MiX Vision - Diagnostic Events Configuration Guide
MiX Vision - Diagnostic Events Configuration Guide
MiX Vision - Diagnostic Events Configuration Guide
Diagnostic Event
Configuration Guide
© 2016 MiX Telematics International (Pty) Ltd.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction.................................................................................................................. 3
2 Diagnostic: MiX Vision - Critical Error .......................................................................... 3
2.1 MVR Critical Error Codes ...................................................................................... 4
2.2 MVR Critical Error – Recommended Actions......................................................... 4
3 Diagnostic: MiX Vision – MVR Device Error ................................................................ 5
3.1 MVR Device Error Codes ...................................................................................... 6
3.2 MVR Device Error - Recommended Actions ......................................................... 8
1 Introduction
Due to the fact that MiX Vision error codes has evolved over the years and now offer a
mechanism where the error codes are binary encoded as well as one where each error is
individually logged. This leads to the duplication and excessive logging of the same error
multiple times during a trip.
It is recommended that users only create the following two events in their databases and
that all the other error events are excluded from the templates in order to make it easier to
identify and service a faulty MiX Vision unit.
Note that we will refer to the MiX Vision onboard computer using the generic term OBC in
this document, the actual device can be FM3xxx Communicators, MiX 4000 or MiX 6000.
FM3xxx Tracers does not support MiX Vision.
This error will typically be logged for any event that triggers during
the first minute after the MVR was powered-up (e.g. "Ignition ON"
Boot Error
as a Video event). During this time the MVR is still booting up and
1 073 741 824
cannot record any video or respond back to the OBC with any of
(4000 0000 0000
the error messages. The condition “Time Since Ignition ON >
120s” will prevent any false events and when you see this
message it means the MVR does not boot correctly.
MiX Vision
"NOT When the OBC serial script fails to communicate for more than 5
responding” minutes with the MVR, an error message will be logged with the
error message following value:
-2 147 483 648 8000 0000 0000 0000 = -2147483648 (Note on some Insight
(8000 0000 0000 reports this value is too big and will appear as a string of dashes)
This is a critical error and will require a technician to visit the vehicle.
1. Spurious
Watchdog reboot (1) This error happens when the firmware running on the If there is a watchdog and it is not clear
unit reboots the unit. what the cause of this might be (for
If there is a high frequency of camera failures, the example low power), then this error
watchdog may reset the unit. should be reported to Cathexis for
If the unit cannot access the modem, the unit may reset remote support
the modem.
If the input voltage falls below the specified operating
voltage (a brown out) - a watchdog reboot may result.
A watchdog is an attempt to put the unit into a known
operating state (for example after a brown out)
Video Processor Error The system fails to record video or audio. If these errors happens more than once
(2) during a trip it should be reported to
Audio Processor Error Cathexis for remote support
Tamper errors (4,5,6,7) 1) The tamper events will only happen if the Video Expect some false events, but they
frames (image) has not changed for more than 20 should be less than 5% of all incidents.
seconds WHILE the vehicle is driving (Speed >
moving Speed) If it is a valid tamper event perform
2) The confidence level must be > 40% before a following actions:
tamper event will be raised i.e. even if tampering is - Ensure the camera view is cleared
detected, but the confidence level is lower than 40%, - The camera orientation is corrected.
the MVR will not raise a tampering event. - The lens is cleaned.
3) If tampering happens out of trip (When the vehicle is - LEDs are working and sufficient
NOT moving) or when the MVR is switched off – the night time illumination is visible in
event will only be raised when the vehicle is starting the scene.
to move (in trip).
4) Once a tamper event is raised for a specific camera, If more than 5% false events are
it will continue to raise the alarm every hour until the triggered Contact Cathexis support to
condition is cleared/corrected. investigate remotely
5) If the event is configured to record Video and to send
an active event and SMS, then the unit will upload a
video and send an SMS once every hour until the
Camera view is cleared or the camera orientation is
If the cable is cut, it will raise a “CAMERA ERROR” and
not a Tampering Event
SD Card failure (8) This happens when the SDCARD has permanently • Contact Cathexis support to
failed or if there is no SDCARD inserted. This error will investigate remotely
repeat every minute until the SDCARD is detected Will probably need to replace
PSU Failure (10) When the input voltage (supplied by the vehicle) drops Resolve the problem with the input
below 10V the MVR will send this error to the OBC power
If the input power source is consistently below 10V Is the unit powered directly from the
this error will be generated every 60 seconds so it vehicle battery?
can result in a very high count Check wiring
This voltage is below the operating specification of Check battery
the unit. This may require a technician to
This is called a brown out, and reliable operation of investigate
the unit cannot be guaranteed.
Not recording 72hrs (20) This error is generated if the unit determined that the This is depends on the settings that were
continuous database did not have at least 72hrs of configured for continuous video
footage recordings. If the default configuration is
used then this error should not occur.
Camera error (22, 23, This reports a camera synchronization failure (most • Check and ensure the input voltage
24, 25). often this is transient). The cameras on the MVR are to the device is always >=10VDC
monitored and an error generated every time the (Can be done remotely)
camera synchronization fails. A genuine camera failure - Check the videos from the camera
where it ceases to work, or works intermittently will to see if there are signs of failure in
result in thousands of camera synchronization failures. the video (can be done remotely)
Check camera cables for signs of
Possible causes for synchronization failures. tamper
On boot up it is possible that a camera does not If the camera failure rate is <10
synchronize during camera power supply times a day, the error can probably
initialization, so the odd camera error count is be ignored
expected. Contact Cathexis support for further
If there is a video compression failure for any assistance
reason (perhaps a very large, complex image that
needs to be recompressed) - the camera power is
switched on and off, and a camera error will be
generated with the loss of camera synchronization.
This is possible sometimes, in normal operation
with old cameras.
A faulty camera will result in hundreds or
thousands of camera errors as the camera
synchronization may constantly go up and down.
The count is dependent on the up time of the MVR.
Units where the camera error count is high should
be investigated for possible faulty cameras. This
will also be evident in the video.
Unit booted because of The error occurs when a unit had its input power This is a little more difficult to
power failure (27) removed without the requisite instruction from the OBC interpret as it requires contextual
unit (i.e. power was previously cut to the device). If the knowledge of the wiring.
MVR is powered via an isolator and the ignition line was It can be ignored in low volumes but
not asserted and the MVR given time to shut down if it occurs more than 30 times in a
correctly, then this error will occur in normal operation. day, then further investigation is
If the MVR is powered directly to the battery with its
ignition connected to OBC positive drive and the OBC
has instructed the MVR to shut down, then this error is
SD card (28) There is a corrupt file(s) on the SD card (possibly This error should clear
caused a bad SD card sector). It means there could be automatically after the data is
some video loss. This error should clear after the data is wrapped.
wrapped. No user intervention is required
except to take note of this error if
certain data could not be retrieved,
since it can be due to the corrupt