26 - Business Value For Project Data
26 - Business Value For Project Data
26 - Business Value For Project Data
• Available technology:
‒ Forms/audits done via phone (QA/QC, safety audits, quantity surveys) and uploaded to
database to instantaneously access issues and progress
At the same time, it can be plugged directly into contractor databases for immediate data
Project managers can view project progress, program managers can view program progress,
and EVPs can view global portfolio progress/performance from mobile phones
• The objective of this study is to help management understand the value of project
data and digitalization by asking:
‒ What are companies currently doing?
‒ What are the challenges to digitalization?
‒ What does a data value proposition look like?
• The value from data is that it has the potential to enable better decision
• Therefore, we asked the question, “What does data value look like for you
for your capital projects?”
Are you frustrated with current data • Organizations must have the capability to
extract value from information
• The challenge these companies face is
No difficulty in demonstrating value of
20% investing in data systems
• Perception that these are expensive
• Business needs to see return on
‒ E.g., “We can save X percent if we have this
Most of the companies information, and it will only cost Y dollars”
we interviewed feel frustrated!
The first step is knowing what data you actually want and why you want it
Percentage Pursuing Initiatives
n = 12
Big Organizations:
20% “Where are you?”
Cost Schedule Engineering Teams
• Tangible business benefits must be laid out clearly so that buy-in can
happen from both upper management and the employees
• Digitalization projects, like all other capital projects, cannot be about the
technology, but rather need to be about clear business objectives and
targeted performance metrics
What data bring the Who needs to be How and when will the
most value? involved? data be captured?
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
The first step in the process is to The next step is to identify who Finally, a method and infrastructure
determine what data bring the within the organization needs to are needed to ensure the data are
most value to the business and be involved in data management captured consistently and at the right
why and what expertise they will need frequency
to have
• The most valuable project data for business are data that reduce the project
• Business wants projects that are cost competitive and that come in close to
the target
‒ Between the two of these, cost competitiveness has the greatest value to the business
• For cost competitiveness, knowing what a project should cost lets project
teams manage the outcome
• IPA research has consistently shown that competitive targets, coupled with
Best Practice use, lead to competitive outcomes
Actual Cost Competitiveness
Industry average
0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
Companies preparing their own detailed cost Companies using cost data for validation—
estimates need detailed data to drive competitive surprisingly need almost as much data!
Cost Index at Authorization
High Granularity
Detail for all categories
No Validation Validation Done
• Most contractors say they do EVM, but IPA has long established that
verified progress is a prerequisite to determining actual progress
• To get the best value from EVM, specific contractor data are required to be
integrated with owner information
‒ Actual Values
Incurred cost by scope
Performance by scope
‒ Sensors continuously feed data back to the twin to keep it connected with the physical asset
‒ Resource planning
‒ Safety monitoring
But how many owners can really make
use of this technology today?
Source: Intellectsoft
No ‒ Design optimization
83% ‒ Standardization
‒ Design efficiency (as-builts maintained for
About half responded with: brownfield projects)
“What would we do with it?” • However, if your organization does not do
detailed design, what would can you do about
engineering data?
Cost Index
• Companies who have the ability to validate 1.05
material quantities outperform those who
cannot in terms of cost competitiveness
No Yes
• The challenge with this framework is
that there is no magic number for 0.70
owner’s costs—they depend on what
the project needs
1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020
Authorization Year
‒ Cost cannot be the key differentiating variable—complexity and other variables need to
be included
What data brings the Who needs to be How and when will the
most value? involved? data be captured?
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
• At a minimum, you should be trying to do detailed cost estimate validation and performing
EVM on projects—and you need the data to accomplish both of these
• Engineering can lead to standardization, but if not, at a minimum, the quantities are
necessary for cost estimating, validating and project controls
• Team data are used for owner team optimization, reducing both risk and owner’s costs
What data brings the Who needs to be How and when will the
most value? involved? data be captured?
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Data Analytics
Data 25%
Analytics No Data
People Analytics At All
50% Data Analytics on
Controls Team
Do you just need help Are you overwhelmed with the data, Do you want to study cause and
organizing the data? and looking to make predictions? effect in a structured experiment?
Database Data
Administrator (DBA) Scientist
• Knowledge of database design and • Typically masters or PhD in • Masters or PhD in statistics
theory computer science, math, or statistics
• Skilled in the theory and application
• Knowledge of database software, • Skilled with statistical computer of statistics
SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, languages
etc. • Designs research plans and
• Experience creating data structures experiments
• Capable of database server
installation • Knowledge of statistics and machine • Skilled in statistical computer
learning languages
• Capable of ensuring security and
generating backups • Experience with data visualization
What data bring the Who needs to be How and when will the
most value? involved? data be captured?
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
• Figure out how to scale the organization to get you what you need
• Make the business case for adding these people (e.g., “we can cut X hours”)
What data bring the Who needs to be How and when will the
most value? involved? data be captured?
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Data Sources
Cost Collection Insights
Database Analysis
Management Instruments
Data collection Relational Efficiency of
requires a databases needed analysis is
process to fully capture greatly improved
General Project useful data from organized
Data Intake from data
data sources
must be as
automated as
Data requirements and
format need to be
• After the data are identified and resources assigned to gather the
information, the last step is to identify how you will get and organize the
‒ The data’s value must outweigh the effort to get and store it
Establish minimum Get senior Ensure project Involve project Audit contractor Audit compliance
data requirements management controls controls in reporting and capability
by contract form support for support the contractor capability after through contract
(expect less from obtaining data ITB/RFQ proposal review award execution
lump sum):
• For the data collection step to be effective, it must be part of the project
delivery process; there needs to be progressive data capture and project
teams must be required to support this effort
‒ One client tracks project team compliance regarding data submission
• Relational structures enable an unlimited depth of detail that all relates back to a
common entity (e.g., a project)
Equipment Cost
Project ID
Heat Exchangers
Project ID Project ID …
Name Equipment
Location Piping Material Cost
Product Steel Project ID
4” CS Pipe
4” SS Pipe
Information Needs to Flow Into the Database With
Structured Forms
What data bring the Who needs to be How and when will the
most value? involved? data be captured?
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
• There must be a work process to collect, clean, and store the data
• The digital information needs to be structured for automation between systems and the
What data bring the most Who needs to be involved in What method and
value to the business and data management? infrastructure are needed to
why? capture the data consistently
What expertise will they need and at the right frequency?
to have?
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
• Get buy-in from management and the employees by describing the project in
terms of cost savings and clear, measureable business and project objectives
• Always remember: it is about the value you can generate for the business