Agile Application Installation Guide

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[1] Product Lifecycle Management

Application Installation Guide
Release 9.3.6

Frebruary 2017
Agile Product Lifecycle Management Application Installation Guide, Release 9.3.6


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Primary Author: Oracle Corporation

Contributor: F. Tabibzade

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Preface ................................................................................................................................................................ vii

Audience...................................................................................................................................................... vii
Documentation Accessibility .................................................................................................................... vii
Related Documents .................................................................................................................................... vii
Conventions ................................................................................................................................................ vii

1 Preparing for the Agile PLM Installation

Understanding the Basics ....................................................................................................................... 1-1
Obtaining Software.................................................................................................................................. 1-1
Installing Agile PLM Prerequisites ...................................................................................................... 1-2
Understanding the Recommended Configuration ............................................................................ 1-2

2 Installing Agile PLM

Installation Overview.............................................................................................................................. 2-1
Copying the Agile PLM Files................................................................................................................. 2-1
Starting the Agile PLM Installer ........................................................................................................... 2-1
Installer Online Help............................................................................................................................... 2-3
Installer Buttons ....................................................................................................................................... 2-3
Agile PLM Installation Modes .............................................................................................................. 2-4
Agile PLM Installation Folders ............................................................................................................. 2-4

3 Upgrading to Agile PLM 9.3.6

Upgrade Overview ................................................................................................................................... 3-1
Upgrading the Agile Database .............................................................................................................. 3-1
Upgrading the Agile Application.......................................................................................................... 3-1
Upgrading the File Vault ........................................................................................................................ 3-2

4 Configuring a Standalone Application Server

Installation Overview.............................................................................................................................. 4-1
Installing the Server JDK........................................................................................................................ 4-1
Installing Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure........................................................................ 4-1
Running the Repository Creation Utility ............................................................................................ 4-2
What to Do Next................................................................................................................................. 4-3
Enabling Web Services Security (Optional) ................................................................................... 4-3

Starting and Testing the Agile PLM Application Server Connection ........................................... 4-3

5 Configuring an Application Server Cluster

About Agile Application Server Clusters............................................................................................ 5-1
Installation Overview.............................................................................................................................. 5-1
Installing Agile PLM in a Cluster ......................................................................................................... 5-2
Installing Agile PLM Administration and Managed Servers ......................................................... 5-2
Setting Up a Cluster................................................................................................................................. 5-2
Starting the WebLogic Administration Server............................................................................... 5-3
Adding Managed Servers to the Cluster ........................................................................................ 5-3
Starting the Managed Servers................................................................................................................ 5-3

6 Configuring the File Manager

About the File Manager .......................................................................................................................... 6-1
Deployment Configurations .................................................................................................................. 6-2
Configuring the File Manager Settings ............................................................................................... 6-2
Reconfiguring File Manager and WebDAV after Setting up a Web Proxy Server .............. 6-4
Starting the File Manager ....................................................................................................................... 6-5
Stopping the File Manager ..................................................................................................................... 6-5
Validating the File Manager Installation ............................................................................................ 6-5

7 Launching and Configuring Agile Java Client

Agile Java Client Requirements ............................................................................................................ 7-1
Installing the Agile Java Client ............................................................................................................. 7-1
Reconfiguring Java Client JNLP Files.................................................................................................. 7-2
Modifying the JNLP Files....................................................................................................................... 7-2
Configuring the JNLP MIME Type on UNIX ..................................................................................... 7-4

8 Uninstalling Agile PLM

Uninstalling Agile PLM on Windows.................................................................................................. 8-1
Uninstalling Agile PLM on UNIX......................................................................................................... 8-1

A Troubleshooting
Installation and Configuration Scripts ............................................................................................... A-1
Application Scripts ................................................................................................................................. A-2

B File Vault Utilities

Dead File Utility ...................................................................................................................................... B-1
Fix Vault .................................................................................................................................................... B-2
IFS Reorg................................................................................................................................................... B-2
MetaFiles Remover ................................................................................................................................. B-2
Missing Files Locator.............................................................................................................................. B-3
Second Signature..................................................................................................................................... B-3
Thumbnail Generator Utility................................................................................................................ B-4
Vault Simulator ....................................................................................................................................... B-4

922 PPM Post Upgrade Utility .............................................................................................................. B-5



Agile PLM is a comprehensive enterprise PLM solution for managing your product
value chain.

This document is intended for administrators and users of the Agile PLM products.

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support
through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing

Related Documents
Oracle's Agile PLM documentation set includes Adobe® Acrobat PDF files. The Oracle
Technology Network (OTN) Web site contains the
latest versions of the Agile PLM PDF files. You can view or download these manuals
from the Web site, or you can ask your Agile administrator if there is an Agile PLM
Documentation folder available on your network from which you can access the Agile
PLM documentation (PDF) files.

The following text conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated
with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for
which you supply particular values.

Convention Meaning
monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code
in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.

Preparing for the Agile PLM Installation

This guide provides an overview of the Agile Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)
installation and configuration process. This guide covers the installation and
configuration of Agile PLM running on Oracle Fusion Middleware.

Understanding the Basics

The Agile PLM application installer is built with the InstallAnyWhere utility which
supports installing the following components of Agile PLM:
■ Application Server
■ File Manager

Obtaining Software
Oracle products are distributed as Media Packs. A Media Pack is an electronic version
of the software. Refer to the Media Pack description or the list of products that you
purchased on your Oracle ordering document. Then, view the Quick Install Guide
License List to help you decide which Product Pack you need to select in order to
search for the appropriate Media Pack(s) to download. Prior to downloading, verify
that the product you are looking for is in the License and Options section of the E-Pack
Readme. Oracle recommends that you print the Readme for reference.
Download the Oracle Agile Applications (Oracle Agile Product Lifecycle Management
Release 9.3.6 Media Pack) Media Pack from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud web
site (
There is an itemized part list within each of the packs that you need to download all
items in order to have the complete download for the desired Oracle Agile release.
All Oracle Software Delivery Cloud files have been archived using Info-ZIP's highly
portable Zip utility. After downloading one or more of the archives, you must use the
UnZip or the Winzip utility to extract the files. You must unzip the archive on the
intended platform. Verify that the file size of your downloaded file matches the file
size displayed by the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud. Unzip each Zip file to its own
temporary directory.

Preparing for the Agile PLM Installation 1-1

Installing Agile PLM Prerequisites

Installing Agile PLM Prerequisites

Before installing the Agile PLM application, you must install and run the Agile PLM
database. For information on installing the Agile PLM database, refer to the Agile PLM
Database Installation Guide.
Also, you must install the Oracle WebLogic Server software before installing the Agile
PLM application server component. For information on installing Oracle WebLogic
Server, see"Installing Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure" on page 4-1

Understanding the Recommended Configuration

You can deploy the Agile PLM in different configurations. The amount of time
required to complete an installation depends on the complexity of your deployment.
For installations using a certified localized language, install and run all server
components on computers that are running the same localized OS. Clients can run on
the same localized OS or an English OS.
The general recommended configuration for Agile PLM components is at least one
computer for each of the following server components:
■ Agile PLM Database
■ Agile PLM Application Server
It is acceptable to install multiple server components on the same computer. However,
the minimum hardware requirements must be increased based on the number of
server components installed on a single computer.
Network service and TCP/IP protocol must be enabled before you install Agile PLM.
To set up an Agile PLM system, you should install the main components in the
following order:
1. Agile PLM Database
2. Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure
3. Agile PLM Application Server
4. Agile PLM File Manager

Note: If the Application Server and File Manager is installed on one

computer, you must install them at the same time in the same install

1-2 Agile Product Lifecycle Management Application Installation Guide

Installing Agile PLM


Installation Overview
■ Install Oracle database, Agile schema, and start the database.
■ Install JDK for application server.
■ Install Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure (includes WebLogic Server).
■ Install Agile PLM 9.3.6 application components.

Copying the Agile PLM Files

Before installing Agile PLM, you must copy the contents of the media packs to a local
directory with the same file structure used by the Installer.

Note: Oracle recommends installing these files from a local directory,

not over a network.

Note: Check the size of the media packs after copying the files in
order to verify that all files were properly copied.

Starting the Agile PLM Installer

Important: Install and test this release on a designated test server
before installing it on your production environment. Your test
environment must mirror your production environment to provide
accurate testing results. It is important to validate the installation of
this release and to confirm your integrations are working correctly as
possible. Any problems or questions noted during your system testing
should be resolved before installing this release on your production

Installing Agile PLM 2-1

Starting the Agile PLM Installer

The Agile PLM installer displays in English only option, even on non-English
operating systems.
Before running the installer, make sure
■ On UNIX, you are not logged in as the root user. You must log in as the same user
that installed the application server software.
■ You have enough available disk space for UNIX and Windows:
– On Windows, at least 2GB of available disk space
– On UNIX, at least 2GB of available disk space on the file system where the
temporary directory is located
■ You have disabled the virus protection utility.
If virus protection is enabled, components used in the installer can be considered
infected and lock up the installation. You can enable virus protection after the
installation is complete
■ On Linux, the InstallAnywhere installer requires some 32-bit shared libraries that
may not be present on your system. To this end, do as follows:
1. Install the 32-bit packages that provide the following shared libraries, if they
are not present:
/usr/lib/ - this library is typically found in package
/usr/lib/ - this library is typically found in package

Note: 32-bit packages for Linux often end in, or include one of the
following strings: i686, i586, i386.

2. Run the Agile PLM application installer. The Installer GUI (InstallAnywhere)
will either appear, or not. If it does not does not appear, run in debug mode
and upload the install log file for analysis. If you set LAX_DEBUG=true in the
shell, and then start the installer from that shell, you may receive specific
information about the missing library that is causing the runtime link error.

To start the Agile PLM installer on Windows:

1. Log in to the computer with the local Administrator permissions.

2. In the Disk1_Windows directory, double-click the setup_win.exe file.

Shortly afterwards, the Welcome screen appears.

Note: If there is insufficient Temp disk space to complete the

installation, you are prompted for another location. Click Choose,
select another drive, click OK, and the installer will start.

3. For information about any screen in the installer, click Help.

2-2 Agile Product Lifecycle Management Application Installation Guide

Installer Buttons

To start the Agile PLM installer on UNIX:

1. Log in to the system.

2. Open a terminal window and set the DISPLAY environment variable to your X
Windows server.

Note: The Agile PLM Installer is a graphical application and requires

an X server to perform the installation. It is recommended that you
display the installer UI on the server's console or use a remote desktop
application such as VNC rather than sending the X-Windows display
to a remote machine using a third-party display manager.

3. Go to the directory where you copied the Agile PLM files. Locate the setup_
<OS>.bin file, and run the program by typing the following:
■ AIX: ./setup_aix.bin
■ Linux: ./setup_lin.bin
■ Solaris (SPARC): ./setup_sol.bin
■ Solaris (X64): ./setup_solx64.bin
■ HP-UX: ./setup_hpux.bin
The Welcome screen appears. For information about any screen in the installer,
click Help.

Installer Online Help

Each installation panel has its own online help. At any time during installation, you
can click Help for more information about the panel's options.

Note: If you leave the online help window open, it will be updated
when you proceed through the installer panels. Otherwise, click Close
at the bottom of the help window.

Installer Buttons
Agile PLM installation panels have the following buttons:
■ Cancel -- Exits from the installation program.
■ Help -- Displays online help.
■ Previous -- Returns to the previous step.
■ Next -- Proceeds to the next step.
■ Install -- Starts installing. The Install button appears only on the Pre-Installation
Summary panel, after you have specified installation options.
■ Done -- Exits from the installation program. On Windows, after installing certain
components you can choose whether to restart the computer when you click
Done. The Done button appears only on the Install Complete panel, after you
have finished installing.

Installing Agile PLM 2-3

Agile PLM Installation Modes

Agile PLM Installation Modes

When installing Agile PLM, you can install in Basic or Advanced mode. Basic mode
can be selected if you are installing a standalone system and choose to accept the
default settings for virtual paths and authentication accounts. Advanced mode allows
you to install a standalone or clustered system and change or accept the defaults for all
install settings including those that are defaulted in Basic mode such as:
■ Agile Application Server Virtual Path (default: Agile)
■ File Manager User Authentication (default:ifsuser)
■ File Manager Virtual Path (default: Filemgr)
■ Update the application URLs (Web Server, Java Client, File Manager) in the
database (default:yes)

Agile PLM Installation Folders

After you install Agile PLM, the following folders appears in the AGILE_HOME directory.
This list includes the folders for all Agile PLM components, although it is not
necessary that you install them all on one computer.

Folder Description
agileDomain Agile Application Server
FileManager Agile File Manager
Install Installation and configuration scripts
integration Agile Integration Framework (AIF) products,
such as Agile Integration Services (AIS) and
Agile SDK
Uninstaller Agile PLM Uninstaller

2-4 Agile Product Lifecycle Management Application Installation Guide

Upgrading to Agile PLM 9.3.6


Upgrade Overview
Agile PLM 9.3.6 can be distributed over a wide-area network with multiple servers, or
it can be limited to a single server.
1. Stop and uninstall the previous Agile PLM application components.
2. If necessary, upgrade the database software.
3. Upgrade the Agile PLM database using AUT.
4. Install JDK for application server.
5. Install Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure (includes WebLogic Server).
6. Install Agile PLM 9.3.6 application components.

Important: Before upgrading to Agile PLM 9.3.6, read through this

entire chapter and the Readme for the latest information. For infor-
mation about optional upgrade services, contact Oracle Support.:

Note: All folder names and paths show the default settings provided
during installation. Your system structure may be different if folder
names or paths were changed during the installation.

Upgrading the Agile Database

You must upgrade the Agile database before installing and deploying the Agile
application server. Refer to the Agile PLM Database Upgrade Guide for details about
upgrading the Agile PLM database to the 9.3.6 release.

Upgrading the Agile Application

Because it is a full install, you must uninstall your previous version of the Agile PLM
before installing the Agile PLM 9.3.6.
Agile PLM 9.3.6 also requires a specific version of the application server software.
Make sure the supported application server software is installed before running the
Agile PLM 9.3.6 installer.

Upgrading to Agile PLM 9.3.6 3-1

Upgrading the File Vault

Important: Do not install into the same sub-directory used by the

previous installation of Agile PLM, unless you have removed any
previous installation. Always install Agile PLM in a fresh directory.

Upgrading the File Vault

If you are upgrading to Agile PLM 9.3.6 from a version prior to 9.2, the file vault
structure must be reorganized. In previous versions of Agile, files were stored in the
<iFS Root> or files directory. In later versions, files are stored in separate directories
based on a file ID. All existing files must be reorganized to conform to the newer
design specifications. If you have an existing iFS or Distributed File Manager
configuration, you must reorganize the files on each file server.

To reorganize existing files:

1. Backup all existing Agile file vaults to a safe location before upgrading any
component to Agile PLM 9.3.6.
2. After you have copied all files into a backup directory, install the new File
3. Copy any files that you backed up into the File Manager Storage Location you
specified during the File Manager installation.
4. Point to the AGILE_HOME\agileDomain\tools\ directory.
5. Run the iFSReorgV2 utility. For information on how to run the iFSReorgV2 utility,
see "IFS Reorg" on page B-2.
6. After the program completes, the reorganization summary information displays.
7. Go to "Configuring the File Manager" on page 6-1 to configure the new file
manager with the upgraded file vault information and to validate the installation
was successful.

3-2 Agile Product Lifecycle Management Application Installation Guide

Configuring a Standalone Application Server


Installation Overview
■ Install and start the database
■ Install JDK for the application server
■ Install Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure (includes WebLogic Server)
■ Install Agile PLM application components: standalone application server and file

Installing the Server JDK

The application server software for Agile PLM requires a 64-bit JDK be installed in
order to perform the installation. Download and install a supported JDK from the
downloads link on the Oracle Technology Network website.

Installing Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure

The Agile PLM application server component requires that Oracle Fusion Middleware
Infrastructure, which includes Oracle WebLogic Server, be installed before
installing the Agile PLM application server component. The Oracle Fusion
Middleware Infrastructure installer installs additional components including
Java-required files, Oracle Web Services Manager, Oracle Enterprise Manager, and
Oracle Platform Security Services.

To install Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure

1. Copy the fmw_12. file from the Agile PLM Media
Pack to your machine.
2. Open a command window and set JAVA_HOME to the location of the previously
installed JDK.
3. Run the following command: %JAVA_HOME\bin\java -jar fmw_12.
4. Click Next.
5. Type the path that you want to install the Oracle Fusion Middleware
Infrastructure and make a note of this location because you will need it later
during the installation.

Configuring a Standalone Application Server 4-1

Running the Repository Creation Utility

6. Click Next on all panels until Installation Summary.

7. Click Finish to complete the installation.

Running the Repository Creation Utility

The Repository Creation Utility (RCU) creates database schemas required by Oracle
Fusion Middleware Infrastructure. It must be run before installing the Agile PLM
application server component.

Note: Installing the Agile PLM application server requires fresh RCU
schemas. If a previously installed environment is being reinstalled,
then its associated RCU repository must be dropped and recreated
before reinstalling Agile PLM.

To create the schemas using RCU:

1. In a command window, change to the directory, ORACLE_HOME\oracle_common\bin.
ORACLE_HOME is the location of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure
2. Run the following commands for Windows and UNIX:
■ Windows: rcu.bat
■ UNIX: ./rcu
3. On the Welcome page, click Next.
4. On the Create Repository page, select System Load and Product Load and then
click Next.
5. On the Database Connection Details page, enter the RCU database connection
information. You can use the Agile PLM database to host the RCU schemas. Click
6. On the Select Components page, type a prefix for schemas that you want to create.
You should consider setting the RCU schema prefix to the Agile PLM schema
name so it is clear with which Agile PLM schema the RCU schemas are associated.
Make a note of the schema prefix or names because they are needed during Agile
PLM installation.
7. Select the following repository components under AS Common Schemas:
■ Metadata Services
■ Audit Services
■ Audit Services Append
■ Audit Services Viewer
■ Oracle Platform Security Services
■ Common Infrastructure Services (selected by default)
8. Click Next.

4-2 Agile Product Lifecycle Management Application Installation Guide

Starting and Testing the Agile PLM Application Server Connection

9. On the Schema Passwords page, type the password that should used for all
schemas. You can also type different passwords for each schema.
10. Click Next.
A table of default and temp Tablespaces is displayed on the Map Tablespaces
11. Click Next.

12. Click Create to complete the RCU installation.

What to Do Next
Install PLM and its components by starting the Agile PLM installer and following the
instructions in online help.

Note: When installing the Agile PLM application server component,

you must select the same JDK that you used to install the Oracle
Fusion Middleware Infrastructure software.

Note: If you are using the AutoVue Server, you must install AutoVue
client libraries before deploying the application server and file
managers. See the AutoVue for Agile PLM Installation and User Guide for

Oracle recommends backing up the <AGILE_HOME>\agileDomain\security folder after


Enabling Web Services Security (Optional)

Agile PLM supports Web Services Security (WSS) for customers who want to
configure additional protection for web services.
Refer to the Agile Product Lifecycle Management Security Guide for WSS related
configuration information.

Starting and Testing the Agile PLM Application Server Connection

After installing and starting the Agile PLM Application Server, you can test the
connection using the application server listen ports configured during installation.

Important: It is important that you do not provide users with this

URL. The port you specified during the Application Server
installation may be non-standard and may not be appropriate for use
by external or remote Agile Web clients. This URL is a direct
connection to the Application Server, and it should be used only for
testing the troubleshooting purposes.

Configuring a Standalone Application Server 4-3

Starting and Testing the Agile PLM Application Server Connection

To start the Agile PLM Application Server and test the connection:
1. Start the Agile Application Server as follows:

■ On Windows Service, select Start >Services>AgilePLM.

■ On Windows command line, run the startAgile.cmd script, located in the
AGILE_HOME\agileDomain\bin directory OR choose Start > All Programs >
Agile > Agile PLM > Start Agile Server. A command window will appear
and this window must remain open but you can minimize it.
■ On UNIX command line, run the script located in the AGILE_
HOME/agileDomain/bin directory.
A message stating "Agile PLM Server Starting Up" appears in the command
window or the application server log file before connection.

4-4 Agile Product Lifecycle Management Application Installation Guide

Starting and Testing the Agile PLM Application Server Connection

2. Open your browser and use the following URL to test the Agile Web client setup:

Note: The URL is case-sensitive. The default virtual_path is Agile.

A login dialog appears.

3. Type the username and password.
You can log in with the built-in Administrator account by typing admin for the
user and the password that you supplied for the admin user in the password
management screen during installation.

Note: The first time that you log in, it will take a few moments for
the information to load.

Configuring a Standalone Application Server 4-5

Starting and Testing the Agile PLM Application Server Connection

4-6 Agile Product Lifecycle Management Application Installation Guide

Configuring an Application Server Cluster


About Agile Application Server Clusters

Agile utilizes the clustering capability of the application server. A cluster is a group of
servers that work together to provide a more scalable and more reliable application
than a single server. A cluster appears to its clients as a single server, but is actually a
group of servers acting as one. A cluster provides two key advantages over a single
■ Scalability: The capacity of a cluster is not limited to a single server or a single
machine. New servers can be added to the cluster dynamically to increase
capacity. If more hardware is needed, a new server on a new machine can be
added. If a single server cannot fully utilize an existing machine, additional
servers can be added to that machine.
■ Redundancy: A cluster uses the redundancy of multiple servers to insulate clients
from failures. The same service can be provided on multiple servers in the cluster.
If one server fails, the surviving members can continue to serve the application.
The ability to fail over from a failed server to a functioning server can increase the
availability of the application to clients.
Traffic to multiple application servers is managed or balanced by a device between the
server cluster and its clients. The two components that provide this capability are:
■ Reverse-proxy web servers
■ Load balancers
You can deploy web servers in the infrastructure if necessary, but Agile PLM requires
that a load-balancer with a cookie persistence feature is present in the infrastructure to
distribute the load, manage failover, and enforce session persistence.

Installation Overview
Follow the sequence of tasks listed below:
1. Install and start the database.
2. Install JDK for application server(s).
3. Install Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure (includes WebLogic Server) on
each machine that will host an Administration or Managed server.
4. Install Agile PLM application components: Administration server, Managed
server(s) and file manager.

Configuring an Application Server Cluster 5-1

Installing Agile PLM in a Cluster

Installing Agile PLM in a Cluster

The Agile PLM application server component requires installing the Oracle Fusion
Middleware Infrastructure, which includes Oracle WebLogic Server, before
running the Agile PLM installer.
Please see "Installing Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure" on page 4-1 to install
the required software on each server. The installation process is the same for the
cluster and the standalone setup.
After Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure is installed, you can install the Agile
PLM Application Server component using the Agile PLM installer.

Installing Agile PLM Administration and Managed Servers

A WebLogic Server cluster typically consists of one Administration server and at least
one (often two) Managed servers. The Administration server in a WebLogic cluster
owns and manages the configuration and the Managed server(s) run the application.
The Administration server and one or more Managed servers can be installed on the
same machine. A typical two-machine configuration has the Administration and one
or more Managed servers on one machine and at least two Managed servers on the
second machine. This configuration can insulate the application from hardware failure
if the two machines do not share any resources. Also multiple managed servers can be
added to each machine to scale the application to the limits of the available hardware,
like CPU and memory.
Install the Agile Application Server component on each server by starting the Agile
PLM installer and following the instructions in online help. Make sure you select
Advanced Mode as the Installation Mode and Cluster Installation as the Installation
Type. The installation directory should be the same on all of the servers in the cluster.
The Agile PLM installer supports installation of zero or one administration server and
zero, one or two managed servers on the same machine in a single Agile home.

Note: When installing the Agile PLM application server, you must
select the same JDK used to install Oracle Fusion Middleware
Infrastructure software.

Note: If you are using the AutoVue Server, you must install the
AutoVue client libraries before starting and deploying the application
server and file managers. See the AutoVue for Agile PLM Installation and
User Guide for instructions.

Setting Up a Cluster
A cluster is a group of servers that work together to provide a scalable and more
reliable application platform than a single server. A typical cluster configuration
contains one administration server and two or more managed servers. You must locate
all servers in the same subnet to ensure the unicast messages are reliably transmitted.

5-2 Agile Product Lifecycle Management Application Installation Guide

Starting the Managed Servers

The following are indications that the Agile PLM installer performed successfully:
■ The necessary files are installed on the Administration server only.

Note: Some files, such as application.ear, are installed on the

WebLogic Administration server only.

■ The config.xml file is populated with the cluster name.

■ Agile PLM is installed on each managed server and each instance includes the
managed server startup script, which contains the administration server name.

Starting the WebLogic Administration Server

Note: If you are using the AutoVue Server, you should install the
AutoVue client libraries before starting and deploying the application
server. For instructions, refer to AutoVue for Agile PLM Installation and
User Guide.

To start the WebLogic Administration Server:

1. Navigate to the Agile_Home\agileDomain\bin folder on the machine where the
Administration Server is installed.
2. Run the startServerAgileAdmin script.
If installing as a Windows Service, you may start the server using the Windows Service

Adding Managed Servers to the Cluster

To add WebLogic managed servers to the cluster:

1. Point to the AGILE_HOME\agileDomain\bin directory and run the
addManagedServer script for each managed server as shown below:
addManagedServer.cmd ManagedServer# <Hostname> <Port>

Starting the Managed Servers

To start the managed servers, go to the AGILE_HOME\agileDomain\bin folder on each
machine where a managed server is installed and run the startAgileManagedServer1
If installing as a Windows Service, you may start the servers using the Windows
Service Manager.

Note: If you have installed multiple managed servers on one

machine, managed server scripts are named and numbered for each
managed server, such as startAgileManagedServer1 and

Configuring an Application Server Cluster 5-3

Starting the Managed Servers

5-4 Agile Product Lifecycle Management Application Installation Guide

Configuring the File Manager


About the File Manager

The File Manager manages files in a repository or a vault in the file system.
Additionally, it provides a location to store and retrieve files locally or remotely. You
can install the File Manager on the same or a different server than the Agile
Application Server. You can also install the File Manager in a redundant and/or
distributed configuration across geographic regions.
You can deploy multiple file managers in a distributed configuration with or without a
reverse-proxy web server. A distributed file manager configuration enables you to
install additional file managers at remote locations so that remote sites can store and
retrieve files locally, while still making the files available to the Agile PLM system.This
can dramatically improve the user experience for file operations by increasing network
bandwidth and reducing network latency from the end-user's client to the file

Note: If you are using AutoVue, then you must install the AutoVue
Server component with each File Manager.

The following is a usage model for a distributed File Manager configuration:

■ The File Manager located nearest to the application server must be designated the
primary File Manager.
■ Users upload and download files from their preferred File Manager.
■ File replication between File Managers is on-demand. When a remote user
requests a file that does not exist on their preferred File Manager, the system
copies the file to the remote user's preferred File Manager.
■ Checking out and checking in files is the same as getting and adding files.
■ Deleting a file in the application only removes references to the file and does not
remove the file from the file vault. Use the vault utility to clean up additional files
on non-primary File Managers.

Configuring the File Manager 6-1

Deployment Configurations

Deployment Configurations
You can deploy the File Manager in either a standalone, or a redundant configuration.
If you plan to install the Application Server and File Manager on the same server
(co-deployed), select both components when installing the Agile PLM.

Note: You should run the Agile PLM installer only once on each
machine and select all components you want to install on a given
machine during that one install session.

In the preferred redundant configuration, each machine in the cluster has the
Application Server and the File Manager co-deployed. File Managers have a shared
disk for file vaults so that all file manager instances have access to the files.
You can also choose to install the File Manager and Application Server components on
separate machines, though this configuration may require more hardware. Regardless
which configuration you choose, the Application Server(s) and File Manager(s) should
be installed before configuring and validating.

Configuring the File Manager Settings

After installing the File Manager and setting up a load balancer and/or reverse-proxy
server for it, you must configure the File Manager settings in the Java Client.

Note: Before configuring the File Manager, make sure you set up any
load balancer or reverse-proxy server.

To configure File Manager settings:

1. Start the Agile Application Server:

■ Windows:
– Windows service: Start the Windows service AgilePLM.
– Windows command line: Choose Start > All Programs > Agile > Agile
PLM > Start Agile Server. The command window will appear. You can
minimize this window, must remain open.
■ UNIX command line: Run the script located in the AGILE_
HOME/agileDomain/bin directory.
Wait until the message "Agile PLM Server Starting Up" appears in the
command window, or the application server log file , before connecting.
2. Start the Agile Java Client as described in Installing and Configuring the Java
3. Log in as an Agile Administrator user.
4. Click the Admin tab.
5. Choose Server Settings > Locations. The Server Location window appears.
6. Click the File Manager tab to bring it forward.
7. Double-click the entry to display the File Manager dialog box.
8. Click the Advanced button and check the Viewer Content URL.

6-2 Agile Product Lifecycle Management Application Installation Guide

Configuring the File Manager Settings

9. Enter the value of the File Manager URL.

The File Manager URL is the URL the Agile Web Client connects to. The format is:

Note: The default value for fileserver_virtual_path is Filemgr.

10. Click the Standard Vault Type to display the drop-down list.
You can choose to have both Standard and Custom vaults. A standard vault is the
default vault type and is used for new file uploads. A custom vault allows you to
attach existing files to Agile PLM as-is, without reorganizing or uploading the

Note: Each file manager must have at least one Standard Read-Write
vault to be used for uploading files.

A custom vault is always set up as read-only. You can attach an arbitrary file
structure to the File Manager as a custom vault without the files being uploaded.
Refer to the Agile PLM Import and Export Guide for more information on how to
configure FileLoad for custom vaults.
11. Enter a description of the vault in the Description field.

12. Verify that the primary location where the files are stored in the Base Storage
Directory field is the same location you entered during installation. The default
location is \files. The location can be a shared network storage directory, such as
a Storage Area Network (SAN).

Important: Do not specify a mapped drive that may not be mapped

automatically after a reboot. Instead, specify a local drive or UNC
name, including directory path, like this: \\fileserver\filevault

13. Enter a location where the purged (deleted) files are automatically moved to in the
Purge Directory field. The default location is \files\purge. The location can be a
shared network storage directory, such as a SAN.

Important: Do not specify a mapped location. Instead, specify a local

drive or UNC name including directory path, like this:

14. Set the vault as Read-Write or Read-Only from the Category drop-down list.

Note: Each file manager must have at least one Standard Read-Write
vault (used for uploading files) and each File Manager can have only
one Read-Write vault.

If you have multiple vaults, define additional vaults as Read-Only.

Configuring the File Manager 6-3

Configuring the File Manager Settings

15. If you have additional vaults, then click the plus-sign to add these vaults.

16. Click OK when done.

17. Start the File Manager, as described in "Starting the File Manager" on page 6-5
There are additional configuration settings used to fully configure File Manager
through the Java Client. These settings are:
■ Filename Prefix (Preferences)
■ Checksum computation (Preferences)
■ DFM Optimized Replications (Preferences)
For more information on these additional settings, see the Agile PLM Administrator

Reconfiguring File Manager and WebDAV after Setting up a Web Proxy Server
If you set up a Web proxy server for Agile File Manager that is different from the
server or port you specified when you installed Agile PLM, you must make sure that
File Manager and WebDAV point to the proxy server on the correct port. Otherwise,
File Manager may not start successfully and Agile PLM clients will not be able to
access file attachments.

To configure File Manager and WebDAV after setting up a Web proxy server:
1. Configure File Manager locations in Java Client.

2. Stop the File Manager.

3. Using a text editor, open the server.conf file for File Manager in the AGILE_
HOME\agileDomain\config directory.
4. Find the file.server.url entry, and update it to reflect the proxy server hostname or
alias and port number. After you modify the file.server.url.entry, it will look
similar to this:

Note: The file.server.url entry must match the File Manager

Internal Locator entry (defined in Java client: Server Settings >
Locations) or the File Manager will not successfully initialize.

5. Save the server.conf file.

6. Restart the File Manager (Tomcat).

6-4 Agile Product Lifecycle Management Application Installation Guide

Validating the File Manager Installation

Starting the File Manager

After configuring the File Manager, start the server as follows:

To start the File Manager on Windows:

1. Choose Start > Administrator Tools > Services.

2. Start the Apache Tomcat AgileFM service.

Note: You can check for errors in the stdout and stderr logs in the
AGILE_HOME\FileManager\logs directory.

To start the File Manager on UNIX:

1. Open a terminal window.

2. Change to the AGILE_HOME/FileManager/bin directory.

3. Start the File Manager using the following UNIX command:
> ./

Stopping the File Manager

To stop the File Manager on Windows:
1. Select Start > Administrator Tools > Services.

2. Stop the Apache Tomcat AgileFM service.

Note: You can check for errors in the stdout and stderr logs in the
AGILE_HOME\FileManager\logs directory.

To stop the File Manager on UNIX:

1. Open a terminal window.
2. Change to the AGILE_HOME/FileManager/bin directory.
3. Stop the File Manager using the following command:
./ -force

Validating the File Manager Installation

This step verifies the File Manager was installed successfully.

To validate the File Manager installation:

Check the following URL:

Note: The default value for fileserver_virtual_path is Filemgr.

Configuring the File Manager 6-5

Validating the File Manager Installation

For example, you can type the following URL:
If you are using a Web proxy server for File Manager, the URL could resemble:
After a moment, the File Manager Configuration page will appear. This page tests the
File Manager and Application Sever connections. If Success is listed in the Status
column for all connections, your installation was successful.

6-6 Agile Product Lifecycle Management Application Installation Guide

Launching and Configuring Agile Java Client


Agile Java Client Requirements

You must have a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK)
version 8 or later installed on your computer to use Agile Java Client.
The server-side files required for Agile Java Client are installed with the Agile
Application Server.

Note: The Agile PLM administrator must send users the URL to
connect to the Agile Java Client. In addition, there is a new Java client
access privilege that must be granted for users to use the Java client.

Installing the Agile Java Client

To use the Agile Java Client, you must have JRE 8.0 installed on your client computer.
Agile Java Client uses Java Web Start technology to download the software and keep it

To launch the Agile Java Client:

1. Open your browser and type the following:

For example, the URL might look something like this:
2. Click Launch.
Java Web Start proceeds to download Java Client files and install them on your
computer. This may take a few minutes.
3. If a Security Warning dialog box appears, click Start.
4. If the Agile Desktop Integration dialog box appears, click Yes to integrate the
Agile Java Client with your desktop.
You are prompted to log in to the Agile server.
5. Enter your Agile PLM username and password, and then click OK.
The main Agile Java Client window opens.

Launching and Configuring Agile Java Client 7-1

Reconfiguring Java Client JNLP Files

Reconfiguring Java Client JNLP Files

When you install the Agile Application Server, the following three JNLP files are
configured for the Agile Java Client. You can find more information.

Note: A JNLP file is an XML document that describes a Java

application that is launched by Java Web Start. In general, JNLP files
are configured correctly during the installation of Agile PLM.
However, if you have an application server cluster and are unable to
start Java Client and download its classes, you may need to
reconfigure the JNLP files on the Administration server to use the
correct URLs

These files are embedded with the application.ear file and deployed with the
■ pcclient.jnlp
■ ext.jnlp
■ custom.jnlp

Modifying the JNLP Files

Agile provides the following two utilities to unpack the JNLP files from the
application.ear file and to repack them again after modification.
■ ExtractJNLPFiles
■ RepackJNLPFiles

To extract and modify the Java Client JNLP files:

1. Stop the Agile Application Server.

2. On the application server machine (the admin server machine in a WebLogic

cluster), open a command prompt window.
3. Change to the AGILE_HOME\Install\bin directory and run the ExtractJNLPFiles
script to extract the JNLP files from the application.ear file.
4. Open the pcclient.jnlp file in a text editor. The file is located in the AGILE_
HOME\agileDomain\applications directory.
5. Find the following tags and edit the values listed below:
<jnlp spec="1.0+"

7-2 Agile Product Lifecycle Management Application Installation Guide

Modifying the JNLP Files

■ <protocol> is the protocol used by the application server. Type t3 for Oracle
WebLogic Server
■ <proxy/loadbalancer> is the Web proxy server hostname or the alias for the
load balancer
■ <domain> is the fully qualified domain name
■ <port> is the Web proxy server port or virtual port for the load balancer
6. Save the file.
7. Open the ext.jnlp file in a text editor. The file is located in a wls subdirectory
beneath the AGILE_HOME\agileDomain\applications directory.
8. Find the following tag and edit the values listed below:
<jnlp spec="1.0+"
■ <proxy/loadbalancer> is the Web proxy server hostname or the alias for the
load balancer
■ <domain> is the fully qualified domain name
■ <port> is the Web proxy server port or virtual port for the load balancer.
9. Save the file.
10. Open the custom.jnlp file in a text editor. The file is located in the AGILE_
HOME\agileDomain\applications directory.
11. Find the following tag and edit the values listed below:

<jnlp spec="1.0+"
<proxy/loadbalancer> is the Web proxy server hostname or the alias for the load
<domain> is the fully qualified domain name
<port> is the Web proxy server port or virtual port for the load balancer.
12. Save the file.

13. Change to the AGILE_HOME\Install\bin directory and run the RepackJNLPFiles

script to replace the JNLP files into the application.ear file.
14. Start the Agile Application Server.

Launching and Configuring Agile Java Client 7-3

Configuring the JNLP MIME Type on UNIX

Configuring the JNLP MIME Type on UNIX

To successfully download and install application using Java Web Start, you must
configure the JNLP MIME type for your server.
Add the following line to the mime.types file in the /oracle_
home/Apache/Apache/conf directory of each application server:
application/x-java-jnlp-file JNLP

7-4 Agile Product Lifecycle Management Application Installation Guide

Uninstalling Agile PLM

This chapter describes how to uninstall the Agile PLM on Windows and Unix.

Uninstalling Agile PLM on Windows

Follow the steps listed below.
1. On Windows, click Start > Services and stop the following services (if present):
■ AgilePLM (if you installed the Application Server as a service)
■ Apache Tomcat AgileFM (if you installed File Manager as a service)
2. Choose Start > All Programs > Agile > Agile PLM > Uninstall Agile PLM.
3. Click Uninstall on the Uninstall Agile window.
4. Click Done when finished.
5. Restart the computer.

Uninstalling Agile PLM on UNIX

Follow the steps listed below:
1. Make sure the PATH environment variable contains the path to the JDK folder in
the AGILE_HOME directory.
2. Stop all Agile-related processes.
3. Open a terminal window and change to the AGILE_HOME/Uninstaller directory.
4. Run UninstallAgile\PLM to start the installer
5. Click Uninstall on the Uninstall Agile window.
6. Click Done when finished.
7. Restart the computer.

Uninstalling Agile PLM 8-1

Uninstalling Agile PLM on UNIX

8-2 Agile Product Lifecycle Management Application Installation Guide


Installation and Configuration Scripts

Several scripts are provided that can be used during installation and configuration of
the Agile Application Server. The scripts are installed in the AGILE_HOME\install\bin

Script Description
Configure-CMS Configures and repacks the CMS files in the Agile
application.ear file.
ConfigureWSSecurity Extends Agile domain to include EM and OWSM
ExtractArchive Extracts all of the files in the Agile application.ear file.
ExtractConfigFiles Extracts configuration files from the Agile application.ear
ExtractJavaClientFiles Extracts all of the Java Client files from the Agile
application.ear file.
ExtractJNLPFiles Extracts JNLP files for Java Client from the Agile
application.ear file.
ExtractWsdlFiles Extracts wsdl files for Services from CoreService.war file in
the Agile application.ear file
RenameWebCMS Enables you to rename WebCMS
RepackArchive Repacks all of the files into the Agile application.ear file.
RepackConfigFiles Repacks configuration files into the Agile application.ear
RepackJavaClientFiles Repacks all Java Client files into JavaClient.war, and then
updates the JavaClient.war file contained in the Agile
application.ear file.
RepackJNLPFiles Repacks JNLP files for Java Client into the Agile
application.ear file.
RepackWsdlFiles Repacks all wsdl files into CoreService.war, and then
updates the CoreService.war file in the Agile
application.ear file.

Troubleshooting A-1
Application Scripts

Application Scripts
Several scripts are provided for deploying and starting the Agile application. The
scripts are installed in the AGILE_HOME\agileDomain\bin directory:

Script Description
addManagedServer Adds a Managed Server to cluster.
checkLDAP Use this script to check your LDAP's configurations.
checkLDAPConfig Tries to connect to the Directory Server and verify
whether LDAP configuration is correct.
encryptDBSchemaPwd Use this script to encrypt the database schema password
for the file and the superadmin password
for the file.
encryptPwdUtil Encrypts the ifsuser password for the server.conf file.
InstallService Installs Agile PLM as a Windows service on a WebLogic
Administrator server.
InstallServiceAgilePLMManaged1 Installs Agile PLM as a Windows service on a WebLogic
managed server.
loadLDAPConfig Loads LDAP configuration information into the Agile
PLM database.
migrateUserstoDB Migrates users from the Directory Server to the Agile
PLM database. After you run this script, make sure to
restart your application server.
multisite-data-migrate Starts the data migration of multisite.
setEnv Sets common environment variables used to run other
Agile scripts.
startAgile Starts the Agile application server.
startServerAgileAdmin Starts the Agile administration server on a cluster.
startServerAgileManaged1 Starts the Agile managed server on a cluster.
stopAgile Stops the Agile application server.
stopServerAgileAdmin Stops the Agile Administration server on a cluster
stopServerAgileManaged1 Stops the Agile Managed server on a cluster.

A-2 Agile Product Lifecycle Management Application Installation Guide

File Vault Utilities

Several utilities are available to use with the File Vault. These utilities are installed in
the AGILE_HOME\agileDomain\tools directory.

Note: Make sure the Purge task is disabled before executing any File
Vault utility.

Dead File Utility

The Dead File utility locates the dead files in a file vault.
Usage: java -jar DeadFileUtility.jar
[-archiveFileDest<value>][-db_url<value>] [-db_user<value>] [-db_
■ attachmentPrefix is the file prefix.
■ vaultRoot is the absolute path of the vault root.
■ moveProblemFiles allows you to decide if you want to move the dead files to
another location.
■ archiveFileDest is the fully qualified path to an existing location where the dead
files should be moved, if you have chosen to move the files.
■ db_url is the URL of the database.
■ db_user is the name of the database user.
■ db_password is the password of the database user.
■ file is the absolute path of the file.
■ VERBOSE allows you to choose the level of detail displayed when the command is

File Vault Utilities B-1

Fix Vault

Fix Vault
The Fix Vault utility corrects the file sizes in the database. The file size is determined
based on the actual files in the vault and then corrects the size in the database. If the
file size equals zero during an upgrade, the file size is returned to its original value
after running this utility.
<Agile_Home>Usage: java -classpath
@WLS-HOME@/server/lib/weblogic.jar:FixFileSizeUtility.jar -dburl {DBURL} -dbuserid
{DBUSERID} -dbpassword {DBPASSWORD} -ifsuser {IFSUSER} -ifspassword
■ dburl is the URL of the database.
■ dbuserid is the name of the database user.
■ dbpassword is the password of the database user.
■ ifsuser is the name of the iFS user.
■ ifspassword is the password of the iFS user.
■ LOG enables logging.

IFS Reorg
IFS Reorg is used to restructure the file vault during an upgrade from a version prior
to Agile PLM 9.2.
Usage: java -jar iFSReorgV2.jar
-basedir<value>-oldFilePrefix<value>[-newFilePrefix<value>] [-logging
<true/false>] [-simulate <true/false>]
■ basedir is the file vault location to be reorganized
■ oldFilePrefix is the old file name prefix for the existing files in the vault
■ newFilePrefix is the new file name prefix. All of the existing files will be renamed
with this prefix. This is an optional argument. If it is not specified, the old file
name prefix is used.
■ logging enables logging of warnings or errors if set to true. The log is saved to a
file named ifsReorg.log.
■ simulate simulates the reorganization process without actually moving or
renaming the files.

MetaFiles Remover
The MetaFiles Remover is used to periodically remove metafiles from the file vault
based on the last used date or size. This utility should be used when upgrading the
Agile Viewer.

Note: A user-created .cmf file should not be listed or removed

from the file vault.

B-2 Agile Product Lifecycle Management Application Installation Guide

Second Signature

Usage: java -jar MetaFilesRemover.jar [-delete] [-age<value>]

_url<value> -db_user<value> -db_password<value><value>
parameters - filecreateddatestart DD/MM/YYYY -filecreateddateend
■ delete deletes the metafiles.
■ age specifies the last access time (day in numbers).
■ size specifies file size (KB).
■ basedir is the file vault location where the metafiles are removed.
■ prefix is the file name prefix.
■ serverURL is the location of the DMS service, for example,
■ username is the DMS service username (ifsuser).
■ password is the DMS service password (ifspassword).
■ dburl is the URL of the database.
■ dbuserid is the name of the database user.
■ dbpassword is the password of the database user.

Missing Files Locator

Missing Files Locator is used to locate missing files, including redlined files, in a file
vault, but not limited to a specific distributed file management server.
<Agile_Home>Usage: java -classpath
@WLS-HOME@/server/lib/weblogic.jar:MissingFilesLocator.jar -dburl {DBURL} -dbuserid
{DBUSERID} -dbpassword {DBPASSWORD} -ifsuser {IFSUSER} -ifspassword
■ dburl is the URL of the database.
■ dbuserid is the name of the database user.
■ dbpassword is the password of the database user.
■ ifsuser is the name of the iFS user.
■ ifspassword is the password of the iFS user.

Second Signature
Agile provides optional data migration scripts that can be used by customers who
choose to implement the Signoff User Dual Identification feature for approval signoffs.
The Signoff User Dual Identification feature was introduced to address FDA
regulations laid out in 21 CFR Part 11 Section 11.200. The system now facilitates the

File Vault Utilities B-3

Second Signature

usage of two forms of identification from the user when signing off on a document
such as a change order.
For more information on these scripts, see the Agile PLM Database Upgrade Guide.

B-4 Agile Product Lifecycle Management Application Installation Guide

Vault Simulator

Thumbnail Generator Utility

Generates thumbnails in bulk for ITEM, MFRPART, and FILEFOLDERS (including
Design) objects.
Usage: java -jar ThumbnailGeneratorUtility.jar
e>-DMSPASSWORD<value> [-ALL] [-ITEMs<values>] [-MFRPARTs<values>][
-FILEFOLDERs<values>] [-log] [-createDate<value>]
■ dburl is the URL of the database.
■ dbuserid is the name of the database user.
■ dbpassword is the password of the database user.
■ DMSURL is the location of the DMS service.
■ DMSUSER is the DMS service username.
■ DMSPASSWORD is the DMS service password.
■ ALL generates thumbnails for all of the supported files.
■ ITEMs generates thumbnails for a specified list of items. For multiple items, the
values should be comma separated.
■ MFRPARTs generates thumbnails for a list of MFR parts. For multiple parts, the
values should be comma separated as MFRNAME:MFRPART.
■ FILEFOLDERS generates thumbnails for a list of file folders. For multiple folders, the
values should be comma separated.
■ createDate is the date the file was created in the MM/DD/YYYY format.

Vault Simulator
Used to create a virtual vault from the Agile PLM database.
Usage: java -Dagile.fileServer.config.file="<server.conf file full path>"
-jar VaultSimulator.jar -VaultLoc<value>-URL<value>-userid <value>
■ VaultLoc is the file vault location.
■ URL is the database location.
■ userid is the database userid.
■ password is the database password.
■ updateContentURL is the location of the Content URL.
■ createFile is the name of the newly created file.

File Vault Utilities B-5

922 PPM Post Upgrade Utility

922 PPM Post Upgrade Utility

Agile Product Portfolio Management (PPM) gives you powerful capabilities to define,
analyze, and manage all aspects of a project or program. In Agile PLM 9.2.2, some of
the business rules were changed. If you are upgrading from a version of PPM prior to
version 9.2.2, data migration is necessary in order for the existing data to comply with
the new business rules.
The PPM Post Upgrade utility was developed to address these changes. The utility is
installed after you have upgraded your system to Agile PLM 9.3.6.

To run the PPM Post Upgrade utility:

1. Unzip the utility files to a temporary directory.

2. Change to the directory where you have unzipped the files and locate the file.
3. Edit the following entries in the file to match your

Server Settings
URL of the Agile PLM application
The format is <protocol>://<machine_
On WebLogic, the protocol is t3.
Login ID of the Agile user who has PPM-related
privileges to run the utility. This is typically the Admin
Password of the Agile user.
Weekends configured in the server. This value should be
the same as the setting in the file.
Database Settings
The JDBC driver URL of the database
The format is<db_machine_
Agile database username
Agile database password
Application Server Settings
The parent directory where the library files for the Agile
application are located.

B-6 Agile Product Lifecycle Management Application Installation Guide

922 PPM Post Upgrade Utility

Server Settings
Location of the Oracle Application Server, if installed.
Location of the WebLogic Application Server.

4. Save the file.

5. Verify that Agile PLM is running.
6. On a command line, make sure that the JAVA_HOME environment variable points to
the location of the JDK. If it does not, set the value to the correct location.
7. In the directory where you unzipped the utility files, run install.cmd to start the

Important: If you configured the PPM Post Upgrade Utility in Agile

PLM 9.2.2 and are upgrading to Agile PLM 9.3.6 from version 9.2.2,
run install upgrade-actualtime.cmd, NOT install.cmd to start the

8. Restart the Agile application server.

File Vault Utilities B-7

922 PPM Post Upgrade Utility

B-8 Agile Product Lifecycle Management Application Installation Guide


A project activity in Agile Product Portfolio Management, such as a program, task, or

Affected Files
Similar to Affected Items, these objects are EC files that are Design Release Candidates.

Agile Configuration Propagation (ACP)

Propagating existing configuration of PLM to the newly installed version of PLM.

Agile Content Service (ACS)

ACS is an event-driven XML-based publishing service that makes the product record
available to a wide variety of business applications and users, internally and across the
global manufacturing network

Agile Destination
A package created by an Agile PLM system in the target PLM using Web Services to
import from the Attachments tab of the package in the target system.

Agile Integration Services (AIS)

A collection of predefined Web Services in the Agile Integration Framework that
enable communication between the Agile Application Server and disparate systems

Agile Product Portfolio Management

The Agile PLM project management solution that is integrated with the product
information in PLM.

Affected Items tab on Change objects in Agile.

Approved Manufacturer Parts List (AML)

List of approved manufacturer parts associated with an item.

Application Programming Interface (API)

A set of routines, protocols, and tools for building software applications. An API
expresses a software component in terms of its operations, inputs, outputs, and
underlying types.


A product assembly lists the parts in a product and shows the substances and
materials that comprise those parts. It is linked to specifications that can restrict how
much of a particular substance that product assembly may contain

Automated Transfer Orders (ATO)

Content published by Agile PLM users in real time with a content transfer order (CTO)
or set up subscribers to automatically create automated transfer orders (ATO) based on
a schedule or triggered by a workflow status change.

A snapshot of a project, usually in its initial stage, used as a reference for future
comparison in Agile Product Portfolio Management.

Bill of Material (BOM)

A hierarchical representation of a product that is made up of other products.

Bill of Substances (BOS)

A hierarchical list of substances that are contained in the parts and assemblies that
make up a BOM.

Change Sequence
A series of three-digit numbers (001 through 099) that define the order in which
DFCOs (Design File Change Orders) have been published for a specific Design or File
Folder. Each Change Sequence number is associated with one specific DFCO and with
the specific file folder version number in use when the DFCO is published.

A class of goods that is in demand, that is supplied without qualitative differentiation
regardless of supplier.

Computer-aided Design (CAD)

The use of computer systems to assist in the creation, modification, analysis, or
optimization of a design. CAD software is used to increase the productivity of the
designer, improve the quality of design, improve communications through
documentation, and to create a database for manufacturing. CAD output is often in the
form of electronic files for print, machining, or other manufacturing operations.

Contract (Price)
This is a subclass of the Published Prices class. Contract prices are prices provided by
the supplier for a specific item or manufacturer part. This price information applies
only for the specified duration and can apply to any project.

The process of leveraging product cost across suppliers.

A unit of work required for a project's success, usually fulfilled by generating a digital
file. (Word processing documents, spreadsheet documents, PDFs, presentation
documents, and so on.) Deliverables can also be Agile PLM objects and processes. Also
called ’content’ in Agile Product Portfolio Management.

Item Master

Design Change Order (DCO)

A Change Order subclass that is available when the effected File Tab is enabled and
provides access to all Agile PLM Workflow functions.

Design File Folder

An EC file folder that is integrated with CAD and PLM files, providing full access to
PLM Workflow function.

EC Client
A Java-based UI to access, administer and operated the EC solution.

Engineering Collaboration (EC)

An application that provides data and process integration between CAD applications
and Agile PLM. It allows CAD designers and engineers to capture and control the data
representing a primary source of the product record.

Engineering Collaboration Order (ECO)

An object that carries with it all the proposed changes to a product and/or its BOM.
When approved and implemented, the proposed changes become effective.

Extensible Markup Language (XML)

A markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that
is both human-readable and machine-readable

File Manager
The File Manager manages files in a repository or vault in the file system and provides
a place to store and retrieve files locally or remotely. You can install it on the same
server as the Agile Application Server or on a separate one. You can also install the File
in a redundant configuration and/or distributed across geographic regions.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

A standard network protocol used to transfer computer files from one host to another
host over a TCP-based network, such as the Internet.

Fully Qualified File Name

The exact name of a file on a computer that is completely specified such that it is
unambiguous and cannot be mistaken for any other file on that system.

Fully Qualified Path Name (FQPN)

The full path of a resource, directory or file, stored in a computer. It is composed by the
full path to the resource and its syntax depends on the operating system.

Gantt Chart
A project management tool that shows project activities and schedule as a bar chart.
The chart lists project activities in sequence, and presents critical information such as
the start and end dates of each activity, as well as interdependencies between activities.

Item Master
The product record. It is the entire collection of Items - Parts, Documents, and any
other user-defined subclasses of the Items class maintained under change control in
the Agile system.

Java Message Service (JMS)

Java Message Service (JMS)

The Java Message Service (JMS) API is a Java Message Oriented Middleware (MOM)
API for sending messages between two or more clients.

Lifecycle Phase
Current state in an object’s workflow.

Latest Released Rev - concerning a Part or Document.

Non Cancelable Non Returnable (NCNR)

Applies to an item. NCNR can be a Yes or No, depending on the supplier. You can ask
for the NCNR information in the supplier response. This is one of the critical factors in
finding the best deal among the supplier responses.

See Product Definition eXchange (PDX).

See Product Lifecycle Management (PLM).

Percent allocation or % allocation

The percentage of a resource's time allocated to a specific task or tasks in Agile Product
Portfolio Management..

Percent complete or % complete

Amount of time and effort expended on a project measured as a percentage of the time
and effort required to complete the whole project. Used in Agile Product Portfolio

Product Definition eXchange (PDX)

A standard designed for the e-supply chain. This standard is based on the XML format
because it provides a simple yet powerful and flexible way to encode structured data
into a format that is both human- and computer-readable. In PLM, PDX packages
contain product content, such as items.

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)

The process of taking parts/documents from inception to production to phase-out,
and all the stages in between.

A system of digital rules or agreed-upon format for data exchange within or between
devices. It determines the type of error checking and data compression used.

Published Price
This is a subclass of the Published Prices class. Published prices are prices provided by
the suppliers in response to an RFQ and published from the project. The published
price information can also be used in other projects.

An object that carries with it all the proposed changes to a product and/or its BOM. It
can be approved and implemented to make the proposed changes effective.

Sourcing Project

Price Change Order

It is an object that carries with it all the proposed changes to a price. It can be approved
and implemented to make the proposed changes effective.

Quote History
A subclass of the Quote Histories class. Quote history prices are the stored prices from
supplier responses that you can use. Any change in the response line of an RFQ is
stored in the historical response and is usable at any time.

Request for Information (RFI)

A material declaration that lists the parts in a product assembly and shows the
substances and materials contained in the part.

Request for Quote (RFQ)

A standard business process whose purpose is to invite suppliers into a bidding
process to bid on specific products or services.

Request for Proposal (RFP)

A solicitation, often made through a bidding process, by an agency or company
interested in procuring a commodity, service or valuable asset, to potential suppliers.

Response Line
A response line has information about only one item. The negotiation of price and
terms for items is dealt with in a response line.

Resource Pool
A group of users who can be bulk assigned as resources for a particular project or task
in Agile Product Portfolio Management.

RFQ Response
A medium of communication between the user and the supplier. One response from a
supplier can contain multiple response lines for different items. Price data is added to
the project automatically when the supplier submits the response.

Schedule Editor
The scheduling engine that handles updates to the project schedule in Agile Product
Portfolio Management.

In computer programming, a schema is the organization or structure for a database.
The activity of data modeling leads to a schema.

Software Development Kit (SDK or "devkit")

A set of software development tools that allows the creation of applications for a
certain software package, software framework, hardware platform, computer system,
video game console, operating system, or similar development platform.

Sourcing Project
The entry point of sourcing and product pricing. A sourcing project tracks data
required for sourcing and pricing, to perform data analysis for effective pricing.

Standard Cost

Standard Cost
Applies to an item. This is the market cost of the item. It is site-specific. The standard
cost is for a unit.

A supplier of one or several commodities.

Target Cost
Applies to item. This is the expected cost of the item by you or the supplier. This can
be a percentage of the standard cost. Target cost is for a unit.

The time entry system in Agile Product Portfolio Management, used to track actual
hours spent by resources on project activities and to calculate corresponding labor

Top Level Assembly (TLA)

The level in a BOM that indicates the ultimate product being manufactured.

Transfer order
Every time Agile Content Service (ACS) publishes product content, it produces a
transfer order that keeps track of what, where, and when product content is

User Productivity Kit (UPK)

The Oracle online help system used in some Oracle products.

Web Service Extensions (WSX)

A Web service engine that enables communication between Agile Product Lifecycle
Management system and disparate internal and external systems.

See Extensible Markup Language (XML).

XML Schema
Description of a type of XML document, typically expressed in terms of constraints on
the structure and content of documents of that type, above and beyond the basic
syntactical constraints imposed by XML rules.


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