lapse of tax credits. market at favorable rates.

Comparison with budget Detailed analysis of future prospects is available in

‘Future Outlook’ section of this annual report.
Company’s results were largely in line with its
budget/forecasts projected last year. GP remained
almost the same, showing proper cost control. However,
rise in discount rates were not correctly predicted. PBT
variation is mainly on account of high finance cost.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023

Analysis of non-financial performance has been recent past. In view thereof, DGKC undertook a
presented for material non-financial KPIs relevant for the comprehensive and critical review of its Information.
business and stakeholders around other forms of
capitals as mentioned under International Integrated Security function followed by several actions to further
Reporting Framework. fortify protective measures. Active directions and support
by the Board of Directors enabled swift execution.
Manufactured Capital Further investment in the security infrastructure has also
been approved to strengthen the security posture
Our business activities of production, marketing and
distribution of quality cement help us to create value for Human Capital
our stakeholders and economy. To meet the expectations
of our customers and in line with our strategy, we are DGKC has a well-defined Human Resource policy to
committed to producing only quality cement which manage HR priorities, succession planning, recognizing
correspond to the international environment and safety and rewarding the prestigious talent and leadership
standards. During the year, our sales and marketing development. Our aim is to bring the most talented and
team did not receive any significant complain about the imaginative people on board, nurture their talent and
quality of the cement from its dealers and distributors. In provide them with the best facilities to exhibit their talent.
fact, Company managed to get certifications from
different USA states regarding quality of cement and • DGKC has employed 1,902 permanent employees in
upkeeping of its plants, enabling DGKC to diversify its our operations including plants, marketing offices
exports base to USA market. and head office. The Company offers the right mix of
benefits, rewarding work and career advancement
As part of its strategy to continuously invest in state-of prospects to attract and retain competent people.
the art and green projects, DGKC installed 7 MW solar
power plant at its Khairpur site, to replace high cost • In 2023, DGKC paid Rs 5.4 billion as workforce
energy from fossil fuels and IESCO. salaries and benefits compared to Rs 4.6 billion last
year. The Company also maintains funded gratuity
Intellectual Capital schemes for its employees.

Intellectual Capital is the value of the Company’s • DGKC does not discriminate on the basis of gender
cumulative knowledge and resources that it can utilize to as benefits are provided according to the type of
enhance profits, gain new customers, or otherwise employment contract.
improve the business. The Company strongly believes in
allocating resources to its development as we believe • To improve our competitiveness and value creation
that it contributes significantly towards enhancing ability, skills retention and development are crucial.
operational efficiency and gaining competitive advantage It is critical that we play an active role in supporting
in the modern technological era. the existing workforce through reskilling and
upskilling. DGKC believes that people learn every
DGKC accords highest priority to the development of its day, through experiential, social or formal avenues.
Information Systems resources to ensure accurate data During the year, various training workshops were
processing, efficient communications, streamlined conducted at different plant sites, to keep
business processes and accumulation of market employees updated about latest trends regarding
intelligence. The Company also continues to adopt and operations, IT and sales.
leverage the latest state of the art Information
Technology infrastructure in line with best practices to • DGKC is committed to the wellbeing of employees by
streamline business processes and enhance operational providing a safe working environment. We continue
efficiency. to focus on enhancing safety systems and adopt
most recent industrial safety standards to eliminate
Information Security has become a cause of concern or minimize the potential harm from the risks and
globally, especially during the ‘work from home’ hazards. Significant security investment has been
environment. Leading international and local made at different sites, especially at DG plant,
organizations have witnessed security breaches in the keeping in view law and order situation in

2023 Annual Report

surrounding areas. • We support local communities through payment of

taxes, donations, investments in the field of
Social and Relationship Capital education, health, sports and infrastructure
developments as well as indirectly through our
DGKC is aware of its ethical responsibility for presence and procurement from local suppliers.
environment friendly and fair business transactions. Our
employees are educated and trained to take • Being a Socially Responsible Company, protecting
responsibility in line with their function, authority and nature and environment through continued
qualifications to enrich our corporate responsibility of investments in environment friendly technologies
ethical business. and production processes is the top priority at
DGKC. During the year, Company made two
• During the year, DGKC shifted its focus towards significant variations from its operations; use of RDF
local coal procurement that helps us to share value and TDF in replacement of coal, installation of 7 MW
with our local partners in an effective manner and Solar Power Plant at KHP site with aim to slowly
also saving valuable foreign exchange reserves. We replace fossil fuels to great extent at all plant sites.
promote sustainability in the supply chain by
engaging with our trusted supply chain partners.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023

FY 23 FY 22 FY 21 FY 20 FY 19 FY 18

Profitability Ratios
Gross Profit ratio % 14.70 17.97 17.89 4.17 13.24 28.50
Net Profit to Sales % (5.60) 5.12 8.25 (5.68) 3.97 28.82
EBITDA Margin to Sales % 21.31 23.27 24.99 12.06 21.71 33.24
Operating leverage ratio % 18.58 18.74 22.89 21.57 20.73 22.80
Return on Equity (Average) % (5.42) 4.15 5.31 (3.14) 2.17 11.63
Return on Capital employed % 9.28 8.24 6.56 0.79 4.72 7.21
Shareholders' Funds (Net Equity) Rs ('000') 64,192,277 69,918,102 73,477,873 66,644,157 70,928,415 77,134,421
Return on Shareholders' Funds % (5.66) 4.25 5.06 (3.24) 2.27 11.46

Liquidity Ratios
Current Ratio (times) Times 0.80 0.89 0.91 0.91 0.98 1.29
Quick / Acid test ratio Times 0.32 0.36 0.52 0.56 0.57 0.88
Cash to Current Liabilities Times 0.01 0.01 0.33 0.36 0.42 0.73
Cash flow from operations to Sales Rs ('000') 6,504,238 (3,932,479) 6,161,981 (343,131) (1,530,631) 8,910,698
Cash flow to capital expenditures Rs ('000') (3,418,069) (1,739,551) (5,087,104) (7,374,428) (7,014,359) (17,816,476)
Cash flow coverage ratio Times 1.99 0.26 3.59 1.30 0.54 21.53

Investment /Market Ratios

Earnings per Share (EPS) and diluted EPS Rs/Share (8.30) 6.78 8.49 (4.93) 3.67 20.17
Price Earnings ratio Times (6.18) 9.21 13.88 (17.32) 15.39 5.68
Price to Book ratio Times 0.35 0.39 0.70 0.56 0.35 0.65
Dividend Yield ratio % - 1.60 0.85 1.17 1.77 0.87
Dividend Payout ratio % 0% 15% 0.12 0% 27% 21%
Cash Dividend per share Rs/Share - 1.00 1.00 - 1.00 4.25
Market value per share
At 30-June Rs/Share 51.30 62.50 117.92 85.33 56.54 114.50
High During the year Rs/Share 62.95 120.39 141.48 87.90 126.74 215.23
Low during the year Rs/Share 39.00 52.25 90.45 42.31 53.38 109.33
Breakup value per share
(1) With FV reserves Rs/Share 146.52 159.59 167.71 152.11 161.89 176.06
(2) Without FV reserves (all investments
including Related party Rs/Share 117.74 127.05 121.38 112.75 118.66 119.50

Capital Structure
Financial leverage ratio % 31.57 34.03 31.76 36.65 32.78 26.46
Weighted average cost of debt (excluding taxation) % 15.15 7.91 6.40 10.48 8.99 1.93
Debt to Equity ratio
Debt/ (Debt+Equity) (%) % 39.85 39.93 37.34 41.60 36.79 29.48
Debt/ (Debt+Equity) (%) (w.r.t Market value) % 65.42 62.93 45.88 55.95 62.50 39.13
Net assets per share Rs/Share 146.52 159.59 167.71 152.11 161.89 176.06
Interest Cover /Time Interest earned ratio Times 2.05 3.78 3.86 0.99 2.66 19.63

Activity / Turnover Ratios

Total Assets turnover ratio (based on average total assets) % 47.91 42.30 33.73 29.77 32.70 26.64
Fixed Assets turnover ratio (based on average total assets) % 78.74 69.17 53.52 46.52 51.79 44.15
No. of Days in Inventory Days 150 175 154 126 135 108
No. of Days in Receivables Days 7 9 14 22 11 2
No. of Days in Payables Days 87 92 138 106 79 119
Operating cycle Days 70 92 30 42 66 (8)

No of employees (average during the year) No. 1,902 1,900 1,861 1,824 1,716 1,455
Production per Employee Tons 2,433 3,353 3,361 3,751 3,718 3,033
Revenue per Employee Rs ('000') 34,166 30,549 24,238 20,851 23,611 21,078
Staff turnover ratio % 10.04 8.16 5.96 7.24 7.46 7.08
% of Plant Availability % 68.87 94.79 93.08 101.81 94.95 109.79
Customer Satisfaction Index (based on average
no. of distributors) % 99.30 93.80 98.00 99.20 97.60 96.20
Spares Inventory as % of Assets Cost % 5.40 5.18 4.50 4.41 3.68 2.72
Maintenance Cost as % of Operating Expenses % 7.29 6.15 9.47 8.51 9.70 10.02

2023 Annual Report


Profitability Ratios Market price of its share closed at Rs 51.3 (average
closing market price for last six years is Rs 81.35).
GP ratio showed a declining trend since last three years. Fluctuations in high and low of share price are in line with
There has been inflationary pressure on cost side which stock market fluctuations during the year. Breakup value
has not been passed on to customers by increasing per share is at Rs 146.52/share (without FV reserves: Rs
prices. During the FY23, plant has also been 116.48) indicating a room for positive share price
under-utilized due to demand and supply gap prevailing fluctuation in the stock market.
in the market. Consequently, under-utilization led to high
cost per unit, causing decline in GP. The Company shifted Capital Structure
to different avenues like using mix of local coals, RDF,
TDF, export of clinker at positive contribution to manage There has been no considerable change in capital
cost per unit but could not hedge totally against the structure since last year. There has been reduction in
inflationary pressure on cost side. total debt by Rs 4.5 billion, but decline in net equity (as
discussed in profitability ratios) resulted in no significant
The same trend is visible in Net profit to sales ratio. In change in debt to equity ratio. Interest cover ratio
FY23, NP% turned negative due to high taxation expense remained reasonable at 2.05, that is evident from timely
on account of super tax rate enhancement from 4% to repayments of all debt obligations by the Company during
10% and tax credit lapse. Consequently, there is negative the year.
ROE for FY23. Net equity declined in FY23 due to net loss
and decrease in share price of major investments (MCB, Turnover Ratio
HNMPL) due to macro-economic factors and stock
market performance. Strong total assets turnover ratio and fixed assets
Operating leverage ratio showed declining trend turnover ratios indicate that Company is generating
indicating gradually decreasing trend of fixed costs in strong sales out of its assets base. Variation from last
overall cost base. For FY23, there is slight increase in year is due to price driven sales growth. Operating cycle
ratio due to less production and sale, lower variable cost improved from last year due to less inventory turnover
leading to high ratio of fixed cost in overall cost base. days.

Liquidity Ratios Others

Current ratio remained less than 1 for last 5 years. Part of Average number of employees almost remained same
Cash generation has been utilized in capex payments. with turnover ratio of 10.04%. As discussed earlier, plant
There has been decrease in short term investment value remained under-utilized due to demand and supply gap,
in MCB due to decline in share price. The Company has causing lower production per employee. Customer
been timely meeting its short-term liabilities, debt satisfaction index almost touched to 100%, consistent
repayments and statutory obligations. The Company has with the trend over the years. The indicator is based on
not made any default in any of its short-term obligations. number of distributors/dealers left the company’s
On the cash flow side, Company generated Rs 6.5 billion network during the year. Maintenance cost % of operating
of cash from its operations out of profit before tax of Rs expenses increased mainly on account of inflationary
3.1 billion. This depicted efficient working capital pressure and schedule maintenance of power plant at DG
management. Cash flow coverage has also been above plant site.
1.0 indicating no imminent risk of inability to meeting
short term liabilities.

Market ratios

Due to net loss reported in FY23, EPS was negative.

Taking a six years view, Company EPS remained
reasonable with average of Rs 4.32/share despite the fact
that Company has been financially leveraged with total
debt obligations of more than Rs 40 billion.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023


Horizontal Analysis (%) FY23 FY22 FY21 FY20 FY19 FY18

Balance sheet YOY % Change

Net Equity (8.19) (4.84) 10.25 (6.04) (8.04) 3.03

Non-Current Liabilities 6.28 (14.79) (4.60) 21.76 (6.47) 19.03
Current Liabilities 5.61 14.38 7.10 9.86 51.85 51.88
Property, plant and equipment (0.67) (2.61) 1.78 4.46 4.56 22.49
Non-Current Assets (0.07) (5.24) 5.87 3.40 (0.53) 14.48
Current Assets (4.38) 10.75 8.05 1.40 15.64 6.50
Total Assets (1.35) (0.97) 6.44 2.87 3.32 12.47

Profit and loss accounts YOY % Change

Sales 11.96 28.68 18.60 (6.13) 32.11 1.77

COS 16.41 28.57 1.61 3.68 60.31 19.88
Gross Profit (8.37) 29.19 408.98 (70.43) (38.65) (26.21)
Finance Cost 88.80 22.26 (37.23) 40.83 536.30 35.62
Profit before tax (47.46) 26.16 (227.03) (288.67) (72.99) (33.95)
Profit after tax (222.34) (20.13) (272.39) (234.10) (81.79) 10.81

Vertical Analysis (%) FY23 FY22 FY21 FY20 FY19 FY18

Balance sheet % of Total Assets

Net Equity 47.7 51.2 53.3 51.4 56.3 63.3

Non-Current liabilities 16.2 15.1 17.5 19.5 16.5 18.2
Current Liabilities 36.1 33.7 29.2 29.0 27.2 18.5
Property, plant and equipment 61.1 60.6 61.7 64.5 63.5 62.8
Non-Current Assets 71.0 70.1 73.3 73.7 73.3 76.1
Current Assets 29.0 29.9 26.7 26.3 26.7 23.9

Profit and loss accounts % of Net Sales

Sales 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

COS (85.30) (82.03) (82.11) (95.83) (86.76) (71.50)
Gross Profit 14.70 17.97 17.89 4.17 13.24 28.50
Finance Cost (10.38) (6.15) (6.48) (12.23) (8.15) (1.69)
Profit before tax 4.87 10.37 10.58 (9.88) 4.91 24.03
Profit after tax (5.60) 5.12 8.25 (5.68) 3.97 28.82

During the year total balance sheet footing dropped on account of net loss and FV loss on investments. This fact disturbed vertical
analysis of balance sheet of all balance sheet items. Non-current liabilities as percentage of total assets showed upward variation
due to increase in deferred tax liabilities on account of lapse of tax credits and revaluation of deferred tax liability from 33% to 39%
due to super tax. Net Equity declined due to FV loss and net loss during the year. Current liabilities in absolute terms increased
due to increase in accrued markup due to hike in discount rates. Consequently, its share in total balance sheet footing showed
upward trend in FY23.

Taking into account profit and loss vertical analysis, GP declined from last year due to under-utilization of plant and inflationary
pressure, the effect of which could not be passed on to customers. Finance cost jumped upward due to hike in discount rates
despite repayment of loan. Almost whole of GP was absorbed by Finance cost. PBT was converted into net loss after taxation due
to super tax impact of 4% to 10% and lapse of tax credits.

Horizontally, taking YOY% analysis, we see significant increase in non-current liabilities due to increase in deferred tax liability
effect. Current liabilities increase was justified with increase in accrued markup due to increase in discount rate. On profit and
loss side, there is increasing trend on sales and COS side mainly due to inflation push on price and costs. Finance cost also
increased dramatically on account of record high discount rates despite repayments of long term loans. PAT showed massive
variation due to one time adjustment in taxation related to super tax and tax credit lapse in current year.

2023 Annual Report

Current Ratio EPS


FY23 FY22 FY21 FY20 FY19

FY23 FY22 FY21 FY20 FY19

Return on Equity (Average) GP%

6.00 18.00
2.00 12.00
0.00 8.00
-4.00 2.00
-6.00 FY23 FY22 FY21 FY20 FY19
FY23 FY22 FY21 FY20 FY19

Breakup Value Per Share Debe to Equity Ratio

170.00 42.00

165.00 41.00
145.00 36.00
140.00 35.00
135.00 34.00
FY23 FY22 FY21 FY20 FY19 FY23 FY22 FY21 FY20 FY19

Market Value Per Share Interest Cover Ratio

140.00 5.00

80.00 3.00

0.00 -
FY23 FY22 FY21 FY20 FY19 FY23 FY22 FY21 FY20 FY19

Annual Report
DGKC 2023


FY23 FY22 FY21 FY20 FY19 FY18

Profit/(loss) before tax 3,162,543 6,019,761 4,771,405 (3,756,188) 1,990,841 7,370,078

Profit before working capital changes 11,422,923 12,139,783 9,056,333 3,271,235 5,311,754 1,694,192
Effect on cash flows due to working
capital changes 1,974,379 (11,197,917) 1,416,096 2,791,064 (5,505,071) 2,116,989
Cash flows from operating activities 6,504,238 (3,932,479) 6,161,190 (343,131) (1,530,631) 8,910,698
Cash flows from investing activities (1,747,153) 1,461,646 (2,962,160) (5,082,796) (5,444,043) (16,070,791)
Cash flows from financing activities (4,883,572) (4,864,956) 2,374,853 2,519,577 (872,069) 3,705,515
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and
cash equivalents (126,487) (7,335,789) 5,573,883 (2,906,350) (7,846,743) (3,454,578)
Cash and cash equivalents at the
beginning of the year (24,799,703) (17,555,677) (23,148,133) (19,769,652) (11,740,563) (8,149,348)
Cash and cash equivalents at the
end of the year (24,819,321) (24,799,703) (17,555,677) (23,148,133) (19,769,652) (11,740,563)

Analysis of cash flow statement shows that Company depicted strong cash potential before working capital changes effect
taken into account. Effect of working capital on cash flow was positive this year as there was built up of coal inventory and
clinker stock last year in anticipation of coal price increase and scheduled shutdown upfront. Company has consistent and
reliable stream of dividend income that has been reflected in investing activities. However, continuous capital expenditure
inline with industry trends and upkeeping of manufacturing facilities resulted in net cash out flow in investing activities.
During the year, Company also invested Rs 1 billion in Hyundai Nishat Motor (private) limited in line with shareholders’
approval. Company has been successfully reducing its debt from last two years as has been evidenced in net outflow in
financing activities.


The Company monitors its indicators which effectively the amount allocated out of profit for the payment to
reflect the Company’s performance. The Company shareholders. The Company takes its decisions of cash or
analyze its market positioning, competitors and general stock dividend based on market conditions, share price
market conditions while compiling its indicators. It also and governing laws and regulations.
analyses sales, gross profit, profit after tax and EPS on
regular basis to gauge its performance. These are basic Comparing cash flow from operating activities with profit
indicators of Company’s financial performance and before tax can give insights into how a company finances
profitability. short-term capital. The Company regularly analyses its
cash flows and tries to keep it on positive side.
Share price is the measure of perception of the Company
in the market. It also reflects how the investors project Capex is determined keeping in view available cash at
about the future prospects of the Company. Market price reasonable rates, requirement in the Company and
of the Company’s shares mainly linked with projected return on investments. Keeping in view market situation,
Coal prices and interest rates. management has decided to finance only the ongoing
projects and start the new projects only with the
The Company manages its dividend policy with the availability of funds.
purpose of increasing shareholders’ wealth. Dividend is

2023 Annual Report


2023 2022

Cash flows from operating activities

Cash received from customers 85,742,379 77,132,012

Cash paid to suppliers/employees for goods and services (72,345,077) (76,190,146)
Finance cost paid (5,998,599) (3,195,727)
Retirement and other benefits paid (127,441) (108,762)
Income tax paid (925,544) (1,604,041)
Long term deposits - net 158,520 34,185
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities 6,504,238 (3,932,479)

Cash flows from investing activities

Payments for property, plant and equipment and Intangible (3,418,069) (1,739,551)
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment 206,392 99,592
Long term loans, advances and deposits - net (2,900) (4,013)
Investment in equity instruments (1,007,500) -
Recovery of loan given to related party - 765,000
Interest received 3,551 37,882
Dividend received 2,471,373 2,302,736
Net cash outflow from investing activities (1,747,153) 1,461,646

Cash flows from financing activities

Proceeds from long term finances 2,038,739 1,630,445
Repayment of long term finances (6,484,384) (6,058,277)
Dividend paid (437,927) (437,124)
Net cash inflow from financing activities (4,883,572) (4,864,956)

Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (126,487) (7,335,789)

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year (24,799,703) (17,555,677)
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents 106,869 91,763
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year (24,819,321) (24,799,703)

Annual Report
DGKC 2023


Cement Segment Dairy segment registered increase in profitability by more
than 100%. There is increase in sales both in volume and
price terms. Cost has also been controlled through
Clinker capacity (per annum) 6,720,000 tons
different measures. Under achievement of production
capacity was due to mortality of milking cows and low
Clinker Production (FY 23) 4,628,354 tons
health of some animals.

Rs in thousand As at June 30, dairy segment has 3,535 (2022: 3,270)

Cement Sector FY23 FY22 mature milking animals

Revenue 64,983,821 58,043,863

GP 9,555,775 10,428,312 Paper Segment
PBT 3,162,542 6,019,761
PAT (3,635,976) 2,972,132 Production capacity (per annum) 220,000,000 bags
GP% 14.7% 18.0%
Actual bags produced (FY 23) 50,748,897 bags
PBT% 4.9% 10.4%
Total Assets 134,713,251 136,562,013 Rs in thousand
Total liabilities 70,520,974 66,643,909
Paper FY23 FY22
Revenue 3,091,593 3,070,166
Cement sector performance was dominated by
depressed local demand, resulting in under-utilization of GP 480,465 669,859
plant. Inflationary pressure on cost sides and higher PBT (263,123) 431,947
discount rates also eroded profitability. Higher taxation PAT (177,131) 291,665
expense on account of super tax rate from 4% to 10% and GP% 15.5% 21.8%
lapse of tax credits resulted in net loss. PBT% -8.5% 14.1%
Total Assets 5,597,511 4,430,998

Dairy Segment Total liabilities 3,629,026 2,214,861

Milk production capacity (per annum) 40,150,000 litres

Paper segment performance during the year remained
depressed due to low sales volume. Cement industry
Actual production (FY 23) 36,529,439 litres
shifted to poly propylene bags due to low cost, causing
low sales utilization. The segment also felt pressure on
Rs in thousand
account of high finance costs, owing to high discount
Dairy FY23 FY22 rates, causing net loss. Going forward, Kraft paper bags
prices are declining downward in international market
Revenue 4,942,085 2,826,376
that may reverse the sale trend. The management has
GP 655,915 244,307 also intended to sell one of its operational lines, keeping
PBT 970,098 406,234 capacity at par with the industry requirement.
PAT 491,485 175,232
GP% 13.3% 8.6% There has been no other significant change in segment’s
PBT% 19.6% 14.4% assets and liabilities.
Total Assets 4,920,138 3,749,576
Total liabilities 1,767,867 1,088,790

2023 Annual Report


DGKC share price trend over the year FY23 can be usual. During the year, as Government approached
graphically represented as follows: IMF to resume IMF program, fiscal and monetary
tightening and reduction of development expenditure
DGKC Share Price put pressure on DGKC share price. Government
70 enactment of 18% sales tax, 10% super tax and
60 increase of FED to Rs 2,000/ton also depressed the
50 share price of DGKC.
30 • Volatility in exchange rates as it may lead to inflation
20 and also affect fuel and power cost. During the year,
10 the DGKC exposure towards imports was minimum as
0 it shifted towards local sources of coal. However,
exchange rate volatility gravely affected the general










population purchasing power which indirectly affected










the DGKC.

DGKC shares are traded on Pakistan. Its free float is • Profitability and future prospects of equity
50.0% and total market capitalization at the end of investments of the Company also incentivize the
financial year was PKR 22 billion. Its beta is 1.71. Share investors. Company has major investments in MCB
price is exposed to numerous quantitative or qualitative Bank Limited, Hyundai Nishat Motor (Pvt) Limited and
factors during the year some of which are listed below: Nishat Mills Limited etc. Any positive developments in
these sectors also affected DGKC share price as it
• High inflation trend in the country during the year on derived dividend income from it.
account of high fuel and utilities prices as it could
affect profitability. DGKC is exposed to K.Electric and • State bank announcements related to discount rates
Wapda for its electricity requirement. Any variation on as company’s profitability is highly exposed to
account of electricity prices may materially affect financial expenses. This has also been evident from
Company overall profitability. current year results where higher financial expenses
eroded the GP into lower profitability before tax.
• Commodity prices particularly coal, that trended very Company has around Rs 40 billion of exposure
high during the year, as the effect could not be passed towards debt. Any change in KIBOR rate significantly
on to customers and may reduce Company’s margin. affects its profitability. Owing to higher discount rates,
Company has shifted to local and Afghan coals and DGKC share price remained depressed throughout
towards RDF/TDF in substitution of coal to offset the the year.
negative effect of Imported coal.
• DGKC is also exposed to general market and industry
• Government regulation and taxation policies relevant risk prevailing in the stock market.
to cement sector in particular and businesses as

The company has registered net loss of Rs 3.6 billion. any dividend for FY23. The recommendation has been
Keeping in view debt profile and future demand cycle, made with aim of lowering outstanding debt, financial
Board of directors of the Company has not recommended expenses and maximizing shareholders’ wealth.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023

Greatest strength for cement manufacturer is availability Fuel in the form of RDF, as part of cost measure and
of its raw material at low cost. Limestone and shale environment sustainability initiative. These measures
quarries are usually leased from the government on a helped DGKC to offset negative fallouts of high coal prices
long-term basis. Other additives are either self-mined or in international market without disrupting its operations.
purchased from local markets. Packing material is For the purpose of price sensitivity analysis of major raw
largely purchased from subsidiary, Nishat Paper Product material, coal, a fluctuation of Rs 100/ton in its price
Company Limited. affects cost of clinker by Rs 14/ton that ultimately
reduces margins.
Coal is the major fuel for cement production and power
generation that accounts for about 51% of manufacturing
cost. For FY23, coal prices showed stability and During the year Company purchased USD 16 million of
downward trend after touching record high of CIF USD imported coal that are exposed to foreign currency.
400/ton in international market last year due to
commodity super cycle and Russia-Ukraine War. DGKC DGKC consistently monitors coal price and currency rates
managed to diversify coal sources, largely purchasing and takes necessary steps accordingly
from Afghan and local market in addition to international
market. DGKC also partially shifted to Alternate Energy

Breakup of Fuel




Imported Coal Local Coal Alternate Fuel

2023 Annual Report

Extracts of Profit and loss (Rs in thousands)
FY22 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 FY 23

Sales- Net 58,043,863 13,584,833 16,176,206 18,282,317 16,940,465 64,983,821

Gross Profit 10,428,312 2,072,579 2,184,430 3,480,465 1,818,301 9,555,775
Finance cost 3,571,187 1,593,083 1,610,393 1,673,007 1,865,809 6,742,292
(Loss)/profit before tax 6,019,761 581,313 808,721 1,766,809 5,700 3,162,543
Taxation 3,047,629 192,375 266,003 586,321 5,753,820 6,798,519
Profit after tax 2,972,132 388,938 542,718 1,180,488 (5,748,120) (3,635,976)

GP% 18.0% 15.3% 13.5% 19.0% 10.7% 14.7%

PBT% 10.4% 4.3% 5.0% 9.7% 0.0% 4.9%
EPS (PKR) 6.78 0.89 1.24 2.69 (13.12) (8.30)

Extracts of Cash flow Statement (Rs in thousands)

FY22 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 FY 23

Cash flow from Operating activities (3,932,479) 1,756,957 (1,196,062) 6,860,743 (917,400) 6,504,238
Cash flow from Investing activities 1,461,646 (150,536) (785,206) (567,777) (243,634) (1,747,153)
Cash flow from Financing activities (4,864,956) (931,553) (1,840,230) (504,054) (1,607,735) (4,883,572)

Operational Date (figures in tons)

FY22 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 FY 23

Clinker production 6,370,194 886,008 1,090,626 1,471,221 1,180,499 4,628,354

Cement production 5,354,142 962,158 1,241,429 1,145,593 976,580 4,325,760

Total Cement sales 5,358,873 952,470 1,211,396 1,155,656 953,995 4,273,517

Local Cement sales 5,061,409 906,398 1,211,330 1,087,480 907,590 4,112,798
Export cement sales 297,464 46,072 66 68,176 46,405 160,719
Clinker sales 1,173,745 115,450 1,400 271,600 380,494 768,944

Quarterly results were in line with industry trends and towards growth trajectory except for Q4 where PAT was hit by high
taxation expense due to enactment of super tax from 4% to 10% and lapse of tax credits. Q4 was also slowed down in terms
of sales and lower GP on account of lower demand. This was depicted from Government tough negotiation with IMF and
subsequent fiscal adjustments. GP% also declined in Q4 due to lower base of sales and high per unit fixed costs
Consequently, Company resorted to exporting clinker to contribute positively towards fixed costs. Finance costs kept on
increasing quarter on quarter despite reduction in borrowing, the trend in line with SBP announcements of hike in policy

Annual Report
DGKC 2023

2023 Annual Report

As we look ahead for our cement company's journey, it's This will put significant pressure on our profitability as it
crucial to recognize the effects of both known and already did in FY23. The situation persists in short term to
possible risks related to our product, finances, and how medium term. However, as inflation numbers settle
we work over the short, medium, and long terms. This down, we foresee the interest rates to drop down in 2-3
detailed assessment aims to show how things are years time. Further, repayments of long term loan will
shaping up in the Pakistani cement industry and also reduce our total exposure.
specifically influencing our company: Economic instability may also affect how much people
want to invest in construction projects and big
Expanding Export Base infrastructure plans in the next few years.

We're expecting a significant increase in exports, and this Dealing with High Energy Costs And
positive direction is mostly because coal prices have
recently gone down. This makes it more reasonable to
export cement, especially to the US as we have already
Energy costs are a constant challenge, and we need to
got necessary certifications to get ourself registered as
change how we work to save energy and handle the
prospective supplier. We also secured some orders last
pressure on our profits. Considering the market
year and we aimed to penetrate there more aggressively.
challenges, it is not possible to pass on whole effect of
In the medium to long term, we plan to increase our
this cost pressure to consumers by increasing sale price.
export base from Hub plant to offset the low local demand
Changes in how much things cost (inflation) and how
in the South Market.
money from different countries compares (exchange
rates) might cause problems with getting what we need
However, it's important to note that higher costs for
and selling our cement at good prices.
materials, labor, and transportation have made it tough
for all businesses to stay reasonably profitable. Because
of this, fewer new construction projects are starting, Competition in the Medium Term
which affects the demand for cement locally.
Looking ahead, our competitors might become stronger,
which could lead to a competitive situation. To handle this,
Challenges in the Construction we're planning to be smart about how we set prices and
Sector manage our costs to make sure we stay strong in the
market and keep making money. Considering all of these
Builders are facing higher costs to get loans, which changes, we're taking an active approach. We're focusing
makes starting new projects more expensive. This on being innovative, making our workplace more diverse,
financial strain has led to less demand for cement and forming smart partnerships. We're also investing in
products in the market. We also expect that construction new ways to get energy, like solar power, to make our
work might slow down, and there are limits on spending operations more efficient. By using cost optimization
for public projects, adding complications as we approach models and finding better ways to do things, we're ready
the start of FY2024. The situation persists in short to to adapt to changes and find new ways to grow.
medium term. However, there is persistent housing
demand in Pakistan market. As situation gets better at When tough times come, we know how to turn them into
macro-economic level, we foresee the demand for chances for positive change. With our experience, ability
cement would grow at reasonable rate in long term. to change, and forward-thinking attitude, we're all set to
use uncertainty as a way to make things even better.
Impact of Interest Rates and We're confident that this will lead us toward long-lasting
Economic Instability
Following is the projected results management believes
Interest rates have been high for a while and might even to achieve despite all above factors:
increase further, looking at inflation numbers. This, along
with the ongoing shaky economic and political situation 2024
and unstable exchange rate could increase our borrowing Total sales 69,465
costs and make consumers less confident. DGKC has high Gross Profits 13,102
exposure towards debt amounting to around Rs 40 billion. Profit before Tax 5,169

Annual Report
DGKC 2023


In the current year, the company's performance aligns with the forward-looking disclosures from the previous
year, where it was anticipated that the cement industry would face challenges, including declining gross
margins due to elevated coal prices, increased power and gas tariffs, exchange rate devaluation, high inflation,
and mainly higher finance costs. These challenges have materialized, resulting in nominal profits before
taxation and dividend income.

The company's financial difficulties are consistent with the predicted impact of these factors on the company's
profitability. The GP remained in line with our forecasts. However, higher finance cost rate (than anticipated) and
additional super tax have further hampered the company's net profitability (due to deferred taxation impact) and
resulting net losses, aligning with the previously disclosed financial pressures.


In the current year, we focused on moving forward with our ongoing projects, just as we had talked about in our
plans for the future. To explain a bit more, last year we had a plan to make our energy sources more diverse and
efficient. We started by setting up renewable energy sources, like a solar power plant that generates 7 MW of
electricity at the Khairpur site. We also planned to install 6 MW of solar power at both the DG and HUB sites.
Further, we planned about putting in a tire derived fuel plant at the HUB site that uses old tires to make fuel.
This shows how committed we are to finding new and eco-friendly ways to produce energy. We're happy to say
that we successfully finished building the 7 MW solar power plant at the Khairpur site.

However, because the current financial situation has very high interest rates, we made a careful choice to pause
the rest of the power projects we had planned. We did this because these projects would cost a lot due to the
high interest rates, so we need to think about them again and decide if they still make sense financially. We're
being responsible with our finances, and we're always looking for the best ways to make these projects happen.
We'll keep an eye on the economic situation, and when things look better, we'll restart these projects.


We've carefully looked at how things are going in the economy and in our cement industry. We've checked out how things
have been in the past and what we think might happen in the future.

To make these predictions, we've looked at information from different places. We've paid attention to what's happening in
the cement industry, as well as how the bigger economy is doing. We've gotten this information from reliable sources like
the All-Pakistan Cement Manufacturers Association (APCMA), Annual Fiscal Budget, Economic research reports, Pakistan
Bureau of Statistics (PBS), and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), among others.

Inside our company, our managers have also worked hard to figure out what might happen. They've looked at how the
market is doing right now and where there could be opportunities for growth. They also get information directly from the
dealers and distributors in the market, predicting the future trends. Historical events and trends are also source of these
assumption and information.

It's important to know that these ideas about the future come from the thoughts and experience of our management team.
They know a lot about cement and the business world, and that's how they've come up with these predictions.

No assistance has been taken from any external consultant in this regard.

2023 Annual Report

DGKC recognizes that stakeholder engagement is an Stakeholder Engagement Standard, DGKC analyses its
integral part of our business operations. We strive to internal and external environment to identify its internal
provide long-term sustainable value to our stakeholders and external stakeholders, which may include those
such as investors, employees, customers, individuals, groups of individuals and/or organizations:
dealers/retailers, trade union and suppliers, government
and communities. To this end, it is vital for us to develop • that are directly or indirectly dependent on DGKC’s
an understanding of our stakeholders’ needs, interests activities, products or services and associated
and expectations. We endeavor to achieve this through performance, or on whom DGKC is dependent in order
collaboration and regular interaction with all our to operate
stakeholder groups. Effective stakeholder engagement on • to whom DGKC has, or in the future may have, legal,
an ongoing basis is essential for us to identify the commercial, operational or ethical/moral
opportunities and concerns arising from stakeholders’ responsibilities; and
material issues and work towards their effective • who can influence or have impact on DGKC’s strategic
resolution. The objectives of that policy are: or operational decision-making;

• to outline the methodologies, systems and processes

for identifying and engaging with stakeholders; Our key stakeholders include:
• to continue to enhance stakeholders’ trust and
confidence in our processes and activities, while • Investors
promoting a good understanding of stakeholders’ • Dealers/retailers
needs and expectations; • Consumers
• to improve the communication to engage • Employees
stakeholders; and • Local communities
• to convey and reinforce DGKC commitment towards • Suppliers
all its stakeholders. • Banks/financial institutions
• Trade Associations and Industrial Bodies
• Media
Identification of stakeholders • Government authorities and regulators

We identify stakeholders as those individuals, groups of Stakeholders are prioritized based on the relevance and
individuals or organizations that affect us and/or could be profiled into different categories depending upon the
affected by our activities, products or services and the specific context of engagement.
associated performance. In line with the AA1000

Annual Report
DGKC 2023

At DGKC, we promote a culture of ongoing engagement and devise ways and means to address them.
with every stakeholder group, collecting feedback. The Potential risks may include participation fatigue, lack
most appropriate engagement tools and methods range of stakeholder integrity, conflicts of interest,
from written communications, one-to-one meetings, disruptive or uninformed stakeholders, and an
feedbacks, information sessions, joint projects, surveys, unwillingness to engage.
focus group discussions etc. We strive to abide by the • Allow stakeholders to provide feedback and engage
following when engaging with any stakeholder: positively in business operations;
• Prior to engaging with a stakeholder, define the • Proactively engage with and respond to those that are
purpose, scope and frequency of engagement and disadvantaged, vulnerable and marginalized.
design appropriate engagement methods. The Additionally, DGKC gives special attention and
method and the level of engagement with a develops special initiatives in relation to stakeholders
stakeholder is defined by nature of relationship that in areas that are underdeveloped;
DGKC has with them or aims to develop with them; • Settlement of stakeholder grievances in a fair,
• Assign adequate resources and responsibilities for equitable and timely manner;
effective stakeholder engagement, striving to imbibe • Align our goals and actions with the stakeholders’
the principles of inclusiveness and transparency at all high priority areas based on our assessment; and
times; • Communicate and report the outcome of the
• Acknowledge and assume responsibility about the stakeholder engagement to internal and external
impact of DGKC’s policies, decisions, products, stakeholder groups through various modes as
services and associated operations on the appropriate, including but not limited to the annual
stakeholders; report, notices on our official website, one-to-one
• Consider potential stakeholder engagement risks meetings etc.
prior to selecting the level or method of engagement,

2023 Annual Report


Stakeholder Group Significance Management Frequency

Employee engagement HR department oversees Team meetings,

drives motivation, employee engagement performance evaluations,
productivity, and initiatives, while and feedback sessions.
innovation. Satisfied department managers
employees contribute to a maintain daily
positive work culture and interactions.
Employees company growth.

Strong dealer/retailer Sales and Marketing Ongoing communication

relationships expand our departments coordinate to discuss product
distribution network and interactions, ensuring availability, sales
enhance brand visibility in effective collaboration. strategies, and marketing
the market, leading to efforts, annual meetings
Dealers increased sales and and feedback collection,
market share. dealers conventions and
iftar party

Consumer engagement Customer Support and Continuous engagement

fosters brand loyalty, Marketing teams manage through customer
product improvement, consumer interactions, support channels, social
and word-of-mouth responding to inquiries media, and feedback
marketing. Satisfied and feedback. mechanisms.
consumers drive revenue
Consumers growth.

Relationships with trade Our Legal and Regulatory Regular participation in

associations and Affairs team along with industry events,
industrial bodies keep us Director marketing conferences, meetings,
updated on industry oversees engagement ongoing membership and
Trade trends, regulations, and with these entities, collaboration.
Association best practices, ensuring representing our
and Industrial compliance and company's interests and
competitiveness. staying informed about
industry developments.

Institutional investors Our Investor Relations Quarterly, by-annual

provide significant capital team is accountable for reviews and gatherings.
and have a considerable preserving those
impact on our company's relationships, delivering
overall performance. timely updates, and
Frequent communication responding to queries.
Institutional allows us to understand
their expectations and
investment approaches.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023

Stakeholder Group Significance Management Frequency

Customer satisfaction and Our Sales and Continuous

supplier relationships are Procurement divisions communication with key
essential for product are responsible for customers and suppliers,
quality and reliability. handling these annual events, and
Conversation allows us to connections and ensuring feedback surveys.
Clients & align our services and smooth transactions.
products with their

Preserving a great repute Our finance department Periodic meetings,

with creditors is crucial closely collaborates with financial reports, and
for obtaining financing creditors to fulfill covenant compliance
and favorable terms. financial obligations and examinations.
Banks and secure financing for
Other Creditors expanded projects.

Media may substantially The Public Relations As necessary, press

influence public opinion. squad oversees media statements and proactive
Open and true dialogue is interaction, guaranteeing media interaction.
key to success. accurate and
time-sensitive data
Media dissemination.

Compliance with It is the responsibility of Repeated compliance

regulations is of utmost the Legal and Regulatory reporting and when
importance in our sector. Affairs division to needed in regard to
Interacting with guarantee on-going regulatory issues.
regulators guarantees compliance and to
adherence to legal converse with regulatory
necessities. agencies.

We intentionally take part The Community Relations Recurrent meetings and

in localized committees to unit manages these ties participation in
address environmental, and interacts with local community activities.
social and community committees to resolve
Local matters. problems and collaborate
Committees on initiatives.

Analysts' observations The Investor Relations Constant briefings,

and rankings can have an section affiliates with presentations, and
impact on investor analysts, issuing them updates on fiscal and
attitudes and stock with vital data and operational performance.
Analysts performance. insights.

To summarize, our stakeholder engagement procedure is an essential and ever-evolving part of DGKC's activities. Through
committed teams and adapted communication tactics, we guarantee these connections are handled correctly, permitting us
to surpass difficulties, take advantage of opportunities, and establish durable value for all stakeholders.

2023 Annual Report

We value our shareholders who are the providers of • Notices are posted on the Company’s website and
Financial Capital. Each shareholder is important to the disseminated to PSX for better reach to the
Company irrespective of the holding and voting power. We shareholders.
value our investors, their concerns and grievances (if
any). We take the following steps to encourage our • We also provide video link facility to all shareholders
minority shareholders to attend the general meetings: for the general meetings.

• We organize general meetings at appropriate times • We encourage and appreciate two-way

and places to accommodate a wide range of communication in the general meetings, in this way
stakeholders. Notice of the meeting is sent to all the we listen to our shareholders views and concerns.
shareholders at least 21 days before the meeting.
• We first provide detailed information on meeting
• Notices are published in the English and Urdu agendas, resolutions and financial statements, and
newspapers having country-wide circulation. ensure that shareholders are well informed.

• DVDs of the Annual Report of the Company along with • We structure interactive sessions to be engaging and
the printed proxy forms are circulated to every informative, providing opportunities for shareholders
shareholder. through corporate briefing session to ask questions,
raise concerns and participate in discussions.
• We provide proxy voting services to shareholders who
are unable to attend in person, making it easier for By implementing these policies, we aim to create an
them to have their say on matters of importance to inclusive environment that encourages minority
them. Proxy forms enable them to nominate someone shareholders to actively participate.
to attend the meeting on their behalf.


Shareholders raised concerns about low dividend macro-economic indicator and favorable financing rates.
payouts, high costs, management plan regarding high
amount of debt and future expansion plans. Shareholders’ approvals were also sought regarding
further investment upto Rs 900 million in Hyundai Nishat
The management justified dividend recommendation was Motor (Pvt) limited, dividend payout at 10%, appointment
in line with Company’s financial positions, debt profile and of statutory auditors and elections of directors.
future demand cycle. Shareholders were also briefed
about the cost saving initiatives and comparison with the Shareholders gave their approvals on all the above
competitors. Plans regarding future expansion were also matters after deliberation. Election of directors were also
discussed and shareholders were informed that any conducted successfully.
future expansion would be in line with debt profile,

Annual Report
DGKC 2023


FY23 FY22
(Rupees in thousand) (Rupees in thousand)
Wealth Created
- Local sales 75,842,781 68,130,124
- Exports 9,442,414 85,285,195 96% 9,472,015 77,602,139 97%
Income from other sources
- Investment income 2,509,716 2,302,735
- Other income 737,283 3,246,999 4% 411,605 2,714,340 3%
88,532,194 100% 80,316,479 100%

Wealth Distributed
- Against raw and packing materials 4,574,814 4,310,729
- Against services 1,633,825 1,799,674
- Against stores spares 4,418,134 3,282,181
- Against fuels and other energy sources 38,152,734 48,779,507 55% 33,234,367 42,626,951 53%
Employees 5,479,640 6% 4,680,304 6%
- Direct taxes 6,798,519 3,047,629
- Indirect taxes 19,190,821 18,651,861
- Other levies and duties 858,297 26,847,637 30% 1,305,235 23,004,725 29%
Providers of Capital:
- Banks 6,742,292 3,571,187
- Ordinary share holders - 6,742,292 8% 438,119 4,009,306 5%

Reinvested in business
- Depreciation 3,936,961 3,909,107
- Retained profits after dividend (3,635,976) 300,985 0% 2,534,013 6,443,120 8%
Other operating costs - Net 382,133 0% (447,927) -1%
88,532,194 100% 80,316,479 100%

2023 2022
Other operating cost - Net Other operating cost - Net
Providers of Capital Reinvested in business

Providers of Capital
Reinvested in business

Government Government

Employees Employees
Suppliers Suppliers

2023 Annual Report


At DGKC, we acknowledge and honor the trust reposed in During the year, DGKC held a analysts’ briefings where
us by our stakeholders; and strive to enforce a top management apprised all stakeholders with
transparent relationship with them. For this purpose, the Company’s performance, capital investments, in-depth
Company conducts frequent and transparent interactions analysis of future outlook, strategies to meet the
to share its financial and operational performance, challenges ahead and various CSR initiatives conducted
outlook, regulatory and economic environment etc. during the year.

The Company generally holds annual analysts’ briefings This briefing was held at DGKC’s head office and was
to present its business perspective to the investors keenly attended by representatives of Pakistan Stock
enabling them in making sound investment decisions. Exchange, investment analysts and other stakeholders;
Board values these engagements and feedbacks from and were followed by detailed ‘questions & answers’
such briefings are discussed in their next meetings. An sessions where all queries raised by the esteemed
executive director, on behalf of the Board, is present in the participants were appropriately answered.
briefings to address the concerns raised by the
stakeholders and if necessary, take them to Board for Detailed presentations of the Analysts’ Briefings can be
necessary action. accessed at our website:



Shareholders / investors log-in numerous complaints during the year; from unclaimed and undelivered dividends to
queries pertaining to transmission cases, dividend payout, simple clarifications and CSR activities etc.

Each shareholder is personally contacted and in collaboration with corporate department and registrar; complainants
were satisfied amicably.

Company has dedicated a section at its website that includes all material information, notices, queries &
complaint handling and all other information necessary to keep an investor update link to website is as follows:


2023 Annual Report


At DGKC, we are serious about adopting the best well-being of our valued employees.
practices of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Our
company's leaders are dedicated to following CSR Our dedication goes beyond mere words; it reflects our
principles, which means doing good things for society and genuine desire to create a positive and lasting impact in
the environment. the communities we serve. We view CSR as an
opportunity, not a burden, and are determined to be
We strongly believe that CSR is not just a moral obligation leaders in this regard. Our Board is committed to driving
but also a strategic essence. We committed to make CSR our organization towards a future where business
principles a fundamental part of how we do business. This success is synonymous with societal and environmental
encompasses environmental sustainability, active well-being.
community engagement, ethical governance, and the


As a vigilant Board, we consider ESG and sustainability positive social outcomes, and strengthen governance
reporting as integral components of our corporate frameworks. Through regular and comprehensive
strategy. Our strategic objectives revolve around reporting, we aim to build trust, engage stakeholders, and
transparency and accountability. We commit to robustly promote sustainable value creation. By adopting the
report our environmental impact, social initiatives, and principles of ESG, we see a strong and responsible
governance practices to all stakeholders. By setting company that not only excels financially but also plays a
realistic targets and adopting sustainable practices, we vital role in advancing a more sustainable and equitable
are determined to mitigate environmental risks, draw future for all.

Adoption of sustainable practices provide opportunities to regulatory risks and potential legal liabilities associated
support our financial bottom line. Optimizing resources with environmental and social issues, safeguarding our
and minimizing waste through efficient manufacturing company from financial penalties and reputation damage.
processes can lead to cost savings. By implementing
energy-efficient technologies like CFPP, WHR, Solar and Our investors also incorporate above stated practices into
utilizing alternative fuels, we can reduce operational their decision-making and our company becomes more
expenses significantly, thereby enhancing profitability. attractive to socially responsible investors and
sustainable investment funds. This broader investor base
Sustainable practices improve our market reputation and can improve share price performance and increase the
brand’s value, fostering customer loyalty and attracting liquidity of our shares.
environmentally conscious consumers. This increased
market appeal can result in higher sales and market In conclusion, our cement company's sustainable
share, driving revenue growth. This also strengthen our practices hold the potential to drive cost savings, revenue
relationships with stakeholders, including investors, growth, improved access to capital, and enhanced brand
regulators, and communities. Improved stakeholder value. Embracing sustainability is not only the right thing
engagement can lead to increased access to capital and to do for our planet and communities but also a strategic
reduced risk premiums, thus positively impacting our cost imperative for ensuring our long-term financial success.
of capital. Specially these practices can mitigate Together, we can forge a sustainable path that benefits
both our stakeholders and our financial performance.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023


Being a part of one of the largest conglomerates in Pakistan, DGKC has always been a purpose driven Organization. We
aspire to exceed the expectations of business goals and endeavor to fulfil sustainable social development. This vision is
demonstrated by our Administration Departments at all production sites which strive to improve the lives of people in close
vicinity of plant sites.

DGKC community engagement initiatives including social investments and business inclusive projects, combining financial
and managerial resources to enrich lives and pave the way for sustainable living.

These initiatives are based on following pillars:

- Education and capability development for employment.

- Sustainable and resilient infrastructure and mobility.
- Charity, Social welfare and reducing poverty level.
- Culture of environmental protection, health and safety.
- Reduction of carbon footprints.
- Job creation opportunity for local communities.

In our Sustainability Strategies and Sustainable Development Goals section of this report, we have provided a
comprehensive explanation of our SDG goals, their corresponding targets, and the strategies we have in place to
attain those objectives. In this particular section, we have explained how our CSR activities and initiatives are actively
translating our sustainability targets into concrete actions:

Site Education Medical Training Charity Alternate Natural Environment

and Jobs fuel Calamity protection



At DG Khan Site, two schools are currently operational,
accommodating over 800 students. Additionally, the
company has taken the initiative to provide school
teachers to nearby institutions, addressing the need of
educators at remote areas of DG Khan Site. Notably, the
students who have received their education at DG Khan
Site have proved themselves responsible citizens of
Pakistan and are playing significant role in different
spheres of life.

At the Hub plant, we have recently constructed “The

Citizen Foundation School" (TCF) for the local community
on main RCD Highway. The school's inauguration took
place on June 7, 2023, in presence of DG Cement's Chief
Executive and TCF Management.

At our Khairpur site, we offer technical support to

students attending the Mining Training Centre in Katas on
a regular basis. We actively provide internship

2023 Annual Report

opportunities to both students and university graduates,

collaborating with universities to engage in applied
research projects in the fields of engineering and
specialized sciences. Throughout the year, we have made
significant contributions, including donations to the
Special Education School in Kallar Kahar and the
announcement of merit-based scholarships for the better
future of handicapped children. Additionally, we have
invested millions of rupees in the construction of Dalailpur
Boys School in Khairpur.

Medical services to local community are being provided by
establishing free dispensary at sites where around 10,000
patients are managed yearly under the supervision of
qualified doctors, lady doctors and Nursing staff. Free
factory ambulance services, medicines and lab test
facilities are available for local patients 24/7 in case of


DGKC creates job opportunities for the local community
and provides the platform to train technical staff at all
levels particularly to fresh diploma holders and graduate
engineers. Majority of unskilled labor is engaged from the
local population. Our internship program at DGKCCL has
benefited thousands of students from various universities
and colleges. The program's primary goal is to familiarize
recent engineering graduates with the industrial
environment, which is instrumental in fostering their
professional growth and career development. Various
awareness trainings have also been conducted by DGKC
Safety department as well as organized through Rescue
1122, Motorway Police and Civil Defense department for
capacity building and general public awareness regarding
safety measures. 704 Participants attended training
sessions with 248 Training Instruction Hours through 37
Training Sessions during current year.

As part of our commitment to employee safety and
corporate social responsibility (CSR), we prioritize the
well-being of our workforce through a range of initiatives:

• We provide free Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs)

• Our commitment to safety extends beyond internal
to our entire workforce to ensure their safety on the
efforts. We provide third-party training to our
job. Additionally, we supply job-specific PPEs to
employees to foster and develop an OHSE culture.
address hazards associated with specific work
Furthermore, all new hires and visitors receive
activities. Regular training sessions are conducted to
comprehensive safety inductions.
keep our employees well-informed about safety
protocols and practices.
• Our dedication to safety is reflected in our ISO 45001
certification for Occupational Health and Safety
• We believe in recognizing and rewarding employees
Management System (OHSMS). We undergo
who exhibit a positive attitude towards Occupational
independent audits conducted by ISO representatives to
Health Safety, and Environment (OHSE) with safety
ensure compliance with the highest safety standards.
awards and badges.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
All our work activities strictly adhere to company Standard
Operating Procedures (SOPs). We have a Permit-to-Work
(PTW) system in place, which is closely monitored and
supervised at the senior level. Prior to commencing
critical activities, thorough Risk Assessments are
conducted, and pre-job training is administered to ensure
the safety of our employees and those involved. At our
core, safety is paramount, and these initiatives collectively
contribute to a safe and secure working environment.


Free fire-fighting service is available for nearby areas in
case of extreme emergencies. DGKC also provides facilities
in the shape of equipment and manpower to combat natural
disasters such as flood and earthquake etc.

At the DG Khan site, we have undertaken several
initiatives to support the local community. Firstly, we
installed two water filtration plants in the D.G. Khan
District, serving the adjacent community. Additionally, our
company's water pipelines and water tankers provide a
daily supply of water to thousands of people in the area. To
address water issues in the Tribal Area, we've
implemented solar-operated water pumps. Furthermore,
we established three "Langar Khanna" food points, where
deserving locals received daily meals. DGKC also extends
food assistance to needy individuals in neighboring
regions. Moreover, we try to offer free transportation to
residents of the Tribal Area near the Quarry and Long Belt
Conveyor using company buses allocated for employee

In times of natural disasters like floods, DGKC stands in

solidarity with affected communities across Pakistan. We
provide support for flood-affected individuals, including
the reconstruction of damaged roads. Our contributions
include food items and tents for flood victims.

At the Khairpur site, we've installed a water filtration plant

to ensure clean water for the surrounding communities.
This project involved an expenditure of Rs. 20 million at
our KHP site.

At the Hub site, DGKC has made considerable contribution

for Solar plant at Ramzan Goth. We've also made
donations for the Annual Convention of Jamia
Qasim-Ul-Aloom in Bhawani and for a mosque on the RCD

Furthermore, we have undertaken a variety of charitable

activities, including:

• Distribution of Food Hampers

• Construction of Link Track – KHP
• Financial Support to Cadet College
• Donation for Mosque
• Donation for Earthquake Victims
• Distribution of Dry Rations during Ramadan

2023 Annual Report

• Donation of Public Awareness Sign Boards

• Repair of Water Filtration Plant
• Donation on the URS of Wali Wilayat (Saint in KHP)

This year, DGKC has taken significant steps to enhance
sustainability and reduce environmental impact. One
major initiative involves reducing the reliance on costly
imported coal in favor of local coal sources, supplemented
by city-collected waste and imported tires. This shift
towards alternative fuels not only addresses a variety of
waste streams, including industrial, agricultural, and
municipal sources, but also results in reduced production
costs, carbon foot prints and the preservation of valuable
foreign exchange reserves.

In alignment with the "Go Green" initiative, the company

has invested in a 6.9MW solar power plant at the Khairpur
site, with plans for additional 30 MW solar power plants at
Khairpur, DG Khan and Hub sites in the near future.
Additionally, management has decided to install
necessary plant and machinery for processing alternative
fuels, including the potential incorporation of shredded
tires with coal and other fuels at Hub site.

Furthermore, DG Cement Hub Plant has commissioned an

automatic "FLY ASH FEEDING SYSTEM" for controlled
feed of fly ash from Coal Fired Power Plants into the
Cement Mill. This system was inaugurated on June 8,

The use of fly ash in the cement manufacturing process

brings both environmental benefits and economic
advantages. It contributes to sustainability by reducing air
pollution and emissions of hazardous gases typically
associated with the transportation of coal residue and
carbon contents. This reduction in air pollution also has
positive implications for soil pollution, benefiting human
health. Economically, fly ash usage enhances cement
production and reduces the cost of raw materials that
would otherwise be required to replace fly ash.
Additionally, it aids in waste reduction by converting coal
combustion waste into valuable products, further
minimizing the environmental impact.

DGKC is committed to environmental protection and

conducts regular campaigns in the surrounding areas.
Throughout the year, we carried out a plantation drive
across all our sites, contributing thousands of plants to
the local municipal committee. We also provided heavy
machinery for the cleaning of the Manka Canal, which
flows through the center of DG Khan city. In addition, we
supplied Mini Loaders/Loader Rickshaws worth millions
of rupees to the District Administration, supporting city
cleanliness efforts.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
To ensure rigorous environmental monitoring, we have
engaged an independent consultant, SGS-Pakistan.
Monthly third-party environmental monitoring is an
integral part of our operations. We submit quarterly
reports to the Baluchistan Government and maintain
strict compliance with ISO 14001 (Environmental
Management System). Our environmental management
system undergoes external audits on a quarterly basis.

We've developed an internal system to oversee

environmental compliance and protection, promptly
reporting any noncompliance or deviations and taking
corrective actions as necessary. Our commitment to
sustainability is evident in the planting of over 100,000
trees, predominantly indigenous species, and the
employment of an expert Horticulturist to oversee
plantation activities and tree care. We proudly received
the Excellence Certificate Award at the 19th Annual
Environment Ceremony hosted by NFEH on August 22,
2022, underscoring our dedication to environmental


DGKC is committed to promote the development and implementation of a framework for CSR initiatives and determined to
strive and work in cooperation with stakeholders for implementing a transparent and socially responsible strategy.

CSR initiatives endorsed by the top management reflecting their understanding and commitment to CSR, thereby ensuring

• CSR practice is incorporated into the vision, code of ethics and business plan/strategy of the company

• Guidelines, processes and systems exist to support the CSR initiatives by the Company and the philosophy is to be
incorporated into ethical values of the Company

• Defining objectives for carrying out CSR activities and setting targets for these objectives

• Determining the working model and devising action plan (time, resources, budget)

• Delegating responsibility and management of resources with respect to CSR guidelines

• Sensitization and training of the senior management and employees for implementation of CSR targets

• Mechanism for stakeholder engagement prior, during and on conclusion of CSR plans

• Periodic monitoring and evaluation of CSR activities

• Disclosure and reporting of CSR achievements

• Recognizing and documenting the shortfalls/failures

• Incorporating improvement in future CSR policy/plans

Areas of interest and initiatives in this regard have been thoroughly explained in “Initiatives Towords Corporate Social
Responsibility Section” reflecting our compliance with the CSR guidelines, 2013 issued by SECP.

2023 Annual Report




2023 Annual Report

The performance numbers of your Company for the year ended on June 30, 2023 are:

FY23 FY22
Rupees in '000'
Sales 64,983,821 58,043,863
Cost of sales (55,428,046) (47,615,551)
Gross profit 9,555,775 10,428,312
Administrative expenses (879,356) (751,052)
Selling and distribution expenses (1,818,028) (1,748,859)
Net impairment gain/(losses) on financial assets (104,094) (8,990)
Other operating expenses (96,461) (1,042,803)
Other income 3,246,999 2,714,340
Finance cost (6,742,292) (3,571,187)
Profit/(loss) before taxation 3,162,543 6,019,761
Taxation (6,798,519) (3,047,629)
Profit/(loss) for the year (3,635,976) 2,972,132

Production and Sales volumetric data is as under:

Figures in MT FY23 FY22

Clinker 4,628,354 6,370,194
Cement 4,325,760 5,354,142
Total 4,273,517 5,358,873
Local (excluding own consumption) 4,112,798 5,061,409
Exports 160,719 297,464
Clinker Sale 768,944 1,173,745

GP% 14.7% 18.0%

PBT % 4.9% 10.4%
PAT% -5.6% 5.1%
EPS (8.30) 6.78

Overview hard. Indecisiveness on part of government in second part

of the year also shook the investors confidence. Natural
Highlights of this financial year can be best tagged as calamities like heavy flooding and rainfalls also affected
‘Financial chaos and politico-social unrest’. The year can different streams of national income, further tightened
be labelled as one of the worst years in the history of already bleak fiscal space for the Government. Massive
Pakistan underlying with uncertain political and financial currency devaluation in second half also brought sudden
direction. Almost whole of the year was headlined with inflation jerk that curtailed already weak purchasing
‘Default risk’ that loomed over the head of financial power of general public. Consequently, GDP marginally
planners, potential investors, lenders and businesses grew by 0.29% by March-23 (and expected to decrease
across the country. Storm of inflation with record number further by June-23). At last, by the end of the FY23,
of more than 35% hit the country and general public very government managed to get the stand-by agreement

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
from IMF till March to facilitate transition into new minimum tax credits may not be utilized against future tax
government. Subsequently, deposits from KSA and UAE profits.
also brought much needed stability on external front.
However, the year brought great challenges for middle Consolidated Results
class, the backbone of the country, that dented their
purchasing power, hit their expense flows and greatly Consolidated results for FY23 are as follows:
affected their buying pattern. This effect has been
witnessed across all industries, affecting profitability and Rs in Million FY23 FY22
business operations.
Net Sales 70,495 61,653
Cement industry dispatches and analysis Gross Profit 10,674 11,325
PBT 3,825 6,801
In volume terms, total sales quantity of industry PAT (3,366) 3,382
witnessed decline of 8.3 million tons (15.7%) year on year EPS (PKR/Share) (8.06) 7.21
basis to 44.5 million tons. North zone registered negative
growth of 6.5 million tons (16.1%) while South Zone of 1.8 Detail analysis of consolidated results are provided in
million tons (14.4%). Further analysis shows that negative “Segmental Review of Business Performance” Section
growth was driven by local dispatches that declined by
7.6 million tons (16.0%) while exports showed contraction Future Outlook
by 0.7 million tons. Sales utilization of industry declined to
60% against 76% for the corresponding period last year. It The government has entered into stand-bye agreement
was largely contributed by local sales of 54% and exports with IMF. Interim Government is in place and general
sales utilization of 6%. elections are due. Politico-economic situation of the
country is still vulnerable. If elections are delayed beyond
Business Performance Review a reasonable time, this may cast a doubt about the future
dealings with IMF program. Any unreasonable delay may
Kiln operational days of your Company decreased by 26% push the country further into political, economic and legal
from 1,030 days to 759 days. Clinker production % battle. All these factors may disturb overall business
reduced to 69% (FY22: 95%). Sales utilization of your environment in the country. PKR/USD parity will remain
Company declined to 71% (FY22: 93%). The trend was in under pressure and may be pushed further upward. This
inline with industry numbers, mainly due to may create a concern on cost side. Keeping inflation
demand-supply gap. Clinker was exported to contribute projected numbers in view, discount rates may remain
towards fixed costs earning valuable total foreign high throughout FY24. Coal is trending downward,
exchange of USD 36 million (including from export of providing much needed relief in cost for the cement
cement). industry. However, some of the benefit may be offset by
currency devaluation. Company will continue to use mix
Sales, in value terms, registered growth primarily due to of imported and local coals as part of its cost saving
stable local cement prices. Whole effect of inflation, high strategy. Considering inflation and expected GDP growth
energy and fuel prices could not be passed on to the numbers, local dispatches may not see significant growth
consumers. The Company partially shifted to Alternate from last year. Company will continue with the strategy to
Fuel, local and Afghan coal in substitution of imported export clinker to contribute towards fixed costs and to
coal, taking into account cost consideration and also earn valuable foreign currency reserves. Company is also
saving valuable foreign exchange reserves. ‘Other evaluating export opportunities in USA market, which if
expenses’ decrease was associated with decline in materialized may contribute significantly to profitability.
exchange loss as there has been no major import
payment exposed to exchange rate fluctuation this year. Appropriation
Rate of Dividend from our MCB investment increased as
compared to last year, resulting into increase in ‘Other The Board keeping in view loss for the year and debt
Income’. Scrap sales also increased on account of wire profile, recommended no dividend for FY23.
scrap from tyres being used as alternate fuel. Financial
expenses registered increase due to rise in discount rates Principal Risks
including ERF rates as compared to last year. Effective tax
rate increased to 214.97% against 50.63% in FY22. This is Principal activity of the Company is manufacture and sale
mainly due to deferred taxation impact of super tax rate of cement and clinker and following are the principal risks
increase from 4% to 10% and lapse of tax credits as the Company face:

2023 Annual Report

• Tight price market and tough competition Audit Committee:

• Capacity utilization
• Interest rate Mr. Shehryar Ahmad Buksh Chairman
• Foreign currency fluctuations Mr. Khalid Niaz Khawaja Member
• Shrinking cement exports market Mr. Usama Mahmud Member

(Please refer to risks & opportunities section for detailed Human Resource &
analysis) Remuneration Committee:
Directors’ Remuneration Mr. Usama Mahmud Chairman
Mr. Raza Mansha Member
The Board of Directors has approved Directors’ Mr. Khalid Niaz Khawaja Member
Remuneration Policy. The main features of the policy are
as follows: Post Balance Sheet Events:
• The Company shall not pay remuneration of its There are no material post balance sheet events affecting
non-executive directors including independent the period end position.
directors except for meeting fee for attending Board
and its Committee meetings. Business Impact on Environment:
• The Company will reimburse or incur expenses of Our plants and operations are complying with
travelling and accommodation of Directors in relation international and national environmental standards.
to attending of Board and its Committees meetings. Company has also invested heavily in state-of-the-art
machineries for producing electricity from waste heat of
• The Directors’ Remuneration Policy will be reviewed plant and burning of industrial and municipal wastes.
and approved by the Board of Directors from time to
time Corporate Social Responsibility:
Chief Executive remuneration package includes salary DGKC is fully cognizant of its responsibility towards
(including allowances), bonus and medical society and welfare.
Executive director remuneration package includes salary
(including allowances), bonus, medical reimbursements, The company runs two schools namely Bloomfield Hall
housing, utilities reimbursement and retirement benefits School and Cement Model trust School at DG Khan.
(Provident Fund and Gratuity).
Medical & Fire Fighting
Please also refer to note 36 of unconsolidated financial
statements for remuneration of Chief Executive and • Free Dispensary facility is available at DG Khan,
executive director. Khairpur and Hub sites. Dispensary facility is in use
by people of localities free of any charge.
• Free van transportation facility at site from and to
Following are the directors of the Company: Dispensary and nearby villages.
Mrs. Naz Mansha (Chairperson) Non- Executive
Mr. Raza Mansha Chief Executive • Company runs free ambulance services for local
/ Executive communities.
Mr. Khalid Niaz Khawaja Non-Executive
Mr. Usama Mahmud Independent • Company also runs a free fire -fighting service for
Mr. Shehryar Ahmed Buksh Independent nearby areas.
Mr. Farid Noor Ali Fazal Executive
Mr. Shahzad Ahmad Malik Non-Executive Water Supply and food distribution

Female Directors: 01 • Company has also made arrangements for water

Male Directors: 06 supply to local areas/villages close to our production

Annual Report
DGKC 2023

• Emergency and Disaster Help. Compliance with Listed Companies (Code

of Corporate Governance) Regulations
• Company used to supply equipment and services on 2019 (the Regulations):
need basis in case of any mishap/accident in
adjoining areas. The requirements of the Regulations relevant for the year
ended June 30, 2023 have been adopted by the Company
• Company used to contribute towards natural and have been complied with. A Statement to this effect is
disasters victims rehabilitation. annexed to the Report.

• Food distribution to flood affectees near plant sites. Principal activity of the Company
Awareness & HSE The principal activity of the Company is manufacture and
sale of cement and clinker. Information related to
• Company conducts various awareness sessions on subsidiaries are disclosed in annual report.
diseases and prevention there-from.
Related parties’ transactions:
• Company conducts sessions on security, health and
safety and conduct mock exercises of emergency Board has developed the related parties policy in
situations. accordance with law that has been summarized in the
annual report. All the related parties transactions are
• General disclosed in the notes to financial statements.

• Company supports deserving sports persons. Corporate reporting Framework:

• Company also contributes in rehabilitation of The Directors of your company states that:
disabled persons.
(a) The financial statements, prepared by the
• Company replaces the use of coal, to some extent, management of the company, present its state of
with the waste collected from the city. The process, affairs fairly, the result of its operations, cash flows
though economically unviable but it contributed and changes in equity;
towards Company policy of maintaining clean
environment. (b) Proper books of account of the company have been
Othe CSR activities undertaken by the company are
detailed in other parts of annual report. (c) Appropriate accounting policies have been
consistently applied in preparation of financial
Significant Changes: statements and accounting estimates are based on
reasonable and prudent judgment;
There are no changes that have occurred during the
period under review concerning the nature of the (d) The financial statements are prepared in conformity
business of the company or of its subsidiaries, or any with the Company Laws and International Financial
other company in which the company has interest. Reporting Standards, as applicable in Pakistan, have
been followed in preparation of financial statements
Auditors: and any departures therefrom has been adequately
disclosed and explained;
The present auditors, M/S A.F. Ferguson & Co. Chartered
Accountants retire and offer themselves for (e) The system of internal control is sound in design and
reappointment. The Board has recommended the has been effectively implemented and monitored;
appointment of M/S A.F. Ferguson & Co. Chartered
Accountants as auditors for the ensuing year as (f) There are no significant doubts upon the company’s
suggested by the Audit Committee subject to approval of ability to continue as a going concern;
the members in the forthcoming Annual General Meeting.

2023 Annual Report

(g) There has been no material departure from the best practices of the Corporate Governance as detailed in the Listing

(h) Significant deviations from last year in operating results of the company are highlighted and reasoned in other parts of
Directors report/annual report. Other significant business matters are have been discussed in annual report.

(i) Key operating and financial data of last six years is annexed in this annual report;

(j) Where any statutory payment on account of taxes, duties, levies and charges is outstanding, the amount together with
a brief description and reasons for the same is disclosed in the financial statements;

(k) Significant plans and decisions, such as corporate restructuring, business expansion and discontinuance of
operations, has been outlined along with future prospects, risks and uncertainties surrounding the company;

(l) The number of board and committees’ meetings held during the year and attendance by each director is annexed in this
annual report;

(m) The details of training programs attended by directors is annexed in this annual report;

(n) The pattern of shareholding is annexed in this annual report.

(o) The company is current in its all financial obligations.

(p) All trades in the shares of the company, carried out by its directors, executives and their spouses and minor children
is annexed in this annual report.

(q) Value of investments on the basis of unaudited accounts of Provident Fund is Rs 2,315 million (FY22: Rs 1,948 million)
and of Gratuity Fund is Rs 585 million (FY22: Rs 539 million)

We thank all our stakeholders and admire efforts of our employees.

For and on behalf of the Board

Raza Mansha Farid Noor Ali Fazal

Chief Executive Officer Director

August 31, 2023

2023 Annual Report

Independent Auditor’s Report

To the members of D.G. Khan Cement Company Limited

Report on the Audit of the Unconsolidated Financial Statements


We have audited the annexed unconsolidated financial statements of D. G. Khan Cement Company Limited (the Company), which
comprise the unconsolidated statement of financial position as at June 30, 2023, and the unconsolidated statement of profit or
loss, the unconsolidated statement of comprehensive income, the unconsolidated statement of changes in equity, the
unconsolidated statement of cash flows for the year then ended, and notes to the unconsolidated financial statements, including
a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information, and we state that we have obtained all the
information and explanations which, to the best of our knowledge and belief, were necessary for the purposes of the audit.

In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, the unconsolidated statement of
financial position, unconsolidated statement of profit or loss, unconsolidated statement of comprehensive income, the
unconsolidated statement of changes in equity and the unconsolidated statement of cash flows together with the notes forming
part thereof conform with the accounting and reporting standards as applicable in Pakistan and give the information required by
the Companies Act, 2017 (XIX of 2017), in the manner so required and respectively give a true and fair view of the state of the
Company's affairs as at June 30, 2023 and of the profit and other comprehensive loss, the changes in equity and its cash flows for
the year then ended.

Basis for Opinion

We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) as applicable in Pakistan. Our
responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Unconsolidated
Financial Statements section of our report. We are independent of the Company in accordance with the International Ethics
Standards Board for Accountants’ Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants as adopted by the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of Pakistan (the Code) and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with the Code. We believe
that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.

Key Audit Matters

Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgment, were of most significance in our audit of the
unconsolidated financial statements of the current period. These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the
unconsolidated financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on
these matters.

Following are the Key audit matters:

Key audit matters How the matters were addressed in our audit

1. Deferred taxation

(Refer note 11 to the annexed unconsolidated Our audit procedures included the following:
financial statements)
• Obtained an understanding of the Company's process of
The Company has recognized deferred tax in preparing the deferred tax working and tested internal
respect of unused tax credits and unused tax controls over management's valuation of deferred tax
losses. Deferred tax assets on such items have assets;
been recognized as it is probable that sufficient
taxable profits will be available in future, before • Obtained an understanding regarding the relevant tax
their expiry, for their utilization on the basis of the laws with respect to availability of tax credits and unused
Company's approved business plan. tax losses;

Due to the significant level of judgement and • Recalculated the amount of tax credits and unused tax
estimation required in preparing the business plan losses in accordance with the provisions of Income Tax

Annual Report
DGKC 2023

Key audit matters How the matters were addressed in our audit

for determining recoverability of deferred tax assets Ordinance, 2001;

and the significance of the amounts involved, we
consider it to be a key audit matter. • Involved internal tax specialists to check the income tax
computation for the year and assessed the management’s
conclusion on carry forward of the tax credits and unused
tax losses;

• Obtained the Company’s approved business plan and

evaluated the management’s assumptions used in the
preparation of business plan;

• Assessed the reasonableness of computation of taxable

income derived from the Company’s approved business

• Checked the management's analysis regarding the timing

of utilization of unused tax credits and unused tax losses
by considering the year wise utilization of such amounts
and evaluated the selection of the expected tax rate in this
regard; and

• Assessed the appropriateness of accounting policy in

respect of recognition of deferred tax assets on unused
tax credits and unused tax losses and the adequacy of the
disclosures made by the Company in this area with regard
to the applicable accounting and reporting standards.

2. Investments measured at fair value

(Refer notes 19.1.3 and 19.1.4 to the annexed Our audit procedures included the following:
unconsolidated financial statements)
• Understood and evaluated the process by which the cash
The Company holds investments in equity flow forecasts were prepared and approved, including
instruments of Nishat Hotels and Properties confirming the mathematical accuracy of the underlying
Limited ('NHPL') and Hyundai Nishat Motor calculations;
(Private) Limited ('HNMPL'). Due to NHPL and
HNMPL being non-listed companies, their shares • Evaluated the cash flow forecasts by obtaining an
do not have a quoted price in an active market. understanding of respective businesses of NHPL and
Therefore, fair values of their shares have been HNMPL;
determined through valuation methodology based
on discounted cash flow method. This involves • Obtained an understanding of the work performed by the
several estimation techniques and management's management's expert on the models for the purpose of
judgements to obtain reasonable expected future valuations;
cash flows of respective businesses and related
discount rates. Management involved an expert to • Examined the professional qualification of management's
perform these valuations on its behalf. expert and assessed the independence, competence and
experience of the management's expert in the field;
Due to the significant level of judgment and
estimation required to determine the fair values of • Obtained corroborating evidence relating to the values as
the investments, we consider it to be a key audit determined by the management's expert by challenging
matter. key assumptions for the growth rates in the cash flow
forecasts by comparing them to historical results and
economic forecasts and challenging the discount rate by
independently estimating a range based on market data;

• Performed sensitivity analysis around key assumptions to

ascertain the extent of change individually in the values of
the investments; and

• Assessed the adequacy of the disclosures made by the

Company in this area with regard to applicable accounting
and reporting standards.

2023 Annual Report

Information Other than the Unconsolidated and Consolidated Financial Statements and Auditor’s Reports Thereon

Management is responsible for the other information. The other information comprises the information included in the
annual report, but does not include the unconsolidated and consolidated financial statements and our auditor’s reports

Our opinion on the unconsolidated financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not express any
form of assurance conclusion thereon.

In connection with our audit of the unconsolidated financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information
and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the unconsolidated financial
statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit or otherwise appears to be materially misstated. If, based on the work
we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other information, we are required to report
that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.

Responsibilities of Management and Board of Directors for the Unconsolidated Financial Statements

Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the unconsolidated financial statements in
accordance with the accounting and reporting standards as applicable in Pakistan and the requirements of Companies Act,
2017 (XIX of 2017) and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of
unconsolidated financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

In preparing the unconsolidated financial statements, management is responsible for assessing the Company’s ability to
continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis
of accounting unless management either intends to liquidate the Company or to cease operations, or has no realistic
alternative but to do so.

Board of directors are responsible for overseeing the Company’s financial reporting process.

Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Unconsolidated Financial Statements

Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the unconsolidated financial statements as a whole are
free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion.
Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISAs
as applicable in Pakistan will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or
error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the
economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these unconsolidated financial statements.

As part of an audit in accordance with ISAs as applicable in Pakistan, we exercise professional judgement and maintain
professional skepticism throughout the audit. We also:

• Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the unconsolidated financial statements, whether due to
fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is
sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting
from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions,
misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.

• Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are
appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the
Company’s internal control.

• Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related
disclosures made by management.

• Conclude on the appropriateness of management’s use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the
audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant
doubt on the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are
required to draw attention in our auditor’s report to the related disclosures in the unconsolidated financial statements
or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained
up to the date of our auditor’s report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Company to cease to continue
as a going concern.

• Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the unconsolidated financial statements, including the
disclosures, and whether the unconsolidated financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
a manner that achieves fair presentation.

We communicate with the board of directors regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit
and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit.

We also provide the board of directors with a statement that we have complied with relevant ethical requirements regarding
independence, and to communicate with them all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear
on our independence, and where applicable, related safeguards.

From the matters communicated with the board of directors, we determine those matters that were of most significance in
the audit of the unconsolidated financial statements of the current period and are therefore the key audit matters. We
describe these matters in our auditor’s report unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter or
when, in extremely rare circumstances, we determine that a matter should not be communicated in our report because the
adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of such

Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements

Based on our audit, we further report that in our opinion:

(a) proper books of account have been kept by the Company as required by the Companies Act, 2017 (XIX of 2017);

(b) the unconsolidated statement of financial position, the unconsolidated statement of profit or loss, the
unconsolidated statement of comprehensive income, the unconsolidated statement of changes in equity and the
unconsolidated statement of cash flows together with the notes thereon have been drawn up in conformity with the
Companies Act, 2017 (XIX of 2017) and are in agreement with the books of account and returns;

(c) investments made, expenditure incurred and guarantees extended during the year were for the purpose of the
Company’s business; and

(d) zakat deductible at source under the Zakat and Ushr Ordinance, 1980 (XVIII of 1980), was deducted by the Company
and deposited in the Central Zakat Fund established under section 7 of that Ordinance.

The engagement partner on the audit resulting in this independent auditor’s report is Khurram Akbar Khan.

A.F. Ferguson & Co.

Chartered Accountants

Date: September 12, 2023

UDIN: AR202310070tRZ6szrY5

2023 Annual Report


2023 2022
Note (Rupees in thousand)



Authorised share capital

- 950,000,000 (2022: 950,000,000)
ordinary shares of Rs 10 each 9,500,000 9,500,000
- 50,000,000 (2022: 50,000,000)
preference shares of Rs 10 each 500,000 500,000
10,000,000 10,000,000

Issued, subscribed and paid up share capital

438,119,118 (2022: 438,119,118)
ordinary shares of Rs 10 each 5 4,381,191 4,381,191
Other reserves 6 22,592,167 24,238,624
Revenue reserve: Un-appropriated profits 37,218,919 41,298,287
Total equity 64,192,277 69,918,102


Long term finances from financial institutions - secured 7 9,663,619 14,168,229

Deferred government grant 8 278,753 450,684
Long term deposits 9 439,697 281,177
Employee benefits obligations 10 849,515 712,640
Deferred taxation 11 10,613,603 4,942,150
21,845,187 20,554,880


Trade and other payables 12 13,783,299 12,591,709

Short term borrowings from financial institutions - secured 13 25,494,293 25,210,506
Accrued markup 14 1,739,547 883,229
Current portion of non-current liabilities 15 7,588,857 7,333,985
Unclaimed dividend 34,704 34,512
Provision for taxation 35,090 35,090
48,675,790 46,089,031


134,713,254 136,562,013

The annexed notes 1 to 45 form an integral part of these unconsolidated financial statements.

Chief Executive

Annual Report
DGKC 2023

AS AT JUNE 30, 2023

2023 2022
Note (Rupees in thousand)



Property, plant and equipment 17 82,245,650 82,803,860

Intangible asset 18 10,152 17,319
Investments 19 13,366,360 12,866,145
Long term deposits 20 64,426 61,526
95,686,588 95,748,850


Stores, spare parts and loose tools 21 13,852,005 16,813,883

Stock-in-trade 22 8,873,170 5,981,515
Trade debts 23 1,193,440 1,467,862
Investments 24 9,270,898 9,962,421
Loans, advances, deposits, prepayments
and other receivables 25 926,047 1,430,613
Income tax receivable 4,236,134 4,746,066
Cash and bank balances 26 674,972 410,803
39,026,666 40,813,163

134,713,254 136,562,013

Chief Financial Officer Director

2023 Annual Report


for the Year Ended June 30, 2023

2023 2022
Note (Rupees in thousand)

Revenue 27 64,983,821 58,043,863

Cost of sales 28 (55,428,046) (47,615,551)

Gross profit 9,555,775 10,428,312

Administrative expenses 29 (879,356) (751,052)

Selling and distribution expenses 30 (1,818,028) (1,748,859)

Net impairment loss on financial assets 23.2 (104,094) (8,990)

Other expenses 31 (96,461) (1,042,803)

Other income 32 3,246,999 2,714,340

Finance cost 33 (6,742,292) (3,571,187)

Profit before taxation 3,162,543 6,019,761

Taxation 34 (6,798,519) (3,047,629)

(Loss)/profit for the year (3,635,976) 2,972,132

(Loss)/earnings per share - basic and diluted (in Rupees) 35 (8.30) 6.78

The annexed notes 1 to 45 form an integral part of these unconsolidated financial statements.

Chief Executive Chief Financial Officer Director

Annual Report
DGKC 2023


for the Year Ended June 30, 2023

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

(Loss)/profit for the year (3,635,976) 2,972,132

Other comprehensive loss for the year - net of tax

Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss: - -

Items that will not be subsequently reclassified to profit or loss:

Change in fair value of investments at fair value through

other comprehensive income (OCI) (1,301,215) (6,084,078)

Tax effect of change in fair value of investments at fair value through OCI (345,241) 42,583

Remeasurement of retirement benefits (42,104) (75,842)

Tax effect of remeasurement of retirement benefits 36,831 23,553

(1,651,729) (6,093,784)

Other comprehensive loss for the year (1,651,729) (6,093,784)

Total comprehensive loss for the year (5,287,705) (3,121,652)

The annexed notes 1 to 45 form an integral part of these unconsolidated financial statements.

Chief Executive Chief Financial Officer Director

2023 Annual Report


for the Year Ended June 30, 2023

2023 2022
Note (Rupees in thousand)

Cash flows from operating activities

Cash generated from operations 37 13,397,298 941,866

Finance cost paid (5,998,599) (3,195,727)
Retirement and other benefits paid (127,441) (108,762)
Income tax paid (925,544) (1,604,041)
Long term deposits - net 158,520 34,185

Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities 6,504,234 (3,932,479)

Cash flows from investing activities

Payments for property, plant and equipment and intangible asset (3,418,069) (1,739,551)
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment 206,392 99,592
Long term loans, advances and deposits - net (2,900) (4,013)
Investment in equity instruments (1,007,500) -
Recovery of loan to related party - 765,000
Interest received 3,551 37,882
Dividends received 2,471,374 2,302,736

Net cash (outflow)/inflow from investing activities (1,747,152) 1,461,646

Cash flows from financing activities

Proceeds from long term finances 7 2,038,739 1,630,445

Repayment of long term finances 7 (6,484,381) (6,058,277)
Dividend paid (437,927) (437,124)

Net cash outflow from financing activities (4,883,569) (4,864,956)

Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents (126,487) (7,335,789)

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year (24,799,703) (17,555,677)

Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents 106,869 91,763

Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 38 (24,819,321) (24,799,703)

Refer note 7 for reconciliation of liabilities arising from financing activities.

The annexed notes 1 to 45 form an integral part of these unconsolidated financial statements.

Chief Executive Chief Financial Officer Director

Capital Reserves Revenue Reserves
Share Share FVOCI redemption General Un-Appropriated
Capital premium reserve reserve reserve Profits
Rupees in thousand
Balance as on July 01, 2021 4,381,191 4,557,163 20,297,619 353,510 5,071,827 38,816,563 73,477,873
Total comprehensive loss for the year
- Profit for the year - - - - - 2,972,132 2,972,132
- Other comprehensive loss for the year
- Changes in fair value of investments at fair value
through OCI - net of tax - - (6,041,495) - - - (6,041,495)
- Remeasurements of retirement benefits - net of tax - - - - - (52,289) (52,289)
- - (6,041,495) - - 2,919,843 (3,121,652)
Transactions with owners in their capacity as owners
recognised directly in equity
for the Year Ended June 30, 2023

Final dividend for the year ended June 30, 2021

(Rupee 1 per share) - - - - - (438,119) (438,119)
Balance as on June 30, 2022 4,381,191 4,557,163 14,256,124 353,510 5,071,827 41,298,287 69,918,102

Total comprehensive loss for the year

- Loss for the year - - - - - (3,635,976) (3,635,976)
- Other comprehensive loss for the year
- Changes in fair value of investments at fair value
through OCI - net of tax - - (1,646,457) - - - (1,646,457)
- Remeasurements of retirement benefits - net of tax - - - - - (5,273) (5,273)
- - (1,646,457) - - (3,641,249) (5,287,706)

Transactions with owners in their capacity as owners

recognised directly in equity
Final dividend for the year ended June 30, 2022
(Rupee 1 per share) - - - - - (438,119) (438,119)

Balance as on June 30, 2023 4,381,191 4,557,163 12,609,667 353,510 5,071,827 37,218,919 64,192,277

The annexed notes 1 to 45 form an integral part of these unconsolidated financial statements.
Annual Report


Chief Executive Chief Financial Officer Director

2023 Annual Report


for the Year Ended June 30, 2023

1. The Company and its activities

D. G. Khan Cement Company Limited (the 'Company') is a public company limited by shares incorporated in Pakistan in
1978 under the repealed Companies Act, 1913 (now the Companies Act, 2017). The Company's ordinary shares are listed
on the Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited. The registered office of the Company is situated at 53-A, Lawrence Road, Lahore.

The Company is principally engaged in production and sale of Clinker, Ordinary Portland and Sulphate Resistant Cement.
It has four cement plants, two plants; located at Dera Ghazi Khan ('D.G. Khan'), one at Khairpur District, Chakwal
('Khairpur') and one at Hub District, Lasbela ('Hub').

These financial statements (hereinafter may be referred to as 'unconsolidated financial statements') are the separate
financial statements of the Company in which the investment in subsidiary has been carried at cost less accumulated
impairment losses, if any. Consolidated financial statements are prepared separately.

The Company has regional offices located across Pakistan, the geographical locations of which are listed below:

Regional office Geographical location

Lahore region 53-A, Nishat House, Lawrence Road, Lahore

Multan region 17 E-1, Officers Colony, Eid Gah Chowk, Multan
Karachi region D-247, KDA Scheme No. 1/A, Karachi
Rawalpindi region 13-16, 3rd Floor, Rizwan Arcades, Adam Gee Road, Sadar, Rawalpindi
D.G. Khan region 16-B Khayaban-E-Sarwar, Maanka Road, D.G. Khan

2. Basis of preparation

2.1 Statement of compliance

These unconsolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the accounting and reporting
standards as applicable in Pakistan. The accounting and reporting standards applicable in Pakistan comprise of:

i) International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS') issued by the International Accounting Standards Board
(IASB) as notified under the Companies Act, 2017; and

ii) Provisions of and directives issued under the Companies Act, 2017 ('Act').

Where provisions of and directives issued under the Companies Act, 2017 differ from the IFRS, the provisions of and
directives issued under the Companies Act, 2017 have been followed.

2.2 Initial application of standards, amendments or an interpretation to existing standards

The following amendments to existing standards have been published that are applicable to the Company’s
unconsolidated financial statements covering annual periods, beginning on or after the following dates:

2.2.1 Standards, amendments to published standards and interpretations that are effective in the current

Certain standards, amendments and interpretations to IFRS are effective for accounting periods beginning
on July 1, 2022 but are considered not to be relevant or to have any significant effect on the Company’s
operations (although they may affect the accounting for future transactions and events) and are, therefore,
not detailed in these unconsolidated financial statements.

2.2.2 Standards, amendments and interpretations to existing standards that are not yet effective and have
not been early adopted by the Company

There are certain standards, amendments to the approved accounting standards and interpretations that
are mandatory for the Company's accounting periods beginning on or after July 1, 2023 but are considered
not to be relevant or to have any significant effect on the Company's operations and are, therefore, not
detailed in these unconsolidated financial statements, except for the following:

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
a) Narrow scope amendments to International Accounting Standard (IAS) 1 Practice Statement 2
and International Accounting Standard (IAS) 8 (effective for annual period beginning on July 1,

The IASB has issued narrow-scope amendments to IFRS Standards. The amendments will help

- improve accounting policy disclosures so that they provide more useful information to investors and
other primary users of the financial statements; and

- distinguish changes in accounting estimates from changes in accounting policies.

The amendments to IAS 1 require companies to disclose their material accounting policy information
rather than their significant accounting policies.

The amendments introduce a new definition for accounting estimates clarifying that they are
monetary amounts in the financial statements that are subject to measurement uncertainty. The
amendments also clarify the relationship between accounting policies and accounting estimates by
specifying that a company develops an accounting estimate to achieve the objective set out by an
accounting policy. The amendments will apply prospectively to changes in accounting estimates and
changes in accounting policies occurring on or after the beginning of the first annual reporting period
in which the company applies the amendments.

b) Amendments to International Accounting Standard (IAS) 12 ‘Income Taxes’ - Deferred tax

related to assets and liabilities arising from a single transaction (effective for annual reporting
period beginning on July 01, 2023)

The amendments narrow the scope of the initial recognition exemption (IRE) so that it does not apply
to transactions that give rise to equal and offsetting temporary differences. As a result, companies will
need to recognise a deferred tax asset and a deferred tax liability for temporary differences arising on
initial recognition of a lease and a decommissioning provision. For leases and decommissioning
liabilities, the associated deferred tax asset and liabilities will need to be recognised from the
beginning of the earliest comparative period presented, with any cumulative effect recognised as an
adjustment to retained earnings or other components of equity at that date.

c) Amendment to International Accounting Standard (IAS) 1 – Non-current liabilities with

covenants (effective for annual period beginning on July 01, 2024)

These amendments clarify how conditions with which an entity must comply within twelve months
after the reporting period affect the classification of a liability. The amendments also aim to improve
information an entity provides related to liabilities subject to these conditions.

The Company is yet to assess the impact of these amendments on its financial statements.

3. Basis of measurement

3.1 These unconsolidated financial statements have been prepared on a historical cost basis except for the following:

- certain financial instruments, government grant and plan assets of defined benefit gratuity at fair value, and

- certain employee benefit obligations and provisions at present value.

3.2 Critical accounting estimates and judgements

The preparation of unconsolidated financial statements requires the use of accounting estimates which, by
definition, will seldom equal the actual results. Management also needs to exercise judgement in applying the
Company’s accounting policies. Following are the areas that involved a higher degree of judgement or complexity,
and of items which are more likely to be materially adjusted due to the estimates and assumptions turning out to be

a) Provision for taxation and recognition of deferred tax asset for tax credits and for carried-forward tax losses -
notes 4.2, 11 and 35
b) Employee benefits obligations - notes 4.3 and 10
c) Useful lives and residual values of property, plant and equipment - notes 4.6 and 17.1

2023 Annual Report

d) Fair value of unquoted fair value through other comprehensive income ('FVOCI') investments - notes 4.10 and 19
e) Impairment of financial assets (other than investments in equity instruments) - note 4.13.4
f) Estimate of present value of provisions - notes 4.5 and 12

Estimates and judgements are continually evaluated. They are based on historical experience and other
factors, including expectations of future events that may have a financial impact on the Company and that are
believed to be reasonable under the circumstances.

4. Summary of significant accounting policies

The significant accounting policies adopted in the preparation of these unconsolidated financial statements are set out
below. These policies have been consistently applied to all the years presented.

4.1 Borrowings

Borrowings are initially recognised at fair value, net of transaction costs incurred. Borrowings are subsequently
stated at amortised cost. Any difference between the proceeds (net of transaction costs) and the redemption
amount is recognised in profit or loss over the period of the borrowings using the effective interest method.

Fees paid on the establishment of loan facilities are recognised as transaction costs of the loan to the extent that it
is probable that some or all of the facility will be drawn down. In this case, the fee is deferred until the draw-down
occurs. To the extent there is no evidence that it is probable that some or all of the facility will be drawn down, the
fee is capitalised as a prepayment for liquidity services and amortised over the period of the facility to which it

Borrowings are removed from the statement of financial position when the obligation specified in the contract is
discharged, cancelled or expired. The difference between the carrying amount of a financial liability that has been
extinguished or transferred to another party and the consideration paid, including any non-cash assets transferred
or liabilities assumed, is recognised in profit or loss as other income or finance costs.

Borrowings are classified as current liabilities unless the Company has an unconditional right to defer settlement of
the liability for at least 12 months after the reporting period.

4.2 Taxation

Income tax comprises current and deferred tax. Income tax is recognised in the statement of profit or loss except
to the extent that relates to items recognised directly in equity or other comprehensive income, in which case it is
recognised directly in equity or other comprehensive income.


The charge for current tax is calculated using prevailing tax rates or tax rates expected to apply to profit for the year
if enacted or substantively enacted at the end of the reporting period in accordance with the prevailing law for
taxation of income, after taking into account tax credits, rebates and exemptions, if any. Management periodically
evaluates position taken in tax returns with respect to situations in which applicable tax regulation is subject to
interpretation and considers whether it is probable that the tax authorities will accept an uncertain tax treatment.
The charge for current tax also includes adjustments, where considered necessary, to provision for tax made in
previous years arising from assessments framed during the year for such years. The Company measures its tax
balances either based on the most likely amount or the expected value, depending on which method provides a
better prediction of the resolution of the uncertainty. Current tax assets and tax liabilities are offset where the
Company has a legally enforceable right to offset and intends either to settle on a net basis, or to realise the asset
and settle the liability simultaneously.


Deferred income tax is provided in full, using the liability method, on temporary differences arising between the tax
bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts in the financial statements. Deferred income tax is not
accounted for if it arises from initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction other than a business
combination that, at the time of the transaction, affects neither accounting nor taxable profit or loss. Deferred
income tax is determined using tax rates (and laws) that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the end of
the reporting period and are expected to apply when the related deferred income tax asset is realised or the deferred
income tax liability is settled.

Deferred tax liabilities are generally recognised for all taxable temporary differences and deferred tax assets are

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recognised to the extent that it is probable that taxable profits will be available against which the deductible
temporary differences, unused tax losses and tax credits can be utilised. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset
where there is a legally enforceable right to offset current tax assets and liabilities and where the deferred tax
balances relate to the same taxation authority.

4.3 Employee benefits

4.3.1 Short term obligations

Liabilities for wages and salaries, including non-monetary benefits and accumulating annual leaves that are
expected to be settled wholly within twelve months after the end of the period in which the employees
render the related service are recognised in respect of employees’ services up to the end of the reporting
period and are measured at the amounts expected to be paid when the liabilities are settled. The liabilities
are presented as current employee benefit obligations in the statement of financial position.

4.3.2 Post employment benefits

(a) Defined benefit plan - Gratuity

The Company operates an approved funded defined benefit gratuity plan for all regular employees
having a service period of more than five years for officers and six months for workers. Provisions are
made in the unconsolidated financial statements to cover obligations on the basis of actuarial
valuations carried out annually. The most recent valuation was carried out as at June 30, 2023 using
the "Projected Unit Credit Method".

The actual return on plan assets represents the difference between the fair value of plan assets at the
beginning of the year and as at the end of the year after adjustments for contributions made by the
Company as reduced by benefits paid during the year.

The amount recognized in statement of financial position represents the present value of the defined
benefit obligation as reduced by the fair value of the plan assets.

Actuarial gains and losses arising from experience adjustments and changes in actuarial assumptions
are charged or credited to equity in other comprehensive income in the year in which they arise. Past
service costs are recognized immediately in the statement of profit or loss.
The future contribution rate of the plan includes allowances for deficit and surplus. Projected Unit
Credit Method, using the following significant assumptions, has been used for valuation of this

2023 2022

Discount rate per annum 16.25% 13.25%

Expected increase in eligible salary level per annum 15.25% 12.25%
Duration of plan (years) 7 7

The expected mortality rates assumed are based on the SLIC (2001-2005) mortality table set back
one year.

(b) Defined contribution plan

The Company operates a recognised provident fund for all its regular employees. Equal monthly
contributions are made to the fund both by the Company and the employees at the rate of 10% of the
basic salary for officers and 10% of basic salary plus cost of living allowance for workers. The
Company has no further payment obligations once the contributions have been paid. Obligation for
contributions to defined contribution plan is recognised as an expense in the statement of profit or
loss as and when incurred.

4.3.3 Accumulating compensated absences

The Company provides for accumulating compensated absences, when the employees render services
that increase their entitlement to future compensated absences. Under the service rules, employees are
entitled to 2.5 days leave per month. Unutilised leaves can be accumulated up to 30 days in case of
officers. However, leave policy for officers whose leave balance was already accumulated to 90 days or
above as of July 01, 2019 may keep leaves accumulated up to 90 days. An officer is entitled to encash the

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unutilised earned leave accrued during the year. In addition, he can also encash some portion of his
accumulated leave balance during the year. Any further unutilised leaves lapse. The earned leave
encashment is based on basic salaries. In case of workers, unutilised leaves may be accumulated up to
120 days, however, accumulated leave balance above 50 days is encashable upon demand of the worker.
Unutilised leaves can be used at any time by all employees, subject to the approval of the Company's

Provisions are made annually to cover the obligation for accumulating compensated absences based on
actuarial valuation and are charged to statement of profit or loss . The most recent valuation was carried
out as at June 30, 2023 using the "Projected Unit Credit Method.

The amount recognised in the statement of financial position represents the present value of the defined
benefit obligations. Actuarial gains and losses are charged to the statement of profit or loss immediately in
the period when these occur.

Projected unit credit method, using the following significant assumptions, has been used for valuation of
accumulating compensated absences:

2023 2022

Discount rate per annum 16.25% 13.25%

Expected rate of increase in salary level per annum 15.25% 12.25%
Expected mortality rate SLIC (2001-2005) mortality SLIC (2001-2005) mortality
table (setback 1 year) table (setback 1 year)
Duration of the plan (years) 8 8

4.4 Trade and other payables

These amounts represent liabilities for goods and services provided to the Company prior to the end of the financial
year which are unpaid. Trade and other payables are presented as current liabilities unless payment is not due within
12 months after the reporting period. They are recognised initially at their fair value and subsequently measured at
amortised cost using the effective interest method.

4.5 Provisions

Provisions for legal claims and make good obligations are recognised when the Company has a present legal or
constructive obligation as a result of past events, it is probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle
the obligation, and the amount can be reliably estimated.

Provisions are not recognised for future operating losses. Where there are a number of similar obligations, the
likelihood that an outflow will be required in settlement is determined by considering the class of obligations as a
whole. A provision is recognised even if the likelihood of an outflow with respect to any one item included in the
same class of obligations may be small.

Provisions are measured at the present value of management’s best estimate of the expenditure required to settle
the present obligation at the end of the reporting period. The discount rate used to determine the present value is a
pre-tax rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the liability.
The increase in the provision due to the passage of time is recognised as interest expense.

4.6 Property, plant and equipment

4.6.1 Operating fixed assets

Operating fixed assets except freehold land are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and any
identified impairment loss. Freehold land is stated at cost less any identified impairment loss. Cost in relation
to certain operating fixed assets signifies historical cost and borrowing costs as referred to in note 4.20.

Depreciation on all operating fixed assets is charged to the statement of profit or loss on the reducing
balance method, except for plant and machinery and leasehold land which is being depreciated using the
straight line method, so as to write off the depreciable amount of an asset over its estimated useful life at
following annual rates.

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Depreciation method Annual depreciation rate

- Leasehold land Straight line 3.3%

- Plant and machinery - do - 3.91% to 6.59%
- Buildings on freehold land Reducing balance 5%
- Roads - do - 10%
- Quarry equipment - do - 10%
- Office equipment - do - 30%
- Furniture and fittings - do - 30%
- Vehicles - do - 20%
- Aircraft - do - 30%
- Power and water supply lines - do - 10%

The assets' residual values and useful lives are reviewed at each financial year end, and adjusted if impact on
depreciation is significant. The Company's estimate of the residual value and useful life of its operating fixed assets
during the year has not required any adjustment as its impact is considered insignificant.

An asset's carrying amount is written down immediately to its recoverable amount if the asset's carrying amount is
greater than its estimated recoverable amount as fully explained in note 4.8 to these financial statements.

Subsequent costs are included in the asset's carrying amount or recognised as a separate asset, as appropriate,
only when it is probable that future economic benefits associated with the item will flow to the Company and the
cost of the item can be measured reliably. All other repair and maintenance costs are charged to statement of profit
or loss during the year in which they are incurred.

Proceeds from the sale of items while bringing that asset to the location and condition necessary for it to be capable
of operating in the manner intended by management are not deducted from the cost of an item of property, plant
and equipment. Instead, the Company recognizes the proceeds from selling such items, and the cost of producing
those items, in profit or loss.

The gain or loss on disposal or retirement of an asset represented by the difference between the sale proceeds and
the carrying amount of the asset is recognized as an income or expense.

4.6.2 Major spare parts and stand-by equipment

Major spare parts and stand-by equipment qualify as property, plant and equipment when an entity
expects to use them for more than one year. Transfers are made to operating fixed assets category as and
when such items are available for use.

4.6.3 Capital work-in-progress

Capital work-in-progress is stated at cost less any identified impairment loss. All expenditure including
borrowing costs connected with specific assets incurred during installation and construction period are
carried under capital work-in-progress. These are transferred to operating fixed assets as and when these
are available for use.

4.7 Intangible assets - Computer software

Expenditure incurred to acquire computer software is capitalised as intangible asset and stated at cost less
accumulated amortisation and any identified impairment loss. Computer software is amortised using the straight
line method over a period of three years.

An asset's carrying amount is written down immediately to its recoverable amount if the asset's carrying amount is
greater than its estimated recoverable amount (as explained in note 4.8 to these financial statements).

4.8 Impairment of non-financial assets

Goodwill and intangible assets that have an indefinite useful life are not subject to amortisation and are tested
annually for impairment, or more frequently if events or changes in circumstances indicate that they might be
impaired. Other assets are tested for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the
carrying amount may not be recoverable. An impairment loss is recognised for the amount by which the asset’s
carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the higher of an asset’s fair value less
costs of disposal and value in use. For the purposes of assessing impairment, assets are grouped at the lowest
levels for which there are separately identifiable cash inflows which are largely independent of the cash inflows from

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other assets or groups of assets (cash-generating units). Non-financial assets other than goodwill that suffered an
impairment are reviewed for possible reversal of the impairment at the end of each reporting period.

4.9 Leases

The Company is the lessee:

At inception of a contract, the Company assesses whether a contract is, or contains, a lease based on whether the
contract conveys the right to control the use of an identified asset for a period of time in exchange for consideration.
Lease terms are negotiated on an individual basis and contain a wide range of different terms and conditions.

Leases are recognised as a right-of-use asset and a corresponding liability at the date at which the leased asset is
available for use by the Company.

The lease liability is initially measured at the present value of the lease payments that are not paid at the
commencement date, discounted using the interest rate implicit in the lease, or if that rate cannot be readily
determined, the Company's incremental borrowing rate is used, being the rate that the individual lessee would have
to pay to borrow the funds necessary to obtain an asset of similar value to the right-of-use asset in a similar
economic environment with similar terms, security and conditions.

Lease payments include the following:

- fixed payments, less any lease incentives receivable;

- variable lease payments that are based on an index or a rate, initially measured using the index or rate as at the
commencement date;

- amounts expected to be payable by the Company under residual value guarantees;

- the exercise price of a purchase option if the Company is reasonably certain to exercise that option; and

- payments of penalties for terminating the lease, if the lease term reflects the lessee exercising that option, less any
lease incentives receivable.

Lease payments to be made under reasonably certain extension options are also included in the measurement of
the liability.

The lease liability is subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method. It is
remeasured when there is a change in future lease payments arising from a change in fixed lease payments or an
index or rate, change in the Company's estimate of the amount expected to be payable under a residual value
guarantee, or if the Company changes its assessment of whether it will exercise a purchase, extension or
termination option. The corresponding adjustment is made to the carrying amount of the right-of-use asset, or is
recorded in the statement of profit or loss if the carrying amount of right-of-use asset has been reduced to zero.

The right-of-use asset is initially measured based on the initial amount of the lease liability adjusted for any lease
payments made at or before the commencement date, plus any initial direct costs incurred and an estimate of costs
to dismantle and remove the underlying asset or to restore the underlying asset or the site on which it is located,
less any lease incentive received. The right-of-use asset is depreciated on a straight line method over the lease term
as this method most closely reflects the expected pattern of consumption of future economic benefits. The
right-of-use asset is reduced by impairment losses, if any, and adjusted for certain remeasurements of the lease

When there is a change in scope of a lease, or the consideration for a lease, that was not part of the original terms
and conditions of the lease, it is accounted for as a lease modification. The lease modification is accounted for as a
separate lease if modification increases the scope of lease by adding the right to use one or more underlying assets
and the consideration for lease increases by an amount that is commensurate with the stand-alone price for the
increase in scope adjusted to reflect the circumstances of the particular contracts, if any. When the lease
modification is not accounted for as a separate lease, the lease liability is remeasured and corresponding
adjustment is made to right-of-use asset.

Payments associated with short-term leases and all leases of low-value assets are recognised on a straight-line
basis as an expense in profit or loss. Short-term leases are leases with a lease term of 12 months or less without a
purchase option.

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4.10 Investments

Investments intended to be held for less than twelve months from the reporting date or to be sold to raise operating
capital, are included in current assets. All other investments are classified as non-current. Management determines
the appropriate classification of its investments at the time of the purchase and re-evaluates such designation on a
regular basis.

4.10.1 Investments in equity instruments of subsidiaries

Investment in equity instruments of subsidiaries are measured at cost as per the requirements of IAS-27
"Separate Financial Statements". However, at subsequent reporting dates, the Company reviews the
carrying amount of the investment and its recoverability to determine whether there is an indication that
such investment has suffered an impairment loss. If any such indication exists, the carrying amount of the
investment is adjusted to the extent of impairment loss. Impairment losses are recognised as an expense
in the statement of profit or loss.

The Company assesses at the end of each reporting period whether there is any indication that a
previously recognised impairment loss may no longer exist or may have decreased. It assesses whether
there have been favourable events or changes in circumstances, since impairment loss was recognised. If
any such indication exists, the Company estimates the recoverable amount of that investment and
reverses the impairment loss. The amount of any reversal recognised is restricted to increasing the carrying
value of investment to the carrying value that would have been recognised if the original impairment had
not occurred.

The Company is required to issue consolidated financial statements along with its separate financial
statements in accordance with the requirements of IFRS 10, 'Consolidated financial statements' and IAS
27, 'Separate financial statements'.

4.11 Stores, spare parts and loose tools

Stores, spare parts and loose tools are valued at moving weighted average cost except for items in transit which are
stated at invoice value plus other charges paid thereon till the reporting date. For items which are slow moving
and/or identified as obsolete, adequate provision is made for any excess book value over estimated realizable value.
The Company reviews the carrying amount of stores and spares on a regular basis and provision is made for

4.12 Stock-in-trade

Stock of raw materials (except for those in transit), work-in-process and finished goods are valued principally at the
lower of weighted average cost and net realisable value ('NRV'). Stock of packing material is valued principally at
moving average cost. Cost of work-in-process and finished goods comprises cost of direct materials, labour and
related production overheads (based on normal operating capacity).

Materials in transit are stated at cost comprising invoice value plus other charges paid thereon.

Net realisable value is determined on the basis of estimated selling price of the product in the ordinary course of
business less estimated costs of completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale.

If the expected net realisable value is lower than the carrying amount, a write-down is recognised for the amount by
which the carrying amount exceeds its net realisable value. Provision is made in the unconsolidated financial
statements for obsolete and slow moving stock-in-trade based on management estimate.

4.13 Financial assets

4.13.1 Classification

The Company classifies its financial assets other than investments in subsidiaries in the following
measurement categories:

- those to be measured subsequently at fair value [either through other comprehensive income ('OCI') or
through profit or loss]; and

- those to be measured at amortised cost.

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The classification depends on the Company’s business model for managing the financial assets and the
contractual terms of the cash flows.

For assets measured at fair value, gains and losses will either be recorded in profit or loss or OCI. For
investments in equity instruments that are not held for trading, this will depend on whether the Company
has made an irrevocable election at the time of initial recognition to account for the equity investment at
fair value through other comprehensive income (FVOCI).

The Company reclassifies debt investments when and only when its business model for managing those
assets changes.

4.13.2 Recognition and derecognition

Regular way purchases and sales of financial assets are recognised on trade date, being the date on which
the Company commits to purchase or sell the asset. Financial assets are derecognised when the rights to
receive cash flows from the financial assets have expired or have been transferred and the Company has
transferred substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership.

4.13.3 Measurement

At initial recognition, the Company measures a financial asset at its fair value plus, in the case of a financial
asset not at fair value through profit or loss (FVPL), transaction costs that are directly attributable to the
acquisition of the financial asset. Transaction costs of financial assets carried at FVPL are expensed in
profit or loss.

Financial assets with embedded derivatives are considered in their entirety when determining whether their
cash flows are solely payments of principal and interest.

Debt instruments

Subsequent measurement of debt instruments depends on the Company’s business model for managing
the asset and the cash flow characteristics of the asset. There are three measurement categories into
which the Company classifies its debt instruments:

i) Amortised cost: Assets that are held for collection of contractual cash flows, where those cash flows
represent solely payments of principal and interest, are measured at amortised cost. Interest income
from these financial assets is included in other income using the effective interest rate method. Any
gain or loss arising on derecognition is recognised directly in profit or loss. Impairment losses are
presented as a separate line item in the statement of profit or loss.

ii) FVOCI: Assets that are held for collection of contractual cash flows and for selling the financial assets,
where the assets’ cash flows represent solely payments of principal and interest, are measured at
FVOCI. Movements in the carrying amount are taken through OCI, except for the recognition of
impairment gains or losses, interest income and foreign exchange gains and losses, which are
recognised in profit or loss. When the financial asset is derecognised, the cumulative gain or loss
previously recognised in OCI is reclassified from equity to profit or loss. Interest income from these
financial assets is included in other income using the effective interest rate method. Impairment
expenses are presented as a separate line item in the statement of profit or loss.

iii) FVPL: Assets that do not meet the criteria for amortised cost or FVOCI are measured at FVPL. A gain
or loss on a debt investment that is subsequently measured at FVPL is recognised in profit or loss in
the period in which it arises.

Equity instruments

The Company subsequently measures all equity investments except for investments in subsidiaries, at fair
value through other comprehensive income. Where the Company’s management has elected to present
fair value gains and losses on equity investments in OCI, there is no subsequent reclassification of fair
value gains and losses to profit or loss following the derecognition of the investment. Dividends from such
investments continue to be recognised in profit or loss as other income when the Company’s right to
receive payments is established.

Changes in the fair value of financial assets at FVPL are recognised in the statement of profit or loss.
Impairment losses (and reversal of impairment losses) on equity investments measured at FVOCI are not

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reported separately from other changes in fair value.

4.13.4 Impairment of financial assets other than investment in equity instruments

The Company assesses on a forward-looking basis the expected credit losses (ECL) associated with its
financial assets. The impairment methodology applied depends on whether there has been a significant
increase in credit risk. For trade debts, the company applies IFRS 9 simplified approach to measure the
expected credit losses (loss allowance) which uses a life time expected loss allowance to be recognised
from initial recognition of the receivables, while general 3-stage approach for deposits, loans, bank
balances and other receivables i.e. to measure ECL through loss allowance at an amount equal to
12-month ECL if credit risk on a financial instrument or a group of financial instruments has not increased
significantly since initial recognition.

Following are the financial assets that are subject to the ECL model:

- Trade debts;
- Long term deposits;
- Deposits and other receivables; and
- Bank balances

The measurement of expected credit losses is a function of the probability of default, loss given default (i.e.
the magnitude of the loss if there is a default) and the exposure at default. The assessment of the
probability of default and loss given default is based on historical data adjusted by forward-looking
information (adjusted for factors that are specific to the counterparty, general economic conditions and an
assessment of both the current as well as the forecast direction of conditions at the reporting date,
including time value of money where appropriate). As for the exposure at default for financial assets, this is
represented by the assets’ gross carrying amount at the reporting date.

The measurement of ECL reflects:

- an unbiased and probability-weighted amount that is determined by evaluating a range of possible


- the time value of money; and

- reasonable and supportable information that is available at the reporting date about past events, current
conditions and forecasts of future economic conditions.

The Company recognizes an impairment gain or loss in the statement of profit or loss for financial assets
with a corresponding adjustment to their carrying amount through a loss allowance account.

The Company writes off financial assets, in whole or in part, when it has exhausted all practical recovery
efforts and has concluded that there is no reasonable expectation of recovery. The assessment of no
reasonable expectation of recovery is based on unavailability of debtor’s sources of income or assets to
generate sufficient future cash flows to repay the amount. The Company may write-off financial assets that
are still subject to enforcement activity. Subsequent recoveries of amounts previously written off will result
in impairment gains.

4.14 Financial liabilities

All financial liabilities are recognized at the time when the Company becomes a party to the contractual provisions
of the instrument. Financial liabilities at amortised cost are initially measured at fair value less transaction costs.
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss are initially recognised at fair value and transaction costs are
expensed in profit or loss.

Financial liabilities, other than those at fair value through profit or loss, are subsequently measured at amortised cost
using the effective interest rate method. Gain and losses are recognized in the profit or loss, when the liabilities are
derecognized as well as through effective interest rate amortization process.

A financial liability is derecognized when the obligation under the liability is discharged or cancelled or expired.
Where an existing financial liability is replaced by another from the same lender on substantially different terms, or
the terms of an existing liability are substantially modified, such an exchange or modification is treated as a
derecognition of the original liability and the recognition of a new liability, and the difference in respective carrying
amounts is recognized in the statement of profit or loss.

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4.15 Offsetting of financial assets and liabilities

Financial assets and liabilities are offset and the net amount is reported in the unconsolidated financial statements
only when there is a legally enforceable right to set off the recognised amount and the Company intends either to
settle on a net basis or to realise the assets and to settle the liabilities simultaneously.

4.16 Trade debts and other receivables

Trade debts are amounts due from customer for goods sold or services performed in ordinary course of business.
Other receivables generally arise from transactions outside the usual operating activities of the Company. Trade
debts and other receivables are recognised initially at the amount of consideration that is unconditional, unless they
contain significant financing component in which case such are recognised at fair value. The Company holds the
trade debts with the objective of collecting the contractual cash flows and therefore measures the trade debts
subsequently at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method less loss allowance.

4.17 Cash and cash equivalents

For the purpose of presentation in the statement of cash flows, cash and cash equivalents includes cash on hand,
deposits held at call with financial institutions, other short-term, highly liquid investments with original maturities of
three months or less that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant
risk of changes in value, and bank overdrafts. Bank overdrafts are shown within borrowings in current liabilities in
the statement of financial position.

4.18 Contract asset and contract liability

A contract asset is recognised for the Company’s right to consideration in exchange for goods or services that it has
transferred to a customer. If the Company performs by transferring goods or services to a customer before the
customer pays consideration or before payment is due, the Company presents the amount as a contract asset,
excluding any amounts presented as a receivable.

A contract liability is recognised for the Company’s obligation to transfer goods or services to a customer for which
the Company has received consideration (or an amount of consideration is due) from the customer. If a customer
pays consideration, or the Company has a right to an amount of consideration that is unconditional (i.e. a
receivable), before the Company transfers a good or service to the customer, the entity shall present the contract as
a contract liability when the payment is made or the payment is due (whichever is earlier).

4.19 Foreign currency transactions and translation

a) Functional and presentation currency

Items included in the unconsolidated financial statements of the Company are measured using the currency
of the primary economic environment in which the Company operates (the functional currency). The financial
statements are presented in Pak Rupees, which is the Company’s functional and presentation currency.

b) Transactions and balances

Foreign currency transactions are translated into the functional currency using the exchange rates at the dates
of the transactions. Foreign exchange gains and losses resulting from the settlement of such transactions,
and from the translation of monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies at year end
exchange rates, are generally recognised in profit or loss.

Foreign exchange gains and losses that relate to borrowings are presented in the statement of profit or loss,
within finance costs. All other foreign exchange gains and losses are presented in the statement of profit or
loss on a net basis within other gains/(losses).

Non-monetary items that are measured at fair value in a foreign currency are translated using the exchange
rates at the date when the fair value was determined. Translation differences on assets and liabilities carried
at fair value are reported as part of the fair value gain or loss. For example, translation differences on
non-monetary assets and liabilities such as equities held at fair value through profit or loss are recognised in
profit or loss as part of the fair value gain or loss, and translation differences on non-monetary assets such as
equities classified as at fair value through other comprehensive income are recognised in other
comprehensive income.

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4.20 Borrowing costs

General and specific borrowing costs directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of qualifying
assets, which are assets that necessarily take a substantial period of time to get ready for their intended use or sale,
are added to the cost of those assets, until such time as the assets are substantially ready for their intended use or
sale. Qualifying assets are assets that necessarily take a substantial time to get ready for their intended use or sale.

Investment income earned on the temporary investment of specific borrowings pending their expenditure on
qualifying assets is deducted from the borrowing costs eligible for capitalisation.

All other borrowing costs are recognised in statement of profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred.

4.21 Revenue recognition

Revenue is recognised when or as performance obligations are satisfied by transferring control of a promised good
or service to a customer, and control either transfers over time or at a point in time. Revenue is measured at fair
value of the consideration received or receivable, excluding discounts, commissions and government levies.

In case of local sales, revenue is recognised at the time of despatch of goods from the factory.

In case of export sales, the delivery of goods and transportation are two distinct performance obligations and the
total transaction price is allocated to each performance obligation. Revenue relating to each performance obligation
is recognized on satisfaction of each distinct performance obligation.

4.22 Finance income

Finance income comprises interest income on funds invested (financial assets), dividend income, gain on disposal
of financial assets and changes in fair value of investments. Interest income is recognized as it accrues in profit or
loss, using effective interest method. Dividend income is recognized in profit or loss on the date that the Company’s
right to receive payment is established.

4.23 Share capital

Ordinary shares are classified as equity and recognized at their face value. Incremental costs directly attributable to
the issue of new shares are shown in equity as a deduction, net of tax, if any.

4.24 Dividend

Dividend distribution to the Company's members is recognised as a liability in the period in which dividends are

4.25 Contingent liabilities and assets

Contingent liability is disclosed when:

- there is a possible obligation that arises from past events and whose existence will be confirmed only by the
occurrence or non occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the Company;

- there is present obligation that arises from past events but it is not probable that an outflow of resources
embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation or the amount of the obligation cannot be
measured with sufficient reliability.

Contingent liabilities are not recognized. A contingent liability is disclosed unless the possibility of an outflow is

Contingent asset is disclosed when an inflow of economic benefits is probable. Contingent assets are not
recognised in the financial statements since this may result in recognition of income that may never be realised.

Contingent liabilities and assets are generally estimated using:

- The single most likely outcome; or

2023 Annual Report

- A weighted average of all the possible outcomes (the ‘expected value’ method). This is likely to be the most
appropriate method for a large population of similar claims, but can also be applied to a single obligation with
various possible outcomes.

4.26 Government grants

Grants from the government are recognised at their fair value where there is a reasonable assurance that the grant
will be received and the Company will comply with all attached conditions. Government grants relating to costs are
deferred and recognised in the profit or loss over the period necessary to match them with the costs that they are
intended to compensate.

4.27 Rounding of amounts

All amounts disclosed in the financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest thousand Rupees
unless otherwise stated.

5. Issued, subscribed and paid up share capital

2023 2022 2023 2022

(Number of shares) (Rupees in thousand)

343,512,029 343,512,029 Ordinary shares of Rs 10 each fully

paid in cash 3,435,120 3,435,120
Ordinary shares of Rs 10 each issued
20,000,000 20,000,000 for consideration other than cash - note 5.2 200,000 200,000
Ordinary shares of Rs 10 each issued
74,607,089 74,607,089 as fully paid bonus shares 746,071 746,071
438,119,118 438,119,118 4,381,191 4,381,191

5.1 137,574,201 (2022: 137,574,201), 428,500 (2022: 228,500) and 6,122,518 (2022: 4,242,155) ordinary shares of the
Company are held by the following related parties; Nishat Mills Limited, Security General Insurance Company
Limited and Adamjee Life Assurance Company Limited respectively.

Nishat Mills Limited is an Investor and the Company is an associate of Nishat Mills Limited as per IAS 28,
'Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures'.

5.2 20,000,000 ordinary shares of Rs 10 each were issued to the shareholders of D.G. Khan Electric Company Limited
upon its merger with D.G. Khan Cement Company Limited on July 01, 1999. These shares were issued as
consideration of merger against all assets, properties, rights, privileges, powers, bank accounts, trade marks,
patents, leaves and licenses of D.G. Khan Electric Company Limited.

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

6. Other reserves

Composition of reserves is as follows:

Capital reserves

- Share premium - note 6.1 4,557,163 4,557,163

- FVOCI reserve - note 6.2 12,609,667 14,256,124
- Capital redemption reserve fund - note 6.3 353,510 353,510
17,520,340 19,166,797

Revenue reserve

- General reserve 5,071,827 5,071,827

22,592,167 24,238,624

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
6.1 This reserve can be utilised by the Company only for the purposes specified in section 81 of the Companies Act,

6.2 This represents the unrealised gain on remeasurement of equity investments at FVOCI and is not available for

6.3 The Capital redemption reserve fund represents fund created for redemption of preference shares and in
accordance with the terms of issue of preference shares, to ensure timely payments, the Company was required to
maintain a redemption fund with respect to preference shares. The Company had created a redemption fund and
appropriated Rs 7.4 million each month from the statement of profit or loss in order to ensure that fund balance at
redemption date was equal to the principal amount of the preference shares. The preference shares were redeemed
during the year ended June 30, 2007.

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

7. Long term finances from financial institutions - secured

From banking companies:

Loans under refinance scheme - note 7.1 3,291,719 4,228,437
Long term loans - note 7.2 13,742,264 17,036,958
17,033,983 21,265,395
Current portion shown under current liabilities - note 15 (7,370,364) (7,097,166)
9,663,619 14,168,229

7.1 Loans under refinance scheme - secured

Number of
Lender 2023 2022 instalments Mark-up
(Rupees in thousand) Payable

State Bank of Pakistan's (SBP)

Islamic Refinance Scheme for
Payment of Wages & Salaries

Loan 1
Allied Bank Limited - 142,585 Nil Quarterly

Loan 2
Faysal Bank Limited - 143,746 Nil Quarterly

State Bank of Pakistan's Islamic

Temporary Economic Refinance
Facility (ITERF)

Loan 3
National Bank of Pakistan 3,156,276 4,006,676 15 equal quarterly Quarterly
instalments ending
in March 2027

Loan 4
Faysal Bank Limited - note 7.1.1 585,778 600,000 14 equal semi-annual Half yearly
instalments of each
tranche - note 7.1.1

3,742,054 4,893,007

2023 Annual Report

Such facilities are available at mark-up rates ranging from base rate plus 0.5% to 0.75% (2022: 0.15% to 0.75%)
per annum. The base rate applicable during the year on such facilities is SBP rate ranging from zero to one percent
resulting in coupon rate ranging from 0.50% to 1.7% (2022: 0.50% to 1.7%) per annum.

Loan 1
This represents long term financing facility availed under the State Bank of Pakistan's (SBP) Refinance Scheme for
Payment of Wages and Salaries to the Workers and Employees of Business Concerns ('Refinance Scheme'). The
loan was secured by a first pari passu charge of Rs 767 million over fixed assets of the Company.

Loan 2
This represents long term financing facility availed under the SBP Refinance Scheme. The loan was secured by first
pari passu charge of Rs 767 million over present and future fixed assets of the Company (including land &

Loan 3
This represents long term financing facility availed under the SBP Temporary Economic Refinance Scheme. The
loan is secured by first pari passu charge over present and future fixed assets of the Company for Rs 6,993.33
million with 25% margin.

Loan 4
This represents long term financing facility availed under the SBP Temporary Economic Refinance Scheme. The
loan is secured by first pari passu charge of Rs 800 million over present and future fixed assets of the Company
(including land & machinery).

7.1.1 Lender - Faysal Bank Limited

Number of
Tranche 2023 2022 instalments Mark-up
(Rupees in thousand) Payable

Tranche 1 99,551 113,773 14 equal semi-annual Half yearly

instalments ending
in May 2030

Tranche 2 123,624 123,624 16 equal semi-annual Half yearly

instalments starting
in July 2023

Tranche 3 156,256 156,256 16 equal semi-annual Half yearly

instalments starting
in August 2023

Tranche 4 206,347 206,347 16 equal semi-annual Half yearly

instalments starting
in December 2023

585,778 600,000

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

7.1.2 The reconciliation of the carrying amount is as follows:

Balance as at beginning of the year 4,893,004 5,678,264

Repayments during the year (1,150,952) (785,260)
- note 7.1 3,742,052 4,893,004

Discount on liability:
Balance as at beginning of the year (664,567) (927,027)
Unwinding of discount on liability 214,234 262,460
(450,333) (664,567)
Balance as at end of the year 3,291,719 4,228,437
Current portion shown under current liabilities - note 15 (933,980) (1,169,983)
2,357,739 3,058,454

7.2 Long term loans

Number of
Lender 2023 2022 instalments Mark-up
(Rupees in thousand) Payable

Loan 1
The Bank of Punjab - note 7.2.3 200,000 250,000 4 equal semi-annual Half yearly
instalments ending
in December 2024

Loan 2
The Bank of Punjab 1,200,000 1,500,000 8 equal semi-annual Half yearly
instalments ending
in May 2027

Loan 3
The Bank of Punjab - note 7.2.3 900,000 1,000,000 9 equal semi-annual Half yearly
- Islamic instalments ending
in June 2027

Loan 4
Habib Bank Limited 750,000 1,250,000 3 equal semi-annual Quarterly
instalments ending
in December 2024

Loan 5
Habib Bank Limited 749,941 1,249,902 3 equal semi-annual Quarterly
instalments ending
in December 2024

Loan 6
Bank Alfalah Limited - note 7.2.3 1,000,000 1,250,000 4 equal semi-annual Quarterly
instalments ending
in December 2024

Loan 7
Bank Alfalah Limited 250,000 750,000 2 equal quarterly Quarterly
instalments ending
in November 2023

C/F 5,049,941 7,249,902

2023 Annual Report

Number of
Lender 2023 2022 instalments Mark-up
(Rupees in thousand) Payable

B/F 5,049,941 7,249,902

Loan 8
Bank Alfalah Limited 1,031,250 1,312,500 11 equal quarterly Quarterly
instalments ending
in December 2025

Loan 9
National Bank of Pakistan 897,000 1,495,000 6 equal quarterly Quarterly
instalments ending
in October 2024

Loan 10
National Bank of - note 7.2.3 600,000 700,000 6 equal semi annual Half yearly
Pakistan - Islamic payments ending
in December 2025

Loan 11
Allied Bank Limited 540,000 720,000 12 equal quarterly Quarterly
instalments ending
in May 2026

Loan 12
Allied Bank Limited 2,288,222 3,595,778 7 equal quarterly Quarterly
instalments ending
in March 2025

Loan 13
Allied Bank Limited 1,166,667 1,833,333 7 equal quarterly Quarterly
instalments ending
in January 2025

Loan 14
The Bank of Punjab 586,693 130,445 20 equal quarterly Quarterly
instalments starting
in June 2024

Loan 15
Allied Bank Limited 900,000 - 20 equal quarterly Quarterly
instalments starting
in March 2024

Loan 16
Meezan Bank Limited 682,491 - 20 equal quarterly Quarterly
instalments starting
in June 2024

13,742,264 17,036,958

Such facilities are available at mark-up rates ranging from three to six months Karachi Inter-Bank Offered Rate
('KIBOR') plus 0.15% to 0.35% (2022: three to six months KIBOR plus 0.15% to 0.75%) per annum. Markup rate
charged during the year on outstanding balance ranged from 14.69% to 23.22% (2022: 7.54% to 15.88%) per annum.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
7.2.1 Security

Loan 1
First pari passu charge over present and future fixed assets of the Company for Rs 667 million with 25%

Loan 2
First pari passu charge over present and future fixed assets of the Company for Rs 2,000 million.

Loan 3
First pari passu charge over present and future fixed assets of the Company for Rs 1,333 million.

Loan 4
First pari passu charge over present and future fixed assets of the Company for Rs 3,333 million with 25%

Loan 5
First pari passu charge over present and future fixed assets of the Company for Rs 3,333 million with 25%

Loan 6
First pari passu charge over present and future fixed assets of the Company for Rs 3,333 million with 25%

Loan 7
First pari passu charge over present and future fixed assets of the Company for Rs 2,667 million.

Loan 8
Ranking charge over present and future fixed assets of the Company for Rs 2,000 million to be upgraded to
first pari passu charge.

Loan 9
First pari passu charge over present and future fixed assets of the Company for Rs 4,000 million with 25%

Loan 10
First pari passu charge over present and future fixed assets of the Company for Rs 1,333 million.

Loan 11
First pari passu charge over present and future fixed assets of the Company for Rs 1,200 million with 25%

Loan 12
First pari passu charge over present and future fixed assets of the Company for Rs 7,867 million with 25%

Loan 13
First pari passu charge over present and future fixed assets of the Company for Rs 1,333 million.

Loan 14
Joint pari passu charge of Rs 1,056 million over present and future fixed assets of the Company.

Loan 15
First pari passu charge over present and future fixed assets of the Company with 25% margin.

Loan 16
Joint pari passu charge over all present and future plant and machinery of the Company with 20% margin.

2023 Annual Report

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

7.2.2 The reconciliation of the carrying amount is as follows:

Opening balance 17,036,958 20,679,530

Disbursements during the year 2,038,739 1,630,445
Repayments during the year (5,333,433) (5,273,017)
Closing balance 13,742,264 17,036,958
Current portion shown under current liabilities - note 7.2.3 (6,436,384) (5,927,183)
7,305,880 11,109,775

7.2.3 This includes one instalment of Rs 593.750 million due on June 30, 2023. The repayments were made
subsequent to the year end due to closure of financial institutions on the last three days of June on account
of Eid Holidays.

8. Deferred government grant

This represents deferred grant recognized in respect of the benefit of below-market interest rate on the facilities as referred
to in note 7.1 to these unconsolidated financial statements. The benefit has been measured as the difference between the
fair value of the loan and the proceeds received. The Company used the prevailing market rate of mark-up at the date of
disbursement for similar instruments to calculate fair values of respective loans. The discount rates used range from 7.34%
to 7.76% per annum. The reconciliation of the carrying amount is as follows:

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

Opening balance 664,567 927,027

Credited to profit or loss - note 33 (214,233) (262,460)
Closing balance 450,334 664,567
Current portion shown under current liabilities - note 15 (171,581) (213,883)
278,753 450,684

There are no unfulfilled conditions or other contingencies attached to these grants.

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

9. Long term deposits

Customers 309,194 165,667

Others 130,503 115,510
439,697 281,177

These include interest free security deposits from stockists and suppliers and are repayable on cancellation/withdrawal of
the dealership or on cessation of business with the Company. As per the agreements signed with these parties, the
Company has the right to utilise the amounts for the furtherance of their business, hence, the amounts are not required to
be kept in a separate account maintained in a scheduled bank. Therefore, the Company is in compliance with section 217
of the Companies Act, 2017. These deposits have not been carried at amortised cost since the effect of discounting is
immaterial in the context of these financial statements.

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

10. Employee benefits obligations

This represents:
Staff gratuity - note 10.1 657,255 530,909
Accumulating compensated absences - note 10.2 192,260 181,731
849,515 712,640

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)
10.1 Staff gratuity

The amounts recognised in the statement of financial position are as follows:

Present value of defined benefit obligation 1,243,229 1,070,156
Fair value of plan assets (585,974) (539,247)
Liability as at June 30 657,255 530,909

10.1.1 Movement in net liability for staff gratuity

Net liability as at beginning of the year 530,909 366,489

Current service cost 102,308 87,770

Net interest on defined benefit obligation 134,553 85,820
Return on plan assets during the year (71,737) (51,452)
165,124 122,138
Total remeasurements for the year charged to
other comprehensive income 42,105 75,842
Contributions made by the Company during the year (80,883) (33,560)
Net liability as at end of the year 657,255 530,909

10.1.2 Movement in present value of defined benefit obligation

Present value of defined benefit obligation as at beginning of the year 1,070,156 882,460
Current service cost 102,308 87,770
Interest cost 134,553 85,820
Payments against opening payables (5,638) -
Benefits paid during the year (76,560) (36,694)

- Actuarial losses from changes in financial assumptions 5,051 5,035
- Experience adjustments 13,359 45,765
18,410 50,800
Present value of defined benefit obligation as at end of the year 1,243,229 1,070,156

10.1.3 Movement in fair value of plan assets

Fair value of plan assets as at beginning of the year 539,247 516,091

Interest income on plan assets 71,737 51,452
Contributions during the year 80,883 33,560
Benefits paid during the year (82,198) (36,814)
Remeasurements in fair value of plan assets (23,695) (25,042)
Fair value of plan assets as at end of the year 585,974 539,247

10.1.4 Plan assets

Plan assets are comprised as follows:

2023 2022
(Rs in '000') Percentage (Rs in '000') Percentage

Cash and bank balances 85,951 15% 75,008 14%

Debt instruments 500,023 85% 317,578 59%
Special Savings Certificates with
accrued interest - 0% 146,661 27%
585,974 100% 539,247 100%

2023 Annual Report

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

10.1.5 Charge for the year

Current service cost 102,308 87,770

Interest cost 134,553 85,820
Interest income on plan assets (71,737) (51,452)
Total expense for the year 165,124 122,138

10.1.6 Total remeasurements charged to other

comprehensive income

Actuarial losses from changes in financial assumptions 5,051 5,035

Experience adjustments 13,359 45,765
18,410 50,800
Remeasurements in plan assets, excluding interest income 23,695 25,042
42,105 75,842

10.1.7 The sensitivity of the defined benefit obligation to changes in the weighted principal assumptions is:

Impact on defined benefit obligation

Change in Increase in Decrease in
assumptions assumption assumption
2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022

Discount rate 3.00% 3.25% Decrease by 8.11% 7.88% Increase by 5.63% 6.63%
Salary growth rate 3.00% 3.25% Increase by 5.70% 6.72% Decrease by 8.29% 8.07%

The above sensitivity analysis are based on a change in an assumption while holding all other assumptions
constant. In practice, this is unlikely to occur, and changes in some of the assumptions may be correlated.
When calculating the sensitivity of the defined benefit obligation to significant actuarial assumptions the
same method (present value of the defined benefit obligation calculated with the projected unit credit
method at the end of the reporting period) has been applied as when calculating the defined benefit liability
recognised in the statement of financial position.

The methods and types of assumptions used in preparing the sensitivity analysis did not change compared
to the prior period.

10.1.8 Risks associated with the defined benefit plan

- Final salary risk (linked to inflation risk) – the risk that the final salary at the time of cessation of service
is greater than what is currently assumed. Since, the benefit is calculated on the final salary (which will
closely reflect inflation and other macroeconomic factors), the benefit amount increases as salary increases.

- Demographic risks
Mortality risk - The risk that the actual mortality experience is different than the assumed mortality. This
effect is more pronounced in schemes where the age and service distribution is on the higher side.

Withdrawal risk - The risk of actual withdrawals experience is different from assumed withdrawal probability.
The significance of the withdrawal risk varies with the age, service and the entitled benefits of the

- Investment risk – the risk of the investment underperforming and being not sufficient to meet the liabilities.

10.1.9 Expected contribution to the defined benefit plan for the year ending June 30, 2024 is Rs 140.800 million.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
10.1.10 The weighted average duration of the defined benefit obligation is 7 years (2022 – 7 years). The expected
benefit payment for the next 10 years and beyond is as follows:

Less than Between Between Over 5 years Total

a year 1 to 2 years 2 to 5 years
(Rupees in thousand)

June 30, 2023 140,800 112,207 551,974 27,105,259 27,910,240

June 30, 2022 128,239 92,796 319,420 14,692,499 15,232,954

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

10.2 Accumulating compensated absences

Opening liability 181,731 164,313

Charged to profit or loss 81,064 74,838
Payments made during the year (23,623) (34,484)
Liability as at year end 239,172 204,667
Current portion shown under current liabilities - note 15 (46,912) (22,936)
192,260 181,731

10.2.1 Movement in liability for accumulating compensated absences

Present value of accumulating compensated absences as

at beginning of the year 181,731 164,313
Current service cost 61,391 57,930
Interest cost 19,406 13,560
Benefits due but not paid (46,912) (22,936)
Benefits paid during the year (23,623) (34,484)
Remeasurement in respect of experience adjustments 267 3,348
Present value of accumulating compensated absences as at year end 192,260 181,731

10.2.2 Charge for the year

Current service cost 61,391 57,930

Interest cost 19,406 13,560
Remeasurement during the year 267 3,348
Total expense for the year 81,064 74,838

10.2.3 Assumptions used for valuation of the accumulating

compensated absences are as under:
2023 2022

Discount rate Per annum 16.25% 13.25%

Expected rate of increase in salary Per annum 15.25% 12.25%
Duration of the plan Number of years 8 8
Expected withdrawal and early retirement rate SLIC 2001-2005 SLIC 2001-2005
mortality table mortality table

2023 Annual Report

10.2.4 The sensitivity of the accumulating compensated balances to changes in the weighted principal
assumptions is:

Impact on defined benefit obligation

Change in Increase in Decrease in
assumptions assumption assumption
2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022

Discount rate 3.00% 3.25% Decrease by 7.14% 7.46% Increase by 8.17% 8.58%

Salary growth rate 3.00% 3.25% Increase by 8.08% 8.49% Decrease by 7.17% 7.49%

The above sensitivity analysis are based on a change in an assumption while holding all other assumptions
constant. In practice, this is unlikely to occur, and changes in some of the assumptions may be correlated.
When calculating the sensitivity of the accumulating leave absences to significant actuarial assumptions the
same method (present value of the accumulating compensated absences calculated with the projected unit
credit method at the end of the reporting period) has been applied for valuation of balance of accumulating
compensated absences in the statement of financial position.

The methods and types of assumptions used in preparing the sensitivity analysis did not change compared
to the prior period.

10.2.5 Risks associated with the accumulating compensated absences

- Final Salary Risk (linked to inflation risk) - the risk that the final salary at the time of cessation of service
is greater than what we assumed. Since, the benefit is calculated on the final salary (which will closely reflect
inflation and other macroeconomic factors), the benefit amount increases as salary increases.

- Demographic risks
Mortality Risk - The risk that the actual mortality experience is different than the assumed mortality. This
effect is more pronounced in schemes where the age and service distribution is on the higher side.

Withdrawal risk - The risk of actual withdrawals experience is different from assumed withdrawal probability.
The significance of the withdrawal risk varies with the age, service and the entitled benefits of the

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

11. Deferred taxation

The net liability for deferred taxation comprises taxable/(deductible) temporary

differences, unused tax credits and unused tax losses relating to:

Deferred tax liability

Accelerated tax depreciation 17,709,878 12,397,100
Un-realised gain on investments - net 1,046,058 710,585
18,755,936 13,107,685

Deferred tax asset

Available unused minimum tax credit (1,666,699) (2,097,450)
Available unused Alternative Corporate Tax credit (492,992) (492,992)
Available unused tax losses (5,547,435) (5,350,780)
Loss allowance on financial assets (85,601) (16,778)
Employee benefit obligations (349,606) (207,535)
(8,142,333) (8,165,535)
10,613,603 4,942,150

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

The gross movement in net deferred tax liability during the year is as follows:
Opening balance 4,942,150 3,378,941
Charged/(credited) to other comprehensive income 308,410 (66,136)
Charged to statement of profit or loss - note 34 5,363,043 1,629,344
Closing balance 10,613,603 4,942,150

Deferred tax asset on tax losses and tax credits available for carry forward have been recognized to the extent that the
realisation of related tax benefits is probable from reversal of existing taxable temporary differences and future taxable
profits. Based on the Company's approved business plan, it is probable that sufficient taxable profits will be available for
utilization of deferred tax asset. However, the Company has not recognised deferred tax asset in respect of minimum tax
available for carry forward under section 113 of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 amounting to Rs 1,371.103 million as
sufficient taxable profits would not be available to utilise these in the foreseeable future. These tax credits would expire as

Accounting year to which Amount of minimum tax Accounting year in which

minimum tax relates (Rupees in thousand) minimum tax will expire

2019 261,895 2024

2020 576,740 2025

2022 532,468 2025


2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

12. Trade and other payables

Trade creditors - note 12.1 6,530,049 3,871,207

Infrastructure cess 178,328 178,328
Contract liability - note 12.2 2,393,152 1,468,611
Accrued liabilities - note 12.3 4,192,363 5,740,256
Workers' profit participation fund - note 12.4 202,984 338,556
Workers' welfare fund - note 12.5 - 840
Withholding tax payable 33,659 43,891
Retention money payable 31,941 36,429
Export commission payable 166,256 82,840
Federal Excise Duty payable - 733,298
Others - note 12.6 54,567 97,453
13,783,299 12,591,709

12.1 Trade creditors include amounts due to following related parties:

Nishat Paper Products Company Limited 769,411 883,504

Security General Insurance Company Limited 6,243 1,349
Nishat Dairy (Private) Limited 45,071 88,071
Pakistan Aviators and Aviation (Private) Limited 512 -
Nishat Hotels and Properties Limited 9 -
821,246 972,924

2023 Annual Report

12.2 This represents contract liabilities of the Company towards various parties. Revenue recognised in the current year
that was included in the contract liability balance at the beginning of the year amounts to Rs 1,266.072 million (2022:
Rs 630.225 million).

12.3 Includes Gas Infrastructure Development Cess (GIDC) that was levied through GIDC Act, 2015. The Supreme Court
of Pakistan (SCP) through its judgment dated August 13, 2020 has declared GIDC Act, 2015 a valid legislation.
Under the judgement, all gas consumers including the Company were ordered to pay the outstanding GIDC liability
as at July 31, 2020 to the Government of Pakistan in 24 equal monthly instalments. The Company has partially paid
GIDC amounting to Rs 84.5 million. The Company also filed a Suit with the Sindh High Court against collection of
GIDC instalments, before a factual determination of GIDC passed on to end consumers or not is carried out. The
Sindh High Court granted a stay in March 2021 against recovery of GIDC payable from the Company till the
finalisation of matter by the Court. The matter is currently pending in the Sindh High Court. The Company has
followed the relevant accounting standards and guidelines of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan
(ICAP) in this regard.

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

12.4 Workers' profit participation fund

The reconciliation of carrying amount is as follows:

Opening balance 338,556 348,668

Provision for the year - note 31 36,377 189,886
Interest for the year - note 33 7,778 -
382,711 538,554
Payments made during the year (179,727) (199,998)
Closing balance 202,984 338,556

12.5 Workers' welfare fund

The reconciliation of carrying amount is as follows:

Opening balance 840 97,649

Provision for the year - note 32 - 839
840 98,488

Reversal of prior year provision - note 33 - (96,051)

Payments made during the year (840) (1,597)
Closing balance - 840

12.6 Includes payable to employees' provident fund amounting to Rs 0.0218 million (2022: Rs 31.473 million).

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

13. Short term borrowings from financial institutions - secured

Short term running finances/short term borrowings - note 13.1 20,019,028 10,569,147
Import finances - note 13.2 1,897,265 9,479,359
Export finances - note 13.3 3,578,000 5,162,000
25,494,293 25,210,506

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
13.1 Short term running finances/short term borrowings

Short term running finance facilities and short term borrowings available from various commercial banks under
mark-up arrangements aggregate to Rs 38,150 million (2022: Rs 31,150 million). Such facilities are available at
mark-up rates ranging from one to three months KIBOR plus -0.05% to 1% (2022: One to three months KIBOR plus
-0.05% to 1%) per annum. The mark-up rate charged during the year on the outstanding balance ranged from
14.23% to 22.68% (2022: 7.35% to 15.15%) per annum and markup is payable monthly to quarterly. These are
secured by joint registered charge on all present and future current assets of the Company wherever situated
including stores and spares, stock in trade, book debts, investments and receivables.

13.2 Import finances

Import finance facilities available from various commercial banks under mark-up arrangements aggregate to Rs
19,850 million (2022: Rs 18,600 million). Such facilities are available at mark-up rates ranging from one to six months
KIBOR plus -0.10 % to 0.05% (2022: one to six months KIBOR plus -0.05% to 0.1%) per annum. The mark-up rate
charged during the year on the outstanding balance ranged from 10.64% to 22.96% (2022: 7.51% to 15.18%) per
annum and markup is payable on settlement. The aggregate import finances are secured by a registered charge on
all present and future current assets of the Company wherever situated including stores and spares, stock in trade,
trade debts, investments and other receivables.

13.3 Export finances

Export finance facilities available from various commercial banks under mark-up arrangements aggregate to Rs
15,250 million (2022: Rs 14,250 million). Such facilities are available at markup rate agreed as per State Bank of
Pakistan plus 0.25% to 1.00% (2022: State Bank of Pakistan agreed rate plus 0.00% to 1.00%) per annum. The
Export Finance Scheme rate has ranged from 2% to 18% throughout the year. These loans are obtained for a period
of 180 days and are secured against joint pari passu hypothecation charge over current assets of the Company.

13.4 Letters of credit and guarantees

Of the aggregate facility of Rs 47,050 million (2022: Rs 35,750 million) for opening letters of credit and Rs 4,850
million (2022: Rs 5,750 million) for guarantees, all being either main limits or sub-limits of the running finance
facilities, the amount utilised as at June 30, 2023 was Rs 25,538 million (2022: Rs 16,054 million) and Rs 2,825
million (2022: Rs 3,309 million) respectively. The facilities for opening letters of credit are secured against lien over
import documents whereas aggregate facilities for guarantees are secured against registered joint pari passu
charge over the present and future current assets of the Company. Of the facility for guarantees, Rs 14.48 million
(2022: Rs 14.480 million) is secured by a lien over bank deposits as referred to in note 26.2.

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

14. Accrued mark-up

Accrued mark-up/interest on:

- Long term finances - secured 695,325 425,861
- Short term borrowings - secured 1,044,222 457,368
1,739,547 883,229

15. Current portion of non-current liabilities

Loans under refinance scheme - note 7.1.2 933,980 1,169,983

Long term loans - note 7.2.2 6,436,384 5,927,183
Accumulating compensated absences - note 10.2 46,912 22,936
Deferred government grant - note 8 171,581 213,883
7,588,857 7,333,985

2023 Annual Report

16. Contingencies and commitments

16.1 Contingencies

Contingent assets:

16.1.1 The matter relating to interpretation of provisions of section 4(2) of the repealed Central Excise Act, 1944
(1944 Act) has now attained finality after having been adjudicated by the honourable Supreme Court of
Pakistan through its judgment dated 27 January 2009 (upholding its previous judgment dated 15 February
2007). The longstanding controversy between the Revenue Department and the tax payers related
primarily to finer interpretation of the provisions of section 4(2) of the 1944 Act wherein the department had
a view that excise duty shall be included as a component for determination of the value (retail price) for
levying excise duty. The departmental view, being against the spirit of law, was challenged by the taxpayers
in appeals before the honourable High Courts of Pakistan which, duly appreciating the contentions of the
taxpayers, overturned the departmental view and succeeded the appeals.

Now, since the controversy has attained finality up to the highest appellate level, the Company has initiated
the process of claiming refund of excess excise duty paid by it during the periods from 1994 to 1999 which
aggregates Rs 1,115.145 million. The amount of refund, however, shall be incorporated in the books of
account once it is realized by the Company.

16.1.2 The Income Tax Officer, while framing the assessments for the assessment years 1984-85 to 1990-91, has
taxed the income of the Company on account of the interest on the deposits and sale of scrap etc. The
Appellate Tribunal on appeal filed by the Company issued an order in favour of the Company for the
assessment years 1984-85 to 1990-91. The Income Tax Department filed reference before the Lahore High
Court. Pending final outcome of such reference, no adjustment has been made in these financial
statements for the relief granted by the Appellate Tribunal aggregating to Rs 35.090 million.

Contingent liabilities:

16.1.3 During the period 1994 to 1996, the Company imported plant and machinery relating to expansion unit, for
which exemption was claimed under various SROs from the levy of custom duty and other duties including
sales tax. As per the provisions of SRO 484(I)/92, 978(I)/95 and 569(I)/95, the exemption from the statutory
duty would be available only if the said plant and machinery was not manufactured locally. However, the
Custom Authorities rejected the claim of the Company by arguing that the said machinery was on the list
of locally manufactured machinery, published by the Federal Board of Revenue. Consequently, the
Company appealed before the Lahore High Court, Multan Bench, which allowed the Company to release
the machinery on furnishing indemnity bonds with the Custom Authorities.

Collector of Customs and Central Excise, Multan, passed an order dated November 26, 1999, against the
Company on the grounds that the said machinery was being manufactured locally during the time when it
was imported.

After various appeals at different forums, the honourable Supreme Court of Pakistan remanded the case
back to the Customs Authorities to reassess the liability of the Company. The custom authorities
re-determined the liability of the Company upon which the Company preferred an appeal to the Customs
Appellate Tribunal. The Tribunal decided the case in favour of the Company, upon which the Company
discharged all liabilities. However, the custom authorities preferred a reference to the Lahore High Court,
Multan Bench on November 19, 2013. Last hearing of the case was conducted on June 25, 2018. In case
of any adverse decision, the management assesses liability to the tune of Rs 233.390 million. No provision
for this amount has been made in the financial statements as according to the management of the
Company, there are meritorious grounds that the ultimate decision would be in its favour.

16.1.4 The Competition Commission of Pakistan ('the CCP') took suo moto action under Competition Ordinance,
2007 and issued Show Cause Notice on October 28, 2008 for increase in prices of cement across the
country. The similar notices were also issued to All Pakistan Cement Manufacturers Association ('APCMA')
and its member cement manufacturers. The Company filed a Writ Petition in the Lahore High Court. The
Lahore High Court, vide its order dated August 24, 2009 allowed the CCP to issue its final order. The CCP
accordingly passed an order on August 28, 2009 and imposed a penalty of Rs 933 million on the Company.
The Lahore High Court vide its order dated August 31, 2009 restrained the CCP from enforcing its order
against the Company for the time being.

The vires of the Competition Commission of Pakistan have been challenged by a large number of petitioners
and all have been advised by their legal counsels that prima facie the Competition Ordinance, 2007 is ultra

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
vires of the Constitution of Pakistan. The Honourable Supreme Court of Pakistan sent the appeals of the
petitioners to newly formed Competition Appellate Tribunal ('CAT') to decide the matter. The Company has
challenged sections 42, 43 and 44 of the Competition Act, 2010 in the Sindh High Court. The Honourable
Sindh High Court upon petition filed by large number of petitioners gave direction to CAT to continue with
the proceedings and not to pass a final order till the time petition is pending in Sindh High Court. No
provision for this amount has been made in the financial statements as according to the management of the
Company, there are meritorious grounds that the ultimate decision would be in its favour.

16.1.5 The Company, consequent to the order-in-appeal passed by the learned Customs, Federal Excise and
Sales Tax Appellate Tribunal, Lahore, filed a petition before the Lahore High Court on March 27, 2008,
challenging the levy of sales tax on the in-house consumption of Shale, Gypsum and Limestone for the
period from June 13, 1997 to August 11, 1998. Last hearing of the case was conducted on December 17,
2015. According to the legal counsel of the Company, chances of favourable outcome of the petition are
fair, therefore the payable amount has not been incorporated in these financial statements amounting to Rs
212.239 million.

16.1.6 On August 31, 2021, the Lahore High Court has granted interim relief to the Company in respect of a writ
petition filed by the Company to challenge a showcause notice issued by the Deputy Commissioner Inland
Revenue (DCIR) dated July 02, 2021, whereby, it was alleged that the Company had claimed inadmissible
input tax for the periods from July 2018 to December 2020 aggregating Rs 1,384.644 million primarily
related to construction/building material.

During the year, the Lahore High Court through its order dated March 31, 2023, directed the DCIR to
constitute a team of qualified/experts to attain an on-site/physical verification, clarifying the fact that
whether the items on which input tax claimed by the Company has been done as per provisions of Sales
Tax Act, 1990 or not. The said team will visit the manufacturing premises of the Company in order to verify
each and every invoice to conclude whether the goods thereunder have been used for the purpose of
taxable activity of making taxable supply. After completion of the said exercise, the matter will be finally
decided by the Lahore High Court.

As per management, meritorious grounds exist to support the position that the ultimate decision would be
in its favour wherein such claim of input tax would be allowed to the Company. Therefore, such credit of
input sales tax has not been reversed in these financial statements. However, in case of an adverse
decision, such input sales tax shall be reversed and will become part of the cost of the related fixed assets
that would result in increase in depreciation charge of such fixed assets over their remaining useful lives.
Consequently, no provision has been made in these financial statements on this account.

16.1.7 The DCIR passed an order dated August 20, 2021 for tax periods July 2017 to June 2018, whereby, a
demand was raised for recovery of sales tax of Rs 5,795.981 million, including applicable default surcharge
and penalty (amounting to Rs 275.999 million) imposed under sections 34 and 33(5) of the Sales Tax Act,
1990 respectively. The demand was raised mainly on account of alleged suppression of production and
sales of cement and disallowance of input sales tax on various goods and services (including that related
to fixed assets and building materials).

Further for these tax periods, a Federal Excise Duty (‘FED’) demand of Rs 2,884.751 million, along with
applicable default surcharge and penalty was also raised by the DCIR on November 30, 2021 under
relevant provisions of the Federal Excise Act, 2005 solely on account of alleged suppression of production
and sales of cement on bases identical to those framed through order dated August 20, 2021.

The Company had preferred appeal before the CIR(A) against the said orders, whereby through CIR(A)'s
order dated March 29, 2022 decision has been made in the Company's favour as the matter has been
remanded back to learned DCIR to adjudicate the matter afresh. The department has, however, appealed
against this decision before the ATIR.

The management, on the basis of consultation with its legal counsel and the favorable decision of the
CIR(A), considers that meritorious grounds exist to defend the company’s stance and that such sales tax
and FED demands are not likely to sustain appellate review by appellate authorities. Consequently, no
provision has been created in these financial statements on this account.

16.1.8 The banks have issued the following guarantees on Company's behalf in favour of:

- Collector of Customs, Excise and Sales Tax against levy of sales tax, custom duty and excise amounting
to Rs 30.538 million (2022: Rs 30.538 million).

2023 Annual Report

- Director, Excise Collection Office, Sindh Development and Maintenance against recovery of infrastructure
fee amounting to Rs 1,177.900 million (2022: Rs 1,287.900 million).

- The President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan against the performance of a contract to Frontier Works
Organization amounting to Rs 0.5 million (2022: Rs 0.5 million).

- Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited against supply of 6 MMCFD and 14 MMCFD gas for captive use at
plants at Khairpur and at D.G. Khan respectively amounting to Rs 544.414 million (2022: Rs 544.414

- Sindh High Court against levy of sales tax, custom duty and excise amounting to Rs 228.174 million
(2022: Rs 176.860 million).

- Pakistan Railways against supply of cement amounting to Rs 5.906 million (2022: Rs 7.075 million).

16.1.9 The Company has provided a guarantee to Meezan Bank Limited (MBL) against the loan provided by MBL
to Hyundai Nishat Motor (Private) Limited, a related party, amounting to Rs 1,238.471 million (2022: Rs
1,262.243 million).

16.1.10 The Company has issued a post dated cheque in favour of Nazir of the High Court of Sindh amounting to
Rs 227.760 million (2022: Rs 227.760 million) against the Industrial Support Package Adjustment on
K-Electric electricity bills.

16.2 Commitments in respect of:

(i) Contracts for capital expenditure Rs 520.310 million (2022: Rs 164.581 million).

(ii) Letters of credit for capital expenditure Rs 93.980 million (2022: Rs 1,254.466 million).

(iii) Letters of credit other than capital expenditure Rs 1,161.854 million (2022: Rs 3,037.820 million).

(iv) The amount of future payments under leases and the period in which these payments will become due are
as follows:

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

Not later than one year 425 425

Later than one year and not later than five years 1,699 1,699
Later than five years 3,474 3,887
5,598 6,011

17. Property, plant and equipment

Operating fixed assets - note 17.1 80,039,245 81,934,028

Capital work-in-progress - note 17.2 2,006,864 724,168
Major spare parts and stand-by equipment - note 17.3 199,541 145,664
82,245,650 82,803,860

17.1 Operating fixed assets
2023 (Rupees in thousand)
Accumulated Accumulated
Cost as at Depreciation
depreciation depreciation Book value
Cost as at Additions / June 30, 2023 charge /
and impairment and impairment as at June
July 01, 2022 (deletions) (deletions)
as at July as at June 30, 2023
for the year
01, 2022 30, 2023

Freehold land - note 17.1.2 1,804,817 152,378 1,940,890 - - - 1,940,890


Leasehold land 263,000 - 263,000 51,006 8,767 59,773 203,227

Buildings on freehold land

- Factory building 23,194,745 2,381 23,197,126 7,788,909 770,361 8,559,270 14,637,856

- Office building and housing colony 3,980,932 58,452 4,039,384 986,649 151,419 1,138,068 2,901,316

Roads 2,449,488 2,630 2,452,118 1,008,892 144,213 1,153,105 1,299,013

Plant and machinery 78,690,058 1,482,230 80,172,288 23,975,855 2,247,425 26,223,280 53,949,008

Quarry equipment 4,473,612 5,914 4,479,526 2,376,010 165,716 2,541,726 1,937,800

Furniture and fittings 518,259 61,543 516,833 385,713 45,245 372,688 144,145

(62,969) (58,270)

Office equipment 589,215 151,616 648,573 438,442 69,187 424,234 224,339

(92,258) (83,395)

Vehicles 970,522 160,064 1,105,790 481,400 83,194 549,246 556,544

(24,796) (15,348)

Aircraft 328,752 - 328,752 318,467 3,084 321,551 7,201

Power and water supply lines 4,022,461 4,284 4,026,745 1,540,490 248,349 1,788,839 2,237,906

121,285,861 2,081,492 123,171,025 39,351,833 3,936,961 43,131,780 80,039,245

Annual Report

(196,328) (157,013)

2022 (Rupees in thousand)
Accumulated Accumulated
depreciation depreciation Book value
Cost as at Additions / Cost as at charge /
and impairment and impairment as at June
July 01, 2021 (deletions) June 30, 2022 (deletions)


as at July as at June 30, 2022

for the year
01, 2021 30, 2022
Freehold land 1,785,959 18,858 1,804,817 - - - 1,804,817

Leasehold land 263,000 - 263,000 42,239 8,767 51,006 211,994

Buildings on freehold land
- Factory building 22,043,479 1,151,266 23,194,745 6,997,602 791,307 7,788,909 15,405,836
Annual Report

- Office building and housing colony 3,599,679 381,253 3,980,932 844,594 142,055 986,649 2,994,283
Roads 2,322,250 127,238 2,449,488 856,914 151,978 1,008,892 1,440,596
Plant and machinery 71,929,058 6,761,000 78,690,058 21,805,276 2,170,579 23,975,855 54,714,203
Quarry equipment 4,471,330 2,282 4,473,612 2,192,276 183,734 2,376,010 2,097,602
Furniture and fittings 497,808 20,451 518,259 333,398 52,315 385,713 132,546
Office equipment 551,050 38,182 589,215 384,354 54,100 438,442 150,773
(17) (12)
Vehicles 887,008 158,227 970,522 453,323 77,602 481,400 489,122
(74,713) (49,525)
Aircraft 328,752 - 328,752 314,061 4,406 318,467 10,285
Power and water supply lines 3,953,150 69,311 4,022,461 1,268,227 272,263 1,540,490 2,481,971
112,632,523 8,728,068 121,285,861 35,492,264 3,909,107 39,351,833 81,934,028
(74,730) (49,537)

17.1.1 Freehold land and building include book values of Rs 12 million (2022: Rs 12 million) and Rs 4.252 million (2022: Rs 4.252 million) respectively which are held in the name of Chief Executive of
the Company. This property is located in the locality of Defence Housing Authority, Lahore, where the bye-laws restrict transfer of title of the residential property in the name of the Company.

17.1.2 Following are the particulars of the Company’s immovable fixed assets:

2023 2022
Location Usage of immovable property Total Area (in Acres)
Hub, Mauza Chichai, Balochistan Plant site and staff colony 1462.5 1467.5
Khairpur district, Chakwal, Punjab Plant site and staff colony 901.5 901.5
Kanrach Nai, District Lasbela, Balochistan Source of raw material 723.14 723.14
Dera Ghazi Khan, Punjab Plant site and staff colony 590 590
Lakho Dair, Lahore, Punjab Processing site 44 44
Gulberg, Lahore, Punjab Administrative offices 1.5 1.5
Others Sales offices 0.28 0.28

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)
17.1.3 The depreciation charge for the year has been allocated as follows:

Cost of sales - note 28 3,864,346 3,849,213

Administrative expenses - note 29 61,625 49,709
Selling and distribution expenses - note 30 10,990 10,185
3,936,961 3,909,107
17.1.4 Sale of operating fixed assets
Detail of operating fixed assets sold during the year is as follows:

2023 (Rupees in thousand)

Particulars of Sale Gain / (Loss) Mode of
assets Sold to Cost Book value proceeds on sale sale
Freehold land Outside party
Muhammad Ahmed 16,305 16,305 187,500 171,195 Negotiation

Vehicles Outside parties

Captain Ijaz 4,254 3,185 3,185 - Auction

Related party
Security General Insurance Company Limited 7,610 3,452 7,552 4,100 Insurance claim

Ijaz Khalid 1,851 688 688 - As per Company Policy
Muhammad Amin 2,096 738 738 - -do-
Abid Naseer 1,847 601 601 - -do-

2022 (Rupees in thousand)

Particulars of Sale Gain / (loss) Mode of
assets Sold to Cost Book value proceeds on sale sale
Vehicles Outside parties
Syed Raza 15,536 3,528 9,000 5,472 Negotiation
Muhammad Ali Hijazi 10,502 9,113 7,700 (1,413) Negotiation
M/s Mindbridge (Private) Limited 40,775 9,981 75,000 65,019 Auction

Related party
Security General Insurance Company Limited 3,323 1,106 3,288 2,182 Insurance claim
Annual Report

17.2 Capital work-in-progress

2023 (Rupees in thousand)


Capital Borrowing cost Transfers to

Charged off Transfers Transfers to
Balance as at expenditure capitalized major spare parts Balance as at
during within capital operating
July 1, 2022 incurred during during and stand June 30, 2023
the year work-in-progress fixed assets

the year the year by equipment

Civil works 327,811 553,005 - - - (109,517) - 771,299

Annual Report

Plant and machinery 330,995 1,972,862 - - 125,138 (1,331,371) - 1,097,624

Advances to suppliers
and contractors 51,929 164,803 - - (125,138) - - 91,594

Others 13,433 23,512 89,652 (25,318) - (54,932) - 46,347

724,168 2,714,182 89,652 (25,318) - (1,495,820) - 2,006,864

2022 (Rupees in thousand)

Capital Borrowing cost Transfers to
Charged off Transfers Transfers to
Balance as at expenditure capitalized major spare parts Balance as at
during within capital operating
July 1, 2021 incurred during during and stand June 30, 2022
the year work-in-progress fixed assets
the year the year by equipment

Civil works 1,457,071 397,780 - - - (1,527,040) - 327,811

Plant and machinery 5,864,018 525,260 59,578 - 152,220 (6,241,547) (28,534) 330,995

Advances to suppliers
and contractors 84,336 119,813 - - (152,220) - - 51,929

Others 321,295 121,390 - (396) - (428,856) - 13,433

7,726,720 1,164,243 59,578 (396) - (8,197,443) (28,534) 724,168

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

17.3 Major spare parts and stand-by equipment

The reconciliation of carrying amount is as follows:

Balance at the beginning of the year 145,664 153,128
Additions during the year 432,596 131,525
578,260 284,653
Transfers made during the year (378,719) (138,989)
Balance at the end of the year 199,541 145,664

17.4 All property, plant and equipment are pledged as security against long term finances as referred to in note 7.

18. Intangible assets

This represents computer software. The reconciliation of carrying amount is as follows:

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)
Computer Software

Balance as at July 01 21,500 -
Additions during the year - 21,500
Balance as at June 30 21,500 21,500

Balance as at July 01 4,181 -
Charge for the year - note 30 7,167 4,181
Balance as at June 30 11,348 4,181

Book value as at June 30 10,152 17,319

Annual amortisation rate % 33.33% 33.33%

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

19. Investments

These represent the long term investments in:

- Related parties - note 19.1 13,197,667 12,786,427

- Others - note 19.2 168,693 79,718
13,366,360 12,866,145

2023 Annual Report

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

19.1 Related parties

Subsidiaries - unquoted - at cost:

Nishat Paper Products Company Limited

25,595,398 (2022: 25,595,398) fully paid

ordinary shares of Rs 10 each
Equity held: 55% (2022: 55%)
Cost - Rs 250.811 million (2022: Rs 250.811 million) - note 19.1.1 250,811 250,811

Nishat Dairy (Private) Limited

Nishat Dairy (Private) Limited

270,000,000 (2022: 270,000,000) fully paid
ordinary shares of Rs 10 each
Equity held: 55.10% (2022: 55.10%)
Cost - Rs 2,331.900 million (2022: Rs 2,331.900 million)
Cumulative impairment loss - Rs 162.789 million
(2022: Rs 162.789 million) - note 19.1.2 2,169,111 2,169,111
sub-total 2,419,922 2,419,922

FVOCI - quoted:

Nishat (Chunian) Limited

7,173,982 (2022: 7,173,982) fully paid

ordinary shares of Rs 10 each
Equity held: 2.99% (2022: 2.99%)
Cost - Rs 75.565 million (2022: Rs 75.565 million) 145,632 321,323

MCB Bank Limited

21,305,315 (2022: 21,305,315) fully paid

ordinary shares of Rs 10 each
Equity held: 1.80% (2022: 1.80%)
Cost - Rs 125.834 million (2022: Rs 125.834 million) 2,438,819 2,620,141

Adamjee Insurance Company Limited

27,877,735 (2022: 27,877,735) fully paid

ordinary shares of Rs 10 each
Equity held: 7.97% (2022: 7.97%)
Cost - Rs 1,239.698 million (2022: Rs 1,239.698 million) 630,873 879,821

Nishat Mills Limited

30,289,501 (2022: 30,289,501) fully paid

ordinary shares of Rs 10 each
Equity held: 8.61% (2022: 8.61%)
Cost - Rs 1,326.559 million (2022: Rs 1,326.559 million) 1,719,535 2,238,748
sub-total 4,934,859 6,060,033

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

FVOCI - unquoted:

Nishat Hotels and Properties Limited

104,166,667 (2022: 104,166,667) fully paid

ordinary shares of Rs 10 each
Equity held: 8.55% (2022: 8.55%%)
Cost - Rs 1,041.667 million (2022: Rs 1,041.667 million) - note 19.1.3 1,995,782 1,920,481

Hyundai Nishat Motor (Private) Limited

195,623,000 (2022: 94,873,000) fully paid
ordinary shares of Rs 10 each
Equity held: 10% (2022: 10%)
Cost - Rs 1,956.23 million (2022: Rs 948.7 million) - note 19.1.4 3,847,104 2,385,991
sub-total 5,842,886 4,306,472
13,197,667 12,786,427

19.1.1 Nishat Paper Products Company Limited is principally engaged in the manufacture and sale of paper
products (packaging material). The registered office of the subsidiary is situated at 53-A, Nishat House,
Lawrence Road, Lahore and the manufacturing facility is located at Khairpur, District Chakwal on the
Company's land.

19.1.2 The principal activity of Nishat Dairy (Private) Limited is to carry on the business of production of raw milk.
The registered office of the subsidiary is situated at 53-A, Nishat House, Lawrence Road, Lahore and its
production facility and factory is situated at 1- KM Sukheki Road, Pindi Bhattian.

19.1.3 This represents investment in the ordinary shares of Nishat Hotels and Properties Limited ('NHPL') which
is principally engaged in establishing and managing a multi-purpose facility including a shopping mall,
hotel and banquet halls in Johar Town, Lahore, by the name of 'Nishat Emporium'. Since NHPL's ordinary
shares are not listed, an independent valuer engaged by the Company has estimated a fair value of Rs
19.16 per ordinary share as at June 30, 2023 (2022: Rs 18.44 per share) through a valuation technique
based on discounted cash flow analysis of NHPL. Hence, it has been classified under level 3 of fair value
hierarchy as further explained in note 43.3 to these financial statements. The fair value gain of Rs 75.300
million recognised during the year is included in other comprehensive income.

The main level 3 inputs used by the Company are derived and evaluated as follows:

- Discount rate is determined using a capital asset pricing model to calculate a post-tax rate that reflects
current market assessments of the time value of money and the risk specific to NHPL.

- Long term growth rate is estimated based on historical performance of NHPL and current market
information for similar type of entities.

The significant assumptions used in this valuation technique are as follows:

- Discount rate of 16.68% per annum.

- Long term growth rate of 2% per annum for computation of terminal value.

- Annual growth in costs is linked to inflation with a range of 6.50% to 25.60% per annum.

Sensitivity analysis

Sensitivity analysis of the significant assumptions used in the valuation technique are as follows:

2023 Annual Report

If the discount rate increases by 1% with all other variables held constant, the impact on fair value as at
June 30, 2023 would be Rs 209.375 million lower.

If the long term growth rate decreases by 1% with all other variables held constant, the impact on fair value
as at June 30, 2023 would be Rs 71.875 million lower.

If inflation decreases by 1% with all other variables held constant, the impact on fair value as at June 30,
2023 would be Rs 21.875 million higher.

If interest rate increases by 1% with all other variables held constant, the impact on fair value as at June
30, 2023 would be Rs 15.625 million lower.

19.1.4 This represents investment in the ordinary shares of Hyundai Nishat Motor (Private) Limited ('HNMPL') that
has setup up a greenfield project for assembly and sales of Hyundai Motor Company passenger and
commercial vehicles. During the year, the Company under right issue acquired further equity shares of
HNMPL amounting to Rs 1,007.500 million (fully paid shares of Rs 10 each). Since HNMPL's ordinary
shares are not listed, an independent valuer engaged by the Company has estimated a fair value of Rs
19.67 per ordinary share as at June 30, 2023 (2022: Rs 25.15 per share) through a valuation technique
based on discounted cash flow analysis of HNMPL. Hence, it has been classified under level 3 of fair value
hierarchy as further explained in note 43.3 to these financial statements. The fair value gain of Rs 453.612
million recognised during the year is included in other comprehensive income.

The main level 3 inputs used by the Company are derived and evaluated as follows:

- Discount rate is determined using a capital asset pricing model to calculate a post-tax rate that reflects
current market assessments of the time value of money and the risk specific to HNMPL.

- Long term growth rate is estimated based on historical performance of HNMPL and current market
information for similar type of entities.

The significant assumptions used in this valuation technique are as follows:

- Discount rate of 23.80% per annum.

- Long term growth rate of 2% per annum for computation of terminal value.

- Annual growth in costs are linked to inflation and currency devaluation at 15% per annum and revenues
are linked to currency devaluation at 15% per annum.

Sensitivity analysis

Sensitivity analysis of the significant assumptions used in the valuation technique are as follows:

If the discount rate increases by 1% with all other variables held constant, the impact on fair value as at
June 30, 2023 would be Rs 191.977 million lower.

If the long term growth rate decreases by 1% with all other variables held constant, the impact on fair value
as at June 30, 2023 would be Rs 77.093 million lower.

If inflation decreases by 1% with all other variables held constant, the impact on fair value as at June 30,
2023 would be Rs 317.710 million higher.

If interest rate increases by 1% with all other variables held constant, the impact on fair value as at June
30, 2023 would be Rs 30.499 million lower.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

19.2 Others

FVOCI - quoted:

Pakistan Petroleum Limited

821,626 (2022: 821,626) fully paid ordinary shares of Rs 10 each

Equity held: 0.03% (2022: 0.03%)
Cost - Rs 117.405 million (2022: Rs 117.405 million) 48,591 55,468

United Bank Limited

214,354 (2022: 214,354) fully paid ordinary shares of Rs 10 each

Equity held: 0.02% (2022: 0.02%)
Cost - Rs 33.646 million (2022: Rs 33.646 million) 25,195 24,250

Nishat (Chunian) Power Limited

5,683,067 (2022: Nil) fully paid

ordinary shares of Rs 10 each
Equity held: 1.55% (2022: Nil)
Cost - Rs 102.408 million (2022: Nil) 94,907 -

168,693 79,718

19.3 Reconciliation of carrying amount

Balance as at beginning of the year 12,866,145 15,965,811

Investment made during the year - note 19.3.1 1,007,500 -
Shares received as a result of merger scheme - note 19.3.2 102,408 -
13,976,053 15,965,811

Fair value loss recognized in other comprehensive income (609,693) (3,099,666)

Balance as at end of the year 13,366,360 12,866,145

19.3.1 This represents 100.75 million shares acquired against right issue of HNMPL at a par value of Rs 10 per
ordinary share.

19.3.2 Pursuant to the Scheme of Compromises, Arrangement and Reconstruction (Under Sections 279 to 283
and 285 of the Companies Act, 2017) amongst Nishat (Chunian) Limited and its members and Nishat
Chunian Properties (Private) Limited and its members duly sanctioned by Honorable Lahore High Court,
Lahore, the Company on, 18 August 2022, received 5,683,067 ordinary shares of Nishat Chunian Power
Limited as one of the principal objects of the Scheme was to make Nishat (Chunian) Limited and Nishat
Chunian Power Limited totally independent of each other by the transfer amongst the members of Nishat
(Chunian) Limited of 187,585,820 ordinary shares of Nishat Chunian Power Limited owned by Nishat
(Chunian) Limited. Hence, the Company has also become a shareholder of Nishat Chunian Power Limited
with effect from August 18, 2022.

19.4 3,860,267 (2022: 3,860,267) shares of MCB Bank Limited are blocked in Central Depository Company ('CDC')

20. Long term deposits

These represent security deposits against various goods and services. These deposits have not been carried at amortised

2023 Annual Report

cost mainly because the period after which the deposits are to be refunded is indefinite. Further, the effect of discounting
is immaterial in the context of these financial statements.

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

21. Stores, spare parts and loose tools

Stores [including in transit: Rs 1,028.872 million 6,519,935 9,680,336

(2022: Rs 160.027 million)]
Spare parts [including in transit Rs 294.019 million 7,271,212 7,079,901
(2022: Rs 259.788 million)]
Loose tools 60,858 53,646
13,852,002 16,813,883

21.1 Stores and spare parts include items which may result in fixed capital expenditure but are not distinguishable.

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

22. Stock-in-trade

Raw materials 481,109 217,744

Packing material 582,074 414,913
Work-in-process 6,199,920 4,612,748
Finished goods 1,610,067 736,110
8,873,170 5,981,515

23. Trade debts

Related parties - note 23.1 15,361 19,697

Others 1,397,569 1,563,561
1,412,930 1,583,258
Loss allowance - note 23.2 (219,490) (115,396)
1,193,440 1,467,862

23.1 This is from the following related parties:

Nishat Mills Limited 1,777 5,575

Nishat Hotels and Properties Limited - 1,154
Nishat Hospitality (Private) Limited - 107
Nishat Dairy (Private) Limited 14 684
Hyundai Nishat Motor (Private) Limited 11,689 12,037
Nishat Agriculture Farming (Private) Limited 4 140
Pakistan Aviators And Aviation (Private) Limited 1,877 -
15,361 19,697

23.1.1 The maximum aggregate amount outstanding at the end of any month during the year was Rs 44.861
million (2022: Rs 19.697 million). The aging analysis of trade debts from related parties that are past due
and carry loss allowance is as follows:

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

Up to 90 days 15,342 15,836

91 to 180 days 19 2,042
181 to 365 days - 330
Above 365 days - 1,489
15,361 19,697
Loss allowance (2,216) (724)
13,145 18,973

23.2 Loss allowance

The reconciliation of loss allowance is as follows:

Balance at the beginning of the year 115,396 106,406
Loss allowance recognized during the year 104,094 8,990
Balance as at end of the year 219,490 115,396

24. This represents the following quoted investments in related parties:

Nishat (Chunian) Limited

100,620 (2022: 100,620) fully paid ordinary shares of Rs 10 each

Equity held: 0.042% (2022: 0.042%)
Cost - Rs 0.832 million (2022: Rs 0.832 million) 2,043 4,507

MCB Bank Limited

80,971,917 (2022: 80,971,917) fully paid ordinary shares of Rs 10 each

Equity held: 6.83% (2022: 6.83%)
Cost - Rs 478.234 million (2022: Rs 478.234 million) 9,268,855 9,957,914
9,270,898 9,962,421

24.1 Reconciliation of carrying amount

Opening balance 9,962,421 12,946,786

Fair value loss recognized in other comprehensive income (691,523) (2,984,365)
Closing balance 9,270,898 9,962,421

25. Loans, advances, deposits, prepayments and other receivables

Current portion of loans to employees - 735

- To employees 114,248 93,155
- To suppliers 78,654 599,193
192,902 692,348

Prepayments 6,154 7,732

Due from related parties - note 25.1 8 1,832
Letters of credit - margins, deposits, opening charges etc. 13,747 8,365
Balances with statutory authorities:
- Sales tax - note 25.2 618,730 595,925
- Excise duty 16,713 -
- Export rebate 13,430 10,071
648,873 605,996
Other advances - 106,907
Other receivables - note 25.3 64,363 6,698
926,047 1,430,613

2023 Annual Report

25.1 This represents receivable from Nishat Sutas Dairy (Private) Limited and Hyundai Nishat Motor (Private) Limited,
related parties, amounting to Nil (2022: Rs 1.511 million) and Rs 0.008 million (2022: Rs 0.320 million ) respectively,
on account of shared expenses. The maximum aggregate amount outstanding at the end of any month during the
year from such related parties was Rs 15.816 million (2021: Rs 1.832 million). The balances are neither past due nor

25.2 Sales tax recoverable includes amounts which have been recovered by the sales tax department against
miscellaneous demands raised by it. The Company has filed appeals against the demands at different forums as
referred to in note 16.

Furthermore, the vires of section 8(h) and (i) of the Sales Tax Act, 1990 (the “Act”), in the context of disallowance of
adjustment of input tax on goods used for taxable services, was called in question by the Company. The honourable
Lahore High Court vide its order dated January 29, 2020 on the basis of its reading of sections 7 and 8 of the Act,
observed that input tax paid on goods can be deducted or reclaimed, only if such goods are used for the purpose
of taxable supplies. Thus, in light of the said observation, the case was disposed of with a direction to the tax
authorities to determine each and every case on its merits and allow adjustment of input tax on goods used for
taxable supplies. Management is confident that the input tax already claimed shall not be disallowed by the relevant
tax authorities.

25.3 Includes a receivable of Rs 5.793 million (2022: Rs 6.160 million) from Hyundai Nishat Motor (Private) Limited, being
a related party of the Company. The maximum aggregate amount outstanding at the end of any month during the
year of Hyundai Nishat Motor (Private) Limited was Rs 5.793 million (2022: Rs 6.160 million). This amount is neither
past due nor impaired.

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

26. Cash and bank balances

At banks:
Savings accounts
Local currency - notes 26.1, 26.2 & 26.3 74,899 82,023
Foreign currency: US$ 1,481,054 (2022: US$ 1,277,401) 423,567 261,671
Current accounts
Local currency 43,172 66,581
Foreign currency: US$ 547,892 (2022: Nil) 132,969 -
674,607 410,275
In hand 365 528
674,972 410,803

26.1 The balances in saving accounts bear mark-up of 14% per annum (2022: 12% per annum).

26.2 Included in balances at banks on saving accounts are Rs 14.480 million (2022: Rs 14.480 million) which are under
lien to secure bank guarantees referred to in note 14.4.

26.3 Included in balances at banks in saving accounts is Rs 0.004 million (2022: Rs 0.004 million) which relates to unpaid
dividend held by the Company.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

27. Revenue

Local sales 75,842,781 68,130,124

Export sales - note 27.1 9,442,414 9,472,015
85,285,195 77,602,139
Sales tax and federal excise duty 19,190,821 18,651,861
Trade discount 744,926 475,815
Commission to stockists and export agents 293,347 190,609
Ocean freight - note 27.2 72,280 239,991
20,301,374 19,558,276
64,983,821 58,043,863

27.1 It includes rebate and incentive on exports amounting to Rs 3.67 million (2022: Rs 7.53 million) and Rs 20.197 million
(2022: Nil) respectively. Incentive is received due to early shipment made under the contract.

27.2 Represents freight cost incurred upon shipping goods to export customers under cost and freight terms in the
capacity of agent.

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

28. Cost of sales

Raw materials consumed 909,187 807,203

Packing materials consumed 3,665,627 3,503,526
Salaries, wages and other benefits - note 28.1 4,808,713 4,075,273
Fuel and power 38,066,005 33,172,402
Stores and spares consumed 4,129,238 3,022,003
Repairs and maintenance 288,896 260,178
Insurance 146,498 123,010
Depreciation on operating fixed assets - note 17.1.3 3,864,346 3,849,213
Royalty - note 28.2 821,920 1,114,510
Excise duty 35,954 49,051
Vehicle running 414,181 271,119
Security expenses 217,990 190,804
Input sales tax written off 92,634 71,264
Postage, telephone and telegram 10,426 9,971
Printing and stationery 24,248 15,339
Legal and professional charges 6,086 6,629
Travelling and conveyance 10,876 10,880
Plant cleaning and gardening expenses 52,554 41,949
Rent, rates and taxes - note 28.3 178,182 173,513
Freight charges 53,790 44,030
Water charges 15,747 11,737
Other expenses 106,957 70,421
57,920,055 50,894,025

Opening work-in-process - note 22 4,612,748 1,538,675

Closing work-in-process - note 22 (6,199,920) (4,612,748)
(1,587,172) (3,074,073)
Cost of goods manufactured 56,332,883 47,819,952

Opening stock of finished goods - note 22 736,110 554,170

Closing stock of finished goods - note 22 (1,610,067) (736,110)
(873,957) (181,940)
Own consumption (30,880) (22,461)
55,428,046 47,615,551

2023 Annual Report

28.1 Salaries, wages and other benefits include Rs 100.778 million (2022: Rs 92.532 million), in respect of provident fund
contribution by the Company. Further, the provision for gratuity and accumulating compensated absences included
in the above is as follows:

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

Current service cost 81,195 69,870
Interest cost for the year 106,786 68,318
Interest income on plan assets (56,933) (40,959)
131,048 97,229
Accumulating compensated absences
Current service cost 48,810 46,206
Interest cost for the year 15,429 10,816
Remeasurements 212 2,670
64,451 59,692

28.2 This represents royalty to Governments of Punjab and Balochistan for extraction of raw materials as per relevant

28.3 This includes rentals of heavy machinery used at quarry site where raw materials i.e. clay and limestone, are

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

29. Administrative expenses

Salaries, wages and other benefits - note 29.1 388,662 358,320

Electricity, gas and water 82,470 58,408
Repairs and maintenance 13,096 8,363
Insurance 25,057 18,076
Amortization of intangible assets - note 18 7,167 4,181
Depreciation on operating fixed assets - note 17.1.3 61,625 49,709
Vehicle running 33,246 21,050
Postage, telephone and telegram 12,576 8,813
Printing and stationery 36,472 25,701
Legal and professional services - note 29.2 32,960 40,433
Travelling and conveyance 78,398 61,759
Rent, rates and taxes 2,471 444
Entertainment 4,968 2,713
School expenses 63,509 51,273
Fee and subscription 28,837 25,990
Other expenses 7,842 15,819
879,356 751,052

29.1 Salaries, wages and other benefits includes Rs 12.086 million (2022: Rs 11.192 million) in respect of provident fund
contribution by the Company. Further, the provision for gratuity and accumulating compensated absences included
in the above is as follows:

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)
Current service cost 12,720 10,782
Interest cost for the year 16,729 10,542
Interest income on plan assets (8,919) (6,320)
20,530 15,004

Accumulating compensated absences

Current service cost 7,551 7,053
Interest cost for the year 2,387 1,651
Remeasurements 33 408
9,971 9,112

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

29.2 Legal and professional charges

Legal and professional charges include the following

in respect of auditors' remuneration (excluding sales tax) for:
Statutory audits 3,518 3,350
Half-yearly review 889 846
Tax services 10,946 8,300
Certifications required under various regulations 383 140
Out of pocket expenses 880 790
16,616 13,426

30. Selling and distribution expenses

Salaries, wages and other benefits - note 30.1 282,265 246,711

Electricity, gas and water 4,259 3,557
Repairs and maintenance 2,141 1,554
Insurance 3,312 3,289
Depreciation on operating fixed assets - note 17.1.3 10,990 10,185
Vehicle running 21,058 11,759
Postage, telephone and telegram 3,866 4,101
Printing and stationery 2,701 2,219
Rent, rates and taxes 2,882 4,708
Travelling and conveyance 7,038 2,226
Entertainment 2,737 1,741
Advertisement and sales promotion 59,449 12,089
Freight and handling charges 1,386,678 1,415,308
Legal and professional charges - 4,419
Other expenses 28,652 24,993
1,818,028 1,748,859

30.1 Salaries, wages and other benefits includes Rs 11.124 million (2022: Rs 9.992 million) in respect of provident fund
contribution by the Company. Further, the provision for gratuity and accumulating compensated absences included
in the above is as follows:

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

Current service cost 8,393 7,118
Interest cost for the year 11,038 6,960
Interest income on plan assets (5,885) (4,173)
13,546 9,905

Accumulating compensated absences

Current service cost 5,031 4,671
Interest cost for the year 1,590 1,093
Remeasurements 22 270
6,643 6,034

2023 Annual Report

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

31. Other expenses

Workers' profit participation fund - note 12.4 36,377 189,886

Workers' welfare fund - note 12.5 - 839
Donations - note 31.1 1,700 1,500
Exchange loss - 839,234
Advance written off 58,384 -
Miscellaneous - 11,344
96,461 1,042,803

31.1 Represents donation made to Pakistan Agricultural Coalition. None of the directors or their spouses have any
interest in the donee.

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

32. Other income

Income on bank deposits 3,551 8,102

Mark-up on loan to related party - 32,519
Dividend income from:
- Related parties - note 32.1 2,407,308 2,295,787
- Others 64,065 6,948
2,471,373 2,302,735
Initial gain on shares received as a result of merger scheme - note 19.3 & 32.1 102,408 -
Rental income 1,732 1,676
Reversal of provision for workers' welfare fund - note 12.5 - 96,051
Gain on disposal of operating fixed assets 167,077 74,399
Scrap sales 410,561 197,461
Provisions and unclaimed balances written back 6,222 -
Exchange gain 84,075 -
Others - 1,397
3,246,999 2,714,340

32.1 Dividend income from related parties

Nishat Mills Limited 121,158 121,158

Adamjee Insurance Company Limited 83,633 83,633
MCB Bank Limited 2,147,822 1,994,406
Nishat (Chunian) Limited 131,508 58,197
Nishat Paper Products Company Limited 25,595 38,393
2,509,716 2,295,787

33. Finance cost

Interest and mark-up on:

- Long term finances - secured - note 33.1 2,648,715 1,921,319
- Short term borrowings - secured 4,047,306 1,623,338
- Workers' profit participation fund 7,778 -
Bank charges 38,493 26,530
6,742,292 3,571,187

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
33.1 Included in this is the finance cost on ITERF and Islamic re-finance facilities for payment of salaries and wages,
which has been set off against the amount of unwinding of grant as referred in note 8.

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

34. Taxation

- For the year 1,411,796 1,371,940
- Prior years' 23,680 46,345
1,435,476 1,418,285

Deferred - note 11 5,363,043 1,629,344

6,798,519 3,047,629

2023 2022
% %

34.1 Tax charge reconciliation

Numerical reconciliation between the average effective

tax rate and the applicable tax rate

Applicable tax rate as per Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 29.00 29.00

Tax effect of:

- Amounts that are not deductible for tax purposes - net 0.41 0.27
- Change in prior years' tax (2.62) (1.34)
- Effect of Super tax 76.60 29.40
- Income not subject to tax (1.57) -
- Previously recognized deferred tax asset charged off 43.87 10.10
- Change in allocation ratio of temporary differences among
Normal Tax Regime and Final Tax Regime - (12.67)
- Recognition of deferred tax on temporary differences related to
exports revenue stream that is to be taxed under Normal Tax Regime 80.67 -
- Income chargeable under Final Tax Regime (11.39) (4.13)
185.97 21.63
Average effective tax rate 214.97 50.63

35. Earnings per share

35.1 Earnings per share - Basic

(Loss)/profit for the year Rupees (3,635,976,000) 2,972,132,000

Weighted average number of ordinary shares Number 438,119,118 438,119,118
(Loss)/earnings per share - basic Rupees (8.30) 6.78

35.2 Earnings per share - Diluted

A diluted earnings per share has not been presented as the Company does not have any convertible instruments in
issue as at June 30, 2023, and June 30, 2022, which would have any effect on the earnings per share if the option
to convert is exercised.

36. Remuneration of Chief Executive, Directors and Executives

36.1 The aggregate amount charged in the financial statements for the year for remuneration, including certain benefits, to the Chief Executive, directors and executives of the Company


are as follows:
(Rupees in thousand)

Chief Executive Executive Director Executives

2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022
Annual Report

Short term employee benefits

Managerial remuneration 32,908 34,907 24,573 22,339 641,760 833,748
Housing 270 - - 335 233,032 373
Utilities 20,402 - 570 443 50,775 -
Leave passage - - 3,835 - 1,924 39,188
Bonus - 2,266 - 1,692 57,135 134,108
Medical expenses 1,588 367 832 470 32,348 20,858
Others 23,822 19,674 2,319 918 214,099 137,741

Post employment benefits

Contributions to Provident
and Gratuity Fund - - 4,505 4,095 102,301 91,037
78,990 57,214 36,634 30,292 1,333,374 1,257,053

Number of persons 1 1 1 1 260 238

36.2 The Company also provides the Chief Executive, certain directors and executives with Company maintained car, travelling and utilities. Certain executives are provided with housing


36.3 During the year, the Company paid meeting fee amounting to Rs 1.140 million (2022: Rs 0.910 million) to its non-executive directors. The number of non-executive directors is 5

(2022: 5).
Annual Report
DGKC 2023
2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

37. Cash generated from operations

Profit before tax 3,162,543 6,019,761

Adjustments for:
- Depreciation on operating fixed assets - note 17.1.3 3,936,961 3,909,107
- Amortization of intangible assets - note 18 7,167 4,181
- Gain on disposal of operating fixed assets - note 32 (167,077) (74,399)
- Dividend income - note 32 (2,471,373) (2,302,735)
- Gain on initial recongition of ordinary shares transferred
under Scheme of Compromises, Arrangement and Reconstruction - note 32 (102,409) -
- Mark-up income - note 32 (3,551) (32,519)
- Provision for retirement benefits - notes 10.1.5 & 10.2.2 246,188 196,976
- Exchange (gain)/loss - note 31 (84,075) 839,234
- Provisions and unclaimed balances written back - note 32 (6,222) -
- Impairment loss on financial assets - note 22.2 104,094 8,990
- Advances written off 58,384 -
- Finance cost - note 33 6,742,292 3,571,187
Profit before working capital changes 11,422,922 12,139,783
Effect on cash flows due to working capital changes:
- Decrease/(increase) in stores, spares and loose tools 2,961,881 (3,934,535)
- Increase in stock-in-trade (2,891,655) (3,252,926)
- Decrease in trade debts 277,569 6,874
- Decrease/(increase) in loans, advances, deposits, prepayments
and other receivables 446,182 (947,410)
- Increase/(decrease) in trade and other payables 1,180,402 (3,069,920)
1,974,379 (11,197,917)
13,397,301 941,866

38. Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and bank balances - note 26 674,972 410,803

Short term borrowings - secured - note 13 (25,494,293) (25,210,506)
(24,819,321) (24,799,703)

39. Transactions with related parties

The related parties include the subsidiaries, the Investor, related parties on the basis of common directorship, group companies,
key management personnel and post employment benefit plans. Key management personnel are those persons having authority
and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the Company, directly or indirectly, including any director
(whether executive or otherwise) of that Company. The Company in the normal course of business carries out transactions with
various related parties. Amounts due from and to related parties are shown under receivables and payables. Related party
transactions carried out during the year are as follows:

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

Relationship with the Company Nature of transactions

i. Subsidiary companies Purchase of goods (inclusive of sales tax) 2,950,609 2,674,662
Sales of goods and services 69,997 78,995
Rental income 966 966
Dividend income 25,595 38,393 9
ii. Investor Sale of goods 16,647 62,581
Dividend paid 137,574 137,574
Purchase of goods and services 290 324
Dividend income 121,158 121,158
iii. Other related parties Sale of goods 117,671 104,658
Insurance premium 224,799 193,087
Purchase of goods and services 94,512 73,003
Reimbursement of expenses 36,110 11,185
Insurance claims received 43,417 73,062
Rental income 765 717
Dividend paid 37,244 35,189
Dividend income 2,260,555 2,136,236
Initial gain on shares received
as a result of merger scheme 102,408 -
Purchase of shares 1,007,500 -
iv. Key management personnel Remuneration - note 39.1 301,760 257,687
Dividend paid 39,943 39,943
v. Post employment benefit plans Expense charge in respect of retirment benefit plan 245,561 177,091
Expense charge in respect of contributory provident fund 123,989 113,716

2023 Annual Report

39.1 This represents remuneration of the Chief Executive, executive director and certain executives that are included in
the remuneration disclosed in note 36 to these unconsolidated financial statements.

39.2 Transactions with related parties have been carried out on mutually agreed terms and conditions. The related parties
with whom the Company had entered into transactions or had arrangements/agreements in place during the year
have been disclosed below along with their basis of relationship:

Name Relationship %age of shareholding

in the Company

Adamjee Insurance Company Limited Group company 1.40%

Hyundai Nishat Motor (Private) Limited Common directorship Nil
Lalpir Power Limited Common directorship Nil
MCB Bank Limited Group company 0%
Nishat (Chunian) Limited Group company Nil
Nishat Sutas Dairy Limited Group company Nil
Nishat Dairy (Private) Limited Subsidiary Nil
Nishat Hospitality (Private) Limited Subsidiary of Investor Nil
Nishat Hotels and Properties Limited Common directorship Nil
Nishat Agriculture Farming (Private) Limited Common directorship Nil
Nishat Linen (Private) Limited Subsidiary of Investor Nil
Nishat Mills Limited Investor 31%
Nishat Paper Products Company Limited Subsidiary Nil
Pakgen Power Limited Group company Nil
Pakistan Aviators & Aviation (Private) Limited Group company Nil
Security General Insurance Company Limited Group company 0.10%
Mrs. Naz Mansha Director/Chairperson 0.05%
Mr. Mian Raza Mansha Director/Chief Executive 3.00%
Mrs. Ammil Raza Mansha Spouse of Chief Executive 1.34%
Mr. Hassan Mansha Close family member of director 6.19%
Mr. Mian Umer Mansha Close family member of director 6.29%
Mr. Shehryar Ahmed Baksh Director Nil
Mr. Shahzad Ahmad Malik Director Nil
Mr. Khalid Niaz Khawaja Director Nil
Mr. Usama Mahmud Director Nil
Mr. Farid Noor Ali Fazal Director Nil
Mr. Arif Bashir Key Management Personnel Nil
Mr. Inayat Ullah Niazi Key Management Personnel 0%
Company's Employees Gratuity Fund Post Employment Benefit Plan Nil
Company's Employees Provident Fund Post Employment Benefit Plan Nil

40. Plant capacity and actual production

Capacity Actual production

2023 2022 2023 2022

Clinker (Metric Tonnes)

Plant I & II - D.G. Khan - note 40.1 2,010,000 2,010,000 1,328,904 1,655,502
Plant III - Khairpur - note 40.1 2,010,000 2,010,000 1,339,707 1,727,607
Plant IV - Hub - note 40.1 2,700,000 2,700,000 1,959,742 2,987,085

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
40.1 Plant capacity is based on 300 working days, that can be exceeded if the plant is operational for more than 300 days
during the year. Actual production is less than the installed capacity due to planned maintenance shutdown and gap
between market demand and supply of cement.

2023 2022
(USD in thousand)

41. Number of employees

Total number of employees as at June 30 1,881 1,923

Average number of employees during the year 1,902 1,900

42. Provident fund related disclosures

The investments by the provident fund in collective investment schemes, listed equity and debt securities have been made
in accordance with the provisions of section 218 of the Companies Act, 2017 and the conditions specified thereunder.

As at reporting date, the provident fund has signed the term sheet for appointment of ‘investment advisor’ and is in the
process of signing the agreement.

43. Financial risk management

43.1 Financial risk factors

The Company’s activities expose it to a variety of financial risks: market risk (including currency risk, interest rate
risk and other price risk), credit risk and liquidity risk. The Company’s overall risk management programme focuses
on the unpredictability of financial markets and seeks to minimise potential adverse effects on the Company’s
financial performance.

Risk management is carried out by the Board of Directors ('the Board'). The Company's finance department
evaluates and hedges financial risks. The Board provides written principles for overall risk management, as well as
written policies covering specific areas, such as foreign exchange risk, interest rate risk, credit risk, investment of
excess liquidity. All treasury related transactions are carried out within the parameters of these policies.

The Company's overall risk management procedures to minimise the potential adverse effects of financial market
on the Company's performance are as follows:

(a) Market risk

(i) Currency risk

Currency risk is the risk that the fair value of future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because of
changes in foreign exchange rates. Currency risk arises mainly from future commercial transactions and recognised
assets and liabilities that exist due to transactions in foreign currencies.

The Company is exposed to currency risk arising from various currency exposures, primarily with respect to the
United States Dollar (USD). Currently, the Company’s foreign exchange risk exposure is restricted to bank balances,
amounts payable to/receivable from foreign entities and short term borrowings.

2023 2022
(USD in thousand)

Cash and bank balances 2,029 1,277

Trade receivables from foreign parties 1,702 965
Net asset exposure 3,731 2,242

2023 Annual Report

The following significant exchange rates have been applied:

Average rate Year-end spot rate

2023 2022 2023 2022
(Rupees) (Rupees) (Rupees) (Rupees)

USD 1 248.00 178.01 285.90 205.50

At June 30, 2023, if the Rupee had weakened/strengthened by 10% against the USD with all other variables held
constant, post-tax loss for the year would have been Rs 65.066 million lower/higher (2022: Rs 30.879 million
higher/lower) mainly as a result of foreign exchange gains/losses on translation of USD - denominated financial

(ii) Price risk

Price risk represents the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because
of changes in market prices (other than those arising from interest rate risk or currency risk), whether those changes
are caused by factors specific to the individual financial instrument or its issuer, or factors affecting all similar
financial instruments traded in the market.

The Company is exposed to equity securities price risk because of investments held by the Company and classified
as fair value through other comprehensive income. Material investments within the portfolio are managed on an
individual basis and all buy and sell decisions are approved by the Board. The primary goal of the Company's
investment strategy is to maximise investment returns.

The Company’s certain investments in equity instruments are publicly traded on the Pakistan Stock Exchange

The table below summarises the impact of increases/decreases of the KSE-100 index on the Company’s equity. The
analysis is based on the assumption that the KSE-100 index had increased/decreased by 10% with all other
variables held constant and all the Company’s equity investments moved according to the historical correlation with
the index:

Impact on other components

of equity
2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited 876,841 1,078,842

As at June 30, 2023, the Company had no investments classified as at fair value through profit or loss, hence there
is no impact on the profit for the year.

(iii) Cash flow and fair value interest rate risk

Interest rate risk represents the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate
because of changes in market interest rates.

The Company’s interest rate risk arises from loan to related party, bank balances, short term and long-term
borrowings. These borrowings issued at variable rates expose the Company to cash flow interest rate risk.

The Company analyses its interest rate exposure on a dynamic basis. Various scenarios are simulated taking into
consideration refinancing, renewal of existing positions, alternative financing and hedging. Based on these
scenarios, the Company calculates the impact on profit or loss of a defined interest rate shift. The scenarios are run
only for liabilities that represent the major interest-bearing positions.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

Fixed rate instruments:

Financial assets
Bank balances - savings accounts 498,466 343,694

Financial liabilities
Export finances (3,578,000) (5,162,000)

Net exposure (3,079,534) (4,818,306)

Floating rate instruments:

Financial liabilities
Long term finances (13,742,264) (17,036,958)
Short term borrowings (21,916,293) (20,048,506)

Net exposure (35,658,557) (37,085,464)

Fair value sensitivity analysis for fixed rate instruments

The Company does not account for any fixed rate financial assets and liabilities at fair value through profit or loss.
Therefore, a change in interest rate at the reporting date would not affect profit or loss of the Company.

Cash flow sensitivity analysis for variable rate instruments

At June 30, 2023, if interest rates on variable rate instruments had been 1% higher/lower with all other variables held
constant, post-tax loss for the year would have been Rs 217.517 million (2022: Rs 248.473 million lower/higher)
higher/lower, mainly as a result of higher/lower interest expense on floating rate instruments.

(b) Credit risk

Credit risk represents the risk of financial loss being caused if counter party fails to discharge an obligation.

Credit risk of the Company arises from deposits with banks and other financial institutions, as well as credit
exposures to customers, including outstanding receivables and committed transactions. The management
assesses the credit quality of the customers, taking into account their financial position, past experience and other
factors. Individual risk limits are set based on internal or external ratings in accordance with limits set by the Board.
For banks and financial institutions, only independently rated parties with a strong credit rating are accepted.

(i) Exposure to credit risk

The carrying amount of financial assets represents the maximum credit exposure. The maximum exposure to credit
risk at the reporting date was as follows:

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

Long term deposits 64,426 61,526

Trade debts 1,193,440 1,467,862
Loans, deposits and other receivables 64,371 9,265
Balances with banks 674,607 410,275
1,996,844 1,948,928

(ii) Impairment of financial assets

The Company's financial assets, other than investments in equity instruments, are subject to the expected credit
losses model. While bank balances, loans to employees, deposits and other receivables are also subject to the

2023 Annual Report

impairment requirements of IFRS 9, the identified impairment loss was immaterial and are therefore not exposed to
any material credit risk.

Trade debts

The Company applies the IFRS 9 simplified approach to measuring expected credit losses which uses a lifetime
expected loss allowance for all trade debts.

To measure the expected credit losses, trade receivables have been grouped based on shared credit risk
characteristics and the days past due. These trade receivables are netted off with the collateral obtained from these
customers to calculate the net exposure towards these customers. The Company has concluded that the expected
loss rates for trade debts against local sales are different from the expected loss rates for trade debts against export

The expected loss rates are based on the payment profiles of sales over a period of 24 months before June 30, 2023
and the corresponding historical credit losses experienced within this period. The historical loss rates are adjusted
to reflect current and forward-looking information on macroeconomic factors affecting the ability of the customers
to settle the trade debts. The Company has identified the Gross Domestic Product and the Consumer Price Index
of the country in which it majorly sells its goods and services to be the most relevant factors, and accordingly
adjusts the historical loss rates based on expected changes in these factors. Security deposits pledged by the
customers to Company have been regarded as collateral against trade receivables. These security deposits are in
liquid form.

On that basis, the loss allowance as at June 30, 2023 and June 30, 2022 was determined as follows:

Local sales Export sales

Expected Trade debts Loss Expected Trade debts Loss
June 30, 2023 loss rate allowance loss rate allowance
% (Rupees in thousand) % (Rupees in thousand)

Net trade debts*

Up to 30 days 0.06% 150,915 96 0% 418,813 -

31 to 60 days 0.21% 69,195 147 0% - -
61 to 90 days 0.69% 28,433 195 0% - -
91 to 120 days 1.73% 41,229 714 0% - -
121 to 150 days 3.32% 9,123 303 0% - -
151 to 180 days 6.80% 78,213 5,317 0% - -
181 to 210 days 10.27% 37,239 3,824 0% - -
211 to 240 days 13.88% 1,266 176 0% - -
241 to 270 days 17.99% 2,826 508 0% - -
271 to 300 days 22.55% 17,421 3,929 0% - -
301 to 330 days 28.58% 3,385 967 0% - -
331 to 360 days 36.08% 5,722 2,065 0% - -
Above 360 days 38.63% 290,142 112,089 100% 89,160 89,160
735,109 130,330 507,973 89,160

Trade debts
against which 169,848 - - -
collateral is held
Gross Trade debts 904,957 130,330 507,973 89,160

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
Local sales Export sales
Expected Trade debts Loss Expected Trade debts Loss
June 30, 2022 loss rate allowance loss rate allowance
% (Rupees in thousand) % (Rupees in thousand)

Net trade debts*

Up to 30 days 0.04% 710,038 115 0.00% 45,532 -

31 to 60 days 0.10% 233,536 97 0.00% 21,757 -
61 to 90 days 0.27% 127,430 164 0.00% 60,676 -
91 to 120 days 0.59% 117,065 367 0.00% - -
121 to 150 days 1.79% 46,674 509 0.00% 5,845 -
151 to 180 days 4.92% 7,840 258 0.00% - -
181 to 210 days 8.11% 5,797 327 0.00% 22 -
211 to 240 days 13.30% 7,562 730 0.00% - -
241 to 270 days 18.19% 4,031 549 0.00% - -
271 to 300 days 24.24% 3,023 565 0.00% - -
301 to 330 days 35.76% 2,053 593 0.00% - -
331 to 360 days 45.27% 1,052 398 0.00% - -
Above 360 days 100.00% 46,171 46,171 100.00% 64,553 64,553
1,312,272 50,843 198,385 64,553

Trade debts
against which 72,601 - - -
collateral is held
Gross Trade debts 1,384,873 50,843 198,385 64,553

* This represents amounts net of trade debts against which security deposits, considered as collateral, are held
amounting to Rs 169.848 million (2022: Rs 72.601 million).

The amount of loss allowance that best represents maximum exposure to credit risk at the end of the reporting
period without taking into account any collateral is Rs 153.192 million (2022: Rs 133.650 million).

Generally, default is triggered when more than 360 days have passed. However, in case of certain parties, extended
credit period is allowed by the Credit Committees of the Company. The names of defaulting parties of outstanding
trade debts from export sales and their respective default amount is as follows:

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

Nobel Translink Private Limited 1,367 980

Chempex Industries - 40
Hizbullah & Saeed Ullah House Limited 670 480
Vikrant Traders 87,122 62,469
A A Middle East FZE - 131
Taruna Trading Company - 1
Abhishek Trading Co. - 1
Sai Enterprises - 373
Others - 78
89,159 64,553

2023 Annual Report

(iii) Credit quality of financial assets

The credit quality of financial assets that are neither past due nor impaired (mainly bank balances) can be assessed
by reference to external credit ratings (if available) or to historical information about counterparty default rate:

Rating Rating
Short term Long term Agency 2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

Bank Alfalah Limited A1+ AA+ PACRA 423,567 261,671

Bank Islami Pakistan Limited A1 AA- PACRA 41,212 435
The Bank of Punjab A1+ AA+ PACRA 1,132 455
The Bank of Khyber A1 A+ PACRA 82 126
Citibank N.A. F-1 A+ FITCH - 12
Dubai Islamic Bank Pakistan Limited A1+ AA JCR-VIS 100 36
MCB Bank Limited A1+ AAA PACRA 105,266 66,983
MCB Islamic Bank Limited A1 A PACRA 9,118 15,142
Meezan Bank Limited A1+ AAA JCR-VIS 15 15
National Bank of Pakistan A1+ AAA PACRA 1,384 1,322
Silkbank Limited A2 A- JCR-VIS 5 5
Soneri Bank Limited A1+ AA- PACRA - 907
Standard Chartered Bank (Pakistan) Limited A1+ AAA PACRA 56,907 2,226
United Bank Limited A1+ AAA JCR-VIS 7,174 60,137
Habib Metropolitan Bank Limited A1+ AA+ PACRA 1,512 36
Faysal Bank Limited A1+ AA PACRA 6 293
JS Bank Limited A1+ AA- PACRA 12 12
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China F1 + A FITCH 61 -
Habib Bank Limited - Islamic A1+ AAA JCR-VIS 588 6
Askari Bank Limited A1+ AA+ PACRA - 456
Habib Bank Limited A1+ AAA JCR-VIS 26,646 -
674,787 410,275

(c) Liquidity risk

Liquidity risk represents the risk that the Company shall encounter difficulties in meeting obligations associated with
financial liabilities.

Prudent liquidity risk management implies maintaining sufficient cash and marketable securities, the availability of
funding through an adequate amount of committed credit facilities. Due to the dynamic nature of the Company's
businesses, the Company's finance department maintains flexibility in funding by maintaining availability under
committed credit lines. At June 30, 2023, the Company had Rs 38,150 million available borrowing limits from
financial institutions under short term mark up arrangements, Rs 19,850 million available borrowing limits from
financial institutions under import finance facilities and Rs 671.716 million in cash and bank balances.

Management monitors the forecasts of the Company’s cash and cash equivalents (note 38 to these financial
statements) on the basis of expected cash flow. This is generally carried out in accordance with practice and limits
set by the Company. These limits vary by location to take into account the liquidity of the market in which the entity
operates. In addition, the Company's liquidity management policy involves projecting cash flows in each quarter
and considering the level of liquid assets necessary to meet its liabilities, monitoring statement of financial position
liquidity ratios against internal and external regulatory requirements and maintaining debt financing plans.

The table below analyses the Company’s financial liabilities into relevant maturity groupings based on the remaining
period at the reporting date to the contractual maturity date.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
(Rupees in thousand)
At June 30, 2023 Less than Between 1 2 to Over contractual Carrying
1 year and 2 years 5 years 5 years cashflows value

Long term finances 7,370,364 5,159,197 4,240,652 764,537 17,534,750 17,033,983

Trade and other payables 9,808,485 - - - 9,808,485 9,808,485
Long term deposits* 439,697 - - - 439,697 439,697
Accrued mark-up 1,739,547 - - - 1,739,547 1,739,547
Short term borrowings
- secured 25,494,293 - - - 25,494,293 25,494,293
Unclaimed dividend 34,704 - - - 34,704 34,704
44,887,090 5,159,197 4,240,652 764,537 55,051,476 54,550,709

*The maturity period of long term deposit is not ascertainable.

(Rupees in thousand)
At June 30, 2022 Less than Between 1 2 to Over contractual Carrying
1 year and 2 years 5 years 5 years cashflows value

Long term finances 7,097,166 6,622,591 6,984,979 1,225,110 21,929,846 21,265,395

Trade and other payables 8,661,494 - - - 8,661,494 8,661,494
Long term deposits* 281,177 - - - 281,177 281,177
Accrued mark-up 883,229 - - - 883,229 883,229
Short term borrowings
- secured 25,210,506 - - - 25,210,506 25,210,506
Unclaimed dividend 34,512 - - - 34,512 34,512
42,168,084 6,622,591 6,984,979 1,225,110 57,000,764 56,336,313

*The maturity period of long term deposit is not ascertainable.

43.2 Capital management

The Company’s objectives when managing capital are to safeguard the Company’s ability to continue as a going
concern in order to provide returns for shareholders and benefits for other stakeholders and to maintain an optimal
capital structure to reduce the cost of capital.

The Company manages its capital structure and makes adjustments to it in the light of changes in economic
conditions. In order to maintain or adjust the capital structure, the Company may adjust the amount of dividends
paid to shareholders or issue new shares.

Consistent with others in the industry and the requirements of the lenders, the Company monitors the capital
structure on the basis of gearing ratio. This ratio is calculated as net debt divided by total equity (as shown in the
statement of financial position). Net debt is calculated as total borrowings (including current and non-current
borrowings) including book overdraft (if any) less cash and bank balances and liquid investments.

The gearing ratios as at June 30, 2023 and 2022 were as follows:

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

Borrowings - notes 7, 13 and 15 42,528,276 46,475,901

Less: Cash and bank balances - note 26 674,972 410,803
Net debt 41,853,304 46,065,098

Total equity 64,192,277 69,918,102

Gearing ratio Percentage 65% 66%

2023 Annual Report

In accordance with the terms of agreements with the lenders of long term finances (as referred to in note 7 to these
financial statements), the Company is required to comply with certain financial covenants. The Company has
complied with these covenants throughout the reporting period except for certain covenants in respect of which the
lenders have not raised any objection to the Company.

43.3 Fair value estimation

Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction in
the principal (or most advantageous) market at the measurement date under current market conditions (i.e. an exit
price) regardless of whether that price is directly observable or estimated using another valuation technique.

The table below analyses the financial instruments carried at fair value, by valuation method. The different levels
have been defined as follows:

- Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (Level 1).

- Inputs other than quoted prices included within level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly
(that is, as prices) or indirectly (that is, derived from prices) (Level 2).

- Inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data (that is, unobservable inputs) (Level 3).

The following table presents the Company's assets and liabilities that are measured at fair value:

As at June 30, 2023 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total

(Rupees in thousand)

Recurring fair value measurements

Investments - FVOCI 14,374,450 - 5,842,886 20,217,336

Total assets 14,374,450 - 5,842,886 20,217,336

Total liabilities - - - -

As at June 30, 2022

Recurring fair value measurements

Investments - FVOCI 16,102,172 - 4,306,472 20,408,644
16,102,172 - 4,306,472 20,408,644

Total liabilities - - - -

Movement in the above mentioned assets has been disclosed in notes 19 and 24 to these financial statements and
movement in fair value reserve has been disclosed in the statement of changes in equity. There were no transfers
between Levels 1 and 2 & Levels 2 and 3 during the year and there were no changes in valuation techniques during
the year. Since the ordinary shares of Nishat Hotels and Properties Limited and Hyundai Nishat Motor (Private)
Limited are not listed, an investment advisor engaged by the Company has estimated fair values of Rs 19.16 and Rs
19.67 per ordinary share, respectively, as at June 30, 2023, through a valuation technique based on discounted cash
flow analysis. The Company’s policy is to recognise transfers into and transfers out of fair value hierarchy levels as
at the end of the reporting period. Changes in level 2 and 3 fair values are analysed at the end of each reporting
period during the annual valuation discussion between the Chief Financial Officer and the investment advisor. As
part of this discussion, the investment advisor presents a report that explains the reason for the fair value

The fair value of financial instruments traded in active markets is based on quoted market prices at the reporting
date. A market is regarded as active if quoted prices are readily and regularly available from an exchange, dealer,
broker, industry group, pricing service, or regulatory agency, and those prices represent actual and regularly
occurring market transactions on an arm’s length basis. The quoted market price used for financial assets held by
the Company is the current bid price. These instruments are included in Level 1.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
The fair value of financial instruments that are not traded in an active market is determined by using valuation
techniques. These valuation techniques maximise the use of observable market data where it is available and rely
as little as possible on entity specific estimates. If all significant inputs required to fair value an instrument are
observable, the instrument is included in Level 2.

If one or more of the significant inputs is not based on observable market data, the instrument is included in Level 3.

Specific valuation techniques used to value financial instruments include:

- Quoted market prices or dealer quotes for similar instruments.

- The fair value of interest rate swaps is calculated as the present value of the estimated future cash flows based on
observable yield curves.

- Other techniques, such as discounted cash flow analysis, are used to determine fair values for the remaining
financial instruments. An appropriate discount for lack of control and lack of marketability is also applied, where

The carrying values of all financial assets and liabilities reflected in the financial statements approximate their fair

43.4 Financial instruments by categories

At fair value
through other
comprehensive At amortised
income cost Total
(Rupees in thousand)

As at June 30, 2023

Assets as per statement of

financial position

Long term deposits - 64,426 64,426

Trade debts - 1,193,440 1,193,440
Loans, deposits and other receivables - 64,371 64,371
Investments 20,217,336 - 20,217,336
Cash and bank balances - 674,972 674,972
20,217,336 1,997,209 22,214,545

At fair value
through other
comprehensive At amortised
income cost Total
(Rupees in thousand)

As at June 30, 2022

Assets as per statement of

financial position

Long term deposits - 61,526 61,526

Trade debts - 1,467,862 1,467,862
Loans, deposits and other receivables - 9,265 9,265
Investments 20,408,644 - 20,408,644
Cash and bank balances - 410,803 410,803
20,408,644 1,949,456 22,358,100

2023 Annual Report

Financial liabilities at
amortized cost
2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

Liabilities as per statement of financial position

Long term finances - secured 17,033,983 21,265,395

Long term deposits 439,697 281,177
Accrued mark-up 1,739,547 883,229
Trade and other payables 9,808,485 8,661,494
Short term borrowings - secured 25,494,293 25,210,506
Unclaimed dividend 34,704 34,512
54,550,709 56,336,313

43.5 Offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities

There are no significant financial assets and financial liabilities that are subject to offsetting, enforceable master
netting arrangements and similar agreements.

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

44. Disclosures by Company Listed on Islamic Index

Loans/advances obtained as per Islamic mode:

Loans obtained as per Islamic mode 7,835,288 7,670,221

Shariah compliant bank deposits/bank balances:

Bank balances 51,965 16,083

Profit earned from shariah compliant bank deposits/bank balances

Profit on deposits with banks 885 879

Revenue earned from shariah compliant business 64,983,821 58,043,863

Gain or dividend earned from shariah compliant investments

Dividend income 122,390 124,034

Exchange (gain)/loss (84,075) 839,234

Mark-up paid on Islamic mode of financing 807,196 422,174

Profits earned or interest paid on any conventional loan or advance

Profit earned on deposits with banks 3,453 8,102
Interest paid on loans 5,998,599 3,544,656

Relationship with shariah compliant banks

The Company has obtained short term borrowings and long term finances, and has maintained bank balances with shariah
compliant banks.

45. Date of authorisation for issue

These financial statements were authorised for issue on August 31, 2023 by the Board of Directors of the Company.

Chief Executive Chief Financial Officer Director

2023 Annual Report

Independent Auditor’s Report

To the members of D.G. Khan Cement Company Limited

Report on the Audit of the Consolidated Financial Statements


We have audited the annexed consolidated financial statements of D. G. Khan Cement Company Limited and its
subsidiaries (the Group), which comprise the consolidated statement of financial position as at June 30, 2023, and the
consolidated statement of profit or loss, the consolidated statement of comprehensive income, the consolidated statement
of changes in equity and the consolidated statement of cash flows for the year then ended, and notes to the consolidated
financial statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information.

In our opinion, consolidated financial statements give a true and fair view of the consolidated financial position of the Group
as at June 30, 2023, and of its consolidated financial performance and its consolidated cash flows for the year then ended
in accordance with the accounting and reporting standards as applicable in Pakistan.

Basis for Opinion

We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) as applicable in Pakistan. Our
responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the
Consolidated Financial Statements section of our report. We are independent of the Group in accordance with the
International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants’ Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants as adopted by the
Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (the Code), and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in
accordance with the Code. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a
basis for our opinion.

Key Audit Matters

Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgment, were of most significance in our audit of the
consolidated financial statements of the current period. These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the
consolidated financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion
on these matters.

Following are the Key audit matters:

Key audit matters How the matters were addressed in our audit
1. Deferred taxation

(Refer note 11 to the annexed consolidated Our audit procedures included the following:
financial statements)
• Obtained an understanding of the Group's process of
The Group has recognized deferred tax in respect preparing the deferred tax working and tested internal
of unused tax credits and unused tax losses. controls over management's valuation of deferred tax
Deferred tax assets on such items have been assets;
recognized as it is probable that sufficient
taxable profits will be available in future, before • Obtained an understanding regarding the relevant tax
their expiry, for their utilization on the basis of laws with respect to availability of tax credits and

Annual Report
DGKC 2023

Key audit matters How the matters were addressed in our audit
the approved business plan. unused tax losses;

Due to the significant level of judgement and • Recalculated the amount of tax credits and unused tax
estimation required in preparing the business losses in accordance with the provisions of Income Tax
plan for determining recoverability of deferred Ordinance, 2001;
tax assets and the significance of the amounts
involved, we consider it to be a key audit matter. • Involved internal tax specialists to check the income
tax computation for the year and assessed the
management’s conclusion on carry forward of the tax
credits and unused tax losses;

• Obtained the approved business plan and evaluated

the management’s assumptions used in the
preparation of business plan;

• Assessed the reasonableness of computation of

taxable income derived from the approved business

• Checked the management's analysis regarding the

timing of utilization of unused tax credits and unused
tax losses by considering the year wise utilization of
such amounts and evaluated the selection of the
expected tax rate in this regard; and

• Assessed the appropriateness of accounting policy in

respect of recognition of deferred tax assets on
unused tax credits and unused tax losses and the
adequacy of the disclosures made by the Group in this
area with regard to the applicable accounting and
reporting standards.

2. Investments measured at fair value

(Refer notes 21.1.1 and 21.1.2 to the annexed Our audit procedures included the following:
consolidated financial statements)
• Understood and evaluated the process by which the
The Group holds investments in equity cash flow forecasts were prepared and approved,
instruments of Nishat Hotels and Properties including confirming the mathematical accuracy of the
Limited ('NHPL') and Hyundai Nishat Motor underlying calculations;
(Private) Limited ('HNMPL').
• Evaluated the cash flow forecasts by obtaining an
Due to NHPL and HNMPL being non-listed understanding of respective businesses of NHPL and
companies, their shares do not have a quoted HNMPL;
price in an active market. Therefore, fair values
of their shares have been determined through • Obtained an understanding of the work performed by
valuation methodology based on discounted cash the management's expert on the models for the
flow method. This involves several estimation purpose of valuations;
techniques and management's judgements to
obtain reasonable expected future cash flows of • Examined the professional qualification of
respective businesses and related discount management's expert and assessed the
rates. Management involved an expert to independence, competence and experience of the
perform these valuations on its behalf. management's expert in the field;

2023 Annual Report

Key audit matters How the matters were addressed in our audit

Due to the significant level of judgment and • Obtained corroborating evidence relating to the values
estimation required to determine the fair value of as determined by the management's expert by
the investments, we consider it to be a key audit challenging key assumptions for the growth rates in
matter. the cash flow forecasts by comparing them to
historical results and economic forecasts and
challenging the discount rate by independently
estimating a range based on market data;

• Performed sensitivity analysis around key

assumptions to ascertain the extent of change
individually in the values of the investments; and

• Assessed the adequacy of the disclosures made by the

Group in this area with regard to applicable accounting
and reporting standards.

Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Consolidated Financial Statements

Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements as a whole are free
from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion.
Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISAs
as applicable in Pakistan will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or
error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the
economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these consolidated financial statements.

As part of an audit in accordance with ISAs as applicable in Pakistan, we exercise professional judgment and maintain
professional skepticism throughout the audit. We also:

• Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud
or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and
appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is
higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions,
misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.

• Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are
appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Group’s
internal control.

• Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related
disclosures made by management.

• Conclude on the appropriateness of management’s use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the
audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant
doubt on the Group’s ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are
required to draw attention in our auditor’s report to the related disclosures in the consolidated financial statements or,
if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up
to the date of our auditor’s report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Group to cease to continue as a
going concern.

• Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the consolidated financial statements, including the
disclosures, and whether the consolidated financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a
manner that achieves fair presentation.

• Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities or business activities
within the Group to express an opinion on the consolidated financial statements. We are responsible for the direction,

Annual Report
DGKC 2023

supervision and performance of the group audit. We remain solely responsible for our audit opinion.

We communicate with the Board of Directors regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit
and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit.

We also provide the Board of Directors with a statement that we have complied with relevant ethical requirements
regarding independence, and to communicate with them all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be
thought to bear on our independence, and where applicable, related safeguards.

From the matters communicated with the Board of Directors, we determine those matters that were of most significance
in the audit of the consolidated financial statements of the current period and are therefore the key audit matters. We
describe these matters in our auditor’s report unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter or
when, in extremely rare circumstances, we determine that a matter should not be communicated in our report because the
adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of such

The engagement partner on the audit resulting in this independent auditor’s report is Khurram Akbar Khan.

A.F. Ferguson & Co.

Chartered Accountants

Date: September 12, 2023

UDIN: AR202310070V9HGItZUi

2023 Annual Report


2023 2022
Note (Rupees in thousand)



Authorised share capital

950,000,000 (2022: 950,000,000)
ordinary shares of Rs 10 each 9,500,000 9,500,000
50,000,000 (2022: 50,000,000)
preference shares of Rs 10 each 500,000 500,000
10,000,000 10,000,000
Issued, subscribed and paid up share capital
438,119,118 (2022: 438,119,118)
ordinary shares of Rs 10 each 5 4,381,191 4,381,191
Other reserves 6 22,493,832 24,153,481
Revenue reserve: Un-appropriated profits 37,785,778 41,759,427
Attributable to owners of the parent company 64,660,801 70,294,099
Non-controlling interests 2,482,081 2,349,613
Total equity 67,142,882 72,643,712


Long term finances from financial institutions - secured 7 9,763,223 14,566,482

Deferred government grant 8 298,958 475,970
Long term deposits 9 439,697 281,177
Employee benefits obligations 10 849,514 712,639
Deferred taxation 11 11,306,527 5,540,533
22,657,919 21,576,801


Trade and other payables 12 14,457,666 12,519,880

Short term borrowings from financial institutions - secured 13 27,925,023 26,170,194
Accrued markup 14 1,857,643 928,826
Loans from related parties - unsecured 15 - 94,000
Current portion of non-current liabilities 16 7,897,387 7,536,742
Unclaimed dividend 34,705 34,512
Provision for taxation 273,046 86,187
52,445,470 47,370,341


142,246,271 141,590,854

The annexed notes 1 to 53 form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.

Chief Executive

Annual Report
DGKC 2023

AS AT JUNE 30, 2023

2023 2022
Note (Rupees in thousand)



Property, plant and equipment 18 85,600,466 86,314,054

Intangible asset 19 10,153 17,319
Biological assets 20 1,150,612 964,995
Investments 21 11,474,189 10,636,098
Long term loans to employees 22 - 1,192
Long term deposits 23 64,426 61,526
98,299,846 97,995,184


Stores, spares and loose tools 24 14,126,139 17,066,399

Stock-in-trade 25 11,237,446 7,268,544
Trade debts 26 1,222,551 1,591,516
Contract assets 27 79,530 28,501
Investments 28 9,283,913 9,966,440
Loans, advances, deposits, prepayments
and other receivables 29 1,689,054 1,830,899
Income tax recoverable 4,935,294 5,412,213
Cash and bank balances 30 1,199,860 431,158
43,773,787 43,595,670
Non-current assets classified as held for sale 31 172,638 -
43,946,425 43,595,670

142,246,271 141,590,854

Chief Financial Officer Director

2023 Annual Report


for the Year Ended June 30, 2023

2023 2022
Note (Rupees in thousand)

Revenue 32 70,495,201 61,653,833

Cost of sales 33 (59,820,917) (50,328,602)

Gross profit 10,674,284 11,325,231

Administrative expenses 34 (1,045,635) (892,479)

Selling and distribution expenses 35 (1,822,492) (1,753,090)

Net impairment (loss)/gain on financial assets (99,981) 15,069

Changes in fair value of biological assets 20 441,456 303,033

Other expenses 36 (349,232) (1,183,810)

Other income 37 3,245,940 2,735,461

Finance cost 38 (7,219,255) (3,748,080)

Profit before taxation 3,825,085 6,801,335

Taxation 39 (7,191,139) (3,418,913)

(Loss)/profit for the year (3,366,054) 3,382,422

(Loss)/profit is attributable to:

Owners of the parent company (3,530,256) 3,160,534

Non-controlling interests 164,202 221,888

(3,366,054) 3,382,422

(Loss)/earnings per share - basic

and diluted in Rupees 40 (8.06) 7.21

The annexed notes 1 to 53 form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.

Chief Executive Chief Financial Officer Director

Annual Report
DGKC 2023


for the Year Ended June 30, 2023

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

(Loss)/profit for the year (3,366,054) 3,382,422

Other comprehensive loss for the year - net of tax

Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss: - -

Items that will not be subsequently reclassified to profit or loss:

Change in fair value of investments at fair value through

other comprehensive income (OCI) (1,325,200) (6,135,664)
Tax effect of change in fair value of investments at fair value through OCI (345,242) 42,583
Remeasurement of retirement benefits (42,104) (75,842)
Tax effect of remeasurement of retirement benefits 36,830 23,557
(1,675,716) (6,145,366)

Other comprehensive loss for the year (1,675,716) (6,145,366)

Total comprehensive loss for the year (5,041,770) (2,762,944)

Total comprehensive loss is attributable to:

Owners of the parent company (5,195,179) (2,961,618)
Non-controlling interests 153,409 198,674
(5,041,770) (2,762,944)

The annexed notes 1 to 53 form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.

Chief Executive Chief Financial Officer Director

2023 Annual Report


for the Year Ended June 30, 2023

2023 2022
Note (Rupees in thousand)

Cash flows from operating activities

Cash generated from operations 41 13,741,708 2,182,174

Finance cost paid (6,403,065) (3,372,722)
Retirement and other benefits paid (127,442) (108,763)
Income tax paid (1,069,779) (1,724,425)
Long term loans, advances and deposits - net 156,812 33,581
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities 6,298,234 (2,990,155)

Cash flows from investing activities

Payments for property, plant and equipment (3,707,946) (1,933,052)

Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment 213,538 100,467
Proceeds from sale of biological assets 252,949 152,553
Investment in equity and debt instruments (1,366,079) (68,480)
Recovery of loan to related party - 765,000
Interest received 3,750 44,583
Dividends received 2,413,026 2,275,029

Net cash (outflow)/inflow from investing activities (2,190,762) 1,336,100

Cash flows from financing activities

Proceeds from long term finances acquired 2,038,739 1,735,445

Repayment of long term finances (6,682,340) (6,278,653)
Dividends paid to owners of the parent company (458,867) (468,536)
Repayment of loans from related parties (94,000) (120,000)

Net cash outflow from financing activities (5,196,468) (5,131,744)

Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents (1,088,996) (6,785,799)

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year (25,735,036) (19,041,000)
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents 106,869 91,763
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 42 (26,717,163) (25,735,036)

Refer note 7 for reconciliation of liabilities arising from financing activities.

The annexed notes 1 to 53 form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.

Chief Executive Chief Financial Officer Director

Capital Reserve Revenue Reserve
Total equity
Un- attributable to Non-
Share Share FVOCI redemption General
appropriated owners of Controlling Total equity
Capital premium reserve reserve reserve
Profits parent Interest

Rupees in thousand
Balance as on July 01, 2021 4,381,191 4,557,163 20,201,824 353,510 5,110,851 39,089,297 73,693,836 2,182,351 75,876,187

Total comprehensive loss for the year

- Profit for the year - - - - - 3,160,534 3,160,534 221,888 3,382,422
- Other comprehensive loss for the year:
- Changes in fair value of investments at fair value
through OCI - net of tax - - (6,069,867) - - - (6,069,867) (23,214) (6,093,081)
- Remeasurements of retirement benefits - net of tax - - - - - (52,285) (52,285) - (52,285)
- - (6,069,867) - - 3,108,249 (2,961,618) 198,674 (2,762,944)
Transactions with owners in their capacity as owners
for the Year Ended June 30, 2023

recognised directly in equity

Final dividend for the year ended June 30, 2021 - - - - - (438,119) (438,119) (31,412) (469,531)

Balance as on June 30, 2022 4,381,191 4,557,163 14,131,957 353,510 5,110,851 41,759,427 70,294,09 2,349,613 72,643,712

Total comprehensive loss for the year

- Loss for the year - - - - - (3,530,256) (3,530,256) 164,202 (3,366,054)
- Other comprehensive loss for the year:
- Changes in fair value of investments at fair value
through OCI - net of tax - - (1,659,649) - - - (1,659,649) (10,793) (1,670,442)
- Remeasurements of retirement benefits - net of tax - - - - - (5,274) (5,274) - (5,274)
- - (1,659,649) - - (3,535,530) (5,195,179) 153,409 (5,041,770)
Transactions with owners in their capacity as owners
recognised directly in equity

Final dividend for the year ended June 30, 2022 - - - - - (438,119) (438,119) (20,941) (459,060)

Balance as on June 30, 2023 4,381,191 4,557,163 12,472,308 353,510 5,110,851 37,785,778 64,660,801 2,482,081 67,142,882

The annexed notes 1 to 53 form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
Annual Report


Chief Executive Chief Financial Officer Director
2023 Annual Report


for the Year Ended June 30, 2023

1. The Group and its activities

The Group comprises of:

- D. G. Khan Cement Company Limited (the 'parent company');

- Nishat Paper Products Company Limited; and
- Nishat Dairy (Private) Limited.

D. G. Khan Cement Company Limited is a public company limited by shares, incorporated in Pakistan in 1978 under the
repealed Companies Act, 1913 (now, the Companies Act, 2017, hereinafter may be referred to as the 'Act'). Its ordinary
shares are listed on the Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited. It is principally engaged in production and sale of Clinker,
Ordinary Portland and Sulphate Resistant Cement (hereinafter referred to as the 'Cement segment'). It has four cement
plants; two plants located at Dera Ghazi Khan ('D. G. Khan'), one at Khairpur District, Chakwal ('Khairpur') and one at Hub
District, Lasbela ('Hub').

Nishat Paper Products Company Limited is a public company limited by shares, incorporated in Pakistan on July 23, 2004
under the repealed Companies Ordinance, 1984 (now, the Act). It is principally engaged in the manufacture and sale of
paper products and packaging material (hereinafter referred to as the 'Paper segment'). Its manufacturing facility is located
at Khairpur on the parent company's land.

Nishat Dairy (Private) Limited is a private company limited by shares, incorporated in Pakistan on October 28, 2011 under
the repealed Companies Ordinance, 1984 (now, the Act). It is principally engaged in the business of production and sale of
raw milk (hereinafter referred to as the 'Dairy segment'). Its production facility and factory is situated at 1- KM Sukheki Road,
Pindi Bhattian.

The registered office of all the above companies is situated at 53-A, Nishat House, Lawrence Road, Lahore. The parent
company's holding in its subsidiaries is as follows:

percetage of holding

- Nishat Paper Products Company Limited 55.00%

- Nishat Dairy (Private) Limited 55.10%

The Group has regional offices located across Pakistan, the geographical locations of which are listed below:

Regional office Geographical location

Lahore region 53-A, Nishat House, Lawrence Road, Lahore

Multan region 17 E-1, Officers Colony, Eid Gah Chowk, Multan
Karachi region D-247, KDA Scheme No. 1/A, Karachi
Rawalpindi region 13-16, 3rd Floor, Rizwan Arcades, Adam Gee Road, Sadar, Rawalpindi
D.G. Khan region 16-B Khayaban-E-Sarwar, Maanka Road, D.G. Khan

2. Basis of preparation

2.1 Statement of compliance

These consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the accounting and reporting
standards as applicable in Pakistan. The accounting and reporting standards applicable in Pakistan comprise of:

i) International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS') issued by the International Accounting Standards Board
('IASB') as notified under the Companies Act, 2017; and

ii) Provisions of and directives issued under the Companies Act, 2017.

Where provisions of and directives issued under the Companies Act, 2017 differ from the IFRS, the provisions of and
directives issued under the Companies Act, 2017 have been followed.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
2.2 Initial application of standards, amendments or an interpretation to existing standards

The following amendments to existing standards have been published that are applicable to the Group's
consolidated financial statements covering annual periods, beginning on or after the following dates:

2.2.1 Standards, amendments to published standards and interpretations that are effective in the current

Certain standards, amendments and interpretations to IFRS are effective for accounting periods beginning
on July 1, 2022 but are considered not to be relevant or to have any significant effect on the Group’s
operations and are, therefore, not detailed in these consolidated financial statements.

2.2.2 Standards, amendments and interpretations to existing standards that are not yet effective and have
not been early adopted by the Group

There are certain standards, amendments to the IFRS and interpretations that are mandatory for Group's
accounting periods beginning on or after July 1, 2023 but are considered not to be relevant or to have any
significant effect on the Group's operations and are, therefore, not detailed in these consolidated financial
statements, except for the following:

a) Narrow scope amendments to International Accounting Standard (IAS) 1 Practice Statement 2

and International Accounting Standard (IAS) 8 (effective for annual period beginning on July 1,

The IASB has issued narrow-scope amendments to IFRS Standards. The amendments will help

- improve accounting policy disclosures so that they provide more useful information to investors and
other primary users of the financial statements; and

- distinguish changes in accounting estimates from changes in accounting policies.

The amendments to IAS 1 require companies to disclose their material accounting policy information
rather than their significant accounting policies.

The amendments introduce a new definition for accounting estimates clarifying that they are monetary
amounts in the financial statements that are subject to measurement uncertainty. The amendments
also clarify the relationship between accounting policies and accounting estimates by specifying that
a company develops an accounting estimate to achieve the objective set out by an accounting policy.
The amendments will apply prospectively to changes in accounting estimates and changes in
accounting policies occurring on or after the beginning of the first annual reporting period in which the
company applies the amendments.

b) Amendments to International Accounting Standard (IAS) 12 ‘Income Taxes’ - Deferred tax

related to assets and liabilities arising from a single transaction (effective for annual reporting
period beginning on July 01, 2023)

The amendments narrow the scope of the initial recognition exemption (IRE) so that it does not apply
to transactions that give rise to equal and offsetting temporary differences. As a result, companies will
need to recognise a deferred tax asset and a deferred tax liability for temporary differences arising on
initial recognition of a lease and a decommissioning provision. For leases and decommissioning
liabilities, the associated deferred tax asset and liabilities will need to be recognised from the
beginning of the earliest comparative period presented, with any cumulative effect recognised as an
adjustment to retained earnings or other components of equity at that date.

c) Amendment to International Accounting Standard (IAS) 1 – Non-current liabilities with

covenants (effective for annual period beginning on July 01, 2024)

These amendments clarify how conditions with which an entity must comply within twelve months
after the reporting period affect the classification of a liability. The amendments also aim to improve
information an entity provides related to liabilities subject to these conditions.

The Group is yet to assess the impact of these amendments on its financial statements.

2023 Annual Report

3. Basis of measurement

3.1 These consolidated financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention except for the

- certain financial instruments, government grant and plan assets of defined benefit gratuity at fair value;

- certain employee benefit obligations and provisions at present value; and

- Biological assets at fair value less costs to sell.

3.2 Critical accounting estimates and judgements

The preparation of consolidated financial statements requires the use of accounting estimates which, by definition,
will seldom equal the actual results. Management also needs to exercise judgement in applying the Group’s
accounting policies. Following are the areas that involved a higher degree of judgement or complexity, and of items
which are more likely to be materially adjusted due to the estimates and assumptions turning out to be wrong.

a) Provision for taxation and recognition of deferred tax asset for tax credits and for carried-forward tax losses
- notes 4.3, 11 and 39
b) Employee benefit obligations - notes 4.4 and 10
c) Useful lives and residual values of property, plant and equipment - notes 4.6 and 18.1
d) Fair valuation of biological assets - notes 4.9 and 20
e) Fair value of unquoted fair value through other comprehensive income ('FVOCI') investments - note 4.15 and
f) Impairment of financial assets (other than investments in equity instruments) - note 4.15.4
g) Estimate of present value of provisions - notes 4.21 and 12

Estimates and judgements are continually evaluated. They are based on historical experience and other factors,
including expectations of future events that may have a financial impact on the Group and that are believed to be
reasonable under the circumstances.

4. Summary of significant accounting policies

The significant accounting policies adopted in the preparation of these consolidated financial statements are set out below.
These policies have been consistently applied to all the years presented, except for the accounting policy adopted as set
out in note 4.7.

4.1 Principles of consolidation

a) Subsidiaries

Subsidiaries are all entities (including structured entities) over which the Group has control. The Group
controls an entity where the Group is exposed to, or has rights to, variable returns from its involvement with
the entity and has the ability to affect those returns through its power to direct the activities of the entity.
Subsidiaries are fully consolidated from the date on which control is transferred to the Group. They are
deconsolidated from the date that control ceases.

The acquisition method of accounting is used to account for business combinations by the Group. The
acquisition method of accounting is used to account for all business combinations, regardless of whether
equity instruments or other assets are acquired. The consideration transferred for the acquisition of a
subsidiary comprises the:

- fair values of the assets transferred;

- liabilities incurred to the former owners of the acquired business;
- equity interests issued by the Group;
- fair value of any asset or liability resulting from a contingent consideration arrangement, and
- fair value of any pre-existing equity interest in the subsidiary.

Identifiable assets acquired and liabilities and contingent liabilities assumed in a business combination are,
with limited exceptions, measured initially at their fair values at the acquisition date. The Group recognises
any non-controlling interest in the acquired entity on an acquisition-by-acquisition basis either at fair value
or at the non-controlling interest’s proportionate share of the acquired entity’s net identifiable assets.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
Acquisition-related costs are expensed as incurred.

The excess of the consideration transferred, amount of any non-controlling interest in the acquired entity,
and acquisition-date fair value of any previous equity interest in the acquired entity over the fair value of the
net identifiable assets acquired is recorded as goodwill. If those amounts are less than the fair value of the
net identifiable assets of the subsidiary acquired, the difference is recognised directly in profit or loss as a
bargain purchase.

Where settlement of any part of cash consideration is deferred, the amounts payable in the future are
discounted to their present value as at the date of exchange. The discount rate used is the entity’s
incremental borrowing rate, being the rate at which a similar borrowing could be obtained from an
independent financier under comparable terms and conditions.

Contingent consideration is classified either as equity or a financial liability. Amounts classified as a financial
liability are subsequently remeasured to fair value, with changes in fair value recognised in profit or loss.

If the business combination is achieved in stages, the acquisition date carrying value of the acquirer’s
previously held equity interest in the acquiree is remeasured to fair value at the acquisition date. Any gains
or losses arising from such remeasurement are recognised in profit or loss.

Intercompany transactions, balances and unrealised gains on transactions between group companies are
eliminated. Unrealised losses are also eliminated unless the transaction provides evidence of an impairment
of the transferred asset. Accounting policies of subsidiaries have been changed where necessary to ensure
consistency with the policies adopted by the Group.

Non-controlling interests ('NCI') in the results and equity of subsidiaries are shown separately in the
consolidated statement of profit or loss, consolidated statement of comprehensive income, consolidated
statement of changes in equity and consolidated statement of financial position respectively.

b) Changes in ownership interests

The Group treats transactions with non-controlling interests that do not result in a loss of control as
transactions with equity owners of the Group. A change in ownership interest results in an adjustment
between the carrying amounts of the controlling and non-controlling interests to reflect their relative interests
in the subsidiary. Any difference between the amount of the adjustment to non-controlling interests and any
consideration paid or received is recognised in a separate reserve within equity attributable to owners of the

When the Group ceases to consolidate because of a loss of control, any retained interest in the entity is
re-measured to its fair value, with the change in carrying amount recognised in consolidated statement of
profit or loss. This fair value becomes the initial carrying amount for the purposes of subsequently
accounting for the retained interest as an associate, joint venture or financial asset. In addition, any amounts
previously recognised in consolidated statement of comprehensive income in respect of that entity are
accounted for as if the Group had directly disposed of the related assets or liabilities. This may mean that
amounts previously recognised in consolidated statement of comprehensive income are reclassified to
consolidated statement of profit or loss.

4.2 Borrowings

Borrowings are initially recognised at fair value, net of transaction costs incurred. Borrowings are subsequently
measured at amortised cost. Any difference between the proceeds (net of transaction costs) and the redemption
amount is recognised in consolidated statement of profit or loss over the period of the borrowings using the effective
interest method.

Fees paid on the establishment of loan facilities are recognised as transaction costs of the loan to the extent that it
is probable that some or all of the facility will be drawn down. In this case, the fee is deferred until the draw-down
occurs. To the extent there is no evidence that it is probable that some or all of the facility will be drawn down, the fee
is capitalised as a prepayment for liquidity services and amortised over the period of the facility to which it relates.

Borrowings are removed from the consolidated statement of financial position when the obligation specified in the
contract is discharged, cancelled or expired. The difference between the carrying amount of a financial liability that
has been extinguished or transferred to another party and the consideration paid, including any non-cash assets
transferred or liabilities assumed, is recognised in consolidated statement of profit or loss as other income or
finance costs.

2023 Annual Report

Borrowings are classified as current liabilities unless the Group has an unconditional right to defer settlement of the
liability for at least 12 months after the reporting period.

4.3 Taxation

Income tax comprises current and deferred tax. Income tax is recognised in the consolidated statement of profit or
loss except to the extent that relates to items recognised directly in consolidated statement of changes in equity or
consolidated statement of comprehensive income, in which case it is recognised directly in equity or consolidated
statement of comprehensive income.


The charge for current tax is calculated using prevailing tax rates or tax rates expected to apply to profit for the year
if enacted or substantively enacted at the end of the reporting period in accordance with the prevailing law for
taxation of income, after taking into account tax credits, rebates and exemptions, if any. Management periodically
evaluates position taken in tax returns with respect to situations in which applicable tax regulation is subject to
interpretation and considers whether it is probable that the tax authorities will accept an uncertain tax treatment.
The charge for current tax also includes adjustments, where considered necessary, to provision for tax made in
previous years arising from assessments framed during the year for such years. The Group measures its tax
balances either based on the most likely amount or the expected value, depending on which method provides a
better prediction of the resolution of the uncertainty. Current tax assets and tax liabilities are offset where the Group
has a legally enforceable right to offset and intends either to settle on a net basis, or to realise the asset and settle
the liability simultaneously.


Deferred income tax is provided in full, using the liability method, on temporary differences arising between the tax
bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts in the financial statements. Deferred income tax is not
accounted for if it arises from initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction other than a business
combination that, at the time of the transaction, affects neither accounting nor taxable profit or loss. Deferred
income tax is determined using tax rates (and laws) that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the end of
the reporting period and are expected to apply when the related deferred income tax asset is realised or the deferred
income tax liability is settled.

Deferred tax liabilities are generally recognised for all taxable temporary differences and deferred tax assets are
recognised to the extent that it is probable that taxable profits will be available against which the deductible
temporary differences, unused tax losses and tax credits can be utilised. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset
where there is a legally enforceable right to offset current tax assets and liabilities and where the deferred tax
balances relate to the same taxation authority.

4.4 Employee benefits

4.4.1 Short term obligations

Liabilities for wages and salaries, including non-monetary benefits and accumulating annual leaves that are
expected to be settled wholly within twelve months after the end of the period in which the employees render
the related service are recognised in respect of employees’ services up to the end of the reporting period
and are measured at the amounts expected to be paid when the liabilities are settled. The liabilities are
presented as current employee benefit obligations in the consolidated statement of financial position.

4.4.2 Post employment benefits

(a) Defined benefit plan - Gratuity

The Cement segment operates an approved funded defined benefit gratuity plan for all regular
employees having a service period of more than five years for officers and six months for workers.
Provisions are made in the consolidated financial statements to cover obligations on the basis of
actuarial valuations carried out annually. The most recent valuation was carried out as at June 30,
2023 using the "Projected Unit Credit Method".

The actual return on plan assets represents the difference between the fair value of plan assets at the
beginning of the year and as at the end of the year after adjustments for contributions made by the
Group as reduced by benefits paid during the year.

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The amount recognized in consolidated statement of financial position represents the present value of
the defined benefit obligation as reduced by the fair value of the plan assets.

Actuarial gains and losses arising from experience adjustments and changes in actuarial assumptions
are charged or credited to equity in consolidated statement of comprehensive income in the year in
which they arise. Past service costs are recognized immediately in the consolidated statement of profit
or loss.

The future contribution rate of the plan includes allowances for deficit and surplus. Projected Unit
Credit Method, using the following significant assumptions, is used for valuation of this scheme:

2023 2022

Discount rate per annum 16.25% 13.25%

Expected increase in eligible salary level per annum 16.25% 12.25%
Duration of the plan (years) 7 7

The expected mortality rates assumed are based on the SLIC (2001-2005) mortality table set back one

(b) Defined contribution plan

The Group operates provident funds for all its regular employees. Equal monthly contributions are
made to the funds both by the Group and the employees as follows:

Cement segment: at the rate of 10% of the basic salary for officers and 10% of basic salary plus cost
of living allowance for workers.

Paper segment: at the rate of 10% of the basic salary

Dairy segment: at the rate of 9.5% of the basic salary plus cost of living allowance

The Group has no further payment obligations once the contributions have been paid. Obligation for
contributions to defined contribution plan is recognised as an expense in the consolidated statement
of profit or loss as and when incurred.

4.4.3 Accumulating compensated absences

The Cement segment provides for accumulating compensated absences, when the employees render
services that increase their entitlement to future compensated absences. Under the service rules,
employees are entitled to 2.5 days leave per month. Unutilised leaves can be accumulated up to 30 days in
case of officers. However, leave policy for officers whose leave balance was already accumulated to 90 days
or above as of July 01, 2019 may keep leaves accumulated up to 90 days. An officer is entitled to encash
the unutilised earned leave accrued during the year. In addition, he can also encash some portion of his
accumulated leave balance during the year. Any further unutilised leaves lapse. The earned leave
encashment is based on basic salaries. In case of workers, unutilised leaves may be accumulated up to 120
days, however, accumulated leave balance above 50 days is encashable upon demand of the worker.
Unutilised leaves can be used at any time by all employees, subject to the approval of the Group's

Provisions are made annually to cover the obligation for accumulating compensated absences based on
actuarial valuation and are charged to the consolidated statement of profit or loss . The most recent
valuation was carried out as at June 30, 2023 using the "Projected Unit Credit Method".

The amount recognised in the consolidated statement of financial position represents the present value of
the defined benefit obligations. Actuarial gains and losses are charged to the consolidated statement of
profit or loss immediately in the period when these occur.

Projected unit credit method, using the following significant assumptions, has been used for valuation of
accumulating compensated absences:

2023 Annual Report

2023 2022

Discount rate per annum 16.25% 13.25%

Expected rate of increase in
salary level per annum 15.25% 12.25%
Expected mortality rate SLIC (2001-2005) mortality table SLIC (2001-2005) mortality table
(setback 1 year) (setback 1 year)

Duration of the plan (years) 8 8

4.5 Trade and other payables

These amounts represent liabilities for goods and services provided to the Group prior to the end of the financial
year which are unpaid. Trade and other payables are presented as current liabilities unless payment is not due within
12 months after the reporting period. They are recognised initially at their fair value and subsequently measured at
amortised cost using the effective interest method.

4.6 Property, plant and equipment

4.6.1 Operating fixed assets

Operating fixed assets except freehold land are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and any
identified impairment loss. Freehold land is stated at cost less any identified impairment loss. Cost in relation
to certain operating fixed assets signifies historical cost and borrowing costs as referred to in note 4.22.

Depreciation on all operating fixed assets of the Group is charged to the consolidated statement of profit or
loss on the reducing balance method, except for plant and machinery and leasehold land of the Cement and
Paper segments, which are being depreciated using the straight line method, so as to write off the
depreciable amount of such assets over their estimated useful life at annual rates mentioned in note 18.1
after taking into account their residual values.

The assets' residual values and useful lives are reviewed at each financial year end and adjusted if impact
on depreciation is significant. The Group's estimate of the residual value and useful life of its operating fixed
assets as at June 30, 2023 has not required any adjustment as its impact is considered insignificant.

An asset's carrying amount is written down immediately to its recoverable amount if the asset's carrying
amount is greater than its estimated recoverable amount as fully explained in note 4.10 to these
consolidated financial statements.

Subsequent costs are included in the asset's carrying amount or recognised as a separate asset, as
appropriate, only when it is probable that future economic benefits associated with the item shall flow to the
Group and the cost of the item can be measured reliably. All other repair and maintenance costs are charged
to consolidated statement of profit or loss during the period in which they are incurred.

Proceeds from the sale of items while bringing that asset to the location and condition necessary for it to be
capable of operating in the manner intended by management are not deducted from the cost of an item of
property, plant and equipment. Instead, the Group recognizes the proceeds from selling such items, and the
cost of producing those items, in profit or loss.

The gain or loss on disposal or retirement of an asset represented by the difference between the sale
proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset is recognised as an income or expense.

4.6.2 Major spare parts and stand-by equipment

Major spare parts and stand-by equipment qualify as property, plant and equipment when an entity expects
to use them for more than one year. Transfers are made to operating fixed assets category as and when such
items are available for use.

4.6.3 Capital work-in-progress

Capital work-in-progress is stated at cost less any identified impairment loss. All expenditure including
borrowing costs connected with specific assets incurred during installation and construction period are
carried under capital work-in-progress. These are transferred to operating fixed assets as and when these
are available for use.

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4.7 Non-current assets classified as held for sale

Non-current assets are classified as held for sale if their carrying amount will be recovered principally through a sale
transaction rather than through continuing use and a sale is considered highly probable. They are measured at the
lower of their carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell, except for assets such as deferred tax assets, assets
arising from employee benefits, financial assets that are carried at fair value, and contractual rights under insurance
contracts, which are specifically exempt from this requirement.

An impairment loss is recognised for any initial or subsequent write-down of the assets classified as held for sale to
fair value less costs to sell. A gain is recognised for any subsequent increases in fair value less costs to sell of assets
classified as held for sale, but not in excess of any cumulative impairment loss previously recognised. A gain or loss
not previously recognised by the date of the sale of the assets classified as held for sale is recognised at the date
of derecognition.

Non-current assets are not depreciated while they are classified as held for sale. Assets classified as held for sale
are presented separately from the other assets in the statement of financial position.

4.8 Intangible assets - Computer software

Expenditure incurred to acquire computer software is capitalised as intangible asset and stated at cost less
accumulated amortisation and any identified impairment loss. Computer software is amortised using the straight
line method over a period of three years.

An asset's carrying amount is written down immediately to its recoverable amount if the asset's carrying amount is
greater than its estimated recoverable amount (as explained in note 4.10 to these consolidated financial

4.9 Biological assets - Livestock

Livestock are measured at their fair value less estimated point-of-sale costs. Fair value of livestock is determined by
an independent valuer on the basis of best available estimates for livestock of similar attributes.

Gains or losses arising from changes in fair value less estimated point-of-sale costs of livestock is recognized in the
consolidated statement of profit or loss.

Livestock are categorized as mature or immature. Mature livestock are those that have attained harvestable
specifications. Immature livestock have not yet reached that stage.

Farming cost such as feeding, labour cost, pasture maintenance, veterinary services and sheering are expensed as
incurred. The cost of purchase of cattle plus transportation charges are capitalized as part of biological assets.

4.10 Impairment of non-financial assets

Goodwill and intangible assets that have an indefinite useful life are not subject to amortisation and are tested
annually for impairment, or more frequently if events or changes in circumstances indicate that they might be
impaired. Other assets are tested for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the
carrying amount may not be recoverable. An impairment loss is recognised for the amount by which the asset’s
carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the higher of an asset’s fair value less
costs of disposal and value in use. For the purposes of assessing impairment, assets are grouped at the lowest
levels for which there are separately identifiable cash inflows which are largely independent of the cash inflows from
other assets or groups of assets (cash-generating units). Non-financial assets other than goodwill that suffered an
impairment are reviewed for possible reversal of the impairment at the end of each reporting period.

4.11 Leases

The Group is the lessee:

At inception of a contract, the Group assesses whether a contract is, or contains, a lease based on whether the
contract conveys the right to control the use of an identified asset for a period of time in exchange for consideration.
Lease terms are negotiated on an individual basis and contain a wide range of different terms and conditions.

Leases are recognised as a right-of-use asset and a corresponding liability at the date at which the leased asset is
available for use by the Group.

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The lease liability is initially measured at the present value of the lease payments that are not paid at the
commencement date, discounted using the interest rate implicit in the lease, or if that rate cannot be readily
determined, the Group's incremental borrowing rate is used, being the rate that the individual lessee would have to
pay to borrow the funds necessary to obtain an asset of similar value to the right-of-use asset in a similar economic
environment with similar terms, security and conditions.

Lease payments include the following:

- fixed payments, less any lease incentives receivable;

- variable lease payments that are based on an index or a rate, initially measured using the index or rate as at the
commencement date;

- amounts expected to be payable by the Group under residual value guarantees;

- the exercise price of a purchase option if the Group is reasonably certain to exercise that option; and

- payments of penalties for terminating the lease, if the lease term reflects the lessee exercising that option, less any
lease incentives receivable.

Lease payments to be made under reasonably certain extension options are also included in the measurement of
the liability.

The lease liability is subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method. It is
remeasured when there is a change in future lease payments arising from a change in fixed lease payments or an
index or rate, change in the Group's estimate of the amount expected to be payable under a residual value
guarantee, or if the Group changes its assessment of whether it will exercise a purchase, extension or termination
option. The corresponding adjustment is made to the carrying amount of the right-of-use asset, or is recorded in the
consolidated statement of profit or loss if the carrying amount of right-of-use asset has been reduced to zero.

The right-of-use asset is initially measured based on the initial amount of the lease liability adjusted for any lease
payments made at or before the commencement date, plus any initial direct costs incurred and an estimate of costs
to dismantle and remove the underlying asset or to restore the underlying asset or the site on which it is located,
less any lease incentive received. The right-of-use asset is depreciated on a straight line method over the lease term
as this method most closely reflects the expected pattern of consumption of future economic benefits. The
right-of-use asset is reduced by impairment losses, if any, and adjusted for certain remeasurements of the lease

When there is a change in scope of a lease, or the consideration for a lease, that was not part of the original terms
and conditions of the lease, it is accounted for as a lease modification. The lease modification is accounted for as a
separate lease if modification increases the scope of lease by adding the right to use one or more underlying assets
and the consideration for lease increases by an amount that is commensurate with the stand-alone price for the
increase in scope adjusted to reflect the circumstances of the particular contracts, if any. When the lease
modification is not accounted for as a separate lease, the lease liability is remeasured and corresponding
adjustment is made to right-of-use asset.

Payments associated with short-term leases and all leases of low-value assets are recognised on a straight-line
basis as an expense in the consolidated statement of profit or loss. Short-term leases are leases with a lease term
of 12 months or less without a purchase option.

4.12 Investments

Investments intended to be held for less than twelve months from the reporting date or to be sold to raise operating
capital, are included in current assets, all other investments are classified as non-current. Management determines
the appropriate classification of its investments at the time of the purchase and re-evaluates such designation on a
regular basis.

4.13 Stores, spares and loose tools

Stores, spare parts and loose tools are valued at moving weighted average cost except for items in transit which are
stated at invoice value plus other charges paid thereon till the reporting date. For items which are slow moving
and/or identified as obsolete, adequate provision is made for any excess book value over estimated realizable value.
The Group reviews the carrying amount of stores and spares on a regular basis and provision is made for

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4.14 Stock-in-trade

Stock of raw materials (except for those in transit), work in process and finished goods are valued principally at the
lower of weighted average cost and net realisable value ('NRV'). Stock of packing material is valued principally at
moving average cost. Cost of work-in-process and finished goods comprises cost of direct materials, labour and
related production overheads (based on normal operating capacity).

Materials in transit are stated at cost comprising invoice value plus other charges paid thereon.

Net realisable value is determined on the basis of estimated selling price of the product in the ordinary course of
business less estimated costs of completion and estimated cost necessary to make the sale.

If the expected net realisable value is lower than the carrying amount, a write-down is recognised for the amount by
which the carrying amount exceeds its net realisable value. Provision is made in the consolidated financial
statements for obsolete and slow moving stock-in-trade based on management estimate.

4.15 Financial assets

4.15.1 Classification

The Group classifies its financial assets in the following measurement categories:

- those to be measured subsequently at fair value [either through other comprehensive income ('OCI') or
through profit or loss]; and

- those to be measured at amortised cost.

The classification depends on the Group’s business model for managing the financial assets and the
contractual terms of the cash flows.

For assets measured at fair value, gains and losses will either be recorded in profit or loss or OCI. For
investments in equity instruments that are not held for trading, this will depend on whether the Group has
made an irrevocable election at the time of initial recognition to account for the equity investment at fair value
through other comprehensive income.

The Group reclassifies debt investments when and only when its business model for managing those assets

4.15.2 Recognition and derecognition

Regular way purchases and sales of financial assets are recognised on trade date, being the date on which
the Group commits to purchase or sell the asset. Financial assets are derecognised when the rights to
receive cash flows from the financial assets have expired or have been transferred and the Group has
transferred substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership.

4.15.3 Measurement

At initial recognition, the Group measures a financial asset at its fair value plus, in the case of a financial asset
not at fair value through profit or loss (FVPL), transaction costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition
of the financial asset. Transaction costs of financial assets carried at FVPL are expensed in profit or loss.

Financial assets with embedded derivatives are considered in their entirety when determining whether their
cash flows are solely payments of principal and interest.

Debt instruments

Subsequent measurement of debt instruments depends on the Group’s business model for managing the
asset and the cash flow characteristics of the asset. There are three measurement categories into which the
Group classifies its debt instruments:

i) Amortised cost: Assets that are held for collection of contractual cash flows, where those cash flows
represent solely payments of principal and interest, are measured at amortised cost. Interest income
from these consolidated financial assets is included in other income using the effective interest rate
method. Any gain or loss arising on derecognition is recognised directly in profit or loss. Impairment

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losses are presented as a separate line item in the consolidated statement of profit or loss.

ii) FVOCI: Assets that are held for collection of contractual cash flows and for selling the financial assets,
where the assets’ cash flows represent solely payments of principal and interest, are measured at
FVOCI. Movements in the carrying amount are taken through OCI, except for the recognition of
impairment gains or losses, interest income and foreign exchange gains and losses, which are
recognised in profit or loss. When the financial asset is derecognised, the cumulative gain or loss
previously recognised in OCI is reclassified from equity to profit or loss. Interest income from these
consolidated financial assets is included in other income using the effective interest rate method.
Impairment expenses are presented as a separate line item in the consolidated statement of profit or

iii) FVPL: Assets that do not meet the criteria for amortised cost or FVOCI are measured at FVPL. A gain
or loss on a debt investment that is subsequently measured at FVPL is recognised in profit or loss in
the period in which it arises.

Equity instruments

The Group subsequently measures all equity investments at fair value. Where the Group’s management has
elected to present fair value gains and losses on equity investments in OCI, there is no subsequent
reclassification of fair value gains and losses to profit or loss following the derecognition of the investment.
Dividends from such investments continue to be recognised in profit or loss as other income when the
Group’s right to receive payments is established.

Changes in the fair value of financial assets at FVPL are recognised in the statement of profit or loss.
Impairment losses (and reversal of impairment losses) on equity investments measured at FVOCI are not
reported separately from other changes in fair value.

4.15.4 Impairment of financial assets other than investment in equity instruments

The Group assesses on a forward-looking basis the expected credit losses (ECL) associated with its
financial assets. The impairment methodology applied depends on whether there has been a significant
increase in credit risk. For trade debts and contract assets, the Group applies IFRS 9 simplified approach to
measure the expected credit losses (loss allowance) which uses a life time expected loss allowance to be
recognised from initial recognition of the receivables while general 3-stage approach for loans, deposits,
other receivables and bank balances i.e. to measure ECL through loss allowance at an amount equal to
12-month ECL if credit risk on a financial instrument or a group of financial instruments has not increased
significantly since initial recognition.

Following are the financial assets that are subject to the ECL model:

- Trade debts;
- Contract assets;
- Long term loans;
- Long term deposits;
- Loans, deposits and other receivables; and
- Bank balances

The measurement of expected credit losses is a function of the probability of default, loss given default (i.e.
the magnitude of the loss if there is a default) and the exposure at default. The assessment of the probability
of default and loss given default is based on historical data adjusted by forward-looking information
(adjusted for factors that are specific to the counterparty, general economic conditions and an assessment
of both the current as well as the forecast direction of conditions at the reporting date, including time value
of money where appropriate). As for the exposure at default for financial assets, this is represented by the
assets’ gross carrying amount at the reporting date.

The measurement of ECL reflects:

- an unbiased and probability-weighted amount that is determined by evaluating a range of possible


- the time value of money; and

- reasonable and supportable information that is available at the reporting date about past events, current

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conditions and forecasts of future economic conditions.

The Group recognizes an impairment gain or loss in the consolidated statement of profit or loss for financial
assets with a corresponding adjustment to their carrying amount through a loss allowance account.

The Group writes off financial assets, in whole or in part, when it has exhausted all practical recovery efforts
and has concluded there is no reasonable expectation of recovery. The assessment of no reasonable
expectation of recovery is based on unavailability of debtor’s sources of income or assets to generate
sufficient future cash flows to repay the amount. The Group may write-off financial assets that are still
subject to enforcement activity. Subsequent recoveries of amounts previously written off will result in
impairment gains.

4.16 Financial liabilities

All financial liabilities are recognized at the time when the Group becomes a party to the contractual provisions of
the instrument. Financial liabilities at amortised cost are initially measured at fair value less transaction costs.
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss are initially recognised at fair value and transaction costs are
expensed in profit or loss.

Financial liabilities, other than those at fair value through profit or loss, are subsequently measured at amortised cost
using the effective interest rate method. Gain and losses are recognized in the profit or loss, when the liabilities are
derecognized as well as through effective interest rate amortization process.

A financial liability is derecognized when the obligation under the liability is discharged or cancelled or expired.
Where an existing financial liability is replaced by another from the same lender on substantially different terms, or
the terms of an existing liability are substantially modified, such an exchange or modification is treated as a
derecognition of the original liability and the recognition of a new liability, and the difference in respective carrying
amounts is recognized in the consolidated statement of profit or loss.

4.17 Offsetting of financial assets and liabilities

Financial assets and liabilities are offset and the net amount is reported in the consolidated financial statements only
when there is a legally enforceable right to set off the recognised amount and the Group intends either to settle on
a net basis or to realise the assets and to settle the liabilities simultaneously.

4.18 Trade debts and other receivables

Trade debts are amounts due from customer for goods sold or services performed in ordinary course of business.
Other receivables generally arise from transactions outside the usual operating activities of the Group. Trade debts
and other receivables are recognised initially at the amount of consideration that is unconditional, unless they
contain significant financing component in which case such are recognised at fair value. The Group holds the trade
debts with the objective of collecting the contractual cash flows and therefore measures the trade debts
subsequently at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method less loss allowance.

4.19 Cash and cash equivalents

For the purpose of presentation in the consolidated statement of cash flows, cash and cash equivalents includes
cash on hand, deposits held at call with financial institutions, other short-term, highly liquid investments with original
maturities of three months or less that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to
an insignificant risk of changes in value, and bank overdrafts. Short term borrowings are also included in cash and
cash equivalent if it is repayable on demand and forms an integral part of the Group's cash management. Bank
overdrafts are shown within borrowings in current liabilities in the consolidated statement of financial position.

4.20 Foreign currency transactions and translation

a) Functional and presentation currency

Items included in the consolidated financial statements of the Group are measured using the currency of the
primary economic environment in which the Group operates (the functional currency). The financial
statements are presented in Pak Rupees, which is the Group’s functional and presentation currency.

b) Transactions and balances

Foreign currency transactions are translated into the functional currency using the exchange rates at the

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dates of the transactions. Foreign exchange gains and losses resulting from the settlement of such
transactions, and from the translation of monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies at
year end exchange rates, are generally recognised in consolidated statement of profit or loss.

Foreign exchange gains and losses that relate to borrowings are presented in the consolidated statement of
profit or loss, within finance costs. All other foreign exchange gains and losses are presented in the
consolidated statement of profit or loss on a net basis within other gains/(losses).

Non-monetary items that are measured at fair value in a foreign currency are translated using the exchange
rates at the date when the fair value was determined. Translation differences on assets and liabilities carried
at fair value are reported as part of the fair value gain or loss. For example, translation differences on
non-monetary assets and liabilities such as equities held at fair value through profit or loss are recognised in
consolidated profit or loss as part of the fair value gain or loss, and translation differences on non-monetary
assets such as equities classified as at fair value through other comprehensive income are recognised in
other comprehensive income.

b) Functional and presentation currency

Items included in the consolidated financial statements of the Group are measured using the currency of the
primary economic environment in which the Group operates (the functional currency). The financial
statements are presented in Pak Rupees, which is the Group’s functional and presentation currency.

4.21 Provisions

Provisions for legal claims and make good obligations are recognised when the Group has a present legal or
constructive obligation as a result of past events, it is probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle
the obligation, and the amount can be reliably estimated.

Provisions are not recognised for future operating losses. Where there are a number of similar obligations, the
likelihood that an outflow will be required in settlement is determined by considering the class of obligations as a
whole. A provision is recognised even if the likelihood of an outflow with respect to any one item included in the
same class of obligations may be small.

Provisions are measured at the present value of management’s best estimate of the expenditure required to settle
the present obligation at the end of the reporting period. The discount rate used to determine the present value is a
pre-tax rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the liability.
The increase in the provision due to the passage of time is recognised as interest expense.

4.22 Borrowing costs

General and specific borrowing costs directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of qualifying
assets, which are assets that necessarily take a substantial period of time to get ready for their intended use or sale,
are added to the cost of those assets, until such time as the assets are substantially ready for their intended use or
sale. Qualifying assets are assets that necessarily take a substantial time to get ready for their intended use or sale.

Investment income earned on the temporary investment of specific borrowings pending their expenditure on
qualifying assets is deducted from the borrowing costs eligible for capitalisation.

All other borrowing costs are recognised in consolidated statement of profit or loss in the period in which they are

4.23 Revenue recognition

Revenue is recognised when or as performance obligations are satisfied by transferring control of a promised good
or service to a customer, and control either transfers over time or at a point in time. Revenue is measured at fair
value of the consideration received or receivable, excluding discounts, commissions and government levies.
Revenue is recognised upon satisfaction of performance obligations.

In case of local sales for all segments, except for made-to-order paper products produced by the paper segment,
revenue is recognised at the time of despatch of goods from the factory.

In case of export sales, the delivery of goods and transportation are two distinct performance obligations and the
total transaction price is allocated to each performance obligation. Revenue relating to each performance obligation
is recognized on satisfaction of each distinct performance obligation.

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In case of made-to-order paper products, revenue is recognised over time.

4.24 Finance income

Finance income comprises interest income on funds invested (financial assets), dividend income, gain on disposal
of financial assets and changes in fair value of investments. Interest income is recognized as it accrues in profit or
loss, using effective interest method. Dividend income is recognized in profit or loss on the date that the Group’s
right to receive payment is established.

4.25 Share capital

Ordinary shares are classified as equity and recognized at their face value. Incremental costs directly attributable to
the issue of new shares are shown in equity as a deduction, net of tax, if any.

4.26 Dividend

Dividend distribution to the members is recognised as a liability in the period in which the dividends are approved.

4.27 Segment reporting

Segment reporting is based on the operating (business) segments of the Group. An operating segment is a
component of the Group that engages in business activities from which it may earn revenues and incur expenses,
including revenues and expenses that relate to transactions with any of the Group’s other components. An operating
segment’s operating results are reviewed regularly by the Chief Operating Decision Makers (the CODMs) to make
decisions about resources to be allocated to the segment and assess its performance, and for which discrete
financial information is available. The CODM, who is responsible for allocating resources and assessing
performance of the operating segments, has been identified as the Board of Directors of the parent company.

Segment results that are reported to the CODMs include items directly attributable to a segment as well as those
that can be allocated on a reasonable basis. Unallocated items comprise mainly corporate assets, income tax
assets, liabilities and related income and expenses. Segment capital expenditure is the total cost incurred during the
year to acquire property, plant and equipment.

The business segments are engaged in providing products or services which are subject to risks and rewards which
differ from the risk and rewards of other segments.

The Group’s strategic steering committee, consisting of the Board of Directors of the parent company, examines the
Group’s performance both from a product and geographic perspective and has identified three reportable segments
of its business:

Cement segment: Production and sale of clinker, ordinary portland and sulphate resistant cements.

Paper segment: Manufacture and supply of paper products and packing material.

Dairy segment: Production and sale of raw milk.

4.28 Contingent liabilities and assets

Contingent liability is disclosed when:

- there is a possible obligation that arises from past events and whose existence will be confirmed only by the
occurrence or non occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the Group; or

- there is present obligation that arises from past events but it is not probable that an outflow of resources
embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation or the amount of the obligation cannot be
measured with sufficient reliability.

Contingent liabilities are not recognized. A contingent liability is disclosed unless the possibility of an outflow is

Contingent asset is disclosed when an inflow of economic benefits is probable. Contingent assets are not
recognised in the financial statements since this may result in recognition of income that may never be realised.

Contingent liabilities and assets are generally estimated using:

2023 Annual Report

- The single most likely outcome; or

- A weighted average of all the possible outcomes (the ‘expected value’ method). This is likely to be the most
appropriate method for a large population of similar claims, but can also be applied to a single obligation with
various possible outcomes.

4.29 Contract asset and contract liability

A contract asset is recognised for the Group’s right to consideration in exchange for goods or services that it has
transferred to a customer. If the Group performs by transferring goods or services to a customer before the
customer pays consideration or before payment is due, the Group presents the amount as a contract asset,
excluding any amounts presented as a receivable.

A contract liability is recognised for the Group’s obligation to transfer goods or services to a customer for which the
Group has received consideration (or an amount of consideration is due) from the customer. If a customer pays
consideration, or the Group has a right to an amount of consideration that is unconditional (i.e. a receivable), before
the Group transfers a good or service to the customer, the entity shall present the contract as a contract liability
when the payment is made or the payment is due (whichever is earlier).

4.30 Government grants

Grants from the government are recognised at their fair value where there is a reasonable assurance that the grant
will be received and the Group will comply with all attached conditions. Government grants relating to costs are
deferred and recognised in the profit or loss over the period necessary to match them with the costs that they are
intended to compensate.

4.31 Rounding of amounts

All amounts disclosed in the consolidated financial statements and notes have been rounded off to the nearest
thousand Rupees unless otherwise stated.

5. Issued, subscribed and paid up share capital

2023 2022 2023 2022

(Number of shares) (Rupees in thousand)

343,512,029 343,512,029 Ordinary shares of Rs 10 each

fully paid in cash 3,435,120 3,435,120
20,000,000 20,000,000 Ordinary shares of Rs 10 each
issued for consideration other
than cash - note 5.2 200,000 200,000
74,607,089 74,607,089 Ordinary shares of Rs 10 each issued
as fully paid bonus shares 746,071 746,071
438,119,118 438,119,118 4,381,191 4,381,191

5.1 137,574,201 (2022: 137,574,201), 428,500 (2022: 228,500) and 6,122,518 (2022: 4,242,155) ordinary shares of the
parent company are held by the following related parties; Nishat Mills Limited, Security General Insurance Company
Limited and Adamjee Life Insurance Company Limited respectively.

Nishat Mills Limited is an Investor and the parent company is an associate of Nishat Mills Limited as per IAS 28,
'Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures'.

5.2 20,000,000 ordinary shares of Rs 10 each were issued to the shareholders of D. G. Khan Electric Company Limited
upon its merger with the parent company on July 01, 1999. These shares were issued as consideration of merger
against all assets, properties, rights, privileges, powers, bank accounts, trade marks, patents, leaves and licenses
of D. G. Khan Electric Company Limited.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

6. Other reserves

Composition of reserves is as follows:

Capital reserves

- Share premium - note 6.1 4,557,163 4,557,163

- FVOCI reserve - note 6.2 12,472,308 14,131,957
- Capital redemption reserve fund - note 6.3 353,510 353,510
17,382,981 19,042,630

Revenue reserve

- General reserve 5,110,851 5,110,851

22,493,832 24,153,481

6.1 This reserve can be utilised by the Group only for the purposes specified in section 81 of the Companies Act, 2017.

6.2 This represents the unrealised gain on remeasurement of equity investments at FVOCI and is not available for

6.3 The Capital redemption reserve fund represents fund created for redemption of preference shares. In accordance
with the terms of issue of preference shares, to ensure timely payments, the Group was required to maintain a
redemption fund with respect to preference shares. The Group had created a redemption fund and appropriated Rs
7.4 million each month from the consolidated statement of profit or loss in order to ensure that fund balance at
redemption date was equal to the principal amount of the preference shares. The preference shares were redeemed
during the year ended June 30, 2007.

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

7. Long term finances from financial institutions - secured

From banking companies:

Loans under refinance scheme - note 7.1 3,371,441 4,325,733
Long term loans - note 7.2 14,065,595 17,535,845
17,437,036 21,861,578
Current portion shown under current liabilities (7,673,813) (7,295,096)

9,763,223 14,566,482

2023 Annual Report

7.1 Loans under refinance scheme - secured

Number of
Lender 2023 2022 instalments Mark-up
(Rupees in thousand) Payable

State Bank of Pakistan's (SBP)

Islamic Refinance Scheme for
Payment of Wages & Salaries

Loan 1
Allied Bank Limited - 142,585 Nil Quarterly

Loan 2
Faysal Bank Limited - 143,746 Nil Quarterly

Loan 3
Bank Alfalah Limited - 12,231 Nil Quarterly

Loan 4
Allied Bank Limited - 7,588 Nil Quarterly

State Bank of Pakistan's Islamic

Temporary Economic Refinance
Facility (ITERF)

Loan 5
National Bank of Pakistan 3,156,276 4,006,676 15 equal quarterly instalments Quarterly
ending in March 2027

Loan 6
Faysal Bank Limited - note 7.1.1 585,778 600,000 14 equal semi-annual instalments Half yearly
of each tranche - note 7.1.1

Loan 7
MCB Islamic Bank Limited 105,000 105,000 32 equal quarterly instalments Quarterly
starting from two years after the
date of respective disbursement.

3,847,054 5,017,826

Such facilities are available at mark-up rates ranging from base rate plus 0.5% to 1.25% (2022: 0.15% to 0.75%)
per annum. The base rate applicable during the year on such facilities is SBP rate ranging from zero to one percent
resulting in coupon rate ranging from 0.50% to 1.7% (2022: 0.50% to 1.7%) per annum.

Loan 1
This represents long term financing facility availed under the State Bank of Pakistan's (SBP) Refinance Scheme for
Payment of Wages and Salaries to the Workers and Employees of Business Concerns ('Refinance Scheme'). The
loan was secured by a first pari passu charge of Rs 767 million over fixed assets of the Cement Segment.

Loan 2
This represents long term financing facility availed under the SBP Refinance Scheme. The loan was secured by first
pari passu charge of Rs 767 million over present and future fixed assets of the Cement Segment (including land &

Loan 3
This represents long term financing facility availed under SBP Refinance Scheme. The loan was secured by first pari
passu charge on plant and machinery of the of the Dairy segment with 25% margin.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
Loan 4
This represents long term financing facility availed under the SBP Refinance Scheme. The loan was secured by first
pari passu charge over current assets of the Paper Segment with 25% margin.

Loan 5
This represents long term financing facility availed under the SBP Temporary Economic Refinance Scheme. The
loan is secured by first pari passu charge over present and future fixed assets of the Cement Segment for Rs
6,993.33 million with 25% margin.

Loan 6
This represents long term financing facility availed under the SBP Temporary Economic Refinance Scheme. The
loan is secured by first pari passu charge of Rs 800 million over present and future fixed assets of the Cement
segment (including land and machinery).

Loan 7
This represents long term financing facility availed under the SBP Temporary Economic Refinance Scheme. The
loan is secured by by exclusive hypothecation and pari passu charge over specific plant and machinery of the Dairy
segment with 25% margin.

7.1.1 Lender - Faysl Bank Limited

2023 2022 Number of instalments Mark-up

Tranche 1 (Rupees in thousand) outstanding Payable

Tranche 1 99,551 113,773 14 equal semi-annual instalments Half yearly

ending in May 2030

Tranche 2 123,624 123,624 16 equal semi-annual instalments Half yearly

starting in July 2023

Tranche 3 156,256 156,256 16 equal semi-annual instalments Half yearly

starting in August 2023

Tranche 4 206,347 206,347 16 equal semi-annual instalments Half yearly

starting in December 2023

585,778 600,000

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

7.1.2 The reconciliation of the carrying amount is as follows:

Balance as at beginning of the year 5,017,826 5,744,763

Disbursements during the year - 105,000
Repayments during the year (1,175,780) (831,937)
- note 7.1 3,842,046 5,017,826

Discount on liability:
Balance as at beginning of the year (692,093) (928,300)
Discounting adjustment for recognition at fair value -
deferred government grant - note 8 - (33,194)
Unwinding of discount on liability 221,488 269,401
(470,605) (692,093)
Balance as at end of the year 3,371,441 4,325,733
Current portion shown under current liabilities - note 16 (941,873) (1,184,770)
2,429,568 3,140,963

2023 Annual Report

7.2 Long term loans

2023 2022 Number of instalments Mark-up

Lender (Rupees in thousand) outstanding Payable

Loan 1
The Bank of Punjab - note 7.2.3 200,000 250,000 4 equal semi-annual Half yearly
instalments ending
in December 2024

Loan 2
The Bank of Punjab 1,200,000 1,500,000 8 equal semi-annual Half yearly
instalments ending
in May 2027

Loan 3
The Bank of Punjab
- Islamic - note 7.2.3 900,000 1,000,000 9 equal semi-annual Half yearly
instalments ending
in June 2027

Loan 4
Habib Bank Limited 750,000 1,250,000 3 equal semi-annual Quarterly
instalments ending
in December 2024

Loan 5
Habib Bank Limited 749,941 1,249,902 3 equal semi-annual Quarterly
instalments ending
in December 2024

Loan 6
Bank Alfalah Limited - note 7.2.3 1,000,000 1,250,000 4 equal semi-annual Quarterly
instalments ending
in December 2024

Loan 7
Bank Alfalah Limited 250,000 750,000 2 equal quarterly Quarterly
instalments ending
in November 2023

C/F 5,049,941 7,249,902

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
Number of
Lender 2023 2022 instalments Mark-up
(Rupees in thousand) Payable

B/F 5,049,941 7,249,902

Loan 8
Bank Alfalah Limited 1,031,250 1,312,500 11 equal quarterly Quarterly
instalments ending
in December 2025

Loan 9
National Bank of Pakistan 897,000 1,495,000 6 equal quarterly Quarterly
instalments ending
in October 2024

Loan 10
National Bank of - note 7.2.3 600,000 700,000 6 equal semi annual Half yearly
Pakistan - Islamic payments ending
in December 2025

Loan 11
Allied Bank Limited 540,000 720,000 12 equal quarterly Quarterly
instalments ending
in May 2026

Loan 12
Allied Bank Limited 2,288,222 3,595,778 7 equal quarterly Quarterly
instalments ending
in March 2025

Loan 13
Allied Bank Limited 1,166,667 1,833,333 7 equal quarterly Quarterly
instalments ending
in January 2025

Loan 14
The Bank of Punjab 586,693 130,445 20 equal quarterly Quarterly
instalments starting
in June 2024

Loan 15
Allied Bank Limited 900,000 - 20 equal quarterly Quarterly
instalments starting
in March 2024

Loan 16
Meezan Bank Limited 682,491 - 20 equal quarterly Quarterly
instalments starting
in June 2024

Loan 17
Habib Bank Limited 240,000 360,000 4 equal semi annual Half yearly
instalments ending
in February 2025

Loan 18
The Bank of Punjab 83,333 138,887 3 equal semi annual Half yearly
instalments ending
in October 2024

14,065,597 17,535,845

Such facilities are available at mark-up rates ranging from three to six months Karachi Inter-Bank Offered Rate
('KIBOR') plus 0.15% to 0.35% (2022: three to six months KIBOR plus 0.15% to 0.75%) per annum. Markup rate
charged during the year on outstanding balance ranged from 14.69% to 23.22% (2022: 7.54% to 15.88%) per annum.

2023 Annual Report

7.2.1 Security

Loan 1
First pari passu charge over present and future fixed assets of the Cement Segment for Rs 667 million with
25% margin.

Loan 2
First pari passu charge over present and future fixed assets of the Cement Segment for Rs 2,000 million.

Loan 3
First pari passu charge over present and future fixed assets of the Cement Segment for Rs 1,333 million.

Loan 4
First pari passu charge over present and future fixed assets of the Cement Segment for Rs 3,333 million with
25% margin.

Loan 5
First pari passu charge over present and future fixed assets of the Cement Segment for Rs 3,333 million with
25% margin.

Loan 6
First pari passu charge over present and future fixed assets of the Cement Segment for Rs 3,333 million with
25% margin.

Loan 7
First pari passu charge over present and future fixed assets of the Cement Segment for Rs 2,667 million.

Loan 8
Ranking charge over present and future fixed assets of the Cement Segment for Rs 2,000 million to be
upgraded to first pari passu charge.

Loan 9
First pari passu charge over present and future fixed assets of the Cement Segment for Rs 4,000 million with
25% margin.

Loan 10
First pari passu charge over present and future fixed assets of the Cement Segment for Rs 1,333 million.

Loan 11
First pari passu charge over present and future fixed assets of the Cement Segment for Rs 1,200 million with
25% margin.

Loan 12
First pari passu charge over present and future fixed assets of the Cement Segment for Rs 7,867 million with
25% margin.

Loan 13
First pari passu charge over present and future fixed assets of the Cement Segment for Rs 1,333 million.

Loan 14
Joint pari passu charge of Rs 1,056 million over present and future fixed assets of the Cement Segment.

Loan 15
First pari passu charge over present and future fixed assets of the Cement Segment with 25% margin.

Loan 16
Joint pari passu charge over all present and future plant and machinery of the Cement Segment with 20%

Loan 17
First pari passu hypothecation charge on present and future fixed assets (plant and machinery) of the Paper
Segment with 25% margin

Loan 18
First pari passu charge over present and future operating fixed assets (plant and machinery) of the Paper
Segment with 25% margin.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

7.2.2 The reconciliation of the carrying amount is as follows:

Opening balance 17,535,845 21,353,973

Disbursements during the year 2,038,739 1,630,445
Repayments during the year (5,508,989) (5,448,573)
14,065,595 17,535,845
Current portion shown under current liabilities - note 16 (6,731,940) (6,110,326)
7,333,655 11,425,519

7.2.3 This includes one instalment of Rs 593.750 million due on June 30, 2023. The repayments were made
subsequent to the year end due to closure of financial institutions on the last three days of June on account
of Eid Holidays.

8. Deferred government grant

This represents deferred grant recognized in respect of the benefit of below-market interest rate on the facilities as referred
to in note 7.1 to these unconsolidated financial statements. The benefit has been measured as the difference between the
fair value of the loan and the proceeds received. The Company used the prevailing market rate of mark-up at the date of
disbursement for similar instruments to calculate fair values of respective loans. The discount rates used range from 7.34%
to 7.76% per annum. The reconciliation of the carrying amount is as follows:

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

Opening balance 694,680 929,030

Deferred grant recognized during the year - 33,194
Credited to profit or loss - note 38 (219,058) (267,544)
Closing balance 475,622 694,680
Current portion shown under current liabilities - note 16 (176,664) (218,710)
298,958 475,970

There are no unfulfilled conditions or other contingencies attached to these grants.

9. Long term deposits

Customers 309,194 165,667

Others 130,503 115,510
439,697 281,177

These include interest free security deposits from stockists and suppliers and are repayable on cancellation/withdrawal of
the dealership or on cessation of business with the Group. As per the agreements signed with these parties, the Group has
the right to utilise the amounts for the furtherance of their business, hence, the amounts are not required to be kept in a
separate account maintained in a scheduled bank. Therefore, the Group is in compliance with section 217 of the
Companies Act, 2017. These deposits have not been carried at amortised cost since the effect of discounting is immaterial
in the context of these consolidated financial statements.

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

10. Employee benefits obligations

Staff gratuity - note 10.1 657,255 530,909

Accumulating compensated absences - note 10.2 192,259 181,730
849,514 712,639

2023 Annual Report

10.1 Staff gratuity

The amounts recognised in the consolidated statement of financial position are as follows:

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

Present value of defined benefit obligation 1,243,229 1,070,156

Fair value of plan assets (585,974) (539,247)
Liability as at June 30 657,255 530,909

10.1.1 Movement in net liability for staff gratuity

Net liability as at beginning of the year 530,909 366,489

Current service cost 102,308 87,770
Net interest on defined benefit obligation 134,553 85,820
Return on plan assets during the year (71,737) (51,452)
165,124 122,138
Total remeasurements for the year charged to
consolidated statement of comprehensive income 42,105 75,842
Contributions made by the Group during the year (80,883) (33,560)
Net liability as at end of the year 657,255 530,909

10.1.2 Movement in present value of defined benefit


Present value of defined benefit obligation as at beginning of the year 1,070,156 882,460
Current service cost 102,308 87,770
Interest cost 134,553 85,820
Payments against opening payables (5,638) -
Benefits paid during the year (76,560) (36,694)

- Actuarial losses from changes in financial assumptions 5,051 5,035
- Experience adjustments 13,359 45,765
18,410 50,800
Present value of defined benefit obligation as at end of the year 1,243,229 1,070,156

10.1.3 Movement in fair value of plan assets

Fair value of plan assets as at beginning of the year 539,247 516,091

Interest income on plan assets 71,737 51,452
Contributions during the year 80,883 33,560
Benefits paid during the year (82,198) (36,814)
Remeasurements in fair value of plan assets (23,695) (25,042)
Fair value of plan assets as at end of the year 585,974 539,247

10.1.4 Plan assets

Plan assets are comprised as follows:

2023 2022
(Rs in '000') Percentage (Rs in '000') Percentage

Cash and bank balances 85,951 14.67% 75,008 14%

Debt instruments 500,023 85.33% 317,578 59%
Special Savings Certificates with
accrued interest - 0% 146,661 27%
585,974 100.00% 539,247 100.00%

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

10.1.5 Charge for the year

Current service cost 102,308 87,770

Interest cost 134,553 85,820
Interest income on plan assets (71,737) (51,452)
Total expense for the year 165,124 122,138

10.1.6 Total remeasurements charged to consolidated

statement of comprehensive income

Actuarial losses from changes in financial assumptions 5,051 5,035

Experience adjustments 13,359 45,765
18,410 50,800
Remeasurements in plan assets, excluding interest income 23,695 25,042
42,105 75,842

10.1.7 The sensitivity of the defined benefit obligation to changes in the weighted principal assumptions is:

Impact on defined benefit obligation

Change in Increase in Decrease in
assumptions assumption assumption
2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022

Discount rate 3.00% 3.25% Decrease by 8.11% 7.88% Increase by 5.63% 6.63%
Salary growth rate 3.00% 3.25% Increase by 5.70% 6.72% Decrease by 8.29% 8.07%

The above sensitivity analysis are based on a change in an assumption while holding all other assumptions
constant. In practice, this is unlikely to occur, and changes in some of the assumptions may be correlated.
When calculating the sensitivity of the defined benefit obligation to significant actuarial assumptions the
same method (present value of the defined benefit obligation calculated with the projected unit credit
method at the end of the reporting period) has been applied as when calculating the defined benefit liability
recognised in the statement of financial position.

The methods and types of assumptions used in preparing the sensitivity analysis did not change compared
to the prior period.

10.1.8 Risks associated with the defined benefit plan

- Final salary risk (linked to inflation risk) – the risk that the final salary at the time of cessation of service
is greater than what is currently assumed. Since, the benefit is calculated on the final salary (which will
closely reflect inflation and other macroeconomic factors), the benefit amount increases as salary increases.

- Demographic risks
Mortality risk - The risk that the actual mortality experience is different than the assumed mortality. This
effect is more pronounced in schemes where the age and service distribution is on the higher side.

Withdrawal risk - The risk of actual withdrawals experience is different from assumed withdrawal
probability. The significance of the withdrawal risk varies with the age, service and the entitled benefits of the

- Investment risk – the risk of the investment underperforming and being not sufficient to meet the liabilities.

10.1.9 Expected contribution to the defined benefit plan for the year ending June 30, 2024 is Rs 140.800 million.

2023 Annual Report

10.1.10 The weighted average duration of the defined benefit obligation is 7 years (2022 – 7 years). The expected
benefit payment for the next 10 years and beyond is as follows:

Less than Between Between Over 5 years Total

a year 1 to 2 years 2 to 5 years
(Rupees in thousand)

June 30, 2023 140,800 112,207 551,974 27,105,259 27,910,240

June 30, 2022 128,239 92,796 319,420 14,692,499 15,232,954

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

10.2 Accumulating compensated absences

Opening balance 181,730 164,312

Charged to profit or loss 81,064 74,838
Payments made during the year (23,623) (34,484)
Liability as at year end 239,171 204,666
Current portion shown under current liabilities - note 16 (46,912) (22,936)
192,259 181,730

10.2.1 Movement in liability for accumulating compensated absences

Present value of accumulating compensated absences

as at beginning of the year 181,730 164,313
Current service cost 61,391 57,930
Interest cost 19,406 13,560
Benefits due but not paid (46,912) (22,936)
Benefits paid during the year (23,623) (34,485)
Remeasurement in respect of experience adjustments 267 3,348
Present value of accumulating compensated absences as at year end 192,259 181,730

10.2.2 Charge for the year

Current service cost 61,391 57,930

Interest cost 19,406 13,560
Remeasurement during the year 267 3,348
Total expense for the year 81,064 74,838

10.2.3 Assumptions used for valuation of the accumulating compensated absences are as under:

2023 2022

Discount rate Per annum 16.25% 13.25%

Expected rate of increase in salary Per annum 15.25% 12.25%
Duration of the plan Number of years 8 8
Expected withdrawal and early retirement rate SLIC 2001-2005 SLIC 2001-2005
mortality table mortality table

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
10.2.4 The sensitivity of the accumulating compensated balances to changes in the weighted principal
assumptions is:

Impact on defined benefit obligation

Change in Increase in Decrease in
assumptions assumption assumption
2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022

Discount rate 3.00% 3.25% Decrease by 7.14% 7.46% Increase by 8.17% 8.58%

Salary growth rate 3.00% 3.25% Increase by 8.08% 8.49% Decrease by 7.17% 7.49%

The above sensitivity analysis are based on a change in an assumption while holding all other assumptions
constant. In practice, this is unlikely to occur, and changes in some of the assumptions may be correlated.
When calculating the sensitivity of the accumulating leave absences to significant actuarial assumptions the
same method (present value of the accumulating compensated absences calculated with the projected unit
credit method at the end of the reporting period) has been applied for valuation of balance of accumulating
compensated absences in the statement of financial position.

The methods and types of assumptions used in preparing the sensitivity analysis did not change compared
to the prior period.

10.2.5 Risks associated with the accumulating compensated absences

- Final Salary Risk (linked to inflation risk) - the risk that the final salary at the time of cessation of service
is greater than what we assumed. Since, the benefit is calculated on the final salary (which will closely reflect
inflation and other macroeconomic factors), the benefit amount increases as salary increases.

- Demographic risks
Mortality Risk - The risk that the actual mortality experience is different than the assumed mortality. This
effect is more pronounced in schemes where the age and service distribution is on the higher side.

Withdrawal risk - The risk of actual withdrawals experience is different from assumed withdrawal probability.
The significance of the withdrawal risk varies with the age, service and the entitled benefits of the

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

11. Deferred taxation

The net liability for deferred taxation comprises temporary taxable/(deductible)

differences, unused tax credits and unused tax losses relating to:

Deferred tax liability

Accelerated tax depreciation 18,211,618 12,879,979
Un-realised gain on investments - net 1,046,058 710,585
Gain arising from changes in fair value of biological assets 446,011 313,175
19,703,687 13,903,739

Deferred tax asset

Available unused minimum tax credit (1,705,405) (2,097,450)
Available unused Alternative Corporate Tax credit (570,668) (526,528)
Available unused tax losses (5,684,910) (5,512,677)
Loss allowance on financial assets (86,235) (17,318)
Employee benefit obligations (349,606) (207,535)
Others (336) (1,698)
(8,397,160) (8,363,206)
11,306,527 5,540,533

2023 Annual Report

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

The gross movement in net deferred tax liability during the year is as follows:

Opening balance 5,540,533 3,784,340

Charged/(credited) to other comprehensive income 308,412 (66,140)
Charged to statement of profit or loss - note 39 5,457,582 1,822,333
Closing balance 11,306,527 5,540,533

Deferred tax asset on tax losses and tax credits available for carry forward have been recognized to the extent that the
realisation of related tax benefits is probable from reversal of existing taxable temporary differences and future taxable
profits. Based on the Cement and Dairy segment's approved business plans, it is probable that sufficient taxable profits will
be available for utilization of deferred tax assets. However, the Group has not recognised deferred tax asset in respect of
minimum tax available for carry forward under section 113 of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 amounting to Rs 1,423.472
million (2022: Rs 703.646 million) as sufficient taxable profits would not be available to utilise these in the foreseeable future.
These tax credits would expire as follows:

Accounting year to which Amount of minimum tax Accounting year in which

minimum tax relates (Rupees in '000) minimum tax will expire

2019 261,895 2024

2021 30,649 2024
2020 576,740 2025
2022 554,188 2025

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

12. Trade and other payables

Trade creditors - note 12.1 6,211,761 3,252,486

Bills payable 332,640 121,950
Infrastructure cess 379,981 340,804
Contract liability - note 12.2 2,701,621 1,566,052
Accrued liabilities - note 12.3 4,241,422 5,784,493
Workers' profit participation fund - note 12.4 243,179 392,331
Workers' welfare fund - note 12.5 32,673 22,004
Sales tax payable 295 321
Federal excise duty payable - 733,298
Withholding tax payable 33,659 43,891
Retention money payable 32,679 39,481
Export commission payable 166,256 82,840
Others - note 12.6 81,500 139,929
14,457,666 12,519,880

12.1 Trade creditors includes amount due to the following related parties:

Nishat Agriculture Farming (Private) Limited 19,635 22,191

Security General Insurance Company Limited 6,276 1,349
Adamjee Insurance Company Limited 2,085 58
Pakistan Aviators and Aviation (Private) Limited 512 -
Nishat Hotels and Properties Limited 9 -
28,517 23,598

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
12.2 This represents contract liabilities of the Group towards various parties. Revenue recognised in the current year that
was included in the contract liability balance of the Group at the beginning of the year amounts to Rs 1,363.440
million (2022: Rs 639.42 million).

12.3 Includes Gas Infrastructure Development Cess (GIDC) that was levied through GIDC Act, 2015. The Supreme Court
of Pakistan (SCP) through its judgment dated August 13, 2020 has declared GIDC Act, 2015 a valid legislation.
Under the judgement, all gas consumers including the Group were ordered to pay the outstanding GIDC liability as
at July 31, 2020 to the Government of Pakistan in 24 equal monthly instalments. The Group has partially paid GIDC
amounting to Rs 84.5 million. The Group also filed a Suit with the Sindh High Court against collection of GIDC
instalments, before a factual determination of GIDC passed on to end consumers or not is carried out. The Sindh
High Court granted a stay in March 2021 against recovery of GIDC payable from the Group till the finalisation of
matter by the Court. The matter is currently pending in the Sindh High Court. The Group has followed the relevant
accounting standards and guidelines of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP) in this regard.

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

12.4 Workers' profit participation fund

The reconciliation of carrying amount is as follows:

Opening balance 392,331 397,345
Provision for the year - note 36 36,377 205,064
Interest for the year - note 38 8,359 -
437,067 602,409
Payments made during the year (193,888) (210,078)
Closing balance 243,179 392,331

12.5 Workers' welfare fund

The reconciliation of carrying amount is as follows:

Opening balance 22,004 116,617

Provision for the year - note 36 19,800 17,257
41,804 133,874
Reversal of prior year provision - note 37 - (96,051)
Payments made during the year (9,131) (15,819)
Closing balance 32,673 22,004

12.6 Includes payable to employees' provident fund amounting to Rs 0.803 million (2022: Rs 33.288 million).

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

13. Short term borrowings from financial institutions - secured

Short term running finances/short term borrowings - note 13.1 22,449,758 11,528,835
Import finances - note 13.2 1,897,265 9,479,359
Export finances - note 13.3 3,578,000 5,162,000
27,925,023 26,170,194

13.1 Short term running finances/short term borrowings

Short term running finances available from various commercial banks under mark-up arrangements aggregate to Rs
44,975 million (2022: Rs 38,375 million). Such facilities are available at mark-up rates ranging from one to three
months KIBOR plus -0.05% to 1.5% per annum (2022: one to three months KIBOR plus 0.05% to 1.5% per annum).
The mark-up rate charged during the year on the outstanding balance ranged from 11.89% to 23.30% (2022: 7.35%
to 15.81%) per annum and mark-up is payable monthly to quarterly. These are secured by joint registered charge
on all present and future current assets of the Group wherever situated including stores and spares, stock in trade,
book debts, investments, receivables.

2023 Annual Report

13.2 Import finances - secured

Import finance facilities available from various commercial banks under mark-up arrangements aggregate to Rs
19,850 million (2022: Rs 23,020 million). Such facilities are available at mark-up rates ranging from one to six months
KIBOR plus -0.10 % to 0.05% (2022: one to six months KIBOR plus 0.05% to 0.2%) per annum. The mark-up rate
charged during the year on the outstanding balance ranged from 10.64% to 22.96% (2022: 7.39% to 15.18%) per
annum and markup is payable on settlement. The aggregate import finances are secured by a registered charge on
all present and future current assets of the Cement Segment wherever situated including stores and spares, stock
in trade, trade debts, investments and other receivables.

13.3 Export finances - secured

Export finance facilities available from various commercial banks under mark-up arrangements aggregate to Rs
15,250 million (2022: Rs 14,250 million). Such facilities are available at markup rate agreed as per State Bank of
Pakistan plus 0.25% to 1.00% (2022: State Bank of Pakistan agreed rate plus 0.00% to 1.00%) per annum. The
Export Finance Scheme rate has ranged from 2% to 18% throughout the year. These loans are obtained for a period
of 180 days and are secured against joint pari passu hypothecation charge over current assets of the Cement

13.4 Letters of credit and guarantees

Of the aggregate facility of Rs 51,825 million (2022: Rs 40,100 million) for opening letters of credit and Rs 4,850
million (2022: Rs 5,750 million) for guarantees, all being either main limits or sub-limits of the facilities, the amount
utilised as at June 30, 2023 was Rs 26,057 million (2022: Rs 16,216 million) and Rs 2,825 million (2022: Rs 3,309
million) respectively. The facilities for opening letters of credit are secured against lien over import documents
whereas aggregate facilities for guarantees are secured against registered joint pari passu charge over the present
and future current assets of the Group. Of the facility for guarantees, Rs 14.48 million (2022: Rs 14.48 million) is
secured by a lien over bank deposits as referred to in note 30.2.

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

14. Accrued markup

Accrued mark-up/interest on:

- Long term finances - secured 721,925 452,632
- Short term borrowings - secured 1,135,718 476,194
1,857,643 928,826

15. This represents unsecured and interest free loans provided by the three directors (including Chief Executive) of Nishat Dairy
(Private) Limited to finance the working capital requirements. The loan amount was fully repaid during the year.

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

16. Current portion of non-current liabilities

Loans under refinance scheme - note 7.1.2 941,873 1,184,770

Long term finances - note 7.2.2 6,731,940 6,110,326
Accumulating compensated absences - note 10.2 46,911 22,936
Deferred government grant - note 8 176,663 218,710
7,897,387 7,536,742

17. Contingencies and commitments

17.1 Contingencies

Contingent assets:

17.1.1 The matter relating to interpretation of provisions of section 4(2) of the repealed Central Excise Act, 1944
(1944 Act) has now attained finality after having been adjudicated by the honourable Supreme Court of
Pakistan through its judgment dated 27 January 2009 (upholding its previous judgment dated 15 February

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
2007). The longstanding controversy between the Revenue Department and the tax payers related
primarily to finer interpretation of the provisions of section 4(2) of the 1944 Act wherein the department had
a view that excise duty shall be included as a component for determination of the value (retail price) for
levying excise duty. The departmental view, being against the spirit of law, was challenged by the taxpayers
in appeals before the honourable High Courts of Pakistan which, duly appreciating the contentions of the
taxpayers, overturned the departmental view and succeeded the appeals.

Now, since the controversy has attained finality up to the highest appellate level, the Group has initiated
the process of claiming refund of excess excise duty paid by it during the periods from 1994 to 1999 which
aggregates Rs 1,115.145 million. The amount of refund, however, shall be incorporated in the books of
account once it is realized by the Group.

17.1.2 The Income Tax Officer, while framing the assessments for the assessment years 1984-85 to 1990-91, has
taxed the income of the Group on account of the interest on the deposits and sale of scrap etc. The
Appellate Tribunal on appeal filed by the Group issued an order in favour of the Group for the assessment
years 1984-85 to 1990-91. The Income Tax Department filed reference before the Lahore High Court.
Pending final outcome of such reference, no adjustment has been made in these consolidated financial
statements for the relief granted by the Appellate Tribunal aggregating Rs 35.090 million.

Contingent liabilities:

17.1.3 During the period 1994 to 1996, the Group imported plant and machinery relating to expansion unit, for
which exemption was claimed under various SROs from the levy of custom duty and other duties including
sales tax. As per the provisions of SRO 484(I)/92, 978(I)/95 and 569(I)/95, the exemption from the statutory
duty would be available only if the said plant and machinery was not manufactured locally. However, the
Custom Authorities rejected the claim of the Group by arguing that the said machinery was on the list of
locally manufactured machinery, published by the Federal Board of Revenue. Consequently, the Group
appealed before the Lahore High Court, Multan Bench, which allowed the Group to release the machinery
on furnishing indemnity bonds with the Custom Authorities.

Collector of Customs and Central Excise, Multan, passed an order dated November 26, 1999, against the
Group on the grounds that the said machinery was being manufactured locally during the time when it was

After various appeals at different forums, the honourable Supreme Court of Pakistan remanded the case
back to the Customs Authorities to reassess the liability of the Group. The custom authorities
re-determined the liability of the Group upon which the Group preferred an appeal to the Customs
Appellate Tribunal. The Tribunal decided the case in favour of the Group, upon which the Group
discharged all liabilities. However, the custom authorities preferred a reference to the Lahore High Court,
Multan Bench on November 19, 2013. Last hearing of the case was conducted on June 25, 2018. In case
of any adverse decision, the management assesses liability to the tune of Rs 233.390 million. No provision
for this amount has been made in the financial statements as according to the management of the Group,
there are meritorious grounds that the ultimate decision would be in its favour.

17.1.4 The Competition Commission of Pakistan ('the CCP') took suo moto action under Competition Ordinance,
2007 and issued Show Cause Notice on October 28, 2008 for increase in prices of cement across the
country. The similar notices were also issued to All Pakistan Cement Manufacturers Association ('APCMA')
and its member cement manufacturers. The Group filed a writ petition in the Lahore High Court. The Lahore
High Court, vide its order dated August 24, 2009 allowed the CCP to issue its final order. The CCP
accordingly passed an order on August 28, 2009 and imposed a penalty of Rs 933 million on the Group.
The Lahore High Court vide its order dated August 31, 2009 restrained the CCP from enforcing its order
against the Group for the time being.

The vires of the Competition Commission of Pakistan have been challenged by a large number of
petitioners and all have been advised by their legal counsels that prima facie the Competition Ordinance,
2007 is ultra vires of the Constitution of Pakistan. The Honourable Supreme Court of Pakistan sent the
appeals of the petitioners to newly formed Competition Appellate Tribunal ('CAT') to decide the matter. The
Group has challenged sections 42, 43 and 44 of the Competition Act, 2010 in the Sindh High Court. The
Honourable Sindh High Court upon petition filed by large number of petitioners gave direction to CAT to
continue with the proceedings and not to pass a final order till the time petition is pending in Sindh High
Court. No provision for this amount has been made in the financial statements as according to the
management of the Group, there are meritorious grounds that the ultimate decision would be in its favour.

2023 Annual Report

17.1.5 The Group, consequent to the order-in-appeal passed by the learned Customs, Federal Excise and Sales
Tax Appellate Tribunal, Lahore, filed a petition before the Lahore High Court on March 27, 2008, challenging
the levy of sales tax on the in-house consumption of Shale, Gypsum and Limestone for the period from
June 13, 1997 to August 11, 1998. Last hearing of the case was conducted on December 17, 2015.
According to the legal counsel of the Group, chances of favourable outcome of the petition are fair,
therefore the payable amount has not been incorporated in these consolidated financial statements
amounting to Rs 212.239 million.

17.1.6 On August 31, 2021, the Lahore High Court has granted interim relief to the Group in respect of a writ
petition filed by the Group to challenge a showcause notice issued by the Deputy Commissioner Inland
Revenue (DCIR) dated July 02, 2021, whereby, it was alleged that the Group had claimed inadmissible
input tax for the periods from July 2018 to December 2020 aggregating Rs 1,384.644 million primarily
related to construction/building material.

During the year, the Lahore High Court through its order dated March 31, 2023, directed the DCIR to
constitute a team of qualified/experts to attain an on-site/physical verification, clarifying the fact that
whether the items on which input tax claimed by the Group has been done as per provisions of Sales Tax
Act, 1990 or not. The said team will visit the manufacturing premises of the Group in order to verify each
and every invoice to conclude whether the goods thereunder have been used for the purpose of taxable
activity of making taxable supply. After completion of the said exercise, the matter will be finally decided
by the Lahore High Court.

As per management, meritorious grounds exist to support the position that the ultimate decision would be
in its favour wherein such claim of input tax would be allowed to the Group. Therefore, such credit of input
sales tax has not been reversed in these consolidated financial statements. However, in case of an adverse
decision, such input sales tax shall be reversed and will become part of the cost of the related fixed assets
that would result in increase in depreciation charge of such fixed assets over their remaining useful lives.
Consequently, no provision has been made in these consolidated financial statements on this account.

17.1.7 The DCIR passed an order dated August 20, 2021 for tax periods July 2017 to June 2018, whereby, a
demand was raised for recovery of sales tax of Rs 5,795.981 million, including applicable default surcharge
and penalty (amounting to Rs 275.999 million) imposed under sections 34 and 33(5) of the Sales Tax Act,
1990 respectively. The demand was raised mainly on account of alleged suppression of production and
sales of cement and disallowance of input sales tax on various goods and services (including that related
to fixed assets and building materials).

Further for these tax periods, a Federal Excise Duty (‘FED’) demand of Rs 2,884.751 million, along with
applicable default surcharge and penalty was also raised by the DCIR on November 30, 2021 under
relevant provisions of the Federal Excise Act, 2005 solely on account of alleged suppression of production
and sales of cement on bases identical to those framed through order dated August 20, 2021.

The Group had preferred appeal before the Commissioner Inland Revene (Appeals) ('CIR(A)') against the
said orders, whereby CIR(A) through order dated March 29, 2022 decision has been made in the Group's
favour as the matter has been remanded back to learned DCIR to adjudicate the matter afresh. The
department has, however, appealed against this decision before the ATIR.

The management, on the basis of consultation with its legal counsel and the favorable decision of the
CIR(A), considers that meritorious grounds exist to defend the Group’s stance and that such sales tax &
FED demands are not likely to sustain appellate review by appellate authorities. Consequently, no provision
has been created in these consolidated financial statements on this account.

17.1.8 The Group filed an appeal before the Commissioner Inland Revenue CIR(A), against the amended
assessment order passed by the Deputy Commissioner Inland Revenue (DCIR) under section
122(9)/122(5A) of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 for the tax year 2011. The DCIR through the order made
additions under section 21 thereby reducing the declared loss of tax year 2011 by Rs 56.19 million. Further,
the amount of refund was reduced by Rs 2.05 million through levy of Workers Welfare Fund. The CIR(A)
upheld the additions of Rs 55.63 million as valid against which the Group filed an appeal before the
Appellate Tribunal Inland Revenue which is pending adjudication. The management, based on the advice
of its legal counsel, is confident that there are strong arguments and the matter will be decided in its favor
and no financial obligation is expected to accrue. Consequently, no provision been made in these
consolidated financial statements.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
17.1.9 Commissioner Inland Revenue amended the assessments made for tax years 2016 and 2017 through
order passed under section 122 (5A) of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 and disallowed the adjustments
on account of brought forward 'minimum' taxes of Rs 72.653 million and Rs 44.850 million claimed under
section 113 and 113C of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 against normal tax liabilities pertaining to tax
year 2016 and 2017 respectively.

The Group preferred an appeal before the CIR(A) against the order. CIR(A) accepted the appeals and
allowed tax credits in respect of minimum taxes subject to due verification by the department.
Commissioner Inland Revenue preferred an appeal before the Appellate Tribunal Inland Revenue which is
pending adjudication. Management, on the basis of legal advice from its consultant believes that there are
reasonable arguments that the decision would be in favour of the Group and accordingly, no provision has
been made in these consolidated financial statements.

17.1.10 Assistant / Deputy Commissioner Inland Revenue (ADCIR) through an order dated July 11, 2023 under
section 170(3) of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001, has issued the refund for adjustment against the
advance tax liability for the tax year 2024 to the extent of Rs 62.370 million with the remaining refund of Rs
95.180 million was not allowed on account of disallowance of the adjustment of the minimum tax brought
forward under section 113(2)(c) of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 for the tax year 2018 and
non-verification of tax payments / want of relevant documentary evidence. The Group is in process of
preferring an appeal before the CIR(A). Management, on the basis of legal advice from its consultants
believes that there are reasonable arguments that the decision would be in favour of the Group and
accordingly, no provision has been made in these consolidated financial statements.

17.1.11 The banks have issued the following guarantees on Group's behalf in favour of:

- Collector of Customs, Excise and Sales Tax against levy of sales tax, custom duty and excise amounting
to Rs 30.538 million (2022: Rs 30.538 million).

- Director, Excise Collection Office, Sindh Development and Maintenance against recovery of infrastructure
fee amounting to Rs 1,177.900 million (2022: Rs 1,287.900 million).

- The President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan against the performance of a contract to Frontier Works
Organization amounting to Rs 0.5 million (2022: Rs 0.5 million).

- Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited against supply of 6 MMCFD and 14 MMCFD gas for captive use at
plants at Khairpur and at D.G. Khan respectively amounting to Rs 544.414 million (2022: Rs 544.414

- Sindh High Court against levy of sales tax, custom duty and excise amounting to Rs 228.174 million
(2022: Rs 176.860 million).

- Pakistan Railways against supply of cement amounting to Rs 5.906 million (2022: Rs 7.075 million).

- Director, Excise and Taxation, Karachi under direction of Sindh High Court in respect of suit filed for levy
of infrastructure cess amounting to Rs 26 million (2022: Rs 22 million).

- Metro Habib Cash and Carry against purchase of goods and supplies on credit amounting to Rs 2 million
(2022: Rs 2 million).

- Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited against connection of gas supply for Sukheki Farm amounting to Rs
26.6 million (2022: Rs 26.6 million).

- Directorate General of Customs Valuation, Custom House Karachi on account of valuation ruling
amounting to Rs 21.770 million (2022: Rs 22.650 million).

- The Director Excise and Taxation Karachi on account of infrastructure development cess amounting to Rs
177.420 million (2022: Rs 136.920 million).

17.1.12 The Group has provided a guarantee to Meezan Bank Limited (MBL) against the loan provided by MBL to
Hyundai Nishat Motor (Private) Limited, a related party, amounting to Rs 1,238.471 million (2022: Rs
1,262.243 million).

2023 Annual Report

17.1.13 The Group has issued a post dated cheque in favour of Nazir of the High Court of Sindh amounting to Rs
227.760 million (2022: Rs 227.760 million) against the Industrial Support Package Adjustment on K-Electric
electricity bills.

17.2 Commitments in respect of:

(i) Contracts for capital expenditure Rs 520.310 million (2022: Rs 191.251 million).

(ii) Letters of credit for capital expenditure Rs 93.980 million (2022: Rs 1,254.466 million).

(iii) Letters of credit other than capital expenditure Rs 1,246.104 million (2022: Rs 3,037.820 million).

(iv) The amount of future payments under leases and the period in which these payments will become due are
as follows:

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

Not later than one year 425 425

Later than one year and not later than five years 1,699 1,699
Later than five years 3,474 3,887
5,598 6,011

18. Property, plant and equipment

Operating fixed assets - note 18.1 83,234,634 85,392,522

Capital work-in-progress - note 18.2 2,166,286 775,868
Major spare parts and stand-by equipment - note 18.3 199,546 145,664
85,600,466 86,314,054

18.1 Operating fixed assets

2023 (Rupees in thousand)

Annual Accumulated Depreciation Reclassification Accumulated
Cost as Reclassification Book value
rate of Additions / Cost as at depreciation charge/ to assets depreciation
at to assets as at June
depreciation (deletions) June 30, 2023 as at July (deletions) held for as at June
July 01, 2022 held for sale 30, 2023
% 01, 2022 for the year sale 30, 2023

Freehold land - note 18.1.2 - 2,210,321 201,438 - 2,395,454 - - - - 2,395,454


Leasehold land 3.33 263,000 - - 263,000 51,007.00 8,767 - 59,774 203,226

Buildings on freehold land and leasehold land

- Factory building 5 to 10 25,123,665 65,003 - 25,188,668 8,709,701 869,750 - 9,579,451 15,609,217

- Office building and housing colony 5 3,999,199 58,452 - 4,057,651 1,117,019 151,436 - 1,268,455 2,789,196

Roads 10 2,465,711 2,630 - 2,468,341 1,019,560 144,768 - 1,164,328 1,304,013

Plant and machinery 3 to 9 81,505,530 1,487,306 (322,708) 82,669,936 25,013,565 2,353,848 (150,070) 27,217,343 55,452,593


Factory equipment 10 120,656 152,177 - 180,575 266,289 72,500 - 255,394 (74,819)

(92,258) (83,395)

Quarry equipment 10 4,574,718 5,914 - 4,580,632 2,241,466 165,716 - 2,407,182 2,173,450

Furniture, fixture and office equipment 10 to 30 1,137,064 62,249 - 1,136,344 788,114.00 46,822 - 776,666 359,678

(62,969) (58,270)

Vehicles 20 1,173,460 180,038 - 1,325,546 569,605.00 105,122 - 659,379 666,167

(27,952) (15,348)

Aircraft 30 328,752 - - 328,752 318,416.00 3,084 - 321,500 7,252

Power and water supply lines 10 4,177,077 20,877 - 4,197,954 1,591,889.00 256,858 - 1,848,747 2,349,207

127,079,153 2,236,084 (322,708) 128,792,853 41,686,631 4,178,671 (150,070) 45,558,219 83,234,634

(199,676) (157,013)
Annual Report

2023 (Rupees in thousand)
Annual Accumulated Depreciation Reclassification Accumulated
Cost as Reclassification Book value
rate of Additions / Cost as at depreciation charge/ to assets depreciation
at to assets as at June
depreciation (deletions) June 30, 2023 as at July (deletions) held for as at June
July 01, 2022 held for sale 30, 2023
% 01, 2022 for the year

sale 30, 2023

Freehold land - note 18.1.2 - 2,191,463 18,858 - 2,210,321 - - - - 2,210,321


Leasehold land 3.33 263,000 - - 263,000 42,240 8,767 - 51,007 211,993

Buildings on freehold land and

Annual Report

leasehold land

- Factory building 5 to 10 23,868,943 1,254,722 - 25,123,665 7,829,527 880,174 - 8,709,701 16,413,964

- Office building and housing colony 5 3,617,946 381,253 - 3,999,199 974,946 142,073 - 1,117,019 2,882,180

Roads 10 2,338,473 127,238 - 2,465,711 866,965 152,595 - 1,019,560 1,446,151

Plant and machinery 3 to 9 74,677,616 6,827,914 - 81,505,530 22,712,515 2,301,050 - 25,013,565 56,491,965

Factory equipment 10 120,369 287 - 120,656 262,683 3,606 - 266,289 (145,633)

Quarry equipment 10 4,572,439 2,279 - 4,574,718 2,057,735 183,731 - 2,241,466 2,333,252

Furniture, fixture and office equipment 10 to 30 1,074,605 62,652 - 1,137,064 679,110 109,016 - 788,114 348,950

(193) (12)

Vehicles 20 1,029,729 219,069 - 1,173,460 521,083 98,042 - 569,605 603,855

(75,338) (49,520)

Aircraft 30 328,752 - - 328,752 314,010 4,406 - 318,416 10,336

Power and water supply lines 10 4,107,766 69,311 - 4,177,077 1,319,343 272,546 - 1,591,889 2,585,188

118,191,101 8,963,583 - 127,079,153 37,580,157 4,156,006 - 41,686,631 85,392,522

(75,531) (49,532)
18.1.1 Freehold land and building include book values of Rs 12 million (2022: Rs 12 million) and Rs 4.252 million (2022: Rs 4.475 million) respectively which are held in the name of Chief
Executive. This property is located in the locality of Defence Housing Authority, Lahore, where the bye-laws restrict transfer of title of the residential property in the name of the Group.

18.1.2 Following are the particulars of the Group’s immovable fixed assets:

2023 2022
Cement segment Location Usage of immovable property Total Area (in Acres)

Hub, Mauza Chichai, Balochistan Plant site and staff colony 1462.5 1467.5
Khairpur district, Chakwal, Punjab Plant site and staff colony 901.5 901.5
Kanrach Nai, District Lasbela,
Balochistan Source of raw material 723.14 723.14
Dera Ghazi Khan, Punjab Plant site and staff colony 590 590
Lakho Dair, Lahore, Punjab Processing site 44 44
Gulberg, Lahore, Punjab Administrative offices 1.5 1.5
Others Sales offices 0.28 0.28

Dairy segment Moza Katrani Tehsil Pindi Bhattian,

District Hafizabad, Sukheki Plant site 214.57 214.57
Moza Harsa Attla Tehsil Pindi Bhattian,
District Hafizabad, Sukheki Plant site 0.75 0.75

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

18.1.3 The depreciation charge for the year has been allocated as follows:

Cost of sales - note 33 4,098,393 4,088,790

Administrative expenses - note 34 68,481 56,022
Selling and distribution expenses - note 35 11,797 11,194
4,178,671 4,156,006

18.1.4 Book values of operating fixed assets consist of the following with respect to operating segments:

Cement segment Paper segment Dairy segment Total

2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)
Annual Report

Plant and machinery 53,949,008 54,714,203 1,131,921 1,363,704 413,131 414,058 55,494,060 56,491,965
All other assets 26,090,237 27,219,825 172,602 192,931 1,477,735 1,487,801 27,740,574 28,900,557

Total 80,039,245 81,934,028 1,304,523 1,556,635 1,890,866 1,901,859 83,234,634 85,392,522
18.1.5 Sale of operating fixed assets
Detail of operating fixed assets sold during the year is as follows:
2023 (Rupees in thousand)


Particulars of Sale Gain / (Loss) Mode of

assets Sold to Cost Book value proceeds on sale sale
Freehold land Outside party
Muhammad Ahmed 16,305 16,305 187,500 171,195 Negotiation

Vehicles Outside party

Annual Report

Captain Ijaz 4,254 3,185 3,185 - Auction

Related party
Security General Insurance Company Limited 7,610 3,452 7,552 4,100 Insurance claim

Ijaz Khalid 1,851 688 688 - As per Group Policy
Muhammad Amin 2,096 738 738 - -do-
Abid Naseer 1,847 601 601 - -do-

2022 (Rupees in thousand)

Particulars of Sale Gain / (loss) Mode of
assets Sold to Cost Book value proceeds on sale sale
Plant and machinery Outside parties
Syed Raza 15,536 3,528 9,000 5,472 Negotiation
Muhammad Ali Hijazi 10,502 9,113 7,700 (1,413) Negotiation
M/s Mindbridge (Private) Limited 40,775 9,981 75,000 65,019 Auction

Related party
Security General Insurance Company Limited 3,323 1,106 3,288 2,182 Insurance claim
18.2 Capital work-in-progress

2023 (Rupees in thousand)

Capital Borrowing cost Transfers to
Charged off Transfers Transfers to
Balance as at expenditure capitalized major spare parts Balance as at
during within capital operating
July 1, 2022 incurred during during and stand June 30, 2023
the year work-in-progress fixed assets
the year the year by equipment

Civil works 367,636 587,365 - (2,243) - (176,488) - 776,270

Plant and machinery 330,636 2,127,672 - - 125,138 (1,331,371) - 1,252,075

Advances to suppliers
and contractors 64,163 164,803 - - (125,138) (12,234) - 91,594

Others 13,433 23,512 89,652 (25,318) - (54,932) - 46,347

775,868 2,903,352 89,652 (27,561) - (1,575,025) - 2,166,286

2022 (Rupees in thousand)

Capital Borrowing cost Transfers to
Charged off Transfers Transfers to
Balance as at expenditure capitalized major spare parts Balance as at
during within capital operating
July 1, 2021 incurred during during and stand June 30, 2022
the year work-in-progress fixed assets
the year the year by equipment

Civil works 1,548,573 449,645 - (929) - (1,629,653) - 367,636

Plant and machinery 5,866,231 584,543 59,578 554 152,220 (6,303,956) (28,534) 330,636

Advances to suppliers
and contractors 84,336 132,047 - - (152,220) - - 64,163

Others 321,295 121,390 - (396) - (428,856) - 13,433

Annual Report

7,820,435 1,287,625 59,578 (771) - (8,362,465) (28,534) 775,868

2023 Annual Report

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

18.3 Major spare parts and stand-by equipment

The reconciliation of carrying amount is as follows:

Balance at the beginning of the year 145,664 153,128

Additions during the year 432,596 131,525
578,260 284,653
Transfers made during the year (378,714) (138,989)
Balance at the end of the year 199,546 145,664

18.4 All operating fixed assets of Cement and Paper segments are pledged as security against long term finances as
referred to in note 7.

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

19. Intangible assets

This represents computer software. The reconciliation of

carrying amount is as follows:

Balance as at July 01 21,500 -
Additions during the year - 21,500
Balance as at June 30 21,500 21,500

Balance as at July 01 4,181 -
Charge for the year - note 34 7,166 4,181
Balance as at June 30 11,347 4,181

Book value as at June 30 10,153 17,319

Annual amortisation rate % 33.33% 33.33%

20. This represents dairy livestock. It consists of the following:

- Mature 864,610 724,325

- Immature 284,025 240,025
- Bulls 1,977 645
- note 20.1 1,150,612 964,995

20.1 Reconciliation of carrying amounts of dairy livestock

Opening balance 964,995 877,563

Fair value gain due to new births 137,742 97,570
Changes in fair value (due to price change, exchange
fluctuations and biological transformation) - note 20.3 303,714 205,463
441,456 303,033
Decrease due to deaths/livestock losses (27,795) (24,018)
Decrease due to sale of livestock (228,044) (191,583)
(255,839) (215,601)
Carrying amount at the end of the year which approximates the fair value 1,150,612 964,995

20.2 As at June 30, 2023, the Group held 3,535 (2022: 3,270) mature assets able to produce milk and 3,319 (2022: 3,086)
immature assets that are being raised to produce milk in the future. During the year, 2,678 (2022: 2,054) cows were
sold. During the year, the Group produced approximately 36.53 million (2022: 31.65 million) gross litres of milk from
these biological assets. As at June 30, 2023, the Group also held 50 (2022: 25) immature male calves.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
20.3 The valuation of dairy livestock as at June 30, 2023 has been carried out by an independent valuer. In this regard
the valuer examined the physical condition of the livestock, assessed the key assumptions and estimates and relied
on the representations made by the Group as at June 30, 2023. Further, market and replacement values of similar
livestock from active markets in Pakistan have been used as basis of valuation model by the independent valuer.
The milking animals have been classified according to their lactations. As the number of lactations increase, the fair
value keeps on decreasing.

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

21. Investments

These represent the long term investments in:

- Related parties - note 21.1 11,305,496 10,556,380

- Others - note 21.2 168,693 79,718
11,474,189 10,636,098

21.1 Related parties

FVOCI - quoted:

Nishat (Chunian) Limited

7,173,982 (2022: 7,173,982) fully paid
ordinary shares of Rs 10 each
Equity held: 2.99% (2022: 2.99%)
Cost - Rs 75.565 million (2022: Rs 75.565 million) 145,632 321,323

MCB Bank Limited

25,915,699 (2022: 22,849,265) fully paid
ordinary shares of Rs 10 each
Equity held: 2.190% (2022: 1.930%)
Cost - Rs 767.830 million (2022: Rs 405.970 million) 2,966,570 2,810,016

Adamjee Insurance Company Limited

27,877,735 (2022: 27,877,735) fully paid
ordinary shares of Rs 10 each
Equity held: 7.97% (2022: 7.97%)
Cost - Rs 1,239.698 million (2022: Rs 1,239.698 million) 630,873 879,821

Nishat Mills Limited

30,289,501 (2022: 30,289,501) fully paid
ordinary shares of Rs 10 each
Equity held: 8.61% (2022: 8.61%)
Cost - Rs 1,326.559 million (2022: Rs 1,326.559 million) 1,719,535 2,238,748
sub-total 5,462,610 6,249,908

FVOCI - unquoted:

Nishat Hotels and Properties Limited

104,166,667 (2022: 104,166,667) fully paid
ordinary shares of Rs 10 each
Equity held: 8.55% (2022: 8.55%%)
Cost - Rs 1,041.667 million (2022: Rs 1,041.667 million) - note 21.1.1 1,995,782 1,920,481

Hyundai Nishat Motor (Private) Limited

195,623,000 (2022: 94,873,000) fully paid
ordinary shares of Rs 10 each
Equity held: 10% (2022: 10%)
Cost - Rs 1,956.23 million (2022: Rs 948.7 million) - note 21.1.2 3,847,104 2,385,991
5,842,886 4,306,472
11,305,496 10,556,380

2023 Annual Report

21.1.1 This represents investment in the ordinary shares of Nishat Hotels and Properties Limited ('NHPL') which
is principally engaged in establishing and managing a multi-purpose facility including a shopping mall,
hotel and banquet halls in Johar Town, Lahore, by the name of 'Nishat Emporium'. Since NHPL's ordinary
shares are not listed, an independent valuer engaged by the Group has estimated a fair value of Rs 19.16
per ordinary share as at June 30, 2023 (2022: Rs 18.44 per share) through a valuation technique based on
discounted cash flow analysis of NHPL. Hence, it has been classified under level 3 of fair value hierarchy
as further explained in note 48.3 to these financial statements. The fair value gain of Rs 75.300 million
recognised during the year is included in other comprehensive income.

The main level 3 inputs used by the Group are derived and evaluated as follows:

- Discount rate is determined using a capital asset pricing model to calculate a post-tax rate that reflects
current market assessments of the time value of money and the risk specific to NHPL.

- Long term growth rate is estimated based on historical performance of NHPL and current market
information for similar type of entities.

The significant assumptions used in this valuation technique are as follows:

- Discount rate of 16.68% per annum.

- Long term growth rate of 2% per annum for computation of terminal value.

- Annual growth in costs is linked to inflation with a range of 6.50% to 25.60% per annum.

Sensitivity analysis

Sensitivity analysis of the significant assumptions used in the valuation technique are as follows:

If the discount rate increases by 1% with all other variables held constant, the impact on fair value as at
June 30, 2023 would be Rs 209.375 million lower.

If the long term growth rate decreases by 1% with all other variables held constant, the impact on fair value
as at June 30, 2023 would be Rs 71.875 million lower.

If inflation decreases by 1% with all other variables held constant, the impact on fair value as at June 30,
2023 would be Rs 21.875 million higher.

If interest rate increases by 1% with all other variables held constant, the impact on fair value as at June
30, 2023 would be Rs 15.625 million lower.

21.1.2 This represents investment in the ordinary shares of Hyundai Nishat Motor (Private) Limited ('HNMPL') that
has setup up a greenfield project for assembly and sales of Hyundai Motor Company passenger and
commercial vehicles. During the year, the Group under right issue acquired further equity shares of HNMPL
amounting to Rs 1,007.500 million (fully paid shares of Rs 10 each). Since HNMPL's ordinary shares are
not listed, an independent valuer engaged by the Group has estimated a fair value of Rs 19.67 per ordinary
share as at June 30, 2023 (2022: Rs 25.15 per share) through a valuation technique based on discounted
cash flow analysis of HNMPL. Hence, it has been classified under level 3 of fair value hierarchy as further
explained in note 48.3 to these financial statements. The fair value gain of Rs 453.612 million recognised
during the year is included in other comprehensive income.

The main level 3 inputs used by the Group are derived and evaluated as follows:

- Discount rate is determined using a capital asset pricing model to calculate a post-tax rate that reflects
current market assessments of the time value of money and the risk specific to HNMPL.

- Long term growth rate is estimated based on historical performance of HNMPL and current market
information for similar type of entities.

The significant assumptions used in this valuation technique are as follows:

- Discount rate of 23.80% per annum.

- Long term growth rate of 2% per annum for computation of terminal value.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
- Annual growth in costs are linked to inflation and currency devaluation at 15% per annum and revenues
are linked to currency devaluation at 15% per annum.

Sensitivity analysis

Sensitivity analysis of the significant assumptions used in the valuation technique are as follows:

If the discount rate increases by 1% with all other variables held constant, the impact on fair value as at
June 30, 2023 would be Rs 191.977 million lower.

If the long term growth rate decreases by 1% with all other variables held constant, the impact on fair value
as at June 30, 2023 would be Rs 77.093 million lower.

If inflation decreases by 1% with all other variables held constant, the impact on fair value as at June 30,
2023 would be Rs 317.710 million higher.

If interest rate increases by 1% with all other variables held constant, the impact on fair value as at June
30, 2023 would be Rs 30.499 million lower.

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)
21.2 Others

FVOCI - quoted:

Pakistan Petroleum Limited

821,626 (2022: 821,626) fully paid ordinary shares of Rs 10 each

Equity held: 0.03% (2022: 0.03%)
Cost - Rs 117.405 million (2022: Rs 117.405 million) 48,591 55,468

United Bank Limited

214,354 (2022: 214,354) fully paid ordinary shares of Rs 10 each

Equity held: 0.02% (2022: 0.02%)
Cost - Rs 33.646 million (2022: Rs 33.646 million) 25,195 24,250

Nishat (Chunian) Power Limited

5,683,067 (2022: Nil) fully paid

ordinary shares of Rs 10 each
Equity held: 1.55% (2022: Nil)
Cost - Rs 102.408 million (2022: Nil) 94,907 -

168,693 79,718

21.3 Reconciliation of carrying amount

Balance as at beginning of the year 10,636,098 13,718,917

Investments made during the year - note 21.3.1 1,369,359 68,433
Shares received as a result of merger scheme - note 21.3.2 102,408 -
12,107,865 13,787,350
Fair value loss recognized in other comprehensive income (633,676) (3,151,252)
Balance as at end of the year 11,474,189 10,636,098

23.2.1 This includes 100.75 million shares acquired against right issue of HNMPL at a par value of Rs 10 per
ordinary share.

2023 Annual Report

21.3.2 Pursuant to the Scheme of Compromises, Arrangement and Reconstruction (Under Sections 279 to 283
and 285 of the Companies Act, 2017) amongst Nishat (Chunian) Limited and its members and Nishat
Chunian Properties (Private) Limited and its members duly sanctioned by Honorable Lahore High Court,
Lahore, the Group on, 18 August 2022, received 5,683,067 ordinary shares of Nishat Chunian Power
Limited as one of the principal objects of the Scheme was to make Nishat (Chunian) Limited and Nishat
Chunian Power Limited totally independent of each other by the transfer amongst the members of Nishat
(Chunian) Limited of 187,585,820 ordinary shares of Nishat Chunian Power Limited owned by Nishat
(Chunian) Limited. Hence, the Group has also become a shareholder of Nishat Chunian Power Limited with
effect from August 18, 2022.

21.4 3,860,267 (2021: 3,860,267) shares of MCB Bank Limited are blocked in Central Depository Company ('CDC')

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

22. Long term loans to employees

Long term loans - considered good 9,097 18,352

Less: Current portion shown under current assets - note 29 (9,097) (17,160)
- 1,192

This represents interest free loans given to employees, receivable in monthly instalments in accordance with the Group's
policy. These loans are secured against the accumulated provident fund balance of the relevant employee. These loans
have not been carried at amortised cost as the effect of discounting is not considered material. The total balance includes
amounts due from executives of Rs 8.23 million (2022: Rs 13.23 million).

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

24. Stores, spare parts and loose tools

Stores [including in transit: Rs 1,028.872 million

(2022: Rs 160.027 million)] 6,746,470 9,726,849
Spare parts [including in transit Rs 294.019 million
(2022: Rs 259.788 million)] 7,317,381 7,284,465
Loose tools 62,288 55,085
14,126,139 17,066,399

24.1 Stores and spare parts include items which may result in fixed capital expenditure but are not distinguishable.

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

25. Stock-in-trade

Raw materials [including in transit Rs 328.380 million

(2022: Rs 221.340 million)] 2,079,012 918,910
Packing material 491,853 324,462
Animal forage 856,024 566,741
Work-in-process - note 33 6,199,920 4,612,748
Finished goods - note 33 1,610,637 845,683
11,237,446 7,268,544

26. Trade debts

- Related parties - note 26.1 15,347 19,013

- Others 1,427,713 1,693,031
1,443,060 1,712,044
Loss allowance - note 26.2 (220,509) (120,528)
1,222,551 1,591,516

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

26.1 This is from the following related parties:

Nishat Hospitality (Private) Limited - 107

Nishat Hotels and Properties Limited - 1,154
Nishat Mills Limited 1,777 5,575
Hyundai Nishat Motor (Private) Limited 11,689 12,037
Pakistan Aviators And Aviation (Private) Limited 1,877 -
Nishat Agriculture Farming (Private) Limited 4 140
15,347 19,013

26.1.1 The maximum aggregate amount outstanding at the end of any month during the year was Rs 44.763
million (2022: Rs 19.013 million). The aging analysis of trade debts from related parties that are past due
and carry loss allowance is as follows:

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

Up to 90 days 15,343 15,800

91 to 180 days 4 1,394
181 to 365 days - 330
Above 365 days - 1,489
15,347 19,013
Loss allowance (2,213) (724)
13,134 18,289

26.2 The reconciliation of loss allowance is as follows:

Balance at the beginning of the year 120,528 135,597

Loss allowance charged/(reversed) during the year 99,981 (15,069)
Balance as at end of the year 220,509 120,528

27. This represents the Group's right to consideration for work completed but not billed at the reporting date on made to order
paper products. The contract assets are transferred to receivables when the rights become unconditional. This usually
occurs when the Group issues an invoice to the customer.

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

28. Investments

FVOCI - quoted:
Related parties - note 28.1 9,270,898 9,962,421

Others 15 19
- note 28.2 9,270,913 9,962,440

At Amortized Cost
Term deposit certificates - note 28.3 13,000 4,000
9,283,913 9,966,440

2023 Annual Report

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

28.1 This represents the following quoted investments

in related parties:

Nishat (Chunian) Limited

100,620 (2022: 100,620) fully paid ordinary shares of Rs 10 each
Equity held: 0.042% (2022: 0.042%)
Cost - Rs 0.832 million (2022: Rs 0.832 million) 2,043 4,507

MCB Bank Limited

80,971,917 (2022: 80,971,917) fully paid ordinary shares of Rs 10 each
Equity held: 6.83% (2022: 6.83%)
Cost - Rs 478.234 million (2022: Rs 478.234 million) 9,268,855 9,957,914
9,270,898 9,962,421

28.2 Reconciliation of carrying amount

Opening balance 9,962,440 12,946,812

Fair value loss recognized in other comprehensive income (691,523) (2,984,365)
Fair value loss recognized in profit or loss (4) (7)
Closing balance 9,270,913 9,962,440

28.3 This represents term deposit receipts having maturity of three months from the date of purchase. These bear
markup at the rates of 16.25% to 19.75% (2022: 6.2% to 8.25%) per annum.

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

29. Loans, advances, deposits, prepayments and other receivables

Current portion of loans to employees 9,097 17,895

- To employees 115,574 95,773
- To suppliers 89,831 612,593
205,405 708,366

Prepayments 15,845 13,770

Due from related parties - note 29.1 6,686 3,331
Letters of credit - margins, deposits, opening charges, etc. 77,320 148,078

Balances with statutory authorities:

- Sales tax - notes 29.2 & 29.3 1,280,317 815,420
- Excise duty 16,713 -
- Export rebate 13,430 10,071
1,310,460 825,491

Other advances - 106,907

Other receivables - note 29.4 65,872 8,692
1,690,685 1,832,530

Loss allowance (1,631) (1,631)

1,689,054 1,830,899

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

29.1 Includes amounts due from the following related parties:

Nishat Mills Limited 62 -

Nishat Linen (Private) Limited 2,141 1,175
Hyundai Nishat Motor (Private) Limited 8 320
Nishat Sutas Dairy Limited 489 1,836
Nishat Agriculture Farming (Private) Limited 3,986 -
- note 29.1.2 6,686 3,331

29.1.1 The maximum aggregate amount outstanding at the end of any month during the year was Rs 6.686 million
(2022: Rs 3.331 million). The balances have an age of upto 90 days.

29.2 Sales tax recoverable includes amounts which have been recovered by the sales tax department against
miscellaneous demands raised by it. The Group has filed appeals against the demands at different forums as
referred to in note 17.

29.3 The vires of section 8(h) and (i) of the Sales Tax Act, 1990 (the “Sales Tax Act”), in the context of disallowance of
adjustment of input tax on goods used for taxable services, was called in question by the Group. The honourable
Lahore High Court vide its order dated January 29, 2020 on the basis of its reading of sections 7 and 8 of the Sales
Tax Act, observed that input tax paid on goods can be deducted or reclaimed, only if such goods are used for the
purpose of taxable supplies. Thus, in light of the said observation, the case was disposed of with a direction to the
tax authorities to determine each and every case on its merits and allow adjustment of input tax on goods used for
taxable supplies. Management is confident that the input tax already claimed shall not be disallowed by the relevant
tax authorities.

29.4 Includes a receivable of Rs 5.793 million (2022: Rs 6.160 million) from Hyundai Nishat Motor (Private) Limited, being
a related party of the Group. The maximum aggregate amount outstanding at the end of any month during the year
of Hyundai Nishat Motor (Private) Limited was Rs 5.793 million (2022: Rs 6.160 million). This amount is neither past
due nor impaired.

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

30. Cash and bank balances

At banks:
Saving accounts:
- Local currency - notes 30.1, 30.2 & 30.3 275,197 91,840
- Foreign currency: US$ 1,481,054 (2022: US$ 1,277,401) 423,567 261,671
Current accounts:
- Local currency 353,172 75,122
- Foreign currency: US$ 547,892 (2022: Nil) 132,969 -
1,184,905 428,633
In hand 14,955 2,525
1,199,860 431,158

30.1 The balances in saving accounts bear mark-up at rates ranging from 11.5% to 19.5% (2022: 5.5% to 12.25%) per

30.2 Included in balances at banks on saving accounts are Rs 14.480 million (2022: Rs 14.480 million) which are under
lien to secure bank guarantees referred to in note 13.4.

2023 Annual Report

30.3 Included in balances at banks in saving accounts is Rs 0.004 million (2022: Rs 0.004 million) which relates to unpaid
dividend held by the Group.

31. Non-current assets classified as held for sale

In February 2023, management committed to a plan to sell one of Paper segment's production line. Accordingly, that asset
is presented as asset held for sale in accordance with IFRS-5 'Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued
Operations'. Efforts to sell the asset have started and sale of asset is expected within one year.

At June 30, 2023, the assets held for sale were stated at carrying amount being lower than the fair value less cost to sell.

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

Plant and machinery - note 18.1 172,638 -

172,638 -

32. Revenue

Local sales - note 32.1 81,890,688 72,262,023

Export sales
- note 32.2 9,442,414 9,472,015
91,333,102 81,734,038
Sales tax and federal excise duty 19,727,348 19,173,790
Trade discount 744,926 475,815
Commission to stockists and export agents 293,347 190,609
Ocean freight - note 32.3 72,280 239,991
20,837,901 20,080,205
70,495,201 61,653,833

32.1 This includes unbilled revenue amounting to Rs 67.400 million (2022: Rs 24.360 million).

32.2 It includes rebate and incentive on exports amounting to Rs 3.67 million (2022: Rs 7.53 million) and Rs 20.197 million
(2022: Nil) respectively. Incentive is received due to early shipment made under the contract.

32.3 Represents freight cost incurred upon shipping goods to export customers under cost and freight terms in the
capacity of agent.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

33. Cost of sales

Raw and packing materials consumed 4,277,672 4,246,733

Forage 3,228,205 1,817,314
Medicines and related items 194,760 128,200
Salaries, wages and other benefits - note 33.1 5,103,541 4,283,493
Fuel and power 38,446,526 33,448,122
Stores and spares consumed 4,141,863 3,038,923
Repairs and maintenance 356,640 321,832
Insurance 160,208 129,867
Depreciation on operating fixed assets - note 18.1.3 4,098,393 4,088,790
Royalty - note 33.2 821,920 1,114,510
Excise duty 35,954 49,051
Vehicle running 415,585 271,902
Postage, telephone and telegram 10,839 11,144
Printing and stationery 24,248 15,339
Legal and professional charges 6,086 6,629
Travelling and conveyance 25,612 19,705
Plant cleaning and gardening 52,554 41,949
Rent, rates and taxes - note 33.3 198,727 187,515
Freight charges 94,096 77,385
Water charges 15,747 11,737
Security expenses 217,990 190,804
Input sales tax written off 92,634 71,264
Other expenses 184,123 122,562
62,203,923 53,694,770

Opening work-in-process - note 25 4,612,748 1,538,676

Closing work-in-process - note 25 (6,199,920) (4,612,748)
(1,587,172) (3,074,072)

Cost of goods manufactured 60,616,751 50,620,698

Opening stock of finished goods - note 25 845,683 576,048

Closing stock of finished goods - note 25 (1,610,637) (845,683)
(764,954) (269,635)
Own consumption (30,880) (22,461)
59,820,917 50,328,602

2023 Annual Report

33.1 Salaries, wages and other benefits include Rs 112.288 million (2022: Rs 102.692 million), in respect of provident
fund contribution by the Group. Further, the provision for gratuity and accumulating compensated absences
included in the above is as follows:

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

Current service cost 81,195 69,870
Interest cost for the year 106,786 68,318
Interest income on plan assets (56,933) (40,959)
131,048 97,229
Accumulating compensated absences
Current service cost 48,810 46,206
Interest cost for the year 15,429 10,816
Remeasurements 212 2,670
64,451 59,692

33.2 This represents royalty to Governments of Punjab and Balochistan for extraction of raw materials as per relevant

33.3 This includes rentals of heavy machinery used at quarry site where raw materials i.e. clay and limestone, are

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

34. Administrative expenses

Salaries, wages and other benefits - note 34.1 526,923 476,675

Electricity, gas and water 84,126 58,408
Repairs and maintenance 15,776 10,728
Insurance 25,333 18,352
Amortization of intangible asset - note 19 7,167 4,181
Depreciation on operating fixed assets - note 18.1.3 68,481 56,022
Vehicle running 33,246 21,050
Postage, telephone and telegram 15,225 10,002
Printing and stationery 37,260 26,238
Legal and professional services - note 34.2 38,453 46,819
Travelling and conveyance 79,545 62,787
Rent, rates and taxes 2,471 444
Entertainment 5,741 4,869
School expenses 63,509 51,273
Fee and subscription 31,475 27,543
Other expenses 10,904 17,088
1,045,635 892,479

34.1 Salaries, wages and other benefits include Rs 16.716 million (2022: Rs 15.442 million) in respect of provident fund
contribution by the Group. Further, the provision for gratuity and accumulating compensated absences included in
the above is as follows:

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)
Current service cost 12,720 10,782
Interest cost for the year 16,729 10,542
Interest income on plan assets (8,919) (6,320)
20,530 15,004
Accumulating compensated absences
Current service cost 7,551 7,053
Interest cost for the year 2,387 1,651
Remeasurements 33 408
9,971 9,112

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

34.2 Legal and professional charges

Legal and professional charges include the following

in respect of auditors' remuneration (excluding sales tax) for:
Statutory audits 5,721 5,394
Half-yearly review 889 846
Tax services 11,416 8,727
Certifications required under various regulations 383 140
Out of pocket expenses 1,052 950
19,461 16,057

35. Selling and distribution expenses

Salaries, wages and other benefits - note 35.1 284,637 248,855

Electricity, gas and water 4,259 3,557
Repairs and maintenance 2,141 1,554
Insurance 4,461 4,259
Depreciation on operating fixed assets - note 18.1.3 11,797 11,194
Vehicle running 21,090 11,764
Postage, telephone and telegram 3,877 4,108
Printing and stationery 2,701 2,219
Rent, rates and taxes 2,882 4,708
Travelling and conveyance ,038 2,226
Entertainment 2,737 1,741
Advertisement and sales promotion 59,473 12,109
Freight and handling charges 1,386,678 1,415,308
Legal and professional charges - 4,419
Other expenses 28,721 25,069
1,822,492 1,753,090

35.1 Salaries, wages and other benefits include Rs 11.244 million (2022: Rs 10.142 million) in respect of provident fund
contribution by the Group. Further, the provision for gratuity and accumulating compensated absences included in
the above is as follows:

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

Current service cost 8,393 7,118
Interest cost for the year 11,038 6,960
Interest income on plan assets (5,885) (4,173)
13,546 9,905

Accumulating compensated absences

Current service cost 5,031 4,671
Interest cost for the year 1,590 1,093
Remeasurements 22 270
6,643 6,034

2023 Annual Report

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

36. Other expenses

Workers' profit participation fund - note 12.4 36,377 205,064

Workers' welfare fund - note 12.5 19,800 17,257
Donations - note 36.1 1,700 1,500
Exchange loss 223,800 885,590
Loss on disposal of biological assets - cows 9,167 63,048
Advances written off 58,384 -
Fair value loss on investments at FVPL 4 7
Miscellaneous - 11,344
349,232 1,183,810

36.1 Represents donation made to Pakistan Agricultural Coalition. None of the directors or their spouses have any
interest in the donee.

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

37. Other income

Income on bank deposits 15,314 21,902

Gain on investments at fair value through FVOCI 8,280 -
Provisions and unclaimed balances written back 6,306 160
Mark-up on loan to related party - 32,519
Gain on disposal of operating fixed assets 170,875 74,468
Gain on disposal of store items 751 2,184
Dividend income from:
- Related parties - note 37.1 2,451,369 2,281,977
- Others 64,065 6,948
2,515,434 2,288,925
Initial gain on shares received as a result of merger scheme - notes 21.3 & 37.1 102,408 -
Scrap sales 416,338 203,494
Rental income 1,947 2,895
Reversal of provision for workers' welfare fund - note 12.5 - 96,051
Sale of bull calves 8,287 9,122
Others - 3,741
3,245,940 2,735,461

37.1 Dividend income from related parties

Nishat Mills Limited 121,158 121,158

MCB Bank Limited 2,217,478 2,018,989
Adamjee Insurance Company Limited 83,633 83,633
Nishat (Chunian) Limited 131,508 58,197
2,553,777 2,281,977

38. Finance cost

Interest and mark-up on:

- Long term finances - secured - note 38.1 2,715,595 1,978,371
- Short term borrowings - secured 4,445,274 1,740,842
- Workers' profit participation fund - note 12.4 8,358 -
Guarantee commission 84 212
Bank charges 49,944 28,655
7,219,255 3,748,080

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
38.1 Included in this is the finance cost on ITERF and Islamic re-finance facilities for payment of salaries and wages,
which has been set off against the amount of unwinding of grant as referred in note 8.

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

39. Taxation

- For the year 1,709,877 1,586,868
- Prior years 23,680 9,712
1,733,557 1,596,580
Deferred - note 11 5,457,582 1,822,333
7,191,139 3,418,913

39.1 Tax charge reconciliation

2023 2022
% %

Numerical reconciliation between the average effective

tax rate and the applicable tax rate
Applicable tax rate as per Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 29.00 29.00

Tax effect of:

- Amounts that are not deductible for tax purposes - net 0.68 0.49
- Change in prior years' tax (2.17) (1.19)
- Change in tax rate 2.29 1.36
- Effect of Super tax 65.87 26.50
- Income not subject to tax (1.30) -
- Income chargeable under final tax regime (9.16) (4.25)
- Previously recognized deferred tax asset charged off 36.27 8.94
- Change in allocation ratio of temporary differences among
Normal Tax Regime and Final Tax Regime - (11.21)
- Recognition of deferred tax on temporary differences related to
exports revenue stream that is to be taxed under Normal Tax Regime 66.70 -
- Deferred tax recognised on depreciation losses - 0.04
- Permanent differences 0.37 0.27
- Deferred tax asset not recognised on minimum tax available
for carry forward - 0.32
- Others (0.02) -
159.53 21.27
Average effective tax rate 188.53 50.27

40. Earnings per share

40.1 Earnings per share - Basic

(Loss)/profit for the year - attributable to owners

of the parent company Rupees (3,530,256,000) 3,160,534,000

Weighted average number of ordinary shares Number 438,119,118 438,119,118

(Loss)/earning per share - basic Rupees (8.06) 7.21

2023 Annual Report

40.2 Earnings per share - diluted

There is no dilution effect on the basic earnings per share as the Group has no such commitments.

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

41. Cash generated from operations

Profit before tax 3,825,085 6,801,335

Adjustments for:
- Depreciation on operating fixed assets - note 18.1.3 4,178,671 4,156,006
- Amortization of intangible assets - note 34 7,167 4,181
- Change in fair value of investments - FVPL 4 7
- Gain on investments at fair value through FVOCI (8,280) -
- Capital work-in-progress charged off during the year - note 18.2 27,561 -
- Gain on disposal of operating fixed assets - note 37 (170,875) (74,468)
- Loss on disposal of biological assets - cows - note 36 9,167 63,048
- Changes in fair value of biological assets - note 20.1 (441,456) (303,033)
- Biological assets consumed 2,010 -
- Gain on disposal of biological assets - bull calves - note 37 (8,287) -
- Dividend income - note 37 (2,413,026) (2,275,029)
- Gain on initial recongition of ordinary shares transferred under
Scheme of Compromises, Arrangement and Reconstruction - note 37 (102,408) -
- Mark-up income - note 37 - (32,519)
- Income on bank deposits (3,750) -
- Provision for retirement benefits - notes 10.1.5 & 10.2.2 246,188 196,976
- Advance written-off 58,384 -
- Liabilities written back - note 37 (6,306) (160)
- Net impairment loss/(gain) on financial assets 99,981 (15,069)
- Exchange loss - note 36 223,800 885,590
- Finance costs - note 38 7,219,256 3,748,080
Profit before working capital changes 12,742,886 13,154,945

Effect on cash flow due to working capital changes

- Decrease/(increase) in stores, spares and loose tools 2,940,260 (3,963,816)
- Increase in stock-in-trade (3,968,902) (3,585,846)
- Decrease in trade debts 325,196 887,232
- Decrease/(increase) in advances, deposits, prepayments
and other receivables 83,461 (1,298,545)
- Increase/(decrease) in trade and other payables 1,618,807 (3,011,796)
998,822 (10,972,771)
13,741,708 2,182,174

42. Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and bank balances - note 30 1,199,860 431,158

Short term investments 8,000 4,000
Short term borrowings from financial institutions - secured - note 13 (27,925,023) (26,170,194)
(26,717,163) (25,735,036)

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
43. Transactions with related parties

The related parties include the Investor, related parties on the basis of common directorship, group companies, key
management personnel including directors, other related parties and post employment benefit plans. Key management
personnel are those persons having authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the
Group, directly or indirectly, including any director (whether executive or otherwise). The Group in the normal course of
business carries out transactions with various related parties. Amounts due from and to related parties are shown under
receivables and payables. Related party transactions carried out during the year are as follows:

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

Relationship with the Group Nature of transactions

i. Investor Sale of goods 16,647 62,581

Purchase of goods 1,941 -
Sale of fixed assets 62 -
Dividend income 121,158 121,158
Dividend paid 149,208 155,025

ii. Other related parties Sale of goods and services 633,141 461,072
Insurance premium 247,443 204,495
Purchase of goods and services 388,921 268,041
Insurance claims received 45,976 73,062
Rental income 1,946 -
Dividend paid 37,244 35,189
Dividend income 2,451,369 2,281,977
Initial gain on shares received
as a result of merger scheme 102,408 -
Purchase of shares 1,007,500 -
Purchase of fixed assets 3,938 2,664
Reimbursement of expenses 84,280 31,801

iii. Key management personnel Remuneration - note 43.1 320,919 273,287

Dividend paid 47,468 47,035

43.1 This represents remuneration of the Chief Executive, executive director and certain executives that are included in
the remuneration disclosed in note 44 to these consolidated financial statements.

43.2 Transactions with related parties have been carried out on mutually agreed terms and conditions. The related parties
with whom the Group had entered into transactions or had arrangements/agreements in place during the year have
been disclosed below along with their basis of relationship:

2023 Annual Report

Name Basis of relationship %age of shareholding in

the parent company

Nishat Mills Limited Investor 31.00%

Adamjee Insurance Company Limited Group company 1.40%
MCB Bank Limited Group company 0%
Pakgen Power Limited Group company Nil
Pakistan Aviators & Aviation (Private) Limited Group company Nil
Security General Insurance Company Limited Group company 0.10%
Hyundai Nishat Motor (Private) Limited Common directorship Nil
Lalpir Power Limited Common directorship Nil
Nishat (Chunian) Limited Group company Nil
Nishat Agriculture Farming (Private) Limited Common directorship Nil
Nishat Sutas Dairy Limited Group company Nil
Nishat Developers (Private) Limited Common directorship Nil
Nishat Hotels And Properties Limited Common directorship Nil
Nishat Hospitality (Private) Limited Subsidiary of Investor Nil
Nishat Linen (Private) Limited Subsidiary of Investor Nil
Mrs. Naz Mansha Director/Chairperson 0.05%
Mr. Mian Raza Mansha Director/Chief Executive 3.00%
Mrs. Ammil Raza Mansha Spouse of Chief Executive 1.34%
Mr. Hassan Mansha Close family member of director 6.19%
Mr. Mian Umer Mansha Close family member of director 6.29%
Mr. Shehryar Ahmed Baksh Director Nil
Mr. Shahzad Ahmad Malik Director Nil
Mr. Khalid Niaz Khawaja Director Nil
Mr. Usama Mahmud Director Nil
Mr. Farid Noor Ali Fazal Director Nil
Mr. Arif Bashir Key Management Personnel Nil
Mr. Inayat Ullah Niazi Key Management Personnel 0.00%
Company's Employees Gratuity Fund Post Employment Benefit Plan Nil
Company's Employees Provident Fund Post Employment Benefit Plan Nil

44. Remuneration of Chief Executive, Directors and Executives

44.1 The aggregate amounts charged in the consolidated financial statements for the year for remuneration, including certain benefits, to the Chief Executive, Executive Director and
Executives are as follows:
(Rupees in thousand)
Chief Executive Executive Director Executives
2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022

Short term employee benefits

Managerial remuneration 32,908 34,907 24,573 22,339 687,605 874,328
Housing 270 - - 335 247,926 13,627
Utilities 20,402 - 570 443 55,168 3,739
Leave passage - - 3,835 - 1,924 39,188
Bonus - 2,266 - 1,692 66,235 140,587
Medical expenses 1,588 367 832 470 36,741 24,597
Others 23,822 19,674 2,319 918 214,385 138,224

Post employment benefits

Contributions to Provident
and Gratuity Fund - - 4,505 4,095 106,671 94,914
78,990 57,214 36,634 30,292 1,416,655 1,329,204

Number of persons 1 1 1 1 275 253

44.2 The Group also provides the Chief Executive, certain directors and executives with company maintained cars, travelling and utilities. Certain executives are provided with housing

Annual Report

44.3 During the year, the Group paid meeting fee amounting to Rs 1.140 million (2022: Rs 0.910 million) to its non-executive directors. The number of non-executive directors is 5

(2022: 5).
2023 Annual Report

45. Plant capacity and actual production

Capacity Actual production

2023 2022 2023 2022

Cement segment:

Clinker (Metric Tonnes)

Plant I & II - D. G. Khan - note 45.1 2,010,000 2,010,000 1,328,904 1,655,502
Plant III - Khairpur - note 45.1 2,010,000 2,010,000 1,339,707 1,727,607
Plant IV - Hub - note 45.1 2,700,000 2,700,000 1,959,742 2,987,085

Paper segment:

Cement bags (number of

bags in thousand) - note 45.2 220,000 220,000 50,743 85,406

Dairy segment:

-[100,000 litres per day] - note 45.3 40,150,000 36,500,000 36,529,439 31,650,987

45.1 Plant capacity is based on 300 working days, that can be exceeded if the plant is operational for more than 300 days
during the year. Actual production is less than the installed capacity due to planned maintenance shutdown and gap
between market demand and supply of cement.

45.2 Lower capacity utilization is due to gap between demand and supply of the products.

45.3 Actual milk production is lower due to the mortality of milking cows and poor health of certain animals.

2023 2022

46. Number of employees

Total number of employees as at June 30 2,303 2,344

Average number of employees during the year 2,326 2,311

47. Provident fund related disclosures

47.1 Cement segment

The investments by the provident fund in collective investment shcemes, listed equity and debt securities have been
made in accordance with the provisions of section 218 of the Companies Act, 2017 and the conditions specifed

As at reporting date, the provident fund has signed the term sheet for appointment of ‘investment advisor’ and is in
the process of signing the agreement.

47.2 Paper segment

The investments by the provident fund in collective investment schemes, listed equity and debt securities have been
made in accordance with the provisions of section 218 of the Companies Act, 2017 and the conditions specified

47.3 Dairy segment

The investments by the provident fund in collective investment schemes, listed equity and debt securities have been
made in accordance with the provisions of section 218 of the Companies Act, 2017 and the conditions specified

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
48. Financial risk management

48.1 Financial risk factors

The Group’s activities expose it to a variety of financial risks: market risk (including currency risk, interest rate risk
and other price risk), credit risk and liquidity risk. The Group’s overall risk management programme focuses on the
unpredictability of financial markets and seeks to minimise potential adverse effects on the Group’s financial

Risk management is carried out by the Board of Directors ('the Board'). The Group's finance department evaluates
and hedges financial risks. The Board provides written principles for overall risk management, as well as written
policies covering specific areas, such as foreign exchange risk, interest rate risk, credit risk, use of derivative
financial instruments and non-derivative financial instruments, and investment of excess liquidity.

The Group's overall risk management procedures to minimise the potential adverse effects of financial market on
the Group's performance are as follows:

(a) Market risk

(i) Currency risk

Currency risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because of
changes in foreign exchange rates. Currency risk arises mainly from cash and bank balances, short term
borrowings, receivables and payables that exist due to transactions in foreign currencies.

The Group is exposed to currency risk arising from various currency exposures, primarily with respect to the United
States Dollar (USD). Currently, the Group’s foreign exchange risk exposure is restricted to bank balances and
amounts receivable from foreign entities and short term borrowings.

2023 2022
(USD in thousand)

Financial assets
Cash and bank balances 2,029 1,277
Receivable against sales to foreign parties 1,702 965
3,731 2,242

2023 2022
(Euros in thousand)

Financial assets - -

Financial liabilities
Trade and other payables (1,063) (570)
Net liability exposure (1,063) (570)

Average rate Year-end spot rate

2023 2022 2023 2022
(Rupees) (Rupees) (Rupees) (Rupees)

USD 1 248.00 178.01 285.90 205.50

EURO 1 263.37 202.23 312.93 215.75

2023 Annual Report

At June 30, 2023, if the Rupee had weakened/strengthened by 10% against the USD with all other variables held
constant, post-tax loss for the year would have been Rs 65.066 million lower/higher (2022: Rs 30.879 million
higher/lower) mainly as a result of foreign exchange gains/losses on translation of USD - denominated financial

At June 30, 2023, if the Rupee had weakened/strengthened by 10% against the Euro with all other variables held
constant, post-tax loss for the year would have been Rs 20.291 million (2022: post-tax profit would have been Rs
8.240 million lower/higher) higher/lower, mainly as a result of foreign exchange losses/gains on translation of
Euro-denominated financial assets and liabilities.

(ii) Other price risk

Other price risk represents the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate
because of changes in market prices (other than those arising from interest rate risk or currency risk), whether those
changes are caused by factors specific to the individual financial instrument or its issuer, or factors affecting all
similar financial instruments traded in the market.

The Group is exposed to equity securities price risk because of investments held by the Group and classified as
FVOCI and at FVPL. Material investments within the portfolio are managed on an individual basis and all buy and
sell decisions are approved by the Board. The primary goal of the Group's investment strategy is to maximise
investment returns.

The Group’s certain investments in equity instruments of other entities are publicly traded on the Pakistan Stock
Exchange Limited.

The table below summarises the impact of increases/decreases of the KSE-100 index on the Group’s post-tax loss
for the year and on equity. The analysis is based on the assumption that the KSE had increased/decreased by 10%
with all other variables held constant and all the Group’s equity instruments moved according to the historical
correlation with the index.

Impact on pre-tax Impact on other components

profit/loss of equity
2023 2022 2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand) (Rupees in thousand)

Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited 2 3 909,035 1,091,564

(iii) Cash flow and fair value interest rate risk

Interest rate risk represents the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate
because of changes in market interest rates.

The Group's interest rate risk arises from loan to related party, bank balances, short term and long-term borrowings.
These borrowings issued at variable rates expose the Group to cash flow interest rate risk.

The Group analyses its interest rate exposure on a dynamic basis. Various scenarios are simulated taking into
consideration refinancing, renewal of existing positions, alternative financing and hedging. Based on these
scenarios, the Group calculates the impact on profit or loss of a defined interest rate shift. The scenarios are run only
for liabilities that represent the major interest-bearing positions.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

Fixed rate instruments:

Financial assets
Bank balances - savings accounts 698,764 353,511
Term deposit receipts 13,000 4,000
711,764 357,511
Financial liabilities
Export finances (3,578,000) (5,162,000)

Net exposure (2,866,236) (4,804,489)

Floating rate instruments:

Financial liabilities
Long term finances - secured (17,437,036) (21,861,578)
Short term borrowings - secured (24,347,023) (21,008,194)
(41,784,059) (42,869,772)
Net exposure (41,784,059) (42,869,772)

Fair value sensitivity analysis for fixed rate instruments

The Group does not account for any fixed rate financial assets and liabilities at fair value through profit or loss.
Therefore, a change in interest rate at the reporting date would not affect profit or loss of the Group.

Cash flow sensitivity analysis for variable rate instruments

At June 30, 2023, if interest rates on floating rate instruments had been 1% higher/lower with all other variables held
constant, post-tax loss for the year would have been Rs 254.913 million (2022: post-tax profit would have been Rs
287.227 million lower/higher) higher/lower, mainly as a result of higher/lower interest expense on floating rate

(b) Credit risk

Credit risk represents the risk that one party to a financial instrument will cause a financial loss for the other party
by failing to discharge an obligation.

Credit risk of the Group arises from deposits with banks and other financial institutions, as well as credit exposures
to customers, including outstanding receivables and committed transactions. The management assesses the credit
quality of the customers, taking into account their financial position, past experience and other factors. Individual
risk limits are set based on internal or external ratings in accordance with limits set by the Board. For banks and
financial institutions, only independently rated parties with a strong credit rating are accepted.

(i) Exposure to credit risk

The carrying amount of financial assets represents the maximum credit exposure. The maximum exposure to credit
risk at the reporting date was as follows:

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

Long term loans to employees - 1,192

Long term deposits 64,426 61,526
Trade debts 1,222,551 1,591,516
Contract assets 79,530 28,501
Deposits and other receivables 81,655 29,918
Balances with banks 1,184,905 428,633
2,633,067 2,141,286

2023 Annual Report

(ii) Impairment of financial assets

The Group's financial assets, other than investments in equity instruments, are subject to the expected credit losses
model. While bank balances, loans to employees, deposits and other receivables are also subject to the impairment
requirements of IFRS 9, the identified impairment loss was immaterial and are therefore not exposed to any material
credit risk.

Trade debts

The Group applies the IFRS 9 simplified approach to measuring expected credit losses which uses a lifetime
expected loss allowance for all trade debts.

To measure the expected credit losses, trade receivables have been grouped based on shared credit risk
characteristics and the days past due. These trade receivables are netted off with the collateral obtained from these
customers to calculate the net exposure towards these customers. The Group has concluded that the expected loss
rates for trade debts against local sales are different from the expected loss rates for trade debts against export

The expected loss rates are based on the payment profiles of sales over a period of 12 months before June 30, 2023
and the corresponding historical credit losses experienced within this period. The historical loss rates are adjusted
to reflect current and forward-looking information on macroeconomic factors affecting the ability of the customers
to settle the receivables. The Group has identified the Gross Domestic Product and the Consumer Price Index of the
country in which it majorly sells its goods and services to be the most relevant factors, and accordingly adjusts the
historical loss rates based on expected changes in these factors.

On that basis, the loss allowance as at June 30, 2023 and June 30, 2022 was determined as follows:

Local sales Export sales

Expected Trade debts Loss Expected Trade debts Loss
June 30, 2023 loss rate allowance loss rate allowance
% (Rupees in thousand) % (Rupees in thousand)

Net trade debts*

Not yet due 0.00% 29,110 - 0% - -

Up to 30 days 0.06% 150,915 96 0% 418,813 -
31 to 60 days 0.21% 69,195 147 0% - -
61 to 90 days 0.69% 28,433 195 0% - -
91 to 120 days 1.73% 41,229 714 0% - -
121 to 150 days 3.32% 9,123 303 0% - -
151 to 180 days 6.80% 78,213 5,317 0% - -
181 to 210 days 10.27% 37,239 3,824 0% - -
211 to 240 days 13.90% 1,266 176 0% - -
241 to 270 days 17.98% 2,826 508 0% - -
271 to 300 days 22.55% 17,421 3,929 0% - -
301 to 330 days 28.57% 3,385 967 0% - -
331 to 360 days 36.09% 5,722 2,065 0% - -
Above 360 days 38.85% 291,162 113,108 100% 89,160 89,160
765,239 131,349 507,973 89,160

Trade debts
against which 169,848 - - -
collateral is held
Gross Trade debts 935,087 131,349 507,973 89,160

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
Local sales Export sales
Expected Trade debts Loss Expected Trade debts Loss
June 30, 2022 loss rate allowance loss rate allowance
% (Rupees in thousand) % (Rupees in thousand)

Net trade debts*

Not yet due 0.00% 84,757 - 0% - -

Up to 30 days 0.02% 710,038 115 0% 45,532 -
31 to 60 days 0.05% 245,141 129 0% 21,757 -
61 to 90 days 0.13% 127,430 164 0% 60,676 -
91 to 120 days 0.31% 117,065 367 0% - -
121 to 150 days 1.09% 46,674 509 0% 5,845 -
151 to 180 days 3.29% 7,840 258 0% - -
181 to 210 days 5.64% 5,797 327 0% 22 -
211 to 240 days 9.65% 7,562 730 0% - -
241 to 270 days 13.62% 4,031 549 0% - -
271 to 300 days 18.69% 3,023 565 0% - -
301 to 330 days 28.88% 2,053 593 0% - -
331 to 360 days 37.93% 1,052 399 0% - -
Above 360 days 65.23% 78,595 51,270 100% 64,553 64,553
1,441,058 55,975 198,385 64,553
Trade debts
against which 72,601 - - -
collateral is held
Gross Trade debts 1,513,659 55,975 198,385 64,553

* This represents amounts net of trade debts against which security deposits, considered as collateral, are held
amounting to Rs 169.848 million (2022: Rs 72.601 million).

The amount of loss allowance that best represents maximum exposure to credit risk at the end of the reporting
period without taking into account any collateral is Rs 153.192 million (2022: Rs 133.650 million).

Generally, default is triggered when more than 360 days have passed. However, in case of certain parties, extended
credit period is allowed by the Credit Committees of the Group. The names of defaulting parties of outstanding trade
debts from export sales and their respective default amount is as follows:

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

Nobel Translink Private Limited 1,368 980

Chempex Industries - 40
Hizbullah & Saeed Ullah House Limited 670 480
Vikrant Traders 87,122 62,469
A A Middle East FZE - 131
Taruna Trading Company - 1
Abhishek Trading Co. - 1
Sai Enterprises - 373
Others - 78
89,160 64,553

2023 Annual Report

(iii) Credit quality of financial assets

The credit quality of financial assets that are neither past due nor impaired (mainly bank balances) can be assessed
by reference to external credit ratings (if available) or to historical information about counterparty default rate:

Rating Rating
Short term Long term Agency 2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

Bank Alfalah Limited A1+ AA+ PACRA 431,629 261,811

Askari Bank Limited A1+ AA+ PACRA 238 694
Bank Islami Pakistan Limited A1 A+ PACRA 41,367 439
The Bank of Punjab A1+ AA PACRA 1,796 1,843
The Bank of Khyber A1 A PACRA 82 126
Citibank N.A. F-1 A+ FITCH - 12
Dubai Islamic Bank Pakistan Limited A1+ AA JCR-VIS 100 36
MCB Bank Limited A1+ AAA PACRA 613,931 82,256
Habib Bank Limited A1+ AAA JCR-VIS 26,646 21
Meezan Bank Limited A1+ AAA JCR-VIS 17 357
National Bank of Pakistan A1+ AAA PACRA 1,512 1,569
Silk Bank Limited A2 A- JCR-VIS 5 5
Soneri Bank Limited A1+ AA- PACRA - 907
Standard Chartered Bank (Pakistan) Limited A1+ AAA PACRA 56,907 2,226
United Bank Limited A1+ AAA JCR-VIS 7,208 60,245
Habib Metropolitan Bank Limited A1+ AA+ PACRA 1,512 48
Faysal Bank Limited A1+ AA PACRA 95 377
JS Bank Limited A1+ AA- PACRA 12 12
MCB Islamic Bank Limited A1 A PACRA 9,377 15,639
Samba Bank Limited A1 AA JCR-VIS 4 4
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China F1 + A FITCH 61 -
Habib Bank Limited - Islamic A1+ AAA JCR-VIS 588 6
Bank Al-Habib Limited A1+ AAA PACRA 5,000 -
1,198,087 428,633

(c) Liquidity risk

Liquidity risk represents the risk that the Group shall encounter difficulties in meeting obligations associated with
financial liabilities.

Prudent liquidity risk management implies maintaining sufficient cash and marketable securities, the availability of
funding through an adequate amount of committed credit facilities. Due to the dynamic nature of the Group's
businesses, the Group's finance department maintains flexibility in funding by maintaining availability under
committed credit lines. The Group's borrowing limits and cash and bank balances have been disclosed in notes 13
and 30 to these consolidated financial statements.

Management monitors the forecasts of the Group’s cash and cash equivalents (note 42 to these consolidated
financial statements) on the basis of expected cash flow. This is generally carried out in accordance with practice
and limits set by the Group. These limits vary by location to take into account the liquidity of the market in which the
entity operates. In addition, the Group's liquidity management policy involves projecting cash flows in each quarter
and considering the level of liquid assets necessary to meet its liabilities, monitoring consolidated statement of
financial position liquidity ratios against internal and external regulatory requirements and maintaining debt
financing plans.

The table below analyses the Group’s financial liabilities into relevant maturity groupings based on the remaining
period at the reporting date to the contractual maturity date.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
(Rupees in thousand)
At June 30, 2023 Less than Between 1 2 to Over contractual Carrying
1 year and 2 years 5 years 5 years cashflows value

Long term finances 7,673,813 5,252,600 4,240,652 796,019 17,963,084 17,437,036

Trade and other payables 10,101,220 - - - 10,101,220 10,101,220
Long term deposits* 439,697 - - - 439,697 439,697
Short term borrowings
- secured 27,925,023 - - - 27,925,023 27,925,023
Accrued mark-up 1,857,643 - - - 1,857,643 1,857,643
Unclaimed dividend 34,512 - - - 34,512 34,705
48,031,908 5,252,600 4,240,652 796,019 58,321,179 57,795,324

*The maturity period of long term deposit is not ascertainable.

(Rupees in thousand)
At June 30, 2022 Less than Between 1 2 to Over contractual Carrying
1 year and 2 years 5 years 5 years cashflows value

Long term finances 7,295,096 6,821,177 7,205,562 1,271,553 22,593,388 21,861,578

Trade and other payables 8,416,964 - - - 8,416,964 8,416,964
Long term deposits* 281,177 - - - 281,177 281,177
Short term borrowings
- secured 26,170,194 - - - 26,170,194 26,170,194
Accrued mark-up 928,826 - - - 928,826 928,826
Unclaimed dividend 34,512 - - - 34,512 34,512
Loans from related parties
- unsecured 94,000 - - - 94,000 94,000
43,220,769 6,821,177 7,205,562 1,271,553 58,519,061 57,787,251

*The maturity period of long term deposit is not ascertainable.

48.2 Capital management

The Group’s objectives when managing capital are to safeguard the Group’s ability to continue as a going concern
in order to provide returns for shareholders and benefits for other stakeholders and to maintain an optimal capital
structure to reduce the cost of capital.

The Group manages its capital structure and makes adjustments to it in the light of changes in economic conditions.
In order to maintain or adjust the capital structure, the Group may adjust the amount of dividends paid to
shareholders or issue new shares.

Consistent with others in the industry and the requirements of the lenders, the Group monitors the capital structure
on the basis of gearing ratio. This ratio is calculated as net debt divided by total equity (as shown in the consolidated
statement of financial position). Net debt is calculated as total borrowings (including current and non-current
borrowings) including bank overdraft less cash and bank balances and liquid investments.

The gearing ratios as at June 30, 2023 and 2022 were as follows:

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

Borrowings - notes 7, 13 & 15 44,800,023 48,106,742

Cash and bank balances - note 30 (1,199,860) (431,158)
Net debt 43,600,163 47,675,584

Total equity 67,142,882 72,643,712

Gearing ratio Percentage 65% 66%

2023 Annual Report

In accordance with the terms of agreement with the lenders of long term finances (as referred to in note 7 to these
consolidated financial statements), the Group is required to comply with certain financial covenants such as
maintaining certain level of gearing ratio and current ratio. The Group has complied with these covenants
throughout the reporting period except for certain covenants in respect of which the lenders have not raised any
objection to the Group.

48.3 Fair value estimation

Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction in
the principal (or most advantageous) market at the measurement date under current market conditions (i.e. an exit
price) regardless of whether that price is directly observable or estimated using another valuation technique.

The table below analyses the financial instruments carried at fair value, by valuation method. The different levels
have been defined as follows:

- Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (Level 1).

- Inputs other than quoted prices included within level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly
(that is, as prices) or indirectly (that is, derived from prices) (Level 2).

- Inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data (that is, unobservable inputs) (Level 3).

The following table presents the Group's assets and liabilities that are measured at fair value:

As at June 30, 2023 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total

(Rupees in thousand)

Recurring fair value measurements

Investment - FVPL 15 - - 15
Investments - FVOCI 14,902,201 - 5,842,886 20,745,087
Biological assets - - 1,150,612 1,150,612
Total assets 14,902,216 - 6,993,498 21,895,714
Total assets 14,902,216 - 6,993,498 21,895,714

Total liabilities - - - -

As at June 30, 2022

Recurring fair value measurements

Investment - FVPL 19 - - 19
Investments - FVOCI 16,292,047 - 4,306,472 20,598,519
Biological assets - - 964,995 964,995
Total assets 16,292,066 - 5,271,467 21,563,533

Total liabilities - - - -

Movement in the above mentioned assets has been disclosed in notes 21 and 28 to these financial statements and
movement in fair value reserve has been disclosed in the statement of changes in equity. There were no transfers
between Levels 1 and 2 & Levels 2 and 3 during the year and there were no changes in valuation techniques during
the year. Since the ordinary shares of Nishat Hotels and Properties Limited and Hyundai Nishat Motor (Private)
Limited are not listed, an investment advisor engaged by the Group has estimated fair values of Rs 19.16 and Rs
19.67 per ordinary share, respectively, as at June 30, 2023, through a valuation technique based on discounted cash
flow analysis. The Group’s policy is to recognise transfers into and transfers out of fair value hierarchy levels as at
the end of the reporting period. Changes in level 2 and 3 fair values are analysed at the end of each reporting period
during the annual valuation discussion between the Chief Financial Officer and the investment advisor. As part of
this discussion, the investment advisor presents a report that explains the reason for the fair value movements.

The fair value of financial instruments traded in active markets is based on quoted market prices at the reporting
date. A market is regarded as active if quoted prices are readily and regularly available from an exchange, dealer,
broker, industry group, pricing service, or regulatory agency, and those prices represent actual and regularly
occurring market transactions on an arm’s length basis. The quoted market price used for financial assets held by
the Group is the current bid price. These instruments are included in Level 1.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
The fair value of financial instruments that are not traded in an active market is determined by using valuation
techniques. These valuation techniques maximise the use of observable market data where it is available and rely
as little as possible on entity specific estimates. If all significant inputs required to fair value an instrument are
observable, the instrument is included in Level 2.

If one or more of the significant inputs is not based on observable market data, the instrument is included in Level 3.

Specific valuation techniques used to value financial instruments include:

- Quoted market prices or dealer quotes for similar instruments.

- The fair value of interest rate swaps is calculated as the present value of the estimated future cash flows based on
observable yield curves.

- Other techniques, such as discounted cash flow analysis, are used to determine fair value for the remaining
financial instruments. An appropriate discount for lack of control and lack of marketability is also applied, where

Valuation techniques used to measure level 3 assets

Investments - FVOCI

Since the ordinary shares of Nishat Hotels and Properties Limited and Hyundai Nishat Motor (Private) Limited are
not listed, an investment advisor engaged by the Group has estimated fair values of Rs 19.16 and Rs 19.67 per
ordinary share, respectively, as at June 30, 2023, through a valuation technique based on discounted cash flow

The method for calculation of fair value and valuation inputs including sensitivity analysis has been explained in note
21.1.1 and 21.1.2 to these consolidated financial statements.

Biological assets

The fair value of these assets is determined by an independent professionally qualified valuer. Latest valuation of
these assets was carried out on June 30, 2023. Level 3 fair value of biological assets has been determined
considering the prices of animals in local markets (replacement cost approach), health profile of the herd, disease
outbreaks in Pakistan, current economic conditions of the country and the current trends in dairy industry in

The fair value is also dependent on the age of the cattle. The milking animals have been classified according to their
lactations. As the number of lactations increase, the fair value keeps on decreasing. At the same time, a value was
fixed on the calf heifer recently born according to the estimation and in relation with referential values of the similar
cattle breeding in Pakistan.

When the cow arrives at 6 years i.e. 72 months of age or more (5th Lactation) and is considered an old cow as is
usual in Pakistan, and if the cow remains in the farm because she is profitable, normally this is the stage of culling.
The value of cow at this stage shall be kept constant.

a) Valuation inputs and relationship to fair value

The valuation inputs used in the calculation includes the farm cost to raise the heifer (as starting point) and
according to actual cost in the farm and the analysis of the average local market prices in Pakistan.

The milking performance for the Australian imported heifers, Dutch heifers and farm born heifers has been almost
same throughout the year and hence same values have been ascertained for all the milking animals regardless of
their categories but according to their lactation levels.

b) Fair value sensitivity analysis for biological assets

If the fair value of biological assets, at the year end date fluctuates by 1% higher / lower with all other variables held
constant, post tax loss for the year would have been Rs 8.17 million (2022: Rs 6.85 million) lower/higher mainly as
a result of higher / lower fair value gain /(loss) on biological assets.

The carrying values of all other financial assets and liabilities reflected in the financial statements approximate their
fair values. Fair value is determined on the basis of objective evidence at each reporting date.

2023 Annual Report

48.4 Financial instruments by categories

At fair value
through At fair value At amortised
profit or loss through OCI cost Total
(Rupees in thousand)
As at June 30, 2023

Assets as per statement of

financial position
Long term deposits - - 64,426 64,426
Trade debts - - 1,222,551 1,222,551
Deposits and other receivables - - 81,655 81,655
Investments 15 20,745,087 13,000 20,758,102
Cash and bank balances - - 1,199,860 1,199,860
15 20,745,087 2,581,492 23,326,594

As at June 30, 2022

Assets as per statement of

financial position
Long term loans to employees - - 1,192 1,192
Long term deposits - - 61,526 61,526
Trade debts - - 1,591,516 1,591,516
Deposits and other receivables - - 29,918 29,918
Investments 19 20,598,519 4,000 20,602,538
Cash and bank balances - - 431,158 431,158
19 20,598,519 2,119,310 22,717,848

Financial liabilities at
amortized cost
2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

Liabilities as per statement of financial position

Long term finances - secured 17,437,036 21,861,578

Long term deposits 39,697 281,177
Accrued markup 1,857,643 928,826
Trade and other payables 10,101,220 8,416,964
Short term borrowings 27,925,023 26,170,194
Loans from related parties - unsecured - 94,000
Unclaimed dividend 34,705 34,512
57,795,324 57,787,251

48.5 Offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities

There are no significant financial assets and financial liabilities that are subject to offsetting, enforceable master
netting arrangements and similar agreements.

49. Operating Segments

A business segment is a group of assets and operations engaged in providing products that are subject to risk and returns that are different from those of other business segments.

The Group's operations comprise of the following main business segment types:

Type of segments Nature of business

Cement Production and sale of clinker, ordinary portland and sulphate resistant cements
Paper Manufacture and supply of paper products and packing material
Dairy Production and sale of raw milk

The identification of operating segments was based on the internal organisational and reporting structure, built on the different products and services within the Group. Allocation of the individual organisational entities to
the operating segments was exclusively based on economic criteria, irrespective of the participation structure under the Companies Act, 2017.

49.1 Segment analysis and reconciliation

The information by operating segment is based on internal reporting to the Group executive committee, identified as the 'Chief Operating Decision Maker' as defined by IFRS 8. This information is prepared under
the IFRSs applicable to the consolidated financial statements. All Group financial data are assigned to the operating segments.
(Rupees in thousand)
Cement Paper Dairy Elimination - net Total
2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022
Revenue from
- External customers 64,983,821 58,043,863 569,566 784,130 4,941,814 2,825,840 - - 70,495,201 61,653,833
- Inter segment - - 2,522,027 2,286,036 271 536 (2,522,298) (2,286,572) - -
64,983,821 58,043,863 3,091,593 3,070,166 4,942,085 2,826,376 (2,522,298) (2,286,572) 70,495,201 61,653,833

Segment gross profit/(loss) 9,555,775 10,428,312 480,465 669,859 655,915 244,307 (17,871) (17,247) 10,674,284 11,325,231
Segment expenses (2,897,939) (3,512,940) (367,184) (129,243) (140,404) (157,422) 88,187 (14,705) (3,317,340) (3,814,310)
Other income 3,246,999 2,675,576 86,548 63,932 27,141 20,608 (114,748) (24,655) 3,245,940 2,735,461

Changes in fair value of biological assets - - - - 441,456 303,033 - - 441,456 303,033

Finance cost (6,742,293) (3,571,187) (462,952) (172,601) (14,010) (4,292) - - (7,219,255) (3,748,080)
Taxation (6,798,518) (3,047,629) 85,992 (140,282) (478,613) (231,002) - - (7,191,139) (3,418,913)
Profit/(loss) after taxation (3,635,976) 2,972,132 (177,131) 291,665 491,485 175,232 (44,432) (56,607) (3,366,054) 3,382,422

Segment assets 134,713,251 136,562,013 5,597,511 4,430,998 4,920,138 3,749,576 (2,984,629) (3,151,733) 142,246,271 141,590,854

Segment liabilities 70,520,974 66,643,909 3,629,026 2,214,861 1,767,867 1,088,790 (814,478) (1,000,418) 75,103,389 68,947,142

Depreciation, amortization and impairment 3,944,128 3,913,288 60,290 61,939 158,527 160,644 15,726 20,135 4,178,671 4,156,006

Net cash generated (used in)/from

operating activities 6,504,238 (3,932,479) (518,032) 1,089,569 269,483 (3,983) 42,545 (143,262) 6,298,234 (2,990,155)

Capital expenditure (3,418,069) (1,718,051) (49,078) (1,642) (213,225) (191,862) (27,574) (21,497) (3,707,946) (1,933,052)
Annual Report

Net cash generated from/(used in)

investing activities (1,747,153) 1,461,646 (337,802) (34,510) 46,869 (30,848) (152,676) (180,188) (2,190,762) 1,216,100

2023 Annual Report

49.2 Geographical segments

All segments of the Group are managed on a nation-wide basis and operate manufacturing facilities and sales
offices in Pakistan only.

49.3 Geographical markets (Export Revenue)

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

Bangladesh 5,677,793 3,024,100

Madagascar 963,525 1,361,920
Tanzania 945,132 -
Qatar 526,242 1,041,421
Mexico 512,064 -
United States of America 481,612 467,867
Sri Lanka 329,016 3,235,024
Afghanistan 7,030 43,917
Mozambique - 294,337
Philippines - 15
China - 3,414
9,442,414 9,472,015

50. Interests in other entities

50.1 Material subsidiaries

The subsidiaries as at June 30, 2023 are set out below. Unless otherwise stated, they have share capital consisting
solely of ordinary shares that are held directly by the parent company, and the proportion of ownership interests
held equals the voting rights held by the parent company. The country of incorporation or registration and their
principal places of business are disclosed in note 1.

Ownership interest held by Ownership interest held by

the Group non-controlling interests

Name of entity 2023 2022 2023 2022 Principal


Nishat Paper Products 55% 55% 45% 45% Paper products

Company Limited and packaging

Nishat Dairy (Private) Limited 55.10% 55.10% 44.90% 44.90% Production and
sale of raw milk

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
50.2 Non-controlling interests ('NCI')

Set out below is summarised financial information for each subsidiary that has non-controlling interests that are
material to the Group. The amounts disclosed for each subsidiary are before inter-company eliminations:

Nishat Paper Products Nishat Dairy (Private)

Company Limited Limited
2023 2022 2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand) (Rupees in thousand)

Summarised statement of financial position

Current assets 3,915,178 2,902,691 1,905,465 970,679

Less: current liabilities 3,421,920 1,577,061 1,162,242 704,658
Net current assets 493,258 1,325,630 743,223 266,021

Non-current assets 1,682,333 1,528,307 3,014,673 2,778,897

Less: non-current liabilities 189,873 637,800 605,625 384,131
Net non-current assets 1,492,460 890,507 2,409,048 2,394,766

Net assets 1,985,718 2,216,137 3,152,271 2,660,787

Accumulated non-controlling interests 983,161 1,065,608 1,498,920 1,284,005

Summarised statement of comprehensive income

Revenue 3,091,593 3,070,167 4,942,085 2,826,376

Profit/(loss) for the year (177,131) 291,665 491,485 175,232

Other comprehensive loss (23,984) (51,586) - -
Total comprehensive income/(loss) (201,114) 240,079 491,485 175,232

Profit/(loss) allocated to NCI (50,710) 149,607 214,912 72,281

Other comprehensive loss allocated to NCI (10,793) (23,214) - -

Dividends paid to NCI (20,941) (31,412) - -

Summarised cash flows

Cash flows from operating activities (518,032) 1,089,569 269,483 3,983
Cash flows from investing activities (337,802) (34,510) 46,869 (30,848)
Cash flows from financing activities (620,345) (433,557) (108,822) (44,644)
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (1,476,179) 621,502 207,530 (71,508)

2023 Annual Report

2023 2022
(Rupees in thousand)

51. Disclosures by Company Listed on Islamic Index

Loans/advances obtained as per Islamic mode:

Loans obtained as per Islamic mode 7,835,288 7,670,221

Shariah compliant bank deposits/bank balances:

Bank balances 51,965 16,083

Profit earned from shariah compliant bank deposits/bank balances

Profit on deposits with banks 885 879

Revenue earned from shariah compliant business 64,983,821 58,043,863

Gain or dividend earned from shariah compliant investments

Dividend income 122,390 124,034

Exchange (gain)/loss (84,075) 839,234

Mark-up paid on Islamic mode of financing 807,196 422,174

Profits earned or interest paid on any conventional loan or advance

Profit earned on loan to related party - -
Profit earned on deposits with banks 3,453 8,102
Interest paid on loans 5,998,599 3,544,656

Relationship with shariah compliant banks

The Cement segment has obtained short term borrowings and long term finances, and has maintained bank balances with
shariah compliant banks.

52. Date of authorisation for issue

These consolidated financial statements were authorised for issue on August 31, 2023 by the Board of Directors.

53. Corresponding figures

Corresponding figures have been re-arranged, wherever necessary, for the purposes of comparison and better presentation
as per reporting framework. However, no significant re-arrangement / reclassifications have been made in these
consolidated financial statements.

Chief Executive Chief Financial Officer Director

Annual Report
DGKC 2023

Term Meaning
BAC Board Audit Committee
Breakup Value Shareholders' Equity/Number of Shares
Current Ratio Current Assets divided by Current Liabilities
Debt to Equity Total Debt/Equity
DGK Dera Ghazi Khan
DGKC D.G. Khan Cement Company Limited
Dividend Yield Dividend Per Share/Stock Price
Divident Payout Dividend per Share/ EPS
EBITDA Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation & Amortisation
EPS Earnings Per Share
FX Foreign Exchange (Currency)
FY Financial Year
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GP Gross Profit
HR & R Human Resource & Remuneration Committee
Interest Coverage EBITDA/Interest
IT Information Technology
KHP Khairpur
KIBOR Karachi Interbank Offer Rate
LIBOR London Interbank Offer Rate
MIS Management Information System
MT Million Tons
MW Mega Watt
OPC Ordinary Portand Cement
PAT Profit After Tax
PE Price Earning Ratio= Stock Price/EPS
PKR Pakistani Rupee
ROA Return Assets
ROE Return on Equity
SRC Sulphate Resistant Cement
TPD Tons Per Day
USD United States Dollar
Working Capital Current Assets less Current Liabilities
WPPF Workers Profit Participation Fund
WWF Workers Welfare Fund

2023 Annual Report

2023 31

Annual Report
DGKC 2023

2023 Annual Report

Annual Report
DGKC 2023

2023 Annual Report

2022 2023

61,653 70,495

11,325 10,674

6,801 3,825

3,382 (3,366)

7.21 (8.06)

Annual Report
DGKC 2023

2023 Annual Report

2022 2023

58,043,863 64,983,821

(47,615,551) (55,428,046)

10,428,312 9,555,775

(751,052) (879,356)

(1,748,859) (1,818,028)

(8,990) (104,094)

(1,042,803) (96,461)

2,714,340 3,246,999

(3,571,187) (6,742,292)

6,019,761 3,162,543

(3,047,629) (6,798,519)

2,972,132 (3,635,976)

2022 2023

6,370,194 4,628,354

5,354,142 4,325,760

5,358,873 4,273,517

5,061,409 4,112,798

297,464 160,719

1,173,745 768,944

18.0% 14.7% GP%

10.4% 4.9% PBT %
5.1% -5.6% PAT%
6.78 (8.30) EPS

Annual Report
DGKC 2023


Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the members of D. G. Khan Cement Company Limited (the
Company/DGKC) will be held on October 27, 2023 (Friday) at 03:00 P.M. at Emporium Mall, The Nishat Hotel, Trade and
Finance Centre Block, Near Expo Centre, Abdul Haq Road, Johar Town, Lahore to transact the following business:

1. To receive, consider and adopt the Audited Un-consolidated and Consolidated Financial Statements of the
Company for the year ended June 30, 2023 together with the Chairman’s Review, Directors' and Auditors' reports

2. To appoint statutory Auditors for the year 2023-24 and fix their remuneration.

3. Special Business:-

a) To ratify and approve transactions conducted with the Related Parties during the year ended June 30,
2023 by passing the following special resolution with or without modification:

Resolved that the Related Party Transactions disclosed in the annual audited financial statements for the year
ended June 30, 2023 as approved by the Board of Directors of D. G. Khan Cement Company Limited (“the
Company”) be and are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed in all respects.

b) To authorize the Board of Directors of the Company to approve transactions with the Related Parties
during the financial year ending on June 30, 2024 by passing the following special resolution with or
without modification:

Resolved that the Board of Directors of D. G. Khan Cement Company Limited (“the Company”) be and is
hereby authorized to approve the transactions to be conducted with the related parties during the financial year
ending on June 30, 2024 and these transactions shall be deemed to have been approved by the shareholders
and shall be placed before the shareholders in the next Annual General Meeting for their ratification.

c) To consider and if deemed fit, to pass the following resolutions as special resolutions in pursuance of
S.R.O. 389(I)/2023 dated March 21, 2023 of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan to
authorize the Company to circulate the annual audited financial statements to its members through QR
enabled code and weblink with or without modification, addition(s) or deletion(s).

Resolved that the approval of the members of D. G. Khan Cement Company Limited (the “Company”) be and
is hereby accorded for transmission of Annual Reports including Annual Audited Financial Statements to the
members for future years commencing from the financial year 2024 through QR enabled code and Weblink
instead of transmitting the same through CD/DVD/USB, as allowed by Securities and Exchange Commission
of Pakistan vide its S.R.O. 389(I)/2023 dated March 21, 2023.

Resolved further that that the Chief Executive Officer and/or Chief Financial Officer and/or Company
Secretary of the Company be and are hereby singly authorized to do all acts, deeds and things, take or cause
to be taken all necessary actions to comply with all legal formalities and requirements and file necessary
documents as may be necessary or incidental for the purposes of implementing this resolution.

2023 Annual Report

A Statement of Material Facts as required under Section 134(3) of the Companies Act, 2017 is annexed to the notice of
meeting circulated to the members of the Company.

By order of the Board





The Ordinary Shares Transfer Books of the Company will remain closed from 20.10.2023 to 27.10.2023 (both days
inclusive) for attending and voting at Annual General Meeting. Physical transfers/ CDS Transactions IDs received in order
in all respects up to 1:00 p.m. on 19.10.2023 at the office of Share Registrar, THK Associates (Pvt) Limited, Karachi
Office, Plot No.32-C, Jami Commercial Street No.2, DHA, Phase VII, Karachi, Lahore Office, THK Associates (Pvt) Ltd.,
Office No. 309, 3rd Floor, North Tower, LSE Building, 19-Shahrah-e-Aiwan-e-Iqbal, Lahore shall be considered in time for
entitlement for attending of meeting.


A member eligible to attend and vote at this meeting may appoint another member his / her proxy to attend and vote
instead of him/her. Proxies in order to be effective must reach the Company's registered office not less than 48 hours
before the time for holding the meeting. Proxies of the Members through CDC shall be accompanied with attested copies
of their CNIC. In case of corporate entity, the Board’s Resolution/power of attorney with specimen signature shall be
furnished along with proxy form to the Company. The shareholders through CDC are requested to bring original CNIC,
Account Number and Participant Account Number to produce at the time of attending the meeting. The proxy shall
produce his / her original valid CNIC or original passport at the time of meeting.

Shareholders are requested to immediately notify the Company of change in address, if any.

Members who have deposited their shares into Central Depository Company of Pakistan Limited (“CDC”) will further have
to follow the under mentioned guidelines as laid down by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan.

A. For Attending the Meeting

a. In case of Individuals, the account holder and/or sub-account holder and their registration details are uploaded
as per the CDC Regulations, shall authenticate his/her identity by showing his/her original CNIC or, original
Passport at the time of attending the Meeting.

b. In case of corporate entity, the Board’s resolution/power of attorney with specimen signature of the nominee
shall be produced (unless it has been provided earlier) at the time of the Meeting.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
B. For Appointing Proxies

a. In case of individuals, the account holder and/or sub-account holder and their registration details are uploaded
as per the CDC Regulations, shall submit the proxy form as per above requirements.

b. The proxy form shall be witnessed by two persons, whose names, addresses and CNIC numbers shall be
mentioned on the form.

c. Attested copies of the CNIC or the passport of beneficial owners and the proxy shall be furnished with the
proxy form.

d. The proxy shall produce his original CNIC or original passport at the time of the Meeting.

In case of corporate entity, the Board’s resolution/power of attorney with specimen signature shall be furnished (unless it
has been provided earlier) along with proxy form to the Company.

Transmission of Annual Financial Statements through Email:

In pursuance of the directions given by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) vide SRO 787
(I)/2014 dated September 8, 2014, those shareholders who desire to receive Annual Financial Statements in future
through email instead of receiving the same by post are advised to give their formal consent along with their valid email
address on a standard request form which is available at the Company’s website i.e. www.dgcement.com and send the
form, duly signed by the shareholder, along with copy of his/her CNIC to the Company’s Share Registrar M/s THK
Associates (Pvt) Limited.

Circulation of Annual Reports through Digital Storage

Pursuant to the SECP’s notification SRO 470(I) / 2016 dated 31st May, 2016 the Members of D. G. Khan Cement
Company Limited in AGM held on 28th October 2017 had accorded their consent for transmission of annual reports
including audited annual financial statements and other information contained therein of the Company through
CD/DVD/USB instead of transmitting the same in hard copies. The shareholders who wish to receive hard copies of the
aforesaid documents may send to the Company Secretary / Share registrar, the standard request form available on the
Company’s website and the Company will provide the aforesaid documents to the shareholders on demand, free of cost,
within one week of such demand.

Unclaimed Dividend / Shares

Shareholders who could not collect their dividend/physical shares are advised to contact our Share Registrar to
collect/enquire about their unclaimed dividend or shares, if any.

Video Conference Facility

In terms of the Companies Act, 2017, members residing in a city holding at least 10% of the total paid up share capital
may demand the facility of video-link for participating in the annual general meeting. The request for video-link facility
shall be received by the Share Registrar at the address given hereinabove at least 7 days prior to the date of the meeting
on the Standard Form placed in the annual report which is also available on the website of the Company.

E-voting and Postal Ballot Facility

Polling on Special Business Resolutions:

The members are hereby notified that pursuant to Companies (Postal Ballot) Regulations, 2018 (“the Regulations”)
amended through Notification dated December 05, 2022, issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan
(“SECP”), SECP has directed all the listed companies to provide the right to vote through electronic voting facility and

2023 Annual Report

voting by post to the members on all businesses classified as special business.

Accordingly, members of D. G. Khan Cement Company Limited (the “Company”) will be allowed to exercise their right to
vote through electronic voting facility or voting by post for the special business in its forthcoming Annual General Meeting
to be held on Friday, October 27, 2023, at 03:00 PM, in accordance with the requirements and subject to the conditions
contained in the aforesaid Regulations.

Procedure for E-Voting:

I. Details of the e-voting facility will be shared through an e-mail with those members of the Company who have their
valid CNIC numbers, cell numbers, and e-mail addresses available in the register of members of the Company by the
close of business on October 20, 2023.

II. The web address, login details, and password, will be communicated to members via email. The security codes will
be communicated to members through SMS from the web portal of CDC Share Registrar Services Limited (being the
e-voting service provider).

III. Identity of the Members intending to cast vote through e-voting shall be authenticated through electronic signature
or authentication for login.

IV. E-Voting lines will start from October 24, 2023, 09:00 a.m. and shall close on October 26, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. Members
can cast their votes any time during this period. Once the vote on a resolution is cast by a Member, he / she shall not
be allowed to change it subsequently.

Procedure for Voting Through Postal Ballot:

The members shall ensure that duly filled and signed ballot paper, along with copy of Computerized National Identity Card
(CNIC), should reach the Chairman of the meeting through post on the Company’s registered address Nishat House 53-A,
Lawrence Road, Lahore, Pakistan or email at chairman@dgcement.com one day before the Annual General Meeting on
October 26, 2023 up to 5:00 p.m. The signature on the ballot paper shall match the signature on CNIC.

This postal Poll paper is also available for download from the website of the Company at www.dgcement.com or use the
same as attached to this Notice and published in newspapers.

Please note that in case of any dispute in voting including the casting of more than one vote, the Chairman shall be the
deciding authority.

Video Link Facility for Meeting:-

In light of COVID-19 situation, the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (“SECP”) has advised vide Circular
No. 4 of 2021 dated 15 February, 2021 to provide participation of the members through electronic means. The members
can attend the AGM via video link using smart phones/tablets/. To attend the meeting through video link, members and
their proxies are requested to register themselves by providing the following information along with valid copy of
Computerized National Identity Card (both sides)/passport, attested copy of board resolution / power of attorney (in case
of corporate shareholders) through email at kchohan@dgcement.com or smahmood@dgcement.com by October 20

Name of Member/ CNIC No. Folio No. / CDC Cell No. Email ID
Proxyholder Account No. Whatsapp No.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
Conversion of Physical Shares into Book Entry Form

As per Section 72 of the Companies Act, 2017 all existing companies are required to convert their physical shares into
book-entry form within a period not exceeding four years from the date of commencement of the Companies Act, 2017.

The Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan through its circular # CSD/ED/Misc./2016-639-640 dated March 26,
2021 has advised the listed companies to pursue their such members who still hold shares in physical form, to convert
their shares into book-entry form.

We hereby request all members who are holding shares in physical form to convert their shares into book-entry form at
the earliest. They are also suggested to contact the Central Depository Company of Pakistan Limited or any active
member / stock broker of the Pakistan Stock Exchange to open an account in the Central Depository System and to
facilitate conversion of physical shares into book-entry form. Members are informed that holding shares in book-entry
form has several benefits including but not limited to Secure and convenient custody of shares, conveniently tradeable
and transferable, No risk of the loss, damage or theft, No stamp duty on transfer of shares in book-entry form and Hassle
free credit of bonus or right shares.

We once again strongly advise members of the Company, in their best interest, to convert their physical shares into
book-entry form at earliest.



This statement sets out the material facts pertaining to the special business to be transacted at the Annual General
Meeting of the Company to be held on October 27, 2023.

a) Item No. 3(a)

Approval of transactions conducted with the Related Parties during the year ended June 30, 2023

Following transactions carried out with associated companies/related parties have been approved by the Board as
recommended by the Audit Committee on a quarterly basis pursuant to provisions of applicable laws. However, as
majority of Company Directors were interested in certain related party transactions due to their common directorship
and holding of shares in the associated companies/related parties, the Board has recommended for placement of
the same before the shareholders of the Company in general meeting for ratification/approval.

Relationship with the Company Nature of transactions (Rupees in thousand)

i. Subsidiary companies Purchase of goods (inclusive of sales tax) 2,950,609

Sales of goods and services 69,997
Rental income 966
Dividend income 25,595

ii. Investor Sale of goods 16,647

Dividend paid 137,574
Purchase of goods and services 290
Dividend income 121,158

iii. Other related parties Sale of goods 117,671

Insurance premium 224,799
Purchase of goods and services 94,512
Reimbursement of expenses 36,110
Insurance claims received 43,417
Rental income 765
Dividend paid 37,244

2023 Annual Report

Dividend income 2,260,555

Initial gain on shares received as a result of merger scheme 102,408
Purchase of shares 1,007,500

iv. Key management Personnel Remuneration 301,760

Dividend paid 39,943

v. Post Employment benefit plan Expense charged in respect of defined benefit plans 245,561
Expense charged in respect of defined contribution plan 123,989

All these related party transactions during the mentioned period were executed at Arm’s Length Price in a fair and
transparent manner and there was no departure from the guidelines mentioned in the Companies (Related Party
Transactions and Maintenance of Related Records) Regulations, 2018 and listed companies regulations 2019 Code
of Corporate Governance for such transactions.

Pursuant to the above, these transactions have to be approved/ratified by the shareholders in the General Meeting.

b) Item No. 3(b)

To authorize the Board of Directors of the Company to approve transactions with the Related Parties during
the financial year ending on June 30, 2024

The Company shall be conducting transactions with its related parties during the year ending June 30, 2024 on an
arm’s length basis as per approved policy with respect to transactions with related parties’ in the normal course of
business. The majority of Directors are interested in certain transactions due to their relationship with the Company.
In order to promote the transparent business practices, the Board of Directors has to be authorized to approve all
transactions with the related parties from time to time during the year ending June 30, 2024 and the same will be
placed before the Shareholders in the next AGM for their ratification / approval.

c) Item No. 3(c)

Transmission of Annual Audited Financial Statements through QR Enabled Code and Weblink

The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan vide its S.R.O. 389(I)/2023 dated March 21, 2023 has allowed
companies to circulate annual audited financial statements to its members through QR enabled code and Weblink,
therefore, the Board of Directors of D. G. Khan Cement Company Limited (“the Company”) in their meeting held on
August 31, 2023 has recommended for transmission of Annual Reports including Audited Financial Statements of
the Company to its members through QR enabled code and Weblink instead of transmitting the same through
CD/DVD/USB, however, hard copy of the annual audited financial statements will be supplied to the shareholders,
on demand, at their registered addresses, free of cost, within one week of receipt of such demand.

The Directors, Sponsors, majority shareholders and their relatives are not interested, directly or indirectly, in the
above businesses except to the extent of shares that are held by them in the Company.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023
Statement Under Rule 4(2) of the Companies (Investment in Associated Companies or
Associated Undertakings) Regulations, 2017

Name of Investee
Hyundai Nishat Motor (Pvt) Limited (HNMPL)

Total Investment Equity investment upto Additional Equity investment Guarantee / continuing
Approved: Rupees 850 million was upto Rupees 900 million Stand by Letter(s) of Credit
approved in EOGM held on was approved by the (SBLC) for an amount of up
March 28, 2018 and further shareholders in their AGM to PKR 1,000 Million for a
enhanced from PKR 850 held on October 28, 2022 for tenure of 7.5years was
million to PKR 1,056.400 the period of 4 years. approved by members in
million by the shareholders EOGM held on March 28,
in their AGM held on 2018 and further enhanced
October 28, 2019 for the from PKR 1,000 million to
period of 4 years. PKR 1,277 million by the
shareholders in their AGM
held on October 28, 2019 for
the period of 7.5 years.

Amount of Investment of Rupees Investment of Rupees 900 Guarantee of Rs. 1,238.230

Investment Made 1,056.230 million has been million has been made million provided by the
to date: made against this approval against this approval to Company to the lenders of
to date. date. Hyundai Nishat Motors (Pvt)
Limited against this

Reasons for Partial investment has been Full investment has been Partial guarantee has been
deviations from the made in investee company. made in investee company. extended after the approval.
approved timeline Commercial operations of The Company will arrange
of investment, the investee company have issuance of further
where investment not yet started. The Guarantee /SBLC as and
decision was to be Company will make further when requested by HNMPL
implemented in equity investment as and within the approved time line
specified time: when further shares offered and amount.

Material change in At the time of approval, as At the time of approval, as At the time of approval, as
financial per available latest audited per available latest audited per available latest audited
statements of financial statements for the financial statements for the financial statements for the
associated year ended December 31, year ended December 31, year ended December 31,
company or 2017, the basic loss per 2021, the basic earnings 2017, the basic loss per
associated share was Rs.19.67 and share was Rs. 1.44 and share was Rs.19.67 and
undertaking since breakup value per share was breakup value per share was breakup value per share was
date of the Rs. 4.85. As per latest Rs. 8.22. As per latest Rs. 4.85. As per latest
resolution passed audited financial statements audited financial statements audited financial statements
for approval of for the year ended for the year ended for the year ended
investment in such December 31, 2022 the December 31, 2022 the December 31, 2022 the
company: basic earnings per share is basic earnings per share is basic earnings per share is
Rs. 0.28 and breakup value Rs. 0.28 and breakup value Rs. 0.28 and breakup value
per share is Rs. 16.15. per share is Rs. 16.22. per share is Rs. 16.22.

2023 Annual Report




For voting through post for the Special Business at the Annual General Meeting of D. G. Khan Cement Company Limited to be
held on (Friday) October 27, 2023 at 03:00 PM (PST) at Emporium Mall, the Nishat Hotel, Trade and Finance Centre Block, Near
Expo Centre, Abdul Haq Road, Johar Town, Lahore.

Designated email address of the Chairman at which the duly filled in ballot paper may be sent: chairman@dgcement.com.

Name of shareholder/joint shareholder(s):

Registered Address:
Folio No. / CDC Participant / Investor ID with sub-account No.
Number of shares held
CNIC, NICOP/Passport No. (In case of foreigner) (Copy to be attached)
Additional Information and enclosures
(In case of representative of body corporates, corporations and Federal Government)
Name of Authorized Signatory:
CNIC, NICOP/Passport No. (In case of foreigner)
of Authorized Signatory - (Copy to be attached)

I/we hereby exercise my/our vote in respect of the following special resolutions through postal ballot by giving my/our assent or
dissent to the following resolutions by placing tick (√) mark in the appropriate box below:

Special Resolutions

Agenda Item 3(a)

To ratify and approve transactions conducted with the Related Parties during the year ended June 30, 2023 by
passing the following special resolution with or without modification:

Resolved that the Related Party Transactions disclosed in the annual audited financial statements for the year ended June
30, 2023 as approved by the Board of Directors of D.G. Khan Cement Company Limited (“the Company”) be and are
hereby ratified, approved and confirmed in all respects.

Agenda Item 3(b)

To authorize the Board of Directors of the Company to approve transactions with the Related Parties during the
financial year ending on June 30, 2024 by passing the following special resolution with or without modification:

Resolved that the Board of Directors of D. G. Khan Cement Company Limited (“the Company”) be and is hereby
authorized to approve the transactions to be conducted with the related parties during the financial year ending on June
30, 2024 and these transactions shall be deemed to have been approved by the shareholders and shall be placed before
the shareholders in the next Annual General Meeting for their ratification.

Agenda Item 3(c)

To consider and if deemed fit, to pass the following resolutions as special resolutions in pursuance of S.R.O.
389(I)/2023 dated March 21, 2023 of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan to authorize the
Company to circulate the annual audited financial statements to its members through QR enabled code and
weblink with or without modification, addition(s) or deletion(s).

Resolved that the approval of the members of D. G. Khan Cement Company Limited (the “Company”) be and is hereby
accorded for transmission of Annual Reports including Annual Audited Financial Statements to the members for future
years commencing from the financial year 2024 through QR enabled code and Weblink instead of transmitting the same
through CD/DVD/USB, as allowed by Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan vide its S.R.O. 389(I)/2023 dated
March 21, 2023.

Annual Report
DGKC 2023

RESOLVED further that that the Chief Executive Officer and/or Chief Financial Officer and/or Company Secretary of the
Company be and are hereby singly authorized to do all acts, deeds and things, take or cause to be taken all necessary
actions to comply with all legal formalities and requirements and file necessary documents as may be necessary or
incidental for the purposes of implementing this resolution.

I/we hereby exercise my/our vote in respect of above mentioned special resolutions through postal ballot by conveying
my/our assent or dissent to the said resolutions by placing tick (√) mark in the appropriate box below:

Sr. Nature and Description I/We assent to the I/We dissent to the
No. of resolutions Resolutions (FOR) Resolutions (AGAINST)

1. Special Resolution as per the Agenda

Item No. 3(a) (as given above)

2. Special Resolution as per the Agenda

Item No. 3(b) (as given above)
2. Special Resolution as per the Agenda
Item No. 3(c) (as given above)

Shareholder / Proxy holder Signature/Authorized Signatory

(In case of corporate entity, please affix company stamp)

Place: __________________

Date: __________________


1. Duly filled postal ballots should be sent to the Chairman at Nishat House, 53-A, Lawrence Road, Lahore or through
email at: chairman@dgcement.com .
2. Copy of CNIC, NICOP/Passport (In case of foreigner) should be enclosed with the postal ballot form.
3. Postal Ballot form should reach the Chairman of the Meeting on or before October 26, 2023 up to 5:00 p.m. Any
Postal Ballot received after this time/date, will not be considered for voting.
4. In case of a representative of a body corporate, corporation or Federal Government, the Ballot Paper form must be
accompanied by a copy of the CNIC of an authorized person, an attested copy of Board Resolution / Power of
Attorney / Authorization Letter etc., in accordance with Section(s) 138 or 139 of the Companies Act, 2017 as
applicable. In the case of foreign body corporate etc., all documents must be attested by the Consul General of
Pakistan having jurisdiction over the member.
5. Signature on postal ballot should match with signature on CNIC, NICOP/Passport (In case of foreigner).
6. Incomplete, unsigned, incorrect, defaced, torn, mutilated, over written ballot paper will be rejected.

2023 Annual Report

Annual Report
DGKC 2023


2023 Annual Report

Form of Proxy

I /We


being a member of D.G Khan Cement Company Limited, hereby appoint


or failing him/her


member(s) of the Company, as my/our proxy in my/our absence to attend and vote for me/us and on my/our behalf at
the Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held on October 27, 2023 (Friday) at 03:00 P.M. at Emporium Mall,
The Nishat Hotel, Trade and Finance Centre Block, Near Expo Centre, Abdul Haq Road, Johar Town, Lahore.

as witness may hand this day of 2023 Please

Signed by the said member revenue
in presence of Rs. 50

Signature(s) of Member(s)

Signature of witness Signature of witness

Name Name

Address Address


Please quote:

Folio No. Shares held CDC A/C. No.

Important: This instrument appointing a proxy, duly completed, must be received at the Registered Office of the Company
at Nishat House, 53-A, Lawrence Road, Lahore not later than 48 hours before the time to holding the annual general

Nishat House, 53-A, Lawrence Road,



Nishat House, 53-A, Lawrence Road,

VERSATILE Ph: +92 42 3712 1920


Nishat House, 53-A, Lawrence Road, Lahore-Pakistan.

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