Exploitation of Heterosis in Rice For Crop Improvement

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The Pharma Innovation Journal 2023; 12(3): 3492-3497

ISSN (E): 2277-7695

ISSN (P): 2349-8242
NAAS Rating: 5.23 Exploitation of heterosis in rice for crop improvement
TPI 2023; 12(3): 3492-3497
© 2023 TPI
Received: 10-12-2022
Rohit Kumar, SS Rao, Anjali Manhar, Deepak Saran and Vivek Kumar
Accepted: 15-02-2023 Sandilya
Rohit Kumar
Ph.D. Scholar, Department of
Genetics and Plant Breeding,
Heterosis or hybrid vigor is a natural phenomenon where by hybrid off spring of genetically diverse
College of Agriculture, Indira individuals show advanced physical and purposeful traits relatively to their parents and off spring.
Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Heterosis has been increasingly implemented in crop developed for nearly a century, with the purpose of
Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India developing greater energetic, better yielding and better appeared cultivars. In this review present and
examine three classes of crop heterosis usage: intraspecific heterosis, intersubspecific heterosis and wide-
SS Rao hybridization heterosis, with specific recognition on polyploidy species. Different pollination control
Professor, Department of systems used to reproduce for heterosis also are comparatively analyzed. Finally issues worried in
Genetics and Plant Breeding, heterosis studies and crop development are to be highlighted. In the present review the ultimate goal to
College of Agriculture, Indira provide insight into first class practices for amplifying heterosis ability.
Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya,
Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India Keywords: Heterosis, rice, wide hybridization, polyploidy, pollination control systems
Anjali Manhar
Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Introduction
Entomology, College of Heterosis has the following specific traits: firstly, heterosis highly variable, the degree of
Agriculture, Indira Gandhi heterosis varies with respect to the genetic distance of the parents, their reproductive mode and
Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur, the characters investigated (Zhou et al., 2012) [53], the developmental stage of the plants
Chhattisgarh, India
(Grosz-man et al., 2013) [14] and the environment. With respect to environmental
Deepak Saran transformation, biotic and abiotic conditions displayed to affect heterosis include soil type,
Ph.D. Scholar, Department of topography, climate, solar energy, temperature and water availability (Munaro et al., 2011,
Genetics and Plant Breeding, Griffing and Zsiros1971, Langridge 1962 and Blum, 2013) [33, 13, 22, 2].
College of Agriculture, Indira Secondly, heterosisis largely universal and can increase crop yields by 15-50% depending on
Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya,
Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India
crop type. Many of the major cereal crops as well as commercial varieties of vegetable and
flower crops are popularly used hybrid seeds for increased agricultural performance (Duvick
Vivek Kumar Sandilya 1999, Birchler et al., 2003) [8. 9].
Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Exploitation of heterosis in rice is an important factor in crop improvement. It has been used to
Genetics and Plant Breeding, increase the yield and quality of rice production. Heterosis, or hybrid vigor, is a phenomenon
College of Agriculture, Indira
Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya,
that occurs when two different varieties of the same species are crossed. This results in the
Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India offspring being more vigorous than either parent variety. By exploiting this phenomenon,
farmers can increase their yields and get better quality grains from their crops.
Exploiting heterosis in rice can also help to improve the nutritional value of the grains as well
as reduce susceptibility to pests and diseases. With improved productivity and quality, farmers
can get better returns for their efforts while also ensuring food security for their families and
communities. Hybrid rice is grown broadly in Asian countries including China and India,
where it is the staple cereal (Lamkey and Staub, 1998) [20]. In China, hybrid rice has a yield
gain of 20-30 % over the best available inbred rice cultivars, facilitating a 44.1 % increase in
production (Cheng et al., 2007) [6].
Thirdly, increases in heterosis level diminish over time. An average, genetic gain for yield was
regularly increasing by 1.5-2.0 % per year at the end of last century, able it with lessening go
the heterotic increase (Hoisington et al., 1999) [16].
The average yield gain in rice went from 3.1% per year in the1980s to 1.4% per year in
the1990s and then 0.8%per year in the 2000s (Phillips, 2010) [39].
“The usual method for raising hybrids is to establish many inbred lines, make inter-cross and
Corresponding Author:
Rohit Kumar determine which hybrids are most productive in a given locality. (Davis and Rutger, 1976) [7]
Ph.D. Scholar, Department of and (Virmani et al. 1981) [45] reviewed on heterosis in various agronomic traits of rice.
Genetics and Plant Breeding, Virmani et al., 1981) [45] reported a significant positive mid and high parent heterosis for yield
College of Agriculture, Indira ranging from 1.9 to 3.69% in rice. Standard heterosis for yield ranging from 16 to 63% was
Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya,
Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India
reported by (Rutger and Shinjyo, 1980) [40] and from 29 to 45% by (Yuan et al., 1994) [51].
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Virmani et al., 1982) [44] reported 54 and 34% heterosis for genetic distance of parental lines. These are: (1) intraspecific
better parent and standard heterosis, respectively. In China heterosis, resulting from crosses between two accessions
hybrid yield exceeded the best conventionally bred cultivars belonging to the same species, (2) inter subspecific heterosis,
by 20 to 30% (Lin and Yuan, 1980) [25]. (Jennings, 1967) [18] resulting from crosses between two subspecies, and (3) wide-
found significant heterosis for vegetative growth to be hybridization heterosis, resulting from crosses between two
negatively associated with yield in hybrids derived from tall individuals of a different species or genus.”
parents. (Virmani et al., 1981, 1982) [45, 44] reported significant
standard heterosis for both vegetative growth and grain Intraspecific heterosis
yield.” Intraspecific heterosis is the popular desire of maximum of
Therefore, to maximize crop yields, breeders can also the breeders because it is able to be manipulated easily and
awareness on increasing heterosis level, enhancing the overall results in lower breeding costs, better breeding efficiency and
performance of inbred breeding lines, or each. Given the better seed-set (for seed-based totally crops) in comparison
ability for heterotic profits, its miles crucial that we apprehend with wide-hybridization heterosis. “To keep away from the
how first class to breed for heterosis. In this review, we low levels of heterosis associated with crossing closely-
classify heterosis into different classes in step with the genetic related lines, crop breeders classify intra-species parental
distance between parents. “We recommend distinct breeding materials into heterotic groups primarily based on molecular
techniques, based on these classes and on exceptional markers or physically trying out combining ability. Each
pollination control systems, to facilitate selection of the surest heterotic group fixes different alleles, which whilst blended
system for maximizing heterotic benefit.” with allele (s) from the opposite heterotic pool, can result in
higher vigor.” These positive interactions shape the base for
Heterosis for yield and yield components the superior performance of the heterotic pattern (Schon et al.,
“Reviewed the literature published until 1978 on extent of 2010) [42].
heterosis for several agronomic traits and noted several In rice, four heterotic patterns within two heterotic groups
reports showing significant heterosis and heterobeltiosis for were identified in tropical hybrid rice from the International
yield, grains per panicle, grain weight, and panicles per plant Rice Research Institute (IRRI) according to SSR markers and
in different crosses. The range of heterosis and heterobeltiosis field trials (Xie et al., 2014) [48].
observed for various agronomic traits.” Values for
heterobeltiosis and heterosis for a trial do not necessarily Intersubspecific heterosis
correspond to the same study; hence, some heterobeltiosis “Intersubspecific hybrids show 8-15 % more heterotic
values for grain yield are higher than heterosis value. With potential than intraspecific hybrids in rice (Li and Yuan,
few exceptions, the majority of these reports were based on 2010; Peng et al., 2008) [24, 38]. “Rice has three subspecies:
20 or less crosses which were perhaps made for pedigree indica, japonica and javanica.” Superior heterosis between
breeding programs and did not necessarily involve selection indica and japonica has been observed in China and
of parents to manifest stronger heterobeltiosis. “Standard elsewhere, with 30-50 % higher heterotic gains than that
heterosis was not estimated in most of the studies because provided by interva-rietal crosses. The indica and japonica
crosses were not made to develop F1 rice hybrids (Virmani, et subspecies of cultivated rice are genetically distant and each
al., 1981) [45]. The above studies did not conform to the has excellent agronomic traits. The first generation (F1) hybrid
findings of Jennings (1967) [18] who observed heterosis only between indica and japonica rice exhibits later maturity, more
for vegetative characters (viz., leaf area index, light luxuriance, larger spikes, more grains, higher tillering ability,
transmission ratio, tiller number, plant height, and dry weight) a better root system, stronger stems, resistance to lodging,
and not for reproductive traits, and thus concluded that stronger regeneration, and higher biomass, than its parents
heterosis in rice was not useful commercially.” (Gu, 2010, Wei et al., 2013) [15, 47].”
It appeard that hybrid vigour in yield had been because of Despite the enhanced heterosis of many traits in inter
notably high yield additives e.G., tiller number, panicle subspecific crosses, it should also be noted that if the parents
length, spikelet number, and thousand-grain weight. “Among of intraspecific hybrids have higher adaptability or more
the yield additives the highest heterosis effect changed into favorable genes, intraspecific hybrids may surpass the
for panicle number accompanied with the aid of spikelet heterotic potential of inter-subspecific hybrids. “Further more,
number, and panicle Length. Similar end result becomes discordance between parental genomes can lead to poor trait
mentioned by using (Mandal, 1982) [30].” There are many performance, for example with respect to seed setting and
reports showing evidence of significant advantageous high seed production, as a result of impaired pairing between
determine heterosis and popular heterosis for yield and yield homologous chromosomes during meiosis (Li and Yuan,
components (Carnahan, et al., 1972, Mohanty and Mohapatra, 2010) [24]. Low and unstable seed setting and poor grain
1973, Saini and Kumar, 1973, Mallick, et al., 1978, Virmani,
plumpness in the indica japonica F1 has limited the practical
et al., 1982, Luat, et al., 1985, Peng and Virmani, 1994) [3, 32,
44, 41, 29, 37, 51, 28] application of these hybrids (Lapitan et al., 2009, Zhu and
. Most crosses displaying sizeable trendy
Liao 1990) [23, 54]. Though hybrid sterility is a major form of
heterosis for yield were discovered to be owning heterosis for
post zygotic reproductive isolation, it has been possible to
more than one commponents. Results received in China and
find wide-compatibility genotypes that produce highly fertile
IRRI indicate that heterotic F1 combinations commonly
hybrids when crossed to both indica and japonica.”
display an elevated sink size thru an increase in spikelet per
Assuchitis now possible to enhance indica japonica hybrid
panicle, spikelet fertility percentage, and a thousand-grain
fertility by manipulating afew allelic interactions at a small
weight (Virmani and Edwards, 1983) [46].
number of wide-compatibility loci (Chen et al., 2011,
Ikehashi and Araki, 1986) [4, 17].
Classification and application of heterosis
“Three categories of heterosis have been defined based on the
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The manipulation of wide-compatibility genes during hybrid fertility genes are determined in associated species, since it
rice breeding in China has resulted in normal seed setting happens naturally and has higher seed quality control.” NMS
rates in indica japonica hybrids (Wei et al., 2013) [47]. Now also extensively takes place in nature and is the second one
hybrids of indica and japonica show off strong vegetative most popular pollination control system, as breeders can more
vigor with a normal rate of seed setting and grain plumpness without difficulty attain superior mixtures. “Environment-
(Luan et al., 2007, Ouyang et al., 2010) [27, 36]. As such, more conditioned CMS and NMS are also widely carried out, but,
cultivars had been launched and implemented in breeding because the call implies, the seed manufacturing and growth
using javanica, or an intermediate type, as one parental line of environment-conditioned CMS or NMS strains are
(Cheng et al., 2007, Zhong et al., 2005) [6, 52]. restricted with the aid of the local or seasonal surroundings.”
The indica-japonica hybrid system of rice might also act as a Environment-conditioned CMS and NMS thus also have a
version for inter subspecific hybridization heterosis of higher danger of producing sterile strains in F1 hybrids than
different crops. Future investigations must try to find different types of pollination control systems.
additional genes involved in hybrid sterility, clarify the “Chemical hybridizing agents are not restricted to particular
underlying molecular mechanisms and make use of these species and do not require the laborious practice of
findings to develop extra inter-subspecific hybrids to increase transferring sterility and fertility genes from one species / line
productiveness (Ouyang et al., 2009) [35]. to another species / line, making it a promising alternative.
Furthermore, these can enable breeders to develop hybrids
Heterosis from wide hybridization with higher heterosis leveling a shorter time. Genetic
“Wide hybridization is described as a cross between two engineering for pollination control also shows promise,
individuals at least species-level divergence. Examples particularly in new species, providing that these are amenable
encompass Brassica oleracea (cabbage/cauliflower) B. Rapa to genetic transformation and the regulation of genetically
(Chinese cabbage), B. Oleracea Raphanus sativus (radish), modified crops can be accepted.” Pollination control by
Zea mays (maize) Oryza sativa (rice) and Secale spp. (e.g. artificial emasculation is mechanically intensive and difficult
Rye) Triticum spp. (e.g. Wheat). With recognize to wide to apply in regions where the expense or limited availability
hybridization, so long as geographical and reproductive of manpower is prohibitive.
isolation exists among species, strong hybrid power is found,
however further to inter sub specific crosses, bad seed setting Heterosis response in rice
and genetic in stability regularly occur.” The utilization of population improvement methods in rice
most effective became possible after the discovery of the male
Uses of heterosis and pollination control systems sterile line via: induced mutation of the rice. The initial
New, superior pass combinations should have easy, low-price, breeding strategy to produce hybrids depended on 3 breeding
high yielding and stable seed production techniques. In order lines known as A line (the male sterile line), B line
to manipulate hybrid production in lots of species, floral (responsible to the genetic male sterility of the A line) and R
castration methods are required, which can be classified into: line (used to maintain the fertility of the A line and to produce
(1) non-genetic castra-tion, or, (2) biological pollination the hybrid seed). “The best system for these and different
manipulate technologies. Non-genetic castration consists of cross-pollinated crops would be the only-line approach using
artificial castration and the use of chemical hybridizing sellers the apomixis system that allows maintaining the proper
(CHA). “Biological pollination control structures employ cultivar. Identification and assessment of male-sterile lines
cytoplasmic-encoded male sterility (CMS) (involving a and their restorers, check move section to select heterosis
cytoplasmic genetic male sterile line, a maintainer line and a combinatins and to provoke conversion of maintainer lines
restorer line), nuclear-encoded male sterility (NMS), self- into male-sterile lines, back crosses to switch the cytoplasmic
incompatibility (SI), environment-touchy genetic male male-sterility to elite maintainer lines, trials to observe the
sterility, and F2 residual heterosis.” F2 residual heterosis combining ability (general and specific) of the parental lines
occurs while the yield of the F2 generations in a few hybrids and foundation seed production of all three lines.” Production
remains in all likelihood to be better than the control (Lamkey of breeding lines for the three- or -two line methods continues
and Edwards, 1999) [21]. to be a difficult task for most of the rice breeding programs
Genetic and metabolic engineering of such pollination control (Duvick, 1999) [8. 9].
systems can also be carried out, which can also contain Heterosis is the base of the great fulfillment in hybrid rice.
manipulation of CMS, nuclear-encoded pollination “Currently, hybrid rice accounts for 55% of the whole
manipulate genes and inducible pollination control genes planting acreage of paddy rice in Far East Asia and the yearly
(Kempe and Gils, 2011, Engelke et al., 2011) [19, 10]. increased rice production due to planting hybrid rice
The selection of pollination manage era is depending on the quantities to twenty million metric tons, which could provide
species concerned. A desirable pollination control machine prime staple meals for 70 million people (Lu, et al., 2002)
takes into consideration species-precise propagation methods, [26]
.” Hybrid rice varieties have a yield advantage of 10-20%
ploidy, flower size, flowering behavior, manpower over the best conventional inbred varieties using similar
necessities, economic cost, mating type (hermaphrodite or cultivation conditions (Lu, et al., 2002) [26]. “In rice breeding,
dioecism), the presence or absence of genetic sterility (NMS, most agronomic and grain quality traits are controlled by
CMS and SI), the fertility and restoration potential of restorer many genes each of, which has a relatively small effect on the
lines, transformability, the degree of inbreeding depression overall phenotype. These traits do not show discrete
(reduced vigour or yield because of inbreeding) and the phenotypes, consequently they are often measured and given
sensitivity in the direction of chemical hybridizing agents. a quantitative value and are referred to as quantitative traits.
“Generally, CMS is the preferred desire for pollination Quantitative traits are difficult to study because the
control and is taken into consideration first if the sterility and phenotypes do not give an insight into the genotype. The
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expression of genes controlling quantitative traits can be stable genome compatibility among distance species. (2)
greatly influenced by the environment. Consequently, the identify and functionally represent positive heterotic loci. (3)
improvement of polygenic traits by traditional breeding pyramid wide-compatibility genes and positive heterotic loci
methods is time consuming and the gains are harder to right into a common genetic background. (4) Deepen our
realize.” Breeders usually overcome this problem by multi under-status of the mechanisms involved in genomic
environmental evaluation of replicated trials to capture the structural in stability within the F1, and (5) develop high
effect of the environment. efficient pollination control technology on a species-specific
Due to the intractable problem encountered whilst looking to basis.
enhance quantitative characters by using conventional
manner, breeders and geneticists have considered the potential Conclusion
use of DNA markers to identify chromosomal regions Exploitation of heterosis in rice crops provides enhancing
harboring genes that affect the quantitative characters. food security and represents a greatest applied achievement in
Morphological markers have been the primary era of markers the discipline of plant breeding programmes. The more
for use for identity and choice for quantitative traits loci. diverse of the parents the higher in the heterosis on their
“Very sluggish progress become made inside the use of these offspring. Breeders can also awareness on increasing heterosis
markers due to the undesirable results of many of the markers level, enhancing the overall performance of inbred breeding
on the target phenotype. The impact of the marker genes on lines, or each. Given the ability for heterosis profits, its miles
the quantitative tendencies became often larger than that of crucial that we apprehend how first class to breed for
the connected Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL), hence it heterosis. In this review, we classify heterosis into different
changed into hard to efficaciously and considerably use those classes in step with the genetic distance between parents. We
markers to look at quantitatively inherited tendencies recommend distinct breeding techniques, based on these
(Tanksley and Nelson, 1996) [43]. Moreover, there was a classes and on exceptional pollination control systems, to
dearth of available segregating genetic markers (Duvick, facilitate selection of the surest system for maximizing
1999) [8. 9].” Several efforts had been made to introgress useful heterosis benefit. We goal to provide insight into first class
genes into elite rice types through interspecific hybridization practices amplifying heterosis ability. Hybrid cultivars have
with varying amount of success. Recent destroy throughs in been adapted hastily in view that their advent with the aid of
every other subculture and molecular biology provide extra occupying 100% of production area Hybrid rice varieties have
opportunities for rice breeders to increase a brand new a yield benefit of 15-20% over the pleasant traditional inbred
generations of rice varieties which might be better adapted varieties using comparable cultivation situations. Hybrid
and high yielding. It is now feasible to pick out for molecular cultivars had been followed hastily on the grounds that their
markers connected to traits of interest (marker assisted creation by using occupying a 100 % of production area
choice) as opposed to deciding on for the developments
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